H IL L S B O R O Page Six Hillsboro Leading in Sunset League Roy Tops County Grove Takes Locals Face Loop by Downing Bears Sunday ’ Crucial Tilt Dunks on Sunday _____ ' R«»y Maplew» t Gar. H ot i N. P la in Sunset t eague (Ser*>nd H alf! W. L. Pet' Loea Is Travel This W e c k t o Carlton for Tilt W ashington Coant y (Second H alf! W L Peti 4 0 1.000 rtlenwtxxl 2 0 1.000 Gaston 3 1 .75. Aloha 2 I .867 Hank» S u n s e t S q u a d - M a p le w o o d to C la sh H e r e S u n d a y League-leading Roy team easily 3 0 1.000' HiUshoro 1 2 defeated Banks 8 to 4 last Sun­ Tigard Tualatin 2 I 1 2 Cornelius 2 I .067 A I.‘ha day before a capacity crowd Roy 1 2 Sherwood 2 1 .007 Oi built an early lead in the first two 2 1 Laurel I innings before Jensen got warmed Hillsboro Sunset leaguers clam­ up. The heavy hitters on the Roy bered to the top rung of the S un­ team were Ed Vanderzanden. Storey set league ladder Sunday by com­ and D. Herb. E Jensen. Meade and ing from behind in the last inning Wilson pounded out most of the to defeat Tualatin 7 to 3 in a tin g les for Banks, thrilling game. The locals face an- North Plains hamm ered three other tough test this Sunday after- Gajton pitchers for 16 solid hits noon when they meet the strong ancj easliv « o n to the tune of 9 | W illam ette squad on the Shute to 2 The en tire N orth Plains team park diamond. hit the ball hard. Grogan allowed Bill Joos of Hillsboro, batting in but four hits. lead-off position, pasted the first G arden Home slugged out a 19 pitched ball for a home ru n to t0 8 victory over Aloha. Lefty open the scoring, but Tualatin tied Grant of Aloha fanned 16 batters up the score in its half of the fram e but still lost his game bv a big and the score stood I to 1 until scorc the fourth inning. Tualatin scored The Maplewood-Glenwood game tw o tallies in the fourth to lead was rained out. until the sixth when the locals R. H. E. N orth Plain» 9 16 2 knotted the score again. 2 4 4 In the first half of the ninth Gaston G rtvan and V and erzan den . O. Pavi*. Hillsboro staged a scoring spree Johnston. Chapm an and C. Pavia. Shaw that put the game on ice. Brandaw R H. E. 8 12 1 opened with a single, Howser re Roy - ..... peated. A squeeze play crossed up B»rA* < « t the Tualatin players. Rosky bunting and G- Vanderzanden ?,nMn *n,i • '"W L Jenwi, Marsh to score Brandaw and place ru n ­ R H. E. 19 20 2 ners on first and third. Joos singled Garden Home 8 12 4 to score Howser and then Ross "j* * Werachkul. Hall and D aim ler ; Grant slammed a hot one through third and Ha£g. base to score Rosky and Joos. __ Maplewood-Glenwood trame postponed ae- Victory for Hillsboro in the game ceunt' ,-f m in. this Sunday against Willamette will put the locals in a favored s — a z— f " T '- .l position to cop the second half schedule. Hillsboro was strengthen­ ed this week by the signing of Jack Howser and Jack Bohnson. Softball I.eacae both of Gaston, and Ferdie Brandi, W L Pet W L Pet hard-hitting outfielder from A loha.1 8 2 .800 Safew ay 4 5 .444 In other league contests C om e-) Gu*r ,he kK'als wiU ,ravcl I“ ,on Forest Grove opened the scoring th e in itia l in n in g w ith Thursday, July I, 1935 H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N behind due to the unprecedented eleventh hour rush to quality for authority to drive on the high­ ways of the state before the old licenses expired w ith the end of June. I C0QLi-“yt°] New Ford V-8 Convertible Sedan Shown CALIFORNL The state planners in suggesting $3.500.000 as a reasonable invest­ ment for Oregon in Its new Capitol building base the figure upon the per eapita expenditure by eight other w estern states which have found it ntvcssiry to construct now capitols during the past 35 yours. These eight states include Colorado, Idaho, Montana. Nebraska. North Dakota, South Dakota. Utah and Washington. Based upon a population of 1,000.- 000 which is approxim ately the num ber of residents in O regon at this time a $3.500,000 capitol would represent a per capita cost of $3.50 as compared to a per capita ex­ penditure of $3.96 by the eight other western states whose capitol construction costs arc used as a yard stick by the state planning blMrd suggest.ng . figure for th r e e „ , e Q ns. B eelers homer w .th two run- " T : n U,S'' ‘UV" Un for ,hc neJ ta llie s H illsb o ro s c o re d o n e r u n in * the first and another in the sev enth. while the M erchants chalked UP th eir o,her th r>' runs in the ARGUS, „ la w n ia k e r s lo ^ lo o t ul K .j< .u ib ir in considering plans for a new state house to replace ti.e one de hwu. ..iiF lly l i s i n — a n d b) ir s m — ) ou . .in lis v . l m m o l. i Iran sir- lo n d ilio iii .l m iu liir i I lie sir is l i l i r r e d . slw a y . In-» li, a i » a i • p ii .i . j n l l y m o l . N u d u t l . N o Uralla. S o u n d i src q u ic lc d . I tn , g iaitit lo iu to r i i u , i , m u h ­ ii ig r , 11 s Ai d u li>w la m ,lm w n a l u n i >ou ta n g o m s u c o n d l- l l o o , .! < tiail » O , O U o l i . I 11 k illa n t a i , - u h d e r p , ,n ti ti-iliitin ii ,i n , l l i c c l a r e s . p tu , u n all l> ,rilli h a ig c .a rr g u n it .iiri» m in ip n », ed sir , uru in lo rreil I ou r i,t I'u Itu ia n , on lii, 1 .riuri/a o r o u r p o p id a r M eir i b j i /. s tr , b „ h ( \ NEW all-w eather Ford V-8 con- and folded snugly, covered by a Tlio f r o n t sent is adjustable. 25 ‘ * vcrtible sedan—a dual purpose boot. Tlio two center pillars are The hotly is equipped with do Of the eight w estern capitols ear, available for use either ns an removable and may bo stowed luxe appointm ents. Seat cu»hionH constructed during the present c e ll-, open phaeton or n snug enclosed aw ay in the ear. Converted in and hacks are finished in genuine seventh, Sherw ood and Verboort contin ....... . tury . the new , structure at L incoln., ••¿g n js announced by the Ford this fashion into a phaeton-type leather or bedford coni. The in­ ued to top the T ualatin Valley *-H‘ J11 at M otor Company. Photo shows the body, the ear may be driven terio r finish is in taupe throughout. league schedule w ith victories Sun- * * •*“ •*}“ b.a,Kt*, a'< .n J t. bbly .,h ‘" nbw body type with top in place. w ith the four door windows lowered All standard colors, including gun- d;n Sherwood blanked Newberg 10 most. bu,‘ “ »« ‘ , toll, while Verboort took C arlton 8 revo.utionary departure m capitol ¿ h e top, of t* " c’' K ' ' d rubbyi out of »¡gilt, or raised into posi­ nictal, the new color which wa-i in­ to 3 The Vernonia-Am ity game architecture with its m odernist.• interlined cloth, can bo lowered tion as protection a g ain st wind. troduced this year, are available. rwteitnoned because of rain Steel and concrete tow er icaching I I .»ul l l c i i i o i i s l r a l t o i i S e t Games « h ed u led for this" Sun- • hc.gh.h of more than . surtaxe^ exceM, profits Uxea and fund Many are being purchased day are as follows: Hillsboro at ^et?^ Into a ir- | ‘ ws I’te.xent.x. especially for children representative of Dr William Carlton. Sherwood at Forest Grove, In striking contrast to the $7 10, »” •»> pnrehase more th an , Thc offering of these bonds is in s c h .ill w o rk ! funou foot i n i t n n v tw n .G tn r .x h v v . i h r n c l r , " $ 1 0 .0 0 0 W o r th Of b o n d s in UIIV OI1C n o li. W <»« h l ■' >‘ »O| V ernonia at V Newberg and Verboort rw»r per r capita expend it urt b> N e b r a s k a i ir ...... ...h , nr . ... no sense a drive I here is no 1 •'» authority, will be in Weil's Depart in its no w c im f o i is tHo c a le n d a r 5 1 at in e y arc on sa lt ut at Amity R. H r - structure erected by ' M ontana in a11 , i,rs‘- s,'cond: “t, ,d “ ‘ird c ln ^ such thing as a quota or t.m e l.m m int store Wednesday. July I0. to 6 8 3 191'» at a c o s t o f o n lv S49O a n d 1 P0*1 offices, and at some fourth it attached to then sale They rep dem onstrate unit show you why Koreat Grove 2 5 < a m>r c a p i t a o f ’onW 9i ^ en ls ' *>ost ofiiccs They wUI rc K ^ernm ent s cordial m- Hillsboro Stoutenberv and F r y e r . D onin, M ai- P* ‘ k ' y e . main on sale until the secretary of citation to you to share directly your feet hurt and how to obtain H I) OUSF.N. Agent mejrer and D eeville. O ther w estern capitols construct-1 the treasury gives notice of the in governm ental finance, to be o n e P h o n v 621 R. H E. ed during the past 35 years, their i term ination of the offer. The pres- of the nation’s bondholders. All of quirk relief at little cost hmw mì u i total cost and the per capita i n - 1 ent plan is that they shall remain I the terms have been devised with New l'erti « I feature of govern- the small investor in mind. If the Re u beck and V estal ; B lazer and Krich. vestm ent by the residents of the ‘ a perm anent R. H E several states are shown as fo l-1 mental financing. Since the govern- governm ent has succeeded in its Verheert .8 8 3 lows: Colorado capitol. completed ment is always financed by the purpose and the bonds are attra r Carlton ................ 3 2 3 8 COSt ° f r **P- people’s savings. It w as c o n s id e re d liv e to y o u . > OU w ill fin d it Very Sahnow an d H em rick L vda a n d O T J a r v ' ‘n 1 9 0 0 _________’_____ c r resenting a per capita cost of $2 41; sound public policy to go direct easy to buy them T here is no red Idaho capitol completed in 1912 at to the people, to let them buv tai>e Issuing a registered bond In Get n GREAT BIG ROOT BEER for a cost of $2.296.000. representing a , bonds in denominations, and on volves no more detail than issuing a nickel at KRAM IENS PALM per capita investm ent of $5 15; terms, that furnish a convenient, a postal money order. (C ontinued from paire one) North Dakota capitol completed in safe investment, w ith a definite re- **|n conclusion, perm it me tosug- DRUG STORE. prom oting A m ericanization w ork 1934 at a cost of SI,750,000, rep- turn assured a n d safe-guarded gest that you buy with only your in Oregon. Roben J. Maaske of the resenting a per capita investm ent against any possibility of rising or own purposes and needs in mini1 departm ent of education has been of $2 57; South Dakota c a p i t o l falling prices. You will not lie serving your conn- nam ed by C. A. Howard, state su- completed in 1910 at a cost of $1,- , "Each post office is supplied with try by purchasing more than you perintendent of public instruction, 100.000. representing a per capita printed circulars giving full infor- can afford Buy w ith a view to as Americanization director for investm ent of $159, Utah capitol motion about the bonds If there is holding your bonds for the full .1 limbo Ice Cream S o d a s Oregon completed in 1916 at a cost of $2,- ■ any detail about which you would ten years." They’re d e lic io u s • • • 55-t reprcMnting a par capita Uk® Inquire, the poet oftlca has Eighty tons of m etal have been investm ent of $5 39. W ashington ’1’*' information, New» Topic salvaged from the dome of the capitol completed in 1928 at a cost "The best possible use of these Summ er chapel services at P il­ KH AMI» N s old capitol and sold to ju n k deal- of $6.554.396, representing a per ¡bonds will be obtained bv those grim House will include a novel purchasers who have a definite, ers. Including steel and iron sal- capita investm ent of $4.30. "Religion in the News” feature, vaged from other portions of the Ercept for the N ebraska building iUtUrS, •,ur’H'se *n nund and '’u'as' beginning next Sunday, according burned building m ore than 312 the onlv other departure from the Urc their, P “ r c h " e ® , o nu, r e ’ to Pastor Henry S Haller, who tons of metal have been salvaged m conventional in s state there um uuonai m ia ie n house o u se archi- a cm - ‘im ,s rem b ents. o r For i r , example, r if fam |1 w in c conduct o n o u c i a g general e n e ra l discussion will P IH IS E 2M P R E S I R I P I l tlN IIR I G G IS I s from the ruins. i. a bov or K,rl >?“ « ■ fam ll> ' lecture is found in the new North wh, e chance u{ goin< to pe. n«t of ten nunute on that topic Da ota uilding which also has a college would be im proved bv an Sunday morning a at the 9 30 S tate T reasurer’ _ Holman is strong slender shaft ’or tow er 95’"feet cu,u e, woulu oe miprovt ...............................° in iu w e r i t t i assured income of tw enty-five dol- o’chx’k services Members of the _ »-»— r-. for President R oosevelts “sh a re th e square and rising to a height of lurs a month, you can provide that chapel congregation will be a* ked w ealth” program, providing it does more than 200 feet, assurance by purchasing one bond, to take part in the discussion, which R. H. E not encroach upon revenue sources • • Sher w o o l .................. ........ each m onth—the smallest bond, the will be centered around items from 7 12 11 now being tapped by the states. W illam ette 6 10 1 , -. , - , Oregon school districts have - „„v ma one that sells for $18.75. These the new spapers and current m aga­ W inters and Wenncr ; Swope. Koller- H °iman is p articularly concerned total of $541.250 in new buildings bonds will m ature, ten years hence, zines Questions for the first d i s ­ m ier and Hollenbeck. ................................................... to make up and a victory for the over the proposed increase in fed *’ cussion next Sunday morning will R H. E. latter would put the squad in a tie eral inheritance taxes and has w rit ___________ ___ include. Should Jew s M arry G en­ Laurel ______ ___ _________ 5 8 2 ten the five m em bers of the Ore- according to reports received by safe income. That is the sort tiles’*”, "Did the Pacific Slope Con Tigard ............. ......3 6 4 for third place w itn th e Argus Schreiner and Zeigler Sim s and Gor- Play for the second half of the delegation in congress urging c A. Howard, state superintend- use for which they are very well I gross of C ongregational Churches man. season will open Ju ly 11 w ith the that in any legislation th at might ent of public instruction. -. ilarly, . . they make a good I Approve Socialism?" and "Wliut fitted. . Sim R H. E investm ent for a future retirem ent I Did Aimee Find in Palestine?' Ah »ha ___________ _ 6 15 2 ! lands vs. Soda Works at Hilhi, F a ir -1 tect the interests of the state. Orenco ............. Profits of the state liquor com- 7 11 3 S o u th e rn P a c ific H E Y K ID S ! VlUaruS OrdD 1 ltlC in Softball League , B liss and Koluk. , , , , /. a. Capitol News Letter A REAL TREAT! 15c PALM DRUG STORE .................° Axvrvr, avaxA ------- . . . --------- I I U I .X O 1 U U JU i IH V H 131 1J I I 1 O I1 U 1 5 OI school diamond, and Safeway vs collecting SoOO.OOO annually in in- its operation am ounted to $1 553 997 taxes Holman calls a t - , eccording to Jack Allen, liquor ad- Gaston — tention to th e fact th at “a consid- m inistrator. Of this am ount SI 152 - C.ius 27 23 1 diamond. erable part of this revenue comes 947 has already been allocated for N euenschw ander, Van Loo and Gabler, Eplinj? ; R. VanLoo and Finesran. from estates that are also subject unemployment relief. to th e federal tax; consequently! ' __________ ' _ r t any *oss revenue resulting fro n r ,ederal taxes absorbing all or a m aterial p art of estates would ser-1 Upsets featured play in the Farm iously im pair th e revenue require-1 Union league Sunday w ith Cedar m ents of this state." Forest Hills w beginners' m ent Sundav a s 'w o n b v ' T y Mill and Carlton, leaders, falling Holman cites a recent Pennsyl- New United States Savings bonds . M c K n ie ounaay w e as f ir w s t on f l i by E. F. before V erboort and Kansas City L“ vam which m the are issued issued in denominations of: h t fo r th i h U e n n , -------- \ " “ a case in "■««« e u United n iiea are sistin c8of those w-ho1 had " ‘never resp^ . u e y ' by close scores' As a teS, suPrem e court heId ‘hat tw enty-five dollars, fifty dollars Dteved eolf b efn r? t h ? , ‘h r .e teams are tied for federal and state death taxes ac- one hundred dollars, five hundred The second first place and the other three in crue simultaneously w ith neither dollars and one thousand dollars" rhfthtunder M°“ a7w onhhve RonaW 3 ^eai l0 > Pr°S' “ .X a « Family night will be held Ju ly 10. WashinFTon Six momh^ cents Two ___ ' Two Upsets Feature • ni Plnv i ram asm i Union V71UUH nay Ä , , Description U. S. Baby Bonds Given bSh C V — - — . a’ Ä ‘° T Ä . V ' w Æ X Ä WE CAN SUPPLY THE LUMBER Mouldings, Screen Wire, Dual Corners, Screen Hangers, Adjustable Screens, Screen Doors. Use the F. II. A. plan to finance your remodel­ ing needs. To get into our yard during the paving of Base­ line street, go west on Washington street to the railroad. S in g in g in th e b a th tu b Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. ^ ^ d ' ^ T ^ ' ^ ’ LÜ d'-a’íd ^ d E ’^ Ä e n If It’s Lumber Call Number 2691 There's nothing like a good bath to make one feel 100% fit. Singing in the bath­ tub is a natural accompaniment to that feeling of freshness that a bath brings. of Oregon,” he declared in his let- paid for the bonds today and what ter to the Oregon congressmen. is received in ten years represents Jake W eil Says Business • • • I th e accum ulation of interest, com- ---------------- G etting Back to Normal _______________ . . of the „„ „.„re ____ sem i-annually. Instead of The report S tate P lanning pounded eourtv’ »t* ¿C months" mon hs 3a cents. FEED FEED FEED In - Business is surely getting back Board on the capitol construction paying the interest sem i-annually. no™ al ,a ndr l.he sood old days, program will not be ready for an- the governm ent adds all of it to w according to Ja k e Weil of Weil's other week or ten days at the the principal and pays the entire HIGHER QUALITY — LOWER PRICES tf D epartm ent store. Mr. Weil says, earliest. Prom ised originally for sum at the end of ten years. By Our Ju n e and Ju ly 4th business last Friday the board has found it this arrangem ent, the am ount in ­ «■■■■■■»■■■■»■■■■■■■I considerably ahead of last year's, necessary to delay its recom menda- vested in the bonds increases ex- pecially the last tw o weeks and tions while it continues its studies actly one-third, or 3 3 '3 per cent Corwin Hardware the bonds are held for their full I Imperial Egg Mash, 100 lbs..............$1.90 sack .rem all indications this week of available sites, style of archi- if ..................... should be a hum m er in all lines tecture, probable cost and method term of ten years. Milk Egg Mash, 100 lbs...................... 2.00 sack "It a thief should steal one, he I of business in Hillsboro.” ! of financing the new structure. Big-Lay Egg Mash, 100 lbs................ 1.80 sack Prize Winner for Last Week would be w asting his tim e because I Milk Developing Mash, 100 lbs.......... 2.10 sack Longest Trout caught by Grove R otarians Win A pplicants tor n ew drivers’ li- thc bond is not ,ransf<'’'able. T h a t. Forest Grove Rotarians won the censes will have to exercise a lit- Provision also protects the bond , JACK RUSHLOW of Hillsboro Plain Developing Mash, 100 lbs.......... 1.95 sack Rotary golf tournam ent at t h e tie patience if the little pasteboard a«al" st anF change in price. It can - 15-inch Trout 4-Grain Scratch Feed, 100 lbs.......... 1.75 sack M ultnomah club Thursday after- perm its fail to arriv e as soon a s ' - ot dePreclatc ln vaIu® The United Wal