H IL L S B O R O Page Four P» e» 2<5£ M Xnilsbon^Ar g us W ith W hich U CMMhlaed th« IlilU fcor« Independent BHUborv Arpus M ia b . 1894 H ilU b o ro Independent « la b . 1871 M r K IN N E Y A M c K IN N E Y . I ’ ahlí.her» Published Thursday Entered aa aeennd-claaa m atter In the pnatoffice at Hillabon», Onejron “ Happy Days” Real Event Hillsboro has boon a center of interest for its Fourth of July celebration for more than thirty years ami its "H appy Hays event has alw ays been considered one of the finest in the northw est. It has been a time for homecoming ami genuine en­ joym ent ever since the days when the then num erous Grand Army of the Republic veterans held their annual encam pment in connection with the occasion. This celebration has become a tra d i­ tion in Hillsboro th at should be m ain­ tained as a good old fashioned Fourth ot July through the w holehearted co-opera­ tion of all citizens in the community. All should be on band at the celebra­ tion grounds to extend the hand of fellow­ ship and welcome to our thousands of visitors, many of whom you will know as old and new friends. A R G U S , H I L L R B O R O . 0 It K G O N ThuiMilay, July 1, 1935 Local Carnation Condenser Finest Suit Attacks Evaporated Milk Factory in State Sale Validity / Argus classified ads get results J 100 Chickens Sold With Ad (By Ed Comuni hundreds of visitors each v e .tr, Rich- Declared to be the finest evapor irtl-tin state,! Approximately 15 NINE weeks-old pullets and A c tio n D e m a n d » T a x F o r e ­ ated milk factors in Oregon tod.tv, parties of «»<>. HO and 100 persons broilers. Rhode Island Iteds the loeal C arnation Milk Products* have inspected the plant since the Everett Lawrence. Selfridge c lo s u re B e Set A s id e anipanv condenser has provided fust of the company M R S. E. C. M c K IN N E Y VERNE McKINNEY market for Washington county Briefly the process is as follows' Associate E ditor |Continue«l from pag« ono) This 25-cent advertisem ent Editor dairymen for the past 32 v ears O p­ plan'd in the classified col­ route I. Casper W ils o n . Banks; Ada erations of the company in the The milk it i » ce h ed w< ighed und samples taken of each can Stor- umns of the Argus “The Ireland. Banks route I Ernest W county have result,si m ex pernii O F F IC IA I. 01 " t " il I \ t . I C O l’ NTY G reat M arket Place of Wash­ l.vda and Charles A Wunderlich. turcs of het » , VII $35.li,t,l.(MX) and ige it then made In loi ge tank lined with glass, as are all other Hahacrlptian Mates S trictly Cash in Advance ington C ounty” for one is­ Cornelius route 1; Frank Simon. $.36 ikHt.lHHl for milk, labor, I Outside W ashington County tanks in the plant The fluid is then W ith in W ashington County sue sol,! 400 chickens for the Cornelius route 2; George Geriney- taxes and i^ instruction, and. fuel. as placed in floor w urinrrs. raising V . S . per year Si.tX) P e r year 11 advertiser Lawrence. enthus­ er and Pauline Jurgens. Sherwood Foreign countries 3.50 more titan 75 per cent of the fln- S ix montha --------- fin- the tem perature of the milk to near iastic over the results ob­ route I. Hebert T Porter, Sherwood i shed prtxlue t is shipped out of the boiling route 3; H. T. Koeber. Sherwood state. has brought thousands of tained. declared that lie could First Audite«! Paper M E M B E R O regon State The milk is then transferred to Largest Audited W eek­ have sold at least 3000 if he route 4, and Fred I. Wohlschlegel. dollars of new money to Oregon. E d ito ria l Association and the vacuum tank ami (12 per cent ly Circulation tn O re­ N a tio n a l E d ito rial A sec­ had had them. l aurel route 2. gon. Guessw ork us to the purity of of the H7 per cent of w ater in the tion. J. H Hicks of Keedville was As if the answ ers from found guilty Thursday afternoon of the evaporated milk is entirely original milk is removed From the W ashington county were not l l e a l l h y , V ig o ro u s T h . Hillsboro A r j n , u » u m n no fin a n c ia l nwin naibility fo r an indictm ent charging larceny of eliminated at the local plant and vacuum tank the milk is forced enough, he even received a error« published in i u column», but in ca.-e» » lo r« il - papor livestock The trial opened in the every effort is made to constantly through a fin«' screen to break card from Heppner inquiring U a t fa u lt w ill r r p r in t that p art of an a jv .rlie o n ont in whion down the butterfat globules (a p ar­ Improve the quality of the product circuit court Wednesday morning about the chickens the typographical m istake txrcura. and the verdict was returned by For example, the latest type of tU’I tin' size of a pin head being Give tin* Argus classified torn into a thousand pieces) to sterilizer has been installed recent­ A n Independent Newspaper, whose service** and policies are the jury the following day after page a fair (rial and see how* hasol on the princip le of the Golden R ule.— “ And as ye would Ih'inmtd pi,'idy of rich, an hour and a half of deliberation ly an,I the local factory was the prevent the cream from separating th a t men should do to you. do ye also to them likewise. a little advertisem ent brings Hicks, who is also aw aiting sen­ first to install equipm ent for i r ­ to the top nourishing milk to re — M atth ew T :1 L __________________ big results. The product then goes through tence on a charge of stealing a radiating the milk. pletlisli the energy ex­ This latter process, brought to the cooler, losing 100 degrees in +. quantity of alfalfa and clover seed ------- .— 4. pended during ,• n <• __________ ... Tests are then made as condenser in Feb I“ front David Hagg A- Sons at Keed­ the Hillsboro b“ ” ,',ia ’ b 'o n e Imn day. ville. was alleged to have stolen ; ruar.v 1934. constitutes one of the ‘.l’ ¡team of horses belonging to Mar-1 biggest forward steps in the milk dredtn of one per cent The mllk is Eventual good of the nation dem ands tin B ernards of Orenco A pril 19. ¡industry in 40 years and has ma- then placed in cans, sealt'd, ster­ Confirm this with your less concentration of w ealth and a great- ............... ...... ........._ _........... You will never accomplish anything construc- Sentence will be passed on Hicks teriully increased the consumption ilized. cooled and the cans labeled doctor and then call e r opportunity for all. Such thought was yve in Oregon except over the political deai :,d body 1 Wednesday, July 3. of evaporated milk by babies and and packed. All plpea used in Postage rate of three cents per transferring the liquid are of stain­ ■ Ju ro rs im paneled to hear th e 'y o u n g children. The process con- urobably in President Roosevelt's mind of G overnor Martin.- form er Public Service c probably ounce or fraction thereof on non­ less steel. ,, j ---------f r h liT h o r a » » higher *1 v o k u i t o o i v u C i m harles » v * v * Thomas « when he called upon o congress told a pow er_rally_at Hills- 1 testimony in the case w ere L. E. sists of exposing the milk to ultra- local first class m atter will lie con­ congres. for I r nig buro," says the Salem Statesm an The Statesm an Bamford. M argaret S. Weed. Anna violet rays produced by a 3000- taxes in the tipper income brackets to- adds: "The anti-M artin medicine m akers have seized Ncumann. Mabel McLeod. Ralph watt arc unit, increasing the Vita- tinued for another two years, ac GUERNSEY DAIRY gether with substantial gift and inherit- upon the problem of securing power distribution i C. Oglesby. Vida Goodman. H erbert niin D content about 10 tunes. cording to word received Monday SAM H ill.IT A SONS W. Ficken. G race G. Wahl. K F. The new sterilizer units recent- by Fred Holznagel, local |M»stmus- ance taxes. Some of our most conserva- lines ill Oregon as the rallying point for opposition Sees Danger , In la r g e D l.lrirl Phone 2568 Pomeroy. Rudolph Nelson. Eleanor ly installed absolutely assure the „ ....... ..... .. i u ...... u . n .1, , »«.or] to the governor." And the Statesm an goes on to say: ter The first period was to have purity of the milk The fluid is ‘'^ U tility Districts SBltiH 33 session expired July 1. but a resolution tive people havt held that the great II I "Governor M artin has asked the federal govern- Mundorff and Rena B. Caples. I S miles south of Hillsboro Sheriff sale of 15 parcels of real exposed to a bacteria killing heat Editor of the Argus, of the country was less centralization Of men, t0 detail its plans on the construction of power adopt c l by congress and signed by Gold Medal Diploma ««'Inner Please give us the inform ation in President Roosevelt last Friday ex wealth. lines from Bonneville. He has instigated a survey of property owned by M artin J. Ber- after being placed in cans so that In 193, — Srare 88 2 nards at Orenco was conducted the finished product is absolutely the Argus of what is going on re- tended the ikt I ih I for another tw _ .t. • __ _ ru ral areas w here pow er districts can be wisely Critics say the president IS m aking a formed and joined to the distribution system the Saturday after the action had been pure. This is only one factor of guiding the formation of a Utilities years Silver Medal Diploma Winner held up for nearly six m onths due 'h e rigid inspection system thul is District and w here a delegate from - , In 1933 — Score 97 K decided turn to the left, but it is interest- governm ent will create observed from the duirym un's barn the Grange. Farm ers' Union, and Subscribe now to the Argus In "The prim e purpose of the caucus at Hillsboro to the operations of the Frazier- ing to note th at similar taxes in England C elebrate "Happy Day." in until the milk is canned and sealed a "citizen" of Beaverton received Washington county JIM) year was not to construct power lines; it was to play Lemke law. Suit was brought A pril are higher, and they have been for years. politics. Firs, Carnation plant was built their authority to form u junction Six m onths 85c Three months Ml Hillsboro If the power enthusiasts in th e state want 6. 1934. by M K Johnson of For- The Lincoln. Neb., Star rightly says th at to do business, they would wisely support Governor est Grove and the United States ;,t Forest Grove In Septem ber of the counties in a Utility District cents Two months 35 cents tr bank of Portland against l'.*9J. and production was started At the meetings held the taxpayers --------- inheritance taxes are one of the steps M artin in his sensible plan to secure federal subsidy- National B ernards and others interested in 1,1 February 1903 At about the were requested to leave the hall civilization has found necessary for its in providing the line to tap Bonneville." only the delegates. newspa|>ennen The Thomas charge, implying that Governor the properties. The action was in- same time the Oregon Condensed own preservation. Senator Robinson de­ M artin Milk company was organized at und the representatives from the is obstructing ru ral electrification, is glar­ stigated to recover approxim ately $64.474 rem aining on a m ortgage Hillsboro with the late Dr J P Utility Co. were perm itted to re- scribes the program as “an intelligent pro­ ing misrepresentation. G overnor M artin's’ record in $70.000 j Tamiesie. the late J. W Shute. A. main cess for raising such revenues as may be congress repudiates the Thomas insinuation. Thus, a I of Pleading SATURDAY. JU1.Y 6. AT 1:30 P. M. guilty to a charge o f 1C. Shute and George K. Bagley us It would be fine if the Grunge, needed and as tending tow ard balancing federal revenue law adopted by congress provided speeding with a truck. Clovis Clay principal subscribers. The firm pro- Farm ers' Union, und C ham ber of At the Olaen place. I mile w.ulh of the County Hospital that a tax of 3 per cent on utilities was to be paid Sines of Portland was fined $5 and due,'d milk under t h e "Oregon Commerce of Forest Grove. Htlls- the budget.” by the consumer. The measure uthorized both p ri­ costs Monday in the local justice Grupe” brand und Mrs. F G. Mitch- boro and Beaverton would tuke the _____ Queen . Wood range all enameled, heater, —......._ dining table. Anne buffet Few will deny th at the objectives are vately and publicly ow ned companies to add the tax of the peace court. W ilbur H einrich Hillsboro still has one ot initiative to stund the expehse of kitchen table ami 4 chairs. 2 rockers, In chair, dresser, 2 beds will, to the consum er's pow er and light bills. laudable and probably necessary. of Hillsboro plead guilty last week ,be f'rs* cans turned out circulating the two petitions requtr- Cl’** springs, desk. 9x12 Congoleum rug. kllchen linoleum, dishes ami When G eneral M artin reached congress he be­ in the same court to a charge of In ,l*e Hillsboro factory was ed by law to get the m atter be- ulcnslls. electric w asher, fruit and jurs The president's request for a l a w came one of the leders in enacting the W hitting law, violating the basic rule. Sentence taken over by the C arnation com- fore the voters. 4« 4 ,, i j w « i. • «. . Pa,’-V and was first managed by J As I take it. u m ajority of citl- Pgg .tralm mi T(,av.’r«' " T ? ‘r . I'*'“ho.T 1 olo" i“1 ' change to perm it the taxation of the mil­ w hich corrected the w rong by placing the tax on the was postponed until July 10 and taking it off consumers. Motion to make the com plaints Leonard, who is now in charge fens of Washington county w ant row (burrow „ in n e r» ■> Lu 7 i >n ' " n ’ l’r,n g-t,>oth ha. lions of tax-exem pt bonds is one of the utility And as a congressman. G eneral M artin intro- against John Aho of P ortland and ‘,f the Seattle office of the com- the organization perfected so that ->___ - - - P ! > ' ‘ Haller, and other articles All In g.H»l biggest steps yet undertaken. . People of duced a bill requiring utility companies, in appeal- eight strikers from C herrv Grove Pa'*.v Nine years later the co n d en -' (now we know what the govern- lape, some nearly new Terms: Cash great wealth may have tea e ra l. State and ing from rate decisions, to go to state courts in- more certain was overruled last ser wus enlarged to its present nu-nt will do as regards to the local tax-exem pt bonds th a t bring them in stead of federal courts. It was a m easure to compel week by Justice of the Peace A. capacity and in 1920 the Forest transmission lines, the county OTTO SEEVERS, O wner th n iK a n r h n f H n ila r-j in in e n m o a n d n n t pow er companies to m eet orders for rate cuts in W Havens None of the nine men. t l r » 'e plant was discontinued would be in a position to negotiate ,i a k it iia t i r thousands Ot dollars in income and not tht state courts instead of securlng transfer of the arrested in connection w ith recent The original factory here had a wi,h the PE IV O for service, or KUHATI.I, Auctioneer J J WISMF.lt Clerk own any real property, ««Itn the r e s u l t litigation into the federal courts, on pretexts, pre- strike activities at Stimson mill, capacity of about 40 000 pounds of build lines in ca .<• that was prefer th a t they don't pay any taxes. Such a tenses and folderol. The measure, in connection with have entered pleas. nillk a day The present set-up is ab|e, but io give five n u n m the x te n h a s b e e n a d v o c a te d b v m a n v in t h e a hke bill by Johnson in the senate, passed congress Damage suit brought by Minnie capable of handling 240.000 pounds eight counties the power the law is now the law. It shows how untrue are in- Belle Haage against Joe Finegan et 8 but bas never been allows these directors would be ------ ------------------------------ past and we are glad to see the president and sinuations that Oregon's governor is serving the al was settled out of court last poshed to its full capacity. High suicidal The tiest estim ates I have week. T rial in the case had been production for the Hillstxiro con- seen show that they have the take a stand for the taxation of such se­ power companies. If Governor M artin w ere p artial to the utilities scheduled for Friday. cern was 181 000 pounds of milk in authority to borrow about $100.000,- curities. he would say so. He is alw ays in the open with his O rders in the following circuit aay- while the biggest day for ooo to buy w ater rights, business convictions He is not the kind w ho skulk in the £°urt cases were issued this week: ‘^ a * and Plan‘ blocks, farms, electric equipment, G et your order in early for rear, serving Peter, w hile in the open pretending s h % b vs. Ray Shorb. de- was 2M-°°° P«**nds in «.t c . which the taxpayer would be the best price. to be for Paul. fault; Liquidation of Bank ofB eav- on* aay compelled to underw rite. We have " e Hillsboro C arnation plant come to depend on the Argus to Meanwhile, the transmission lines in the Ten- erton, order regards L. R Dean stock assessment; C harles Brown- ^as ^et*n the training ground for give us the tru th about public rnat- Any attem . pt to throw additional costs nessee Valley A uthority are built by the system, vs. C harles Seamon et al. de- ^lve l^e present officers and di- t e n in this end of Washington on to the dairym en as contem plated under And in the appropriation for G rand Coulee. $3.000.- hill fault; August Schoenfeldt et ux rvCl° rs the comapny The pres- county, so will you give us the set the ordinance before the Portland city OOO is set aside by the governm ent for transmission vs. Ben S tark et al. stipulation of ent local superintendent. C T up which would make of this pro­ See un before you buy for the settlem ent and dismissal of suit; Mchardson, also received a good posed eight county district a vast council » seems ill advised to us. Inspection lines,,.» ,, .. . lowest possible price. o n j i u Why would the governm ent finance transm is- Minnie Belle Haage vs. Joseph s^ are °* his preparation in the political machine, when the law fees Of $22,000. under the proposal, would Sion lines on other federal projects and not on Bon- Finegan et al. dismissal; Union Hillsboro concern. Richardson start- only contem plates the forming of FRE E D E L IV E R Y be added to the cost« of the producer and nevilie? C entral Life Insurance company vs. work here in 1912 as relief milk cities or counties as a unit pro- distributor. The dairym an, because of hav- . Thomas charge against G overnor M artin is Gene Henderson et al, default and rece*vcr- serving at both the local viding that after the district is orders. and Forest Grove plants. In 1917 organized consolidation may be ef- ing to meet the heavy costs due to meet- Ubel ~ Ore8°n Jo u rn al­ Probate orders were issued in the. became superintendent of the fected by the voters when desire- ing the requirem ents of the Portland milk -------------------- estates of Mrs Fannie Glascoe. Fo>'«‘ Grove condenser, rem aining ,b le This board could Increase our M ille rs of Q u a lity Feeds Letitia A Bailey, F. A. Bailey, unh l it was merged w ith the one county debt 10 per cent and issue ordinance, was and is under a heavy bur­ llllls b s ro W srehoB se— O regon F le e lrle D epot H erbert A. H ubbert. Charles E M Hillsboro w arrants, the county court must rh o n e I M I den. The dairying industry is the most Hedge. O rders w ere also issued In A fter five years in Washington, recognize and pay, for all prelim tn- Re I han y S torr— Phone lllll.b o r o 1R4 im portant in this county and any plan th a t ,, .. _ .. . , .. , ■ „ the guardianship of the S m ith ' h® returned to this area as super- nary cost in organization ' Intendent for a year and then re- Don’t you think we better dele- would increase its burdens should be op- adopted by the senate, and the matching clause for minors and Frank Reh. O rders in the following circuit ce*ve was $3 15 In taxpayer money we would feel a vitation extended in this manner. do th eir utm ost to rem ove the charity clause. There averaKe J°r date great deal safer for it to be in the Probate orders were issued In thousands of aged people in Oregon, who have. the estates of Tekla Scheckla. I L. Is $1.53. or more than 30 per cent hands of five Washington county 118 8. Third A re. Hillsboro. O regaa Those in charge are hopeful th a t the are j taxpayers than in the control of over a long period of years, occupied useful posi- Morelock. Zantaphene Morlock, O. above the 1934 average event will be considered as an old fash- tions in th eir communities, owned property on which — Every form of protection Fire. Auto, Casualty I.labilltv » Yanttl, ........... . J. . ». List of the average prices paid politicians, who in many cases are M. -----------. Sanford, ---- Mary J. Fidelity. Surety. Life P®»« 3J years would prob- more interested in other kinds of ioned Fourth of July celebration a n d they have paid substantial yearly am ounts in taxes K uratli, W infred Scott Sparks a n d 1 oY®r M artha J. Campbell. O rders were a b / .*>e Interest to dairym en power than that furnished by elec- homecming with the whole of W ashing- a" d " ow' jn . the.au tu m n of life, find them selves un- also issued in the guardianship of and *s as ^°llows: 1903, $1 23; 1904. tricity. . . , . , able to obtain the necessities of life. But they still ton county taking part. . Hillsboro , has al- cherish some degree o{ pride and many ofyt£ 1“ Elm er Burch. Hugh Archbold. Ben 1905. $1.23; 1906. $1 35; 1907. . . . — C harles E Brandaw. 51 48. 1908, $142, 1909, $180; 1910, n , . —» » , , r - , ¡o n P l a n n e d w ays been the mecca of most W ashington would die rath er than become objects of charity, to Yantti and ________________ i $1.70; 1911, $161; 1912, $158; 1913, « -» e m o n s ir a n o n r i a n n c d county people on this occasion and its KO through the routine of adm itting they are pau- a t F. P ra n g e r F a rm $1.65; 1914, $1.60; 1915, $1 40; 1916. people hope th at it will continue to be so. pe” ,■*>? taking a pauper’s oath. M any of these aged Demonstration of difference tn $1 70; 1917, $2.32; 1918, $2.87; 1919, people have, by their contributions to taxes and to $3 15; 1920, $2 65; 1021, $195; 1922, the use of steel wheels and lugs the w elfare of th eir communities, earned their W o r k s P l a n S t n r l i p J ,I8 8 ; 1923' ,231: 1924' , I 9 I : 1925 and pneumatic tires will be held at A n