The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 11, 1935, Image 1

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    Rea d A d ver tisi n g -
: Early Copy—
Latent Stolti New« Alwuyn
Apponi*» in tho Argo».
Makes for Fewer Mistakes
and Better Service
'* U O f
W ith
Volume 11, No. 21
County Folk
Enjoy Gala
Event H ere
N e w s L e tte r
I. I N i l
Pay-As-You-Go Plan on
Capitol Gaining
Mut h Support
ALEM A pay-as-you-go plan for
financing the new capitol build
ing is gaining support in official
ex,,I...,, .hat there iT n o ib
r«» f r o m
ing to prevent the legislature
making a direct appropriation cov
cring the ’ wui',
state s l,t share
of the *W cap!
h ,.“'i'«lii.r|i.,h
tol cost *r“ h
3T<* “
Administration advancing 45 per
«, nt of tin- <« <1 $3 800 000
tentatively fixed as the cost of the
new building, the state’s s h a r e
would hl- »1.929,000 The fund to
meet the appropriation could be
raised through the regular annual
Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, July 11, 1935
S ta te C a p ito l
W h ic h is ( n m b irie d r h c llillw h o r o
x .tr l I -
Nciv E m ploym ent
Office L o ca ted
City H all Here
Two Section«, Fourteen Pagan
Legion's Leader
Visits Tuesday;
Nam e Delegates
Claims Paid
by Non-High
Area Board
fudge Dies
New Rating
for County
County brunch office of the O re­
More Boy Scout troops in the
gon Stub* (Employment Service, u n ­
United States are sponsored by the
der the direcetion of M ikh (iruct
American Legion than by any oth-
(tucker of Sherwood, was tran s­
ei organization, declared W J
ferred Monday from t h e Well«
Cham berlain of Corvallis, state de­
1 b uilding to the ftecond floor of the i
partm ent comm ander of the legion,
Hillsboro city hall at Second and I
in an address before Hillsboro post
P r o b le m o f A d m in is t r a t io n
T h o u s a n d s F ill Shut«* P a r k
J 1,’. ,n? u
1 */ .'n ‘)u
T u itio n a n d T r a m p o r t a t io n Tt sday night
registered with the service will not
He also pointed out that the 1
f o r F e d e r a l W o r k s P la n
D u r in g A n n u a l “ H a p p y
gion is the only organization in
ing to M ims (tucker
the United States that has ever
H o ld s U p R e q u e s t
A p p r o v e d on M on d ay
D a y s ” C e le b r a i io n
Present move was made to bring
received a citation from the U. S
about complete separation of the ,
-—— - .■ -
bureau of public health for its
reem ploym ent service and direct I
furtherance of public health m eas­
ures. citing in particular its spon­
sorship of diphtheria tests. More
* ’
vided both personnel and offic
than 500,000 boys participated in
space for the registration of per
_ _ ________
„___ junior basc-
American ___
S tu d y o f C la s s if ic a t io n in
B a se -b a ll, C o n te s t* , I’ n r n d e
Y'- kini employment on fedcr- N e w I n s tr u c tio n
C o n tr a c ts bail program In 1934
* « K ' •«
as J
Out of 1 « bills Introduced in
P o r t la n d A r e a P e n d in g
B a s e d C o st
P™ “ '"
. ,
»‘ P e e r S tu d e n n t
r(. , concerning veteran,.
a n d F ir e w o r k s A t t r a c t
Placem ent of employes on work
lation 89 were for the benefit of
relief and public works projects
Proposal to request classification
Tuition and transportation claim .
Happy Days” in Hillsboro turned .w ,n »»<iw be made through the new
(m, * 7 r u T ' g r i n d '. * ’ o id -f^ W ^ ’id branch <»«•<-' K m pioyabtohead of of W ashington county high schools.
¡mpross'ion^thid’ ail
WasthinRt.°" cuun‘y « P«»
WaBhil)Kt„n (.ou,„
,cntc „„ „ families on relief will he required totaling »36.288.39 for the last hall £ X V Vl t ™'
r£ / i v i i i g oay
bta " area .
P ort *? nd
o |,„ lfl,.t| M.a |,. last Tuesday Wed •<> icgister while other persons who «>< the past school year, were ap- 5X M-r X‘u - m tn are receiving pay under the new Federal Works Pro-
Hangs Fire
s. _ . . _
i a
S ta t e
Floral Parade
Op ens Fourth
could t„. uddi-d to the cost through coronation oy »••iiuior George M
, . »«•■■•«« civic,
a loan or bond issue
A lik e» of G arden Home mi the comm unity and fraternal organl-
T he opinion of A ttorney G en eral evening of J u ly 3 w ere h ighlights
/d11' 1'.1' 1 ' J,lr ,n ’ J ‘nd indl-
VanWinkle holding the proposed
l>u* “Happy Day»’’ program A '»djialx the parade was upproxi-
rental plan for repaym ent of a record crowd was on hand to wit niateiy three blocks in length and
l’WA loan to Involw
Involve a violation ,,e*
« « » • Hie
the latter
latter event
event and
and to to ap-
ap «•tiractetl
’ 1 a “ record crowd
< rowu along
along the
of t h e constitutional il inhibition
/m e of march
Inhibition ph»ud
P*«ud the beginning of the brlel
.«gainst state ind
Sunday . h.x,l fl,,at placed f.rst in
uncx|>cctcd in View ,f re p e a te d
suprem e
G rand ■ m arch was headed
by * a " r be • division
rulings by the r Oregon vwshvumf
— ~~ —
• —
■ comm unity and
court disapproving sim ilar schemes
guard from the local National »nuernui organizations. S e c o n d
by county and city governm ents U uard company w ith Lew' Me- (’ ate u en 0 he Hillsboro G range
In their cffurU to circum vent debt ‘ •'-•‘«•r »1 Bethany a.. Uncle San.
• ' old-time buckboard.
Hillsboro guardsmen next in fa" “ *.v and pets This entry also
Then ennu the Cnmii Fire i“0*
1 Hrst ------
place ■-
in the civic or-
With the rental scheme definite-
‘ , , r c — — ------------
Buck H roven
t’Ut” two alti-inatives are avail- kHIs under the guardianship of ganization section
tih* to the r.ipitol builders One Mrs George Fischer a n d Miss community, represented by t li e
the proposed legUlative appro* Norma Kreitz. Boy Scouts from “Buck Heaven Buckuroos.”
pi lation
w ith annual lax ieVic.
beaded by T G Bronleewe « '<'o"d >n the civic division
Portland Gas & Coke company
w ithin the six per cent limit. The anil Bex Jones, and G irl Reserves
ollwr ,
icsoi! to a Special c lrtlio n w ider the leadership of Miss Ten- w nh “
I,, approval of n loan or A bond
w arrants Monday night, w hile the try, and attacking efforts to pre-
balance of »16.664 will be paid Mon- vent deportation. In declaring for
day with interest bearing w arrants the deportation of Baer. Cham ber-
O ther claims ordered paid included lain Clted the many tim es that the
»200 for travel expenses of the five man had been in conflict with the
board m em ber, and »19 for the iaw, and read his entire history
secretary's expense
He advocated a closer check-up
Tuition on New Basis
on aliens in this country, saying
Contracts for the tuition of stu i b att "ace«i to ° a L n s ^ W h ile ^ h ' e
dents residing in districts outside “
“ a“ cns w nne i n e
of lllgh sch w l areaa wl" bc bascd
i ,n
slud,.nV. basls on im m ip atio n it does not
next year in accordance w ith the
a(,cs for the various schools were
as follows: Banks union high school
jih 99:
T ig ard
h igh
School Board
$55.44; Hillsboro union high school,
$<9.41; Forest Grove union high
svhool, $7838;
$78 38; T ualatin highschool,
high school,
Sewer Plan Held Up
P la n S id e tra c k e d
M u n ic ip a l W a te r P ro je c t
SALEM—«Special)—Reduced hy­
drant rates for the city of Hills­
boro as dictated by a recent ordì-
nance passed by the city cou ncil
of Hillsboro and can see noth­
services ?>et city
ing in its provisions which I re­
adm inistrative identity b v t h e
„ . . , .
, P ri? <^25l objective to be gained
iyi28 tb® county ln tb*:
area wza.M
Pnr,land m etropolitan —
be to increase the minim um month-
.. ly wage for unskilled labor on pub-
according to R- w Weil, chairm an
of the reliet committee, who out-
lined the proposal. No increase in
the hourl/ w^ e wou,d p* ^ d e ,
but a greater num ber of budge:
gard as contrary to the public in­
terest, consequently I shall make
F u n e r a l F r id a y fo r F o r m e r no objection.’’ Commissioner Mc-
Collogh declared
H e a d C o u n ty G o v e r n m e n t
New Rate Set
This means that after the lapse
- John
......... 79,
- ..............................
Wesley ■ .........
who oi the required 90 days the .«=w
served as county judge for ten hydrant rates set out by the ordi-
year, died at the Jones
hospital nance reducing rates paid by the
here Wednesday noon after an ex- city from »3.50 to 87M, cents a
tended illness
services m onth will become effective unless
p m Friday in the m eantim e the w ater com-
Seweil chapel pany takes the m atter into court
in the fam- ln an effort to set aside the ordi-
T ualatin Plains nance.
The legisaltive act of 1933, under
county hospital whlch ordinances aim ed at utility
,-eled roads ra,es mUKt
,lled with the ihU-
_... considered ities commissioner, provides that
explained W ashington countv ~is a monument io ine adm inistration tb u oMleial may object to their
’nm t h ^ f S
c la s 7 S o m
affa- b*
o p ^ ^ ^ ^ b l^ in ^ ’
Hillsboro having a population oi
Le- . ? . ha.n 50W. , „ ^ lt?_°n} ^
however, is placed in the highest
rating and the lowest monthly in-
come provided is $55.
O utline of the new works pro-
gress program provides that dis-
tricts im mediately adjacent to a
m etropolitan area may be classi-
lied under
area, even
the district lies in another county,
Such a request is now being con
sioered in the case of Washington
Belief that the county would re
fZl.- l a u r e l R e s id e n t S u c c e e d s
75: and Verboort high school, »101.-
1 n
87 Contracts on the new plans will
W . C. C h r is t e n s e n
5,. prepared
for the next meeting
Monday night.
of Laurel was elect-
Resolution calling for reduction
.* ’
on ou rtandbig A r r a n t" «1 chairm an of the Hillsboro union
‘ ° “ , i ' a'ld1' * * a" a“ ,s high school board last Wednesday
evening during the organization
. ..
tb e, ubo* 'd , “ ?od*y’.
m eebng of the dirtrict body. L. C.
d£ .lhe_ _ llg‘i 5 t ba' e
d- - .° Lomax of Hillsboro w a s re-ap-
date and the new interest rate
* “>
‘u ‘h® V 8'884, ii1 T r ’ ■ ^ 'ro w n r« -"n a tiv e son of Wash-
t o ~ h 7 r " ‘ « t i n r was
h ibfiton county and beginning his p.esesd by Weil and Templeton
contracts with seventh year of service on t h e However, both men sta te d th a t they
nesting the new
-linom ah county
dictate the works
ashington countv.
Negotiations betw een the com­
be a candidate for the position That 600 county relief clients out
m ittee a p p o in ted by G overnor M ar­ torch bearers; the Goddess of Lib
again this year due to heavy busi- of the 724 listed reside w ithin a
tin and trustees of Willamette erty attendants and escorts. Mis: vate automobiles.
25-mile radius of Portland was
university for the purchase of the
_______ ____
Preceding the organization of the Weil’s statem ent.
and ___
Mr route 4 was first in the decorated
university campus for a eupitol M ins G ertrude McLaren
votts cast ior John Kamna
Committee of seven was appoint-
site are understood to have reach- Hunt, MI m M argaret G roe naw aid bicy®l® section. Robert Bristol of
Jr., in the recent district election ed to investigate the m atter of ad-
a sU dcm at. over Uto m attor'"¿1 a '" 1 f a b l Crawford, and Miss Glen- Hillsboro dressed ns - Uncle Sam.”
w ere canvassed. Personnel of the
^Continued on page S, column 5)
®va Brandaw and Klwin Watt; the wa* »®®o»d und Wesley Lincoln of
. „ ..
. . . . board now includes Brown, Chris-
University trustees are under- Go>bl‘ ’ <>f Liberty and Senator Hillsboro route 3 wux third
stood to be agreeable to sale of A i t k e n . Miss Gladys Kuratli. for-
l ets of every size, shape and de-
at Rippling Waters Park
and T. P. Goodin.
the property hut at a price w hich
Happy D ays' queen, and W « T ip to n , lunging from ponies to
| Discussion of the schedule and
will perm it purchase of u larger
Senator A itken's daughter " tustle. were entered in the ehil-
Annual Washington county Farm equipm ent for tne physical educa-
truet and replacem ent of the pres- «” <• <-’arl Hoffman. Mayor J H d n "JJ J » ‘_. si-ctlon. W inners who
at the park
will be
tion departm
be a, started • at
ent buildings with new and more £.*a rre !L
K ianuen; reported 1......
. t it office a . for
s Union
__ picnic
_ . held at R id - «8:11.1
l_ at ent
>_11 to ___
File Uhtel ami Mrs S W Mel- tb e lr Pri/,'s were as follows: And- plmg W aters park July 21. accord- Hilhi in the fall was the m ajor
modern structures Estim ates as
us . huisli.
Allen, new- *L! -' Holt, Hillsboro
5. . G . race
ing —
to --------
ents --------------
announced business
Two in- July Court Term Opens Monday;
the uinount necessury to cover this
. . Mrs E Fayeiln
-- - --....................
.. route
. the . meeting.
. .
program range from »500,OOM to us
«'••'' •cd president of the Business Jvurns, Orcnco; Dorothy and Mar- here Saturday night during a meet- structors have been hired and w ill
New Jurors to Report
(C o n tin u a l on pns,l.
p air, 1, column 1)
1, us »1000.000 with many legis
«, o
H illsboro;. Hughie mg of the county unit at the divide their tim e betw een the high
Intors known to be opposed to even
Eight indictm ents against seven
Dolores Miller, Hritzie Platt. Joy action protesting against the pro- schools.
the sm aller am ount ns the price | —
persons and one not tru e bill were
Olson. Bobby Lee Atwood and posed P ortland ordinance to assess
for u new cnpitol site
reported Wednesday by the county
Winifred Wiley, all of Hillsboro: inspection costs against dairymen
Friends of the university see In
jury. Following the filing of
V g O f l i n i ___
l t S S _______
lI I C K I C o l,g,n,a ^ u r ,*‘y. Hillsboro route and against the im portation of
Jt 1HT1S
the present emergency n splendid
the report the ju ro rs w ere dis-
Naught. H
ills- various farm products in
the face
opportunity to unload the school
? and Genevieve waugnt,
missed from fu rth er service and
property as a prelim inary step to- .
b?r" routc 3 A greater num ber J of crop restrictions against Ameri-
a n e w group will be draw n for the
w ard of the Institution B<>d.v John Sigrlst Found Saturday; oi P '1/'*
_ ,an nien,loIU‘d Jtbovc can farm ers
July term of court Monday.
(C ontinu«) un p«xc S, colum n 2)
On tile other hand state ufficials
i unrral Services on Tuesday
Date of the annual picnic was
regard the campus as an Ideal cap-
changed from’ Jtdy S 'd u e " to con- Whitelaw Announces New Business
"’¿ X / T h ^ n f p " H V
itol site, susceptible of landscaping
Body of John Sigrist, 65. was
flict with the 4-11 club outing A
Location on East Main Street
disorderly conduct; Mrs A l m a
into u beautiful setting for the f„Und
___ : ___
____ . . _ . . ____
program of speaking and music,!
Buchanan of Gales C itv issuino ,
.rirvtadksl Vssstar sc* n i s i I .
»»__ i i i t oases
piojM'seil new state liuus,^ if it cun jn his barn near Helvetia early
£°H°wpd bv sports, is planned
G rand opening of the new Hills- forged bank check and forging an
be had at a price which th e state Saturday, apparently having com-
•s P<”’ts are scheduled to begin at 2 boro Motor company sales room endorsement; C harles E ric k s o n
can ufford to pay.
m itted suicide due to despondency
W arrant for $11.711.25. represent- «’• m*
. . .
. L
repair shop at 342 E Main Pum pkin Ridge w oodcutter, assault
Fami Union Group
Schedules Picnic
C o m m is s io n e r
N e w H y d r a n t R e n ta l
proxim al
complete the cMpitol after llie con- the event
tract is let In that ^ e n t th c rr
W eather conditions were ideal
would be at least $1,800,000 avail- for
celebration and the pic-
able out of current revenues to n | (.kers and m errym akers respond*
apply tow ard construction coats r<| Jn ever increasing num bers dur-
dunng thl» pcilod and lh® r®' ing the three days Everyone en-
maining $325.000 could either be tered into the spirit of th occasion
borrowed from other state fu n d s, ttnd
h im s e lf-s m a ll boys
now lying idle in state banks and Hln( th H r ittceM hl p l eating
e arn in g no in terest, or th e con- c«»nt< • t fat m en and w om en joined C o lo r fu l F lo a t s E n te r e d by
»»ruction program could be e x - , wltl, youtl)l, u.r, in foot racw; tht.
C o u n tv a n d l o c a l G r o u n s
tended Into the third year
midways, baseball field and other
v u m ysn cl
L ocal b r o u p i
Governor Martin, who lias ills- pjacca w ere crowded; enthusiastic
cus.M*d tills plan witii some of his
U t ilit y
W it h h o ld s O b j e c t io n
Higher Wage Sought
Full Program Slated iouniy"rehef' ennlmim7 hady,,'^ Jannsen Heads Body
City Council
Takes Point
Water Case
Judge Goodin was born in Spen- es{ Jn such an event lb). voters of
tbe m unicipality would be given
1856. and resided there until 1373.
. J * ’ ®"
when with his parents he moved on tin 1 proposed new ra te J schcdule
to Nebraska. In 1376 they came to “"u ,, f ™ £ , ^ d £ an
tT e T c a lto T c ’t o n c ^ 0» . " ’« J X
WOU“ beCOmc *-'f fective in
spite ot the objections of the util-
j" d
Donia McNamer, pioneer iueg commissioner
da.V8hter- w ere m arried at Green-
k J ? inn 'i‘vai, 1 G ^ .° ^ ® 'P f ° j? * .OSto'
Fearing tto jeopardize chances lot
ber 10. 1888. Mrs. Goodin died J a n ­
a federal grant on the proposée
uary 26, 1935
$390,000 m unicipal w ater system,
Deceased is survived by a daugh- - COuricilmen Tuesday evening de
ter. Mrs. Jam es M argaret’ Batch- cided to sidetrack the filing of an
cider of Hillsboro route one. and application for funds to build
^ H e m pending action on
T/ ? . brothers’ WilHam A Goodln ^ ^ e q ^ t tor’l l d ‘on the'wator'
w e S ° U to o a and a* s i f t e ^ M ^ " Id°a ‘“ S “ ' ’
, , u n i*?n~ ,,
a J 1 , • M rs Ida
Plans and estim ates for a sew er
G ullck of
a ^ ° survive system in that part of Hillsboro
He served as county judge iron: not now served were presented to
Ii^66 to 1910 and from 1918 to 1924 the cnunei] by John W Uunning-
Throughout his residence in the ham, P ortland consulting engineer,
1 fount? he had been active in pub- Mayor J H G arrett, however, ex-
llc «Hairs. A fter retiring as county pressed the belief that the city
i ud6e he served here a year as jus- would be unable to obtain grants
Bee of peace
on two projects. Councilmen then
Among the commissioners who v ent on r»-cord as favoring the
served as colleagues on the coun- continuation of the w ater appllca-
ty court w ith Judge Goodin w ere tion and holding up the sewer work
C B. Buchanan, W. J. B utner, for the tim e being
John McClaren. John Cornelius, H
Estim ated costs of the proposed
T Hesse. John Wismer, the late sewer system w ere set at »183,000
John Carstens. the late John Ire- by Cunningham Set-up as proposed
land, and the late F. W. Livermore, by the engineer included trunk
P rior to his election to the coun- lines and laterals in the east, west
ty court he had served as a eon- and north sections of Hillsboro and
tractor, engineer and farm er. The
(Continued on p*g« s, column Si
old wooden trestle that form erly
served traffic across Jackson bot- IVZI____ .
tom was built by him.
Judge Goodin was a m em ber of
the I O O. F. lodge in Hillsboro ,
and the K nights of Pythias lodge
IV L d U y D O O R
at North Plains.
* ’
______ ~
Bétails of New Foar-Year Program
Expected Within Short Time
(B Co
now , n ...u i
SeVCIl Indictments
Reported by Jury7
* »«.iVtll«» rdlllltT
• r* • • «
IVIOlOr A1 Hill
Opening Saturday
” flCGt VOfltraCtS
tO t)C Readv Snon
, ,
Home L/CStrOVed by
^ * rC N e a r S c h o l l s
Home of Mrs. Christina Hansen.
southwest of Scholls w as com nlcte-
ly destroyed by fire of unknow n
origin at noon Friday P art of the
dow nstairs fu rn itu re was saved.
_ , _
, „
toUowing a recant n arro w brook
Washington county's share of , ‘ "'•■nuitee to meet with county (treat will bo conducted Saturday, and battery; E. K a ile s of P o rtla n d
P e rso n a l effects of R bner
G rants la s s is the tourist gate- down Funeral services w ere eon- accrued interest un the state ir-
t? , pre„pare. a_P.rol.‘Lst accordin_lf to an announcem cnt_by threatening the commission of a Frank Hansen and of the house-
s iis m
StatC School Fllllds
RcCClVt'd bvCoiltltV
New wheat contracts w ill prob-
p^ ucers’ st£
n a tu re s sometime in Ju ly or early
Au^us^- according to latest word
J5!Ceived I™ "1 Wa®hin®ton
„ g° n ^ tote colle.8e extension
’e rv>ce. The new contract is to ex-
*^n d . over , ^ c f,?“ r "year l)er*<’d **'
by the
T° consider final suggestions for
, m P r o v i n K t h e n e w contracts, grow-
• nea er representatives from w heat pro­
ducing states w ere called to con­
fer in Washington Ju ly 1 and 2
with Chester C. Davis, adm inistra­
prepared"'!! 'F ran k ' i ’etei'i "c irc u it
u o F * r ” 1. ^ e a r V e r b o o r t of tj,e grain division of the AAA
m dee nians to hold c o u rt' .t t ii ! G ^ avls 25-acre farm near
Will Steen, chairm an of theU m a-
larrSok for the next tw o weeks
Verboort was purchased last week tilla county w heat control associa-
by Hugh Paul of Aurora. Neb., ac- tion. is the Oregon representative
, u!1 ,br2.“ fSht by the '',llkes A b- cording to W. O. Gaiaway. local who sat in on this meeting. The
«tract A T itie company against the realtor, through whom the deal was conference of producers follows the
Ray 'MaUnK cannery for payment made. Mr. Paul's son is now on referendum of a m onth ago when
alleged due on abstracts prepared the place, w hile the new owner w heat growers voted 404,417 to
Nebraska and w ill 63.303 to continue w heat production
Septem ber.
, adjustm ent.
the Redwoods with t h e Pacific
highway. Ashland, with 5199 regls-
tralions. was second and Brook-1
lugs with 2004, third. O ther regis­
tration points report the following
records for the six-m onth period:
Arlington, I486, Clatskanie, B3; F o r-1
est Grove, 54; Freew ater, 178; Hills- j
boro, 57
G rande
ford, 1097
67, and North Bend, 65.
, program will In- piano-aocordion claim to have 85 per cent of the
I music furnished by H arry Pearson, voters of their county. Mr. Wil-
Ofliclal Oregon was pretty well s„|,, |)V |<ll|)erl Kelly, tile Town- Hams reported the movement over
scattered «bout over the state on send song by a local male quartet ; the nation to have grown more in
Independence Day. Rufus Holman. Miss Millie Hecvar, Club No. 1. the last three w eeks Ilian in tin-
state treasurer, was the orator of G arden Home, and a queen candl- previous three months and in the
(1ate for , hc Western picnic and past three months more th a n 'h i the
j rally In Portland, August 2-4, will previous nine months.
be present. Miss Becvar sings over
The local club invites business
| the radio in four different lan- men and friends of this community
'» h* evening
’a r Commissioner Bennet. Fri-
ted as queen candidate ut the day
Annual W illam ette valley 4-H
Several of the local club mem­
livestock tour has been set for
August 5, 6 and 7, according Io L. bers attended the meeting nt Beav­
E. Francis, assistant county agent. erton Sunday afternoon Dwight
This year the tour will be con­ Bunnell, radio correspondent, p re­
fined to Washington and Yumhill senting "Townsend Flashes" every
rounties and is nrrnnged for older m orning from 9 to 9:15, was one
Five new members of the Wnsh-
of the speakers. He presented the
d u ll boys and men leaders.
new organizational set-up of the ■ ‘hgton county planning commission
O utstanding herds and flocks are
visited for the purpose of learn ­ Townsend Plan known as the “Con- w ere appointed this week by Gov-
ing about and discussing feeding gressional” organization. Briefly the ernor Martin, bringing the total
and managem ent problems. Some plan is Io hold a convention in I on the board to 17. The new mem-
time will be devoted to livestock each district made up of local club berg nre L. T M cPheeters of Hills-
representntives of one or more del- boro; Om ar Fendall, Forest Grove;
egales to elect a congressional dis- J- E- Morrissey, Cornelius; and R.
trlct board of seven members. T h is ' G- Scott and J. E. Morback, both
S everal H u r t a t P a rk
board w ith other sim ilar bourds ot Sherwood.
W h e n B ench C ollap ses elect a state area board to co oper-
O ther m em bers of th e commls-
Mrs Harvey Huff, Mrs. E A ate with the state area manager, sion nre W. G. Ide, Hillsboro, chair-
G riffith and her mother, Mrs. These conventions are now being ( man; Dr. R I. Mills, Forest Grove,
Sopha Freerkscn. w ere slightly In­ held and soon the organizational; secretary; William F. Cyrus, coun­
jured when a plank bench col­ set-up w ill be completed.
I ty agent; Donald T. Templeton,
lapsed during the patriotic ex er­
Rev. S. C Williams, a congres- county judge; H. D. K crkm an and
cises at the Shute park Thursday slonal district organizer, was the Jam es Lewis, commissioners; Elm er
Mrs. Huff, who was quite badly chief speaker Sunday aftornoon Johnson, Hillsboro; H. R. Smith,
bruised about the legs, was given He told of a recent to u r through Sherwood; Oscar Hagg, Reedville;
medical attention and taken home Eastern Oregon ln which he visited W alter Upshaw, Tigard, and Ver-
in the ambulance.
eight places. He saw 1000 new non Burlingham , F o r e t Grove.
Bennett Scheduled to Speak
at Townsend Session Friday
Annual 4-H Club
Livestock Tour Set
t e crop restrictions imposed upon
| American Farm ers was scored dur-
[ing the meeting. Statistics were
cited Indicating that farm imple-
m ents nre exchanged for these com-
modoities at a price far below the
figure required of American farm-
fi»r the Hillsboro Motor company
w ith nearly double the facilities
for show room, parts departm ent,
shop and used car departm ent than
w ere available at the form er loca-
tion. Considerable new equipm ent
has been installed in addition to a
testing against the condition were
Remi C ounens. w inner of the
Farm Union 4-H club scholarship,
was present for the m eeting and
reported on activities during the
recent sum m er school nt Corvallis
Mr. and ' Mrs.
K ollerm eier and
and re-decorating.
W hitelaw ‘“has” conducted
C hevrolet and Oldsmobile agency
in Hillsboro for the past three years
at the corner of T hird and Wash-1
ington streets. He bought out the
business form erly conducted by K.
- —
a" l” l’c' »« p >«
,ve of the Staf- +
ford local w ere present for
county session
--------Firemen Express
Governor Enlarges
Thanks for Ajd
Local Planning Body Appreciation of (he Hillsboro
Firem en's association for the co­
operation of th e various county
and local organizations and com- '
m itteem en in m aking the recent
F ourth of Ju ly celebration a suc­
cessful comm unity affair was ex­
pressed this week by the general
committee. The appreciation was
extended over the signatures of
Andrew Lentz, S. W Melhuish, A
L. Brock, William Everett, L. G.
Burge and W ilbur Dillon.
P a tte r .o n
A p p o in te d
R e p u b lic a n C o m m itte e
Paul L. Patterson has been named
on the policy com m ittee for the
annual convention of the Oregon
Republican club in Salem July 26
and 27. E. B ritt Nedry of Tigard
is president.
Argus to Award
Ten Free Tickets
Have you received a free
advertising ticket to the Vene­
tian theatre? W hether you
have or not. be sure to study
the classified and display a d ­
vertisem ents this week.
Names of 10 Argus subscrib­
ers have been hidden in the
ads this week, five in the
display and five in the classi­
fied columns. Read each a d ­
vertisem ent carefully and see
if you can find your name
listed with the words "Vene­
tian ticket” before it. If so
clip out the advertisem ent,
bring it to the Argus and
you w ill receive free adm is­
sion to the Venetian theatre.
Don't miss this opportunity!
Read the advertisements. This
may be your lucky week. If
you've received one free tick­
et, look again. We might r e ­
Dairymen Urged to Start Tests
«vetting by the ju ry im paneled t o !
5,eaL ti?iu daTnaR?, case brougbt bv
lran ag^Lnst T
Craw ford of \ ernonia. The ac-
!,d.n a rose fro n ia n autom obile col-
llslon ° "
‘.a les Greek road Feb
( p y w m . F. Cyrus. C ounty A s e n t)
has had reactor cattle moved off
ruary . White sought $150 for
D airvm en may find it to their the prem ises on Ju n e 10 or after
repairs to his car in the case which advantage to start blood testing can sign the new T. E. 33 revised
opened in court Monday
j or contagious abortion now- rath er agreem ent in order to get the in-
Jurors in the W hite vs. Craw- than w aiting very much longer As creased indemnity.
o i u
T eLe
> Ci. Amachor, things stand at the present time Any herd owner who
has signed
Ralph C. Oglesby.
L. E. Bamford. the new Banks" disease control the old testing agreem ent but who
Jit^n’lor “*undorff, R ena B. C aples, ¡aw w ,u p ro b ab ly become effective has not yet been tested should get
William H. Joos, Rudolph N elson.' j anuary j
one of the revised agreem ents and
K. F. Pom eroy, Vida Goodman.
w hen the governm ent Bangs' d is -, study it carefully. These may be
(C ontinued on p age S, co lu m n « )
ease control program is discon- obtained from the veterinary who
j tinued. the indem nity now being I is doing the w ork or the county
paid w ill cease Consequently, re- agent's office.
actor cattle will, if disposed of,
Qp U tlttle I OF DilflffS LJlSCilSC
Dr. Pitman Takes
Clinic Study
Dairymen to Hold
Picnic on Tuesday
»z-x esose»
♦ V» 1 a o.eseso- esose-l
Dr. A. O. Pitm an, prom inent lo- P°sed
c~* w ‘tb this y*a F a,nd'
case it
cal • physician,
left S aturday night ln
!n ,case
ltd does,
o e .s' the
lnet new
n,®wt state
si ate law
to take special surgical study at bccomes effective at that time.
Washington county H olstein-Frle-
' the
* famous .....................
Word from Dr. S. B. Foster, in ­ sian association will hold its an-
Mayo clinic at - Roch­
ester, Minn. He made the trip spector in charge
picnic a t the farm of A. J.
from Spokane, Wash., to Rochester program in this te rn to n r states i n !
a cjry^ a^ ‘after under date of Ju n e next
by airplane.
His practice during his absence j 25 that "Indem nities have been in­
The 4-H judging contest w ill
is being handled b y Dr. D. P. creased to a possible m axim um of take place at 10 a. m., while n
T rullinger, graduate of the U ni-1
P«r head for «cade anim als basket lunch will be served at
versity of Oregon Medical school; instead of the form er »20 maximum, noon. The indoor ball game, a reg­
and who ju st came north from the No difference is made in the maxi- ular event of this annual picntc.
Pasadena, Cal., hospital.
! mum indem nity for purebred regis- will be held after dinner Several
Dr. Pitm an is a native son o f 1 ter«d animals.
guest breeders from neighboring
W ashington county, overseas World
"The increased indem nity became counties w i l l be present.
w ar veteran, graduate of U niver­ effective Ju n e 10. and all anim als
Evers' 26-acre irrigated Ladino
sity of Oregon Medical school, and not moved from prem ises prior to clover pasture is one of the best
prior to coming here several years Ju n e 10 are eligible for the in- in the county and will be ot Inter-
ago practiced at Forest Grove.
creased indem nity. Any owner who est to the dairymen
4 - I