H IL L S B O R O i ’ nge Two Banks M others 3000 Women M eet Friday Pastor to Tell A b o u t Europe ^Church G roup » P la n M e et; R a sp b e r r ie s R ec eiv e d Illu str a te d L ecture» S et for G r a n g e H a ll J u ly 15, 16 A EG U S , H IL L S B O R O , ThurNilny, July II, 1ÖSS OREGON Forest G love 1 Icceinber 25. 192.1 She Is .survived by the widower and three el^ldreti. f o r a Lee. II*» j Alie and Junior, all at home llet parents. Mr ami Mrs W E B lo w n of Forest Grove, and the followlm’. brothers and sisters also survive Pauline Kaup. Klamath Falls. Ilo Brown. Kelso. W ash. Irene. Mabel. Betty, Ardley, f a i l and Robert Brown, all of Forest Grove Alumnae Attend Hollywood ‘Homecoming’ Undertaking company was In chai ge of arrangement*. Mrs Hoover was horn at Mon toc. Mo, Match 3. 1853. and came In (begun 59 years ago She Is mui vived by the daughter. Mrs Lea< n al Dilley, and a son. Guy Ilo v. .. ..I Ga .ton. iih * ten :t andchildii a and f »ur great grandchildren M Hoover was the last of Blit len t ehlldren Pastor Willard 11 l’ope. of Cal BANKS- Mothev< club will meet M ils S A R A H A II O O V E K vary Tabernacle Portland, and well ’ Argos classified ads get reeultl. F riday afternoon at the Mrs Ray known radio pastor of KEX. who FOREST GROVE Funeral ■eiv Part nicy home just recently returned f r o m a WILL PAY ( ’ASH ices for Mrs Sarah A Hoover. 82. Boards to Meet tour of 20 different countries of for your of Dilley, who diet! at the home ‘ Sunday school and church boards- Europe, will be in Hillsboro Mon- llairy Vetch m i i i I Austrian of her daughter. Mrs Al I .cm*It, j w ill meet Wednesday afternoon. day an d Tuesday nigl’.is These two l*ea Crop Mr and Mrs Ralph Kinton and illustrated lectures will be given, Saturday morning, were held at S e c u re o u r p ric e s b e fo re s e llin g son Donald and Mrs Lloyd Sel­ in the G range hall ot Hillsboro the Christian church Tuesday alt fridge were Wednesday evening \ M HAND NEEII (*(>, | n< Rev Dr. Pope took more than ernoon with Hex f I* Sabin offi dinner party guests of Mrs. C. B 797 N E Union Ave six thousand feet of moving pie- , elating Interm ent was m F o n - . t Hall .. , Oregon - tures during his tour of Europe. He View cemetery and Forest Grove Portland Sunday guests of Mr. and M r s will show several reels al these tw o. Tom Engen were Mrs Omar Sheeley lectures. Dr Pope declares that i and two children of Grand Ronde. With a •‘hall. hall, the p an g s all hero.” and a couple of "Auhl l.ang Syncs.*’ this group "everything in the old world is Mr and Mrs. Hobart Engen and moving tow ard the last great act famed motion picture actresses held a happy reunion nt the llollvwood home of zMnta Stew two children and Nick Engen of in the dram a of time." Europe its. member them? Of course! Prom left to right top row. they are: Helen Ferguson Gloria Hop. Kalama, Wash. Mrs Sheeley and an arm ed eatnp. On an average o f , lita Geraghty. Ruth Roland. Claire Windsor, and I I’a Lee B o tto m t o w . le f t to l i g h t . I ’ at \ R u t children rem ained for a longer vis­ every third person met is in u n i-! L a u ra I . . \ S te w a r t. L illia n L . ai I R u t h P w jer.__________________________ it. She will lie remembered here form of m ilitary forces. With the as Lois Engen vived by the widow and three chil exception of England every o n e ' will show several reels of the new Tom Edmonson of Sumner. W ash . dren Alta ami Philip B. Fore»t of the tw enty countries he visited i Palestine, which he declares is be­ conducted church services h e r e Grove, ami Roberta Hibberds, Port- was on the verge of economic dis- ■ yond one’s wildest imaginations. Sunday evening in the absence of laud A sister. Mis W II B um ’ i n aster. France. Italy and sev eral' Rev. Pope has been conducting Rev. Tilton. Tom is a former Banks of Long Beach. Cal ami two broth WITH TWO PANTS other European countries are b a n k -, a revival campaign in Calvary boy, who is now studying to be a ers. .Albert M Porter of Gaston FOREST GROVE Philip Beal rupting themselves in building huge m inister and missionary. Tabernacle tor the last three weeks. Porter. 58, native of Forest Grove, and Fred Porter of Corvallis, also arm ies and navies. Whvrrie Tailored Matlp-to-Meanurc < lollies Mr. and Mrs. N J. Griffen, Mr. Dr. Pope declares that in the On Sunday night the church is died at his Lome Saturday m orn­ survive. and M r s Oscar Delauney and lit­ packed to capacity and standing ing after an illness of five lay > i midst of Europe's triad race for war tle daughter visited Mr. and Mrs MltS A I*. CUNNINGHAM Funeral services w ere neld S u n ­ .50 and disaster, the resurrection of . room at a premium. .00 H arry W hitfield at Estacada S un­ Palestine as a national home-land | Proceeds of these lectures go day afternoon at th rt Christian FOREST GROVE Mrs A P day. church with R?v O. L C urtis < f- for the Jew is developing beyond j for the spreading of Bible evangel­ Cunningham . 38. of Rockville. died J O Stoops and his daughter-in- anything on record in human his­ ism over the radio and in home ficiating Interm ent was in Forest here Monday amt funeral services law. Mrs. C. Stoops, both of P o rt­ View cemetery Fores*. Grove Un­ will be held at 2 p. in. Thursday tory. This is in line with the direct missionary work land, were dinner guests one day dertaking company was in charge at the Christian church with Rev fulfillm ent of Bible prophecy. last week of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. C P Sabin officiating Interm ent On Monday night. Rev Pope will Hillsboro Argus contains all the of arrangem ents Sellers. Mr. Sellers and Mr. Stoops He w as born at Forest G ro v * , w ill be in Forest View cemetery show several reels of the old Pales­ news of Hillsboro and the su r­ 207 East Main Street Howe and Wells, Prop. »-ere schoolmates years ago a t tine just as it has existed for the 19 rounding communities. Read i t July 23. 1878. and was m arried to) Beatrice Brown was horn at Van Pleasant Hill and had not met for Alpha Brown at Chehalis. Wash | \y \'i t G iu.i. J a n u a r y ib . 1807, and centuries past, under the curse of and keep inform ed on w hat is forty-five years. tf December 15. 1914 Deceased is su r­ was m arried to Mr Cunningham in Gentile rule On Tuesday night he happening ai home. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Whitfield of Estacada spent the Fourth with Mr and Mrs. N. J Griffen and Five thousand women a re n ’t family. Mr. and Mrs Harold Bennett of ap t to be w rons w hen it comes P ortland spent Wednesday night to choosing "T he P erfect M an.“ and Thursday at the home of Mrs A nd Jo h n David H orsley, above, B ennett's parents, Mr and Mrs. 25 years old and 6 feet 2 in his C hris Rieben. They and the Charles stocking feet, was th eir choice. Leppert family picnicked on Green He w ill be seen in m otion pic­ Mountain the Fourth. tu re s in th e n ear fu tu re. Receive Raspberries The Bodle barreling company is Lloyd Selfridge at her home in receiving raspberries, which a r e Hillsboro. The affair was in honor shipped out daily to Portland There of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K inton and are several raspberry fields near son Donald of M artinsville. I n d . Banks A tew loganberries a n d who left Saturday for th eir home Youngberries are also grown here. after a few weeks' visit in Oregon Hazel Wolford spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. Verle P rickett and night and Tuesday at the Genzer little son of Neah Bay, Wash., vis­ farm on Green Mountain ited relatives in Blanks several Mr and Mrs. M aurice Thompson days last week. They returned home and little daughter of Vernonia Sunday accompanied by Miss Ida visited relatives in Banks the first Hopkins, who will spend the sum­ of the week. m er there. Ellen Mansfield of Sumner. Wash , Albert Stafford of Taft spent July is visiting her grandparents, Mr 4 w ith friends and relatives in and Mrs Charles Mawhinney, who Banks. live south of Banks Mr. and Mrs A lbert Toelle of Hazel. Vernon and Juanita Wol­ Linnton visited Mr. Toelle's sister. ford spent Friday with their grand­ Mrs. M innie Schulmerich, at the mother, Mrs. Belle Lilly, in Cor­ Earl Wilson home Sunday. nelius. Jam es Foster. Jam es Foster Jr., Mrs Hattie Davidson of Forest Norman and Ella Foster, all of Grove visited her mother, Mrs. M. Coombs, B. C„ and Ada and Dor­ A. Dodds, Monday night. othy Foster of Vancouver. B. C„ are Moxie Hopkins of O. S. C. spent visiting Mr. and Mrs. George O at­ the Fourth of July holidays at her field. home here. She was accompanied Mr and Mrs. Frank Rinck and by Miss Jean R hineheart of O nta­ children attended the rodeo a t rio. Molalla Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy and Mrs. J. N. Burgess of Seattle, son Ronnie visited Mr. and Mrs. Wash., was a week-end visitor at Jeff Kennedy Sunday. the H. L. Jensen home. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Chamber- Boyd Ashby left Monday for his L o o k o v e r th e p r i m p ic tu re d at th e le ft Y o u m ig h t w in th e complete e le c tric k itc h e n o r lain and son A rt left Saturday for home in Los Angeles after a ten- th e e le c tr ic ra n g e , a u to m a tic h o t w a te r ay ite m , th e r e fr ig e r a t o r , o r any o f th e o th e r v a lu a b le th eir home in Milwaukee, Wis., day visit w ith relatives here. p riz e s . S o m e b o d y is sure to g e t th e m w h y n o t you? A l l w need to Jo i t H it the t o b e it after almost a year's visit in O re­ Atlees Move reasons u by hornet shoo I J h a t e Pepco E le c tric H o t W a te r Service. Study th e facts b e lo w ta lk gon. Mrs. Cham berlain is a sister Mr and Mrs. Henry Atlee have to y o u r fr ie n d s a n d n e ig h b o rs w h o h a v e th is s e r v ic e - v is it any P e p c o I Ice tr ie S to re an d of C W. McPeak moved from the Cliff Sandy house ask f o r m o r e c o m p le te in f o r m a t io n a b o u t P e p c o E le c tr ic l l o t W a t e r . T h e n , w h e n y o u L ittle W alter Beard o f Green to the house owned by Pearl Beard. ha v e a ll th e facts a n d in f o r m a t io n , m a k e a lis t o f 1 0 rea s o n s w h y yo u t h in k ho m es s h o u ld M ountain is spending this week ha v e th is s erv ic e . L is t these reason s in w h a t y o u b e lie v e to l>e th e ir p r o p e r o r d e r o f im ­ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson w ith his grandparents, Mr. and and children of Mountaindale vis­ p o rta n c e . D o th is , a n d y o u 'll have a g o o d chance to win. Mrs. W alter Beard ited Mr. and Mrs. B. W. A rm en -; Camille Belle, granddaughter of trout Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, who are Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Knope and visiting relatives here from Rose­ three children of Yamhill were I burg, had her tonsils removed Sat­ visitors at the Frank Rinck home I urday in Portland. Dr. A. B Bailey Friday. perform ed the operation. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. W alker spent K enneth Munford and Harold the Fourth w ith Mr. and Mrs. Fred W itcraft of Corvallis spent t h e Ennis at Scappoose. F ourth vacation w i t h K enneth's Mrs. Robert Petit and little son mother, Mrs. Flora Munford. The of Rainier. Wash., are visiting her New Venice roor Automatic FACTS THAT MILL HELP YOU WIN t»’O boys, Camille Belle. Ellen parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D Drees- i Frpco Electric H u t Water her vice it 100% automatic. Yon Mansfield, and Mrs Munford drove zen. Y o u r success In this contest is going to depend entirely ■ever even need to turn a switch. It keeps the siucage tank to Cascade Locks. They explored upon ho w muck you know about the value of and uses always f o il of water heated to 160 degrees, or whatever Bradford Island and the young ot h o t saarer, and about the economy, efficiency, and con­ temperature you prefer. W it h it , a ll you have to do to get folks also climbed Beacon Rock. venience nf the Pepco Electric ih»t W ater System. The hot water is to turn the hot water faucet hot water ss Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shipley re­ fuUuvMug w ill you some o f this information. always on tap, night and day. N o more running to the base« turned home Wednesday from a me nt to turn on or turn off the heater. There's no chance three-w eeks t r i p i n California, Hot HaJutr is a L ift Saver th a t y o u 'll forget to turn off the heater when you leave w here they visited relatives in home. There is no chance of ever having scalding hot water Ahsofwte deanlinesa is Im pn m 'bb w ith o u t an adeqniTt Pasadena. Modesto, Oakland and that steams and sputters when you turn on the faucet. supply o f hot w ater. And cleanliness is the very foundation various other places. When they INSTANT RELIEF <4 health. The reasons asc simple: in bathing. water at about Saliiftidion GuarutileetJ arrived home they received word ARTHRITIS, SINUS 1J0 degrees dissolves and removes d irt and excess oils. In of the death of Mrs Lamira G ra­ Rvery Pepco Electric H o t W ater System is installed by washing the hands and face, hot water destroys disease PRO STA TE ham, a sister of Mrs. Shipley, whom heating engineers w h o adapt the system to your individual germs . . . and in this instance also i t removes d irt and excess she had visited on the trip needs. T h is engineering service was inaugurated to guarantee osis. Hoc water is a real heautiher because i t enables you to Mr. and Mrs. Waggoner of Seat- ' that every household installing this system would he sure beep your skia thoroughly clean so th a t your pores can SORE AND STIFF JOINTS tie. Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs to have not water on tap 24 hours of the day, and at a “ breathe.” Bathing is invigorating and has a medicinal value. H. L, Jensen Saturday. Mrs. Wag- , RHECMATISM very lo w cost t< r gallon. A fter each installation has bees In washing clothes, w ater a t ten than 140 degrees is goner is national committee worn-1 made and tested, the Pepco engineer affixes the * Pepco Seal Ineffective as a producer o f proper suds and as a cleanser. New Scientific Discovery— NO an of Disabled American Veterans o f A pproval’* on the tank. In is seal represents (tarantea I f h o tter than loO degrees, water causes decomposition of of the World War She is closing MEDICINE, no operation, one free th a t this system w ill live up to every claim ma sde for it. suds and destroys the desired cleansing action. Hence, water th e year’s work before going to demonstration on request. Phone Further, it is your guarantee that the system w ill be removed temperature should he just rig h t to properly wash clothes. th e national convention in New or w rite Rol-A-Ray, 310 Oregon and your form er service re installed w ithout a cent of cost to N o w , about washing dishes: did you know th a t your Building, Portland, A Twater 3729; | Haven, Conn. you, provided i t docs not please you in terry troy. hands cannot stand water h o t enough to destroy harmful or Argus 2983. A courteous repre-1 Mi', and Mrs. Ernie Tucker spent bacteria th a t develop in the grain of dishes? D id y o u know IPs a Long Life System sentative w ill call on you and give last week at the beaches. ^sat the amoebic dvsentry plague th a t occurred during the In addition to this fair and square guarantee, every phase of Mrs. W. L. Moore, Mrs H. A. you a free trial, no obligation. of f Progress Exposition was a direct result Cliicago Century o Progrrva E xr the Pepco Electric H o t W ater System is made to wear f(# Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rol-A-Ray aids n ature’s way to o f inadequate hot water in washing dishes? I f you do not many years. T h e tank itself is porcelain enamel lined, Kessler were guests Friday eve­ health. 18-9p ha re a modern autom atic dishwasher, which uses this insuring clean hot water free from rust and corrosion, the heavy ning at a reception given by Mrs. extremely hot water, by a ll means pour water that's at least SALE County Native Son Dies in the Grove S U M M E R S U IT S ‘29 25 T H E M E N 'S S H O P W O R TH OF ELECTRICAL PRIZE S for the 10 best reasons w hy homes should have PEP<:o\plectric Hot W ater Service The 15 best entries will win the prizes shown HERE ARE THE PRIZES SUFFERERS 140 degrees over the dishes after they are washed. A void the ■sc ofadish towel in drying. It merely serves to spread bacteria. As people became more and more aware of the value o f hot water as a sterilizer and health influence, its use became more widespread. B ut unhandy methods of heating water lim ited its use. U n til just a few years ago, the production o f hot water was s till in the “ horse and buggy days.” I t was accessary to depend on furnace coils and turn-on, turn-off heaters th a t proved inconvenient, unreliable, and costly. For example, furnace water coils consume nearly 2 0% of the beat value o f fuel placed in the furnace; and excessively hot water corrodes plumbing, m aking frequent repairs necessary. T o keep pace w ith other household improvements, a fully autom atic, low-cost hot water system was sorely needed. »..♦on your Motor Trip Pepco Inaugurate! 8-MHl W ater Heating Rate At every hotel, motor camp and filling station along the highways, you will find American Express Travelers Cheques are gladly accepted in payment for accommodations or service, where you might be caused embarrassment with your own personal check. You can guard against the danger of carrying cash on your trip by securing a supply of t h e s e Cheques at this bank before you start. You sign them when you buy them. You counter­ sign them at hotels, stores, restaurants, garages and gas depots when you wish to spend them. Should uncountersigned Cheques be stolen, the amount involved is refunded to you. II The»e Cheque» Cost O nly 75c for Each $100 P urchased Commercial National Bank Ask fo r this Hook—it W'iU Help You W'in This 16-page booklet is crammed full of valuable information about the uses o f hot water, and the Pepco Electric H o t Water System. Jt was published especially to give you information th a t w ill help you write 10 winning reasons why lioinci should have the Pepco H o t W ater System. Telephone or visit any Pepco Electric Store, and a free copy is yours. Ib' Y O U H I-A L L Y W A N T T O W IN — R E A D T H IS BOOK I CONTEST RULES Thif Entry Blank . . . completely filled in . . . must be attached to each entry Pleate Read Carefully 1 • t i l l o f IO R F A S O N S W H Y Y O U T H I N K H O M E S S H O U L D H A V E P H P C O E L E C T R IC H O T W A T E R S Y S TE M S . N am be» »o a r r e . v jn i in Ih e o rd er o f th eir lm tx .r t.n c » Deeoie not m ore ih .n 2 J w o rd . t o li r t l n « , d e « r i b i n ,. n d M P L i n i n . e .t h r e . «>n. 2. ,u d « in < w ill be b ..e d e n rire lr on the / w / » r / « n r . M your com plm ed 11« o f "rM U o n . , .n d the d irecln ew a n d sim plicity w ith which each ' reason is express«!. I Oregoa free Hot M’ater Survey A t your request, Pepco engineers w ill call at your home and make a thorough survey t»f your hot water needs, and suhmil their recommendations for the installation of this fu lly automatic Pepco Electric H o t Water System. T h eir report to you w ill include estimates of operating costs, installation, and terms, based on your individual needs. This survey and report service is free. T w o yfJtri ago Pepco announced the eatremeljr low rate of 8 /1 0 of lc per k ilo w a tt hour for water heating. Thia waa made poaninle through the development of a hot water atorage tank that i t more than SO%elhcient. The application of a tim e and thermontatic control device reduced current contumptinn to a minimum, yet a constant tupply of hot water. W hen thia new Pepco service was announced, hun­ dreds o f householders im mediately had i t installed. They found i t supplied continuous hex water at lo w cost. J. Y o n r entry m art be reced ed not l .l e r i h .n 5 t>. m., v .r.rd x y , d . r .K f O , (9JJ. M a k e u n u r e n t r i e i ««yon w ish, but eech must he accompanied by an entry blank such as printed at the rig h t. Submit your entry in person at any Pepco Electric Store, o r m ail to rr>oaa 308 , Electric B u ilding, P o rtland, O regon. 4. Judges w ill be M rs . O lin J. H o efo rd . President. Portland Federation o f W orneo s d e b s , chairm an; R alph C ouch, G eneral Superintendent o i Hospitals. University o f O regon M edical School; Berkeley Snow, Secretary. N orthw est Electric IJ g k t and P o w er Assoc. "The Largest Independent Bank In Washington County” Hillsboro insulated cover is made of a special composition and covered w ith asbeatOS. T h e thermostatic controls are positive and safe. A ltogether, this system is made to give years o f service w ith o u t repairs to either the system or plumbing, Only 8/o of 1c per Kilowatt Hour 3. Employes of Pepco may not compete. --------- ! — ‘ '■ J ' , PEPCO ELECTRIC H O T W ATER CONTEST Room 308, Electric DsiiiJmg Portland, Oregon ' Wh«i hinS ot hm w iw r Mr y les 4o yoa now h i »rl Attached it my list of *T0 Reston« Why I Belitve Homes Should Have Pepco Electric Hot Wiser Sptewa.” Nara Address. Ar» ymi laim n sd In tii«lftf I Pr«» ll(M W in » Survey m»