III L L S B O R O Page Four ARG U S, II I I, L S B O R O , O R E G O N Thursday, Juu«' 18, 1935 Itu ik h allrr Brrak* Klb— Kinney, Mr and Mrs A M Jann day night al (he home of Mis Ire- of U i'odville .lint Ml and Mr- I.out M is E I. Moore .uni M is Ervin B urkhalter sustained „ J.ones Weteli of the Masonic Home It It Knunolt reeeivetl lio n o is in broken rib Tuesday morning Oregon is fortunate in having a man attended Royal Uosnrians' ball in tile games Next meeting will lie o il an automobil«* accident I mi | I I. , like Charles H. M artin as governor in honor of Queen Irene Katurdav a |«>I luck picnic supper meeting ( ’ T Snuih ,»t Th«* nutrriuxc of M ins l.lllh* l.a u n l mad Dr C W ith W 1 M to ComMnrd the llillahoro Independent it the Masonic Temple in at the home of Mrs. 1. A Lung these strenuous times. His decisive action tended him Schiw hliT , tiuiltfhU't* of Ml hih IM i • Hillsboro Anru» ««tab. 1»»4 H illsboro Independent astab. 1S71 tland. July 11 Homy Schneider Si of Poitlaml. in the recent disturbances and riots above MeKINNKY A M eKINNKY. Pnbltohera and John E Knock of Scholls, son M< D auirl Kurus Arm — Mr and Mrs E M Bogart and Published Thursday Entered a* second-class m atter in the Mrs Lovelock of Fern Springs Forest Grove in backing up local enforce­ poatoffice at Hillsboro. Oregon Adam Hergert left Saturday for Mr and Mrs. M Bogart of Coulee near Meat-hum fell Tuesday and of Mr and Mrs Gcortfo Kucck Si . Kenneth McDaniel received cv ment officers changed a serious looking Portland, after several weeks' vis­ City, Wash . were guests Sunday of fractured her left leg below the wus solomnlzoil td an Iniprcjudvc ere scalds on bis left arm Tucsd.iy MRS. E. 0 . M eKINNEV W. V E R N E MeKINNKY situation into one of peace, w here those it with his brother. C W Hergert, Mr and Mrs E W Sinclair E kins* Dr J O Kolili atten d ed her ceremony Sunday noon. Juno 9. al from a Nteam hose at Elr (¡rove X A ssociate Editor Editor who w anted to work were not subject to and other relatives near Hillsboro M Bogart is a brollier-in law of parenls, Mr and Mrs S A D. the Second Gorman CongtcKahon dairy, where In* is employed Di He will visit there and in Wash- ■ Mr Sinclair They visited the Bose Meek, last week, while Mr Can- al i hm eh m I’oi llan tl T h e Rl I C T Smith attended him beat-up gangs. W ith M artin as governor ington before returning to his Festival last week ami a re e n ­ lonw lne was In Canada Homy Hauolganz. road the sorvlco O F FIC IA L N E U SPÄ TER OF W ASHINGTON COUNTY conditions are not likely to degenerate to home at Nampa, Idaho. thusiastic about Oregon. The church wan decoruted wdh Mrs. Mabel i) Mellur and her Haber ript ion Katee Strictly Cash in A dvance the deplorable state of a year ago in the Outeida W ashington County Miss Ruth l.inklater left Wed-i Mr and Mrs P h ilip l.a e k e n b e of m other Mrs. Nancy Freeman of palms and great busk«* I a of v ar­ W ithin W ashington County It. 8.. per year 4Î.00 longshorem en’s strike when there w a s Per year »1.10 nesday to visit her brother and sis­ Split Bock. Wyoming, are spend- Portland, formerly of tins city , have ious kinds and colon» of ros<*s A USED CARS PtoreUrn countries I.M> Six month* «hi ter-in-law . Mr and Mrs Francis mg the week will» Mrs G ertrude Kone Io California ami w ill'¡m ale song was sung by the congrcga much bloodshed. l.inklater. at Aberdeen. Wasli She Calef. Mr l.aekenbe is doing solo there ufter a visit with relatives Hon before the hit vice and a group Three Pickups H i s t Audited Paper of young women of the choir sang Governor Martin, naturally and rig h t­ has been with her uncle and aunt. flying at the airport eusl of Bills m Chico and l.os Angeles MEM BER Oregon S tate Largest Audited W eek­ Editorial A ssociation and a song after, accoinpaniotl by Mrs ly, states that men should have the right Mr and Mrs B. W. Barnes, during boro. He is receiving instruction ly C irculation in Ore­ N ational Editorial A »so­ from l.ong's airport at Cornelius . ‘‘ebekah lodge has been invited Mary Gribbllng. who also played | gon. ti on. to peaceful picketing and should be g u ar­ 11 he past week. to attend the Vernon licbckah the wedding march Mr and Mrs A H Busch and anteed the right of collective bargaining. Mr und Mrs Mike Sehultheis of lodge in Portland Friday night The bride, given in marriage by Model T Ford Coupe T h . H ilbboro A rgil. i« u n ,M no fin an cial rw eon stb ih ty for I sons Keith and Dale and Tom Colton. W ash, visited Mr ami Mis when Mrs Cora Heaton, assembly her father, w i l l lovely In a lace However, these rights do not extend to Stretcher left Thursday for Metol­ error, published in ita colurana. but in esses » h er« thia Paper Hudson built Terrnplune, H Wielier Thursday, and at president, will make tier offleuil dress made floor-length and long la at fau lt w ill reprint that part of an ad vertisem ent in which mob rule and the beat-up tactics th a t kept ius. where Mrs Busch and the boys W tended the graduation of their visit. _______________________ th e typographical m istake occu rs tight sieves with tulle gathering delivered here $7.'IH Oregon in a state of turmoil for weeks will rem ain for an extended vaca­ daughter from M arylhurst college at the wrist and pieces *»f tulle tion Mr Busch returned Sunday. at Oregon City Mr Wieber is their A n Independent N ew spaper, w hose services and policies a ie , rs .. Burd, who lias been set in the bottom of the skirt. Her last year. based on the p rthcipls o f the Golden R u le —' And ss ye would attending Monmouth Normal school. long tulle veil was held In place THOMAS SHOLES Mr and Mrs. Delbert T urner and nephew. th at men ahould do to you. do ye alao to them likewise. May the time come when l a b o r daughter spent Hie vacation from Thursday by a cap of the same material and I'hunr 2IW Joan of Corvallis visited 152 H 3rd Avr —M atthew T Mr und Mrs Galen Tucker of until Tuesday nt her home here troubles can be am icably settled through last week with Mrs. E T. T urner Huntington, where Mr Tucker is She is taking’ a summer course at a crown of orange blossoms She They left Sunday for Wenatchee carried a bouquet of Bride’s ros«*s. proper court or othewise im partial chan­ the high school faculty, arrived Monmouth forest, w here Mr T urner on and white swe« tpeas Miss Mollie last week to spend the summer nels so th at use of force will be a thing national will be employed. Schneider, sister of the bride, was with Mrs. Tucker's mother, Mrs , , n?rs Belle Stone o f Nanipa. H erbert Hoover's statem ent m ade in of the past. The public should do every­ - ’0, - and — ' of maid of honor She wore a pink Mrs R. W. Cox and Misses Mat-1 w h . Taylor of Hillsboro, and hls!*da* Mrs. - Buy ~ Puckett Portland recently th at NRA (as it then ex­ thing possible to bring such a condition tie and Dorothy Cox attended the father. Dr Tucker of Forest Grove. Bortland were guests Tuesday of crepe dress ami carried an arm NIFTY COUNTRY HOME ...... Mrs Robert Kelly and her mother, bouquet of pink and blue sweet- isted) was ruinous to small business was about for it is the big loser in s u c h first music recital of their grand- J „ 1 mile« out. ull city von. daughter and niece. Mary Joan q ,h in mini- " rs «-lara Sheliabarger. peas Miss Flora Knock w as brides fittingly challenged by Roy O. Burnett, troubles. Johnson, at Oregon City Saturday j“ ' ° ofMForest Grove to E ugene Mr und Mr». John R. Bullies and ln“ld- «owned also In pink crepe j VPIllt'Ill'CS 5 - room house, Strong public officials, who do their evemng. president of Roy Burnett Motors. From a m u s i w u crc they i.ive intended „ „ v u u cs. - - ...................... , .. _ | i s Monday here iluiighters of i ,ortland .......... •I’*'"» , . c-rri 149 S. Third Ave. Mrs. E. B Watts spent Friday in Mcek Cuts Hand— I o 3" 0 f3.lm ¿ , , D Robert R. Davis of Prineville delegates are attending the an ­ McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Portland with her mother, Mrs. F. John Meek of North Plains cut V sP*n t B>e week-end at the L. I. O. Wesson, and a sister, Mrs. C lif­ nual 4-H club sum m er school on Smith, Mrs. -- ---- -— ............- L. r,, . « r r d CS Hillsboro e» . . - ~ Wena Chase a n d ' 1 • uncochar of St PauI. o avis home south of Hillsboro. Oregon an artery in his right hand in a the Oregon State college campus A dnan H ornecker will go to the week was handled this .. t ford McGee. fall on a saw Tuesday evening Qr at Corvallis this week, according convention tonight when A drian week by W. G. Ide. Puncochar ar-1 _ ¡"S. C harles Elhs, guest last Miss Naydeanc Patterson was a to L E. Francis, assistant county will take the sixth degree. rived with his family Friday and 'J,eek, oi »Marii°n Lyt «i j / 4 ,M on‘ guest during the Rose Festival of C T. Sm ith attended him. agent who accompanied the group. Picnic meeting of the G range moved onto the Property. He had day for her home ln Medford, Miss Eve Englehardt of Portland. County members went to Portland will be held at Shute park on t h e ' ^ af® a, Prev ‘° us triP early this Mrs. M R. McClain left this Mr. and Mrs A W. Walker vis­ by stage Monday morning and then to Corvallis by special train. The evening of Ju n e 27. The men. los- f Dl ' ng to look over local P roper-(w eek for Spokane Wash., to visit ited the ruins of the state capitol ers in the m em bership contest, will t j T d m I r e la tlv c s and f i e n d s . building at Salem Sunday. session will last two weeks. serve refreshm ents. . G and s?n ’ R' T a« ' G. I. W aldrip of Corvallis, with Mrs Lester Ireland and Mrs. W Mrs F. S. Reed, club leader in A full quart of almond hand lotion. gart. and Robert Illian of South , the Federal Land Bank, was in C. Gifford were joint hostesses at the Aloha-Huber district, and F ran ­ Dakota were in Hillsboro th e fore H illsb o ro this week Yes its a special, th e Past Chiefs' club meeting Thurs- cis are chaperoning the county dele­ H ER B ER T A R T H U R H I BB E R T part of this week investigating Mr and Mrs Lowe„ McA1(...r fo r only gation. FOREST GROVE - H erbert Ar- P;.0«*«.1“ ^ A h,,s. v*i‘.nj ty: J_hey le , ‘ P ortlan d are sp en d in g t h l w eek Names of those attending from th u r H ubbert died at Aloha Tues­ nUnS<în r»î?,en°ta W ednesday' b ? ‘ |w ith Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear this county will be listed next day and services will be held at plan to return soon, according t o 1 | M arjorie and C harlotte Patterson week. the Christian church at 2:30 p. m. Ide. Lester J. Meigs of Huron, S. D , visited their grandm other. Mrs. G. Friday. Interm ent will be in For­ Why worry about dessert for dinner. moved to Hillsboro with his fam- A Patterson, in Portland last week, est View cemetery. He was born in Canada and had been in the ily Tuesday and rented a homej Mr. and Mrs. H. E Hadley and VAwn 'il,Airr ” f ° l,r KRESH FRENCH They lay better and live United States 53 years. Deceased here. Meigs was form erly in the j son Robert made a trip to Astoria VANILLA Ice Cream. banking, finance a n d insurance i and Seaside Thursday and Friday, is survived by the widow, two chil­ Mr, and Mrs. A rt HH1 and baby longer when your Chicks dren, Raymond H ubbert and Mrs. business and wili be associated w ith Hodgen- Vote on the proposed consolida­ Winfred Cornelius of Dilley, and a W. G. Ide. t)f Thg o anes visited Friday and are raised t h e tion of the Gaston and Wapato sister, Mrs. Dora Schoolcraft of Dil­ „ , ~ 7 ~ ' Saturday at the A. W. Lentz home. B rew ster way on Hodgen- KRAMIEN'H M arriage License Appllrantionx elem entary school districts h a s ley. B rew ster feed. H arry F. Heavington of Banks! Miss Marilyn Brown of Beaver- been set for Ju ly 8, according to 'ro u te 2 and M artha H endrick o f l1,0? 18 vis,iÎ i,ng Mr and M rs- Harry O. B. Kraus, county school super­ No better feed made. 1 I — 1 Johnson this week. JUSTIS TILLMAN NEFF Banks, Ju n e 5. intendent. Wapato is a one-room Priced reasonable. FOREST GROVE Justis Tillm an Charles A. Silverm an and M ildred Mr and Mrs Durald Horine of school located in Yamhill county, w hile Gaston has four teachers Neff, 83, died at his home near Ashnow, both of Portland, Ju n e 6 ; Portland visited Sunday at the E. C elebrate Happy Dnyq- |n Hillsboro July 2, 3 nnd 4 At any hour of the day or Forest Grove Monday and services Henry Joseph Gacek of Raymond, [T Tl4rner home. and is located in Washington. night, your call will bring were held at th e Congregational [ Wash., and Ann Paulis of Frances, - -- - A J. Manley of Eugene spent For the past three years students Wednesday afternoon w ith Wash., Ju n e 8. FIRST help from us in a perfect several days last week with Mr. from Wapato have been attending church Dr. O H. Holmes officiating. In ­ Eugene Leonard Sw isher and Feed - Seed - Wool and Poultry and Mrs. W. R. Manley. combination of scientific and the Gaston school on an annaui term ent \yas in Forest View cem e­ contract. The proposed move would tery. He was born in Cuba, 111., Alice Theresia Wright, both of Telephone 3061 Mrs Fannie Galey of Portland is neighborly service. That is bring about a perm anent consolida­ November 25. 1851, and m arried Hillsboro route 4. June 11. visiting her brother, W. E Hays, why we consider every call tion. this week. Celebrate "Happy Days" in Hills­ Annie Brettel in P ortland August Service at Scholls a challenge to our Oath to boro July 2, 3, and 4 Judge and Mrs. R. Frank Peters 1, 1900 Deceased is survived by Rev. Raynor Smith announces a Serve . . . our friends and the widow, a sister and t h r e e special combined Sunday school and Mr. and Mrs. W. Verne Mc- th a t is an asset and not a neighbors have come to rely brothers. and church service at Scholls for upon us , . , we cannot fail Fathers’ Day Sunday m orning at liability you want to 10:30 o’clock. The service will be them with service. Births followed by a community pot luck use Concrete. Resolution seeking to fu r th e r ! Hall—To Mr and Mrs. L. B. Hall dinner at the church. Phone 251 The fortunes and heritages protect the health and interests of of Hillsboro at the Wilcox Memorial hospital. Portland, Ju n e 11, a boy. which men leave behind are un­ Plans Series of Recitals— school children was adopted Sat­ Connell—To Mr. and Mrs. Reid certain, insecure, estates and in­ Mrs Erma Taylor Sparks will urday by the Hillsboro Grange. The Connell of Hillsboro, Ju n e 9, a open her annual music class re ­ heritances may and do p a s s . group proposed th at teachers be girl. citals Friday evening, Ju n e 21st. Only the Memorial will positive­ Kummer—To Mr. and Mrs. H ar­ required to present a certificate A scries of five will be given, on old Rumm er of Rt. 4, Hillsboro, Ju n e 21, 24, 25, 26 and 28 Time ly stand forever as a rem inder from a physician indicating free­ Ju n e 11, a girl. and a history of those who lived and place will be published next dom from tuberculosis or other W yatt—To Mr. and Mrs. C. E week. and passed beyond. contagious diseases. The resolu­ W yatt of Hillsboro, Ju n e 11, a boy. tion also proposed th at if, after Moeller- -To Mr. and Mrs. Rich- OREGON M O N U M E N T W ORKS C. R. M errill is building a new com plying with this requirem ent, I ard Moeller of Blooming, Ju n e house on North Fifth avenue be­ H. H, Stannard, Mgr. 4th a t Main, Hillsboro) North of Cannery, .cross W . Washington St„ Phone 1341 teachers proved unfit m e n ta lly ,112, a boy, tween Main and Lincoln. g us Oregon Fortunate Social N ews of Local Folk and Their F r ie n d s Miss L. Schneider Bride of Mr. Kucck S i'll $35» $30 a n d $35 Takes Exception W. G. IDE HURRAH! in8 Momingdew Dependable Used Cars Four-H Club Group at Summer School Nebraska Man Buys «1 - _ Property Near Here r ' CADY MOTOR CO. !£ Sw orn JU ST THINK! ()9 C School Consolidation ' Vote Set for July 8 W HY WORRY? They Lay Later to Serve PALM DRUG STORE :Kirri„» „i„,o„laTS Farmers’ Cash Store If You Want a Building Health Protection Sought by Grange The Memorial - - - Hillsboro Concrete DELTA DRUG STORE Brick &, Tile Co. pI|<)NF