H IL L S B O R O Page Six ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, June 20. 193ft at the blind school; $35,350 for ad- in for the support of his depart-1 •n«l f»»r lh*» m at and I’M pelli i ditions and improvement* at the nient will be used exclusively for mid »«LI w rit. tul’eieu.v is hospital and $81,800 for the promotion of fire prevention 8 « Id «ala w ill tw> m ad * aiihjaet U* r«»- • • • the new building at the state hos­ dtMitptinii it. per ■ ta tu t* « f I*at«d Mt llllla lx ir o . O lv u o il, thin .’uih pital. In euch instance the amount Bricks from the old capitol build d«v of Ma> IW.ir* represents 45 per cent of the total i ing arc being stored on the grounds J U t t iN N K I.l.. S h e riff ,.f W aahinii- cost of tlie proposed buildings, the j of the state hospital, where they I o h ('.»uiily, (»re»-..it )• l. |*atterB..ii, legislature, appropriating $50.000. will be cleaned by inmates for use A ttorney f,»r P la in tiff. k m / £• $50.500 and $100.000. respectively, in future building operations llrok O fficials Named; Club Aids N O T IC K TO ( MKO ITO M H for these three institutions. The en bricks and mortar from the1 with Canning Fruit In the Cnunty Court of the State of Or«$- federal funds, if forthcoming, will ruins are being dumped along Mill g»»n. fo r W anhluuton County. ! be added to the légistative appro­ | creek and at other places in the In tho M n lir r il,„ | w il l anil Ill y M r*. John Galya J r ) priations to provide for larger and city where "fills" are needed. l .- lio n y iil an,I l . l a l . . .>( Aly,la L o c a ls T urn in V ic to r y fo r O«'ceaa«xl. Locals Show New Brand of better buildings than was originally LEISYVILLE Annual s c h o o l • • • W ashington County N u llr» ( h hereby «Iven that the umler* meeting was held Monday evening planned for. S ta rt o f S eco n d H a lf Seventy-two Oregon motorists lost School Ball for Second Half (Second H a lf) board for the following ■ i«n»«d, U. ({. l.an.loMa, han been by the their operators' licenses during county of the State of O retfo n . W L Pet! W L Tct Members of the state board of May. Sixty of the licenses were re- year is A F Hanley, choirman, to r W a ih court u County, duly apix.lutaxi R..y 2 0 1.000 N o rth Plains I I .600 S unset le a g u e and John Gales Jr and C 1) Hud­ executor of ltw to T u a la tin Valley control plan an automobile trip | voked the laM W ill and Te.tam cnt M a rte * ssl t 0 l.eoo Glenw.ssi 1 1 .SCO and an even dozen suspend- (Secnnd H a lf! I through Eastern. Central and South­ ! ed Fifty-five motorists were con- son. directors. Mis 1„ 11 Mac­ o f Aleda Cobh, deceuaed. and han duly (S eco n d H a lf) G arden H. t 1 .»Or.Gaston 0 I .MW W L Tet W L P c t| W L Pet ern Oregon as soon as labor troubles W L P e ll Doha 1 1 Sl'0 Banka 0 S .000 Intyre was lc-clccteit clerk The •inalifted hi . auch. A ll permuta having victcd of drunken driving during school 0 1 .000 H illsboro .. 1 0 1.00*'T ig ard a«atiiat »aid ra ta te are hereby re­ Glenwood easily defeated Banks H illsboro I 0 1.000 For. Grove 0 I .000 quiet down sufficiently to permit i tile house will he painted tills VlulntM . 0 1 .000 C o rn eliu s ..1 0 1.000'O renco month and required to sur- quired to preaant the »ante to me. w ith 0 I .(»00 C a rlto n I 0 1.000 A m ity Governor Martin to leave his of­ ' render their drivers' 'cards for a summer. 0 I .eoo 11 to 2 at Banks Sunday in th e W illa m e ite 1 0 1.000 Laurel proper vouchers, at my raaidenca In llill» - 0 I 000 Sherwood 1 0 1.000 Vernonia 0 1 .0 ,^ Washington County league Tiche- Mr and Mrs I, It MacIntyre. Imro Oregon, or at the law office of M S herw otxl .1 0 1.000 G aston V erboort I 0 1.000 Newberg 0 I .000 fice for a few days The tour will ■ year. 0 1 .000 nor of Glenwood smashed out a T u a la tin —1 0 1.000; Aloha Mr and Mrs Dtek Stoltenbcrg anil “ include a visit to the tuberculosis ......... Oregon, wuhln .1« Hillsboro "Bears" opened t h e hospital home run in the sixth inning with Roy Stoltenbcrg visited M r and month« front date hereof at The Dalles and the east­ Local Sunset leaguers turned the I the bases loaded. It was one of the second half of the Tualatin Valley Dated ami ftrwt publiahed M ay St». It»3ft. Mrs Wilt Stoltenbcrg of the Wat tables on Laurel Sunday afternoon I longest hits ever seen at Banks. . league schedule here Sunday aft- ern Oregon state hospital at Pen­ I .ant publication June 27, l ’J.LS. lace district Sunday. to chalk up a 6 to 1 victory for ' Nelson of the winners fanned 13 ' ernoon with a bang, turning in a dleton and will require the better WOI G J 'A N D F S S . I x e c u io r of the Last Miss Joyce Bino visited h e r 'M il and leatantent of Ataxia Cold,. He. the start of the second half of the j batters. Cooney Vanderzanden play- 21 to 3 victory over Newberg. This part of a week. It’s a Wise Wife cea»,x| M |i reeldence and a.I- • • • mother in Portland Thursday. 1935 season. Hillsboro will clash | ed the best game for the losers. He Sunday the locals will travel to ' Dillsboro. Oregon, Attorney for Miss Mary Rentcrhen of Kent. with Orenco at Shute park this ; got three hits and stole four bases Amity, and Hillsboro fans expect Of the $750.000 of outstanding Half-year truck licenses may be •aid R a ta l* and Eaevutor, 15-9 who keeps her huahand’a Sunday and a good game is on tap i besides playing a sparkling game them to continue to play the spark­ unemployment relief certificates obtained, beginning today (Thurs­ Wash, is spending (he week with Marjory Sinclair and May I .alley ne as the locals are out to avenge a only $100,000 worth are in the day», on trucks owned by farmers clothes spick anti «pan, ling baseball exhibited against j in the field. l.eisyville Women's club met at SAXTON A I.OONKV itrst-half defeat at the hands of Roy nosed out Garden Home 7 | Newberg. hands of private investors. The bal­ who can qualify for restricted farm­ regularly cleaned n n d school house Tliursduy after­ Orenco. The "Bears" started the scoring ance has been bought up by other ers annual licenses, according to tlie Produoen of Quality i to 6. Both defeats for Garden Home noon with Mrs Lorenz as hostess. caref ully pressed. That Laurel and Hillsboro came out I this year have been inflicted by attack in the first inning and con­ state funds, keeping the interest I word received by Sheriff J. W. SAND and GRAVEL of the first frame tied at one run J Connell from the secretary of state This meeting was the last one un­ husband h a s a h etter tinued to bring in runs in every in the family so to speak. each, but the locals took a three Roy. • • • ! The same opportunity may also be til October. z\ club picnic will be Pliuit located 4 miles north of For­ chance for success! frame but the seventh. Home runs In a slugging match at North held sometime in July. The women est Grove on Gales Creek Phone run lead in the second inning, add­ i Plains the Plains boys walloped by Deaville. Donin. Shattuck and I taken on certain specified trucks. Now Is the time for school dis­ are asked to get fruit jurs to be IflODK ing one more in the sixth and two i Aloha 13 to 10. Tolke went in and Reeves featured the batting spree tricts to take stock of their build­ 1 busses and trailers. Avail yourself of our for the Louise Home from in the eighth. Rosky. the new Hills­ saved the game for North Plains. that resulted in 17 hits for the lo­ ing needs in the opinion of C. A However, the provision does not filled Mrs. John Sinclair as soon as pos­ boro hurler. allowed but four scat­ The Maplewood-Gaston game was cals. Pitcher Donin held the New­ Howard, state superintendent of apply to private automobiles, mo-1 economical dry clean­ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a sible tered hits during th e gam e. ! not turned in. berg batsmen to four bingles dur­ public instruction. torcycles. dealer and wrecking house’ Mr. and Mrs. John Gate* S r . Mr ing service at econ­ Schreiner of Laurel permitted but Corwin Hardware With the federal government of­ licenses or on vehicles owned by R H. E. ing the game and scoreless until omical costs. Mrs. John Gate* Jr. Mrs Ro­ five safe bingles, but errors by his Roy 7 IS 1 the first half of the eighth fering to advance 45 per cent of the state, comities or other politi­ and land Gates and Dick of Hillsboro, teammates offset his work on the I Garden Hom e — .......................... 6 2 1 Carlton, winner of the first half, cal subdivisions. the labor and material costs and Mrs. N. Pratt and Mr McDonaha i H a ll and D a in e r; Jensen. Storey and mound. continued its winning pace by de­ loan the remaining 55 per cent for P rlie Winner for I.aat Week of Nebraska, and Wesley Gates and Bill Joos. local manager, had to Roy. Horne Laundry R. H. E. feating Vernonia 7 to 3. Amity lost an interest charge of only three Cyril Lorenz spent Sunday id Bon­ retire from the game in the seventh ¡G lenw ood Longest Trout cuught by 11 13 0 to Sherwood 6 to 5 in an 11-inning per cent a year school districts neville. when he collided with Shortstop I Ranks 2 S 4 game, while Verboort beat Forest which face the prospect of having of Hillsboro Dry Cleaners Mrs Joe Nixon of Portland spent M It STEVENSON J W . Connell. s h e riff, to G. H. Khcam. Fox when both players were run­ Nelson and D a vis ; Jensen and V a n ­ Grove 3 to 2. I7l,-tnch Trout to build within the next few years NKK» of N W ‘ $ o f Section 20 T 2 N R 2W . Sunday and Monday with Mrs ning for a "Texas leaguer.” Joos derzanden. Tilts scheduled for this Sunday are advised by Howard to take John Gaarde ct ux to Han« I* (ia a n ie et Brice zKdams. R H F Watch This Space for the Week'a Telephone 47 IllllUxiro. Ore. received a cut over the eye and his N o rth Plains IS M S are as follows: Hillsboro at Amity. advantage of the present opportu­ u z . ‘ * -a c ro Sei t ion 10 T 2S R lW Derby Winner! glasses were broken. Aloha IO 16 4 Sherwood at Carlton. Vernonia at nity to secure federal aid. »'.'titteli. s h e riff. J. W to Glenn 8. G n v » n , Tolke and W ahne r. V anderzan- 36.60 Aeree We specialize m quality com­ Ehle. Sect lona I and 26 T l Aloha, winner of the first half, S B B B S B B B B B B B B B SB S B B SaB S a Forest Grove and Verboort at New­ “While I have not been inclined and 2 S K l and 2W. mercial printing Argus. tf lost to Tualatin 11 to 6. while Wil­ den . Weisenback. O ’Connor, Doeec her and berg. to vigorously urge school districts J. W . Connell. sh e riff. to John M lamette blasted Orenco 10 to 1. Hagg. R. H E. to vote bonds for school house ('Ison et ux. part Lot 35 Beaverton-Kee»|- S H E R IF F 'S S A I.K H illsboro Cornelius took Tigard into camp .................... ........... ..... t t 17 1 ville Acreage. Newberg .... ....... ........................ ..... * 4 S construction at this time, neverthe­ J. W. Connell. •h e riff. to D u ra lii E. ¡ Notice is hereby given, that by virtu e 11 to 7 and Sherwood walloped Safeway and Argus less. there are many districts that of an Execution. O rd er am i Decree of D onin and D e a v ille ; Stouten- Murelxx-iaai B a tte rie s : H orine. Lot 11 I. O re ha nia. Gaston 13 to 6. will need to build within the next Mtil»el It. P a ttu llo to B e rn h a rd S c h m id t. Sale, issued out «»f am i under the »eal berg. Davison. Ve»tal and Kir»h. Games scheduled for this Sun­ o f the C ircuit Court of the S tate of Ore­ Lot 1 Kdgewo<«d. R H. E. few years and it would seem un­ day are as follows: Willamette at Win Here Thursday I C a rlto n .... — .................... 7 10 2 fortunate for such districts to pass L illi» A. Allen to George F. Spencer gon, for the County <»f W ashington, dated the 18th day of Mny 1035. in favor of Tualatin. Laurel at Sherwood. Gas­ et ux. L o t 44 V ir g in ia Place. Vern onia 3 8 3 ARDEN'S FINE — 125-LK. SACK Softball League up this opportunity to secure sub­ C. K. Maaon et ux to 1. R, Dean et ux. B irdie V. Cady, p la in tiff, am i against L y d a a n d O ’L< r y ; Day and Turple. ton at Tigard, Orenco at Hillsboro W . L . Pet) Zella M Sa mix all. defendant. fo r the W L Pet stantial aid in carrying out neevs- part Sex'tion-4 13 and 24 T1S R 2 W . R. H . E. and Cornelius at Gaston. Full Weight Guaranteed of 817.23 co«t and the fu rth e r sum Guards 7 2 .778 Argus ____ 4 4 .5O0 Sherwtxxl I l f T | sary construction w hen it is avail- F ran k T. Page et ux to C. O . M ahee. o • uni f 11’.i5<>.00 w ith intereat thereon from Mystery of the disappearance of Irelands ... 4 4 .5001 F airw ay 4 4 .500 A n n ty part Lot 119 Jo h n a tv n fe^atat» A d dition 5 6 2 ‘ able,” Howard declared. the 20th day o f July. 1933. at the rate 4 3 .571 S««da W ork» the keg of beer, put up as a bet Safeway 1 7 .125 Reisheck and V e s ta l; Petervon and G il­ Howard pointed out that during Beaverton-Keedville. Hom er N. R obinson et ux to C a rl 1» o f 8 per cent |»er annum , and fo r the between Hillsboro and Laurel in Safeway and the Argus moved up b ert. fu rth e r sunt of |t»8.01 w ith intereat there- the school year ending in June. Diehold et u x . .3 1-3 Acre« T lS R3W R. H . E. a notch in the local softball league the final game of the first half, was day of . Bt Verboort 3 6 1 1934. Oregon school districts spent W . B. Alderm an to A lpha M A ider- on fro m the solved Sunday when the keg turn­ Thursday night, while Irelands Forest G rove the rate of 6 per cent per annum , and 2 6 2 only $279.000 for buildings, furni­ man. part Block 2 W alker'» A d dition h or- fo r the fu rth e r sum o f J15«» <>o attorney's ed up at Laurel. What happened to squad was idle, having played the Sahnow and Heinrich . Stoutenberg and ture eat Grove and equipment whereas prior •Mary Ellen W a lk e r to Fred E. W alker. fee» w ith intereat thereon fro m the la th the other one will probably always scheduled game with the National F ry er. KITCHEN QUEEN — SATURDAY SPECIAL to 1932 the average annual capital I.o t 2 and part 3 Block 6 O ak Grov» A d­ day of May. 191’.. at the rate of 6 be a mystery as no one seems to Guards two weeks ago. cent i»er annum , to me directed and de­ dition Hillstroro outlay for Oregon school districts The Soda Works took a one-run have a clear recollection as to just 1 com m anding me to make «ale J- W . Connell, s h e riff, to Thomas Jef- i livered, th e re a l property h e m n a fte r dseeribed. • where it went. Joos declared. The lead in the first inning of the game Capitol News Letter was nearly $3,000,000. f er«. 1 Acre Section 35 T lS R lW . • • • I have levied upon and pursuant to «aid J e f- j J. W . Connell, sh e riff, to with the Argus Thursday night, Thomas Hillsboro squad, however, thinks (C o n tin u ed fro m p ag e one) r xerution, O rd er and De«-ree of Sale 1 Twenty-one grade separation have 1 fera. Lot 8 Hlock 18 C h erry Grove. that three gueses would solve the but the Printers came back strong for men who are able and willing ' been ,,f j,,',,,. L e ttie A. M cKay to Ir a 1H W in re t et * d l .... M .n .l.y , ih r J llh listed by engineers of the in the balance of the game to turn to work, but who are now on re­ question. Acres Section 23 T lS R lW . î*J un . ,he W arehouse— Oregon Elertrle Depot I'houe 1942 R. H. E. in a 13 to 1 victory. The grocery lief. Thomas H. MacDonald, chief state W . Connell. * h e n ff. to W . J. Sc heel in Itills tm r o , W ashington County. Oregon serving of immediate attention, but Hillsboro ---------------______ _ ______ < 5 5 store "civil war" between Safeway ux. p a rt Lot 157 Johnaon 1-a.tate Ad.li- • t the hour of ten o’clock a. m. o f said of the bureau of public roads, has the $2,300.000 which the federal I et Lau rel 1 4 8 day. sell at public auction to the highest Bethany Store—Phone H ill-boro 11(4 lion. and Fairway resulted in a 7 to 4 advised R. H. Baldock, state high­ Rosky and D a re ty ; Schreiner and Zieg­ fo r cash in hand, all o f the government has allocated to this • B P. John et ux to John J. Bradley bidder win for the Safeway team. ler. fo low ing described reel p n.perty. lying way engineer. Baldock still awaits t 10 Borwick Acre«. Games scheduled f o r tonight instructions from Washington cov­ state for grade crossing elimina­ et J. al. W. L o Connell, R. H . E. being and situ ate in W ashington C..Un- «h e riff. to F. G. M itch- T ig a rd , ------------------------ 7 13 3 ,y L*. *r W “ n’ “ ” d mor* »’•r t ic u la r ly de­ (Thursday) are as follows: Irelands ering the expenditure of the $3.- tions will finance only 16 of the I ell. Lota in H illsboro Garden Tracts. Cornelius 11 14 4 scribed as follows, to -w it : projects, according to R. H. Bal­ Charles Jaeger to Charles I. Clayton vs. Fairway at the north Junior 038.642 allotted to Oregon for high­ Arias and G o rm a n ; Fixen, Huson and Conim encing at the Southwest corner ux. W ’ «j of Lot 4 A ldrich Acreage. high school diamond, and Argus way improvement and the $2.334.- dock. state highway engineer. Ad­ et Em Finegan. «»f Section 3 in Tow nship 2 South m a H. L a i r to I I . R. In m an . Tract vance information received by the Range 1 W sat of the W illam e tte R. H. E. vs. Safeway on the south field. Tilt 204 which Oregon will receive for 73 T u a la tin V alley H o m « , highway department here has it W illa m e tte • 10 13 1 between the Guards and the Soda M ernlian . thence N o rth 32 rods . Connell, sh e riff, to H . A. K u r- elimination of hazards at railway that 90 per cent of the labor to be s tli J. et W al. Orenco 1 5 6 thence h ^ .t 50 rods, thence South '.¿-acre T I N R2W Works has already been played. grade crossings. Swope and H a m m e rly ; Bliss, G arfield 32 rods; thence W est 50 nale, |<> the employed on emergency projects Charlea Hollevoet to A. A H.dlevoet, Fairway nosed out Irelands 2 to » * e and Kiduk, Stone. place t'f l»eginning, containing |o must come from relief rolls and 40 S L j of L o t 4 Block 36 Foreat Grove R. H . E. 1 Tuesday evening in the make-up a» r««. m W ashington County, State of Governor Martin now presides ! per cent of the money allocated A ppledale Land Co. to George K. L lt- Oregon Sherwood — .................................18 19 3 game scheduled between the two tle. part Section 12 T3 N R5W . G aston ------------------------------- 6 10 3 teams. Both scored a run in the over sessions of the board of con­ j must be paid out of labor directly Glenn S. Ehle et al to Thomas G. H a w - j to »atisfy the hereinbefore named sums trol with a gavel which Speaker W in ters. Podbielan and W e n n e r; Neuen- ley et al. p art Section 1 T2S R2W fifth frame and Fairway put over Rainey wielded in congress. The [ on the project. 9 9 9 is superior tm what you ex­ achwander. Bohnson and E p ling, A llyn. Irene K. Hotchkiss to Kh<«la M Hotch­ DRIVERS’ LICENSE _ . , R. H . E. the winning tally in the seventh? gavel was presented to the gover­ et al. Lot 32 V irg in ia Place. pect to find outside t h e Tourist travel into Oregon is kiss A lfre T u a la tin 11 12 3 d M alm to Edw ard C. Reed et ux nor by the late congressman from ! falling behind that of a year ago. 160 Acres Aloha « s 6 Section 31 T 3 N R lW large cities. Illinois shortly before his death. M ontague and Reber Jubitx an d C hurch- Registration of foreign cars during A rnold Stohler to School D is tric t No Chehelem Potato ly. M cBreen. obtained and filled out • • • March. April and May was con­ 73. 3 Acres T2 and 3 S R lW Automobile registrations in Ore­ siderably below that for the same J. W. Connell, » h e riff. to A. C. V a len ­ FREE. See Quality being equal, we will meet all competitive prices tine. S E ‘4 of SE»4 o f Section 10 T 3N Club Plans Meet gon promise to establish a new months of 1934. Registrations for R4W . Farm Union League in hard building materials. high record this year. A large num­ the five-month period to May 30 W a lte r B. Poor man to H . Gene Haah- (B y M abel B. A lliso n ) Robert H. Kelly ber of cars registered this year are total 19,614 cars or only 34 less barger, Lots 7 and 8 Block 2 Forest MOUNTAIN HOME— Chehalem Starts Second Half Mountain Potato club will meet new ones which Secretary of State than the record for the first five Grove. Insurance and Ronds E. L. H a ll et ux to T . M Hanhbarger Snell declares to be “substantial F ir m U nion Friday evening at the John Schmelt- evidence of improved business con­ months of last year but the first et ux. W '4 of L o t 6 and L o t 7 South STAGE DEPOT (Second H a lf) zer home, where they expect to ditions generally throughout the two months of this year showed a P ark Addition. W L Pci! Sophia Anderson to John A. Rasm us 'Low Rate Automobile Insurance) ! substantial spurt in visitors from P la n t at S ch o lia , O r eg o n o 1 oooIlisten to two their members state.” C arlton 1 0 l.OOOILaurel . a»n, Tracts in Block 4 Sim m on«’ Addi- 1 Information gladly given on the other states. Our Motto—"Friendly Service . . . Fair Price»” o I .ooo i speak over the radio from KOAC, Cedar M ill 1 0 l.OOOjBuxton • • • tion Hillsboro. new Auto Insurance Law, effective I • • • Kan. C ity .1 0 1.000! Verboort ___ o . l . .ooo . . » where they are attending the 4-H J. W . Connell, s h e riff, to John A. Ras- j W a-hington Slrrrt betw een lat and 2nd Hill-born July I. The board of control has au­ The state board of control has musaen. Carlton, winner of the first half summer school. Lots in Johnson Estate Addition thorized the purchase of new fire upheld the action of Superinten­ Be* verton- Reed v i 1 le. schedule in the Farm Union league, Mrs. Ethel Egan of Portland was fighting equipment to be installed dent Sam Laughlin of the boys' Leicester B. A tkin » et ux to C a rrie A continued its string of victories a house guest of Mrs. Bertha Wal­ •M.Kenzie, o f L o t 8 N o rth T ig a rd - at the state institutions south of training school in dismissing Oscar vill«. Sunday by defeating Buxton 14 to dron last week. The equipment includes two Kaufer as parole officer for the F e lix P. Renshaw et ux to F E. Rowell 5 at the start of the second period. The pot luck Sunday dinner, Salem. pumpers and chemical institution and in so doing has re­ et al, 48.70 Acres Section 15 T2S R lW . Belt, Carlton hurler, yielded but which was scheduled at the home combination Cecil E. Davi» et ux to C. F. G rabel. nine hits to Buxton while his team­ of Mr and Mrs. Joe Ego, was held wagons. iterated its previously announced Lota • • a 6 and 7 Block 5 G alhot’s Addition determination to keep its hands off Cornelius. mates smashed out 15 safe bingles instead at the parsonage. The property control division of on two visiting pitchers. Miss Ellen Marie Jaquith return­ the state budget department has re­ the internal affairs of state insti­ A. F. W aldron et ux to E. 8. Doering tutions. et ux. Tracts in B e«verton-Reedvill« Acre­ Kansas City nosed out Verboort ed to the home of her parents here age. • • • 3 to 2 in an air-tight game on the Sunday, after having spent a week ceived $32,000 of SERA funds to et al. L o t 4 Block winner's diamond, while Cedar Mill visiting relatives near Salem. Mrs. finance an inventory of state prop­ Fire insurance companies operat­ C W L . e h J. m a n Eidenschink T r a c ts Workers will all be taken ing in Oregon have protested to C a rl Stein A c et r e ux took Laurel into camp 9 to 7. to L . R. Beal et al, Roy Jaquith is the guest of her erty. from relief rolls and approximately Hugh H. Earle, state fire marshal, Lota 1. 2, 4 to 14, inclusive. Block 20 Games scheduled for Sunday are sister at Salem this week. men and women will be given against diversion of their fees to N o rth Plains. Cedar Mill at Buxton. Kansas City Miss Edna May Burkey of Seattle 30 employment for the next te n the state’s general fund. Earle has A n n a M H a rv e y et v ir to F . A. C a rl- 1 at Laurel and Verboort at Carlton. has returned home after having et ux. L o t 27 M illa rd A VanSchuy- according to Clifton Mudd, promised that hereafter fees paid son ver’s Tracts. spent a week with Miss Demaris months, state property comptroller. Saunders here. • • • ¡ I Chehalem Schools Mrs. Elvin Lorenzen and new Will Your Advertising be When With the state restoration fund O 1 . • 1 I baby daughter. Elva Marlene, re- exhausted through payment of loss­ o e i e c t U J lIlC ia lS I turned home Sunday. Mrs W E es. due to the capitol fire, there is the Ink is Dry? Simpson, who has been at the Lor­ nothing in the statutes to prevent M O O SE CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN-School enzen while Mrs. Lorenzen departments, boards and commis­ districts in the Chehalem Moun­ was in home Newberg hospital, will sions from purchasing insurance tain section elected directors and leave this a week for her home in from private companies, according clerks at their annual meetings Washington. Monday. Attorney General VanWinkle. Elmer Hodson and the Miss­ to The only fly in the ointment seems Rufus Omduff was re-elected di- es Mrs. Ruby and Carmen Hodson, all dector of Mountain Top school and of Willamina, visited Mr. and Mrs. to be a lack of funds to pay the Saturday Night, June 22 premiums. Self-supporting depart­ Mrs. Alma Meyers was elected Roscoe Courtney June 10. ments will be able to provide pro­ clerk; Ray Voorhees was elected Mrs. Harold Davis of Sherwood tection for their property but those director and Mrs. Myrtle Whitmore, visited „ her „ mother, Mrs. Arena depending on legislative appropria­ AT SHUTE PARK AUDITORIUM re-elected clerk of Fir Grove school; I Courtnev Thur^dav tions must wait for legislative au­ and Mervin Whitmore and Mrs. "' thority. This latter group includes Celinda Deford were re-elected di­ Music by Moose Revelers all state buildings, including those rector and clerk of Buck Heaven j O d i l c b i n f T P p C O U il school. These three districts are '" -U d V IU Ilg iV C C O rU at state institutions, it is believed ADMISSION 25c PERSON here. debt free and no special tax wasI • • • Glen Norton Good voted. Mountain Top school had no Proceeds to go toward rash prizes for July 4 contest». The state board of control has district win rabit’n if ’ i 9 rove Athletic teams at Toledo high (P. A. system will be installed» i n s i d e Un,ft wnn SCo 001 house school, coached by Glen Norton of decided to apply for $248,730 in PWA funds in connection with the Hillsboro, won four county cham­ Celebrate "Happy Days” in Hillsboro July 2, 3 and 4 elected director and J. P. Jones pionships, according to a report building program authorized by clerk of Pleasant View school. the last legislature. This would in­ sent here from Toledo. In football clude $31.680 for the new dormitory Movement has begun to make a high lost one game in nine, state road of the Chehalem-Skyway Toledo while the baseball and track cham­ road leading to Bald Peak state pionships were easily taken. park. Norton's best record is in basket­ THE DIFFERENCE IN PRICE IS SLIGHT — THE DIFFERENCE IN TASTE IS GREAT ball. His team won every league WILLIAM HORNBY game, eight in all and finished the Funeral services were held Tues­ with sixteen wins and two day at Corvallis for William Horn­ season defeats, a record never before made by, who died Friday in that city. in Lincoln county. Championships Interment was in Fir Lawn cem­ the last two years in basketball etery in Hillsboro. Mr. Hornby was w trt the first in this sport Toledo a brother of Richard Hornby of high had ever won. Corvallis, former Hillsboro resident, Norton will return in September and made his home with the R as head athletic coach. Hornby family. R. Hornby and daughters. Kathleen and Ruth, were Hillsboro Argus contains all the in Hillsboro Tuesday to attend the news of Hillsboro and the sur­ burial. rounding communities. Read 11 and keep informed on what is Argus classified ads get results. happening at home. tf Leisyville to Paint School Hillsboro * Orenco Tilt Here Sunday County League Sunset Team Beats Laurel Play Featured by Close Tilts "Bears" Down Newberg Nine Short Fiine Truck Licenses Available FISH DERBY Real Estate Transfers HAY SA LT FLO U R E. B. Anderson & Son OUR SERVICE 1 applications SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD WHERE WEDDING DANCE Will It Be Thrown into the Gutter? Hidden Under Shrubbery? Blown Against the Hedge? Just Rubbish on the Lawn? Thrown into the Waste Basket? Consumed by Trash Burner? Or Will It Be Don’t buy whiskey in the Dark —Say Seagrams and he S U R E ! Under the reading lamp inside the home—a cherished and INVITED member of the fam­ ily circle? This is where your message will be if inserted in the Hillsboro Argus, which is a welcome visitor in the homes. SEAGRAM'S 5 CROW N »1.90 1.20 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS No. 264-B No. 264-C SEAGRAM'S Z CROWN »2.30 1.40 NEW STATE FINANCIAL LIABILITY LAW BECOMES EFFECTIVE JULY 1 This new law makes it important that every automobile owner carry ample liability and property damage insurance. An accident may result in a law suit and judgment. Under the new act, if the car owner is unable to settle the judgment, his operator's and auto license may be revoked until he proves financial responsibility. Fifth . . Pint . . L. W I ?.. I >. Fifth . . No. 265-B Pint . . No. 265-C _ ( ia»»«** • . Don’t risk it—let us advise with you regarding insurance In a good company at a very reasonable rate. SnilsbonO^Argus CH AS. L. WALKER, Agent 116 8. Third Ave. Hillsboro, Oregon Celebrate "Happy Days” in Hillsboro July 2. 3 and 4 The Hillsboro Argus is ordered and is not an unwelcome intruder on the premises. It is eagerly awaited by the reader, who desires to keep abreast of the happenings in the community — including news concerning mer­ chandise— prices offered by stores and firms. Nothing else can take its place as an advertising medium and business - getter for you__nothing else can compare with it in cost of prospect-coverage or results obtained. The Hillsboro Argus has “reader interest.” Advertising, to be effective, must have quality as well as quantity. m b a m / /e FO R G I N , T O O — J " (n r p .. \ ) - P l a n t ! a u n m , hut i . One of Only Two Weekly Newspaper A. R, C. Members West of the Rocky Mountains