Page Two H IL L S B O R O Chehalein Mt. Mills Moved J a k e D avis B a d ly In ju r e d in A c c id e n t; P lace T ra d e d be camped at the F E Hoffman berry farm after the Fourth of July. Jake Davis Injured Jak e Davis, 78. is recovering from what came near being a very ser­ ious accident. A pitch fork slipped out of the hands of a grandson and struck Davis on the head and face. One tine w ent half way through his nose. Mr and Mrs. Jam es Mosy of Ukiah and Miss Ann O rnduff of Portland w ere guests of Mr and Mrs. Peter O rnduff from Thursday till Saturday morning, when the Rufus O rnduff family accompanied them to Portland. Mrs. Tom Shuck retu rn ed to Hillsboro Friday after spending four days at the Finigan farm help­ ing a sister. Miss Wanda Finigan. cook for hav harvest hands __ __ ________ _______ . T T 1 J f A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Winner in Contest Cantata Next Sunday Laurel New Station Nearly Ready Thursday, July 1, 15135 h e r g randson V ernon G a rrs tt, w ho Past C hiefs M is M ary B each is visitin g her j d a u g h te r. Mrs 11 N Robinson, in Forest Grove Plan Picnic laiwrenee Rose. Elm o and Alll- is spending a w eek here. son G ibbs left S unday for E astern w ork m the h a iv i i fields nnd G a rd e n Parly Mr and Mrs It E i'arso n s of P o rtlan d visited frien d s and rein (By Mr» llttuh Btir«l«(tei fives h e re Sunday ORENCO T h e D avis g arag e and Mrs A dam Bella and ch ild ren service station of Orenco is nearing and A ry d e n e Rogers a lle n d .d 111. completion under supervision of B ethany band concert S unday e v e ­ Law rence Rose ning Mrs Lucille lluieker ef Kalispell. Billy C u rin g lo n of M anning spent M ont. returned Io her home Tues- (he w eek-end w ith A lex Bella Miss R u tsch m an W e d s ; 26 E m p lo y e d a t W h ittle s O re n c o P eop le H o ld S h o w e r l , | «»:on to (By Mr«. Bird McCormick) (By Mm. F I. Brow.O CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—T w o LAUREL A cantata. ‘ Ruth, the of the Emerson portable sawmills C»lean*'r’ w ill be *Jlvcn at the have been moved from the Pleas­ church here Sunday evening at 8 o’clock by the people of Moun*1 ant View district to Rocky Point, about 12 miles northeast of Hills­ tain Home. There are tw elve voices in th e chorus. O ther musical n u m ­ boro. The other th ree will be mov­ bers will be on the program. The ed soon. Sawing will be finished day after having spent the (gist here this week ca**ta,a is reported to be \ ery good I m onth Willi her sister Mrs M I. The Phin Jones family of New­ “nd. c' « -'o n e is cordially invited | Goble, and Mr Goble. to hear it. berg. the J P Jones fam ily and H A. Mitchell was In Salem C harlie Schm idt of the CCC camp (By Mr» John M ha vltlmm) the Wayne Jones family attended a Tuesday Mr and Mrs B. A M itch- at Saddle Mountain spent from pot 1 k d in n er at the Rav Ego j C W IC C S Ill'Ill lOF At th e band p ra ctic e W ednesday jcll look th eir nieces Betty and home Sunday. Saturday until Tuesday at the p a r­ night. Jo sep h W enzel notified the Maxine Wilcox, to their home in members th a t th ey w ere to play ental home. Straw berry picking is still in I I Vancouver. W ash. Fridav They at tile c eleb ra tio n ill Balm G rove progress at the Merl McDougal Mrs. Francis Coolidge and baby spent the past tw o weeks at the p a rk J u ly 4 farm and will probably last next Mrs Samuel l.ogan. 68. resident son of P ortland visited her par- B A Mitchell home. week. The rain was a great help of Hillsboro for 14 years died at oft» Saturday and Sunday Mr A lh erla S p itze r of Kelso, Wash . »Above is Miss Hazel Marion Stook About 35 of the Portland fire ­ is a visitor at flic D avid T sehubold to the late berries here 2 30 a m. Ju n e 27 after a year's Coolidge was on a fishing trip of Forest Grove, whose essay. men and their families and friends hom e illness Funeral services were held Leon Davis and fam ily spent Sun- Place Traded •Meat The Favorite Food ofEv* came with wel! filled baskets and Tin* Helvetia Sw itzer Verein will Mrs Jerom e Buzan has traded Saturday afternoon with Rev. Fen- day at Jantzen Beach. ery Nation.' won first place in surprised W 11 Ring on his 5-tili give Roscoe of the U nited Brethren 1’ L. and Lee Brown made a a dunce at the Helvetia hull her quarter section in Wasco coun­ ton the state of Oregon in the tw elfth birthday Saturday evening in Portland officiating. Interm ent business trip to G resham Saturday July 4 evening. ty for a house and several lots at was in Fir Lawn cemetery. Fol- annual meat story contest spoil- Mrs Claude C. Craig mid ehil- Sunday dinner party guests at Joe Hershey of I lacuna left the Seventh and M eridian streets. New­ sored by the National Live Stock dren Shirley and Albert are spnid- hospital at SI Helens Tuesday of berg They will move after the lowing members ef the Hillsboro fhe Fred Schmidt home w ere Mr and Meat board. A total of 12,- mg a week with their uncle and Inst week He was having tre a t­ Grange of which she was a mem- a,'d Mrs. Howard Rice and Miss Fourth of July when the Faber 269 home economies students from aunt. Mr. and Mrs. W F Hunter ments for blood poison in his right ber served as pallbearers: W M M arie Schmidt of Hillsboro and fam ily vacates 682 high school* of -48 states par- Mrs Craig and children are from hand Mr. Hershey was u caller at Smith D B B urkhalter. H I. Pat- Dan Chambers. Jim Herd and Frank Hanson of tic ip ated in tins c o n te s t Winnepeg. Canada. They plan on the C E Korn home T hursday und Scholls helped Carl Hanson last ten. Wilson Taylor. R. H orneeker _ Ervin Baker of Portland was a spending the sum mer in Los An­ is getting along all right, but has Saturday night and Sunday guest week with the frame w ork of and Charles Churchill. geles, Uni Hattie May Hutchinson was born at the F. L Brow n home. to go to the doctor for treatm ents Glenn Miller's new barn. Herd is Mrs. Ellen Luster of P ortland N ovem ber 9, 1866, at Waukeegan. Miss Kutehman Weds Mr and Mrs W nltrc Hubei of helping this week. and Mr and Mrs Ray Tavlor of Elma, Wash., w ere visiting at the Lake county. Illinois. At the age Mr and Adolf Rutschm an , Whitmores Entertain Hillsboro visited at the W H Ring of nine years she moved w ith her Mr and M„ Ade Rutschm a„ and Simon Hershey home last w eek Mr and Mrs. Mervin Whitmore parents to a farm near Hebron. , wo sons and Hek,n , T , KANSAS CITY Mr. and Mrs. home this week. Mrs. Huber is a sister of Simon, entertained a group of friends Thayer county. Nebraska. She was man attended the wedding of th eir Mr. and Mrs II E Scheldt and ..... | John and David Hershey Hopson entertained at dinner daught Thursday evening in honor of Mr Lorenc attended the young Wesley B atchelder Is recovering arried to Samuel Logan on Feb- daughter and sister. H annah Rutsch- Tuesday Mr and Mrs E. B. Webb, |>eoplc' and Mrs. Jam es Mosy of Ukiah m council at Phillips Sun- from an attack of pneumoniu His ruary 5. 1890, In mg at Hebron man and Carl B retthauer in Hills- the occasion being their son Jack's day. Present w ere Mr. and Mrs. Otto until about 15 years ago when the boro S aturdav evenlng. A1 Ewlng birthday. Mrs Webb presented him grandfather. Judge Goodin. Is in M rs w C Kane and Mrs n tt , O rnduff and son Robert. Mr and family moved to a farm east of was .,,/» p in t 5c — Q u a r t 15c — G a llo n 55c C A LL IRX1 And have it bottle delis ered to your home or cull at I IR GROVE DAIRY HAPPY DAYS Bend CELEBRATE THE Fourth of July SUFFERERS AT HILLSBORO Free Baseball 2 p. m., July 3 Hayward 1:30 p. m., July 4 D eposit I nsurance A N N O U N C E M E N T --- We Announce a Dividend at the Rate of 3% Payable Jane 30th 1935 Checks will be mailed Ju n e 30th to all paid up C ertificate holders and earnings w ill be added to all other accounts. All money invested here before Ju ly 10th will be cred­ ited as of Ju ly 1st in accordance with our usual annual offer U nder State Supervision w ith legal guarantee Reserve Fund No b etter investm ent available. taken every possible precaution to safeguard the funds of its deposi­ tors. In keeping with this traditionally con­ servative policy, depos­ its made here are now insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor­ poration. The insurance thus pro­ vided applies to all de­ posits, including per­ sonal and corporate de­ posits, deposits of pub­ Fireworks 9:15 p. m., July 4 MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF 150 INDIVIDUAL PIECES AT SOUTH FIELD SHUTE PARK. Bring the Whole Family IMPROVED PICNIC ACCOMMODATIONS FREE PARKING SPACE FOR 5000 CARS ment. At the present time, the maximum amount in­ sured for each depos­ itor is $5,000. This does not mean that a depos­ itor with an account of, say $500, is guaranteed $5,000, but it d o e s mean that his $500 is fully insured. Deposit insurance is for your protection. It is a per­ manent part of the Na­ tion’s law. July 4 Program Patriotic, Floral Parade ..................... 9:15 Patriotic Exercise» ............................... 11:00 Boy»’ and Girl»' Race» ....................... 2:00 Ladies’ Nail Driving Contest ............ 2:00 Old-Time Fiddlers* Contest ................ 3:00 Airplane Stunts Over Park a. a. p. p. p. m. m. m. m. m. Other Features Boys' Bicycle Race, 1 p. m., July 3 Goddess of Liberty Dance, 9 p. m., July 3 Band Concerts, All-Day, July 4 Free Aerial Acrobat Act Daily 1:30 p. m. and 7:45 p. m. Carnival Attractions — Shows All-Day CASH A N D MERCHANDISE PRIZES IN ALL CONTESTS DANCING AFTERNOON - EVENING ON JULY 4th Commercial National Bank '"The largest Independent Bank In Washington County*' Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n 1. M. PERSON, Manager Havings A Loan Bldg. Hillsboro, Oregon Illllsber« Celebrate "Happy Days" In Rilta- boro July 2, 2, and 4 Make Hillsboro Your Holiday Headquarters Meet Your Friends and Neighbors at "Happy Days” AUSPICES HILLSBORO FIREMEN’S ASSN., Inc.