H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. Tburaday, J uho 27, 1935 H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N pj Page Eight C One of These Girls W ill be Selected Goddess of Liberty at Shute Park Saturday <» Selection of the Goddess of Liberty and her four a t ­ Row N nvdoane P a tti i son. D orothy Bov. Itiilh Ruynarn. tendants will be m ade at the Goddess of Liberty selec­ B e tty A ltishln, C ry sta l N aught, F ran ces Fields. M inerva Dean, R uth Filley, Evelyn A lexan­ tion dance at Shute park Saturday night. The march of F u ller, D o n s H eaton. T h ird How H elen Wick, M abel der, and Jean Lewis, all members candidates and their escorts w ill be at 9 p m. First Row Nelson. M argaret G reenaw uld. A uthclva C o x . G le n e v a of the 1935 graduating class of the —Left to Right—Dorothy Cox, Gladys Sollers, M argaret B randaw , R oberta Robinson, Rose R a m b e rg er and G loria Beaverton high school, w ere guests P ic tu re - courtesy of Batchelder. G ertrude McLaren, Tillie Hoffman, Evelyn C oulter. Miss D onna K ew n er of F orest G rove did not of Mrs. R. F erry of Multnomah S e lig m a n Studio Schulm erich, Helen Rutschm an, Anne Jepson. Second huve h e r p ic tu re in tim e to be included in th e group Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ferry was the prim ary teacher of these girls School Director Selected; Dr. Mason Director Attend Fam ily Itrunion— Meyers at Laurel. The bride, a t­ te rta ln e d for them M onday e v e ­ Beaverton Teacher Married; Dr. C E. Mason was elected to Otto Stowell Injured tired in a lovely blue organdy Mr. and M rs J K W ebber ami ning G uest- . 'i r e Messrs i n . I Mes- succeed himself as director at the Fathers Honor Guests frock, cut a double tier wedding d a u g h te r F lu rin c u n d C a ro lin e d am es E J Mi Alenr. P. A A n d e r­ annual school meeting here Ju n e cake decorated w ith silver orna­ F u ller a tte n d ed a picnic and fa m ­ son. G eorge S elfrid g e and C O. (B y Mr*. Je»i« Meyer«) 17. Dr. Mason has served the dis­ ments. ily reu n io n of th e W etiber fam ily V anderveer CORNELIUS—St. A l e x a n d e r CORNELIUS At a very lovely BEAVERTON—About 85 w ere in trict as director for 15 years. Mrs BUXT O N— Oscar Cearly w a s attendance at Beaverton Grange Althea Haulenbeck was re-elected elected director to serve for three church was the scene of a beautiful | The bride presented her atten d ­ and im pressive wedding ceremony at H ager's p a rk neai S alem Suu Mariners Entertain—- ringbearer and organist with with a background formed by bas- day S aturday evening. Aloha Grange, clerk. The building of a new grade years at the annual school meeting and im pressive wedding Monday I g ant, ifts . Mr and Mrs C F M a rin er en S kets and wall vases of ferns, roses Entertains for Gnrsta— the guest entertainers, presented a school was discussed. Ju n e 17 and Mrs. Edith Riggle was morning w hen Miss M ildred Mey-1 te rta ln e d S a tu rd ay ev en in g w ith a ers became the bride of Leo Sus- j Recently the bride was given a and peonies and soft light of tapers play entitled “A Man W anted,” sev­ re-elected clerk. Mr and Mrs It It K inton and d in n er p a rty anil ”900' G uests bauer. Only im m ediate members I show er by the Kat K lub in P o rt­ Miss Gladys C laire Brown and Rev eral musial numbers, drill and reci­ O perate Two Shifts anil Me-.iinies Roy of the fam ily and friends witnessed land. The Young People's club pre­ Harvey R Scheuerm an were m ar­ son D onald of M artinsville. Ind . a i i i Mi • ■ i tations. The Aloha G range p re­ The Elwood m ill is running two the ceremony. sented them with a picture. "Agony ried by Rev. A. R. Schmale of arc visiting Mrs W inifred Sel- H eart, N A P e ters and H arold sented the Beaverton G range with shifts a day beginning last week. M acK lnser. ail of P o rtlan d . Mrs. Portland last Tuesday evening nt frnl e. T hey a rriv e d J u n e 19. Mi Rev. F ather H. E. Boesch was ‘ in the G arden," by Hoffman. the traveling gavel. W illiam Riggle of Birkenfeld was K inton is a n iece of th e late Mrs H eart und Mr. P e ters tnudo high Innum erable wedding gifts were j 8 o’clock at the home of the bride's J. celebrant, assisted by Harley F lah­ Teacher Weds here last week enroute for the W. G oodin. Mrs. Selfridge en- scores at curds. /C o n tin u e d fro m pag e one) erty Jr. and A lbert Vuylsteke. received by the couple from their parents. Mr. and Mrs. George The m arriage of Miss Faith Burk Dorothy Cox. Hillsboro Ameri- hot springs near Eugene to be tre a t­ Brown, of Gervais. to Felix F. Fors was solemnized The bride, a lovely blonde, was [ many relatives and friends. ed for rheum atism . Lohengrin wedding march and a t high noon June 11 at the High- Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r McCormick gowned in a floor length white I Frances Fields. Hillsboro Wom­ ’’At Dawning” were played and land Congregational church. Rev. an's of P ortland visited at the Jesse silk wedding dress w orn tw e n ty -1 Have Interesting Vacation— Relief Corps. G. A. Pollard read the service. seven years ago by her aunt, Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornelius. sung by a niece of the groom as Mabel Nelson, Kansas City F arm ­ Meyers home Ju n e 16. The bride has been a teacher in ers' Mr. and Mrs. Robert H illicker Leo Oakes. H er w hite tulle c a p ; Miss H ettie Jack and Cal Jack the bride and bridegroom met and Union. that has been spent honestly anti the Beaverton high school for sev- shaped, shoulder length veil was returned late S aturday night from I w ent to the altar, w here wedding G leneva Brandaw . Hillsboro Vet- spent the week-end in Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r K irk and caught at the back by o ra n g e 1 a w eek's vacation at Wallowa lake , vows w ere made. earnestly certainly has earned some •e r,aih i’n T « (, 'i ? enfgr^ r We«,°n T ± erans' Foreign Wars auxiliary I The bride was sw eet and charm- teaching staff of the West Linn fam ily of T reharne and Cecil Lane blossoms. She wore w hite mits and other Eastern Oregon points. Gladys Sollers, Aloha Grange. recognition; some record to keep high school. Mr. and Mrs. Fors will and kid pumps, pearl necklace and j At LaG randc they visited the Sieg- ' ing in a high lace dress tip-toe M inerva Fuller. Hillsboro Daugh- of Mist w ere here Sunday. its memory alive. z\ properly plan­ spend the sum m er at the beach and ters of Union v eteran s Mrs. John Bellish was in P o rt­ earrings, and carried a w h i t e rist brothers, at B aker they vis­ ' length over angel skin peach silk ned Granite Memorial is the only m ake them home in P ortland after Dorothy B Cedar F arm . land taking treatm ent for h er eyes prayer book w ith satin stream ers, | ited Mr. and Mrs K enneth Robb, i w ith pow der blue cash. The bou­ S eptem ber ers> Union which was the groom's first com-1 all form erly of Hillsboro, and en quet was of B ride's roses, satin last week. lasting guardian against loss and stream ers being entw ined with m union p rayer book. Also a lace Mrs. Theresa Stowell and daughter route home by way of Prineville _ .V Fathers Guests N aydeane Patterson. H ills b o ro forgetfulness. Fathers w ere honor guests at p y ..,..,, sisters of P ortland visited Mrs. O. H. handkerchief, a gift from t h e they visited their cousins. Mr. and i orange blossoms. Her only attendant. Mrs. Mattle groom's niece, B arbara A nn F lah ­ Mrs. R obert Purvis Mr. P urvis is Beaverton lodge No. 248 Tuesday »azeldale Corn- Stowell this week-end. OREGON MONUMENT WORKS wore pale pink lace and evening. A m usical program was ( m unl, ' club Mr and Mrs Carl Watson of New­ erty. m anager of the Safew ay store at Smith, Miss B lair Foley of Eugene was Prineville. They also visited at Jqhn net dress w ith blue accessories. Stnnnnrd, Mgr. enjoyed. G ertrude McLaren, H ill s b o r o port visited relatives here over the 4th at Main, Hillsboro the bride's only attendant. She Day, w here Louie DeLine has a The bride's m other w ore dark can­ aI r , MrA' ,Yalter «y a* L l o d g e Royal Neighbors of America, week-end. ton w ith pink rosebud corsage. For wore a tip-toe length pink crepe Otto Stow ell Injured and daughter C athryn attended the C rystal Naught. Hillsboro R. N large hotel. Mr DeLine was their wedding of Miss Lucille H urt of A Otto Stowell was injured in a fall dress and carried an old fashioned host on a trip to some gold mines her going aw ay dress the- bride Portland, form erly of Kimon, Ju n e Roberta Robinson. Hillsboro R w hile at w ork on a high bridge nosegay. Kieth Susbauer, brother in operation and to other places of w ore a gray ensem ble w ith white n ear N ewport last week. He fell of the bridegroom was best man. interest in that locality. Mr. De- accessories and rosebud corsage. The rooms, gift room and recep­ Mrs R- R- Sum m ers returned ‘ D o r i s Heaton> Scho„ s Juni The bridal procession was headed Line is a form er resident of H ills­ about 85 feet. home W ednesday after a month s Women's elub by B arbara Ann Flaherty, who car­ boro. While in E nterprise they vis­ tion table w ere beautiful with ros­ Union Has Candidate Miss Mabel Nelson was chosen ried a pink satin basket holding ited w hat is reported to be one of es and snapdragons in pink nnd absence in Nebraska. She visited Tillie Hoffman, C ornelius Fire h er parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Departm ent. by Farm ers’ Union for candidate the ring and also carried the w ed­ the largest fish hatcheries in the white. Numerous gifts w ere on dis­ ding diploma. She w ore pink or­ world, and near E nterprise they play in the gift room, one being B lancom e at Madison and her sis- M argaret Batchelder, West Union for Happy Days at Hillsboro. Mouldings, Screen Wire, Dual Corners, Screen ter, M rs A W. Glenn, at Meadow Farm ers' Union. Mrs. E verette D rury and Bever­ gandy with hat to match. visited the largest cattle ranch in a 70-picce set of dishes from G er­ Hangers, Adjustable Screens, Screen Doors. The m other of the groom. Mrs Oregon, a ranch of 1000 head of vais friends. F rov; - i et£ r V n p stla w a s Evelyn Schulm erich, H ills b o ro ly Jeanne and Howard of Vancouv­ The bride has been complimented Joined by Mrs J. E Davis at Oma- Fire D epartm ent, er visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Susbauer wore a blue s ilk ' cattle. w ith a shower at the Eldridge Use the F. II, A. plan to finance your remodel­ jacket dress w ith m atching h a t.1 ha, who was her traveling com-1 He]en wiclt< H illsboro C ham ber Mrs. George Riggle, last week. school, w here she taught, and was ing needs. panion to Portland. Mrs. Davis will of Commerce Mr. and Mrs. Arley Hudspeth, I Mrs. Meyers, the bride's’ mother Forrest Bridges Visits— spend sometime visiting relatives Anne Jepson, Blooming Farm ers' Mabel R hym er and Glenn Jones of wore d ark silk. Miss Mayme S us-| Forrest Bridges, a form er H ills­ presented with a $25 check from and friends in P ortland and her Union. P ortland visited at the Pow ell home bauer, sister of th e groom played ! boro boy, but now in the electrical the school board. To get into our yard during the paving of Base­ Mrs. Mattie Sm ith was hostess In the wedding march "Pompa Cir-1 business at Lynn. Mass., near Bos­ form er home in Beaverton. Rose Ram berger, county SERA over the week-end. line street, go west on Washington street to the May w ith a show er from her many The Misses Rhoda Thyng, LaM ern office Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benefiel and cumstance," Elgar. ton, is visiting his m other, Mrs. C ornelius friends Mrs. S cheuer­ railroad. The altars w ere attractively d e c -! Ray G lenn and Mrs. M. E. Bene­ Eva Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Donna Kessner, F orest Grove fiel visited th e Oscar Benefiel fam ­ orated w ith blue and w hite sum ­ Doughty of Cooper Mountain, and man has taught for the past nine cham ber of commerce. m er flowers w ith large baskets on other relatives for a few weeks. years near Gervais. She lived in A spirants for Goddess of L iberty ily at W illam ina Sunday, A lbert Edw ards left S aturday for either side. Mr. Bridges left Hillsboro about 35 C ornelius last year, w here she was w ere introduced from th e stage of The bride has taught in St. H el­ years ago. He was looking up old- active in social and church activ­ the Venetian th eatre »Friday night. the home of his daughter. Mrs. Bes­ en's Hall, and is now teaching at tim e friends here the last of the ities. Mr. Scheuerm an has been E arlier in th e evening, they were sie Terry, at Caldwell, Idaho. Miss Mabel Nelson was home Miss G able school in Portland. For j week, and was a guest S aturday of pastor of several churches. They the guests of the Hillsboro Busi­ If It’» Lumber Call are now entering a new field of ness & Professional Women's club, from Hillsboro from S aturday to going aw ay Mrs. Susbauer wore a ] W. A. Tupper. His father, M. M, service as pastor and wife at Evan­ black and w hite silk suit. Monday. Number 2691 Bridges, was proprietor of t h e organization w hich is sponsoring The groom is in business here [ Climax Flouring mill here in the gelical church a t Vernonia. A Mrs. Lily Hove of V ancouver vis­ the contest. honeymoon w as spent at the G eneral comm ittee in charge of ited her m other, Mrs. Rhoda W at­ and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. '90s. beaches. Mike Susbauer. Im m ediately fol-1 the event includes Mrs. Zola F. son, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Killin of Forest lowing the cerem ony the happy Attend Seabeck C a m p - Morgan. Mrs. E. Fayetta Allen, Mrs. Betty Hobbs and A nn M unkers Attends O fficers’ M eeting— M arie Hoffman. Miss Marion Lytle G rove and Mr. and Mrs. Levi couple left on a wedding trip. On II, S. Rogers attended the official C row ther of Gales C reek visited retu rn they w ill live near Cor-1 left Monday for ten days’ stay at and Miss Gussie Sigler. Seabeck, Wash., w here they will rn o lin g of U. f t W. V. Office» at the C orbett C row ther home S un­ nelius. HIGHER QUALITY — LOWER PRICES Sunday evening a reception was I receive training for leadership in w ith the cam p at Bend Saturday day. Taken to Hospital— night. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riggle of held at the home of Mrs. L e n a ' G irl Reserve work. Mrs. Hugh S. Rogers was taken Birkenfeld visited at th e Jesse to St. V incent’s hospital in P o rt­ Meyers home Saturday. land Thursday m orning for tre a t­ m ent. She is getting along nicely. Imperial Egg Mash, 100 lbs. . «1 on .„„v K ennedy in H ospital— Milk Egg Maith, 100 lbs........................ gJMI .sack A ttends Conference— Don’t Let Improper F ran k K ennedy was taken to the I Big-Lay Egg Mash, 100 lbs................ ] go nack Miss Winona T urner spent sev­ V eterans' hospital in Portland Fri- j Car Performance eral days last week at a counselors’ day suffering from stomach trouble Milk Developing Mash, 100 lbs. ... 2 10 .sack Y o u r H o lid a v conference of Camp Fire G irls at w ith which he has been afflicted M« Plain Developing Mash, 100 lbs. j <>5 H....k ” I Camp N am anu on the Sandy river. since w ar time. Buxton Names Oscar Cearly Aloha Grange Puts on Work Former Cornelius Girl is Married Pretty Wedding Held at Cornelius County Girls Seek Title of Goddess A L IF E WE CAN SUPPLY THE LUMBER Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. ''HAPPY D A Y S” FEED FEED FEED POULTRY FEED Ü GENUINE I t ’s H ere ! | Try It Try Our Modern One-Stop Super Service and then enjoy the thrill of the open road, Busch’s Service Garage 12« S. Third Ave. Busch’s Super Service Station C orner T hird and Baseline Phone 501 A. H. Busch, Prop AUTOMOBILE OWNERS 4-Grain Scratch Feed, 100 lbs. . 1 75 ‘ 1, Cracked Corn, 100 lba........................ j sack TURKEY FEEDS— Turkey Starter Ma«h, 100 lbs. ... Turkey Developing Mash, 100 lba. NEW STATE FINANCIAL LIABILITY LAW BECOMES EFFECTIVE JULY 1 DAIRY FEEDS The most delicious and healthful food of the day. Always Seasonal. This new law m akes It im portant th at every autom obile ow ner carry am ple liability and property damage insurance. An accident may result in a law suit and judgm ent. U nder the new act, if the car ow ner is unable to settle th e judgm ent, his operator's and auto license may be revoked until he proves financial responsibility. Imperial Dairy, 100 lba. ««19 nn ♦ Cow Ration, 100 lba...... ............. J°n Molaaaea Dairy, 90 lba. ..... .»7’, , n Hempaeed Oil Meal, 100 lba. 29.00 ton All the above prices are cash F. O. B. our warehouse. Don't risk it—let us advise w ith you regarding insurance in a good company at a very reasonable rate. Pay Cash and Save _ C o s le tt’s B a r - B - Q CHAS. L. WALKER, Agent 116 S. T hird Ave. Hillsboro, Oregon C elebrate "Happy Days" in Hillsboro Ju ly 2, 3 and 4 ■ 3 F irst and Baseline «210 „„„t, 2.20 sack Phone 1263 Trade with Imperial Feed & Grain Co. The Coolest Cream Created. Phone 91 M illers of q „ . | „ , Fpt<|, Sooth C elebrate "Happy Days” in Hillsboro July a a 4 Tell Your Friends! 7 ’ and 4