Page Four H IL L S B O R O Girl Honored at Reedville Poem Printed in Congress Record ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Group Elects p «• Thursday, Jinn1 20, 1935 Laurel Ridge Folk Honored er g ills presvuted et»ch ch a rte r memt>er w ith u corsage Seventy fiv e w ere piCM-nt, in c lu d in g viMtor.s (ru in T lg u rd v ille lodge George T ie h e r has been sp endliitf several days k a h o iiu n u ig several rooms in the W C Kdy house Mrs Hannah S te w a rt and tlaugh te r F ra n kie of M tnlfo rd are this week v is itin g Kat«* and James Dodge, w ho are b ro th e l amt sister o f M rs S tew art Verboort F arm U nion Meets Roy W ednesday Vei b o o ti Local P lu m e rs' U nion w ,|| , , „ e t in M o o re * b a ll til Hoy A poem, dedicated to the B attle-: *U V _ iO m C llllS Wednesday evening June 20 A ship Oregon, by Mrs. R uth Coffee _____ Hillis of Forest Grove and form er­ free dance w ill fo llo w tf»<* husinei 4 m eeting I. idles ph ase tirin g pies B irthday C eleb ra ted ; H agga ly of Hillsboro, was used by Con- M r s . C o o k e P r e s id e n t ; M is s M r. W e b er Dies; G rangers gressntnn W. A. Ekwall of P o rt­ to be auctioned o ff fo r the be n efit A tten d M eet; P lan Song land in an address which he had T illie H ottn u in Candidate o f the baseball clu b A ttend Convention printed in the Congressional Rec- (By M im IVrvthy Cooke) (By H« m I C h u rrh ley l illy MI m « ||«>lrit A •'!>«h r) Subscribe now to the A rgus In C O R N E L IU S Women's H o m e REEDVILI.E — Geneva I m 1 a y. O regon $1 50 a yeai S ix m onths l.A U H K I. N ID G E M r and M rs A I I ■ I M issionary society met Tuesday a ft-; nine-year-old daughter of Mrs. G 85c. T hre e m onths 50 cents. T w o ( I n f ie ld H ite celebrated the«, A C H ' I lC lC lS I > I £ j ernoon at the M. E church Mrs. Imlav. was given a birthday party m onths 35 cents. tf tw e n ty -fifth w e d d in g a n n ive rsa ry I ! W R. Cooke was re-elected presi- by her m other Friday afternoon in Olsen h a ll in Sherw ood F rid a y I | dent. Mrs. F O Shay was re-elected Young friends present w ere Helen eve n in g T he m ore than a h u n dre d I vice-president Ollier officers are Pizer, K athleen Im lay and Eloise ( |ly V iv ia n IliitW on) guests present enjoyed a p ro g ra m I Mis W alter Poffenberger, secre­ and Clayton Stiff. o f in s tru m e n ta l music, vocal num - H A Y W A R D O ve r 800 pounds o f i tary. Mrs A. J Oliver, mite box J. M Churchley left Thursday to hers and readings A fte r the p ro ­ stra w b e rrie s w ere p icked o ff o f ' secretary, and Mrs. George Wilcox, pick cherries near The Dalles. gra m H ite's orchestra fu rn ish e d less than an acre at tin» L Jesse | spiritual life secretary Mrs. Louise Helen Imlay, who has had the m usic fo r dancing b e rry fie ld June 11 The pickers Cochrane directed a playlet w rit­ mumps, is completely recovered John S tric k le r. R aeford Jack. picked U and 10 crates that day IN S T A N T R E L IE F ten by Mrs Poffenberger Parts I Robert and Donald York are D onald Kdy. James Dodge. D aniel M r and M rs Clarence U p d ike were taken by Mrs Poffenberger. hom e for a visit w ith th eir folks. A R T H R IT IS , S IN U S and G o tlie b W erre went to V e r­ and sm all son d e live re d a load of Mrs. J. Deimonte. Misses Helen Mr. and Mrs. J. York. They a t­ nonia S a tu rda y to b rin g back three p u lp w ood to O regon C ity S a tu r­ I’ R O S T A T F . Oliver. Eleanor Reed. Helene Shaw , tended Monmouth Normal school tru c k loads o f shake wood. day. and Dorothy and M argaret Cooke I the past year. B illy N.vstrom has been spending Mrs. Poffenberger and Miss M ar­ Attend Grange F ritz S teginann fin ish e d logging the past week w ith his uncle and garet Cooke served refreshm ents. Oscar Hagg attended the state the N 11 Nielsen tim b e r last week S O K E AM» NTII F JOINTH aunt. M r and Mrs. G. K A u s tin . Mr and Mrs Joseph Cochran and grange at McMinnville last week. A x e l Pederson bad 15 b e rry pick ' at New berg RHEUMATISM little Loraine Jacobs, niece of Mrs Mrs Emma Dant was Sunday era in his fie ld Tuesday. Homecoming Planned New Scientific Diecovrry NO Cochran, attended the funeral of dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. H Mr mill Mrs. Chet F rv d e n tia il 1 oraine's father at Woodburn S un­ M o u n ta in Home ch u rch w ill hold ' m id M r m id M rs Jo.- F rv d e n d iill of M E D IC IN E no operation. one free A. Lowry of Aloha In the eve­ le n io n x tru lio ii on requeat. Phone day. ning Mrs. Dant and Mr. and Mrs its a n n ua l hom ecom ing and c h il- M a n n in g culled at the F ritz Steg or w rite Ito l-A Huy. .'HO O regon Miss Lucille Schultz, who has Lowry and other friends went to | d re n s day p ro g ra m Sunday. m aun hom e Tuesday evening B u ild in g , P o rtla n d . A T w u le r 3720, ! been w orking in Portland, has re- M rs Lena C onzelm un cut her M r Larson o f Halm G rove vis it P ortland to hear Mervin Dant sing . turned home. fin g e r severely on a razo r blade >xl at the F ritz Steginann hontr or A rgus 2983 A courteous re p re ­ at one of the P ortland churches. Mr. and Mrs William VanLom se n tative w ill c u ll on you und give Anna Mae Nault spent last w eek th is w eek M onday evening i and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- in Portland visiting friends. Jacob Weber D lrs N 11 Nielson is b u ild in g a new you a free tria l, no o b lig a tio n Mr. McElroy Honored j liam Mann and fam ily attended the Hol-A-Ruy ultls nature's way to Jacob W eber d ie d o f heart fu ll- t,urn | mail m arriers' picnic near Tigard D rill team of the Aloha Grange heulth. lH-Bp u re in the basement o f Ills h o m e 1 I I EKE Is an ideal frock fo r sports w ear, P a tte rn 614. Tho Sunday. gave E C. McElroy, d rill master, z\rgus classified ails get results. June ti He is s u rv iv e d by his w ld - back stra p s a re kept in position by the shaping of the fro n t I Earl Phelps spent the week-end a birthday surprise party at the ow Nora He had lived in this of th is frock, and the panel in the waist front continues down with relatives and friends in Port- Mr. and Mrs Ted N ault home. Five comm unity for fifteen years The th e s k irt and ends In a kick pleat. S uitable m aterials a re seer­ tables - _ of •‘500" w ere _ in .__- play. ______ Mrs. — _____ „ . land. body wus crem ated ut private serv­ su cker. crash, or linen. Oscar Hagg and Edw ard McElroy ord May 2 . according to a let- Mrs. Frank Dooher took teachers ices ut Portland crem atorium. Jr. had high scores and Mrs. A. ter from the congressman. Ekwall exam inations in Hillsboro last week P a tte rn s a re sized 11 to 9 (29 to 37 b u st). Size IS req u ires Mr and Mrs Harold Aeblscher Richards and V erne B right con introduced a bill for an ap p ro p ria -) Mrs. Frank Dooher enjoyed a : 3 ’6 yards of 39-lncb fabric. attended commencement exercises tion of $50.000 to provide for a vacation w ith relatives at Astoria sola tion. C harm ing sim plicity ts th e keynote of P attern 623, suitable at Pacific college nt Newberg T ues­ perm anent berth for the ship How-j rece:,tjv . Plan Special Song fo r sp o rts or house w ear. The sleeves are cut In one with the day night Miss Elizabeth Aebls­ Mr and Mrs John Snyder en- Reedville C hristian Endeavor met ard Hillis, a son of Mrs. Hillis, is w aist. D art fitting and a pleat in front give width to the sk irt. cher wus a mem ber of the g raduat­ | joyed a trip to Tillamook bay last at th e Mr. and Mrs S. A. Becker entployeci “y ’he Argus. ing class. S hould be made In percale, gingham , or linen. The poem was also published i n j Week. Thev returned w ith a large home Thursday evening. A choir A llrntl Convention P a tte rn s a re sized 34 to 46. Size 33 requires 3 \ yard s of 33- made up of C. E members will the Ju n e 15 issue of The Spectator, SUPplv of clams Sherwood G range wus well rep re­ lnch fabric. 1 Mrs. C. - Dooher and Miss Evelyn sing a special song. "The Church in Portland. sented at the state convention held To st-cure a pattern and stcp-by-step Instruction.«, fill o u t TH E OREGON | of P ortland are guests at the Frank by the Side of the Road" at church i in McMinnville lust week. Those th e coupon below , being su re to m eulion the nam e o f (h is new s­ Sunday in honor o f the guest M o rn in *. o f f the coast o f Cuba: Dooher home. who attended the full time were paper. preacher. Rev W L. Killian. D. D.. S h ip , a t anchor, lyin g ten se: Mr and Mrs. William Bedortha Mr und Mrs C S Haynes, dele­ g fo r some sign o r signal pastor of M i z p a h Presbyterian T W h a a itin and daughter, form erly of C orne­ gates, and Mt- und Mrs H P t would break the long suspense. church in Portland. A group was lius but recently of Hillsboro, have S trickler und Miss Helen Asbuhr appointed to have charge of the Since the fa ll o f Santiago FASHION BUREAU, 103 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK moved to Tillamook. O thers who were present ut various A nti the coming of our fleet. next social event of the summer, Mrs. Edith B urbank of Fir Creek sessions were Mrs R. W Rasm us­ ships w ith in the harbor Enclosed find............cents. Pleas« send me the patterns Miss H elen Becker spent the Spanish is w orking at the Harold K ummcr sen. Mrs Jerom e Huger and Mr and Saw no w ay of safe retreat. checked below, at 16 cents each. w eek-end visiting Miss Helen Jo h n ­ home. Mr. and Mrs. K um m er are Mrs George Normunson Mr und Then Cervera. under orders. son in Portland parents of a baby girl born Ju n e Mrs Elmer Jones attended the lec­ Pattern No. 430 S ize.................. Miss M arian Hagg. student of Took his only chance to w in : 11. turers' program Tuesday evening, ade a noble dash fo r freedom Erm a Taylor Sparks, has her pic­ M Mrs. Louise Cochran and Miss which was open to the public. Past the ships that hemmed them in. Pattern No. 445 Size.................. ture in the “Who's Who" column Beth and Ray Shaw visited Mrs Donald Edy moved the William of th e News-Telegram screen w eek­ "Speed to W estw a rd ." cried Cervera. Lloyd Shaw and son at the P o rt­ Ringold family to their new home Name ...................................................... .............................................. "S in k the Brooklyn and we've w on." ly as a recent prize w inner. land S anatarium Sunday. in Portland Thursday But Cervera hadn't reckoned Im lays Return Robert Cochran is attending the Address .......................... .................................................................... C harier Members Honored Mr. and Mrs C. T. Im lay and W ith the brave ship Oregon. sum mer session at Oregon Normal Sherwood Rebekah lodge honored I two children M argaret and Charles Through •fo u rtw r. thousand m i l « of w ater ' at Monmouth. C it y ....................................................................s t a t e ........................ its ten charter members Thursday have retu rn ed from a three weeks' Cam e the Oregon fo r t h is ; Mrs. VanLom Hostess night w ith a social program. Flow- I Name of this newspaper ............................................................... tour to San Diego. Cal. They S prang to action like a demon, • Mrs. William VanLom w ill en­ visited the fair Mr. and Mrs. I. N o t a targ et did she miss. tertain the Ladies' A ltar society of MINING FOR NCGGETS Dean of M yrtle Creek, who have Racing on to aid the Brooklyn, the St. A lexander church at her All m aterials specified In above patterns may be purcltased Years ago when I wus selling Leaping like a th in g poasessed. been staying w ith Mr. and Mrs , home T hursday afternoon. In local stores. 1 a specialty line in the Southern I Im lay's sm all daughter Kathleen, Passed the low s and Texas. The Misses Virginia Erikson and I states. Sunday was always my busy have left for th eir home. Nancy F a r out-distanced a ll the rest. Dorothy Cooke entertained t h e j den home Sunday w ere Mrs Phil- day. I would pick out a liv e ' Lee Sm ith of H untington Park. Cal R«cing w hile her guns were s p e .k ir.g i young people of the M. E. church ip Kalsch and daughter Cecelia, church and march up to Hie super Wall Ironing Boards Screen Doors returned w ith them to visit here Spanish ships were fa llin g back w ith a party at the church Friday " P rl - an deï? a n ?e.n and M r ln t*'ndent Ilf the S un day school and this summer Powerleas to w ithstand the fu ry evening. Games w ere played and Sink Wings Screen W indows and Mrs. Tony Vandehey ask him for the class of Rough Mr and Mrs. E. B. Rannow and o f th* O««»” « *“ «*• refreshm ents served to about 25 C. B Taylor is quite sick at h is ! Riders. And so city by city the Screen W ire C urtain Fixtures terTe d ° H o S F r ^ n ” home fourieen-year old boy. fell to me daughter Ruth of Athens, Ohio, a r- still on* ship w . . le ft, the Colon young people. Berry Crates Builders* H ardw are rived Friday to spend th e sum m er B ut the Oregon sped on, cattle are Bob Blake who sp' « a . won. land university. ------------------- v .h ’ n o r lls t ° f h l« h retu rn e d to Vanderzanden's home fo r nuggets; shut u p to th a t great- Finish Lumber Cement Mrs. E rvin Sahnow and Mrs. A Produc‘nfi Holsteins according to Monday Mt doi * ment , hn, God ever d?c- Service Time t hanged Modeat when her task was finished Roof Paint Lime A ttention is called to the change Giving honor to the rest, L. Brock attended the funeral T r T e s i l n ^ A s s ^ i i o n THf Mrs Minnie s<,hler sP*'nt last '•'>«•>* thl' I''«"''" »<> «he Homans. ar?h at A ± H e « T . . , , .. ° f v ‘ s i,in « f r l ‘‘ nds here A postle Paul the stenographer w ho in tim e for preaching service in Ready When her country called her Puller Paints Shingle Stain services of George W oodworth the Reedville church. Beginning Oreiton had ’tood the test, the Hillsboro M. E church on Amerlca at Madison. Wis. _________ _______ ______ took it down. Miss Evelyn Plass _______ left T hursday next Sunday the service will be „ « m e . . last in <,ui«t waters , Thursday afternoon. J- A. Lindow A Sons at Beth- She is employed at the home of Words to spend a life-tim e on If It's Lum ber C all held in the m orning at 11:30 in- Of the State whoae nam e she bore John McPherson of Stanwood. any have three cows on the list Mr and Mrs. Walter Vanderzanden in Romans JUSTIFICATION for stead Of in the evening at eight as W hen she clothed herself w ith glory Wash., visited his brother. Alex *ti the 10-months division, class B at Gales C reek one Means a poor dow n-and-outer, Num ber 2691 formerly. O ff U **t distant Cuban shore. McPherson, and family from Ju n e work. Lone F ir Princess, a seven- ----------------------------- vile in sin and then, presto -in an n « i U t w „ h U r C h Le y iS .t,SPL n d l n f . * 5 ? « “ U - her c a r . and shelter, 8 to Thursday. year-old cow. made i419 pounds r" i> • « c instant counted of God to be clean next two weeks With Mrs. F. C N o w her fig h tin g days are done? Paul Irm ler of Corvallis spent fat and 18804 6 pounds milk to r O F I U C r I V C S K j C U t O l and cleared of sin as Got! h im se lf King and C. King of P ortland at R ather, let us bow before her. S aturday at the J A. Irm ler home ra " k fi,th a 5 r,)UP ,100 com- . • and for an „ ( tim (, and e te rn ity O cean Park, Wash. Ship o f pride, the Oregon. Mr and Mrs Mike Susbauer and Peting records Twelfth place went O tV D lC S I » a k t * r T hen S A N C T IF IC A T IO N v. an- M rs E. B. Rannow and d a u g h -;______ R oth coffee h ii . ijs family attended the funeral of Mrs to Lone Fir Inka Trixie, a senior / other b ig o n e S im p le th o u g h . ter Ruth, and Mrs. T. C. Darnell " " ■ : Susbauer's brother at Molalla Thurs- three-year-old. w ith 555 6 pounds William E Weed. 87. of Sum pter means set apart for God. his prop and daughter Irene of Hillsboro Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs Howard day *at ant* 16879.4 pounds milk, and and a form er resident of Hillsboro, orty forever His to use as and visited Mr. and Mrs C. D Church- Francis. Mr. and Mrs N W. Bruns- Mrs. John Rock is visiting rela- fourteenth place was won by Lone was buried beside his father, the when and w here he w ills to be- ......... ............ ........... ..................................................... ley Sunday evening. wig. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stout, Mr and tives in Willamina. ^'a9i’^e- an eight-year-old cow, late William W. Weed, at the local cause utterly his possession. Now Given Farew ell Party Mrs. Fred Sergent. Mr and Mrs. He the great God can trust him with Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd with « 8 .5 pounds fat and 19394 0 Masonic cemetery Saturday th a t is ail asset ami not a A farew ell party was given in W. Kane. Mrs. Mary Olinger. Flor- Shaw, Ju n e 14, a boy. He has been pounds milk. idled at Baker Ju n e 12 and the > power and send him next door or honor of B arbara McBreen by her ence Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Sul- named John Allen. A ten-year-old cow W aukona body was shipped here for burial to the ends of the earth to set liability you w ant to m other. Mrs G. McBreen. Miss Me- livan, and Miss Peterson. M yretta owned by S. B. Hall at Mr Weed left Hillsboro about forth the new life w ithin him Tilly Hoffman Candidate Breen is returning home with her Jean , m U y i n ju rrd And GRACE God's eternal favor Miss Tilly Hoffman has been se­ T routdale made 8,0.2 pounds fat 35 years ago and went to Sum pter. friend, Jean Chabot, who lives in T„ _ T„ . . . . ... _ --------------- use Concrete. 24®15 6 1 P°unds. ™llk ,t0 PIac<\ Where he was ow ner of the Sump- that you don't deserve You tan lected as a ------------- candidate - for --------------and the God- California. Present were Jean Sain- T ,ean ^m' ay- dal*®^!e,r Mrs. G. dess of Liberty for the celebration ‘Jrst m the 10-months division, class ter Power A W ater company He not buv It. You can never pay for don, Dorothy Cox. Helen Wick. *m lay' sP£a!"ed th e ligaments in at Hillsboro, Ju ly 2. 3 and 4. n w o rk. InQaot ne y ear*y i,‘ylS1°2 Is survived by his mother. Mrs it It is the eternal love-power Blanche Haines. M ildred Pennell. ^ lnk " 7 r i day " hlle w dh Mrs. Louise Cochran visited Sat- . T ade 9„ P °unds ial and Mary Weed. that seeks out a poor w retch and Vera McElroy, Jean Chabot. Hazel younK fie n d s. She will be unable urday w ith Mrs. George Hancock 2,584 5 P°u n d s JP*lk to Place second G raveside services w ere c o n - breathes God's life into him and Churchley. to waIk io r over a week. of Forest Grove. Mrs. Hancock is in a Kroup of 26, competing cows, ducted here by Rev Charles M then forever and ever lifts and Birthdays Celebrated Mrs. Jean Mann of Portland is very ill, Reed. glorifies him. And it all begins A birthday dinner in honor of visiting her sister-in-law . Mrs. Mary ¿ Mr » it . a v a a s. w a i n es co z Adamson iu a iu o u il and Mrs. Jam when we come up to the Cross of Mrs. W. K ane and Mrs H. Stout Olinger. and Donald of Sheridan visited at C hrist and accept Him as our Sub- First Young Bird Race (B y Mi«« M a rth a V a n d rrtan d en I was given at the home of Mrs Mrs. W. M. Snipes and Mrs. Mary the A. J. O liver home Friday. The u u l t • ■ stitute w ho died for our sins "By Berdie Johnson Sunday afternoon O linger spent a few days last Adamsons will move to McMinn- : ____ Miss ______ Minnie ___________ and H enrietta Van- H e ld b y T u a la tin C lu b the grace of God I am what 1 am" Guests w ere Mr and Mrs Wielet week on th e Oregon coast. They ville soon, w here Mr. Adamson will derzanden of Portland visited Mr The Tualatin Valley Racing Pigeon I the Apostle Paul. "Grace and of Spokane. Wash., Mrs. Jean Mann visited friends at Depoe Bay and j teach in Ju n io r high. and M rs E E N orthrup T hursday ciub held its first young bird race tru th came by Jesus C hrist"—John », « 1*/ ixz l from Albany Sunday, distance 75 Apostle -George N Taylor, 1 N o r t h o f C a n n e r y , ac ro ss W . W a s h in g to n S t., P h o n e 1341 of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Neilson brought home many varieties of I ---------------------- ) evening of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. A rthur! flowers. Subscribe for the Argus. Visitors at the J. M V anderzan- miles. Results were: W B. Barnes' Beaverton. Paid Ad _ a bird "Stream liner," first, speed 700 « a a a , > a a a a a a '»oj yards per m inute: Robert Burlin J game's bird, "C arnation Queen,' i second, speed 690 yards per min- 1 ute; I. Sahnow's bird. "Union 76," I third, speed 604 yards per min- , ute. The next race will be held i from the 100-mile station at Eu- i gene. Owing to the fact th at these lofts are ju st being established no old bird races were held this year Young birds are those hatched this year. Amount Berries SUFFERERS IT’S COMING! Everyone Will Like It! WATCH FOR IT - at - COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q Suggestions for the Home Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. County Holsteins If You Want a Building Hillsboro Concrete Roy cxzzlz Brick Tile Co. : íi Perfection Bakery’s Grand Open House How To Write A GOOD Want Ad-~ If you change your address kind­ ly notify the Argus direct and nt once. tf ( y ES, DOCTOR, I W ILL Saturday, June 22 Free Gifts We are very happy to announce to the people of this community that our Bakery will be open to all for inspection on the above date. Come in and satisfy yourself as to the high quality of ingredients used in all of our Bakery Products GIVE THEM EACH A QUART OF MILK A DAY, ANO D R IN K A PINT M YSELF. " A L L -D A Y SUCKERS FOR TH E CHILDREN Conte in and meet the new Proprietors of the Perfection Bakery MR. JOEL COE . . . and . . . MR. LEE CONGDON Not only is the W ant Ad Page of The Argus read by nearly every subscriber a t some time or other, hut it is actually w ritten by hundreds anti hundreds of readers. Mrs. Jones sends in an ad for a spare room and im m ediately becomes an “associate editor” of the W ant Ad Page. Mr. Smith needs a hired man. He inserts a small W ant Ad and thereby becomes a m em ber of the "editorial sta ff” of the W ant Ad Page for th a t particular week. and the cleanliness of our Bakery. Not only will you enjoy a visit to this fine Bakery, but for your pleasure we are serving fresh cof­ fee, samples of our delicious cakes, and pastries, throughout the entire day. 'T ’HE ARGUS’ W ant Ad Page is a meeting place for its readers, a meeting place where buyer and seller, em ployer and employe, home owners and renters may gather. This is the readers* own page. Science says th a t it is as im portant fo r adults to DRINK MILK as it is for children. Ask your doctor. O rder a generous daily supply from us . . . as well as cream and dairy foods. FIR GROVE D A IR Y Phone 4RX1 Celebrate “Happy Daya" in Hillsboro July 2, 3 and 4 This service— these advertisem ents on how to write a good W ant Ad— is offered to those who buy or sell, sell or rent real estate property, and to those who sell services or seek jobs, and to others who employ work­ ers through the W ant Ads. It is to he hoped th a t the few suggestions th a t will he given in this series of advertise­ m ents will promote a better understanding of the W ant Ads, and enable readers to write Ads th a t will bring them satisfactory results more quickly.