r Oregon Products— M i 11*5 ll ()I‘! Early Copy— . Makes for Fewer Mistakes and Better Service The Argus is Printed on Oregon Made News W ith W hich toCombined the Hillsboro Independent Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, June 27, 1935 Volume 42, No. 19 Anniversaries Held at Laurel Treasure Hunt Friday Night | ! Trachael» and Schmidt» in Celebration on Sunday Event Regina Mountain Top Church; Party Held (By Mr» F. I«. Ilrowiii LAUltEI. Mr. and Mm Jacob Trachael of Elmonicu and Mr und Mi r Jacob Schmidt cclebrotcd their thirty -second und tenth wedding anniversaries respectively Sunday at the Schmidt home Mr Trachael I b Mm Schinldl’a brother A pot­ luck dinner wu« enjoyed ut noon Present beaidea the honor gueata were Mr und Mrs John Murty und Irene and Edward of Bethany; Mr und Mm Philip Measinger und Wesley, (Jeorge und Herbert of Beaver Creek; Mr und Mr« Henry Touchin. Mr und Mr« Emil Truch- sel. Mr and Mrs Herbert Keen, Murjorle Keen, Virginiu and Bar­ bara Touchin and Laura. Lawrence. Arthur and Edward Trachael, all of Elmonicu, Mr. and Mr« Vern Pugh and Lester and Jurne« of D u II um ; Mr and Mrs Peter Iteidweg and Huzel and Albert of South Tuul atin; Eva Wolf of Alohu. Mr and Mrs. Dwight Built and Nancy of m T i m “. , A » n Vernon and c “r" . H u . " 25. " r CHF.HAI.FM MOUNTAIN Chit dren at the Mountain Top Sunday »< hool of g ra d e w h o o l ag e w ill p a r tic ip a te III a I r e i w i r r h u n t F r r d a y ev, m u g at th e c h u r c h .Me Ernestine U te It Guenther will d ie d a t th e M c M in n v ille h o s p ita l J u n e I,’ a fte r a sh o rt illn e ss S ir . wu» h u rle d J u n e 1H Mi und M r» E rn e s t a n d f.irm ly attend»* th e n .a i Q Lovegren want to Newport last Aebischer Elected School Director (By M lu Helen Aabahr) McNay home ut Forest drove Alt Tue»duy to dig clums They re- LAUREL RIDGE Harold Arbis- wlshing to go should be ut the turned Wednesday with clam» to cher was elected for a three year Laurel «tor«* at 7:45 Saturday and Sunday guests at term on the school board , , , Mr» , . Ce- J W Mulloy lost u fine tow Sun the Italelgh Whitmore home were c9j? ^tr?c!i.,,r wa’' *'Icc*t‘d clerk day w ith m ilk f< •. • I Mr and Mrs. William North and Daniel Werre was taken lo St Move to N e w H o m e „ t J William Frey of Portland Vincent s hospital In Portland Sat- Mr and Mrs Walter Schmidt j{iiy Vorhees and son Earl visited urday to have his appendix remov- have moved Into their new house friends and their former home in 1x1 He ls doln« vcrF w cl* recently built on his father's place p ort|nnd Sunday Mr “nd Mrs Ha-V Deed and chil- Boyal Anne cherry harvest will Sunday visitors at the Herman dren. who came here recently from be finished In this section this Whitmore home were Mrs Whit- Brush, Colo, left Saturday for Tule wy the ^tuinesa and Pio* I *hen last heard from. BEAVERTON— Funeral services candiuates by the Business and I ro Haying will be practically finish , eld for Mrs Bi ll Mason aged fesslnnal Women s club In Hillsboro' » ,n thi, vlcinltv this week The 2 . ,1 . ' RV? F r id a v a v e n in a A ls o th e t h e a tr e 7 , , . viciniiy inis wick , m t 83 years widow of William D Friday evening. Also the th.atr. ylc|d ll l mUchr lighter th a n .u su a l Maion .B eaverton . a , P eggs chapel on account of dry weather, although June M„ Mason dtcd June 10. some fields yielded well ghe had been in ill health for sev- Mr and Mrs. Rollin Meyers en- craj years and confined to her bed tertalned with a crawfish feed a t , the paj, , wo months Interment was their home Saturday evening. Guests ln Crefcnt Grove cemetery were Mr and Mrs Roy F .elds of M„ Mason fornierly Miss Bell Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ed I cm - was born March 20. 1853, min of Scholls and Mr. and Mrs 1 in Ohio county, Indiana She was Henry Reese. married to William D Mason of St Paul. Indiana, in 1874 They re­ Farm Inrome Gains sided in Sweet Springs. Mo, until During April, farm Income to-1 coming to Beaverton five years ago tilled $5O7,OOO.(XMl. a gain of 31 per j She is survived by the widower cent over April, 1934. For the first and two sons. Dr. C E. Mason of four months of the year farm in Beaverton and Clyde Mason of Hig­ come is 12 per cent In excess of ginsville. Mo. the same period last year. Plan for Fair Subscribe for the Argus. SALEM—Growing with Oregon will be the theme of the 74th an­ nual Oregon state fair to be held YOUNG’S at the fair grounds at Salem Sat­ urday. August 31. to Saturday, Sep­ tember 7, Inclusive, and plans have been under way for some time to "Thoughtful, Sympathetic make this the most interesting fair Service" for tlie people of Oregon that they Phone 972 Hillsboro ever have known. Hop in at your neighborly , WE HE1P you P IA N VACATIONS M ild re d M e y e r- 'w J'"' A- Wi! t e r , . .......| and .' U V T , r j ¿'i b rin g s D E M A N D SECOND TRAINLOAD fo r this territory • NEARLY VaS&SSHKKuU '-jB, > . J ' " "T'i ”' (■FjMP P rice s s t i l l d o w n SHELL T O U R IN G SERVICE A t thv.tc n elgh bttrly itn tittn j: — HILLSBORO — Busch's Super Service lllllaboro Motor Co. Cosletl'a Super Service llnlwege's Service Station Rock Creek Service Station — FOREST OROVE — Bailey'» Service Station Phelps' Service Station Highway Service Station. Oaston S E D IR A L H O U tIN O A CT — Now in clu d es M aytag Windier» on the list for gov­ ernment aid to buyers. Maytag» at/idaMe • 1 What lxtlrr proof could you have of the Maytag*« popularity than a demand that cajla for a repeat trainload shipment within 90 day«? A Maytag at today'« prices is an investment that will grow in value. • Enjoy Maytag «aving« each week. A free demonstration will «how you the merit« of the one-piece, cast-aluminum tuh, Gyratator wa«hing action, originated hy Maytag, Koller Water Kemovcr and a «core of other advan­ tage«. See the nearest dealer. Ea«y term«. •• ’ f uUthmtt elettrMiy LESTER IRELAND ôi CO. T H I M A TTA ! COMFAWY « » aru K l . N U fD 1111 . M IW TOM , IOWA n a m e •S o u th b r-a lly . f ’ r.e T u a la tin C lu b " ftu o y B a g n e ll .n N e x t m e e t. M W V , c W X '- w «A L eo \ » •« . U B B th e B ill K.-u’e r f P - r t l a n d is w o rk '■* ' n ,h r' E " J Bro< k p la c e He * as f '.r tn e r iy a re s id e n t of this io- c a lity . T>r k B o w lb ” • ( -in g fr- rn o e s . d e , 5e-. e re b ru ise s H S K B Mr K t J r I A ' ' &, cf a c c id e n t I n ju r ie s c o m p rise d a b ro k - A* B \ :,rrf M r' M lK l” B ir.n c il f O.y.m ;..,, n r j.- i P . r ’J a r.d SK^ S k , MglEKjWj«gBSe N J ♦> nelf Bcb A J B u n n e ll a n d and C la ra R o u tt .- e g .e .ts hom e M r "■ r I ;*• -d.iy How long will th« amazing Gas house­ hold appliance set offer last? We can't s a y Our advice is to select your new gas range. Electro-, lux gas refrigerator,1 automatic gas water heater and gas con­ version furnace bur­ ner a t once. Many seta are selling for as little asj i ! c >' c l -r" ' W. A I ’u n - Penrnan and Lafayette M e a d e d ro v e to P o r tla n d J u n e 17 I n v ita tio n s fo r a ta f fy p a r ty a n d s c a v e n g e r h u n t h a v e b e e n g iv en Susbauer o f Cornelius, who were ........ “ ...... out by Yvonne Bunnell for Tues- married Monday morning at St Edmund Lowe, Claire Trevor and Tom Brown who arc featured in day evening to the young people of Alexander's church at Cornelius ! "Black Sheep" at the local theatre tonight, Friday and Saturday. I the neighborhood. Only Close relatives of Miss M.-y-, — "— 11 11 - "■............. — -------'■ - Lelia O'Connor visited her par-! SEE YO UR G AS A PP ilA M C C ents at Reedville Sunday. ers and Mr Susbauer attended the chairman of the garden committee, Evelyn Lloyd is visiting h e r 1 OCALER O R T H E G A S C O . pre-wedding reception. P r e se n t ¡An order was made up and sent grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Van-' 302 E. Main S t were his parents. Mr and M rs.! off for perennial flower seeds for Mike Susbauer. Miss Mayme Sus club members. Mrs. Charles Tatman bauer and Keith Susbauer of Cor will be hostess July 2. O. J Buttedahl and Miss Hazel nelius, Mr and Mrs Harley Flaherty Mrs John Walker’s grandmother. and family, und Mr and Mrs How­ Mrs Tompkins, of Grand Island is Devore of Bismarck. N. D.. visited last week at the home of Miss ard Dooher of Portland Mr. and her guest this week. Mrs Carl Susbauer of Salem. Mr Mr and Mrs Clayton Whitmore Devore’s parents. Mr. and Mrs C. and Mrs. H E. Susbauer, Mr. and and family joined Mr. and Mrs. J. Devore at Jacktown. Miss Devore We Announce a Dividend at Mrs Lee MacIntyre. Mr. and Mrs | Rollin Meyers at a picnic at Mid- is employed in the state auditor's office at Bismarck. Mr. Buttedahl Lee Oakes, and Mr and Mrs Will ' way Sunday. the Rate of Zeigler nnd family of Hillsboro, George Zeigler and daughter V iv­ is editor of the North Dakota Lead­ Norma and Raymond Meyers, the ian attended the Susbauer-Meyers er, official non-partisan l e a g u e newspaper. The paper is owned by hostess nnd the honor guests wedding at Cornelius Monday. former Governor Langer of North Mrs E C Wohlachlegel was host­ Mrs. Wood Dies ess June 19 when the Buck Heaven Mrs. Mary Wood, mother of Dakota, who was the center of Payable June 30«h. 1935 Women's club met at her home Avery Wood, died Saturday and much political strife and court ac­ and tied two comforters for her was buried Tuesday Mrs. Wood tivity recently. They made the trip Checks w ill be mailed June 30th to all paid up Certificate Ten members were present. Mrs L. was a recent guest of her son dur­ by automobile. holders and earnings will be added to all other accounts. I. Hulit of Newberg was a visitor. ing her illness. Prospective customers are cordially invited to investigate Mrs Jessie Dezure and Miss Ivy Grounds for Divorce Mr and Mrs. Proctor's oldest our Certificates for their July 1st investment. Peterson were guests of a sister, daughter arrived at their home at And now being a newspaper pub­ Under State Supervision with legal guarantee Reserve Fund. Mrs Ira G McCormick, f r o m Bald Peak Sunday for an indefin­ lisher is grounds for a divorce. No better investment available. Thursday until Thursday when they ite visit. Georgia Valentine of San Diego went to the home of a sister. Mrs Mr. and Mrs D. A. Otto and has sued her husband, James Val­ G C White Miss Peterson left family and Mr and Mrs. Sam Otto entine, because "he persists in be­ Monday to attend summer school and family attended a birthday ing a publisher with consequent in­ at O S. C . dinner party Sunday honoring Mes­ sufficient earnings.” Mrs Collin Cree of Newberg vta- srs. Otto's sister. Mrs. H E. Grab- Reliable She alleged that her husband “re­ ited a sister. Mrs Fred Matters, horn. at Cooper Mountain. fused to leave the publishing field, from June 18 until Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Sam Otto and two so he might enlarge his earning ca- 1 Collin Cree of Newberg is help­ little children are ill with sum­ pacity, despite her numerous pleas ing J E and Dorman Blazer make mer flu. that he do so. cordwood To Play on Fourth He continued in that work, she i Mr and Mrs. Henry Helzer. Mr Buck Heaven Buckaroos w ill play charged, "because he liked to as­ and Mrs Fontano and Mrs. H at the Fourth of July celebration sociate with friends in the same J. M. PERSON, Manager Comber of Portland visited the at Hillsboro. field.”—California Publisher. McCormick home Sunday. Savings A Loan Bldg. Hillsboro Oregon Mrs D M McInnis spent sev­ Wedding Stationery Quality job printing—Argus. eral day» the first of this week with Shows Few Changes a daughter, Mrs. J. A. York, at Recdville. in Last 50 Years Orval Blehm. who has been work­ If great-grandmother were to re­ ing at Parkrose. arrived at the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs turn to earth as a blushing bride Henry Blehm. June 18 Charles this spring she would have to Pashek of Portland visited him change her wedding stationery of Sunday The Blehm family have a half-century or more ago in only recently traded for the Buzan farm a few details to be absolutely cor­ Mr and Mrs. Wilber Dodd and rect. Nothing i s more conventional son Kenneth of Portland visited Early Clearance hia brother-in-law and sister. Mr than formal stationery, but there and Mrs. Elery McDougal. Sunday still remains opportunity for indi­ WOMEN’S SHOES Quite a few from the Buck viduality in many details. Wedding folders with inside and White fabrics, white Heaven district attended the Wash­ leathers and two-tones. ington County Pioneers and Native outside envelopes were used fifty Sons and Daughters reunion at years ago; the color was white Pumps, oxfords, ties, then—while the newest forms this Hillsboro Sunday. straps. High, medium year are ivory And the ancient Beautiful dresses of Mrs Ira G. McCormick and Miss and low heels. $■« .49 Alice McInnis, accompanied by Miss Copper Plate Script of the eighties long organdies, eye­ June Holcom of Scholls, visited has given way to more modern JL Special ............. Mrs. Allen H. Comber at Portland shaded styles of lettering. There lets, ra y o n s a n d Saturday Mr and Mrs Comber are various other minute but im­ Children’s SHOES portant details in which this sea­ prints. New jacket spent from Saturday evening until Whites and colors. San­ Monday morning as guests of the son's social stationery diverges from linene suits. Whites that of even a few years ago. dals, oxfords, straps. McCormick family. The newest in weddingg invita­ and colors, all sizes. Mrs Peter Tromp Jr. and little Dress up the kiddies at daughter of Portland spent the tions and marriage announcements Weil’s. GREAT SPECIAL have been received at the Hillsboro week-end at the Peter Tromp Sr Argus office. It is a pleasure to Pair .......... home here. L. T Finegan and daughter Miss show them. Men’s and Boys’ Wanda were guests at a dinner Subscribe now to the Argus. In SALE SLACKS party at the Carl Wohlschlegel Oregon $1.50 a year. Six months home at Scholls Sunday. Washable stripes, serv- Mr and Mrs. Oscar Hagg and 85c. Three months 50 cents. Two icable and well tf daughter of Reedville and Mr and months 35 cents. made. Special . Mr» Tom Shuck visited the Fine­ gan home Sunday evening. (M en’s $1.49) C O T T O N S USED and NEW PARTS Gordon Heineck of Portland vis­ ___ _ Mrs A For less. Tires, batteries, wheels— SALE ANKLETS ited the home of an aunt. D. Hill, from Monday until Thurs- wlre> wood disr 8,1 siles- Trallfrs For women, misses and COTTONS day. J made to order, children. All colors, all Mrs. Clayton Whitmore was host- Hillsboro Auto Wreckers sizes. ess for the Fir Grove Ladies' Social y g w. Main 156 Second Ave. yd. club June 18. Mrs. Ben Cooley is Pair ........... North Dakotans Visit Local Folk derscheure-__________ A N N O U N C E M E N T --- 3% Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n WEIL'S DEPT. STORE INVITES YOU TO CELEBRATE “Happy Days” in Hillsboro JULY 2 - 3 - 4 SALE DRESSES - SUITS 98c «/OU 10c New “COLUMBIAKNIT” SEND YOUR BANK DEPOSITS IN WITH YOUR RURAL MAIL DELIVERYMAN You do not have to leave your home to transact your banking business. Savings and commercial deposits can be mailed to this bank as safely and speedily as you can bring them here yourself. 1/2 MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH IN NINETY DAYS • The a n d frie n d s •?'. Funeral Home Shell station and ask to see our Finger-Tip Information book. It's crammed with sug­ gestions for Western vaca­ tions. Tells places to go for fish­ ing, hunting, golf, swimming. Describes scenic and historic spots. Lists rates and accom­ modations at hotels and re­ sorts. Ask also for free copy of Shell's Auto Cabin Directory. And for our wonderful new maps and other touring helps. I jdMWr ' | J 'l i u i - d . i v e '. e r u r , , ' a tte n d e d h \ ? h M,, . ,k . , d - . . m t . , g e i-< rf- t i t h » r fo r s * a i n .m i n / M n M r v r n llo s trs n Mi Lena M eyer e n 'e r t a i n e d S u n d a y . • y e l l i n g f o r h e r d a u g h te r M •« i J a 'In* Rotliarn und Maurice Chevalier, who are «tarred in “I - »he Venetian theatre Sunday. Mon,lay and Tu.ra.ay i |f / ' H e ld JOHNSON—A record crowd was ' on hand Thursday evening for the | third meeting of the new club, re­ cently formed in this district. The entertainment was in charge of John Liebenow and Lilia O'Connor head­ ed the refreshment committee. Bus-1 m a tte r s were taken up. the naming of the club in particular I ing will be a picnic on Emil Brock's ; M o n d ay a n d T u . s d a , M m t.o n & G u e n th e r hornecorri M i n M a ry K eetz o f ( 'o r v .d l i ? ' P ic n ic MW f have I " 4 Our classified columns may have South Tualatin is just what you are looking for— Name of New Club Read tt‘enk___________ “ ,, M e. J It W icsn u n d w h o se Hillsboro, und Mr und Mrs Walter | |iurty given by Mr Phelps of the Schmidt. Venetian ( Knit Sweaters Big assortment just in! TOYO PANAMAS A dress and sun hat for women at a fraction of its value. Assorted col­ ored bands ....... Men’s Sailor STRAW HATS Take your pick—any­ one in our store Val. to $3 200 HATS For women and chil­ dren. Straws, knits, felts. All styles, white and colors. Values to 25c 69c F a c h ..... 59c 2 FOR $1.00 NAUTICAL BLOUSES CO TTO N S 29c Tailor Them With McCall's Help Th«r«'$ loft of fun w a it­ ing for you when you »tart making your cot­ ton frock». Our cotton» have never been more glortou»— nor ha» M c ­ C all ever had smarter designs. And with M c ­ Call's capable help you will find tailoring these cotton* the »implest task — easy-to-follow direc­ tions practically do the work for you. M c C a ll P r in t e d " P a tte r n s $1.25 values. White with sailor collar, red and blue trim. Size 30 to 40. Tour choice .... >tzV* Sale All Wool BATHING SUITS 98c ’1.98 See Our NEW JANTZENS HILLSBORO, OREGON