1 hurray, Jun.e 27, li»36 H IL L ü iiO IiO A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Page Five but unless there Is an Infection, I cd her sister, Mrs George Lacmcr- at Trout Lake Sunday They went Subscribe now to the Argus. In there's no danger." mun, lust Tuesday. Saturday evenlngand returned Sun- Oregon 11 50 a 01- "Is he In shape to be questioned | Mr West bought Mr. Nielsen’s day evening. X "“ " 80 “ Tear. Six months straw berries June 1H fur a while before you take him to Program Sunday , 7 m on,h* 80 e ,a U T * “ the hospital?" Vance asked W R Hudson purchased a new Sunday will be Children's day at 3j cents. • tf The doctor bent over Crassl, drag-saw last week. the Church of C hrist Program w ill! fait fits pulse, and looked a t his — ■■ I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunger of begin at 10 o’clock, church services 2 = pupils P e n n ls I nn . Or char (tele visited Mr und Mrs W , at 11. Everyone is welcome P e o p le L e a v e o n S o u t h e r n j( Hudson Sunday evening C h ild r e n ’s D a y P r o g r a m "Oh, yes " He walked tow ard the •r Dr. and Mrs Mulkey of St. St Johns I door. "The ambulance won't be T r ip j R ib s F r a c tu r e d N o r th P la in s S u n d a y with a num ber of their S. S. V an Dina here fur half an hour " He went were guests of Dr Mulkey' Into the hall w here Gamble was illy Mr« Frank Fatuldt) er, Wilbur Mulkey, Sunday. i • standing (By North Plain, P T A.) ROCK CREEK A program was "W here's the phone?" we heard Summer activity and re­ NORTH P L A IN S -F rie n d s h I p Copyright by W. M. W right given by the Sunday schools of Program Given hlrn ask the butler. Temple. P ythian Sisters, held its sistance against heat are | the Phillips und Helvetia Reformed Doctor Lobsenz was no sooner CAMP REEHER'S. CCC. Westim- last m eeting until after the sum- WNU Servio. A children’s day program was churches ut their annual picnic in ber, June 25—S eventy-three for- m er vacation Friday evening _ a given at the Bethany Baptist church j tests of your child’s stam­ out of the room than Urassl opened the grove by the parsonage S un­ m il members of Carnp Reeher' short program, consisting of a read- Sunday night. A play, "The Castle; ina! The child whose sum­ his eyes and looked up at us, sh ift­ day Rev. Fresenborg gave a talk wi n.- settling this week into the ing by Mrs. W. E Mays, a vocal of Life," was presented by the (Continued from laat »ooh I ing In the bed und trying to as­ mer diet is for the major on the Sunday school topic O ther work routines of eight different i solo by Elm er Mays Jr., accom- Sunday school. We walked with the gurrulnu* sume u more upright position. part our pure milk, is a features included song by Mr. and CCC tam ps scattered throughout I panied by Miss Eugenie Cypher. Enright buck to his upurtmunt Vance arranged the pillows under ----------------------- Mrs. John Hoeckli and Muddle the northern half of Oregon. Men | and a piano duet by Elmer Mays healthy child. hoiise unil took iruve of him. When his shoulders and drew up the Say you saw it in the Argus. Boeckli, solo by Paul Boeckli, und who originally enrolled in t h e Jr. arid Laura Millet, was enjoyed wo were In the district attorney's sheet. several selections played by the , Reeher's cam p as local experienced The table was decorated with small cur. Iicuilcil down town, Vance “Thank God you’ve come" Grassl Helvetia band A ttending the picnic . woixlsmen w ere required to make flags and baskets of flowers Com- spoke, and his voice was troubled. said, his eyvs resting on Vance. I Q u art Something queer ubout that dog. I "A fter all th at lius occurred today Iroin a distance w ere Mrs. Jam es | change ; because of the recent dcs-I m ittee in charge of refreshm ents On« <|,H or A D L E R I K A q u ick ly re- llev ca blo&tinff, ciean a o u t BOTH M.ii khum something deuced queer then to have this happen. It's Chaney Mrs Ernest A m acher and ignation of Reeher's as a Junior I were Mesdames Elmer Mays, Ray upper an d low er bowel«, allow « you M argaret B erger of P ortland and company. Jackson and Miss Anona Joos. Miss Why should he be timid? Why terrible! I hope I never see this • a t and a!e»-p wood. Q uick, thorou, action , y et en tir ely g e n tle and aafe. “ mlly'‘dof HilUboro T w tlv e " h° 88 should he dintrust und feur strung house ugaln." He guve a shudder • ' ' H . Ii-.t l i k e it | ) t . h . i i n . in t . i und his eyes closed « « H ills b o r o f transfer p r,.fl,rrt,d t0 acc< t dls. delegate to G rand Temple and Mrs Phone 2104 a rt thut wuy. . . . Somethin* bus "Well, anywuy, you w eren't k ill­ Mrs. M M iner of Astoria was charges rath er than be removed ! Henry Cypher, alternate. happened to him lie*« hud u blight ed," Vance m urm ured a house guest of Mrs. Nicholas from near their home communities. I _ Mr. and Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck. D elta D rug Store He was now w alking round the lng experience of Nome kind . . . * „ «on. u . . . Kies *ast week. Residents of 22 communities, the Z Z ‘7 ' ' wu", ri',eleclcd Mr and Mis. Je rry Ryan and Murkhum beat an unnoyed tattoo room He looked carefully ut the ' E aionty in Washington and Col- / p y t h o n S r ^ m e ^ t r n g W ashington and Col president of t h e W ash in g to n Tommy and B arbara Je a n Ryan " " '■n t in - w m i l " i t h e t .I« door, tried the knob, studied the County Pioneers and Native Sons I,.ft for Oakland. Cal . Saturday umbia ' " counties, are included among in P ortland Ju n e 19. The meeting “Yea. yea; it's very mad. I sup arrangem ent of Grussl's shoes near the men transferred. A list of and D aughters ussoclutlon Sun- They have been visiting Mrs Ryan's pose Hut whut possible connection the foot of the bed, opened the was in honor of the Suprem e C hief,j “ T- j mother, Mrs Bertha Dailey of near Washington county men moved, and K ate Davies, of Canada. cun there be between u ahy Dober­ closet door und looked Inside, mov­ through location of th eir new companies man In C entral Purk West und the ed to the east window, opened the _ lnto the ha),. and .. . butk.r u u . j Orenco. Orenco Mrs. Mis Dailey h Is a form er follow: Club Has Meet shade and drew I. again look the .¿ ¡ » £ answ ered m e I sat down o’n r‘7 ± ‘“ a c tio n . m urder of Archer Coe?” The N orth P lains Canning and From Forest Grove: H o w a r d clothes Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Waldo ”1 huven't the vugucMt notion, lid off a small Ivoried .. . . ham .th e edge of the bed und wanted un- Fuegy of Tillamook, a girl. The Busch to Black Rock. Harold Lackey Cooking club, under the leadership Vance returned cheerfully. “But per, scrutinized the contents and t|| he arrived on lo w s u m m e r r o u n d tr ip s Mrs. Elm er Mays and Mrs. Les­ ..Dld any o n e’ else answ er your buby is a great-granddaughter of : *" Ci"n p Hilgard. A rthur Young to of there ure only two doga in thia replaced the lid; atudled the ar- ter C ypher met at the home of Camp Trask, Nehalem; and Rus­ rangem ent of the furniture, a n d , gammons?” Mrs. Louisa fu e g y of thia section caae, und one of them ia browbeat sell Hines and Ray Sutton to Camp Miss Edna Sohler Monday after- • Nu -I he butler went immediate- . Attend Convention en und timid, und the other la finally switched the lights off and noon. Miss M arjorie Meek dem on­ viciously wounded ” on ugaln. ly to the telephone in the hall, EIi Hogan attended the state Cascade Locks. From Hillsboro: Harold C adile to strated the canning of cherries, fol­ («rttiuti a lids were half-closed, but downstairs, und I could hear him Mr®nge con v en tio n ut McMinnville "P retty fur - fetched,*’ Murkhum s week of Ju n e 1Ü as delegate » ‘•¡'X Jam es Flem ing and lowed *g of by su m discussion m e rT h o o ? of the activ- I could see that his eyes followed summoning medical assistance.” grumbled. the Rock Creek Grange. Fred ** ,am S tunkard to Camp Trask. Sunday guest! Mr Vunce sighed. !?.: ir e d Stansell to Camp Hil- a d , ,Ij m ?,"d . .i a k What are you search ng for?" My> Mr G r o w l " - h e spoke cigarette und giunerd at his watch. visit California on your way to or h f Pci tland- What right have w ithout turning round " w h a t Mills of Portland, last week a Rard; and Swen Norberg and Jot- R M r' a" andMarnl/w “It'a draw ing on tow ard dinner he demanded from the East fo r not a single cent d ^ f h u i- D avi. of tune Does thut tem pt you? . . And you to come In here and tik e ad- aboul that blood-stained bath towel son The boy „ a g ra n d s « " of Mr Kaufman to Cascade Locks. mort fare than the lowest roundtrip , n the hamper?" and M r, Nicholas From Beaverton: Jam es Bridg- J 1*11 open u bottle of that *05 Chat* vantage of my helplessness’" dir eft East and back. This applies A special num ber given at the man *° Black Rock and Alfred ? , j ? ndj Ord hSat urda5L ,n i* h t ' ■ a 6" Vance sat down In a chair be- Gra„ , „U nced up with more euu-Yquein you're ao fond of.” from most w estern O regon and recital of piano and viohn pupil! » ’ f‘ Camp Hilgard. ^ ndf°,r * 'v“ “ 1" 8 “You cheer me, old man.'* Mark- side the bed and calm ly took out alertness than he had shown at . W ashington points to almost any From W estimber a n d Timber: ^ r a e d * h o t ^ s r t t h hum gave un order to the chauf­ a cigarette, lighting It w ith leisure- any time during the conversation, of E L Scheldt at the R efirm ed eastern destination. Stop over in San Francisco, Los Angeles, or any­ ly.deliberation. "There was u buth towel on this church Tuesday evening was a '-'°>d fa rm e r, William Thomas turned home with them, feur. where along the line. Return by a northern U.S. o r Canadian line. R eturn East It It not, he asked, the cut- b ttle stand beside the bed," he ex ­ whistling solo by Jean Wenger of ',nd Cecil O yler to Cascade Locks; “Ah, u bit of forgetfulneaa -eh. O r go by the N orth, return through California. Low summer fares Orlando F arm er and M erle Fine- Mrs. M arie Guilm aine. who has what? Quite right you are T here’ll tom In your country, Mr Grassl, to p i „ ned -y o u 5ee j h u v e rlu p r l. Helvetia. are in effect May 15 to October 15. Return limit O ctober 31. Tony G utschm idt visited o n °.ut to T raslt: G arlyle Scott and M been visiting her sister, Mrs. Emil be nothing to irk ua till tom or­ glance over a room in which a v„ e bath and thc bul)er always AIR-CONDITIONED TRAINS! This summer our 5 leading trains will crim e—or an attem pted crim e has leaves me my bath towel at night. Sauvies Island and in P ortland last Shewey to Nehalem; Andrew Bar- Miller, left Sunday for h er home row.” be air-conditioned completely. No matter what type of accommodation been committed?" r,'H to Camp Silver Creek Falls in New York. They spent several But Vance wna mistaken. That When 1 arose I w rapped it around week. you choose you’ll have cool, clean, fresh air and quiet all the way. "Well, w hat did you find?" de­ my arm —" Visitors at the John L inder home near Salem - days last week visiting the beaches. night the Coe case entered a new From Sherwood: Lyman M ur- While at Depoe Bay Mr. M iller Here are tu o summer roundtrip examples. Similar low fares everywhere. und more sinister phase It was ex ­ manded the man on the bed. "Ah. ye—q u ite so." Vance tu rn ­ In the Liberty district Sunday w ere "Nothing really excitin'," Vance ed from the Boule cabinet und Mr. and Mrs. A rt Sheffort and dock to Saddle Mountain; Chester went deep sea fishing and caught a actly half-pus*, two in the morning Roundtrip: Coach Tourist Standard Haven to Hilgard; and George large salmon. when Vance* J privute phone rang replied "Suppose you tell us what walked tow ard the door. "That ac­ daughter of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. CHICAGO................... ♦57.35 ♦ 68.80 ♦ 86.00 Kas,c r to Em igrant Springs camp Mr. Babcock and son K enneth It woke me from a deep sleep, and happened." counts for the fact that there are Verne Dysle and family of Beth- NEW YORK . . ____ »95.75* »107.20* »124.40* any. Mr and Mrs. Dick Toelle of near Meacham. and wife of P ortland spent Sun- ( , r a t a l settled back on the pll- no bloodstains on the floor. it was seveial m inutes before 1 From Buxton: LcRoy Hershey to day at the Emil M iller home. *45 day return limit. October 31 lim it slightly higher. could answ er it Markhum's voice , ■ . , . . . , Vance was now Inspecting the Whitwood Court, Mrs. Masters, Mrs C ertainly 1 went to bed early lock f ^ r e i m o d nt cea ck ti a a d ckaer c art. T e a ris t fa re s m a d m T ou ris t P allm aus (p la t H R. Cook and C urley M asters of Hilgard; and Sam uel P eterson to Mrs. Dorothy M iller is spending Vunce. 1 carried the portable phone on the door. o rr.n S ta u d ard fa re s good nt a l l types o f accomtuadattaus (plus P a lia ta a aharget). I was fatigued—the excltm ent to- ..How dld n happt,n. Mr GrilMi/. Portland, and H erbert and Mike Hehalem. a few weeks at the home of her set to his room and handed it to rum Bacona: Sarling Homes to son, Emil. him in bed He listened a brief rtYnrt I, ymi W“ ‘ he “ske<1 *" «n offhand m anner, Linder of Sauvies Island. d(X)r Mrs John Pow ell of Portland Cascade Locks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and minute, then he set the instrum ent stand It was before eleven o clock . that you dldn t lock H om Orenco: Raymond Price to their son-in-law and daughter. Mr on the floor, pawned, stretched, and i e ? h ? i£ l P y ,ore you “ ,d T°u r P " T er» and entertained with a dinner for her For derails, see your local S. P. agent or write J. A. Ormandy, l was exhausted - went , o b<1 * It is these love-gifts in His name. " P e r h .^ vou « e n a v c h lc - .„ a “ kCd ", f 111 «'» « ”" • cl° ‘hi J ‘m UrO° ks On UrOuks HtH TueS' lO I lU T und all the lights were on. . . * that kceP the mission doors open Heath und Murkhum stood at the a e .L J 8‘ him and take him alo n g " day to work on a quilt. Vance nodded. Jack < olllcken H urt a*>d things moving along there It's foot of Grussl's bed. looking ut the “ -H n A ! in the order of things for folks prostrute figure lying there Sitting anv rate 1 keot ’. » r f e r t i t .n d ! "T ha'>k you. Doctor, and good Jack Collicken fell last from week. a roof ers w Z givtm ^ y s ^ r i ^ ’flower : Just n. sup- ana uroxe tw o ribs ‘r Pastor,.and Plac,e In a straight chair, on the opposite and luck And now, Markham, sup- and broke two ribs last week Mr and Mrs Jew Rrnnks and i f i ' t n a surprise flower of worship-holy association begot side of the be-l. was a capable look­ let my eyes mov« about the room pose we go dow nstairs to th.. li Hut It was very d ark —there was brary and do a bit of thinking nu al family sDent the week e n d it N e w o ’'? " !, 8 , recent meeting of 1 ten there—but the mission is not no i ing man of ubout forty. I1K al- iamiiy spt nt m e w eek-end at New- R u b v R e b e k a h lnrlae a n d n r e se n te d - i ___ , u . ________ _____u, thanks ' "This Is Doctor Lobsenz," Mark- h eart of so hum informed Vance. "Gamble call­ S - ’ ¿ - a - s - ham Luethe. . iiam cucine. having been appointed O. G. of as I looked at the window I saw a ta lló n . . . (To ed him in " lx continued) Mr and Mrs. Paul White. Mrs ^ R e b ^ I h Æ w of*’ o7ego”n vague shape pass ln front of me, George Pavne a n d M rs C la r e n c e " . ' " „ ' T , The mission sees a procession; | Doctor Lobsenz looked up. nod Herrmk of P o rtlan d 'v isited at the Newberg w e r^ ° p r« e m “ Refresh s trip p e d o f health, money and ded, and went on about his work an<^ instinctively threw my left e i H I z ia r h „ m ,. t i i n d a v n ew oerg w ere present. Refresh- hope; men who rem em ber back in-1 w ................. ith swift efficiency. I* ™ acr<>" breast, as If to ward VJOUUCSS iNOmillCC . - ---- L. H Lear home Sunday. ments w ere served after lodge by lo The days of Sunday school te a c h -' Grass! lay on his hack, clad In something which I felt was en- » v • w > » arkin. Mrs. J. E. Flint . j i wen{ OU| , he 1 Mrs r C. ci, W. L __ __ _______________ _____ whlte silk pajumas. He was gha«t-1 d ,n *e rln i me- bu* * ‘ " and Mrs. H T. Hesse The hall was world w ithout m aking the great ly pale, ...... and ..... the ..................... arm nearest u s 1 underltand Almost simultaneously decorated w ith flowers. ' decision. Now they come back t o ' ig . pain in my j Miss M argaret Batchelder, candi- ' moved restlessly on the sheets, like } “ *barp stinging _ The Rebekah Club of Scholls has the old tru th s — and hungry f o r thut of u person under the influ- cft arm - Iust above the elbow— date for Goddess of Liberty ut the been invited to meet w ith Mrs. I something real. O thers who have ence of hyortdn. There was un areu and “ cu r*ous sort of pressure. Hillsboro F ourth of Ju ly cclcbru- Rollin Meyers at Laurel Friday. t had tru e fellowship w ith the Lord (By V ivian Hud»«nl of bloixl, perhaps 12 inches in dl- i w h eth ef R was the pain or wheth- tion. was Introduced at the social _____ ____ _ of the West_Unlon ___ ______ ____ HAYWARD—Annual school m e e t-, ________________ ! and then drifted away; but God | anieter, on the sheet at his left side T5, J*. wa’ fi o1? belng _ startled and i meeting unit ___ of G ro v e D a iry S ta r ts does not let 8° ot his own and he nearest the doctor. His pajam a coat frightened I do not know, but I j the Farm ers' Union T hursday night. *nS was held at the school Monday » • n i- keeps these missions going to get was ulso stained w ith blood. His lost consciousness for a moment. I J Two new m em bers were taken Ju n e 17. Clarence Updike was in during the business session. Date elected director for three years and O r a n g e J u ic e D e liv e r y such back to himself. eyes were closed, but his lips were probably fainted . . . "When I regained consciousness of the county Farm ers' Union pic- Jam es Reppeto for one year, Otto New innovation in the local dairy Yes, this is a processional and yet moving Incoherently. I left a warm, sticky w etness un- nic has been tentatively sit far TimmiTinan chairm an and Albert bualneM was introduced this week the new faces are the gospels op- « « , WV Presently the doctor rose. by the Fir Grove dairy in the form en door. For instance, just lately y f d JIIY I/? "I think that's all I can do for der my left side, and the pain in Ju ly 2» a t Rippling Wuters. Clyde Jesse clerk my arm had Increased and was Lincoln has ch arg e.o f buying and Willis Hiatt of Stringtow n vis- of the delivery of pure orange juice a logger in from the woods—on his A him ut the minute, Mr. M arkham," m aking the coffee 'ted th e W. R. Hudson home Ju n e house to house, to stores, restau- second night, the long-tim e ques- he said. "I'll send for the am bulance th ro b b in g " VZOUR order for binder twine, if placed now, will Grassl looked at M arkham ap- N ext meeting will be Ju ly 11 In- 17. rants, etc. The juice is from tree- Hon settled, he w alked out a new immediately.” sold his straw - ripened oranges and can be fur- man in C hrist Jesus w ith a Testa- Murkhum nodded "Thank you, peallngly. Then hie eyes moved to stead of the first Thursday of the Axel Pederson * greatly help ua to give you better service. Come Heath and finally to Vance V an ce, month berries to Charles Sw ecker of near nished in quantities ranging from ment in hand to learn how to love. Doctor." in and tell us how much twine you will need. Figure was placidly smoking, a s If the Manning Mr. Sw ecker had his one-hall pint to any num ber of trust and obey his new -found Sav- Then he turned to Vance. your order on the number of acres you expect to har­ or no In- j "In tim es of depression and quiet- pickers harvesting the berries last gallons iour. So we say—pray-pray-pray "Giussl was stubbed through the man's recital had little _____________________ and God w orks-w orks-w orks and left arm. Doctor Lobsenz says It Is terest for him. But I knew him J nets of trade I used to prepare for week. vest, estimating that it will take about 2 pounds of well enough to realive that he was better tim es which never failed to Mr. and Mrs. L Jesse and son "We must m ake A m erican indiv- the converts come-come-come. fcI not a dangerous wound." twine per acre. A lbert and Mrs Ida B randenburg ¡dualism w hat it was intended to have planted, .tpollos w atered; but at this moment intensely absorbed come."—Andrew Carnegie Vance's eyes w ere on G rasl’t This will enable us to get your order in to the Har­ visited at the W alter Willis home be—equality of opportunity for all. God gave the increase’"—Apostle | face. Without looking up he spoke ln th e recital. Ask your attorney to send your in Gales Creek June 16 the right of exploitation for none.” Paul. 1 Cor: 3:6.—George N. Tay- "W hat did you do then?" Vance vester Company early, and will protect you in case "Just whut is the n ature of the asked. legal advertising to the Argus. Emma Williams of Hillside v is it-1—President Roosevelt. i lor, Beaverton, Ore.—Paid Adv. I wound, doctor7" we should order short of the local demand. Gross! took a deep b reath and "He wus stabbed at the outer Also, if we have the binder twine business settled border of the biceps tendon, where again closed his eyes "I called out several tim es and early, we will be able to give you better and faster L crosses the dim ple of the anti- cubital fossa. The thrust punctured waited; but no one answered, I emergency machine repair service at the busy season the median basilic vein and caused arose and pressed t h e electric if you need it in a hurry. Help yourself to better switch by the door—" a profuse hem orrhage But It luck­ "On which side of the bed did service by ordering your twine now! ily misled thc basilic artery." "W hat shaped weapon would you you arise?" Vance interrupted. "On the side on w hich you are say was used?" naked Vance. sitting," Grassl informed him "And The doctor hesitated. A 1 X as soon as I had turned on the "The wound wus a bit ragged, L and of a ruther peculiar conform a­ lights, I opened the door—" u 1 USMMT 1300 M ain Street Vance’s eyebrow s w ent up. J ; FOWEI tion; it was not made w ith n knife, "Ah, the door was closed?" but with some Instrum ent like a V----------- -7 V----- “Not quite. It was. as you say, very thick awl." “Could It have been n small dag­ unlatched. . . . Then I called again ger w ith a diam ond-shaped bland?" "Yes, very easily." Vance nodded. "You're taking him to thc hospital?" "Yes, im mediately,” the doctor told him. "I gave him three grains BEAUTY SHOPS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of sodium-am ytal by mouth. It'll E veryth in g In I n e m n c e quiet him tonight and he'll be able I to return here tomorrow. His arm U» Wnahlngten EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. 0. PITMAN, M. D. will be in n sling for n few days, General Beauty Work PHYSICIAN aad SVBGBON Heads Pioneers the kennel murder case Prograin Held at Rock Creek Last Session Held by Lodge ». A / Mothers Many County CCC Men Transferred 10c S to m a c h Gas m b « ii McFall Jersey Dairy A D L E R IK A A FREE T IC K E T C A L IF O R N IA EAST Pi ” k X S o u th e rn P a c ific Fiill Lenptn O Fllll Strength ht Assembly UrIicer stsl ; Treated Against Destruction by Insects at Union Meeting Hayward School Names Officials l-«f tWLL zypp THE MOST FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICED CAR EVER BUILT A Wif f lv/Tz>V 1\JCIO 11 W I (AV I IlU w 5 ^ "A You'll enjoy HILLSBORO FEED CO motoring b e tte i in a BALANCED CAR! RUSH LOW II.----------------------------------------------------- HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Permanents and all kinds of beauty work. Telephone 1381 X X-Ray at Hillsboro Pharmacy KNEE ACTIOR J COMFORT a 7 V A CHECK always tells > g e t a ll g o o d th in g s M a s te r De Luxe CHEVROLET "The Largest Independent Bank In Washington County'' Oregon 4 Celebrate "Happy Days” ln Hills­ boro July 3, 8, and Phytk-lan and Surgeon Luxe Chevrolet for 1935 brings you all good things in equal measure. You will be conscious of its finer balance when you kw h at it and note its well-proportioned lines i i s when you ride in it and experience its buoyant comfort and Blue-Flame valve-in-head perform­ ance . i . when yon bay it and figure up what you get for w hat you pay* See and drive this finer car— todayi CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN r-mpwv Chn-nJM 't h w l U l h ^ J p r i a , a n j C. *f. wrou. A Cmnl Mam A. C. C H O O SE CHEVROLET FOR Q U A L IT Y A T L O W C O S ! DKAUER ADVKRTISKMCNT Hillsboro Motor Co. James Whitelaw, Prop. Wells Building Office 268* DENTISTS i The new Master De C hevrolet and Oldsmobile S. 3rd and E. Washington National Bank Bldg. Telephones Residence 791Z DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. Beauty Work PERMANENTS in e q u a l m e a s u re -g e t a Hillsboro All kinds of a specialty Telephone 1471 WEIL’S APARTMENTS Mabel Schendel who got it. Cash is silent. Commercial National Bank Office 3291 Sanitary Beauty Shop to il STABILITI and Physio-Therapy Commercial Telephones Reeldenee 2681 GARBAGE DR. RALPH DRESSER Dentist COLLECTION Garbage Collection AND CANS Commercial Building Telephone 144 Evenings, Sundays by Appointment D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 232S INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH BUY YOUR Washington County Agencies INSURANCE SERVICE First National Bank Building RUBBER STAMPS Phone 2111 For Information from Rillebore about Director? or HILLSBORO ARGUS Ite Advertiser, roll The Areaa—11*1