H IL L S B O R O Page Six A RGU S. H IL L S B O R O , Thui’sduy, June 13. 1935 OREGON guests of Mrs LDsts R itter S u n ­ 1 Joe Finigan, and a cousin, Mrs Lorraine Denimln visited E \a Curl- tw o sons, as a result of an acci- ( Lena Wade, till Wednesday. son Sunday In Helvetia, w here she day dent Mr W hiting is there th is ' Is employed at the Elmer G uerber week M is Clara Wohlschlegel, who is | home. Mrs. J M artin and daughter June , staying at the Ftm gan home, spent Subscribe for the Argus Mr and Mrs A rthur Burke und of Newport are visiting friends Sunday and Monday w ith Mr and ( H r M r« John M PavUUon) ■ family of Beaverton visited at the here. Mrs E B Wohlschlegel at Scholls HELVETIA Mr and Mrs Wil­ I W alter Burke home Sunday Mrs. G. Feldm an and d a u g h te r, Mrs Hlllie Tykeson. Misses Viv­ Francis Rowell und aunt. Mrs. liam Z urchsr Invited tlislr ft tends visited recently w ith relatives in j If < un«(||>«(|»n < «u»»a y»m ()•«. In. ian Zeigler and Wanda Finigan; Mr». Shaw A id P resident; Washington Buckarooa to P lay Pioneer | George and M ilburn Zeigler, ac­ G od d ess N om inee S elected ; Jane Fischer, of Portland spent the and neighbors Io picnic on their dig* «11*11, It»«, Nl«»p, Pimp. I t s k ill. ■ ( qul* k w ith A P I.K farm Sunday They served coffee ! week-end at DeLuke, w here Mrs Mrs Lloyd Shaw is visiting rela­ Mrs. C hristensen N am ed H IK A. T h i'ln u g h In »I (luu y»( »u . companied by the Tom Shuck and Y outh, M an Injured M eeting in H illsboro and punch for the group A bounte­ tirssly g en ii» a it4 «af». Rowell und son John Albert are tives in Portland. Joe Nettling fam ilies of Hillsboro ous picnic dinner was served cafe­ spending the month Lee Deardorf visited relatives in and the Carl Wohlschlegel family (H y Mi»« L o rra in e P e m m in ) teria style In the woods. Eighty (By Mi»a Dorothy Cooke) Mrs. Murtin Bonfight spent S at­ Beaverton Saturday. iB j M n Bird McCormick! of Scholls picnicked at Silker Creek SCHOLLS Miss Doris Heaton, urday mid Sunday at Beaverton were present The afternoon was CORNELIUS—C hildren's day was The Cornelius Civic club p ic n ic 1 CHF.HALEM MOUNTAIN— An­ Falls Sunday. 1 )r 1 (a Drug Store duughter of W C Heaton, was the With tin duughter, Mrs 1.ilium spent w ith music and songs Yod- observed at the M. E. Sunday was held in the Shute park Sun-1 nual school meettings here will be Buford Deford and Ju n e Hulcom successful candidate to represent I Egger, und family elers w ere Mr and Mrs Fred school Sunday. Program: Song and day. held Monday at Pleasant View, T hree acres of peas w ere har­ Helchen, Billie Ktltel of Portland, Mr and Mrs. Loyal Mann of For-1 Buck Heaven and Fir Grove dis­ w ent to Eugene Saturday and the Scholls comm unity at the draw ­ recitations by Joyce Barnes and G len F ranklin of the Sunbeam est Grove. Mrs. B A. Hoskins and j tricts at eight o'clock in the eve­ brought his mother. Mrs. B. F. De­ ing for Goddess of I.lbertty In Hills­ vested nt the F. F. Rowell ranch and Mrs M C Schleicher Wesley ford. home Miss Beryl Deford, who boro June 29. The election and ben­ Saturday und St» acres ut the (¡roll­ Pleren played the guitar und sung class: several recitations from the Jean of Dilley visited the M. D 1 ning and at M ountain Top at one underw ent an operation Ju n e 3. Is efit social and program was spon­ er ranch Monday for the Huy-Mai- Among those from a distance were Sunshine class; a playlet by the Mann home Sunday. o'clock in the afternoon. 1 recovering satisfactorily. Mr und Mrs Henry Kegler of sored by the Scholls Ju n io r Wo­ Ing cannery in Hillsboro. Charles Black of San Francisco, “Class in the Corner;" a m arch and Mike Maynard, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Jo e Neitling and man's club und was the first public Capitol Hill, Mr und Mrs. E J recitations by the Solomon S er­ Cal., arrived Sunday to spend a few staying w ith a sister. Mrs. Glenn Strelble of Harlowton, Montana, vants* class; a playlet by Helen days w ith his parents. Mr. and Miller, le ft last week to be with son of Hillsboro visited the Finigan affair given by the club. The Buck Sum mer activity and re ­ home Friday. Mrs. Tom Shuck, Heaven Buckaroos rendered sever­ who w ere accompanied by their Oliver, M argaret Cook and Rev Mrs. John Black. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George who had been here a few days, re ­ al son. Ed Strelble. and fumlly of sistance nguiust heat are selections O ther program m in i A rthur Spiesschaert spent sev­ Maynard, at Oceanlake. Charles Reed of the young people's bers w ere a solo, Lucile Balacco; Portland. J W Cregeen br night tests of your child’s st«rn- class; a reading by Mrs. J Del- eral days last week in Eastern Ore- > Dr. W H. Pasley and two daugh­ turned to Hillsboro w ith them. Mrs. Oscar Hagg and daughter sailor skit. Wilma Herd and Ava a truckload of pnaactigrra from monte, representative of the Wom­ gon on business. inn! The child whose sum ­ ters of Hillsboro visited his mother, i Ida Lue of R eedville visited the Howard; duet, Jean Trask and Amy Portland. TIGARD John Gaarde. 70. died en's Bible class; Ray Shaw sang a Mrs. Wilson Dies Mrs. M. M. Harvey, Thursday Finigan family this week while Howard; solo, Leland McCann, j at his home in Tigard early Sun­ m er diet is for the m ajor and Olen Carr Mrs Mr and solo from the Men's Bible class; Word has been reecived of the ! Guests of Mr and Mrs. D A. O t­ p art our pure milk, is u Mrs. George Milne a reading, rep ­ death of Mrs. Roy Wilson of As- j to Sunday w ere Rev. and Mrs Tay­ Mr. Hagg attended the state grange duet by Ava and Lela Howard, and day morning ufter an illness of a family. Mrs It Waldorf. Mrs Wolf convention at McMinnville. reading. Kuthleen Ramsby of T i­ week He was horn in Schleswlg- and Mr und Mrs. Henry Bishop resenting the cradle roll d ep art­ toria on May 23. The Wilsons were! lor of Cornelius. healthy child. R. E Johnson of Newberg made gard. Misses Wilma Herd and I Holstein, Denmurk. und eume to und family visited Mrs. E. Hitter m ent and Mrs. Lester Mooberry. a form er Cornelius residents. Hillsboro playground ball team, a governm ent ru ral electric survey the United States in 1885. He first Sunduy reading, representing the mission­ Miss Geneva Shay is confined t o ! which was to play here against the here last w eek and the first of tills. Gladys Nissen had charge. worker! for the late William Druck. Mrs. Christensen President ary departm ent of the Sunday i her home w ith mumps. Carol Wenger, a student ut W hit­ Buck Heaven team, failed to ap­ Mrs Lester Morgan and Mrs. Q uart O ffic e rs e le c te d fo r tlie co m in g toolm aker of Portland, und in 1893 man college, returned to tier home school. pear Sunday. Missionaries Speak Ben Haynes of Banks w ere over­ year by the Scholls Ladies' Aid opened u shop in Tigurd. which Mr. and Mrs W. R. Cooke vis­ Sunduy Miss Wenger was awarded Rev. and Mrs. F. Flichler, m is­ Buckaroos to Play night guests at the Deford home he had successfully operated since the scholarship at Hillsboro high ited Mr. and Mrs. A. F. H uber at sionaries to New Guinea, spoke at Buck Heaven Buckaroos will play Saturday. Mr Morgan and Mr Friday were: Mrs Faith C hristen­ Surviving him are his widow, school lust year Monmouth Sunday. the L utheran church last Friday at Hillsboro at the Washington Haynes spent the same tim e w ith sen. president; Mrs. W alter O rr, Neighbors o f Woodcraft m e t afternoon. vice-president. Mrs. Ida Kays, sec­ M athilda, a daughter. Anna Hell- Mr. and Mrs. John Gfeller. Mr County Pioneer and Native Sons Fred and John Haynes. Duane Phone 1104 T hursday evening a t Bunning's Mrs. Clifford Trask, treas­ j man; u son, Hans, all of Tigurd. and Mrs Andy C hrlstener of Nortli and D aughters' m eeting Ju n e 23. Haynes of Hillsboro came out w ith retary; hall. Mrs. F rank Dooher was in urer. Plans w ere made to hold a ! and Marvin of G arden Home Plains, and Mrs Marie Zybuch. who These boys have been playing free them and w ill spend p art of his Ju n e Jubilee at the church parlor Funerul services were held Wed- charge of the program. Mrs. Ted gratis, often not even getting their summier vacation w ith his aunt. Ju n e 21 Refreshments will be serv­ ! nesday nt the Tigurd G range hull. is visiting from California, were Wilkins and Mrs. William VanLom expenses paid. Mrs. B. F Deford. ed from 5 p. m. until all are serv­ w ere hostesses. Alice M aynard rettu rn ed to her Miss Ernestine G uenther w ill A "Tom Thumb" w edding will In Hospital home at Oceanlake Tuesday, after have charge of a picnic for her ed. For Your G row ing C hicks and Poultry Mrs. Rudolph Schultz has been BANKS—Edward Maxwell died spending a week here with her Ju n io r Sunday school class this be staged Mrs C. Karl Stretcher ill at the Jones hospital in H ills­ Sunday m orning in the Forest sister. Mrs. G lenn Miller, and Jes­ Thursday at the M ountain Top and Mrs. S. A. G otter are in charge. (By Mrs. O. II- Pe«er»onl Mr. and Mrs H. T. Hesse and USE T H E boro. G rove hospital, having been there sie Versteeg. school yard. Mrs. William Holtz and nephew, Miss Evelyn Hesse visited at the Glen Sm ith of V ancouver spent two weeks following an operation Mrs. A ustin Honored BEST Mr and Mrs. J. P. Jones, Leland G. W Whltcombe home In P o rt­ Glen McDowell, und Mrs Holtz's the w eek-end here. for a ru p tu red appendix Mrs. W alter Austin (Helen Red- Schmeltzer and Stanley Ego, ac­ land Sunday. mother. Mrs. McDowell, of Portland Funeral services w ere held Tues­ dig!, a recent bride, was a guest companied Mrs. Lee Lane and baby Mrs. Shaw President left last week for 'Billings. Mont Family Moves Retiring officers of the M ethod­ day afternoon in the Banks church of honor at a m eeting of the Fir to Tillamook Friday. They rem ain­ to be gone several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Bergy have w ith interm ent in the Banks cem­ ist Ladies' Aid w ere presented with Grove Ladies' Social club Ju n e 4 ed till Wednesday. moved from the John Coleman friends and relatives gifts Wednesday by Rev. Charles etery. Rev E Tilton conducted the at the D A. Otto home. Mrs. Austin Mrs. Jennie Kinkaid, Bill Kin- Mrs E P Mitchell and Mrs O tto the H arry McCool place M. Reed, w ho also gave a talk service, w hich was in charge of the was presented w ith a beautiful kaid of Springbrook and Mr and place Withycombe and family H Peterson attended Klnton 1-adies' New’ officers elected for the year Forest G rove U ndertaking com­ bedspread Mrs. A ustin's mother, Mrs. Saunders of San Diego visited of William Gaston and Herman Boge and Aid with Mrs E. I. Ricks T hurs­ w ere Mrs. Ray Shaw, president; pany. Mrs. Reddig, was a guest. Seven­ Mr and Mrs. M ervin W hitmore S at­ family of Farm ington joined A. R day. PO ULTRY MASH Edw ard was born in Portland teen m em bers attended. Mrs. Henry Behrman, vice-presi­ urday evening. Moore and family for picnic dinner Mr. and Mrs. 11 H arr of P o rt­ May 9. 1919 When he was one year dent; Mrs. Earl Emith, secretary; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Otto and fam ­ Mr. and Mrs. H. V ersteeg and Made from choice home-grown grains and highest land spent last week at their coun­ old the fam ily moved to Manning. ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel family attended the funeral of his at the Moore farm Sunday. and Mrs. Belle Lilly, chaplain. M r and Mis. Jim H arlm an and try home. grade concentrates. It will improve your poultry The past tw o years they have re­ Sieffert at Scholls Sunday. brother, Lee Versteeg, at Hopewell Mr and Mrs Earl Edwards of P as­ M arried Monday Mr and Mrs. Joe Borovickn and und save you feed costs. Mrs. Meyers Hostess Sunday. Miss Cora M urphy and Steve sided in Banks, w here he graduat­ adena visited at the Ell Kingston children of P ortland visited Mr. Mrs. Lena Meyers entertained G eraldine Stoutenberg returned home Sunday. G ilbert w ere m arried Monday at ed from the grade school and last I. X . L. D A IR Y FEE D S and L A Y IN G M A S H E S and Mrs Amos Henderson Friday Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. G ilbert is year attended Banks high. He was w ith a dinner party Saturday eve­ to h er home in Dayton Sunday a f­ Mrs. M. B. Bozarth w ent to the and also with Mr and Mrs. Hurris, popular in athletics and was a ning for Mr. and Mrs. Lee M acIn­ ter m ore than a w eek's visit w ith a sister of Mrs. J. Delmonte. Jones hospital Friday, w here she who owns the form er home of the Mrs. Edith B urbank of F ir Creek mem ber of th e Banks baseball tyre of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. F. an aunt, Mrs. H. Versteeg. received treatm ent for several I Borov ickus team. He was also an active mem­ L. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown Mr and Mrs. H H. Neill e n te r­ days. visited here Sunday. Harold Mitchell of Baker visited ber of the Epworth League. and Miss Lillie Brown of Laurel, tained Sunday for a nephew and 1004 M ain St. Youth H art Mrs. Meyers Honored P hone 271 He is survived by his mother. his sister and brother. Miss Eunice George Milne Jr. received a scalp Mrs. C. M. Maxwell, a brother Leo Sausbauer of Cornelius. Miss his bride, who w ere here from Ruby Rebekah lodge entertained and Gwyn Mitchell, recently Miss M ildred Meyers and Raymond and Wisconsin on th eir honeymoon. wound Sunday when he accident­ Jam es, a sister, Marion, all of w ith a flower shower and supper The Emerson sawmills in the party Wednesday evening in hon­ Eunice and brother. Harold, visited ally struck himself in the head Banks, and a grandm other, Mrs. Norma Meyers. relatives In Salem Ju n e 2. Miss M ildred Meyers returned Pleasant View district have fin ­ w ith a hatchet while staking out John M axwell of Portland. or of the noble grand. Mrs Ruby Decoration Day and week-end home S aturday evening after a ished sawing an order for ties and Meyers, who was appointed O S. his pony. year of teaching at the Gable school are closed until further orders are G. of the Rebekah Assembly. She ! visitors at the V H Wilson home Leslie Brown spent several days ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED w ere Mr. and Mrs. O. E Locken Portland. She will teach there next received. was presented w ith a vase as a and sons. Edward and John, and at his home in Gervais. His sis­ (B v M rs. Zell G. Struthers! year. Berries Damaged ter, Miss Gladys Brow’n, form erly gift from the lodge Mrs Lucille Mrs G Locken of Mount Vernon, HITEON—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bill W alker retu rn ed Thursday Straw berry picking along t h e Flint, Mrs Rhoda Hesse and Mrs. ' Wash., Mrs. Mary Johanson of of Cornelius, was m arried to Rev. Holland entertained w ith a dinner Harvey Scheurm an of Vernonia Sunday for eighteen relatives, the from a fishing trip to East lake top of the m ountain began the first Jennie Larkin were the committee Seattle, and Miss Lillian Niemi of in eastern Oregon. O thers in the of last week. The crop was cut Mr and Mrs. John Nyland and 1 Portland. at her home Ju n e 11. occasion being th eir fifth wedding p arty w ere Dan C ham bers of, Laurel Man Injured short about tw o-thirds by the hot daughter Jean and son John Jr. anniversary. William C. Black left recently and Lute M iller of Scholls. They w eather last week. George Spiesschaert r e c e i v e d of Devils Lake. N D . came S un­ for his farm at Eugene Attend Grange caught th eir limit of fish. Guests entertained at the M er­ day for a few duys' visit w ith his minor injuries Tuesday, when the Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanKeek H erbert Deverell of C orbett and Mr and Mrs. Clayton W hitmore vin Whitmore home Sunday were father. Richard Nyland team he was driving, hitched to a are attending State G range this Miss G race und Mr und Mrs Os- entertained the following Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. F rank T igard of Mr and Mrs. Joe F lint visited ; car Deverell of Portland visited hay rake, ran away. week at McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carow, Mrs. Seattle, who w ere at the Rhoda Mrs Flint's sister. Mrs Robert Hol­ Miss Blanche Finegan spent F ri­ Mrs. H M etzentine entertained ; their brother. C harles Deverell. and day w ith her music teacher, Mrs the Tigard Rebekah club Wednes­ G rover Brown and children and Cady home from Saturday till land. and family in Beaverton S u n ­ ! wife Sunduy. Mrs. Lois Stone and daughter of Monday, and Mr and Mrs Tom day. Erma Taylor Sparks of Portland. day. Hillsboro, Mr and Mrs. C hris Zin- Savage. Mrs. C harlotte G oldsm ith G raduates at Pacific She also ttended the Rose Show A nniversary Observed Neighborhood news from 30 A r­ of Boring. Mr and Mrs. Tom of Portland. Mrs Goldsm ith's hus­ Mrs Mary Ikerd of Portland vis­ parade. Mr. and Mrs Lester Robinson, sili gus correspondents i n d if f e r e n t Savage and Mrs. Lue G oldsm ith of Move to Hillsboro Miss Elizabeth Struthers and Gay P ortland and E rnest G oettter of band is the man who recently ited at the L. W Guild home the sections of W ashington county up- made a record mail airplaine flight past week to attend commence­ Mr. and Mrs. Guy Edson and Wilson w ere guests Sunday a t from P orttland to Salt Lake City. ment exercises for the 1935 class of pear in the Argus each w e e k Bonita of Prineville, who have the C. W. S truthers home at a din­ Gales Creek. Mr and Mrs. Ira McCormick. Mr O ther guests w ere Mr. and Mrs Pacific college of which Miss G ar­ L earn whut your friends are do­ been visiting at the M. Edson and ner for Mr. and Mrs. Robinson's and Mrs. J. E. Blazer, Mrs. D. M. W. Neuenschwander and son of net Guild is a member. The Guild ing for less than three cents a E. Russell homes, have moved to first wedding anniversary. tf McInnis, Mrs. W. F Wohlschlegel, Lakeview, and Jo h n Sm ith of N ew ­ family. Mrs. C. W L arkin and Mrs. week. Hillsboro. Miss Alice McInnis, Miss Ju n e Hol- Son Dies Ina Sutherland attended the bacca­ Subscribe now to the Argus. In com, Hodson McCormick, Buford berg. Mrs. Sm ith is ill. JOB FOR 1935 GRADS A rth u r Davis came out from P o rt­ laureate services for the class at Mrs D. C. W hiting was called to Oregon $1.50 a year. Six months Dear G raduates: School d a y s Pendleton last week by the death 85c. T hree months 50 cents. Two Deford and F rank P ainter attended land Sunday for a three days' vis­ the Friends church Sunday m orn­ done; you now step out Into a of one son and serious illness of months 35 cents. tf the funeral of First Sergeant B ar­ it w ith his father. Jake Davis. ing. ney D ezure at Crescent Grove cem ­ Mr. and Mrs. L. I. H ullt of N ew ­ Misses M argaret Stark and Veona world that is all at sixes and sev­ etery at Progress Sunday berg visited Mr and Mrs. E. C. Russell are employed at the b arrel­ ens and fast growing worse, say Mr. and Mrs. John W alker v isit­ Wohlschlegel Sunday. David Lloyd George and other ing plant at Banks. ed her m other, Mrs. F. B. Tomp­ statesm en and thinkers. Any many Club to Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W hitmore kins, at P ortland Friday. Mrs. Tomp­ and W alter W hitmore attended the are fixing their hope on you. the Scholls Woman's club will e n ter­ kins sailed for Ketchican. Alaska, wedding reception Ju n e 3 for Mr. tain the Junior Woman's club with youth of the world. You to step Monday to join her husband. Mrs. land Mrs. A lbert Wilde at the home a pot luck dinner at 1 p. m. F ri­ in, avert the crash, tu rn things O M. K angin of C utler City vis­ of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. day, after w hich a special business around and build a new world for ited Mrs. John W alker from Friday Fred Schwab, at Mt. Angel Mrs. meeting will be held. All junior us. Now the danger Is that you are on your till Wednesday. Wilde is the youngest sister of Paul members and young women of the stripped and helpless before you Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCormick and Schwab, well know n here. The community are Invited. begin; sold out by the enemy of Hodson McCormick w ent to P o rt­ bridal couple w ent to San Diego, Mr and Mrs. O. G. Campbell of your souls. Too grewsome—don't' land Friday and met Mrs. Jessie Cal., w here they w ill be guests of j the Campbell Shirt M anufacturing print it, say some to us. Dezure, who was retu rn in g home Joe Schwab. F irst—A viper; state liquor. For Oregon M utual Policies are NON-ASSESS ABLE. You NEVER company in Portland visited at the from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, w ith one hand teachers and tax ­ pay more than the prem ium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Everett Morgan! Ed Albin home Sunday. w ith the body of her husband. First and daughter have moved to New­ Mutual m aintains more than three tim es the surplus required L. M. M iller and Dan Chambers payers have done their best for Sergeant Dezure. who died there berg for the sum m er. Mr Morgan | returned from Clear Lake T hurs­ you and with the other hand the by Oregon Insurance Laws. May 12. Miss Ivy Peterson of Walla is able to w ork again after a bad day w ith a good catch of fish state holds forth the death-cup Walla was w ith Mrs. Dezure, hav­ attack of septic sore throat. W ill| Mrs George Lewellin has gone and bids you drink it; for state O regon M utual Fire Insurance C om pany ing gone to San Francisco to meet Harvey is looking after their place to the beach to seek relief from liquor m ust have young folks to of M c M innville her. They and Mr. and Mrs. Allan during th eir absence. fatten o n. Penitentiary, insane asthma. Organized 1894 — 40 Years of Reliable Service Comber were guests at the McCor­ asylum and the gallows for many Baling Starts Farm Traded The wise fa th e r has learned the im portance mick home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerom e Buzan have I The Russell hay baler began a 1935 graduate over the land Mrs Dezure is spending this week traded And again the spirit of the day of saving regularly — as much us possible. operations Friday when about 50 th eir farm, on top of t h e ' at Vancouver Barracks, Wash. tons of hay w ere baled on the th at leaves out Bible and the w or­ F or should the unforeseen happen, no one else Will Finigan w ent to P ortland m ountain in the Pleasant View dis­ Lander Penne farm Friday and ship of the living God which alone for P ortland property. Mr. HILLSBORO. OREGON can beat his responsibilities. He assures the fi­ Sunday, w here he visited his sis­ trict, Mrs. fits a m an to face the storms of Buzan are staying with Saturday. ter, Mrs. Jam es Rachin, a brother, and nancial independence of his family because her brother, M. M. Harvey, until | Mr. and Mrs Ed Wohlschlegel life. And by leaving God out and th a t is his duty. DO YOU SAVE OUR MOD­ they decide w here they w ill live. and Mr. and Mrs L. H M urray doing as we pleuse. vast numbers The Blane fam ily are moving here; visited at the Frank J. M iller home ERN WAY? this week from Portland. Mr. B la n e ; in C ornelius Saturday evening. M r and Mrs S. A. G otter and become that a lot of us refuse to is employed in Portland. family, Harold Herd, and Mr. and stand up and be counted, if to Mrs S. G. Burge and Lindon Laird stand for the right means to suf­ JAMES WELCH fer loss of pleasure, profit or ease.1 Jam es Welch, 23, son of Mr. and of H illsboro held a picnic at Jant- Too busy, we are, for God's Day, Beach Sunday. M rs Jam es Welch of Huber, died i zen "The Largest Independent Bank Mr. and Mrs. J. B. B artlett and God's Book or God's C hrist a s ' at his home and funeral services daughter ln Washington County’’ Bonnie, Jean ette a n d Saviour. w ere held W ednesday afternoon at Does this setting forth of the I Hillsboro Oregon Pegg’s chapel in Beaverton. In ­ Jackie Howell and M N. Bonham tru th turn you against us? Then ■ term ent was in Crescent Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Neal in hear the Bible—it says that w hat| Sunday. cemetery. He is survived by his Beaverton Celebrate "Happy Days” in Hills­ W ilmer Hansen was operated on is now unfolding m arks the close: parents and a sister, Mrs. Erma boro July 2, 3, und 4 S aturday afternoon at the Smith of the age with chaos and the end I Cooper, of Airlie. of the present w orld-system at hospital for appendicitis. Miss Irm al Trask is visiting her hand. G O LD FISH Now among you ore many of the grandm other, Mrs. Mary Hill, In 10c and up Saved-by-Christ's-Blood. To you we Stayton. See them before you buy. say—Take tim e to be holy. "You Mr. and Mrs. C laude Allen and Scavengers, W ater Hyacinth, Water daughter Patricia of Pleasant View also as living stones are built up Lettuce, Floating Plants. visited at the Carl Wohlschlegel a spiritual house, a holy priest­ 1 hood, to offer up spiritual sacri­ home Saturday. Visitors welcome fices, acceptable to God by Jesus Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Carlson, L u ­ HARRY MORGAN 234 E. Jackson St. Hillsboro cile Carlson, Grace and Pat K ing­ Christ"- 1 P eter 2:5.—George N. ston, C harlie B urke and Earl and Taylor, Beaverton, Ore.—Adv. Zurchers Hosts Helvetia Picnic Scholls Backs Doris Heaton School Meets Next Monday Program Held at Cornelius C o n s tip a tio n A D L E R IK A Mothers John Gaarde Dies at Tigard Home 10c McFall Jersey Dairy Edward Maxwell of Banks Buried Bend I. X. L. HILLSBORO FEED CO. * Save 25% FIRE INSURANCE COSTS WE HONOR FATHER ON FATHER’S DAY ... his is a life of responsibilities CHAS. L. WALKER, Agent Commercial National Bank SA FETY / to CALIFORNIA! The train has all these COMFORTS: THE DIFFERENCE IN PRICE IS SLIGHT— THE DIFFERENCE IN TASTE IS GREAT Just lit back and relax. The engin­ eer does all the driving. Swiftly, safely,you ride to your destination, arriving fresh and rested. IS ‘ Read or w rite as you skim along steel rails, the smoothest highway yet invented. Big, positive, easy-acting brakes W elded all-steel body reinforced with steel A he 1935 V-8 is the safest Ford car ever bu ilt. Safety glass is standard all around in every model, at no extra cost. Ford bodies are all-steel, welded. The Ford double channel X-type frame is low, rig id , strong. T The new Ford brakes have greater surface per pound o f car weight than any other car under $1095, A n d tlie Ford brake requires 1/3 less foot pressure this year. Big 6 xl6-in ch Air-balloon tires, Ford transverse springs, and Torque-tube D rive «Iso guard your safety. They make for firm road- g rip on turns o r jo gg ly roads. And the responsive Ford V-8 engine, w ith its 85 horsepower, holds large reserves o f power to N o stops for food. Fat in the diner when you are hungry. S. P. makes it economical with soup-to-dessert M t a h Sthct at popular prices. ® Safety glass all around at no extra cost Enjoy refreshing sleep in a soft, room y berth. Im proved T o u rist Pullm ans provide clean double berths at very reasonable rates. draw you quickly away from possible dangers. Space to walk around and stretch your legs is important on any jour­ ney. Yo u have it on the train. T his 1935 Ford V -8 accents comfort, beauty,! and th rift, too. You are near a Ford dealer—go see him today. G et into this Ford V-8. See fo r yourself how much this car gives you. A U T H O R IZ E D FO RD A There is clean ice-water to drink when you are thirsty. And there is always a convenient rest room w ith modern lavatory facilities. DEALERS Besides, rail fares to California are low. It ’s real economy to go this way and have all the comforts, conveniences and security of train travel at fares of 2c a mile and less. Southern Pacific FOR G IN , TOO — £ X » S m ru iH -M M lm C*rp, N. Y. — PLmli l.tw rtm th iri, tm i • For details, see your local S. P. agent or write J. A.Ormandy, (¿entrai Pautngtr Agent, 7 0 ) Pacific Building, Portland, Ore. •