Early Copy- Celebrate— Makes for Fewer Mistakes and Better Service TI»' Fourth of July mid Honiccotiiinir Her»' W ith Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent Volume IlillHboro, Oregon, Thursday, June 13, 1935 12. N o. 17 State Capitol County Girls N ew s L etter Enter Race for Goddess Many Laws Go Into (Classified Page,. 'c Movie Tickets Offered Second Part County Tax Annual District School Meetings Set for Monday Elementary school districts in Hillsboro and other jrarts of Wash­ ington county will hold their a n ­ nual school meetings Monday a ft­ ernoon In addition, a director to represent zone two on the non- high school district board will be elected by legal voters in the are* involved. Business scheduled for the local session will include the election of one director for a term of three l years and the reading of the clerk’s 1 annual report Polls for voting on 1 the director will be open from 2 p. m. until 7 p m A. J. H artram pf, retiring director, has been nom­ inated by petition for re-election William A Sahnow of Center- 1 vllle, present incum bent, is the only candidate for re-election to the non-high school district board Law covering the election was changed by the legislature this year so that only residents in the zone to be represented will vote for the director. As a result non- high school board ballots will be cast in the Cornelius, Centerville. Boy, Academy, Buck Heaven, Iowa Hill, Blooming and W hitmore dis­ tricts following the annual m eet­ ing. Hillsboro union high school dis­ trict annual meeting will be held at the Hilhi auditorium on June 24 John W Kamna Jr., of F arm ­ ington will complete his term of office on that date and is a candi­ date for re-election. Do you read the Argus classified and display advertisem ents th o r­ oughly each w eek9 W hether you do or not. start the habit this week and, in addition to the savings that you will be able to make on Effect; ( ’hange« in your purchases, you »tand a good List of C a n d id a te * E n te re d chance to receive u free ticket to N o R e b a te A llo w e d T h ir d T raffic Interest. the Venetian theatre Q u a rte r A f t e r S a tu rd a y ; N o w T o ta l* T w e n ly -F iv e ; Beginning with this issue the nume» of four Argu» subscribers. R e c e ip t* Show G a in M o re A n tic ip a te d AI.EM Residents o t O f non I selected ut random, will lx* found must wulch their step u little hidden in the classified and display mure closely from now on lest advertisem ents each week Read they unw ittingly transgress some each ad carefully If you find your one or mure of the more than 300 name with the word "ticket” printed new legislative acts w hich went after it. clip out the advertisem ent, Into effect this week, «0 duys u tt­ bring it to the Argus office be- er sine die adjournm ent of the E v e n t* A nn o un ced Moose, I fore 5 p m Saturday and receive P re p a ra tio n * fo r A u c tio n by session your free theatre ticket The only C ou n ty N o w B eing M a d e O d d F e llo w *, K e b e k a h * While most of these acts Involve restriction in that the tickets will only m inor am endm ent to old luws, not be transferable many of them being merely correc­ Saturday will be the final date Dimes und qu arters invested in I a»t o f ( uridlduten fo r GcMidcn* tive In nature there are u number Argus classified advertising have for payment of the second quarter of new laws that orc deserving o f L ib e rty ut the annual "H a p py always paid big dividends and ev­ of the 1935 county taxes w ithout D ays" cele b ra tio n , to be conducted of more thun pussing mention. ery effort is made to increase the interest and nu rebate will be al­ For liutunee there Is the change ut Shute p a rk J u ly 2, 3 and 4 by results that may be obtained C oin­ lowed on the third quarter after In the traffic luw which gives the locul firem en, wu» »w elled this cident with the Venetian theatre that date, according to Miss Gladys right of way at Intersections to week by th e n o m in a tio n o f IB u loss of tux revenues. Is among William M cFarland of Scholls was Dorothy Cox. Hillsboro A m eri­ S earcy to T a k e C a s h ie r Post Sheriff sale of properties in­ indicted for disorderly conduct near the new laws becoming effective volved in the recent foreclosure of a public highway and Alvin Wil­ this week This perm its the fed­ can Legion auxiliary. at C o m m e rc ia l N a tio n a l M a rjo rie Sew ell. H ills b o ro C o f­ tax delinquency certificates for the son of Portland was indicted on a erul governm ent to acquire tim ber years 1930 and prior came to a larceny charge. One report was lund now in prlvute ow nership a d ­ fee club. France» Fields, H ills b o ro W om ­ close Monday w ith approxim ately jacent to national forest*. J L. Searcy, formerly in charge 815 tracts still unsold Im m ediate kept secret by the sheriff. The an's B e lie f Corps grand jury will convene again Among other new laws becoming of the Shute Savings bank liquida­ Mabel Nelson. Kansas City F arm ­ steps are being taken by th e coun­ effective this week Is one ex ten d ­ er»’ Union tion. will become cashier of the ty court to appraise the rem aining July 2. Alleged to have been involved ing the fire season to October 15, G leneva B randaw . H ills b o ro V e t­ Commercial National bank here properties and re-advertise them in the theft of a radio and a sack prohibiting the paym ent of money eran»' Foreign Wars a u x ilia ry . Monduy morning, replacing Alf O for the required county sale of potatoes from the C R Gibson lor circulating Initiative, referen ­ Johnson, who has taken a sim ilar G ludy» Sollers, A loha Grange* Following the appraisal of unsold dum and recall petitions; provid­ M in e rva F u lle r, H ills b o ro D augh­ position with the Forest Grove properties, the county court will home at Hillside recently, six berry pickers appeared before Circuit ing for non-partisan election of ters o f U nion Veterans National bunk county s c h o o l superintendent*, Searcy was assigned to the local set minimum prices and advertise Judge Peters Friday and plead IX iro th y Boy. Cedar M ill F a rm ­ liquidation in Septem ber. 1933. and the tracts for sale on a date to be guilty t o disorderly c o n d u c t creating the Oregon Star Bur for ers’ Union. set later. Bidders at the coming the regulation of the practice of Naydeane Patterson. H illsb o ro has done creditable work in hand­ sale will be required to offer the charges. Raymond L. Tillotson of St. Helens and Charles R uffner of ling the affairs of the defunct Shute law P y th ia n Sisters minim um price or better Parcels « A num ber of the new acts p ro ­ Betty Altishin. Hazeldale Com­ Savings bunk. He Iwd been deputy of land left after this auction will Santa Barbara. Cal., received sen­ tences of six months in the county state superintendent of bunks for vide am endm ents to the Workmen s m unity club be taken over by the county and /ail on the charge. Postponed sen­ G e rtru d e M cLaren. H i l l s b o r o nearly four years and had con­ sold at private sale. Compensation uct Under one of tences w ere meted out to Harry these an emjgoye Is deprived of lodge Koval N eighbors o f A m erica. ducted liquidations at Joseph and Successful bidders at the county C rystal Naught. Hillsboro K N. S u'h erlin prior to coming to Hills­ sale will pay the purchase price in Hill of Santa Barbara. Cal.. Fred the right to reject the uct If his Cooley of St. Helens. G ordon Adams boro. employer has accepted It» provi­ A Transfer by Johnson to the F or­ cash or may take advantage of the and Mary Sm ith of Vancouver, Roberts Robinson, Hillsboro K sions Another of these amendment* contract payment plan provided by est Grove National bank comes a ft­ Wash. permits the Industrial Accident N A «Continued on pair, 3, column 3 1 Adams also plead guilty to a Jeunne T a ylo r, H ills b o ro R N A er six and a half years of service commission to term inate the cov­ charge of driving w hile drunk and with the local institution. Before D oris Heaton. Scholls co m m u n ity. erage of u non-huzurdous occupa­ was sentenced to 60 days in the Leona Russell, Laurel - Sc h o i Is coming here he was connected with tion when its contribution to the county jail Tillotson and Ruffner a bond and investm ent house in F arm ers’ Union fund is In default. were arraigned on larceny charges, He plans to move to T illie H offm a n . C o rne lius F ire Portland Two of the most Im portant acts plead guilty and received post­ Forest Grove w ith his family as of the last session do not become D epartm ent poned sentences. M arg a re t Batchelder, West U n io n soon as he can locate a suitable effective until July 1. One of these Postponed sentence was meted house IS the so-called safety responsibil­ F a rm e r*’ U nion Prnminrnt Granger Die* at llonir out to William McFarland of Scholls Johnson has been active in com­ Evelyn Schulmerich, H ills b o ro ity uct requiring motorists involved Monday After Long Illness Monday when he plead guilty Mon­ munity affairs, serving at the pres­ In traffic accidents to pay any F ire D epartm ent day io an indictm ent charging dis­ Helen Wick. Hillsboro Chamber ent tim e as master of the Tuality damage judgm ent securer! against Masonic lodge, treasurer of the George Leland Woodworth. 68. orderly conduct near a public high­ them before they can again op­ o f Commerce. Miss C rysta l N aught o f H ills b o ro cham ber of commerce, and director prom inent Hillsboro G ranger and way. erate an automobile. The other in ­ Assault and battery c h a r g e of the local C redit Bureaus. Inc., volves an am endm ent to the gaso­ is the champion ticket-seller of branch. He also headed the "Dawn Mason, died at his home here Mon­ against Lew Elvin C ornell of Hu­ (C ontinued on png* 10, colum n 1) day evening after a long illness line tax refund uct requiring mo­ to Dusk" Boy Sout financial drive Funeral services will be held at 2 ber were dismissed Saturday upon torists who plan to upply for tax last Thursday. p. m. today (Thursday! from the motion of the district attorney Lack refunds to first secure a perm it E. T. Pierce, deputy state super­ Methodist Episcopal church w ith of evidence was given as the rea­ at un investm ent of 50 cent* intendent of banks, who is now the Masonic order and Grange par­ son for asking dismissal of the • • * conducting the liquidation of the ticipating. Interm ent will be at the charge. All sections of the state are re p ­ T entative circuit court trial cal­ Bank of Beaverton, will take over F ir Lawn cemetery. resented on the new textbook com ­ for the period beginning this the Shute Savings bank work in Mr W oodworth was born a t endar mission nuined this week by the County Group Prepared to Form addition to his present duties. C learw Saturday and continuing until June ater, Minn.. July 22. 1866. State Board of Education. The Schedule of the dates on which he and came to Hillsboro in 1920 He 28 was released this w eek as fol- Area If Others Not Ready (C ontinued on pajre 10. colum n 5) members are E. H Hedrick, city will be in Hillsboro will be an ­ was m arried in 1900 to Miss Ida school superintendent, M ed fo rd , nounced later. May Dewey. W ashington county will continue ’ Boy L. Skeen, eastern Oregon N or­ Since coming to Oregon. Mr. mal school, LaGrundc, Bex l ’ut- preparations for form ation of a Woodworth had been active in num, city school superintendent. separate people’s power district if A m s c h e r G iv e n C o n tra c t fo r C o u n ty School A u d it Masonic and G range work, serv­ Albany; Mrs Mary L. Fulkerson, delegates at the northw estern O re­ county school superintendent. S a­ gon conference here next T hurs­ Contract for conducting the nn- ing several term s as m aster of the day do not take action for im ­ lem, mid A. C. Hampton, city school nual school audit in Washington Hillsboro G range and also as mas­ superintendent, Astoria Retiring m ediate organization, according to county w a s aw arded to A. L. ter of the Pomona G range of Wash­ .Annual Meeting of G roup Planned a decision reached here Friday members of the commission include Amacher Monday by the district ington county. He also served as at Shute Park on June 23 It It T urner of Dallas and Austin night by county proponents of the boundary board. H arry It. Morgan county fair manager. He w a s luindreth of Pendleton, both of program. The local group unof­ had previously received the con- « active in the Methodist church, of A nnual reunion of the W ashing­ whom served for eight years, and ficially favored the super-district tract for the work b u t asked to be I which he was a life long member Dr Nelson L. Bossing of the Uni- I plan but desires to take prompt released as he is now employed 1 While at C learw ater he served for ton County Pioneer and Native and Daughters association versity of Oregon, who served four action to be ready for cheap elec- with the stale auditing departm ent a tim e as county school superin­ Sons will be held at Shute park June i<’«Yn»lnn«aa nu n«**# I' column fii ten d en t year*. 23, according to I,. E. Wilkes, pres­ • • • He is survived by his widow. All persons interested in Mrs. Ida May Woodworth; five ident. The political prognosticators con­ keeping alive the history a n d brothers. Winn Woodworth, of A r­ traditions tinue to speculate on the date for Oregon pioneers kansas. Frank Woodworth of Louis­ are invited of to the the special session, guesses rung-1 be present and take iana, Charles Woodworth of San Ing from as early us July 8 to us , in the program. Diego, Cal., Lyle of San Francisco. part late as next January. Governor F. L. Brown of Laurel, vice- Cal.; and Ernest of Minnesota; and M artin refuses to discuss the m at­ Interest in the elimination to u rn ­ Union loop and Is favored to rep ­ one sister, Mrs. Belle C ater of president. w ill be in charge of the ter, his only comment on the program. Addresses by descendants resent th at league. Minnesota. speculations being thnt he enjoys am ents to select teams which will early pioneers will include Miss Keen competition betw een lead­ Funeral arrangem ents w ere made I of compete In the two free baseball i ru lin g the newspapers, too. Dulcina Brown of Portland, daugh- games scheduled here Ju ly 3 and ers in the four leagues to be rep ­ by Young's F uneral Home. I ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brown of Hillsboro a n d great-great-grand- 4 during the "Happy Days" cele­ resented in the free "H appy Days" games has existed all through the 1 daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. bration will reach its peak S un­ season and has brought out a good ! Clark (Tabitha! Brown, founders day, the final day on which the brand of in the county. As of Pacific university a t Forest squads can qualify Valuable cash a result, baseball fans are anticipating two Grove. Miss Brown has traveled Floyd M erly, K Inton corn club and m erchandise prizes have been bang-up ball games on July 3 and extensively and is a forceful speak­ Fire of uncertain origin destroyed er. leader, was elected v ice-p resid en t; offered for the two games and 4. funs will be out in force Sunday the conveyor and a quantity of of the Washington County Local O ther speakers w ill include T. slab wood at the P erry Lumber com­ * Leaders' association during a m eet­ to root for their favorite in the Wilkes of Corvallis, brother of pany sawmill at North Plains early S. ing of the group at the court house four leagues. Thursday morning. A fter the blaze L. E. Wilkes of this city and a Thursday. B lerly fills the vacancy j Situation in the Tualatin Valley of the late Mr. and Mrs. was believed to have been ex- grandson left by the resignation of D. M league is particularly tense for this Wilkes, early pioneers. Fea­ tinquished, a slight explosion oc­ Payton week with Forest Grove and Ver- McDougall. tures of the program will in the saw dust pile about be selections musical Last Sunday in July as a perma- ' boort tied for the honor of being by the popular Buck Democrats of the county will curred 10:15 a. m and the whole pile was nent date for the county 4-H pic- j top county team in the loop. Added gather in force tonight (Thursday! “Buckaroos," old-tim e vio­ burned. Los* was estim ated at Heaven nic was selected by the leaders to this is the fact that the two con­ lin music and assembly singing. at Sherwood to hear C arl Donaugh. about $250 tenders are scheduled to clash S un­ The picnic will be held this year Program num bers w ill be added Flames from the sawdust fire on July 28 nt Halm Grove. Further day and both teams are pulling for federal district attorney, who is Visitors are asked to bring well- leaped nearly 30 feet into the air details of the picnic will be a n ­ th e July 4 game. scheduled to speak at a chicken filled baskets. Coffee and cream and a heavy black smoke poured | will be furnished free. D inner is nounced later. Possibility of n three-w ay tie in dinner to be served at 7 o'clock. up from the pile Workmen near There was a short discussion of the Sunset league between Aloha, Prom inent m em bers of the party the blaze reported that they de­ scheduled for 12:30 p. m. and the the 4-H club sum m er school and T ualatin and Laurel ns a result of i program at 2 p. m. in other counties and notable P ort- scholarships. games this Sunday gives rabid lnnders have been invited. Special tected no odor of coal oil or gaso­ line, according to Deputy Johnson fans plenty of cause for excitement. Invitations have been issued to Aloha now leads the league, but women democrats of the county W who investigated. The early m orn­ L e T o u rn e a u R e w a rd Mooae F in a n c e * P riz e * ing fire was put out by neighbors R e vo ked on F rid a y w ith D a n c e on J u n e 22 a loss to Tualntin Sunday would P. Fiske of Sherwood, chairm an of and w orkers at the mill, while the put the tw o teams in a tie. Laurel the dem ocratic central committee, Reward of $500 offered for in­ County Moose lodge is planning also Hillsboro f i r e departm ent r e ­ formation regarding the w here­ a good chance to get into a dance and public wedding nt the the has sponded to the call later in the day. abouts of H arlan LeTourneau, P ort­ race by trouncing Hillsboro. is in charge. Shute park auditorium on the eve­ The top team in this league will Tim ber fires which w ere b u rn ­ land mechanic who disappeared ning of Ju n e 22 to raise funds to m eet the leader in the Tualatin ing near Meacham's and near the •December 21, 1934, in the hills finance prizes in events to be Valley league for the county cham ­ L o c a l F ire m e n A tte n d Howitt-Dixon mill on Pum pkin back of Gales Creek, was revoked sponsored by the lodge at t h e pionship on July 4 at Shute park. C o rv a llis C o n ven tio n Ridge were brought under control Friday by R. G. LeTourneau, fath­ "Happy Days" celebration. The lo­ Three members of the local fire Friday when CCC men and w ork­ er of the missing young man. Men G arden Home has a good lead cal "Moose Revelers" orchestra will departm ent attended the annual ers w ere assisted by cool weather. from the CCC camps and others in the W ashington County league provide the music. and is practically conceded a fa­ firem en's convention at Corvallis The Meacham fire broke out In under the direction of Cecil Kyle, vored spot In the July 3 game b e­ Wednesday. Hillsboro representa­ logged over land south of S her­ district fire warden, combed the Palm Get* Neon Sign an's mill a week ago Saturday area unsuccessfully f o r several New neon electric sign was In­ tween leaders in the W ashington tives w ere S. W. Melhuish, fire m and the Pum pkin Ridge b l a z e weeks after the disappearance was stalled nt the Palm D ru g sto re here C ounty and Farm Union leagues. chief, W ilbur Dillon, fire marshal, started reported. last Thursday. Cedar Mill Is ahead in the Farm and Charles Douglass. Saturday. Il Y A 1. L IN B B IO 1 Due June 15 S Sheriff Sale Closed Deadline on Tuesday Jurors Indict Five Persons Staff Change Made at Bank George Woodworth Rites Held Today State Power Meet Set Here Thursday Pioneers of County to Conduct Reunion Contestants for "Happy Days Ball Games Determined Sunday Floyd Bicrly Heads 4-H Leaders’ Group North Plains Mill Hit by Two Fires Democrats Meet Sherwood Tonight Ten Pages This W eek County Rally Re-elected Three Road of Towsend Jobs Sought Clubs Slated Local G ro u p * P la n for C ounty M e e tin g H ig h w a y Im p ro v e m e n t* and at S hute P a rk S u n d ay; B rid g e P la n S u b m itted P icnic S cheduled T o ta l $ 4 1 4 ,0 7 1 Ralph Clyde Speaker Projects A pproved F u tu re of O ld A g e Pension In itia tiv e on R iv e r P ro g ra m P ro g ra m to be T a lk e d L e ft to D ra in a g e Body Ralph L. Clyde, Portland com­ missioner. will be the headline speaker at the Washington county Townsend club rally and picnic at Shute park here Sunday afternoon. A pot luck dinner is scheduled for 1:30 p. m. and the speaking pro­ gram will begin at 3 p. m. in the auditorium. Delegations from the six county Townsend clubs at Hillsboro, F or­ est Grove. Tigard, Sherwood, Beav­ erton and Cedar Mill will attend as will groups from other clubs in the Portland and Vancouver areas Preparations are being made to accommodate between 3000 and 4000 persons. Commissioner Clyde has been an ardent advocate of old age pensions for many years and waged an ac­ tive campaign for such legislation when he served in the state legis­ lature and on the old Portland city council. His speech here Sunday. “W here Do We Go From Here." will constitute a sum mary of the past, present and future of the Townsend movement. Rapid Growth Cited That the grow th of the Townsend program is one of the most rapid experienced in this country was the declaration of Commissioner Clyde during his conference here with Rev. R. L. Putnam and Rob­ ert Kelly, president and secretary, respectively, of the local club En­ thusiasm of Oregon. Washington and California residents in t h e movement is indicated by the fact that these areas contributed more than any others to the recent con­ gressional delegation. Clyde stated. C. E. Hansen of Portland. Oregon manager, plans to attend the rally and picnic here Sunday. Musical program will be provided by Paul K. Hutchinson, Portland baritone. Hillsboro club w ill furnish cof­ fee for the crowd and visitors are requested to bring their own dishes and cups Public address system for the event will be loaned by Koeber's orchestra. Committee chairm en appointed for the event include Dr Henry- Young. reception. Mrs Percy Long, picnic dinner. M. L Berdan, ac­ commodations for speaker; and G. N Taggart, transportation. All eld­ erly persons wishing transporta­ tion to the park grounds are re ­ quested to meet at 1 p. m. at the local Christian church, w here cars will be w aiting for them. Applications for two Washington county road projects and one bridge job. totaling $414.071. were throw n into the W illamette Valley de­ velopment hopper Tuesday night by the county planning commis­ sion. In addition, the group decided to leave the initiative in organiz­ ing an im provem ent district for the Tualatin river flood control program to the Tualatin Valley Drainage & Flood Control associa­ tion. First of the projects subm itted by the county court and approved by the planning commission Tues­ day night called for the crushing and delivery of 100,000 cubic yards of rock to county roads at a cost estim ated at $213.655. Estimate for labor on the job was set at $107,- 850, or an average of 95 men for a period of 11 months. Rock would be obtained from the Laurel, D ur­ ham, Jackson and Hazeldale q u ar­ ries, according to the application. Oiling Proposed — Pictures courteay Selitpnan Studio. H. L. MacKenzie. local Ford dealer, and P. L. Patterson, attorney, named president and vice-presi­ dent, respectively, of the cham ­ ber of commerce. Chamber Heads Named Monday M a c K e n z ie , P a tte rs o n , frid g e , Scearce Sel­ E lected Second job subm itted was for oiling approximately 93.8 miles of county prim ary roads. Estimate of the probable cost of the work was set at $187.513 88. $63.(»tl of which would go for direct labor A pprox­ im ately 150 men would be em ­ ployed for a period of two months. Twelve prim ary roads were se­ lected for benefits from the oiling project, nearly all of w hich a re located in the northern and w est­ ern part of the county Highways in the south and eastern portions have already been improved as state prim ary and secondary high­ ways or oiled by the county, ac­ cording to J W Barney, county engineer. Roads selected were as follows: Forest Grove through Gales Creek to north county line, 23.5 miles; Multnomah county line. C e d a r Mill. West Union to Mountaindale. 1if .8 miles. Hillsboro to Orenco and north to the county line in C orne­ lius Pass, 9.8 miles; River road. 8 miles; Hillsboro north to Jackson school. 5.4 miles; Beaverton north to Orenco, 6 miles; Forest Grove to Kansas City. 7.3 miles; Corne­ lius to Banks road via C enterville and Verboort, 4 miles; Reedville north to Orenco, 3 miles; Tualatin to Sherwood, 4 miles; Aloha south to Farm ington road, 15 miles; and Midway to Campbell bridge via Laurel, 3.5 miles. Smallest project of the three was to replace a wooden bridge at Glenwood w ith a steel and con­ crete structure H4 feet long. Cost on this job was estim ated at $12,- 903 and would give employment to 20 men for three months. Cost H. L. MacKenzie and P. L. P at­ terson w ere unanimously re-elected president and vice - president, re­ spectively, of the Hillsboro Cham­ ber of Commerce at a dinner Mon­ day night. R. J. Scearce was unanimously elected treasurer to succeed Alf O. Johnson, who is resigning because of his removal to Forest Grove. George Selfridge was the unani­ mous choice for director for a three-year term to succeed L. J. Rushlow. C arryover members of the board are C. T. Richardson for sne year and Morris Weil for two years. A presentation of gifts was made in appreciation of the fine spirit of service shown by A nn Peters, Anna Leider. Evelyn H aworth and Norma Hammer, school girls, who have w aited on the tables during the year. Vice-president Patterson (Continued on p a ss 111. e o in m n ll Hillsboro 1 nit Entrains Tuesday made the presentation on behalf of the members. for Training at Fort Lewis Co-operation w ith other cham ­ bers of commerce and g r o u p s Local contingent of n a t i o n a l throughout the state in placing a n , guardsmen entrained at the South­ Oregon exhibit at the California ern Pacific station here at 9 a. m. Pacific International Exposition at Tuesday for Fort Lewis. Wash., to , San Diego was pledged. The board participate in one of the greatest of directors was instructed to make Two Special Teachers Hired for peace time maneuvers in the west a subscription w ithin means of the Hilhi. Grade Sehool Cearses since the World war. The Hillsboro organization. troops, under the command of Lt. Full physical education course A telegram urging President A rthur Kroeger, w ill be gone for Roosevelt to give his support to the will be provided for students at two weeks. the Hillsboro union high school and development of the flax industry The Hillsboro unit, making up in Oregon was ordered sent. local elem entary schools next year, the headquarters company, second Plans for calling a representa­ according to action taken by the battalion. 162nd infantry, arrived two district boards. Miss B arbara at F ort Lewis at 3 p. m. Tuesday tive of a lighting firm here in the Potts and Jack Killits. both Pacific on a special train carrying troops fall to speak on the proposition of university graduates, have b e e n from Dallas. Corvallis, McMinnville an improved street lighting system hired to conduct the work. and Forest Grove At the camp the in Hillsboro were left w ith Secre­ Under the tentative plan adopted. 41st division w ill be assembled as tary Ed. L. Moore. Im perial restaurant w a s a n - ' Miss Potts will serve at the high a unit for the first tim e since its retu rn from France in 1919 and nounced as a new mem ber of the school during the first four m orn­ ings of the week and at the grade w ill include m ore than 7000 men chamber of commerce. schools in the afternoon and all-day and 600 officers from Oregon, Wash­ Friday. Killits’ schedule lor the ington. Idaho and Montana. C a n n e ry Reaches P e a k week will be just the reverse of L etters from Lt. Kroeger. re la t­ o f Local P ea Season that proposed for Miss Potts- ing the progress and activities of While both district boards ap­ Peak of the pea season w a s the local citizen soldiers, w ill be published in the next two issues of reached this week at the Ray-Mal- proved the selection of the two new ing cannery here and approxim ate­ teachers, the elem entary school dis­ the Argus. ly 600 persons are employed in trict will pay Miss Potts' salary three shifts. The season on local and the Hilhi district will handle peas is expected to continue about the salary for Killits. N either of the two local schools another week. The concern is I tapering off on handling straw- have had full physical education I berries, asparagus and spinach. facilities for several years. Mrs. Louise Thiel and Miss Elsa Richart, both of Portland, suffered m inor cuts and bruises Thursday evening when the car in which they w ere riding was involved in an accident on the East Side highway near the Tualatin river bridge. The accident was reported by Albert (B z Wm. F. Cyru«. County Asent! | for something else that does not W. Thompson of Portland. C herry fruit flies are beginning mean that such early spray ap- Michael O'Sullivan and Joe Craig, I to emerge. Shortly after these ad- plications would be of the slight - both of Beaverton route 1, came ult flies are out they begin to lay est benefit in controlling the cherry out second best Thursday m orn­ eggs and deposit them on the skin I fruit fly. go far as any definite accurate ing when their motorcycle collided of the fruit. This egg hatches into with a cow near Hazeldale. O 'Sulli­ " J : . " » » " ') •>- van reported that he attem pted to frUit. fective control for this insect pest pass a herd of cows at the side of the road and th at one of the For a control all varieties of >» the poison bait spray applied anim als ran out into th e road in cherries should be sprayed at once, when the adult flies first emerge front of his motorcycle. The two If the cherries are planted in o r - , from the gTound. A dditional spray- men suffered sprains and bruises. chards or around other trees, these . . . . , - a‘ ,ntery«ls G ary L. Davis of Buxton was interplantings, regardless of w h eth -, m «s a^e ’ IfW? h i . “ " „ v i* the driver of the car which struck er they are fruit trees, shrubs or a X T n n l i t i it not L n v A rthur Gray of C arnation near the fence row should be sprayed. If it | rains after the spray is put on ProPe r'-v applied, 1 ’ not e° n|f Masonic home a week ago Tues­ day evening, a belated accident re ­ them, the spray should be re- ,o make th e fru lt mesgy- port filed this week w ith the sher­ peated. Spray used is a poison bait pre- S a fe w a y Store F ro n t iff revealed. The first report to the sheriff indicated that G. E. Beers pared at the rate of one-ha If pound R em o d eled T h i* W e e k of Buxton, owner of the machine, of lead arsenate, tw o quarts of „ a A , „ llt . . . Safeway store in Hillsboro is be- had been driving at the time of molasses and 10 gallons of water. No attem pt should be uade to get in8 remodeled this week to provide the accident. this on the fruit, all that is needed npen front facilities The work is is a light sprinkle of the sweet being done by Mohr Bros, C o u n ty B u ild e r G ro u p poisop bait on the leaves of the Less Meetings Planned to M e e t M o n d a y N ig h t trees or shrubs to w hich it is ap-1 Legionnaires decided Tuesday Washington County Builders' E x­ plied. change will meet a t 8 p. m. Mon- i Spraying cherry trees for the night to hold only one meeting a day in the old G range hall at Hills­ control of cherry fruit fly prior month in July and August. The boro. Wage scales for the county to the present tim e did no good meetings will be held the second and the federal housing program and regardless of how thoroughly Tuesday of each month. Next m eet­ a tree might have been sprayed ing will be Ju n e 25. w ill be discussed. Local Guard Troop Attends Maneuvers City Schools Offer Physical Education Four Persons Hurt in Auto Accidents Prompt Action in Spraying for Cherry Fruit Fly Urged