Faite Four Scholls Folk in Program H IL L S B O R O them break anyway. It Must Be Funny ARGUS. their necks in time H IL L S B O R O , OREGON T hursday, July 1. 1935 As Blast Sent Ship to Bottom Imlays Work on Warehouse . . . SICK HEADACHE? If the growing desire for speed A tired, worn-out, run down keeps up we can readily see how fast traffic will move in the year feeling and xlek headaehe may of 2500. Anyone traveling under s ix ty ten be euuxed by your «yxtem be- miles an hour will be arresteil for coming dogged with |K>1aolin l.et Birthday Celebrated; Olger delaying the other fellow That Is B u ild in g N e w F o u n d a tio n ; Wit.I.IAMS S 1. K FORMULA if there are any inhabitants left Penne Injured Friday help clcunae your «yitem, wake up on the globe. M nc E llio tt H u rt xlugglHli liver, flunli kidney«, «ml • • • Ila Celebrate "Happy Days" in church Sunday morning. , Mrs F E. Rowel is at the Port- came th e gangway he gavc M arine hospital in Manila. It s best 707 N E. Union Ave "Action of the highway com m is-! At a meeting of the L utheran Six months 85c. Three months 50 Hillsboro July 2, 3 and 4 tf Portland land Sanitarium following a m ajor the w atch officers and myself a t0 g0 throuRh those places with sion comes at a tim e most oppor- Cadies' Aid at the home of Mrs cents. Two months 35 cents. Oregon operation. salute, w hich we both returned. I anotber fellow. tune, for motorists now arc de- Henry Helmold last Thursday aft- M. N. Bonham Moves went ior a w ajk in the b e a u tifu l! "Will arriv e in Singapore Friday manding to know w hat is behind ernoon. Mrs. A lbert K rahm er and M N Bonham moved to Hills- p ar|{ near the dock. The grass is night, and w ill have three nights i the scenery. Unlike, the tourist of Mrs- Emil Brandaw w ere elected b o r° Monday. H e w ill live at the ajways green, although it isn't w ithin 75 miles of the Equator. It's a few years ago, the trav eler now a comm ittee in charge of the meals Mrs. Florence Twigg home. sprinkled. The vegetation is much plenty hot here, but not too hot. wishes to pass leisurely through to be served at the Mission Fes- Berry picking is in full swing b ke Honolulu. A fter dinner Van Night before last we could see the new territory, inquiring and learn- l*val. this week. 3nd I took a trip over through the heat lightning breaking over the ing.” ; Mrs John Stark, who suffered Erw in Heaton and Earl Dem- wajied city. It is now th e native Borneo group about 75 miles away. Among the places w hich may be considerable pain in her foot as nun w ent to Depoe Bay Sunday section. b u t was originally the city It was sure pretty. This is a won- designated for erection of signs are 1-------------------------------------------------- for several days visit w ith relatives of Maniia. K has a high wall derful experience, but we sure Memaloose island and mile post and friends. around it w ith a draw bridge op- have to be careful of w hat we eat 77, the Indian burial place; Mill Mr. and Mrs. S. A. G otter and erated over the moat th at is in and do when on shore.” B IA U T IF U L N E W 1 9 3 3 creek, ju st west of The Dalles, site — Recent le t « by a leading U n iv e rs ity »how that X 5PFO R E you start on your holiday trip , Arlene, Sammy and Stanford left ..... , ------ - of an old Indian village called I ireMone I Luí» S^eed N«»n-Sk t I I ire» »(op a car 14**© T hursday for Scranton, Iowa, to ■*“* let us completely inspect your car. There K E L V IN A T O R Quenett; a stone structure in The qu icker (ban any o d ier of (he trad ing make». visit Mr. Gotter's m other. Mrs. Fred hands of the lay person In short. T 'i ,|1 VT.» A t i o t h p r is no charge for this service and it w ill Dalles built by the United States Gotter. They will also visit Chicago, this chemical is being checked by A CU D i e z - k i i t j u i c i For eight conaecuftve yrar» I lrc«tone T ire * have va governm ent in 1865. known as "The assure you of a safer and more enjoyable trip. Indianapolis, and cities in Iowa research laboratories, and the his- hern on (he w in n in g car in (h r dangerou» f*ike’t d 1 . , M int” and now occupied by a Only They w ill be gone a month. tory of its progress so far as weight We often hear th e rem ark that flouring mill; the painted rocks Peak Race w here a »kid mean» death. For the convenience and safety o f car Mr. and Mrs Lloyd M urray w ent reduction is concerned is far from owners Firestone has established more than to Woods Friday to visit h er sis- one th at would justify its mdis- the m odern cars travel too fast near mile post 93. Indian pictures " A re they blowoMl-proo/?0 500 Auto Supply and Service Stores through­ te r and family several days. i crim inate use. The danger from the and no one can deny th at sp e e d ' on the basaltic rocks facing the Firestone (iu m « P ip p e d Tire« have (lie mo»t Veona Russell, who has been em- adm inistration of di - nitrophenol is the cause of most auto accidents, j Columbia river. out the country, and thousands of Firestone amazing record« for i« e in g hl<»won(-pr*H»i of any i.rr« ¿o n sid Z r^ 'b y th e 'h iih w ™ comi ployed at the cannery in Banks, ' and related compounds is so great but the funny p art about the whole Dealers are also equipped with complete ever b u ilt. In the gruelling SyX)-Mile Race at Indian« retu rn ed to her home Thursday. . *Ee Federal Food and Drug A u t o S u p p lie s a n d c o m p le t e S e r v ic e apt»li«s Stay )0 (h , every o n e o f (he I I car» wa» Miss Eva Carlson spent Sunday 1 aum im stration has w arned th ep u b - thing is that the young m an of I mission as a test of their desirabil- euuipped w ith I irr«t«*ne L¡urn*Dipped Tires . N o t one Departments, to test and service your tires, at the parental home llc ag311“ * th eir use. To conclude; careful disposition starts off at a j ity. If the commission finds the of (he ) ) d rive r* had (ire (rouble of any k in d . Penne Injured Di-nitrophenol is no plaything. It slow pace and pauses now and then i reaction favorable, it w ill con­ brakes, batteries, spark plugs, in addition A h Jenkin« drove hi« 9,000 pound car on Flretfone Olger Penne received serious In- Ean and has, klIled, Persons who so as not to ru n into anything, sider establishing them at historical to power lubrication and crank case service. Gum- D ipp ed T ir e * over (h r hot «alt bed» of U ta h , ju ries when gored by a bull Friday. h.a v Hn.w lsely employed it as a but the first thing he knows an spots in other parts of the state, it was pointed o u t 3,000 mile», averaging 127.2 mites per h o ur, w ith McClures Return slenderizing agent. Consequently its ice wagon runs into him. A V O ID TH E D A N G E R "Oregon h a s a n exceedingly temperature» a» high a» 120°, w ithou t tire (rou ble of • • • R. N. McClure and fam ily re- “se for reducing purposes demands rom antic background." continued any k in d . tu rn ed Saturday from a tour to the most car®f'i1 typ?, ot So you are in for it if you go OF BLOW OUTS the middle west and Yellowstone ^?d a P>;obabildy too fast you get it in the neck Dr. McDaniel, "and the m otor as­ “ W it h o u t s a c r i f i c i n g th e s e tw o it will not be prescribed by the and if you go too slow you are sociation has alw ays favored pre­ National park. Firestone removes the danger of blowouts senting the facts to both visitors physician in view of the reports bound to get hit, too. im portunt safety features w ill they give by preventing th e ir main cause— in tern al and Oregon residents by means of B r n r r t v r a < r o w thus ia r published on the results me longer milenge, thus milking them (he * • « friction and heat. This is accomplished by (B y Oregon State Board of H ealth) A v n i d ^ l i P U r **?SeS- _ . signboards. O ther states have cap­ most econom ical tires I can buy.” * Those m ilitarists who are a l­ italized on th eir history, but until Gum -Dipping. While the general craze for re- dnJj‘^a • rem edies Don t Above is illustrate .1 one of the — Firestone H ig h Speed Tire« no« o n l/ give you ducing seems to have waned it is them. If you need to re- ways talking w ar would do well now the possibilities here have to study the traffic tolls and they been sadly overlooked." m«»re th an 90' < longer wear, but al»o lowest cos« per still much in evidence among many duce, certain dietary restrictions THERE ARE THREE QUESTIONS AND many low priced Kclvwator would be surprised how the auto The highway commission's action m ile. In fact, u n rq ualed mileage record» of thousand» individuals. If you are overw eight may sufficient. Reducing below model*. It is fuU-sued, fuli- ANSWERS THAT WILL SOLVE YOUR helps to regulate the so-called ov­ was in line w ith steps taken by o f car owner» add undisputed evidence o f the longer or for any reason find it desirable ? ou£ n °rm al weight is never a er-population. powered, and it has many of Years ago w ars took wear an d greater econom y o f Firestone H ig h Speed PROBLEM OF WHAT TIRES TO BUYi to get rid of a few excess pounds healthy procedure. Find your nor- care of that part, but now m a­ forest officials and the Bend Cham­ the features of the larger, higher Tires . don’t prescribe for yourself Above P?a w eight and live w ithin it. If chinery has taken over the job ber of Commerce in erecting his­ priced Kehrinstors. u\V ill the tread give me the greatest all don’t take an ti-fat drugs no '" e re a r e abnorm al conditions and last year the auto alone took torical m arkers in the Deschutes E q u ip your car w ith a »ef of Firestone G u m -D ip p e d national forest. m atter how extensively they may causi/ 18 y ° u to take On excessive t r a c t i o n a n d p r o t e c t i o n a g a in s t N o n '«kid Tire« , the »afe»t tire» ever b u ilt and avoid in th e U. S. A. be exploited. The fanatical desire '*elght, you should consult your over 33.000 lives skidding.”* th e dangers o f »kidding and blowout». • • • on the part of adults to attain doctor to determ ine the cause and In China starvation does t h e sylph-like figures of youth has led Prescriue proper treatm ent, w ork and thus after all th ere isn't m any into beds of illness and some SPECIAL OFFER W IT H E V E R Y so much over-population as we Deputies Get Uniforms directly and indirectly into p re­ Deputy sheriffs of W ashington " P P 0* and sti11 *°lks _,say ‘here FOR A FEW DAYS m ature graves. As a m atter of fact F IR E S T O N E • snappy * new are too many people „ and .. any , one If increase in registration of mo­ th e m ajority of persons harboring county appeared - in . ONLY tor vehicles is indicative of im ­ a slenderization complex are little uniforms this week. The outfits Z ™ ?2 rt l « aL°Und 7 \ PoriJa? d OLDFIELD TIRE overweight. This frequently results, consist of forest green trousers and { , pt. m; proved business conditions, the Oregon economic situation is bet­ no m atter w hat reduction method blouse, brow n shirts w ith black 1 Ca^ e f i f t^ 'le v e n folks U used in an under par condition, trimmings and black leather gun m any trying to m ake new recoid? ter than in 1934. according to re ­ F riendly advice is often risky. This belts. for home 8 * m ake new records ports compiled by Earl Snell, sec­ retary of state, this week. fact was never m ore emphasized ------------------------- • • • D uring the first three months of th an in the present use of d initro­ • ®tai? News L etter—Giv- And all there is left for most of j the year, 12.244 more motor vehicles, phenol as a reduction agent. i. i -i ‘he highlights of official ac- us birds from th e sticks is to scamp including passenger cars, trucks 136 8. 3rd Ave. Phone 21X W hile it is definitely known th at *'vlly Salem.—Every week in out of the way and let the speed and busses, w ere licensed than the ,,eo use of r, this ,= drug increases ac-1 the Argus, demons go by. As a rule most o f ' during the same period in 1934 tiv ity of certain body cells, a n d ' w hile its use is sometimes in d i­ cated in the treatm ent of condi­ tions w here it is desired to increase th e metabolism ra te in the body, nevertheless the toxic danger and lim itation m ust definitely make this drug anything but safe in the hands of am ateurs. In fact, from a professional standpoint, it is yet to be conclusively dem onstrated th a t its use in treatin g obesity is as safe and satisfactory as other m ethods in common use. The r e ­ p o rt of the death of a physician from an overdose of the drug w hich was being used for w eight H ills b o ro ’s H e a d q u a rte rs fo r G e n ts ’ F u rn is h in g s reduction is most significant and TYPE should be taken as a w arning of th e danger involved. It w ill be natural, as a result M a d e w ith th e h ig h e st of th e enthusiasm for the a th le tic : grade o f rtth h e r an d c o tto n . figure, for proprietary patent m edi­ A c c u ra te ly b a lan ced an d cines containing this drug to be W herrie’s Made to M easure Suits rig id ly In spected an d we placed on the m arket. Such prod­ ucts, if providing sufficient d i­ kn o w it is uft p e rfect «a H ardem an H ats nitrophenol actually t o reduce h u m a n in g e n u ity c a n w eight, would be hazardous in the Arrow Shirts and U nderw ear i DEEP CUT PRICES 53c 33c 53c 53c 59c 19c 19c 93c Neil Richardson Writes About His Experiences on Around-world Tour Story Behind the Scenery Stressed 50c 19c 19c 13c 25c Blooming DELTA DRUG STORE r LET US VACATION MAKE YOUR Tz TRIP SAFER $12450 3 1 Auto License Gain is Business Gauge Selfridge Furniture Co. I!«? Men’s Shop OpeninS mulcc i t . MONEY-MAKING PULLETS D on ’t Just Happen It req u ires high grade m a­ terials properly blended to build one of those egg m a­ chines. T h a t’s why Hodgen- B rew ater F eeds alw ays get results. Farmers’ Cash Store Feed * Seed - Wool and Poultry Telephone 3061 apt. boro July 2, 3, and 4 July 6 207 Ea»» New Line of Shoes Hirsch-W eis W ork Clothes M a in St- 4 .10.21 4.7.1-19 1 .0 0 -1 9 5 .2 1 - IH 1 .1 0 -1 7 6 .0 0 -1 6 \. oRtooN • 7 .M ■ .4 0 to o IO .O f 1 1 .0 0 ll.lf 4.71 -1 9 1 .0 0 - 1 9 Ml) 2 1 -IH M fj 1 .1 0 - 1 7 MU 6 .0 0 - 1 7 MU 6 .1 0 - 19 MU 1 0 .1 0 1 1 .4 . U .4 t 1 1 .1 0 1 4 .7 . Í7 .1 1 OfMr L m PiOQOflior»t»(|f L»w SPARK PLUGS BRAKE LINING A« Each In S. 4k 58 A t Lo Low A i ’3 30 K k I i . «testone HILLSBORO’ Lyman J. Howe : James M. Wells f.iilrn to t h t i^ o n r oj I ircU o»t-Jc,tn ri,ig M argar,! Sp,aks, io¡>r.,no-ti try Mon,/ay Coslett’s Super Service Station First and Baseline Phone 1263