-«.W LV Early Copy— Celebrate— Makea for Fewer Mistakes and B etter Service The F ourth of July and llurnocoiuinK lloro W ith Which b Combined First Section, Pages 1 to 10 “Happy Days Events Will Open Saturday Night S ta te C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r A. Independent Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, June 27, 1935 V o lu m e 4 2 , N o . 1 9 HV th e l l i i l . b o r o lohn Kamna t- L IN D U B O K No Legislation by State for Federal Pension Act as Passed Returned to Crowded Program on Tap Local Relief for A nnual Celebration up t() B a s e b a ll *********** • Hilhi Board G am es, P a t r io t ic F ir e w o r k s , P a r a d e , C o n te s ts , P r o g r a m , P ic n ic s Set f o r “ H a p p y D ances, D ays Altered Soon “Happy Days'' Program County Girl to be Named Saturday, June 29-«- Goddess of Liberty Selection Dance, Shute P ark A udi­ torium. Selection of Goddess and A ttendants at 9 p. m. Dancing the rem ainder of the evening. as Goddess AI.KM No additional legislation Tuesday, July 2— is needed to make the Oregon Baseball games, fireworks, pa­ Saturday in the Shute auditorium. old age pension act conform to the Baseball game. Hillsboro Juniors vs. Cornelius Juniors, T w e n ty -fiv e A s p ira n t* W ill triotic and floral parade, contests, The Goddess will b e crowned S e p a ra tio n R e -e m p lo y m e n t, federal act Just upproved by con­ Shute P ark field, 2 p. m. gress, In the opinion of officials S ix t y -f o u r B a llo ts C a st H e r e uerlul acrobats, picnics, band con­ during the annual ball on the eve­ R e lie f O ffic e s A s k e d T a k e P a rt in S election ning of July 3. Public wedding, Public Wedding and Dance, Shute P ark auditorium , 9 certs und patriotic exercises ull here based on press report! sum ­ M o n d a y a t A n n u a l V o te these free attractions und enter- | with IJr Henry Young performing p. m.« marizing the provisions of t h e H e r e by M o n d a y a t D a n c e S a tu rd a y tulnm ents und more ure on tap for the ceremony and Mayor J. H. new law Tile Oregon act. passed Adams Aerial Acrobats, Shute P ark midway, 1:30 p. m., U n io n H ig h D is t r ic t Visitors at the tw enty-ninth an G arrett giving the bride away, is by the last legislature. Is believed and 7:45 p. m. nual "Happy Days" celebration, scheduled for the highlight of the to meet all of the federul req u ire­ Carnival attractions and shows, all day. Dancing sponsored by the Hillsboro hire- dance Tuesday evening ments Including lliose of age, rest-I men's association, at Stiute park ■ will lx- conducted all afternoon and deuce and adm inistration. S o m e. Tuesduy, Wednesday und T h u rs­ evening on July 4 — fear was felt that the uge req u ire­ W ednesday, July 3— G rand firew orks display of 150 ment of the state law might not day. S enator G eo rg e A itk e n W ill O utstanding among the a ttrac­ pieces is planned for 9:15 p. m. E s ta b lis h m e n t W o r k s S t a f f satisfy the provisions of tile fed- Boys’ Bicycle race, starting at Cornelius 1 p. m. and eral which perm its participation in B o a rd o f N o n - H ig h S ch o o l tions scheduled will be buseball j Thursday. Firem en declare that ending at Shute Park. C ro w n Goddess J u ly 3 in C o u n ty C o n te m p la te d games on each afternoon of the the exhibition will be one of the j old age pensions by persons 85 Baseball game, Roy (Washington County league) vs. A r e a W i l l O r g a n iz e three-day event. Hillsboro's junior largest in the history of the "Hap­ years of age but a provision in the Cedar Mill (Farm Union league), Shute P ark field, 2 team, sponsored by C arl Russell, py Days" event. federal a d perm its stutes to limit Goddess of L iberty for the an­ p. m. Patriotic, floral and pet parade. Complete separation of direct re- and the C ornelius Juniors, managed assistance to persons 70 yeurs of W. Kamna Jr. of Farm ing- by ' Bun” Huson, will clash in the v h .c h is to start at 9:15 a. m . July 1 nual Hillsboro “Happy Days’’ cele­ and re -e rn p lo y m e n s e ^ e ° ‘ Crowning of Goddess of Liberty and Dance, Shute P ark age or over until January 1, 1940 ton John bration! Wttich of the 25 attractive was unanimously re-elected as opening game at 2 p. m. Tuesday 4 from the corner of firs t A venue I Bees and personnel in Washington auditorium , 9 p. m. There does, however, appear to aspirants will be the first to win on the Hillsboro union Hoy of the Washington County and Mam streets under the span- w‘“ completed on or be- be need for further legislation If director Adams A erial Acrobats, Shute P ark midway, 1:30 p. m., this honor and be crowned with a school board for 11 five-year league will meet Cedar Mill of the sorship of the Hillsboro Rotary - lore Mond“y’ “CCOrd*ng„ Oregon is to reap the full benefits high and 7:45 p. m. diadem on the evening of July 3? Monday during the unnual Farm Union loop nt 2 p m . • Wed­ club. Is attracting considerable in. nouncement today by . of the unemployment Insurance sec- term This question, which has attrac­ Carnival attractions and shows, all day. Hilhi district meeting A totul of I nesday In the second scheduled terest All entries must be in line chairman of the county relief com- 11,,11 o f tin- fed . , a l e< o i l . m ile ted county-wide attention for the voles were cast at the election, game In the Fourth of July game. of march on First between M a in ' ™ l«* This action u being taken curity a d This act levies a puyroll 64 past few weeks and which has a m arked increase over the 24 tux of three per cent on ull cm- ballots received at the local ele­ Verboort of the T ualatin Valley and Edison not later than 8:45 a. iollowing noUfication from federad T hursday, July 4— draw n nominees from enthusiastic players of four or more persons. In m entary school district vole the league and Aloha of the Sunset m and report to the ch airm an .; headquarters and isbelievedItoi be organizations in all parts of the league will play for the Washing Richard E Wiley. Cash prizes will i t*>e first step In setting up the new »tales winch have provided for u n ­ Patriotic and Floral Parade, starting at the courthouse area, will be answered at 9 p. m. Monday. ton county cham pionship at 1:30 be aw arded in all classes. Entries government works program. employment compensation a cred­ previous at 9:15 a. m. and ending at Shute Park. Saturday during the Goddess of Reduction In the w arranted and The new program w ill be han­ it of 90 per cent is allowed for bonded debt of the district during Admission to all games will be should be filed at the Argus of­ dled by the works progress ad­ Flag-raising ceremony, Shute Park, 10:30 a. m. Liberty selection dance at the Shute fice liy noon Ju ly 3. contributions to the slate fund free. park auditorium. ttie past year of $29,750 23 was re ­ P atriotic exercises, south grove Shute Park, 11 a. m. Opening event on the crowded Free V enetian theatre tickets and ministration, the letter received by . • • * Following the procedure adopted Weil stated. Placem ent of all em ­ ported by 1,. C. Lomax, clerk To­ Baseball game, Verboort (Tualatin Valley league) vs. The report of the state planning tal of $¡4.75023 In loan and gen program will be the selection of free m erry-go-round tickets will ployes on the new w orks program last year, selection of the Goddess (Continued on pave 4, column S) board on ttie proposed m-w capital erul fund w arrants w a s retired the Goddess of L iberty at 9 p. m Aloha (Sunset league). Shute P ark field, 1:30 p. m. of Liberty for the 1935 celebration will be made by the N ational Re­ building together with recom men­ and the bonded debt was reduced will be left to chance and the can- employment Service. A irplane Stunts, over Shute P ark, all afternoon. dations us to location, style of by $15,000. according to the report ! didates themselves. All will be giv­ New Office Planned Boys’ and G irls’ races, Shute P ark, 2 p. m. architecture and method of financ­ en a lair and equal chance to re­ Debt Load Slashed Prior to this time the county re ­ Ladies’ Nail-driving contest, Shute Park, 2 p. m. ing Is due to be filed Friday of ceive the honor. O utstanding loan w arrants at the bel committee has assisted the Na- tins week Governor M artin bus Old-tim e Fiddlers’ contest, Shute Park, 3 p. m. Novel Selection Planned ! tional Re-employment Service by , been in almost dully conference present time am ount to $27,300, Band Concerts, Shute Park, morning, afternoon and Nominees will gather at the audi­ 11 provi«Ui>g p e r s o o n a l a n d fa c ilitie s with m em bers of the board and while endorsed general fund w ar­ evening. torium and be introduced to the l l O n O r S LIT I r i e e i fo r registering and placing unem- with •.ate officials and individuals rants are non-existent. Tile total audience at 9 p. m. by a represent­ _____ ployed. Under the new set up, this Fireworks, Shute Park, 9:15 p. m. i.-gurdlng plun» for the new build­ for these1 two Items at the close of ative of each girl’s sponsoring or­ ing which is being given pri-ce- till. 1933 34 sch o o l y e a r was $42.- In te r e s t L a c k in g a t O p e n in g