II I L L S 15 O R O Thurwlay, June 20, 1035 ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Page Seven A New and Greater Washington County Market Place - - Try It This Week! A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C ost----Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday-- - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday C oaiit W ord»— K r l i d 20. M oney F a rm C ount Your Profit» E lm t Inacrtlon, pur woril 2c SEED I® lig h t U tu Knch additional Insertion. |M-r w n i i l • No WTVlcu per Issue h-ss tliun 25c) 21. Iteadi-ra, t»T line m a r k Knee H eading P c rin ltliil C aah »hould ueeoin|«iny order. O ut of fnlrneaa to all no in- foi iiiation on tin* C l a a a l f l e d Huge w ill lx- given out un til th e p a p er Is Issued. A nn o un cem en ts 1. P ro d u ce— F ru ita , V e g e ta b le s tolde B uckeye o lid potatoes, prices Mo. ket, C orne nip F a rm M a c h in e ry IRON Ai’e potato p lan te r u n d m an u re sp re ad e r to trad e for co rru g a ted roller A lbert M anske. I S hady Brook IHp i FI.EX T ie d gard en tra c to r a n d tools, 2 one-horsi* c u ltiv ato rs. 1- sectlon alfalfa sp ring-tooth har- io w . 2 ten-gallon m ilk cans; p ic k ­ up body box for ro a d ster or coup»*; i several h u n d re d sacks; cash regls- I ter, confectionery scales, Toledo, .') lb J II Jack. Sherw ood. Itt 4 III II EVERYBODY know s th a t our l ’er P h o n e S c h o lls IHill.'l feet B lue W hile D iam onds ore low er th a n m ost Jew elers USED m ow ers for sale Good re- p rice lm|M »fccl stones A nderson's palr P o p u lar m akes Phone 122 N orth Plains, M ays Bros M e n a n Je w e lry store tile IK priced 6. W a n te d — M iscellaneo u s a n d y ourself upon th e g rounds of HAVE YOUK PIA N O Old H orses W anted tuned, (’Icaried, (li*rootla G O A T m ilk for sale, d eliv ered m iles south L aurel. 18p daily , cow m ilk - J o h n Ironside. Rt. 4; east end of I2th stre et 18-Bp NO T respass. F or Sale. For Rent, etc., signs, for sale a t A rgus If E LEC TR IC re frig e ra to r. F a irb an k s- Morse, re g u la r $199 50 8-foot box. for $14i) F a irb an k s M orse w ashing m achine, tra d e In allow ance on used w ashers from $5 to $4(1 Easy term s -M eltebeka E lectric Store, 124 S 2nd Ave. 17tf CO N CRETE m ix e r and com plete o u tfit for sale P rice Is rig h t.— A. H B iassing, 181 12th A ve 17p FE N C E posts for sale. W ill deliver. - -Ray Delsm nn. P hone 2107. 44tf 14. C ars, T ru c k « , T ire » HUDSON coach for sale, good c o n ­ dition, gixxl ru b b e r a n d buttery, $00 P hone 2(811 IK 1932 Ford tru ck , sell cheap o r tra d e for light ear. T H. N issen T ele ­ phone Scholls 0515. 18p T R A IL E R for sale, built on Ford chassis, o versize tires, enclosed w ith plyw ood on nil sides Ben W Faber, I’epeo office, or 230 N F irst stre et. 17-8 WE buy and «ell used cars. —Used Gar Exchange. IKtf 17 Fuel HEAVY and light slab, cordw ood, I coal and b riq u e ts H erm an Kehse. 573 E. W alnut. 14tf F IR S T rlass wood for sale. — Ray D elsm an, G a rib ald i Ave. P hone 2107. 49tf 18. Seeds, P la n ts SEED potatoes, C ertified B urbank, for sale.—W erner M eier, Itt. 4, H illsboro; m ile south B e t h a n y s to ic . 17tf YELLOW A berdeen tu rn ip seed for sale.—E. B erggren, Rt. 3, H ills­ boro; n e a r Scotch church. 16-8p 19. H a y an d Feed VETCH or clover hay for sale.— C h a rle s M eacham , on N o rth P lains road. Phone 2722. 18 T R U M PET W ANTED W ill pay cash for tru .n p e t. cornet, a lto or F re n c h horn. M ust h av e C slide and be in good condition —W rite giving m ade. age. condition and p rice A ddress A rgus 2985 18 How To Write A GOOD Want A d - P oints T o C o v e r in a “ Room F o r R e n t” A d v e rtis e m e n t Folks who want to use The Argus’ Classified Want Ads are often at a loss to know what to put into itn advertisement. Here is a list of suggestions that will greatly help anyone who has rooms to rent. Be sure that the advertisement covers most of the following points, and then you will be almost cer­ tain that you will get results quickly: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Street and number. Size of room. Accommodations. Restrictions. Location of room. Location of bath. 7. Exposure, light and air. 8. Kind of heat. 9. Manner of furnishings. 10. Rooming house or private home. 11. Garage facilities. 12. Rental. 13. Advertiser. 14. Telephone number. EXAMPLE BROAD AVE , 100 Size 20x35 feet. S u ita b le for one or tw o B usiness m en p re fe rre d . F ro n t room o v e r­ looking b e au tifu l law n. B ath a n d stall sh o w er in room. S o u th e rn exposure, th re e w indow s in su rin g a b u n d a n t su nshine a n d air. S team heat. T w in beds, b ureau, desk, easy c h airs a rc finished In w alnut. O th e r gentlem an room ers. G arag e space if desired. $12.50 per month.—Mrs. John Doe. Phone 4242. i A U . FOR W ARE ANTS (IT A T IO N I NOTH E OF SH E R IF F'S HAI.R . All C ounty G eneral F und W ar­ In the C ounty Court of the State o f Ore* for W ashington County Notice is hereby given th a t by ra n ts of W ashington C ounty. O re ­ In gon. the M atter o f th e » t a t « o f Marv v irtu e of a n Execution, Ju d g m e n t, gon, end o rsed “not paid for w ant !>• ccartswl P* O rder. D ecree and O rd e r of S ale of fu n d s” on or before Ja n u a ry 31, To Nila G ustaf N elson, John Perry A. issued out of and u n d e r th e seal 1-arson, A m anda N elson nee Peterson. 1935. a re now payable a t the o ffice' of the C ircu it C ourt of th e S ta te ustaf Peterson, Ju stu s Paterson, Axel of the C ounty T reasu rer, in H ills -1 G Peterson, and all unknown p h;$v- 1 of Oregon, for W ashington C o u n ­ I boro. O regon In te re st on such w a r ­ ing or claim ing an interest, in the al ty. on the 18th day of Ju n e , 1935. ra n ts not h ereto fo re called w ill entitled esta te: G reeting: In the N am e o f the S tate o f Oregon, in a cause th ere in pending in w hich cease J u n e 24, 1935. You are hereby cite«! and required to i.p- M ary W illers is p lain tiff a n d S a m ­ MAUD W BOSCOW C o u n t y l»ear in the C ounty Court Room o f the uel A rth u r S tein k e a n d H attie T re a su re r. 18 ............. CovH H'- ise ifi HH -b. r". W h- Steinke, husband and wife. W. J ington County, Oregon, on Monday, the J2th day o f A ugust, l fM5, a t hour o f 10 F e ld t and P e a rl M. Feldt, hu sb an d NOTICE TO CKKDITORH o ’clock a. m. of said day »hen and there and wife, and L iquidators, a c o r­ In the C ounty Court o f the State o f Ore­ to show cause. If an y you have, why the poration, a re defendants, in fav o r gon. fo r tne County o f W ashington, facta should not he fo in d and the rights of th e p lain tiff and ag ain st th e d e ­ Probate Departm ent. of heirship and distributi m unty o f Wash­ route one. within six m onths from the ington w ith the seal o f said u urt a f ­ th e follow ing described re a l p ro p ­ e rty situ a te in W ashington C oun- date hereof. fixed thia 3rd day o f May. 1935. Dated and fir st published June 13, 1935. A ttest: EDW. C. LUCE, Clerk. 13-9 ty, Oregon, p a rtic u la rly described D ate of last publication Ju ly 11, IMS. as follows, to-w it: SARAH F. STEV E N S. Executrix. 17-21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS B eginning a t a point 10 fe et east In the County Court o f the B u te o f Ore­ from th e y, section c o rn er on th e gon, for W ashington County. NOTICE OP REGISTRATION OP TR AD EM A R K In the Matter of the E state o f I>ee E. w est line of Section 12, T. 1 S. R. 3 Blatchley. N otice is hereliy given that the under­ . . . . . Deceased. . . . . . W. Will. M er., W ashington C ounty, signed, L. Y. Congdon and J. H. Coe, thj ; nc.c 1N o rth , doing business under the firm name and sty le o f PERFECTION BAKERY, in H ills­ ab pipe on th e w est line of said Hum - n ^ f M and "required ~ X e n Y \ h e .7™ p h re >S land and ‘he left bank of M arch. 1935. a n d th e fu rth e r ard insurance prem ium s w ith interest and required to preagnt the i*ame, to­ w ith proper voucher« therefor, Ut sum of $12 00 w ith in te re s t th ereo n upon said respective paym ents, from the gether together w ith proper voucher» therefor, to o i t h e T u alatin R iver; th en ce con- o f paym ent th ereof and th e coats the undem igned a t the law o ffic e of the undersigned a t th e law office o f E. tin u in g S. 293 W. 0.62 chs. m ore Or a t th e ra te of 10 p e r cen t p e r date and expenses o f perm anent im provem ents Bagley A Hare in the First N ational an n u m from th e 1st d a y of A pril, made upon said prem ises, less th e value Bank building in Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith ­ B u iid i^“ ^ ’" ^ ^ ! / ^ ^ ^ 00*1 BaLnk less to th e c en ter of said river; six m ^ h s 7 r o m H X ^ e h X r thence follow ing up the c en te r of 1935, and th e f u r th e r sum of $100 00 of the use and occupation o f said prem­ in six m onths from the date hereof. Dated thia 17th day o f June. 1935. a tto rn e y 's fees w ith in te re s t th e re ­ ises. nam ely, th e sum o f 12.615.98. and Dated thi» 28th day o f May. 1935. said riv e r w ith all th e m eanderings ADA JO H N SO N , Executrix o f the Last on a t th e r a te of 6 p e r cen t p e r that said sum be decreed to be a lien Will and Testam ent o f said Decease«!. FJ^ITH K. o w e n s . A dm inistratrix o f th ereo f in a w esterly d irectio n to upon the premises hereinbefore described, annum from th e 25th day of May, and for a further decree foreclosing said Bagley A Hare, A ttorneys fo r Execu­ Ailkr A H n ™ gVd K Mc' its intersectio n w ith the south line 1 S -9 , 0 { t h e N W i 4 o f s a id 12; t h e n c e 18-22 I A lear, A ttorney fo r A d m .n a tra tn x , 1935, and th e fu rth e r sum of $16.25 lien and directing the sale of said real trix. costs a n d d isb u rse m en ts w ith in te r ­ property, and the application of the pro­ NOTICE OP PIN A L s e t t l e m e n t 89° 50* W. 30.00 chs. m ore or NOTICE OF BOND REDEM PTION est th e re o n a t th e ra te of 6 per ceeds of such sa le in satisfaction o f said N otice is hereby given, that pursuant In the C ounty Court o f th e S tate o f Ore- 1©SS. to the place of beginning, COn- ent and lien, and for the coats and cen t p e r an n u m from th e 25th day judgm inl ?E; ¿ « « ^ . f ^ tyE . l wwo V & “ E ,ain in g 37 69 acres' m ore ° r less to O rdinance No. 1U23 o f the C ity of disbursem ents o f th is su it, and for such of May. 1935. to m e d irec te d and other and further relief aa may be equit­ Hillsboro. Oregon, the C ity o f Hillsboro Heaton, Deceased. I w ill on S aturday, th e 20th day hereby calls the follow ing bonds on the . delivered, com m anding m e to m ake able. This sum m ons is served upon you fo llow ing dates, to-w it : N otice to heretjy (riven th at W alter C. Of Ju ly , 1935, a t th e h o u r of 10 Heaton and H. T. Hesse, the duly ap­ o’clock A, M. of said day a t th e sale of th e re al p ro p e rty h e re in ­ by publication thereof pursuant to order 1. South Seventh S treet Macadam H<>n. R Frank Peters. Judge o f the pointed, - dm - - inis- - pointed, qualified qualified and and acting A r* .v — a fte r described, I h av e levied u p ­ of Im provem ent Bond«, dated February above entitled Court made and dated on trators o f th e E state o f Emma E. H eaton, d ° ° r , 2 ? ¿h e C ourt H ouse in on a n d p u rsu a n t to said E xecution, the 1st day o f June. 1935, and which 5, 1926. numbered 2 to 5, inclusive, deceaaad, have filed their F inal Account H illsboro. W ashington C ounty, O re ­ are called for redemption A ugust 5. order prescril>es th at you shall appear O rd e r and D ecree of Sale, I w ill in the C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Ore- gon, sell at public auction to th e 1935. on M onday, th e 15th d a y of Ju ly , and answ er w ithin four weeks from the so n for W ashington County, in said highest b id d er for cash in h a n d a ll 2. S treet Im provem ent Bonds, Series of the first publication thereof in Estate, and that said Court has fixed 1!I35, at Hie East door of th e C o u rt­ date 1926, dated Ju ly 1, 1926, numbered rig h t, title a n d in te re st the Hillsboro Argus. Monday, th e 8th day o f Ju ly, 1935, a t of th e house i n H illsboro. W ashington 12 to 33. inclusive, are called for re­ E. J McALEAR and BAGLEY A HA R E. ten o ’clock a. m. o f said day in ’ the w hich th e w ith in nam ed d efen d a n ts demption J u ly 1, 1935. C ounty, O regon, a t th e h o u r of ten A ttorneys for P la in tiffs. Resident A ttor­ C ounty Court room o f the C ounty Court a n d each or e ith e r of th em had 3. S treet Im provem ent Bonds. Series o'clock a m. of said day, sell at neys. S tate o f O regon, post o ffic e ad­ H ouse in th e C ity o f Hillsboro. Waahinir- on th e 7th day of A ugust, 1929 or B 1926, dated Novem ber 1, 1926, num ­ public a u ctio n to th e highest b id ­ dress : First N ational Bank Bldg., Hill»- 16-20 bered 5 to 13. inclusive, are called for have a cq u ired since said d a te in boro. Oregon. d e r fo r cash in hand, all of th e redemption Novem ber 1, 1935. objections thereto, and for th e fin a l »et- a n d sai“ re a l p ro p e rty or any NOTICE TO CREDITORS 4. S treet Im provem ent Bond«. Series follow ing d escrib ed re a l p ro p e rty , tiem en t o f »aid E state. portio n th e re o f to satisfy said F t . 1927, dated December I, 1927, num­ ; lying being and situ a te in W ash­ In the County Court of the S tate o f Ore­ bered 4 to 17, inclusive, are called for W ashington County. W ALTER C. HEA TO N , A dm inistrator ington C ounty. O regon, a n d m ore In gon, the Matter of the E state o f Tekla for redemption December 1, 1935. a ta u Of Emma E. H eaton, de- In ‘«-est* C osts a n d A ccrued o f the B E state p a rtic u la rly described as follows, 5 C oncrete S treet Im provem ent Scheckla. Deceased. ceased. H. T. ___ h e s _ s e . A dm inistrator o f C o s t - s*1* to be su b je ct to r e ­ N otice is hereby given that an order Bonds. Series 1928. dated October 15, to-wit; the E state o f Emma E. Heaton, deceased. dem ption as p e r th e sta tu te s of the was made in the County Court o f the 1928, numbered 1 to 17, in clusive, are Thos. H T ongue J r., A ttorney for Ad­ S ta te of Oregon. T he w esterly one a cre of S ta te of Oregon, for W ashington C ounty called for redemption October 15, 1935. m inistrator». 16-20 T ra c t E leven (11) of A shbrook ..n the Slat day o f Ju ly. 1931. in the 6. Macadam S treet Im provem ent D ated th is 20th day of Ju n e , 1935 F arm , as show n by th e d u ly r e ­ m atter o f the E state o f Tekla Scheckla. Bonds. Series 1928, dated Ju n e 1, 1929. NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT J. W. CONNELL, S h e riff of W ash­ .teceaaed. adm itting to probate th e Last numbered 1 to 16. inclusive, are called j In the C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ corded p lat thereof, bein g m ore re«iemption December 1. 1935. ington C ounty, Oregon. E. J . Mc- W ill and Testam ent o f T A Ia Scheckla. gon. fo r the C ounty o f W ashington p a rtic u la rly d escrib ed as fol­ deceased, and con firm in g the appointm ent 7. S ixth Street Supplem ental S treet In the M atter o f the E state o f Jacob A lear, A tto rn ey for P lain tiff. 18-22 lows; B eginning a t an iron pipe o f John Scheckla aa Executor o f th e Last Im provem ent Bond 1929, dated March Crotxer. Deceased. set at th e m ost w e ste rly point W ill and T estam ent o f Tekla Scheckla. 1, 1930, numbered I only, is called N otice is hereby given that the under­ dexeaaed and that said John Scheckla haa for redemption Septem ber 1, 1935. NOTICE OF SALE OF R EAL of said T rac t E leven (11) and signed. as adm inistratrix o f the esta te of 8. S treet Im provem ent Bonds. Series PROPERTY duly qualified aa such Executor. Jacob Crotxer. deceased, haa filed her ru n n in g th en ce n o rth 89 degrees Now therefore all persona having claim s dated Septem ber 1. 1931, num­ No. 10622 fin a l account in the County Court o f the 40' east along th e so u th erly bered 1 to 12. inclusive, are called a g a in st said cistate are hereby notified S ta te o f Oregon fo r W ashington Coun­ In the C ircuit Court o f the S ta te o f Oiw- line of said T ra c t E leven (ID for redemption Septem ber 1, 1935. and required to present them w ith the ty. and th at Monday, the 7th day o f gon. for the County of W ashington. 9. Weet W ashington S treet Im­ proper voucher» to the undersigned at a distan ce of 338.2 feet; thence | Ju ly, 1935, a t th e hour o f 10:00 o ’clock A. A. Schramm, as Superintendent o t provem ent Bond, Series 1932. dated his residence about tw o and one-half a. m. in th e court room o f said court Banks o f the S tate of Oregon. P lain ­ n o rth 257 6 feet to th e n o rth ­ March 1, 1932. numbered 1 to 8, in ­ m iles south o f Tigard. Oregon, or a t has been appointed by said court as the t iff. w esterly line of said T ract clusive. are called for redemption the law office o f Thoa. H. Tongue J r., in tim e and place for the hearing o f ob­ vs. E leven (11); th en c e so u th 52 Septem ber 1, 1935. the Com m ercial Block in the C ity o f jections thereto and th e settlem ent there­ E. J. Mann and Laura C. Mann, husband And you are further n otified th at the of. Hillsboro. Oregon, w ithin six m onths degrees 08 w est alo n g th e said and w ife, record ow ners. D efendants. from the date o f the firat publication of C ity o f H illsboro w ill not be liable for. Dated and first published Ju ne 6. 1935. n o rth w e sterly lin e of said T ract By virtue of an execution, judgm ent thia notice, to -w it: W ithin six m onths or pay any interest upon an y o f the above D ate o f last publication Ju ly 4, 1935. E leven (11) a d istan c e of 426 8 order, decree and order of sa le iaeaerf bonds after the datee herein specified for H A R RIET BOOTH. A dm inistratrix. L. out of th e above entitled court in tbs from June 6. 1935. fe et to th e p lace of beginning, JO H N SCHECKLA. Executor of the the redemption o f the same. 1 A. Recken. A ttorney. 16-20 above entitled cause, to m e directed and CITY OF HILLSBORO. OREGON. By co n tain in g one acre, m ore or Last Will and Testam ent o f T e k l a dated the 22nd day of May. 1935, upon 16-8 Scheckla. deceased. Thoa. H. T ongue Jr.. W. C. C hristensen. C ity Treasurer. SH E R IF F ’S SALE less; subject, how ever, to the a judgm ent and decree rendered and en­ N otice is hereby g iven, that by virtue A ttorney for Executor. 16-20 rig h t of th e p u b lic o ver and in said court on th e 21at day o t o f an Execution, Order and Decree o f tered NOTICE TO CREDITORS May. f A. A. i T Schr upon th e county ro a d along the Sale, issued out o f and under the seal " ^ ¿ u p 1935. e r in te in iid c favor n V o f o BanV. Í ’V ’T ’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ E state of Thomas Oscar M ondabaugh. de­ so u th e rly line of said above o f t h . Circuit Court o f the th . S u u of of B,n,k« at. th* J u u S tate gon, for W ashington County. of Oregon, p lain tiff, and a g a in st E. J. Oregon, fo r the County o f W ashington, ceased. d escrib ed p ro p e rty , The undersigned haa been appointed In the M atter o f th e Last W ill and Testa­ dated th e 31st day o f May. 1935. in Mann and Laura C. Mann, husband and m ent and E state of Lydia Gray Rhea. f**or o f Robert Itel, p la in tiff, and against w ife, defendants, for the sum o f 64400.06 to satisfy th e h e rein b efo re nam ed and qualified aa ad m in istratrix o f the w ith interest a t the rate of e ig h t (8% ) Deceased. sum s a n d for th e cost a n d expenses E state o f Thomas Oscar Mondabaugh. Clark L. Johnston. Cordelia E. Johnston, per cent per annum fm m the 20th day N otice is hereby given that th e under­ i A nna A. D ittm an. and deceased, by th e C ounty Court o f W ash­ Herman Ditt- of sale a n d said w rit. of A ugust. 1932. and th e fu rth er sum signed. W illiam Y. Gray, has been by the ington County. Oregon. Persona having m an, her husband. W illiam Millard John­ of 6250.00 attorn ey’s fees, w ith in terest Said sale w ill b e m ade subject claim s against said esta te shall present county court o f the sta te o f Oregon for ston and Martha Johnston, hia w ife, to re d em p tio n as per sta tu te of . the sam e w ithin six m onths from firat W ashington C ounty, duly appointed ex ­ C larence A. Potts, as A dm inistrator of • t t h . r a t . of ,i< (6% ) p .r O regon. publication o f this notice, to th e under­ ecutor o f the last W ill and Testam ent of the E sta te o f Millard F. Johnston, de­ annum from th e 21st day o f May, 1936. Lydia Gray Rhea, deceased, and has duly ceased. defendants, for the sum of 645.35 and the further sum of 6485.00 w ith D ated nt H illsboro. Oregon, th is signed. care o f Hillsboro A rgus. 250 E. qualified tercet per at annum th e rate from o f t eight (8% ) as such. A ll persons having costs and disbursem ents and the further cent il Main street. Hillsboro. Oregon. 6th day of J u n e , 1935. claim» a gain st said esta te are hereby re­ aum o f 61165.50 w ith interest thereon £ nu«7y < JL2nd First publication June 13, 1935. quired to present the sam e to me. w ith f from ro m t h e 2nd 2 n d day d .v c .♦ tiu n n ? the fu rth er sum o f J. W CO N N ELL, S h e riff of W ash­ Last publication Ju ly 11, 1935. the o f t February. ,ax? 1933, at 650.00 attorn ey’s fees w ith in terest tl W ILI.A MAE M ONDABAUGH. Admin­ proper vouchers, at my residence in Mc­ th in e rate o or f a 8 per cent per annum , and on -♦ t h e r a t e nf i ---------- ington C ounty, O regon. H arry H. M innville. Oregon, or at the law o ffic e r t h . further ,u m o f »(25.00 A ttor- annum from th^ 21,t G eorge Jr., 612 B edell B ldg . P o rt­ istratrix o f th e E state o f Thomas Oscar o f M. B. Rump. Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith­ fo n cy '. f m w ith interent thereon from the and t h . T . « l , „ 19“ * Mondabaugh. Deceased. A ngell A Fisher, — -------9Urn 25th day o f May 1834, a t t h . rate o f 6 "nwit .fol,ow ,nB de®c ribed real prop- All C ounty R oad F u n d W ar­ , at Roseburg. Oregon. June 5. 1935.— Last W ill and T estam ent and E state of ra n ts of W ashington C ounty. O re ­ N otice is hereby gvien that Ole 8. Lauga- Lydia Gray Rhea, deceased. M. B. Bump, I w ill on Monday, th e 8th «lay o f July, erty, to-w it: residence and address. Hillsboro. Oregon. 348 ,n d 348- ■folm»«« gon. end o rsed “not paid for w ant I land, o f Rt. 1. Cornelius. Oregon, who. A ttorney for said E state a n d Execu­ 1935. a t th e East door o f the Court E state Addition to B eaverton-R eedville House in Hillsboro, W ashington County, of funds" on or before Ja n u a ry 8. Ion August 12th, 1932. mad«« Hom estead tor. 14.8 Oregon, a t the hour o f ten o ’clock a. m. A creege, according to the recorded en try Serial. No. 020366. for NEK< NFAW' ‘ herrfl,re* gon for W ashington County. ’ ¡rt»» o f Mid exeeo- ra n ts not h e reto fo re called w ill 1 to establish claim to th e land above de­ scribed. before K. F. Frazer. U . 8. Com- In the m atter o f the E state of A lbert F. County. Oregon, and more particularly Oon. judgm ent order, decree and order cease J u n e 24. 1935. described as follow s, t o -w it: D ethlefs. Deceased. or sale and in com pliance w ith th e com . ' miaaioner, at 325 D avis Bldg.. Portland, MAUD W BOSCOW . C o u n t y Ore., on the 16th day o f Ju ly. 1935. B eginn in g at a point 13 chains west N otice is hereby given, th at th e under­ ^ the ’ ndi* J“ 1* Wr' t' 1 wi" 0,1 Mondag fir a t dag o f Ju ly, 1935 Bt I # J « o f the southeast com er o f the north T rea su re r. 18 Claim ant name* as w itn e s se s : C. W. Em ­ signed has been duly appointed by the half o f the south half o f section 24 th Oli* A: the ” *, t ,ro n t door ° f body. o f American Bank Bldg.. Portland. above entitled court, as A dm inistrator o f T. 2 S. R. 1 W. o f the W illam ette w I s h ^ T o i r ° Ur: ” ?u"‘ in Hiltoboro. Ore. Einar F.ngebretsen. of Rainier. Ore., the esta te o f aaid deceased, and has duly NOTICE Meridian, said point being at the W ashington C ounty. Oregon, tell a t pub- Box 864 Mr». Anna Johnson, o f Rainier, qualified as such. N otice is h e reb y given th at the Ore. Leon Pullen, o f Milard Ore. Fuel southw est corner o f a 24 acre tract N ow. therefore, all persons having claim s M r h - t hna J ’ Ub.JeCt *° r*d*n>P<‘" n ). to the sold and conveyed by the Tualatin un d ersig n ed w ill sell a t public a u c ­ Co., Portland. Ore.. W I L L I A M H. a gain st said esta te are hereby notified H h , t.*,lI'dderJ , 7 caah in h“nd* »8 the C ity Real E state Company to Henry right, o tto and intersat which th e with- 17-21 and required to present th e sam e, to­ tion to th e highest b id d er for cash CAN ON . R egister. S affran and Louise Saffran by deed gether w ith proper vouchers therefor, to Laura*nc d J e fe n d ,n t« «• •> « « o n and in hand one S tu d e b a k e r Coach dated April 4th. 1891, and running the undersigned at th e law o ffices o f i.aura L. M ann, or either NOTICE OF SH E R IF F ’S SALK autom obile, M o t o r No. 270-901, thence north alon g the w est line o f Bagley & Hare in th e First N ational ° ? t'h’ 6f h d ly h fa ^ h , 1929. the dale N o tice 1« hereby given that by virtue Bank Building, said S affran tract 20 chains to the 1 or it o c e f 'o.'at in Hillsboro. Oregon, h ,r e 'n for»-'“»«! S erial No. 1-269-145, L icense No. an attachm ent execution and o n ler w ithin six m onths from th e date hereof. South line o f the road dedicated to or ,in c e th at date had in and to the 235-195. for th e y e a r 1934. at 230 o o f f »ale issued out of and under the seal the public by said c o u n ty ; thence above liescnbed property, or any part Dated this 18th day o f May. 1935. S outh Second A venue, on th e 29th o f the Circuit Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ west along the south boundary o f said ERNEST W. D ETH LEFS. A dm inistra­ m ^ T -a ° “*V ,f y ‘ * id ” «-ut!on day of J u n e . 1935, a t th e hour of gon, for W ashington County, on the 5th tor o f the estate o f said decease*!. public road 5 c h a in s ; thence south S X ln ^ S i “ d parallel w ith th e w est lin e o f said BAGLEY A HARE. A ttorneys for Ad­ ten o’clock A. M. of said day. said day o f June. 1935. upon a judgm ent and entered in »aid Court on m inistrator. S affran tract 20 ch ain s; thence east 14-18 p ro p e rty being sold to satisfy a rendered d a y ’ S 1 M,. ‘y! “ '.3ab° rO’ lh b the 13th day o f May. 1935. in a cause parallel w ith south boundary o f said lien in fav o r of H arm s A Brock, therein pending in which D Shaw was Section 24, 5 chains to the place of TO CREDITORS D ate o f fir st publication May 30. 1935 p a rtn e rs. H illsboro, O regon. T hat p la in tiff, and G. F Shaw wa» defend­ In the NOTICE b eginning, con tain in g 10 acres, all County Court o f the S ta te o f J w ° r o N lMi.wUib l'c,tif W ashington. J W. CO N N ELL. S h e riff of W ash­ con sistin g o f an undivided one-seventh in­ Last W ill and T estam ent o f said de­ and said w rit. and hns duly qualified as s u c h ; siweiL’ D « « ^ 1” B,UU ington C ounty, O regon. E. J. Mc- terest in real property in W ashington ceased. Said sa le w ill be made subject to re* Now, therefore, all persons having claim s A lear. A ttorney for L ien C laim ­ C ounty, Oregon, particularly described as a gain st said esta te are hereby notified demption as per sta tu te o f Oregon. q » w .liCe i*fa hereby given that Fred J. s, to*w R : D ate! at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia 31st and require,! to present the sam e, to­ ants. H illsboro, O regon. 17-9 follow S ch u m .n ,<7.UtO''' ,n d M"ry Ann S e -e ll Lots or tracts numbered 142. 143, gether w ith proper vouchers therefor, day o f May, 1935. a ? . ' Executril1* o t the Last Will 145 and 152 o f Beaverton-R eedville J. W. CON NELL. S heriff o f W ashin g­ .n to the undersigned at the law o ffic e an d Teatam ent o f Eliza Jan e Sewell, de- SUMMONS Acreage, aa shown by th e duly re­ ton County. Oregon. Floyd D. Moore, At­ o f Bagley A Hare, in the First N ational ccaaed. have filed their Final Account in In th e C ircu it C ourt of th e S tate of corded map and plat thereon on file E x­ Bank building in Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith­ torney for P la in tiff. 515 R ailw ay 18-20 s o .l " ,h7 Co"nty Court of the In th e o ffic e of the Recorder o f Con­ change. Portland. Oregon. O regon, for W ashington County. in six m onths from the date hereof. ____ ■ S t“5* ..o‘ Oregon for W ashington County. veyances o f W ashington C ounty, Ore- K a th ry n K err, P la in tiff, Dated this 23rd day o f May. 1935. NOTICE OF SA LE j.1!"1 , , i d c ,,urt has fixed Monday. A LBERT J. H ARTRAM PF, E xecutor of vs. nubjeet to the unpaid claim s a gain st said Notice is hereby given that by v irtue | lo*C«k , „ 1.'L36' 19 Last W ill and Testam ent o f said T hom as G ordon K e rr. D efendant. property in the m atter o f the estate of the ,n County Deceased. Bagley & Hare. A ttorneys for o f an order, decree and licen se o f sa le o f c ourt r,«.— County Court o f the S ta te o f Oregon |n Court Houae. To T hom as G ordon K err, D efend­ Mary J. Shaw, deceased. I w ill on S at­ Executor. 15-9 the for W ashington County, m sde and en - C ounty O r ~ . n * ” ■^’" 7 ’' W**.h,n»to" urday, the 6th tlay of July. 1935. at the ant tered herein on th e 29th day o f May. , . L i l ” L"; ‘I"*» . ln d h1* « hour of ten o ’clock A. M. o f said date, In th e N am e of th e S ta te of O re­ at NOTICE TO CREDITORS Final Account, th e Hast front door o f th e Court 1935. in the m atter o f the guardianship an j a |j objections **' gon, You a re h e re b y re q u ire d to House in Hillsboro. W ashington County, In the County Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ nf t h . perann and m t a t . nf Elmer Burch. I ? ,7 ,, gon. for W ashington County. a p p e a r in th e above e n title d court Oregon, sell a t public auction to the an Incom petent person. I w ill from and Date*! thia 6th n iosx 3 £ £ . £ Do f'’, ^ the Matter o f the E state o f J en n ie E. *p,r & t . ‘w . . t o th.o<‘* V ¿ t o h ^ ' w ^ ' f “ and a n sw e r th e com p lain t filed highest bidder, for cash in hand, all o f In Adams, Deceased. the right, title and in terest w hich the caTh’ Tn h ’?nd.' r«i,h,prnh X 7 inb‘w ^ h l ^ again st you in th e above e n titled w ithin named defendant had on the Slat N otice is hereby given, th at the under­ 8 E W R L L cause on or b e fo re th e 12th day of day o f January, 1935, or has acquired signed has been duly confirm ed by the tow C ounty, Oregon, belon gin g to aaid in- deceased. MART ■ . . . . X I SCH UM AN N . Ex^ -.trtx nf t h . I x .1 Will Ju ly , 1935, bein g a fte r th e e x p ira ­ sin ce said date. In and to said real prop- above entitle*! court as Executor o f the com petent f person, n lln w . o and , - a .p,,rt,