H IL L S B O R O Page Six ARGUS, | day evening program». Bible school Sunday at 9 45 a. in will be followed l'\ Communion | and preaching by pastor at 11 — | o'clock Young People's society ’ meets at 7 Sunday evening Mid­ week service Wednesday evening at 3 o'clock. We cordially Invite your attendance at all these serf "Bears”* Grove Clash Here Sunday Banks Drops Tilt S unset S quad "B ears” Lose __ __ to Garden Home D ow ns O ren co IC” ~M puttn!?.2lnl,ter to A m ity N ine Free Methodist Church in County Loop Rev Ralph J Milton, evangelist H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, Jane 27, 1985 OREGON eat. Miss I.llllun 11 umedcw of Hills boro wus tliti speuker and talked Plan Program on home economics Mrs. Fuggy Haynes. Mrs Clara 'l’wlgg a n d Wilma Hesse wuru the re­ Scholls Sunday. freshment committee a n d Miss Irmal Trask had charge of the pro­ ia» Aid Social Succaai gram L M Miller. Allen Boleen. Mi and Mrs. Julius Christensen and to End . Fina Year State Capitili News Letter Giv­ JOHN TAFNNIIK Funeral services for John Taenn- ing the highlights of official ac­ ler. 75. of Portland route two. who tivity at Salem Every woek In *f died Saturday. ware liald Wednes­ t i l e Argue. day afternoon In Portland and In­ terment was at the Bethar.y Pres­ County Representan»» byterian church cemetery Deceased for is survived by the widow Margaret ELECTRO LU X one son. John Jr . and two daugh­ ters. Mrs Anna Kruagvi mid Mrs Cleaner and Air Purifier Esther Enzler, and four brothel WAYNE EM MOTT and one sister In Switzerland Pilone 2143 for uppolntniente Argus classified ads get results daughter Peggy. Mr and Mrs. H L I Flint and Miss Maribel Flint, Eve . ___j" ’ »•">">"•> (lyn Hatfield. Jesae Snyder Jr. and .................. Wash ...... ................ Locals Travel to Tualatin of Bellingham. , who held ...... the S t HOLLS—Children's day exer- Don Herd were among the Scholls Verboort Pitcher Hurl* One- W ashington County quarterly meeting at the local »’>¡1 b* held at the Scholls people to visit the Taft Red Head (Second H alf' for Crucial Game Sunday church over Sunday. Is continuing church Sunday .... round-up. Hit Ball at Newberg W L P e t1 W L Pet M aplew ood S 0 1.000 N o rth P lain« I 2 .3 5 5 , in special evangelistic services ev- Miss Maud I attee will have Anniversary Observed Roy 5 0 1.000 G ton wood I 2 .555 ery night this week Rev. Milton <-'>»ar»e of the children s exercises Mr and Mrs j n Bartlett Miss Sanse« Langa» Tualatin Valley 1 2 SSS Í Gar. Home 2 1 .667 Gaston (Second H alf) has had twenty-two years of ex- “ ,,u* Harnilngton church Sunday Bonnl# Bartlett. Janette and Jac- (Second H alf) « S .00« Aloha 1 2 .SSSJ Hank* W L Pet W. L. Pet! W L Pet. W L Pet I , queline Howell went lo the Stanley I I 500 perience as pastor, first superln- at 11 •• 2 0 I..COO Tirarvi Thrilling 13-inning game between I Hillsboro 1 1 .500 , r; and Mrs. Ed Demmin. Sherwood .2 0 l.OtM) For. Grove I I .500 tendent and evangelist and is an 2 0 1.000 lu u r e l Trefren home at Bonneville June I I .600 Banks and Garden Home featured I J Cornelius 2 0 1.000’Amity Verboort interesting speaker. His messages and Lorraine Demmin joined rein- 500 A to ha I I .500 18. where they were guests In hon­ 0 2 .000 play in the Washington County W illam ette I I ,5 0 0 |0 n e n c o Hillsboro . 1 1 .500 Vernonia 0 2 .000 embrace a definite experience in B'es u uh u family reunion Sunday or of Mr and Mrs Bartlett's thir­ Carlton 1 I .. m o o x. wbcrv 0 2 -vC0 league Sunday. Garden Home fin- Sherwood i l .¿ W G a s to n 0 2 .000 regeneration and "The Baptism of Iat " alter Deuinun home in ty-eighth wedding anniversary. Mrs Hillsboro “Bears” and the Forest afly nosed out Banks 11 to 10 after Local Sunset leaguers slaughtered Spirit" as taught by John Wes- Blooming All Dangerous Articles Bartlett stayed until Thursday Mr. Grove ''Merchants," baseball rivals coming from behind to tie the score Orenco here Sunday afternoon 23 the Mrs. Lucy Wolfe Miller of Taft Bartlett ley. the founder of Methodism Sub was the oldest father to at­ of long standing, will clash on the at 10 each in the eighth frame. In to g ln one of the wildest slug- jects for the week-end are: Thurs came to the F. G. Miller home to El i ini tm t et I. Shutc park diamond Sunday after­ the thirteenth inning Steele got j fests ever staged on the Shute park day night. "The power of Pente­ stay during the berry picking sea- tend the church service at (he Bon­ neville church, where his son-in- noon in the third game of the sec­ two bases on J. Bernard's error, ad- diamond This Sunday the Hillsboro cost;" Friday. 7:45 p. m. Amer- son law. Rev Stanley Trefren. is the ond half Tualatin valley league vanced to third on an infield out squad will travel to Tualatin for and Discipleship," Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lord und pastor. Mr Trefren was elected a schedule. Although the Grove made and then scored on Drake's single. one of the crucial games of the icanism six children of Wisconsin day. 7:45. "Frozen Assets;" Sunday. I I. , , . », _ lo member ,h(> of the Bonneville sehuol a better showing in the first half half. Both teams Roy swamped Aloha 20 to 2 be­ second annugl . . .. are .. unde . 11 a. m„ "The Reward of Patience." visit , , Mr. , . and Mrs E. Heffernan, boani election. than the locals, the ’ Bears" have hind' the brilliant pitching of feated Stands Located at in the last part of the Sunset gundav 7:45 p m "The Great De- and Sunday to live on a ranch Mr. and Mrs. Ed Demmin were been strengthened far the second Meeuwsen. Each of the Roy players league schedule ~ . k « a . . i » and «„a k „ , k are — out . . . . to • - ; p r e s s j3 ^ ’ near Sherwood. both Saturday evening crawfish party half and a good game is anticipat­ collected at least two hits. Roy will keep a clean record. ...... .... .,„. - - a guests «> Rev. Milton held the M quarterly Miss Mike McCann is spending ut „ the Rollln Meyers home ed represent the county league at Hills- Hillsboro opened the Orenco i meeting In the absence and by ap- «'eek l’r 111 days with her father, j at | aiurt,| ANU Amity took the measure of the on Jul 3 against the Farmer»' game with three runs in the he first pointment of Rev. A. C. Archer. ” ;irry brewing. ut Amity. Sunday . v isitors ut the J C. Hat- “Bears" 10 to 3 at Amity last Sun-, Inning, added two in the second, district superintendent, who is rep- Couple Marry Here I field home w e r e Mrs Herman day. Hillsboro opened the scoring , „ Q ,,, , _ ____ of „ Huge and ___ ______ Katherine and with two runs in the first inning uaston slugged out a 9 to 7 in five in the fourth. 10 in the sixth ( resenting the Oregon conference of _________ Miss Irene _______ McCord, _ _ daughter daughters Under Supervision of Hillsboro Firemen's Assn . Inc. but Amity came back m its half over the Glenwood Loggers n and five In the eighth. The visitors the Free Methodist church at the Mr and Mrs. Rov McCord of Urine- Esther of Farm ington being held at vllle, and Arthur Bogard of Maupin i _ Flunk . and Frances Rowell went of the frame to score three counters * well played ganu. Out of the 16 tallied three runs in the second general ‘ conference .................. and hold the lead for the balance hits allowed by both pitchera, 10 frame and then went scoreless un- Winona Lake. Ind., where delegates were married at the home of his to Del.ake Sunday Mrs Frances of the game. Amifv added two in «ere for extra bases. Two home til the eighth when they gathered from all foreign fields and every sister, Mrs. Fred Aebiseher, at Sher Rowell and son John Albert re- state in the union have assembled wood Thursday. June 20. at 10 p turned with them after several the second, three in the fifth and runs were made, one by each team, three more. two in the seventh. The final Hills- Although Maplewood defeated Local players hammered out 20 to do business for the church. The m. Rev Raynor Smith officiated weeks' stay at the beach boro score came in the eighth North Plains 8 to 3, the game has hits from seven Orenco hurlers, general conference meets every four Mr. and Mrs l.loyd Murray attend- Mrs W It Chandlee attended it Peterson of Amity turned in the been protested by the losers. If the while two Hillsboro pitchers yield- years. Other delegates from Oregon ed the couple. They spent from bridge party at the nurses home of are Rev. J. R. Stewart, district Thursday until Monday visiting old the Emanuel hospital as a guest of ed 11 safe bingles At game time, longest hit of the game, a homer in h ? i i be replaved July 4 at Capitol HUL the locals had but nine men in uni­ superintendent of Southern Oregon friends and neighbors of the Bogard Night Superintendent Miss Mary the seventh with none on. R. H . K. form and were forced to put a districts: Roy Harrington, a mer- family- Molloy. Sahnow of Verboort came with­ Banka ............ Keep your Kodak envelopes. For each $2.00 2 - ______ 10 chant from St. Helens, and D. L Mr. and Mrs. Chris Suhrbier at- Mrs. C Kirkpatrick and sons in an ace of chalking up a no-hit, Garden U om a — ............ ............. 11 10 6 hastily revised line-up on the field. Kodak Fini.shing 1 5x7 enlargem ent FREE. no-run game Sunday as his team­ Dice. Tinnen. Jensen and W ilson . Hall. Tualatin stayed tn a tie for first MacPhee. district manager of the tended Mission festival at Oregon George and Edward a n d guest. Miss Irma Baker, attended the mates hammered out a 12 to 0 win Werocfakul and Datmtor. place by defeating Willamette 9 to Lee Tire and Rubber Co.. Portland. City Sunday. For each if I txt order I HxlO enlargem ent R. ■ E. All are extended a very cordial Mrs. M. B Bozorth is seriously funeral of Mrs John Stahl In Port- over Newberg. A scratch in the Atoha ................................ 8 s 6 7. Aloha scored four runs in the invitation to attend the revival serv-} ill at the Emanuel hospital in Port- land Saturday and she also visited FREE. • ' ninth spoiled an otherwise perfect B 1 ninth to nose out Cornelius 6 to 4, .. so 16 Ices now in progress—B. J. Yates, land. Mrs Charles Hayward at the Good Herald». O'Connor and Ma»on ; Hattu. while Gaston forfeited to Tigard. hurling record. Tons of cherries are being ship- Samaritan hospital Sunday after- Forest Grove shut out Vernonia 6 Meeuwsen and Storey. Other Sunset league games sched­ pastor. R. E. ■ * —:;— ped from here to canneries at Hills- [ noon to 0 at Forest Grove, while Sher­ Glenwixxi 7 » 4 uled tor this coming Sunday are: The Congregational Church boro, Sherwood and Newberg Mr and Mrs Jim Harleman of wood. staging a two-run rally in Gaaton 0 s Gaston at Cornelius. Sherwood at -- -....... ......... Church school. 10 a. m.; mom- Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Murray at- Dilley were Sunday evening guests the ninth, broke up a tie score and N elson and D a r ia ; O. Da v u and E. Willamette. Laurel at Tigard, and KKAMIKN'S ing worship, 11, “Practical Religion tended the I O O. F. picnic at °f Mr. and Mrs Ell Kingston Davis. defeated Carlton 6 to 4. R. H. E. Aloha at Orenco. at the Tacoma Congress." Rev. T. Dayton Sunday. Other games scheduled for this Maplewood .............. » 11 2 - ...... Hillsboro added two new players Arthur Dungan, speaker. M. N. Bonham spent from Thurs-; coming Sunday are as follows: N r: h Plains 5 tf 2 ¡day until Sunday with relatives Amity at Vernonia, Carlton at Ver­ Ludi and K e e le r ; G r « « n and V an der­ this week, Clyde Brandaw, a cat­ cher, and Bill Ross, infielder. The and friends in Portland and attend­ Whosoever Will la n den. PRESCKIPTION IlltltiGlSTS I’ll (INK !M boort and Newberg at Sherwood. (fly Mr». R ic h ard IVungar) locals are looking for a few more K. H. E. (Above North Plains) ed the Pioneer day and visited A surprise party was given for good ball players to replace a few V erb oort .................... IS 16 8 Sunday school, 10 a. m.. with relatives in Hillsboro Sunday, re- Newberg 0 1 6 Celebrate "Happy Days" in Htlluboro July 2. 3 and 4 regulars who have been erratic in good spiritual Bible study for each turning to his home Monday. 'lsl,’r “* ,hc h°t” e °f Hor- Safari.'W and H ein rich ; Morehouse, Blax- attendance. Persons interested are member of the family. The scrip- Sunday evening visitors at the .„i ’'r i "'°n , e ey*nlnK °f June er and Kir»fa. ture word will be walk. 1 John 1:7. It. T. Hesse home were Mr. and i»?* attending the party were R . H. E. 10 10 4 port for practice Wednesday eve­ Sermon, 11 a. m., by the pastor. Mrs. C. H. Coe and children and ' 'T ,'s MarJ“r>^ “nd Doris H illsb oro 3 6 4 nings. Afternoon. 3 o’clock, regular tarry, Olldine Coe, all of Portland, and .7” i, r v Farson, Wood and G ilb ert; Donin and Denville. R. H. E. service for Christians. Evening at 8 Miss June Lenhart of Hermiston n . » a New Player Tourney’’ Set Sun­ C ornelius ,an ,ani* R . H . E. ............. «... 4 6 2 evangelistic service, song service Mrs. Jesse Pendleton of Wash- J* H eisler Miss Martha Wall- Forest G r w e .. 6 7 0 Aloha . . 6 10 4 day for Prises Vernonia 0 4 3 e 11Jnn’,’,n'un. Robert Fixen and Finegan . Jubttx and Saindon. and a welcome and fellowship for ington was a week-end guest of ,J ’■ Stouten berg and Fryer; Day and Turple. R. H. E. you. Tuesday, 8 p. m.. prayer and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trask. r>»i,Ji„,',1 n'T* l,ert;,ui e, BIK* ,rene R . H. E. Greater numbers than ever are W illam ette ..... ...... 7 lu 0 praise service, the pastor will Sunday visitors at the N. O O. L Ip'fVn’,ond Es,l>*'r Sherwood -----------------__ ----_ ------- . 6 9 1 ■ 10 2 Tualatin __ - -- - -- -»nd Stub Ellertsen of Gales Creek home were Mr. and Mrs. and Frankie 6 7 1 Sw ope and Hollenbeck . Day. M ontagne the Forest Hills Golf club. Mcury of Timber Reubeck and V ea ta l. Lyda and O'Leary. more than the devil." Friday, 7:30. Don Cole and son Jay of Portland Quite a few are enjoying "Junior and Reber. Mr. and Mrs. J W Kyle of Pea­ R. H. E a young people's Bible study serv- Jay remained at the Carl Carlson Day" at the course each Monday. L m n I vine Ridge spent all-day Sunday .................7 12 1 ice has been started here. The home. ................3 10 2 Free group lessons for children Sherwood .................. Mr. and Mrs Alvin Hunger the Whosoever Pate Kingston returned f r o m Schreiner and Z eigler; R a n d young people of start at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kendal und Will extend all the young people Klamath Falls Tuesday, Each Wednesday is "Guest Day" W enner. son Donald were dinner guests of R. H K of Hillsboro a cordial invitation to Social Success and each member is urged to bring Orenco ................................... b 11 a The waffle supper and ice cream m -iny'’ A' V‘n HUn*"r * * * ' guests. There is no green fee charge Hillsboro Farm Union M 2u 2 Wk«tk«« yo« «« • (««U, «k«p «r I i Second H alf) by the Ladles' Aid for the guests of members on Wed- where anyone can put any question Frldav a success. A "Tom Arguì classified uds get results. aw »y M « d los M « w « 4 t r * f ta a lta and barvey. Brandon. W L Pet W , L nesday. An exceptionally l a r g e C ed ar M ill 2 0 1.000 L au rel 1 1 .500 in. Also a topic box where any Thumb wedding wus given. Mrs. •» «rowfkt « m J k aiMiffUy »«jo* U«k» Carlton* 1 0 1.000 Buxton 0 2 A'OO group of women took a free group topic desired can be dropped in, Kan. C ity 1 1 .500 Verboort 0 1 .000 lesson Wednesday at 1:30. They are »t 11 a. m. Pupils up to tha age then will be studied later. Our S. A. Cotter and Mrs. Gladys Trask . e not reported. _____ taking advantage of these lessons °f 20 years are welcomed. Free 'R esu lt Sunday . . gam , , . _ . . had charge of the affair. This Cedar Mill continued to lead the and receiving much help and en- reading room open on Wednesdays only purpose is to study the word closes a Lcceisful year for the t0 ?Vi l he feUow’h‘P Ladies' Aid. $225 being raised in ▼ ARiOUS typa» ai »«oA u ' • Farm Union league Sunday by joyment. A ladies' par tournament ,n a Saturdays from 2 until 4 p m. i of the children of God everywhere bl,neflt iOCial affalrs swamping the Buxton team 19 to followed the lesson and at 6:45 p — — •« ukaap trewfk« alwayt •« •< Tk<»« and to see the salvation of souls K n o w n H e r e ______ 8. Laurel defeated Kansas City 9 to m a shooting contest was held on Banks M. K. Ctrarch fo a la d •» takraaüa^j ik< Usp »olUd io p<« Know the truth and the truth shall Harrv E Ritterlng, who died In INSTANT R F1IFF 2. No report was made regarding the second hole. A free group les- Sunday school every Sunday, K tL IE F the scheduled game between Carl- son for men is given at 6:30 p. m. ® 45 a. m. Mrs. H Jensen, superln- set you free. Regardless of the in- PortIarfd June 23. had just com- Mwy la ika ««« m U/ ara a««»iy ««à «" m ton and Verboort. Wednesdays. Bridge is enjoyed tendent. Preaching services by terpretation of man the apostle ,eted „ country homt. on the fann ARTHRITIS, SINUS Games scheduled for this coming Wednesdays, beginning at 9 p. m. Ellsworth Tilton, pastor, e v e r y Paul has said. If any man preach recently purchased by his daughter, PROSTA TE Sunday are as follows: Kansas City under the direction of Mrs. A. B Sunday evening at 8 o clock. Ladies' any other gospel, than that which Mrs MarFgaret McDonald, Grow and at Carlton. Verboort at Cedar Mill, Caples of Forest Grove. All activ- I meets first and third Wednea- we have preached unto you though Mr and Mra INFORMATION he an angel from heaven I . .. let him chlldren visited friends and rela- Buxton at Laurel. ities are open to members and <*•/» at 2 p. m. tf P VA be . into be accursed. f Come r, and r-1 look Uves at Camas Wash. Sunday, SORE AND STIFF JOINTS UN TWAIlim -------------------- a guests. —::— me word of God with us. Several Mr and Mrs s A Gotter 7wlth B urlingam e Bird First A “new players tournament" will Methodist Episcopal Church RHEUMATISM B u rlin gam e Bird f ir s t staged Sunday. Each member is Church school. 9:45. Miss Rose will bring short messages Friday Mr and Mrs L G Burge of Hllls. N Scientific nt«, ? ° ,n ‘ igeon Kace Sunday asi{ecj l0 bring a beginner and play Cave, superintendent; divine wor- night on what did the Lord Jesus boro drove the Mt Hood LoupSun. MEDICINE no C hrist m eant when tn Nien. • » « iine ,. no operation, on»* Christ meant he said to Nico one fr».». free , Tualatin \a l^ y Racing Pigeon with him or her at any time dur- ship. 11. A guest preacher. Swiss day demonstration on request. Phone ’ demus "Ye must be born again." club he Id its 100-mile young bird ,ng the day. Flights will be made Bell Kingers in a union service Stanleigh Bennett Married | or write Rol-A-Ray. 310 Oregon July 4 all day service at the race from Eugene Sunday. Results Up for the following: Those who at the Christian church at 8 p. m. Elberta Settle, daughter of Building. Portlund, ATwater 3729 were: Robert Burlingame’s bird, have never played before; another In the absence of the pastor at the church, several speakers through­ Mr. Miss and Mrs. A. Settle of Portland, or Argus 2983 A courteous repre-' out the day. Basket dinner at noon AND CORPORATION Mae West *irst- speed 960 yards flight for those who have never seat of annual conference at Sa- Special music also. Afternoon will anj ?,,anleI'K tI E, Bennett, son C of Mr V sentative will call on . you and ” give per minute; Warren B. Barnes’ bird, shot under 60, another for those lem, the pulpit will be supplied . . . . . nnH Y lrs I Il,,n n ,itl o r o b n ll, m ■ a s _ l_ l .. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett of Scholls, you a free trial, no obligation Streamliner. second, speed, 916 ->vho have never shot under 50. A by the pulpit supply committee, be a baptismal service and several 1945 N. COLUMBIA BLVD. ,weS? , r?arried June 15 ,a'ld w«"! Rol-A-Ray aids nature's way to yards per minute; I. Sahnow s bird. prize of one month's playing priv- for the morning worship service. babies to be dedicated to the Lord. to K E N T O N S T A T IO N , California .. for a ... wedding ■•«*«««:» . ,, trip, -. health. “Tetraethyl, third, speed, 860 yards j ege will be given the winner of Members of the congregation are In the evening an evangelistic serv- .... 18-9p I PORTLAND. O R E G O N « r. L i?/ t " d per minute. Speed of winning bird each flight and 15 points in the requested to join with the Christian ice. Everyone , is invited to spend Mrs. George Bennett, who an the Fourth with us. approximately 40 miles per hour. 1 contest will be given the member church at 8 in a union service to nounce the arrival of a son, George The next race will be from Cres­ for each entry, hear the Swiss Bell Ringers’ pro- J r . June 20. Free Methodist Chorch cent lake high up in the Cascades, -------------------- gram.—Charles M Reed, minister. Free Methodist church held the Miss Blanche Garre, who accom- distance 148 48 miles. annual circuit meeting at the church Mr!L.5'eor*e nMo1'ir5c aniJ Baptist Churli night. Esther H. Turner a** Church school, 9:45. The pastor Monday was elected delegate to the annual *eft for Centralla. Wa’h . en rout, will preach at 11 and 8. Miss Na- conference to be held at camp home. Elmer Jesse of Hillsboro spent kajo of Japan will speak Thurs- ground on Canyon road July 24. Scholls Junior Woman’s club met the latter part of last week with at the Theodore Nissen home u June w L Pet I d a y n i « h t a t °dock. Miss Mrs. Turner has just returned his grandmother, Mrs. C. F. Jesse. Guarda » t .sov Nakajo is a graduate of the West- from Roseburg, where she has been 19 wlth »»,„ ^ 1M Glady» Nissen as host- Miss Rose Bernards spent a few Arjfua i ? iii boTdm77P^I*ai m e ^ m Z ™ e - days last week visiting friends at Ireland« Enright. I Staging a four-run rally in the to resume work there. She is a DJrtBlackrnanrnandngw,ifersoinetVth' WK D EAL IN R EAL KSTATK Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meeuwsen last half of the final inning. Ire- Presbyterian and so goes under ^'__i. , h ? PC nt th««•.« PA LM D RU G STO R E or re- DO NEED A NEW W A T E R IN G TROUGH ? Cedar Mill Downs Buxton Nine 18-8 SUFFERERS \1 lM t BEALL ~PifVe Roy Ireland Team Wins Over Fairway Squad Quits Advertising; Donelson Si Sewell FAILS CHURCHES FISH DERBY '