Pa e< « Page Four H IL L S B O R O into a parked u . hx I tru ck on the M A C highway near Scappoose t h r e e , weeks ago The truck did not have HOPS I'M c o in ' lights and Mr Beaton was passing t o A RlA k &ARt»H " h e n the .u n d e n t happened t h is t i m i ' n « > Simon Hershev and his friend. Frank Fisher, got to Bay Ocean wtien the moon and tides w ere lust Helvetia Folk y Monor f V IZ 7 Woman •* £al A R G U S , V II C Pubols Re-elected John Pubols was re-elected on (B y m ™. John M Davld»>ii) the school board at West Union HELVETIA -Mrs. E l i z a b e t h June 17 and Bob K auer is clerk Schmidt. Helvetia's oldest resident. Mrs. Harold Pubols. Roger and celebrated her 90th birthday Sun- Merton Pubols of Portland spent day in the presence of her family, last week visiting Mr. and Mrs relatives and friends Mrs Schmidt John Pubols. is quite spry and helps w ith her Mrs. Rosa Feuerstein. Hector household duties. Present at the Feuerstein and Fern W aeffler vis- dinner w ere Mr. and Mrs. Chris ited Mr and Mrs Leo Pavne in Jenny and daughter Verna o f Portland Sunday. B ridal Veil; Mr. and Mrs Louis Maxine Dahne is w orking in a Schm idt and son Laverne of Hills- beauty parlor at White Salmon, boro; Mr. a n d Mrs. Columbus Wash. Schm idt Bernard, Mary and Helen B irthday Celebrated Schmidt of West Union; Mr. and I.luella Davidson celebrated her Mrs. Fred Peterson and sons Julian eighth birthday w ith a picnic party and Vernon of Cedar Mill. Mrs. for her girl friends in the hay John Leitzel and son Clarence of field, w here her grandfather. J. M Sutherlin. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Leh- Davidson, was working, man and Mrs. Lucks of Milwaukie: Mr and Mrs. Wallace McCuen Mrs. Edith Hemrick. Louis. Mike and family are visiting her par- and Mary Hemrick of Gresham; ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Tscha- Otto Rollers of Portland; Mrs. bold. Anna Hoffman of Hillsboro; John Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Badertscher Zurcher. Joe. Jasper and Julius are v i s i t i n g th eir daughter Mrs Schmidt, Mrs Anna Tobas. and the Bertha Floyd, at Sherwood this honor guest, Mrs. Schmidt. week. E ntertain Sunday Mrs Irene K orn and children Mr and Mrs. Simon Hershev en- Robert and K athryn motored from tertained w ith a lawn party Sun- Yakima. Wash., to spend the school day. Present w ere Mrs. Irene K orn vacation w ith Mr. and Mrs, C. E and Robert and K athryn Korn of K orn and visit relatives here. Yakima, Wash., Mr and Mrs C Mrs. Hager attended th e chil- E. Korn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wen- dren's day program and picnic at ger, Ellen and K enneth Wenger, Phillips Sunday. She has attended and Mr. and Mrs. Blue of Port this Picnic for 20 years and al- land. though getting frail 'sh e was able Mrs. Sandford Hostess Io enjoy m eeting old friends. Mrs The Sunshine club met with Mrs. Ra£er *'HI be 88 in August. J. R. Sandford Thursday w ith 28 '——— ———- trip to Billings. Mont., and Edmon-1 members and nine visitors pres- I T - - . —L . - . . I ton, Canada, w here they visited e n t The club has bought an elec- J . A F tlC llS C l relatives and friends several weeks. trie radio to m ake life brighter for one who is a bedfast invalid. They H o n o r e d T h l i r s d a V Portland”“ M° ° rC ° f also have a chair that can be . . 7 Scott home. spent Sunday at the A loaned w here it is needed. Plans * x j m o n ic a —Mrs. John Trach Mr. ana and ?'r,s Mrs. E M itchell and w ere made for hav: ~injTa"bake* sale sel was Pleasantly surprised Thurs- FIVE COWS, all double-test­ «rs. J. R. Sand- day a ? \° UP and 5 S “ ,ah P eterson w ere to raise money. Mrs ed. for sale. — l t i m i l e s fard ."M rs."w ?£ ' Mulkey a n d ^ M ^ ft:ienda eave her a party< T h e'ev e" ln^ llls^ ° „ north on North Plains road Otto Solberger will be in charge nlng was spcnt ln P>av mg games ... Mr> " a l t e r of Phone Hillsboro 2722. p Mrs. Sandford and Mrs. Solberger w e r e M r - a n d M r s John n" p nd„ M .r and' Consistent use of the classi­ were presented with a gif: a s Oester, M argaret. Hazel. Raleigh. b X' i i“ * fied columns of the Hillsboro token of appreciation for The active E0Ulsf , . and B™ce Oes,<-’r- Mr and M i ^ J o f n B n v n e w h“ " X Argus — "The G reat M a r k e t part they take in club work N e x t M r? " lllla m Oester, Mr. and Mrs „ ,“ 5 Joa" , u " e' who is cm- Place of Washington Coun­ meeting will be with Mr< Jastw r " al*er Willey. C hester Willey, all 5 Portland, spent Thurs- ty"—by C harles Meacham has Keffer® July 17 S r s ¿ a Ä d * 'ar™ < Mr and Mrs. Charles day w it* h er P " ent* Mr and Mrs proved profitable for him as served a dainty lunch. She was J r,aShsel, . Jo Anne' and CharIes B M ^ a it will for anyone that gives assisted bv Mrs Marie J a c k s o n o i T o le d ° ; Mr. and Mrs. K. Bar- and Mrs. Ward C utting and it a fair trial. The cow ad and Mrs. W. E Mulkey. ' ker- Lm nton; Mr. and Mrs. John AP o rtwnd’ a” d th <->li5ses At the Boy Scout meeting Fridav Helsler and daughter Lillian. Dona “ J"1 HlLw ard- and Clar- was ordered and paid for two weeks, but the cows w ere sold m ght p la n s 'w e re . J ?a" Fender H arrie‘ Wiseman, all £ B im m ediately after the first hike to Tillamook about the middle P o l a n d ; Mr and Mrs. L. C. Am i , bend issue. The advertisem ent cost of July Glaske and D arlene a n d Helen -yc- and Mrs. Amos Henderson 34 cents for the first publica­ A id t o M e e t Rich ot Orenco: Mrs. Hulda Trach- and, Mli> Eunlce M itchell attended tio n . - d . , a j „ " , ... , , s«1- Dave. John. Tony, George. Ber- a Pi aL ig>'T nr.a t . th e Woodman hall I Even better results that be­ I a i i dJ ^ « iA Tol»lli n meet * lth M” nice' E sther- H erbert and Clara i" ,PJ’r Hani? F F*da>' evening. Gwyn long in "Believe It or Not" Jack Jossi July 10. .Trachsel. John Trachsel. Dick Wis- M itchell brother of Miss Eunice. are reported by Mr. Meacham, Officials Named mer. and th e honor guest. p a rt in the play. who sold some hay on an A nnual meeting was held at Hel- Richard Scruggs, who has been Mr and Mrs Bert M eyer re- ad before the paper was pub­ vetia school Ju n e 17. John David- in the navy, is spending a few turned Wednesday from a week's lished. Maybe some neighbors son was re-elected director and days w ith his parents. M r an d Mrs t r !p ,o Yakima and Seattle. Wash , heard the order being given Mrs. Tennie Davidson clerk. Mo- Scruggs w here they visited relatives and over the telephone. houseC™ ^ d t0, ^ V e, the “ h001 M r and Mrs. Miles Russell and f“ ends' ouse painted and playshed re- daughters M arjorie and Maxine of paired and shingled. is to re- be home Portland v is it e d a t the Ed S m i t h R D e C lta l G i v e n furnished by SERA. Labor C lerk's Sunday a t t h £ y « u ,Wed 3 g0Od Cash balance Last Sunday Mr and Mrs Keehn, . D a L z - 1 1 H elvetia band played at the pro- ^h 'lo ttm an n ^ o o k ” ! tr” ^ t o Bonne* C h u rc h Consistent Use Brings Profits Officials Named at Kansas City (B y M r« J. A. McCoy) a P 'p h d h picni c ht ld c " \he vi1Ie dam and to Stevenson, Wash . BETHANY-CEDAR MILL—A re- KANSAS CITY— The a n n u a l at Phillips church Sunday. The Sundav visitors at thp Fmii Cltal was given at the Bethany Pres- . school xi5etin^ meeting » W°j was held at the Sunday school children took part Trachsel home w ere Mr and Mrs byterian church Ju n e 18 by Jess «-hrwJ and large num ber from this vicin- P eter Riedweg and children* Al- Foster’s pupils. Taking part were USC Monday eve n i n g. Cropp is chairm an, I. P. are on o ,„ „ „ „ ............ " d <° " » • S 2S . s s , By Munch I / ' * for . im ­ St. was ran Bend rs t 1 Itcd Mr and Mrs. Gall Kurus Sun­ Hillsboro Argus contains all thi day news of Hillsboro and •he aur- Mrs Art Taylor and daughter rounding communities, Bonnie. Mr. and Mrs Chnrli I'cn ami keep Informed mi Hend 11 W h m i and m r >>f Portland, Walter happening nt home. If Lelsy and Miss Pauline l.lbby of Salem spent Sunday al U m W II F aix D irecto r; G range Meet Ring home. Mcsdaincs Morgan. Mcllchckc. Set fo r W ednesday M O N E Y -M A K IN G Henrlch. E Wlcfcrt and Miss Stream visited the 4 II club sum mer school PULLETS ( B y Mm. R. I . ( ' „ « ) In Corvallis last Wednesday. KINTON .lake Falx was elected Mr and Mrs It E Settles ami director for three years and Dewey children uud Mr. and Mrs Leonard McNamee clerk at the annual S a n d s lro iu of V a n c o u v e r v isited school meeting Ju n e 17. O ther d i­ at the Calvin Gross home Sunday It require* high grad« mn rectors are Harold Aten for two Miss Pauline Settles, who has been lerinls properly blended to years and Everett Wright fur one visiting her sister. Mrs Gross, for Budget us recommended by the the past six weeks, returned home hnilil one of those egg ma board was approved. Repairs on the w itti them. chines. T h a t’s why Hodgen- school will be started soon with Mr and Mrs Carl Peterson ami SERA labor. children of Portland visited re l­ B rew strr Feeds alw ays get Mr and Mrs George S nider and atives here Sunday. results. family have been spending the past Mr. ami Mrs liulph McNeil of week or so nt the different resorts Portland visited at the Ernest Wtl- at the eoust. fert home Sunday. W arren Wilson of Beaverton was Mrs. John Pup|>en and daughter ln town the first of the week call Elizabeth of Portland spent a few Fred • Srril • Wool and Poultry Telephone ;tlWI tng on hts old neighbors and days at the John l.ugrnbuhl heme friends. last week. C elebrate "Happy Days" In lltlls. Grange to Meet boro July 2, S, and 4 Ask your attorney to send your Kinton Grange will meet at the hall Wednesday at 8 o'clock. The legal advertising to the Argus muster. A lbert Streiff. urges all of­ ficers and m em bers to be in a t­ tendance. Aid Meet Today Ladies' Aid will meet this after- I noon (Thursday) at 2 o'clock with the vice-president. Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, Cooper Mountain. Family Moves ; Mr and Mrs Harvey Miller and family, who have been living on the H arry Leedy place for the past two years, moved to Beaverton last week to m ake their home. Brotherhood of the Evangelical churches of this district met Inst Roynl Anne. Bing. Blnck Republican, T a rta ­ Mrs W hitfield returned to their Tuesday evening with Mr. und Mrs norne Tuesday. Everett I). Wright. Cooper Moun- rian. or nny other soft, black cherry. Notify M r and Mrs. Theo K rieger and tain with a good delegation from daughter K atherine motored to St the Mountain Home. Laurel and us the tonnage you expert to deliver. Helens one day last week to visit Kinton communities. friends. Mr and Mrs J 11 Aten and fam- .Mrs Mary Esh and daughters of ily spent Sunday with old friends Portland visited Mr and Mrs. Louis in Carlton, w here they used to re- Lugs furnished by us. Strohm ayer one day last week. side. Mr. and Mrs J. A. McCoy and Doy Gray of Beaverton visited daughters Gladys and Ethel were here Wednesday. Sunday guests of Mr. M cCoys Mrs Ethel McCormick and fnm- brother and wife. Mr and Mrs. ily of Hillsboro spent Saturday with ... ... w illia m McCoy of Watts Mr. and her mother. Mrs Lilly M Bierly Mrs. Leonard Ingles and Will Buell Preaching service at the church were also their guests. this Sunday bv the pastor. Rev Hillsboro, Oregon A rthur Vanderzanden of the El- Virgil Speece. ut 9 43. and every wood Lum ber company spent the Sunday morning at the same hour, week-end with his parents. Mr. and until further notice Bible school Vanderzanden. at the usual hour. The new pastor Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vanderzanden is a young man and invites all | aJld sons Hal ph. F rank and Robert young people to attend the serv- a ^ al^Y*ew visited Mr. and Mrs. J ices. The Kinton church doors ore! A. McCoy Saturday evening. open to all. Guy Raymond and Russell Hick- A business m eeting of the officers ey visitied friends in Banks Sun- and members of the church w a s 1 day. held at the church this Monday EVERY CAR AIR-CONDITIONED ON THE NIGHT LIM ITED evening and m atters in connection , with the coming year's work with [the new paator w ere transacted, r j., , _ . Rev Speece had charge of the “¿ d S , 1" ; ? ' w i - S i 0 » ™ “ ■ Don’t Just Happen Farmers’ Cash Store 3! I B. E. Mating, Inc. W ill B uy B. E. Mating, Inc. Director Elected i hatcher School m£“n * Miss G race foSPO KANE I V . P o rtla n d f i3O p . m . A r . S pofcono 7iO O a . m . McCormick of Htlis- •n is-eA r L”1 Wr,0 p m. to 6 p. O regon, w here they spent five weeks w ith M r- a" d Mrs. Charles Boy, Lorell bull Thursday. It was taken out of _ th eir daughter, Mrs A rchie Ber- B°y. Dorothy Boy and Bill C arr the pasture in the afternoon and nard, and fam ily during Mr. Scott's visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Moar Sheriff Connell was out investigat­ f-rious illness. He is m uch im - o{ B urlington Sunday. ing. I proved. Mr. and Mrs Jam es Sparks of G uests at the J. P. Vanderzanden THE DELTA I Incorpora ted) Mrs. Fletcher and friend of Port- P ortland visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen home Sunday afternoon were Mrs. land visited Mr. and Mrs. A lfred C arr last Tuesday night. Vanderzanden's sister and husband. Collections — Credit Reports G roer and daughter Helen Friday Mrs. Yule A ustin and D wight Mr. and Mrs. William Vanderzan In Mrs. William Holtz and m other, spent th e w eek-end w ith Mr. and I den, of Roy. Mrs. McDowell, and Glenn Me- Mrs H arvey C arr of Gresham . ' E B. Webb and F rank Vander- Washington, Tillamook, Yamhill, June 28th to July 4th Polk and Marlon Counties. Dowell retu rn ed Ju n e 18 from a Miss Nellie Larsen of P ortland z.anden are helping Ralph Oglesby ~ ___ ■ ---------------- *s spending p art of h er vacation haul hay for a few days 3al Hepatica Personal C ontact on Collections with home folks. M C Larsen, ' - . Vanderzanden of and , F ran k and . Bob 60c size ........ ... — " —■' —— fam ily Tuesday night __ she will Fairview are helping J. A. McCoy W ashington County Office Castoria. leave for a trip to Idaho. i with his haying. C om m ercial B uilding 40c size .......... I ,----—---------------- Visitors at the Zoe Quick home Second and Main S treets Our classified columns may have Sunday w ere Mr. and Mrs. Percy Italian Balm Phone 3071 w !lat you are look>ng for— Whitfield of Mist and Mr and Mr- Hillsboro, Oregon 60c s iz e ........... tf Charles Waddle of D ille y . M r. a n d Mrs. Pete xz r>-A Y unker is caring h er father. Mr. Beaton, who is proving very slowly at the V incent’s hospital. Mr. Beaton ■eriously injured when his car a. Kinton School Heads Elected _____ SI O R EG O N Thursday. Juno 27, l«»3r, M ac Knows W h a t’s Good fo r H im ____ <- jz j z 'l c u * M n , Sandford Club Hostess; nght ,ast Wl,vk brought „¿nu. School O ffic ia ls Named a la r g e q u a n tity of d a m s »» H I L L S B O ItO , Orcnco SPOKANE, PORTLAND & SEATTLE RY. ECONOMY FARES A r e n o w In o#a