Ji-tday, July 11, 1935 H IL L S B O R O A RGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Three day Preaent were Mr and Mr« ited Mr and Mrs Jeff Dapp of build a fire in the stove. The bees Will Baker, Mia« Erma Baker and Helvetia Rev H affner also visited Raleigh Baker, Mr and Mra Nell the Margaret Reichen home F ri­ were transferred to a hive and taken to tlie Sewell farm. Baker and children Helen and B et­ day ty Jean of Manning and t w o A picnic dinner was held July 4 Our classified columns majr have friends from North Plain«, Oelrner at the Sam Smith home. The they PIGS tor sale —George H Smith of St Helena, George K irk­ was spent in playing baseball a n d J u r t what you are looking for— Snider near Klnton Phone patrick of Scholl* and Jack McDon­ horseshoe« Present were Mr and Head them. « F ra s ie r-L e m k e B ill T o p ic ) C h e h a le m M o u n ta in P eop le ald of Vernonia. Scholls 2012. Beaverton Route Mis Powell. Mi and Mrs Ar f - ' . - - ■ — .... 1 19-20 berry and children PhyLlls, Lois ■ P la c e at C e le b ra tio n a P a g e a n t A p p reciate! Mr and Mra. John Walker spent WC DKA1. IN RXAL CWTATC and Robert. Leland Talt, Mr and July 3 and 4 ut C utler City Her These pigs were sold by Writs Mrs. Rattman. Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ (Mr Mr,, inrd MrCormiek) | grandm other, Mrs Tompkins of (lly Mr» F. L. Ilrown> Mr Snider w ithin an hour Fir« and Automobil« Inaurai»«« ardson. Kenneth a n d Marjorie CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN C he- « ra n d Island, who had been their LAUREL Farm er«' Union total after he had received his Mak« Ixtana and Imu« gurut? Bovi da Richardson, Mrs Jennings, and Mr hulem Moun-ain folk» won honor« for about three weeks, ac- will meet Thursday < tonight) ut copy of the Argus to a man, and Mrs John Huber and son Ray­ KURATLI & WISMER at both the Newberg and Hillsboro them and remained the hall The Frazier-Lem ke bill who came with a copy of mond. all of Portland; Mrs. Eunice HILLSBORO. OREGON Fourth of July celebration!. Mer-1 w ,tJl relative« then- O thers In the will be discussed the paper In his hand On Gregorie, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Telephon« 1891 lia « Second 8t. vln Whitmore won first in th e old were Mr and Mr«. Walter Mr anil Mr«. Lee Brown joined the Monday after the paper Skilling and Dorothy, Olive Dix- time fiddling contest and t h e > A u, ln ° r Lakeview. the J. W Twlgg family of Scholl* was issued he was in the of­ | on, Mrs. Moffet. Mr. Dungee, and Mr and Mrs. Leo S u s b a u e r a«M va» licurvii saucfai l r/'/o rr on a trip uround the Mt llood Buck Heaven "Buckerooa" w on fice and said that he had had Mr and Mrs. Harold Goodland, all ’ second with a float in the c iv ic ' M‘ldred Meyer») returned July 5 loop the Fourth of July. eight calls since. Mrs. E l .. of Parkrosc; Mr and Mrs. Edward ! aect.on of thia parade at Hillsboro. , 'u'lr wedding trip along the C. W Brown of Portland waa a Cox, Kinton correspondent Smith, Ruth and Nola Mae, John, ! Merl McDougal received first prize Oregon coast They rrnamed until guest at the F. L Brown home for the Argus, who had or­ In H erbert arid Clara Trachsel, and . in the Seth P arker division in the „ unday at home " f ber mother, from Saturday until Monduy. dered the advertisem ent for Mr and Mrs. Sam Sm ith a n d whisker contest and Mrs. E C. i ??rs ’'cna .Meyer»' They w iu move two issues wrote Monday to Pageant Given Munday Louisa, John, and Lyle Smith Wohlschlegel first on best displuy week to Aloha cancel the second insertion, The cantata, "Ruth, the Gleaner," Erwin Keehn, who spent his I of flowers, judged on quality and Mrs. Everest Hostes» saying that "all were sold given at the church here Sunduy 1 month s vacation with his parents, before the ink was hardly quantity, at Newberg Mra. G ranville Everest entertaln- evnlng by the Mountuln Home folka Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Keehn, left Egg Producers and Pullet dry on the p a p e r" WIII H arvey has Just finished j e'l her daughters and daughter-in- under the supervision of Mia. Hilda last Wednesday f o r Stevenson. »< «. a ... , shingling Warren Moore's new law and their children July 3. I’res- Ego waa appreciated by quite a Wash., w here he is employed. M a s h e s you get quality, plus Costs in the Argus classi­ home ut the foot of Chehalem < ‘"lit were Mrs Lee Herman and large audience Folka were preaent Mr and Mrs A lbert Schulz and j the Correct blending of the fied section The Great Mar- mountain in the C hhalem C enter baby daughter, Mrs. Emil Tauach- from Scholia and Klnton Principal k e t Place o f Washington Smearman ^of * Beaverton"«“p e m " ^ i,r0Per »ngredientg. No bet- district. Mr Harvey la staying on i i r . Mrs Frances Rockwell and two characters were Mis Harold Aeb- County" - and use of these the Everett Morgan fprm. j children, A rlie Everest and two lacher representing Naomi, Helen Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tuiler. ¡ter feeds a t any price. columns will be profitable. Mr. and Mrs. J. E Blazer and children and Mrs Eloise and Shel- Schmeltzer aa Ruth and Harry Dorman Blazer went to P ortland don, who are spending their vaca- Schmeltzer ns Boar Number« p re­ —* L a r g e S w a r m o f B e e s Sunday and heard Upton Sinclair ' lion here, all of- Portland ceding the play were a vocul duet speak They were supper guests of John Watkins of Laurel is a guest ma , a c,r lR to ” Lamic; u ln Wa“ '; L o c a te s L o ca l C h im n ey by F.llen Juqulth and Peronlce Ego, reudlnga by Stanley Ego and H en­ Mrs. Harvey Lane at West L inn this week of an aunt, Mrs Ernest ' ’’ni^k Large swarm of bees selected Mrs Ira G. McCormick and Hod- G uenther Lhelr c°J“ lns- Mr a"d Mrs Dick the chimney at Donelson & Sew- ry Shipman; vocal duet by Viola Aeblacher and Shirley Tuylor; SUus” -n?Vtn m iitV jrd^Ju“ 1 2 F‘r- ° W TOy* ' *'“u‘co Social Ub Bood and uientv o, water for i r - i ® lls ' chaPel for • “ hive sometime “ harles w a il C' emo ™ met July 2 with Mrs. C T a t- , d |^ . r " X ^ - .d S” u r in g '"'Tf— the past week and succeed- [ Feed . 9 w d . Woo, in d PonHry trum pet solo by Roy Meyra and Vocal trio by three Ego children Miss Gloria Hoffman was an man. Mrs. M J. Stew art, an aunt rigating alfalfa. cd in plugging the chimney with To Organize Grange Telephone 3001 Mr and Mra Francis Coolidge i overnight guest of the Misses M a rie ' of Mrs. Ben Cooley, who is visiting nearly a bucketful of comb. Their und Julia Fuchs at Newberg July 1 her from In d ia n a ^ ll» Ind . w a s 'T a 'S S r t l n e ^ t Presenc® wal discovered Friday and aon Dale and Fred Coolidge J ^ iih p 2? l e a discussed Mrs. B. C Demmin a n d two guest. Next m eeting will he With of Portland «pent from Thuraday < ^ n t ^ r e w at ‘s c a h meeting o o l Ju?y at 16. the at when Fred Sewell attem pted to I daughters w ith their five children Mrs. Lena Meyers July 16. until Sunday at the Mr«. M Cool- I 8 p. m. County and state officers tie, a o u. m . c o u n t y a n a s la t e OIIK of Newberg and Rossetta Leach of Idge and George Rosevear home«. _ , . . _. Present' and a Press‘n« *n ‘ I Fourth of July gucrtM ut the Kichord I j i x , who enacts the title role in The Arizonian,” coining to Sheridan are camped at the F. E Sunday school has ^ -e n £ t •- W‘H 7 an i - .i— “ P vltation is extended to all in the A nna W atkins home were Mr and ! ,hc Venetian theatre Thuraday. Friday and Saturday Hoffman berry form helping with o 'c lo c k d o n H u v Ch e'ie"lnJ5 to g comm unity to attend the harvest IIIU iw v » sons, O lla , Mra Douglas Hood I and two bv £ r t-.r h ? n o h T i r m 1 U ¿ o llo w e d M r and Mrs D. A Otto and chib Alice M aynard of Oceanlake a r­ N e J h ^ o h 8 by W‘lllam Morse Mr« E Watklna, Miss Annie Wat- i mother, Mrs Lucy Kinrald of Gor­ | dren David and Helen visited M r? rived at the home of her sister Newberg kins and Mi and Mrs Leonard belt, her mother, Mr« Sain Hulit, Otto’s mother, Mrs. R. O. Kum Mrs. Glenn Miller, Ju n e 30. She Ingebrand and son. all of Portland. | and her sister-in-law, Mr« Fay Mr. and Mrs Tom Shuck of Hills- Best Q u a lity a t th e L ow est P rice. will rem ain until berry harvest is I boro visited Mr and Mrs. Otto row, of Portland Sunday. Jean Watkins went luunc with her Hulit, and son Vernon, all of Hills­ Mr and Mrs. Sam Otto and chil­ completed. Ornduff Sunday. grandm other, Mrs. E Watkins, for boro. iHr Mra J « H Merer», a few days* visit. . Mr and Mrs Earl Pierson have Loren Hill is working in the har- dren ° r u were guests " Sunday of 01 George ? i ? rge Mr and Mrs. Kollin Meyers vis­ B U X T O N -V ictor Stowell a n d ' moved ,rom the home of h e r , vest on the Ed irby farm n ta r a" d Mlss D < b« Hood loop They visited Cloud Cap evening is camped at Borland's She was a Henry Lorenzen of the Salvation the most important in our J W Mulloy put veteh and oats and Mrs Karl Fisher .»pent spent a few . „ Inn. w here they encountered a snow Leland Schm eltzer returned to guest of Miss Jessie Versteeg over Army, and daughter Marie of Los store. All drugs and chemicals are of the day« last week at Pacific City. storm. The top of the mountain *n bia silo Monday, the week-end. Angeles recently visited Mr and home of his grandparents, Mr Mr and Mrs Harry Simonton, the was not visible on account of fog „ Mr. amt Mrs I. A W h^tle apent highest U. S. P. standards! "Only experi­ Dr. W H Pasley and daughter Mrs. Jacob Trachsel. Mrs. Lorenzen and Mrs. J. P Jones. Saturday aft Mrs Fred Bowlby und s m a l l Saturday afternoon ami Sunday at j Dorothy and A rthur, Mr and Mrs er an extended visit at the home Jean of Hillsboro visited his moth- is a sister of Mrs. Trachsel. enced, qualified, licensed pharmacists aid Fred Watson and Merlin and Ver- of an aunt. daughter of South T ualatin and Laupln s camp at Molalla Mrs Lee Lane, at Tilla- er. Mrs M. M. Harvey, Friday Mr. and Mrs. K urt Nystrum en- in the compounding. And these men employ Mrs Lois Bohlson of O ntario were Jcan rem ained for a two weeks' tertained w ith a dinner July 4. w ^ ..e rraUBpen‘ mo°k braU Le“ nd r« 'ivt'd — ra* Friday dinner guests ut the W 1. Present w ere Russell Benson of I La B o n te ” T e x t A dda a double checking system that guarantees Mr and Mr» D C ornutt and v‘T *" *Ut° "CCident visit. Stevens home. Mrs Stevens and G. I. Morgan of Chehalem C e n -1 Chicago, III., Ted Lindbloom a n d ' family enjoyed a vacation on a fish- on- hl way home accuracy. G r e a te r B e a u ty to the guests visited friends at M ult­ ter had charge of a crew of w ork- daughter Nancy, and Mr and Mrs. Many from here attended Molal­ nomah In the afternoon. W e d d in g S ta tio n e ry ,,l< t.r‘P-?n!r Be,,d las' Th’ y ers who began picking cherries on Ed Larson and daughter Helene of caught 33 fish, which weighed 27 la Buekaroo either one or tw o days the Everett Morgan farm Monday Portland. Light shower», which fell In this out of the four days' celebration Most of the older generation will pounds, vicinity Saturday night and S u n ­ The cherries w ere sent to the Otto Schlottm ann visited his par- Kenneth Albright. Mr and Mrs there. day. will be of some benefit to recall the tim e when a flowing ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlott- Mr and Mrs C. L. Dempsy of Springbrook cannery. spring grain and gardens Hail script was the only accepted style David Edwards and Mrs Jesse Portland visited Mr and Mrs. W Will Harvey reports seeing a mann of Elmonica, Friday, storms hit small arras Sunday but uf lettering for wedding stationery Meyers spent the Fourth at Rock- F. Wohlschlegel Sunday black tailed deer when he w a s, Rev. Haffner. pastor of First ¡and other conventional social forms; uway w ere not general. trim m ing blackcap berries on the German Reform church of Port- Mrs. Jessie Dezure and Miss Ivy Missi Dorothy Stevens of Acequia. thcn camp letters. ”° ld F.ng Mr and Mrs Ira Powell. Ilda Peterson M. M Harvey farm. The doe was land, and Mrs. John Trachsel vis- visited a sister, Mrs. Ira Idaho, accompanied her cousin» El- ! Lsh, and various styles of solid Powell, Elsie Meyers, Robert Place McCormick, from Saturday un­ living in an adjacent clover field bert and Irene Stevens, home when and Homan letters And for a long and Harold Fisher attended the G til Sunday when they left for Cor- when discovered and allowed Mr. they returned last week from a Hme nothing else happened. Rodeo at Molalla Sunday „„a M r. E su..«.. C - ...I .- vallis w here Miss Peterson is at Harvey to get w ithin about 12 feet vacation trip which extended to j Thla * ‘»»«’n. however, those who ivi.» Mr Hud and Mi Mr. 1*11 s s Elvin lvin Cei L c s r lc . y une» i « . « i m m »»• summer school •» at * O. c S. C. of her before dashing away. Deers Salt Lake City Mi anil Mrs W I, ] create America's finest suclal sta- Viviun were dinner guests of Frank tending Mr. and Mrs. M arvin O rnduff are often seen here following the Stevens and their guest and Inn , l‘oncr y “>«* assume authority for its Snyder ut his home at Cedar Mill and Frankie Shook w ent to the beginning of the hunting season Stevens of Vernonia are at the I correctnc»« have an im portant and Sunday. coast the first of last week and re­ but seldom is one seen this time Stevens cottage at Oceanside for n attractive innovation in lettering Kain Interferes mained over the Fourth of July. of the year. two weeks' vacation. Miss Mildred | for »octal forms. This is "I.a Bonte" Thc baseball game scheduled for They stayed in Miss Clara Shook’s Mr. and Mrs Clayton W hitmore Merz of Portland Is keeping Miss J**1, “ fri*e. graceful style of g unday betwt-n Buxton and Cedar cottage at Gleneden. and sons Bruce and Wallace w ere Irene Stevens company while her which h strictly in step with wa„ postponed on account of Mrs. Delilah Fray and children. week-end guests of Mr and Mrs parent« are absent. I,ht' modem tempo; the many wed- raln Bud. Norma. Betty and Don, of A rthur McCormick in Portland. In Mr and Mr«. Cally Whitmore, i dln« announcem ents and other Im- Mrs Edith Riggle returned F ri­ Portland returned home this week company with the McCormicks they Mr and Mr». Herman Whitmore and P°r t»nt »oclal form« of the seoion day from a visit with her daughter. after spending their vacation here little daughter and Ire n , and “r * likely to done *» "La Bonte Mrs E verette Drury, at Vancouver at the home of an uncle. W. S Elaine W hitmore visited at the te*’ , , . , Jones. Carl L auner home at Dayton Sun- ¡»ample« of this exquisite lettering Miss M ultirox—I'm sorry to hurt Mr. and Mrs L. I. Hulit of New­ day , have been received and are on you, but our engagem ent must end berg visited Mr. and Mrs E C. Phone 953 : Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs Max Behllng anti exhibit at the Argus office I tru st you will not feel too bad­ Wohlschlegel Sunday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS daughter M axine of Portland vis­ Ax of June 29; 19S5 ly about It! Tatm ans Hosts ited at the W L Stevens home I O ur cl“«sl«ed columns may have and Lord Stonibroke—Don't think of Mr and Mrs C harles Tatm an en­ Sunday Mr Behllng is Mrs Stev- ' you are looking fo r - LICENSED EMBALMERS ens' brother. j Read Jthem. tf me Think of my creditors.—Ex. tertained with a dinner party Sun- 1 T O T A L D E P O S IT S Mr and Mrs. Albert Rosevear and children Donald and Fern Marie of Washougal, Wash., w ere guests at the Gorge Rosevear home from Tuesday until Thursday. They cele­ RESOURCES brated In Hillsboro the afternoon of the Fourth Cash and Du6 from Banks - - - >16,481,328.33 John Watkins Is spending this United States B o n d s ...................... 15,015,898.86 >31,497,227.19 week nt the home of his aunt. Mrs. Ernest G uenther of Chehalem Moun­ Bonds of Federal Agencies - 1,054,222.49 tain. Municipal and Other Bonds - - - 12,695,885.44 Guests of M rs W alter Schmidt last Wednesday w ere her grand- Loans and Discounts - - - - - - - - - - - 14,943,619.28 Western Film at Venetian Laurel Farm Union Tonight July 4 Honors Received Here Pigs Sold at Once in Argus Hodgen-Brewster Farmers’ Cash Store Binding Twine — Buxton Girl Weds Victor Stowell F lou r — 4 Concert Program E. B. Anderson & Son DELTA DRUG STORE rhThX” *“« The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon Donelson âC Sewell ¿W&tefòioucl to- Audite ¡fúu to- chive THE MOST FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICED CAR EVER BUILT TEST ITS POWER AND ECONOMY, SPEED AND SAFETY, KNEE-ACTION COMFORT AND STABILITY? LEARN THAT BALANCED MOTORING IS BETTER MOTORING Your Chevrolet dealer cordially invites you to dritv the new M aster D e Luxe Chevrolet without any obligation! He wants you to learn all about this car . . . bow much more tmoothly it rides . . . how much more perfectly it combines power with economy, speed with safety, gliding comfort with road stability i i . and how much more finely balanced it is in all ways! See him and drive the new M aster D e Luxe Chevrolet—today! >SRN DIEGO exposition •545# * CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT. MICHIGAN Comparo CKouroUft bw «WbarW prlrM arU aa*v G.M.A.C. Umi. A Gorami Motori I aluo roundtrip A W orld's Ftir so near at hand doesn 't com a every year. See this one. Combine it with many thing« to see end do in southern California. T btrt'tn t ticatioitl Pien to go hy rail. You can go there and nd I hack ‘ on fast,comfort­ able trains for very little money. Above fare is good in coaches on all our trains, including «fr- mutilionfd easy-chair cars on our crack C.ttcadt. W ith a small berth charge, this fare Is good In t d Tour- - Improvsd air-cmdirinHed lit Pullman« on the Catcttdt and IF«< Caen. SPECIAL EXCURSION« Ask shout weekly excursions at low rale» that include slghdee- in g tours and h o tel room s in San Francisco and Los Angeles; and in Ssn Diego,admission to the Fair, sightseeing tour, hotel room and other features. Southern P acific çzAiaôteà. Çfoe J?tvce, CHEVROLET D E A LE R A D V E R T IS E M E W T THE Condensed Statement of Head Office and 19 Branches $57,572,204.05 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank - - - - - - - 135,000.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures . . - • 1,766,578.80 Other Real Estate Owned - - - - - - - - - 154,327.11 Customers Liability— Acceptances and Foreign Bills 29,824.53 Interest Earned - - - - - - - - - - - - 288,484.47 Subscription to Federal Deposit Insurance - - - - 76,832.95 Other Resources - - - - - - - - - - - - 37,566.56 T O T A L ...........................................................>62,679,568.82 LIABILITIES C a p i ta l .................................................... >2,500,000.00 Surplus - - - - - - - - - - 2,000,000.00 Undivided P r o f i t s ........................... 275,761.72 > 4,775,761.72 Reserves for Contingencies, Interest, Expanses, etc. 241,873.99 Acceptances and Foreign Bills - - - - - - - 29,824.53 Other Liabilities - - - - - - - - - - - - 59,904.53 Deposits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57,572,204.05 T O T A L ...........................................................>62,679,568.82 MAIN BRANCH . . UPTOWN BRANCH. FIFTH. SIXTH AND STARK . SIXTH AND MORRISON Other Portland Branches ROSE CITY BRANCH....................... ...... N.E. 42nd Avo. 4 Sandy Bird. UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH____ N.E. Union Ave. & Russell SL EAST PORTLAND BRANCH_________ S.E. Grand Ave. & Morrison St. yA ‘1 I