H IL L S B O R O Page Two ¡ng because it was conference Sun- I day. Miss Caroline Horlacher of For­ est Grove spent several days last week w ith Miss Mildred Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rand and family of Portland visited C orne­ lius friends and relatives last S un­ day. Charles Black returned to San Francisco Saturday after a m onth’s visit with his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Black. Mr. and Mrs George Hancock of Forest Grove visited Mrs, Louise Cochrane Thursday evening Mrs Lloyd Shaw and babv son John Allan retu rn ed from the P o rt- land Sanitarium Friday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. Willis of Portland. Mrs. F rank T urk has been w ork­ ing in Portland. Mrs. Laura Oswald of PortlaneJ spent Thursday w ith her mother. Mrs. C. O. Dixon. Girl Honored at Cornelius Pupil* of Mi*» Finegan in Recital at Beaverton ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , Thuraduy, July | t OREGON F r a n s -P a c ific Air S e r v ic e S o o n to C h a n g e ‘F ar E a s t ’ to ‘N e a r E a s t’ • average pretty well mt let's k ,, | it up Thia la the fourth I., , , day of the t«*n week«* «*«»»,•, , Morning worwhip, It a n i , l( In l ainous Role march Miss Gvcciinwuld wus sec olid ill line. Miss Hrundiiw eighth. M iks Altisliin thirteenth. Miss Me I Lureii fonite« ntli, mid M iss Hoff Hunt eighteenth Comm ittee in charge ef the God dess of Liberty events included Mi s Morgan, i iiairnmn Mrs Fii.v e tla A l l e n . Ml-. A W H o ffm an Miss Mai ion I v i l e and M is s G u s sie Sigler Miss Elaine Caldwell Is ni charge of the conimltt»*e pre - lulling tin- float for the Goddess of l.lbertv in the Fourth of July parade. . ( m u sic Me««4»ge. Echo«-« of ,• ,, , C o n v e n tio n '* C h r is tia n End« <* p m , Intel mediate und y, People Union nervlee at M ( ’ church, tl p in . aeruion by ci,, || III pa *toi S u b je c t. ’ W hat | ■ Ye of the C h r i s t M i i l w e o k , ice. rtiursday. 7 4A p m All , , announceineiitM will be given t / D ay m o rn in g We extend a h, ,tHv‘ welcome to sh angers ami i ( to woiahip with us on the I . Duy It I. Putnam , puatoi -------- Miss Margaret Q u ick , bride-cleet of Bud Selfridge, was complimented w ith a miscellaneous sh o w e r in the sc ¡al room of the M E church Tin.i ay evening Mrs llenry Hoff- A s h le - . Jackson, and man, Mr It.ipttM Church Misst- Tilll Heilm an and Louise M. E. C hurch (Bethany) Miss Q ick C haru C huteli school, 0 43; preuchii ,• On G erm antown road .Sunday u ted w ill» a corsage from was p It and H We give you a i . q ,| school every Sunday, 111 n in . G et re stream ers attached to which welcome to each amt all h c i v i . . man service. 11 a in, first a ig I verses and they finally »us humor third Sundays: English service, II led to a table filled with gifts K taverloit C hurch of Christ a m . second mid fourth Sundays Dainty refreshm ents were served Tlie playlet to he given last •. E Julius Truglln. pastor. tf to about 35 guests. day night was postponed on a< Mrs. A. M. G rant and baby of tin* absence of some of tin* i C hristian Science Church daughter of San Francisco, Cal., 4 is. However, tills will be ., n Services are held e v e r y Sunday who have been visiting Mr and next Sunday night We urge c\ nt 11 a 111 : W e d n e s d a y e v e n in g Mrs J. C Parm lcy left Wednes­ one t«i keep in mind the m u , , ; services nt 8 o'clock; Sunday school day to visit her sister in Aloha. atlcndanci* eumpuign and |»i • \ . at 11 a. ni. Pupils up to the uge D. C. Whiting returned Monday .a auinm er slum p in the I of 20 years are welcomed Free (Continued from page one! go Ai hs.’i who will be «tin i castor Muiv < . k Women's Missionary society, last uni Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooke of a io-mile course, _ __ ______ starting at Cor- will he h«*ld, to transact nece« -ai v •ei vie«*. Wcxtneoday at B p m Wednesday of eueh month ut 2 p Beaverton and Mrs. C ookes father antj going south to the For July II At I p m . m i low«*et at 140 We are m aintaining our Argus Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stull of Cal- $3 and th ird J2. days at 2 p. m. tf ifornia and Burton Sofer of Wash- Improved picnic facilities have ington were guests from Monday to been prepared to accommodate vis- All Saints Church (Episcopal) Wednesday at the Albert Hender- itors who wish to bring th eir Third Sunduy after Trinity; Holy ling home Mrs Stull, Mrs. Hender- lunch and stay at the park all day. Eucharist and sermon at 11, with ling and Mr. Sofer are brother and Free parking space for 5000 auto­ the Rev. U H Gibbs as celebrant sisters. mobiles has also been provided. Bciwccn massive steel tow ers of th e Golil.-n G.-ite bridge, an o th er ».viiifml of p io u r c s s , the Pan P erry L athan is visiting his par- P articu lar attention has been paid A m erican Clipper, heads out over th e Pacific. The route of (lie new transoceanic air service I» T rinity L utheran Church ents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Lathan. to the homecoming feature of the Public worship nt 10:30 a. m ; show n In th e ch art at th e left. Below It a »lew of one of the desolate M ake Islands, which will Robert Smith is visiting his par- event and every possible comfort is Sunday school ut 9:45 At this serv- provide a “ stepping-stone" for th e fly lug sea liners of the future. Ph onp 771 Free Delivery ents. Mr and Mrs Henry Smith, planned for those w ho wish to ! icc the Lord's S upper will be cele­ Both boys are in the Navy. spend the day visiting w ith friends pR O G R E S S is bringing the Ori­ Pacific service. Each has a wing- Diego, Calif., and. after a ahort brated Announcements for Com­ Miss Peggy Corder of Pendleton and neighbors, atop In Honolulu, find themselves m union will be received on Friday ent "next door" to America, spread of 114 feet, ts nearly 70 is making an extended visit at the Registrations for newcomers from on the previously uninhabited Serm on topic. "The Sinner's Friend " Specials for Friday and Saturday, July 5 and 6 feet long and has tour motors home ci Mr and Mrs. Leo Wittock. other states in order to help them This sum mer It will be possible i You are cordially welcomed to E astern Island the next day. Pupils in R ecital meet old friends be han' to step Into an ocean air liner In 1 worship w ith us. which develop 3S00 h. p. to pro­ Here they will aee a modern , died bv t h e local cham ber o f - , . pel 19 gross tons of weight Miss Blanche Finegan presented commerce .Arrangements are also C®lif° rnl» »ad- after about three airp o rt aud midget com m unity aa Whosoever Will through the air at a cruising her Cornelius and Beaverton music being made by the local Serv- day8 of comfortable flying, arrive they step ashore There will lie (Above North Plains) pupils in a combined recital at the ice ciub and the Moose auxiliary remote China. Until now. the speed of 150 miles an hour. huge underground gasoline stor­ Sunduy school, 10 a m., begin­ Noel home in Beaverton Saturday to care for children during the fastest steam ship has required age tanks., a powerhouse, and a ning the new qu arter The word ) Each ran accommodate 33 pas­ DALLES. afternoon. Alice Delmonte, Betty event. An inform ation booth will three weeks for the trip. building housing a powerful ra­ wilt be F aith and Believe, Sermon, sengers. a crew, and a too of Jean Delmonte, Margaret Reucher be m aintained by the Hillsboro a whirlwind of reepnt activity II a m . by pasior to •.trengthen dio transm itter mall and cargo over normal 49-lb. and Virginia Erikson. all of Cor- C a ffe s c lu b . w°>riwina or recent activity the children of the Lord Regulnr Nearby will be the transm itting ranges. nelius, and Dorothy Dodson. Merle Browning’s Amusements are here *ma,,Dg Sack prophetic study and tarry service. station of the radio direction Mullendore. George Gordon Emma agaln w lth , helr rides and other »chlevement. V\ hlle a eteamer Is Another and still larger type of C om pare this flo u r w ith tinder which guides the huge :l p m. Regular evangelistic serv ­ ship the Martin Clipper, with a Susan Clement and Doris Noel, all attractions The Brownings have dropping off men and supplies at flo u r « rilin g at much ships. Other frame buildings will ice, music, testimony m eeting e tc . of Beaverton, took part played Hillsboro F ourth of July t8,aDd8 dotting the trail to the maximum capacity of 53. may be H p m Tuesday sermon. Denomln- higher price. be the airp o rt office, radio receiv­ utmnism ut the R apture’ Friday. Mrs. J. P. Cooper, Mrs. Golda celebrations for many years. ^ ar East, converting them Into drafted Into this nucleus of ing elation, and snug staff quar­ 7:30, young people's meeting Quea. McCoy and daughter Gloria Ann Following county m erchants and re rlts b le "step p in g -sto n es.” the America's future commercial air BANKS ters. and Edwin Geiger visited at the professional men have contributed giant Pan American Clipper has fleet. tion box Is guining a lot of inter- , Full Cream. Pern Patton home at Cherry Grove prizes for the various celebration been tested over the first lap of A sim ilar view will greet the est The topic for this Friday Is Bases are being set up at four Sunday. events: Reedville—Glen Lee. Aloha the route. passengers at Wilkie's (aland "what did Jesus mean when He points: desolate Eastern Island In Philip R iltehaler of California —S terling Garage. Lelia’s Place, Two more stops, at Guam, and at told his disciples that except your Climaxing a series of personnel- the Midway group. Wilkie's Is­ has been a guest of his parents. Aloha Pharm acy, H arry ’s Place. training. experim ental flights with Per pound Tomato Manila In the Philippines, then righteousness shall exceed the right- i land In the W ake group, Guam Mr. and Mrs. W. Rittehaler, and Hill's Feed Store, H. Ashvoard, a recent record sm ashing bop to the nose of the great Clipper will eousness of the Scribes and P har- j and Manila. At each, the steam- Knight's Rogue River. fam ily I Aloha Lum ber Company, J. L. Tur- turn north for the comparatively isees ye shall In no case enter Into ship North Haven la dropping a Mrs Nellie Ray of Willamina ner, H. Richards, J B. Imlay & Hawaii, the Clipper’s crew has |j»rgu cans. abort last lap Into Canton. China, the kingdom of Heaven." Matt 5:20 crew of men. pre-fabricated build­ visited her sister, Mrs. John Rock, Son, Town Pump Confectionery, spent several days flying about where It will connect with the - Melvin E Jam es, pastor ings. food supplies—In fact, near­ and family last week. Aloha Meat M arket, Emerson’s G ar- the territory, collecting data nee- Pan American's SOUOmlle Chinese ly every necessity down to garden Miss Dorothy Brown of Spring age. Aloha Service Station, and essary when regular passenger P ilg r im House system. H ill visited Mrs. Mattie Sm ith David Hagg & Sons. freight service starts this seed and collar buttons. July 4 Independence duy chapel Friday. Hillsboro—Bristol H ardware. C. summer. In July or August, all the And a new chapter In the dra- ' worship at 10 a. m. Pastor Henry Miss Florence Haase of Portland C. Store. Corwin H ardware. Pastim e • • • Pacific bases will be ready for malic saga of transportation aa S. H aller will speak on "My Coun- , is spending her vacation w ith rela- Card Room. Selfridge F urniture 'T 'H E Pan American Clipper, and operation Soon afterw ard, pas- colorful as that written by the try. 'Tis of The»-." July 6: A nniver- j tives at Iowa Hill. Company, Howe’s Clothing Store. 1 | t l (ls te r ship, the Brazilian sengers can step aboard a com glamorous Yankee clippers of the I vary of m artyrdom of John Huss. Mrs. Jessie Henderson is very Anderson Jew elry Store, Oakes’ Clipper, will Inaugurate trans- , 1369 July 7: Reception of radio, modloua plane at Alameda or San last century will unfold ill at her home. Grocery, Service Garage. Used C a r ______________ _ broadcast of Dr Ralph W. Sock- Blue ¿t White. There was no preaching service Exchange, V enetian Theatre. Clem s c n d . W o rk s P e r fe c tio n B a k e rv a « • t - » r te mem ber from the sponsoring group man, |>astor Madison Avenue M E 1 (100-sheet rolls. at the M E church Sunday morn- Place. Palm Drug Store. Royal Laundry. LeitU Auto ParU,: MlSS T . H o ffm a il Red & White church, at 9:30 a. m , followed by gathered at the Shute park audi­ Harms & Brock, Dr. J. O. Robb torium Saturday evening and w ere, | chapel worship "Religion in the 14-os. Lester Ireland & Company. Fix-it introduced by H. A. K uratli. A fte r' I News" questions: "Should Jew s rolls B o ttle Shop, Pow ers’ Grocery, G o a r's m arching around the hall the girls M arry G entiles’ ", “Did the Pacific (C ontinued from pace one) Woman's Shop, Hail's B arber Shop, advance to the center of the floor Slope Congress of Congregational Chief anti Mrs S. W Melhuish; J. C. Penney Company, Sahnow , , _ ... , , . . and drew envelopes from a box. Churches Approve Socialism?”, and Bros.. Blue Eagle Cafe. W. V Wiley, Mrs Fayetta Allen, newly-elected Five of the envelopes contained Tom Shuck B arber Shop. E A L. President of the Business and Pro- slips declaring the holders to be f i Barber S h o p .. Seligm an’s Studio, tessm nal W om ens club, and es- w inners These girls then retired Douglass Radio Service, Pickens' c?r t : H. I.. MacKenzie. president and elected Miss Hoffman as G od­ Blacksm ith Shop. S W Melhuish. ° f th e^cham ber of commerce and dess of Liberty. J W Copeland Yards, bailey 's M ra MacKenzie. E d ito r W. Verne The Goddess was presented with Home Made Ice Cream, Bailey’s McKinney of the Hillsboro Argus an arm bouquet of red rosebuds Service Station, Millie’s B eauty ™d M” ” cK lnn?y P , ^ ‘" or and the attendants w ere presented Salon, W ilm as Place. MacKenzie Hugh McGilvra of Forest Grove with Colonial corsages. Mrs Em­ Motor Company, Wiley s G rocery, News-Times and Mrs McCnlvra. ma McKinney, president of the WE LEAD — OTHERS FOLLOW Hillsboro Pharm acy, Delta D rug u Llne ° f ma,rch w ,n , s,tart ,r ° m Business and Professional Women’s Store. Hillsboro Cash G rocery. Im TOUth entrance of the audi- club, m aking the presentation. FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 perial Cafe. Smith s Grocery. F red ’s to r‘um- , and ™ tranc The successful candidates were Superior M arket. F ir Grove Dairy, 8ect.’° n J > orJ *uests wlU at the scattered through the order o f -lb. Tom Sholes. Ihle’s Shoe Store. P ort- southwest door, Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday — July 5, 6 and 8 land G eneral Electric Company, Preceding the coronation cere- tin N eighborhood news from 30 A r - ' Coslett’s Bar-B-Q. M eltebeke Elec- monies a t th e auditonum the God gus correspondents I n d if f e r e n t M e Shop C .d y Motor C „ o , p . „ . J - V i a ’ S V . ‘" „ U L , S o -lb. sections of Washington county ap­ FOLGER^ Weil's D epartm ent Store, Sprouse- _. . „ , . . pear in the A rgus each w e e k . tin Reitz Company. George Wick. Hills- Pharm acy at 7 o clock, Learn w hat your friends are do­ boro Motor Company, Texaco Sta- Goddess of Liberty,, her attend- ing ’SERVED ON PLANES for less than three cents a tion. Busch’s Super Service Station a° ts and “U ncle Sam will be in week. tf AND TRAINS." and Hillsboro Argus the first section of the patriotic ________________ and floral parade Thursday morn- FRESH GROUND OREGON. FULL CREAM w Li ,n e . In s ta 4 lle ■> d . ing. Ju ly io 4. w ill be a f present at N ew w M a ch th * paJ t;c and e x „ rcises n a. m WHEATIES s. o. s. CHURCHES Host Free Events Set at City Park C U R R Y ’S GROCERY FLOUR Macaroni $1.59 3.b. 17c CHEESE JUICE 17c WHEATIES 2 25c 2 „k,. Toilet Tissue 6 Goddess of Liberty P IG G L Y W l G G LY 1 2 8 pad size. Pkg. pk». "The B reakfast of Champions.” ’’For Pots and Pans." LUX TOILET SOAP I I TV L U A CT A V C C rL A K fc lj 21c "Fragrant-Lux- For all fine launder- ,ng Large p k g ,. 19c 22c New Siberian Cream m achine trie same day. Unsuccessful candi- has been installed at th e C o sle tt, dat^s w ill also be in the parade, on Baseline street. The r iding in autom obiles furnished by new equipm ent m akes the ice the Hillsboro Motor company. Cady cream as ordered for customers. Motor company, and MacKenzie ------------------------- Motor company. They w ill also Subscribe now to the Argus. In he guests of the local firem en at Washington county $1.50 a year »he Goddess of L iberty ball. Six months 85c. T hree m onths 50 T w enty-four ovzi rants for t h e cents Two m onths 35 cents. tf I title of Goddess of Liberty and a l Bar-B-Q WILEY’S GROCERY Corner 3rd iÿ' Main and Streets Phone 1001 FREE DELIVERY Fri. and Sat. Specials "Washes Clothes Clean.” VALUES C. H. B. Assorted PICKLES. «Vg-oz. jar .......... 10c DURKEE’S SALAD AID. Pint jar ..................... 25c HEINZ VINEGAR ‘ White or Cider.” Pint 10c GRAPENUT FLAKES. Pkg................................... 10c that should not be overlooked. FLOUR — Drifted Snow. Home perfected. Only a limited quantity .85 CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP. 5 bars ..................... 17c Every Day is SPECIAL DAY at Perfection. Something new every day “Made of Wheat and Barley." 49 lbs..................... IOC 2 ...... 45c RYE BREAD i X S BUTTER CAKE S “Double Acting." MILK CHOCOLATE Homestead. l£k. 19c AMERICAN Sodas and Grahams 2a„...25c W H IT E KING GRANULATED. A Medium........ 20c PLUS HEALTH SOAP. 4 bars ........................17c SUGAR "rine granulaled io .bs. 49c TREE TEA £Xn 26C" T O E PFKW E 32c Specials fo r F ri., Sat. and Mon. Hillsboro, Ore. ' “ ' ..... ’ With chocolate icing. CALUMET BAKING POWDER. Lb.................. 25c DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE, No. 2 tins. 2 for 23c WALDORF TISSUE. 3 rolls ................................. l i e VAN CAMP’S CHILI CON CARNE. No. Is......10c 15c 2 ,B. CHEESE 25c Pork, Beans 2 ,b. I ARMOUR'S STAR QUALITY Full 1-lb. 1 -^ Can ................ t)C 25c viennaSausage I'OR HOT WEATHER LUNCHES 3 ... 20c Here Are “Kills Germs and Safeguards Health.” 3 ~ 25c Peanut Butter GARRY DOG FOOD. 2 cans .............................. 15c CLOROX. Quart bottle ........................................ 15c JAR RINGS CERTO a-ki:J" ’ ' CATSUP F a ir w a y M a r k e t 29c 56c 19c 21c 10c 23c 10-lb. sack ....... 25c / rNAAZ~XlZ'Tr7Q Large, assorted, and 5 varieties. 2 dozen .. 25c COCONUT BARS 10c ANGEL FOOD CAKE 39c Thirteen-egg, made with Swansdown flour. FRUIT PIES i X 8“ ,r “ h j Call for that new loaf—Raisin Bread with Sultana Raisins at your grocer. THE Perfection Bakery Phone «51 COE and CONGDON, Prop Sperry Pancake We Deliver WHEATIES— 2 pkgs............... $ £ .5 5 55c 23c 29c 15c CAKE FLOUR Softasilk PRUNES. Local grown. 4 lbs. SOAP. Palmolive or Big Boy. 14c SOUP— Phillips brand. Each .... 5c PORK & BEANS Large can .............. 9c 3 bars 4 BEETS ¿SSti,............... RPANJC LOCAL grow n . Young, tender, stringless. JL Ask about the FREE prizes. Mi Choice— 49 lbs. Produce Prices for Friday and Saturday Only YELLOW ONIONS S K U CANTALOUPES Large bunches 3 is . 4 ibs. 2 for 5c 10c 10c 15c Mason Jars GUM COMPLETE WITH LIDS Pint Quart ASSORTED FLAVORS 65c 73c 2 packages __ 5c ............ Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce. FLOUR Mayonnaise BONNEVILLE BRAND Finest Hardwhcat or RELISH SPREAD Always Fresh 49f. $1.53 Pint 15c II