H IL L S B O R O Thursday, .lune 27, 1935 A R G U S. IIIL L S H O R O , OREGON Concert at Christian Church ti r of Mrs Mary McHenry und sis­ prizes w ere given for memory work. A tiiainutl/ution of "The l.oi.t Sheep’” by the prim ary clusscs was M r. cleverly done P arents anti teachers prepared a picnic dinner under the m e trees J o e Berger has returned to his visitIng in Portland. home ufter tw o weeks at the 4 II Builds Barn Kincliclowr Elected; Bible C. s W e b e r is b u ild in g a new sum mer school ut Corvallis Mrs A. L Danford, Mr und Mrs b a in o n h is p r o p e r ty , E lm e r W ul S c h o o l C lou s F r id a y N F Danford of Portland, and Mr d e le is in c h a rg e o f th e w o rk Miss Doris P«*terson of Portland ami Mrs. Lylo Taylor visited Mi (Hy Mr» J. ( ’ S m ith ) • bus been the guest of Mr. nd M r. and Mrs. Tom Miller on Sunday Heil visited Mr. and Mrs HAZRLDALE Huy Klnchelowe Lyle Tuylor fur the pust two weeks Joan Miss Edna Weber of Albany bus korun Header in P ortland over wan elected director fur three yours been staying witti Mr. und Mrs the week-end. unit ( ’. A Weaver clerk at the A n­ C. S Weber for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs W P. Brooks a t­ The Daily Vacation Bible school tended tlie wedding of Me Gludys nual school meeting Ju n e 17. Mi.i Lily Kohcrtxnii of Fresno, conducted by E. Everett of Port Baskin to Dr A rthur Underwtxxi land. UhMsted by Mrs Currie B C u l, huN been the guctrt of Mr und Maw, el«»^ V 5c 19c $1.49 FRUITS and VEGETABLES Friday and Saturday Only CARROTS. Bunch ............................................ lc LEMONS. Large size. 2 d o z e n ..................... 25c C^kNTALOUPES. Large size, 3 f o r ........... 25c Celebrate "Happy Days" In Hillsboro July 2, 3 and «