H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , Page Nine O REG O N T hursday. June 6, 1936 Classified Advertising (toiw irktl Column« t l'»«' »I to o'clock W cdnrwloy M orning — ---------l .t lc l 1 A UKADV MARKKT W ITH UHI RKHUI.TS AT L.ITTUC COST 1 oo 12 milt- n i i 'I hum im»». I A l(M tawi im ri heart Hiliaboro on S p ringville road, II. lu in k f l ut-, oi.il * i Hilla mml Ittp holt»«*. Kalil K l.AI h Ii-U . Uno. for »ale or trade for heifer« I ’ A Vani..«., M illat«.... I ru aervlce leaa than * 6e> *.»< h addU U iw al In » a r t lo a . •u n i (N o «ervlca I« I« a than 26«' I Readers, par II»» (N o »»rvlra ka» than pa» la •a I Homi Money (haunt W«»»«l» Count Y« ur Profita Not par­ li lark Faoa Hamlin«« 27. < A i 11 E ro w N O T H F TO < M EM ITOM H l ha Cm Il y I ou rt of Iha Htuiw of O re- «tail for W ashington County. Ilia M l . r of H im l-«t«la of C h arlott . htUMUMUl H u '. hl* hereby y »vet Hi« I Iha under- Notine I n i n h y H im »hovt uhova an* Igned Io html ulm lnlutra- . ou of i h arlot, llu lt hlnoi. lo r of I h< July ituallfiad a» auch da<*«a»a or nello*. Oregon« Itou 'a I, <>■ rc..i.l..,„» .,f f l . r M It Hump III t i / i . i i , w ithin M< month* fron a dull I lirut pu,ili»,imi M n y 10, ,986 Ila I ml uunon Juna I L 194'» I . n. I .1 I I I I < H I .ON \.|.,.l».i»tra III.N l Hun hUon. Estate of <'h It Borni II« l.-nca and O r ci A t orney fur 13-7 «ml id ido How To Write A GOOD Want A d - FOR W A N T O F A W O R D , A SA L E IS LOST Recently we were c h a ttin g w ith a young man who had ju s t purchased a late model coupe through the Autos fo r Sale Section of The Argus. On the day he selected his car there were tw o other coupes of the same make and year advertised and we were na­ tu ra lly curious as to why he selected his par­ tic u la r car. His answer was th a t he needed a car w ith a ru m b le seat, and the ad he an­ swered was the only one th a t mentioned th a t feature. A fte r a little investigation la te r iri the day, we learned th a t a ll o f these p a r­ tic u la r coupes had rum ble seats, but the ad­ vertisers «lid not consider it necessary to men­ tion the fa ct, and they lost a prospect. for »a M l all, t. r IL m I.II N O T H F O F F IN A L A C C O U N T niltlad. I |.<»l It Ilo,» Notice ia liurahy «ivan Hiet »he under- Caah should accompany the order. fo r .« la A ll milk »lgtl«*«l » « Im ln lu t r a ,r I » " f tin- i^ i« ta of I*. ,i..oi,io t. ...i i . K innar. I »<•«•<•«-ml. hu* film , bar Fin al A I K Y row» of «II kind« f*.r Account m , he County Court of the O ui of laim eaa to »II no in fo rm a ­ O a -lv A ll duuhla-Knlml (.Mil .State of Oration fur W ashington County it«,« on the eloaeiflad p»«a w ill ( , ranci Phone M S I X. Hillsboro utid th at Hie court ha» fixed Haturday, b« given out u n til tba P»P«r U June 16. 1945, at »hr hour of V .80 A M I IV » ; «•« w», «Il doubla-1« I n i . fui luauad. a l Hie County < . urt House in tha County nl I I S "i II m « north on N«*rth Plat 16 Op Court Room at Hillsboro, Oregon, «■ the I Phone Ih lU horu 2722 tim e and place fo r hearing »aid account; T. W ! J l .RHEY cow «nd ha,far for »«la ANNOVNCKMKNTN Now, therefore, all par»on» Interested I. M ullivan, 4 ' j m Ilmi north ill H a lv a , I« are hereby notified to appear at »aid 14-0 fc.VKK VIM .OV kno w . I ll » . •>“ ' road tiina and place and make known any ob­ F R E M II Guernsey c o w » , 2 (.««, rn»ay hull», jections they may have to the approval price Im períeel u , .n m at M>— ‘- r.- W |2 «ml 1 k months ; »ali <»i , ru d a of the »alii account. >6 I Andarmm'a Jew elry rt«>ïA Wy»». 9511 H W T a y lo r’« F erry road hu'm i till» 1 •*, Il d a y of M ay. 1936. lie reapoiiaihle for i ’ lpt1 Pl I t....... Iway I M l»« N O T IC E 1 w ill n«A KLTA L. K IN N E R . A d m in istra trix. my neme hy any- bill» eontrarlad In Him» A Him», Attorney» fo r fa ta te , 640 i «nd • hh W A N I , I» Fa, barf, pork, .4— Albert I , ln4»ll. Bank*. Kt Henry K id«., Portland. Oregon. ,8-7 buyer w ill »II „N2 and lS-7p lltf i 1. N O T H F TO ( K F O IT O K H iteihle for «ny hill» j — ’ - I W ll.l. I«» A .I . Ml V lo b I In the County Court of the Htate <»f O re ­ (•un tra ci ad hy n») lU-AL ESTATE gon. for the County of Waahlngton. lata W II Huch- I 29. Kucher « fie r th l* 1" Probate Departm ent. |«-Hp i J A |<,;| «lern huu»e. well •r _ . .. _ hh . Notice 1» hereby given th a t the under- wn, where there colle» apartm ent • Ignml A lb ert Hcheckla ha» been appointed demand for r.«m.» and Hl. WANTKII—MtacelUneuu» Eaecutor of the ««utute of M agdeline Ochu, Could be made Into four apart 11 r. N o rth It dm e««**>f Oregon, for W aahlngton County, n m rtltlM l I ’««»» K r.u t..T w b l, Hl Hi . Foreel Gruve A ll per»on» having ? . » "..I” ........ * W A N T E D S h im , I farm ■ uttable for ,ou,. and hau qua,If,m l eutate arc hereby P la t'» ______ _ P 1 try and »lock and hi ving livable I lid- claim« again»t »«Id notified to present the aame, duly verified Might r«*pair» Ing» can make owi a« Ly law rm inirm lf to the undrraigried run»,der »ecltidml h" ton tf on It HELP W ANTED H. at Route 1. Box ,11 T»irard. Oregon, road W rite 2hdl Argo« work. w ithin »lx month» from the date hereof. l i t B F h r»r, wan,«", General hou Leland 1 9" A C l , farm , che.* |,i. all cleared, Datmi and fir» t i>ubli»hed M ay Vth, ..une eauikm«. care for baby lb ! f*..ro>*m liou»e. In crop. It-grade h - r " ,U36. h a te of ia»t publication June 6th. II HhaW. Phon* IteaverUW» I * ” ' fo r » an«, m ilk houae. i cow», three b ft ' w . W K N T W » T w o reliable w«"«l cutter machine, all . rm tractor, threshing A I.IIF B T H C H E C K L A . Executor. k rml I«-7 I ,»,,, uummer S w 2«2b A rg u . A Allehoff. 612 Mead B uilding, Portland, Miuipmen, . 112. it" . half cu»h. b. Bawluigb route« In St l N waaUal for 12-6 term» K u ra tll A W hiner, ,1« N 2nd Oregon. Attorney. Imlay Bawletgh < ■• . | Hi H ill- » - r o W rit Ave 0 Hl>. < takland. • i Eula- N O T H F n F H A L E HE R E A L E S T A T E l»ept W (» W AN I ,i»,ing» on f u r o ,. In the C ircuit Court of the Htate o f O re­ hou»ek«wper way. HilUlH.ro W AN I gon. for .Multnomah County in Probate I year« H u rtin »hite nule che (it,A T M In the M atter <>f the f a ta l« of John H iili W Gr« I brown K ierm an, Decea»ad. 16 Notice i» hereby given that pursuant at r Beut Beutden to an order duly made and entered in the K i l l .SA work Hllhhoro Hix rooms, hath, sho w entitled «au»e hy the above en­ W alnut i l l H T » Ir l. I». M a d e lli ie I a m i,y. Adveiitlat •rh. »un room, fu ll haue- titled c u r t <»n A p ril 25. 1935. the un- ». lurur lot. !"<» " I deratgnml a« adm inlutrator w ith the w ill u| fu Way . 41 F. ,<»»h Mt and walnut Ire«-« »ha annexed of »aid <-«tate. w ill »«II at p ri­ I W O R K wanted, any kind |6 C II Bu hanan. M. M lnn ville. vate ule on am i a fte r June 7, 1W36. at Mik Ee»t Oak Mt. 1 6 i. ami a fte r ten o’clock A M at hi» of­ L h To take «ate of « hlldren by fice in the fa ilin g lliiild ln g , Portland. U S E -roon modern home in Portland, to or h '.ir Anna Leider O n tha » i. heat bidder for ra»h. trade fo H illahoro property, or vicinity Hl Phone M» l-cider Mapl 13-6 payable in law ful money o f the Unite«! P. O Itox 33. HHhlH.ro, y 4> a» h«M»»ekeei»ei M Htatea. all of the rig h t, title and interest I W AN7 ..n 241 H Bailey Ave . owned by the almve namml decadent John The MucKay property. W w ' M I • • i u h SAM Kierrt.nn at the tim e of hl» death. h«d»- I w \ N I tkouuewor k . e»pertelic«"l rt near F,r»t. 7« ’ 2."' ' »ary 14 * all Iha right, tit l a , lit 2. Cornell l^»i» ,G 4 d i Apply M I» Hump. . • that tha Bald estate hy op­ k if H t,U H F M O V IN G eration of law or otherwise, may have rcwtlltng. rat»,ng. beaawumta. » ‘ acquired other than, or in addition to | ng 87 year» e »perien« a Ml NTS MUSICAL INS that of »aid decedent at the tim a of hi» J N , c«>unty I death, in and to the follow ing described lltf I W ith your »pring A v e . H ilh h .r u | hi iotu, piece« or parcel» of land. t<»-wit : Do not let false economy lose prospects fo r you. Describe the merchandise or service you are o ffe rin g in fu ll detail. M ake it terse and business-like, b u t do not o m it a n yth in g th a t is lik e ly to interest some reader. This is, there­ fore, our firs t suggestion in m aking yo u r W ant A d b rin g the desired results. G IV E A L L T H E NECESSARY IN F O R M A T IO N — SO T H A T Y O U R W A N T A I) W IL L IN TER EST T H E G R EATEST N U M B E R GE READERS. „„4 This series o f advertisem ents w ill contain a list o f the points you should m ention when w ritin g a W a n t Ad, togethe r w ith examples o f w ell w ritte n W ant Ads. Keep this list and re fe r to it w henever you have a W ant Ad to w rite. tvnuK w A N im IfillGborrlS^eAr g u s N O T IC E T<, < K K I,IT f,R H tha County C o urt of tha State of O r i»n. f«»r W ashington County t|,« M atter of tha f a s ' W ill ar «f A I. Tautam E» Daeeaai Bible School Held Orenco K. C. Farm Union Meets at Banks (B y Mr» J. A McCoy) ' ' ! H KA NSA S C IT Y K ansas C ity F arm ers’ U nion local wilt C h ild r e n ’» D a y P ro g ra m on , mcet a‘ Banks Wednesday evening I in th e Royal N eighbor hall for a >.f Alexia S u n d a y a t C h u rc h businewi m eeting. « ju a lifa i G uy R aym ond a n d RuMsell H ickey visited friends in Dunks Sunday. »By Mr« H ig h Kur«Jet,e, B ert D yke a n d Leola Vander« ORENCO A daily V acation B ible zanden of Roy v isited Mr. and Mrs. ' ih x j I i . being conducted every J . P. V anderzanden T h u rsd a y aft- m orning this w eek from 9 to 11:30 ernoon. in the com m unity church by Rev i Mrs. W illiam W ebb and fam ily LAND D. E verett of P ortland. V isitors of Y am hill v isited Mr. and Mrs. E. nd Tauti Will b< welcome on F riday j B. W ebb T uesday evening, M IL the W alter H aney is h au lin g E. B. TlM m orning service at ffllU lH .r church next Sunday w ill be in W ebb’s stra w b e rrie s to the cannery charge boys and girls of the | a t St. Johns. FO R H I M d V A I G uests of Mr a n d Mrs Louis Sunday chool in observance of No. 387 9 C hildren's Day and w ill begin at S tro h m ay e r Sunday w ere Mr. and On In the 10 30 Sunday school w ill convene, Mrs. T ony K em per and sons W ar- #f Wa fo r the County at 10 o’clock for a short session | ren a n d M erlin of F orest G rove, Depart merit of Probate. ;tnd th en a d journ to the a uditorium Mrs. M ary Esh and son G eorge of Cha In the M a tte r of the f a ta for th e c h ild ren ’s day program . A j and d a u g h te r M ildred of P ortland. B. Cox, Deeaased. It appearing to the Cour ♦ ha* ,G-y L. dem onstration of the D aily Vaca- Mr. and Mrs. M J. V anderzan- Chapm an. ad m ini»trator of the fa ta ta of tjon 3 ib ie school w ill be a fe atu re I den and little son W ayne and ! hf‘.sit’’ »a." ¿ ‘. y " 7 ; Seln><>l M eelin< J a n e 17 , I d . a . u . g . h . te . r ________ , ___________ M arjo rie spent S a tu rd ay w Anting of^i/-*" iMing« a» . l ¿.non- A nnual school m eeting w ill be w ith Mr. and Mrs. W alter B usch of u tr a to r. and held a t th e school house Ju n e 17 to Hillsboro. I t fu rth e r appearing to the Court from consider the budget and elect a V isitors of Mr. and Mrs. J . A. the heretofore fiie«i by d irector for th ree years and a clerk McCoy S unday w ere Mrs. H elen r « . » d . th at I! ,y I.. ( h .p m .n h .. one year. , R esner and Mr». A lvina H uston of purp...»!» a l« n t« t h im M ir from h i. Mrs Eva L iddiard and son Rob- Cam as, W a s h . Mrs. F rances C hris- u»ual place of abode and removed him- e rt of San Francisco spent the tia n se n and d a u g h te r-in -la w . Mrs. •e lf beyond the confine« of the State of w eek w ith Mr and Mrs. F re d I Ione C hristiansen, a n d Jo a n I.ingh- Oregon, and th at bi« present address is berg of V ernonia, Mr. and M rs D. Q uairitance. unknown ; Mr and Mrs E rnest W ilfert and i B. K unkle and son D onald of I t is therefore now here ordered that R.,y I, Chapm an a . ad m inistrator afar»- c hildren spent Dircoration Day w ith Glide. M r and Mrs. K u n k le are ■aid. be and appear In the Court Room Mr W ilfert s m other Mrs A. W il- picking stra w b e rrie s for L loyd A n­ o i the undersigned Judge tn the C ity - • 1 - ------- --- - derson of Hillside. H ill.b o ro , County of W ashington, on the ' e r \ , of Newberg. V isitors a t th e J P. V anderzan- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coupe and IM h day of 4 une, 1935, to »how cause why he «Would be remov««i ax xurh d a u g h te r C onnie of P o rtlan d vis- den hom e S unday w ere Mrs. M ary adm inistrator. ited re la tiv e s here Sunday. Esh and son G eorge and d a u g h te r ft I. fu rth e r o rd erel that . ...p y .4 M a n d M M rs Jo h n M cIntyre M ildred of P o rtlan d thi» O rder be published in H-..»boro A r - _ . - - - -- gu». a new ipaper of general circulation G resham spent SunOUy a t th e ; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe B ak er and in the County of W a.h in g tu n , State o f F J. M eihoff home. little d a u g h te r S h irley left M on­ Oregon, fo r two <2> >uee G rove and tne o e o rg e u . u a r r a t t been ill ab o u t th re e m onths. per rent per annum from the 20th day fam ily of Portland. of August, 1932, and the fu rth e r lu m L adies' circle w ill m eet at Mrs. L et th e ad v ertisem en ts help you >f 8250.90 atto rn ey’s fee«, w ith interest W H R ing’s W ednesday for a pot m ake y o u r shopping plans. at the rate of six (6*& , P *r cent per luck dinner. Mrs. R ing a n d M rs annum from the 21st day of M ay. 1935, E rnest W ilfert a re entertaining. »nd th« fu f2ber • um , -7 2 ? . w * ’1“ per A p arty was given fo r th e eighth terest at the rat« of eight (8 % ) Y O U N G ’S cent per annum fro m the 22nd day of grade g ra d u atin g class M onday J .n u .r y , 1.33. night by Miss M arta M cK tnnis at 850.00 atto rn ey’' on at the rate of six «6%» per cent per the D r. A. O. P itm an home. ’’T houghtful. S ym pathetic annum from the 21st day of M ay, 1935, Mrs. G eorge P ersons spent Mem- Service" md th» fu rth e r .urn o f «S.85 cu«t. and o r i a l £}a y w ith friends in th e Mil- disburtem enU w ith interest thereon at Phone 972 Hillsboro w aukie district. the rate of »ix ( 6 % I per cent per annum Inspector C. W L inebaugh of | from M ay 21. 1935. and the eoaU o f and upon thia w rit commanding me to make P o rtlan d checked over accounts at ■ale of the follow ing deacribed real prop- local post office last T uesday. erty. t o w i t : U SE D a n d N E W P A R T S M r and Mrs. L. T W oodw ard a t­ A ll of f a ts 348 and 349. Johnson tended the 30th w edding ann iv er- For less. T ires, b atteries, w heels— fa ta te Addition to Beaverton-Reexiville Acreage, according to the recorded sary of M r and Mrs R iley a t Beav- w ire. wood. disc, all sizes. T railers p lat thereof, together w ith the tene­ erto n Sunday. m ade to order. ments. hereditaments and appurte­ Mr and Mrs J H aynes of P o rt- i H ills b o r o A u t o W r e c k e r s nance» thereunto belonging. land v isited M r and Mrs. L T. Now. therefore, of -------- said execu- a..«.«.a..«, by -g virtu —- e — --- - „ j 116 W. M ain 156 Second Ave. tion. judgm ent order, decree and order W O O d u a r f l b a iu ra a y of »ale and in compliance w ith the com­ Mr. and Mrs. L. T W oodw ard mands of said w rit. I w ill, on Monday. and son K enneth and Bob M cC ul­ the First day of Ju ly. 1935. at 10:99 W E D E A L IN REAL ESTATE loch spent D ecoration Day at o’clock A M . at the east fro n t door of WTrite the County Court House in Hillsboro, Salem and Dallas. _____ J. H. Bennett Rites Held Here Tuesday You are hereby commanded and required to apjH-ar in the above entitled cause and an»wer the com plaint therein filed against y«ni on or before the exp irat ion of four June, l4 i weeks from the bth day of _ _— , 1935, the date of the firs t publication of th i* summons in the H illsboro Argu». and y u w ill take notice that if you fa il u . w . p p e .r and . . . . « e r w ith in the tim e .(H-. if.ed, 'h e p la in tif f, w ill take a de- against you fo r the rescission of N * j of N W ’ « S. F. «4 <»f N. W P IA N O 13. SALE or TH m c l l i m r o u a the contract entered into ,»etween the «« N «j of S W. »«. H. W «4 of S. tuned, cleanml. demothed and repair««! rede ,t»t> ,h por* elaln-ltned Ice I W « « i n Hm- 17. T . 2 N R. 8 Weat p la in tiff* and the defendant John T M ac George Hubert» Phone ,282 W l El- Kay and E iia Sine M acKay, on the 1st . . l u . I l k ! ... «O ..I I'1«-. W illam e tte M eridian. tim b er land ; A ...u , II * J . .1 1 « . I l « r ll...l4 1 day of October. 1927. w herein p la in tiffs tract >'( land in H. W. «•« o f Sec. 18. T ha 3M. ROOMS ANI» APARTMENTS lap (»«•ginning at the purchased and the defendant John T . ■Ittum. Iteeverto« 2 S R 1 W’ W M mck 11 in the town (now N orth Plain« O rdinance No. IU22 of the C ity of id e a l fo r j more «•• or lea», Im ontaining M 0 5 a c r e » ■ mwrw .............. — - - - - - - - - -- - . u u i.u — . p o lt M A LE W ardrobe tr u n k City» of Hillsboro, W ashington Coun­ pro e un» man or woman g«.,ng o college 40. ty. Oregon . thence north 198 feet to PASTURE ; hereby call* the follow ing bond» on the «rt. trip . 112. al».. good Kt A radio gon. the place of beginning . ,'A H T U B F . to rent. h«.r»e» only, running pieeea or parcel« w ill ,»e »old follow ing date», t o - w it : Maid lot Phone morn,«»«» 262, X for the sum of 86090.00. payable in 1. A ll P ark Refunding Bond» Is­ w ater and gra»» I*. E. D«4»l»». H, 2, a» a whlli >r »eparateiy to suit purcha»- m onthly installm ents, fo r the reason that It F t < » N h ,T lO N F h law n mower« ln f,r»t sued February 1«. 1927. numbered I r.irtla n d . l '- j mile« «•■* Bethany »tore en» ..MO. -hape. chaap I he Flxtt Shop. 347 the defendant J«.»hn T M acKay repudiated to 27, Inclusive, are called fo r m le m p - For detailed inform ation rewperting »aid na w W ro tongiuny ra n c rn n i said ham contract t u u u a t i, and n g fu lly cancelled I M um H« . uppuaKe new I '• tion August 10, 1935. property, w rite to or consult the under­ 4 • I AKM I OAN8 nd f«-r a fu rth e r decre« for the recovery w e ig h t a,M»ut l . aach 2 General Funding Bond» issue of IH M of bwft««». signed at the a,mve given addrea» .f all money» paid by p la in tiffs upon H A V K m«mey available for g.-«l farm »«t naw harnaaa. « •"« , 1927 dated September I . 1927. num - D m led thia 26th day of A p ril. 1935. for said contract upon the purcha»e price. loans W (» G alaw ay. II,I,» b o n . l<-7p prlngt«»»th har- plow. 2-»ectloti txred 1 to 6U, inclusive, are called for I ir»t putdtshed May 9. 1936 f a s t pub­ rid ir and money» paid fo r taxe». assessments hay rack and M O N E Y loan on good d airy herd» redemption September 1, 1935. wagon w ith lication June 6. 1935 and insurance premiums w ith interest John Boyd ran. h. I 7tf J T I’ ASQl ' IL L . A d m inistrator w ith 3. C ity H a ll Honda. Series 1931. for A ( ir lif t t h . 181 H. 2nd Ave. upon »aid respective pay m enu, from the mile« west of Mlllaboro. The Federal f a n d the w ill annexe», of the fa ta te o f J«»hn ( dated January 1, 1931. numbered 1 F ire and A utom obile Insurance F A KM money to l«w date of payment thereof and the cost* W ashington County. Oregon, sell a t pub- Kiernan Dereaped. f*«w»klngh»m 8 Han t<> 20. inclusive, are called fo r re­ bank n«.w ha» am ple funds in bond» U I EN CF i*w l* for »al» W til de liver and expen»e* of perm anent improvem ent* lie auction (subject to redemption I, to the M ake Loan* and Issue Surety Bonds A rgus classified ads get results. 44tf I demption Jan u ary 1. 1936. loan to farm ers at 4’ »‘ < O ver fl.OtMi,. le y . Ridgw ay. John»«»n A K e n d all. Tliom - Hay Deteman. FI»«me__2Iu j made upon said premises, le»» the value highest bidder fo r cash in hand, a ll the And you are fu rth e r notified th at the utiu ha» been loaned to W a»hm gtoa «» G Greene Att«»rney» fo r »aid A«lm,n- of the use and ««ccupation of said prem- right, title and interest which the w ith - C ity of HilUbor«» w ill not ,»e liable for, N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T (-«Hinty farm e i» by the hank. W rib or U trato r. < ARS ANI> T IR ES H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Isea. nam ely, the sum of 82.815.98. and in named defendant* E. J. M ann and 13. or pay any interest upon any of the above r a il for particular». W ashington O»un- said sum be decreed to be a lien L au ra C. M ann, or either thereof had In the County Court of the State of Ore- Ford. ,929. Telephone 1391 1236 Second St. C IT A T IO N 1 ItU t K for »ale. M-xlel In.nd» a fte r the date» herein specified fo r that ____ ty N ational Farm Loan Aa»ociatk»n. gon, fo r the County of W ashington. _ premisi ________ hereinbefore described, on the 6th day o f M arch. 1929. the date ■ m I tire» upon the urt of the State of Ore- redemption of the same. ( i t tub A -l eondHBw J M , ’er»on. eecretary. Hi„»borx» 9 tf In the C«>unty and fo r a fu rth e r decree foreclosing said of the firs t m««rtgage herein foreclosed In the M a tte r of the Estate of Em m a E. D airy. Ht gon, foi W ashington County. Acr«MMi nmd from Guen C IT Y OF’ H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N . sale of said real or since that date had in and to the Heaton. Decease«!. ■ In the M a tte r of the fa ta te of M a ry , W . t I Hiliaboro Christensen. C ity Treasurer. tication of the pro- above describe«! property, or any part Notice is hereby given th at W a lte r I Peterson, Deceased. ceeds of such sale in satisfaction of said thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg- Heaton and H. T. Hesse, the duly ap- To N il* G ustaf Nelson, John Perry A. T E A C H E R S * E X A M IN A T IO N S Adm inis- , judgm ent and lien, and for the eaet* and ment order and decree, interest, costs and pointed, qualified ' .nd acting Lareon. Am anda Nelson nee Peterson. I trater» of * the r f a — ta te of Em m a E. Heaton. I *— G ustaf Peteraon. Justus Petereoq. Axel J Notice »» hereby given that the County disbursement* of this suit, and for such accruing coeta. N O T IC E O F S A L E 8ch «•! Superintendent of W ashington other enti fu rth e r relief •« may be eouit- this 24th deceased, have filed their F in a l Account Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon. Peterson, and all unknow n per«« n* hsv- ' ; Notice i» hereby given tha, by virtue County. Oregon, w ill hold the regular able. This summons is served upon you day of M ay. 1935. in the County Court of the State of O re- ing or claim ing an interest in the above j of an order, decree and Been»« of »ale of f ix e r a l directors exam ination of applicants fo r state teach- ' by publication thereof pursuant to order D ate of first publication M ay 30. 1935. gon fo r W ashington County. said I r il.D grow th f ir , 12 " t IÄ-lnch. entitle«! estate: G reeting: I the County Court of the State of Oregon and er»’ certificates at the office of the D ate of last publication June 27. 1935. fa ta te . and that said Court has fixed of H'«n. R. Fran k Peters. Judge of the In the Nam e of the S tate of Oregon, I o»rd and up Phone l'i7 lX I f..r W ashington C«»un,y. made and e n ­ Sch'Hil Superintendent. Court House. H ills- J. W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing- Monday, the 8th day of July. 1935, at LICENSED EM BALM ER8 tered herein on the 29th «lay of May, Y«»u are hereby C«*«| and required tn ap­ boro, a» follow« : Commencing Wednesday. above entitled Court made and date«, on W A N T fc b 1* <-»rd» 2-foot "Id g 15-9 ten o’clock a. m. of said day in the in the m atter of the guardianship pear in the County Court lt>em of the June 12. 1936. at 9 o’clock a. m. and the 1st day of June. 1935. and which ton County. Oregon, fi, w « mh 1 Inquire M H Steven«' ----- County Court room o f the County Court prescribes that you shall appear •unty Court t(ou*e in Hillsboro. W’ a»h- I continuing u n til Friday. June 14. 1936. order H E A V Y and l*«ht •»«»». cordwood. c«»a, of the person an«, e»,a,e of Elm er Burch House in the C ity of Hillsboro. W ashing- and answer w ithin fo u r weeks from the N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Monday, the 1 ompetent per««n. I w ill from and Ington County. Oregon Brh»e. 573 F. ..mi briquet* Herm an at 4 o'clock p. m. tn County. Oregon, as the tim e and place date of the firs t publication thereof in II at r>th .lay f August, 19.13, at h« ur of 10 j 14,f a fte r the 28th day of June. 1931 In the County Court of the State of O re­ fo r hearing said F in al Account, and all Wednesday F'orcnoon U . S History. the H illsboro Argus. W alnuk of said day then and there W ritin g (P en m an sh ip ,, Geometry. Botany the highest bidder for o’cliM’k a. gon. for W ashington County. ! objections thereto, and fo r the fin a l set­ | 1UH1 elaae wood f o r ^ a a l * *Kay Ih d ^ I private h ’n »ale hand, real pr«.(«erty in W ashing- to ahow cause, if any you ha E. J M c A L E A R and B A G L E Y & H A R E . why the , Wednesday Afternoon Physiology. Bead­ Attorneys fo r P la in tiffs . Resident A tto r­ In the M a tte r o f the fa ta te of Lee E. tlem ent o f said fata te. man G aribaldi Ave I end the right» ing. C«»mp«»sition. General History. -ii, ■■,««■ ■■■ ■— | ('m in ty. Oregon, belonging to »aid in - fact* »h«»uld not he f. Blatchley. Deceased. Dated this 6th day of June. 1935. neys. State of Oregon, poet office ad­ ompwdent person, and p artic u la rly de- of heirship and distribution o l said estate , Thursday Foren«»on A rith m etic. History Notice is hereby given th at the under­ W’ A L T E R C. H E A T O N . A d m inistrator SEEIIH—PLANTS dress F irst N ational Bank Bldg.. H ills­ r«> near ( and the Houth I 32 acres of Lot 56. Last W ill and Testam ent of aaid de­ F. Iterggren Bt raphy. Am erican L ite ra tu re . Physic» the fa ta te o f Emma E. Heaton, deceased. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 18-bp , and to fib« your answers on or hef««»e I Johnson fa ta te Addition to lleaver- ceased. and has duly qualified as such: ____ H. __ Tongue J r .. A ttorney for Ad- Seotch church. F’riday Forenoon Theory and Practice. ; Thoe. In the County Court of the State of O re­ »aid tim e »edting up your reapertive claims . O rthography t«>n-Ree«lville Acreage, as shown hy Now. therefore, a ll persons having rninistrator». 'S p e llin g , Physical Ge«»g- B U B .ltA N K «***1 p ota,«aa» fo r »ale. grown I 16-20 gon. fo r the County of W ashington of heirship, ownership or interest in said ’ raphy. English L ite ra tu re. F'd B W ohl- map and plat — - , - . .... , claims against said estate are hereby the duly re o rd e d from certified eeed. 16 ! th e re o f; and required to present the estate. j Friday Aftern««>n School Law . Algebra. In the M a tte r of the fa ta te of Elisa Jane nof |f j e j •chlegel. Laurel N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Sewell. Deceased. same. together w ith proper vouchers W itness, the Honorable Donald T . Tern- I C iv il Governm ent. Bookkeeping. hid* w ill l»e received for said property F u R H A L E G arnet C h ill -ee«l pota,«** 16-6 ™ County Court of the State of O re­ Notice is hereby *>ven that Fret! J. t |,ePef or> to the undersigned at the law O H K R A U S . County School S u p e rin -' the County of W ashington. A ll— t K .< h . J m il«. r . . l " I Urrtmo. at the office of E J M cAlear. A ttorney ideton. Judge of the County Court of the | Sewell. Executor and M ary Ann Sewe < ffice pf Bajf,ey A H a rc |n th< F i„ t In gon. ’ the fo M r atter- County. Oregon. on t '«»riseli road 16-«P at Law . Hillsboro. Oregon. fn»m and a fte r State <»f Oregon for the C nintv if V6 a»h- t enii ent. W ashington of the f a ta te of Jacob Schum ann. Executrix of the Last W ill N a tio n a , Bank Building in Hillsboro. O re- ington w ith the seal of said irt a f- I (he 2f»,h «lay of June. 1935. Crotxer. Deceased. «n.l T e .,a m e n t of L l i w Jane Sewell, de- gQn w ith in a il m onth , fro m the date I I I. E l A N I. M a c D tlN A L D . G uardian of fixed thi» 8rd day of M ay. 1936 Notice is hereby given that the under­ HAY A M , EEEI> 20 cease«!, have filed their F in a l Account in here,»f S H E R IF F ’S S A L E tie person and f a ta te «-Í F.Inter Burch, an Attest F'.DW. C L U C E . Clerk signed. as ad m in is tratrix o f the estate of said estate, in the County C«>urt of the j Dated )aM R A L F Cb.ver hay Cut It y«»ur- • ucoinpetent person. I o lt F J M cAlear. At- this 29th day of M ay. 1935. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue Jacob Crotxer. deceased, has filed her I« 1 Phone 2l(t2 F R A N Z C. P A U L I. Executor o f the f l « ! account in the' C o u a tT C o u rt i t S . N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S .e lf orney for G uardian. 15-9 of an F.xecution, O rd er and Decree of State o f O rw o » _ /'» r — ,n East W ill and Testam ent of said de- State of Oregon for W ashington C o u n -I Ul>R S A L E Side delivery hay rake, pra«-- In the County Court o f the State « Sale, issued out of and under the seal and th at said Court ha* the Hth «lay of July. A. 1). ,935. at 19 ceased. |6 5 Lester Ireland A N O T H F TO C R E D IT O R S gon. fo r W ashington County. Bagley A H are. Attorney» * fo r ty. and that Monday, — - the 7th day of ally of the C ircuit Court o f the State of 16-7 ln the County Court of the State of O re- In the M a tte r <»f the Last W ill and Testa- o’clock a. m. of said day in th« County Executor. Co 15-9 July. 1935. at the hour of 10:09 o'clock Oregon, fo r the County of W ashington, Court i w m of the County Court House, gon for W ashington County. ment and Fatate of Lydia G ray Kh«*a 7 acres Q u a rt dated the 31st «lay of May. 1935. in ------- a. m. in the court room of said court N IC F stand Cover f«»r in the C ity of Hillsboro. Washington itation. Phone | In the m atter of the Fatate of A lbert F. Deceased. favor of R«»bert Itel. p la in tiff. an«i against has been appointed by said court as the J W Ho lt. Matson N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Notice i« hereby given tha, the under­ C la rk I. Johnston. Cordelia F. Johnston. County. Oregon, as the tim e and place Dip I Dethlefa, Deceased. O tim e and place for the hearing of ob­ 3201. _ I Notice is hereby given, th at the under- signed. W illiam Y Gray, has lieen hy the Anna A. D ittm a n , and Herm an D itt- for the hearing of said F in al Account, In the County Court o f the State of jections thereto and the settlement there­ gon, for W ashington County. | signed ha» been duly appointed hy the ■ounty court of the state of (>reg«»n fo r man. her husband. W illia m M illa rd J«»hn- and all objections thereto, and fo r the of. tt FARM MACHINERY M fin a l settlem ent of said 'fatate. In the M a tte r o f the f a ta te o f A. above e n titlo l court, as A d m in istra to r of | W ashington County, duly appointed ex- M arth a Johnston, his w ife. Dated and first published June 6. 1935. P hone 2104 I A IIM F B S O nly 31» day* until grain the «*tate of »aid deceased, and has duly ecutnr of the last W ill and Testam ent of ston and Date«! this 6th day of June. A. I). 1935. Commons, Deceased. Clarence A. Potts, as Adm inistrator of D ate of last publication Ju ly 4. 1935. liarveat. A re you going to buy « new qualified as such. F R E D J. S E W E L L . Executor of the Notice is hereby given, that the under- Lydia G ray Rhea. deceas««d. and ha» duly the fa ta te o f M illa n , F. Johnston, «le- H A R R IE T B O O TH. A d m in istra trix. L . 8259 to «igned has been duly appointed by the hinder at price« ranging Now. therefore, all persona having claims qualified aa such A ll pera«»ns having censed, defendants, fo r the sum of 845.36 Last W ill and Testament of Elixs A . Recken. Attorney. 16-29 8 WO f«w the etan«lard machine», or I against aaid estate are hereby notified claim» against »aid estate are hereby re­ Sewell. Decease«!. MARY S E W E L L above entitle«! Court, as A d m in is tra trix of cost* ami disbursements and the further k«-ep y««ur old one and have it over­ am, required to present the aame, to- qqlred to present the same to me. w ith S C H U M A N N . Executrix of the Last W ill the estate of said deceased, and has duly of 81165.69 w ith interest thereon hauled W e are In the bii*ine«s anil j get her w ith proper voucher» therefor, to proper vouchers, at my resilience in Mc- sum and Testam ent of E lita Jane Sewell, De- qualified as such. from the 2nd day of February, 1933, at ceased. Thos H Tongue J r., Attorney for have l*wn fo r 45 years Price» reason- the undersigned a t the law offices of M inn ville. Oregon, or at the law office Now. therefore. a ll pers«»ns having the rate of K (»er cent per annum, and 16-29 claims against said estate are hereby a l.lr F F. M arshall. W itch | Bagley A H a re in the F irst N ational f M R. Bump. H ilb b o ro , Oregon, vlth- fo r the fu rth e r sum of 8125.09 A tto r­ Executor and Executrix. tion . Bt 2. Beaverton i«-»p Bank ,, L Building, notified and required to present the same, Hillsboro, Oregon, nix month» from date hereof. in ney’» fee* w ith interest thereon from the N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S together w ith proper vouchers therefor, to LO W lrx»n-wheH wagon, w ith bay rack. w ithin »lx months fr«»m the date hereof. I- 25th day of M ay 1934, at the rate of 6 the D istrict Court of the U nited State«, (be undersigned at the law office of E. 825 John Haase. Cornelius Bt 2. 1» Dated thi» 18th day of M ay. 1936. D ate of first publication M ay 23. 1935. per cent per annum , to me directed and fo r the D istrict of Oregon. M cA lear in the First N a tio n al Bank F:RNF;ST W D E T H I.E F S . A d m in istra­ Last publication June 20, 1985. D I. L A V A L No. 19 cream separator f«»r delivered commanding me to make sale in Hillsboro. Oregon. w ithin W IL L IA M Y G R A Y . Executor of the of the real property hereinafter described. In the M a tte r of Hess E. Webb. Bank- Building, «ale. 8,6. A rth u r Pearson. I ’atton V a l­ tor of the estate of said deceased. r u p t ; No. B 29932 in Bankruptcy. six months from the date hereof. B A G L E Y A H A R E . Attorneys for Ad­ Last W ill and Testament and f a ta te of I have levied upon and pursuant to said iev maid, Gaston. ----------------- 1®? Notice is hereby given to all creditors Date«] th i* 2Sth day of M ay. 1935. m in istrator. 14-18 Lydia G rey Rhea, deceased. M B. Bump, . ................... an«l feed cutter. Execution, O rd er and Decree o f Sale. that on the Hth day of M ay. A. I). 1985. K o d a k F in is h in g I'oMniNATIoN _______ _ WE ____ E D IT H K O N S . _____ A d m _________ in is tra trix of resilience and address. Hillsboro. Oregon. I w ill on Monday, the Hth day of July. 'p ra rtie s ify new Best of Ba k in d , cheap E. J. Me N O T H E TO ( R E D ,T O R S A ttorney fo r said Estate a n d Execu- 1936. at the East door of the Court He«» E. Webb of Hillsboro. Oregon, the (be Estate of said Deceased. The W hatnot store, 134 N 2nd Ave.. bankrupt above name«,. was duly ad­ A lear. Attorney fo r A d m in istra trix. 15-9 In the County Court of the State of tor , l-S House in Hillsboro. W ashington County, Hillsboro. judicated bankrupt ; and that the first Oregon, fo r W ashington County. Oregon, at the hour of ten o’clock a. m. m eeting of his creditors w ill be held in F O R HA LF/ Pape« ensilage cutter, sire In the M a tte r " f the F-atate of A nnie S H E R IF F ’S S A L E N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S of »aid day. sell at public auction to the N Inquire at Hillsboro Feed Co. ,5 tf Notice is hereby given, that by virtue M Im b rie, Decease«! In the County Court of the State of Ore- highest bidder fo r cash in hand, ail of the County Court R«x«m in the County Court House at Hiliaboro. Oregon, on N i’.W and u»«»l farm m achinery for sale «if an Execution. O rd er and Decree of Notice i . hereby given th at the under- f nr W ashington County. ,he follow ing describe«! real property. f « u r t House at Hil,slwn». Oregon, a l l t f signeil has been duly confirme«l by the i„ , he M a tte r o f the Estate of H enry |y jnu. being and situated in W ashington Sale, issue«! out of and under the seal ‘ j j j ,,B* ‘‘ f J.1 ^ r2 u t ,‘,rs mav attend ly Lester Ireland A <’«». Hillsboro of the C ircuit Court of the State of O re­ al...ve entitle,! r.H irt a . Executor of the llm e k ., Decea.e.l ! C.m nty. «»reiton. and more p artic u larly , l w h\ V l . c la im . I t™ « " « U S E D machinery of al, kinds. 4tf l.a.1 I .1 ( «. . I'." M »in S ’ W ill and T r.la m rn d of . . I d do- N , „ |,., |. h, r, by , h„ order . d„ rrih w . „ as follows, , to-w (1. w it l r : Prove ’ gon. for the County of W ashington, dated describe«, exam ine the bankrupt, ami transact such 19th day of M ay. 1935, in favor of Fec«l ceased, and has «luly qualified as such; was made in the County Court of the i j ii »1» teed b av cutlet H il, b«iri Beginning at a point 13 chains west other business a* may properly come fa - B irdie V . Cady, p la in tiff, am i against N<»w. therefore, all persona having C alm s state o f Oregon fo r W ashington County 15-6 o f the southeast c«»rner of the north fore said meeting. ____ ____ __________ Zella M. __________ Sandvall. , defendant, for the against said eslate are hereby notified «n the 6th day of May, A. D. 1935. in h alf of the south half of section 24 Claim s must he presented in form sun, ,,f 817.25 c. s t and the fu rth e r sum am i required to present the same. t«i the above «ntitled court and cause, adm it­ 23. SH EEP—GOATS KRA M IEN'S T . 2 S. R. 1 W . of the W illam e tte required hy the Bankrupt Act and sworn f 8195' .¡» « > w ith interest thereon from g«-th«-r w ith proper vouchers therefor» ting to probate the Last W ill and Teata- M eridian, said (mint being at the I n it F A , H 23 larg«* ewea. some lambs, to the undcralgned at , to. the 2 0 ,h «lay of July. 1933, at the rate th«- law office ment o f H enry Brocks, deceased, and southwest corner of a 24 acre trac, The schciule filed diaci«»*«** 8462.99 as- .in« register«-«, Romney buck . also Stew ­ of Bagley A liar«-, in the F irst N ational approving and con firm ing the nppoint- f 6 per cent per nnnum, and fo r the sold amt conveyed by the Tualatin sets. 84.142.95 liabilities. 8462.09 exemp- fu rth e r sum of 8'»8.9l w ith interest there- art tu»li bearing <4<*er 'bearing machine. llnnk building in Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith ­ ment of H e nrietta Brocks as Exe«-utrix C ity Rea, Estate Company to Henry tions claimed. J P I ’ubols. Hillsboro. Rt. 4 near in six months from the date hereof. of the Last W il, and Testament of said on from the day o f ........., 1934. at S a ffra n and Louiae S a ffran by deed Dated M ay 31. 1935 the rate of 6 per cent per annum , and lunch ’ 1 H enry Brocks, deceased, anil that said Date«, this 23rd day of M ay, 1935. dated A p ril 4,h. 1891. and running PR E SC R IPT IO N D R U G G ISTS PHONE 266 TH O S . H. T O N G U E J r . Referee in for the fu rth e r sum o f 8159.00 atto rn ey’» A L B E R T J. IIA R T R A M I’ E. Executor of H enrietta Brocks has duly qualified as thence north along the west line of Bankruptcy. Hillsboro. Oregon. 16 fees w ith interest thereon fro m the 18,h the Last W ill and Testament of aaid , such Executrix POULTRY 24. salii S a ffra n tract 20 chains to the Now therefore all persons having claims day o f M ay, 1935, at the rate of 6 per Ila .le y A Hare. A tto rn e y , for NOTH l o i M w HOOI W A N T E D Poultry of all kinds W rite, South line of the road dedicate,I to 16-9 against said estate are hereby notified I I cent per annum , to me directed and de­ «sill «all or bring Friday. Saturday or the public by said county ; thence M IS T IN G — and r e tiiiii« 1«, t o (» r esen t then» w ith the livered. com m anding me to make sale i Monday before noon. Portland prices. west along the south boundary of said Notice is hereby given to the legal •if the real property herein after described, i proper vouchers to the undersigned at the I N O T H E TO C R E D IT O R S F l( Barden. CorneHua. 4fl»r public r«»ad 5 chains ; thence south voters of School D istrict No. “ o f Wash- I have levied upon and pursuant to said 1 In the ( ’ounty ( ’«»urt of the State « f (Ire - law office of Thos. H . T«»ngue J r., in the parallel w ith the west line of said D U D L E Y ’S Leghorn chicks, the best you I ingt«»n County. State of Oregon, th a, Execution. O rder and Decree of Sale. 1 , Comm ercial Block in the C ity of H illa- gon. fo t W ashington County. S a ffra n tract 2tt chains; thence east . an buy. IBg bodied birds laying large ,n th«- M a tte r of the Estate of Tekla boro, Oregon, the An nual School M eeting of said Dis­ w ill on Monday, the 2 4 ,h day of June. w ithin six months from parallel w ith south boundary of said u h lt r « v ie A ll prisluced on ‘»nr j tric t w ill Be held a, the David H ill 1935. a, the East door of the Courthouse the date of the first publication of this Hcheckla. Decease«! Section 24. 6 chains to the place of farm M a le , from liiah ....... ilam * School; to begin at the hour of 2 :99 in Hillsboro, W ashington County, Oregon. order notice, to -w it: W ith in six month* from Notice Is hereby given that an beginning, containing 10 acres, a,, , f r.Mst generation breeding. B. W I ’ - (,f , aj(( ,.f the May 9. 1935. o’clock P. M on the th ird M onday of at the hour (>f ten o'c|(M?|i a . wa* made In the ( ’ounty Court le » ln l The loilk of our o rder, from oId of saiil land being in Washington H E N R IE T T A BR OC KS. Exem itrix of the June, being the 17th day of June. A. D. day. sell at public auction to the highest co,too,era. May chick,. »».Un per ind; Slate of Oregon, for W ashington County County. O regon, to«,ether w ith the ,ast W ill and Testam ent «»f Henry Brocks. 1935. ______ . for .. ____ _____ _ _ bidder cash in hand, all o f the «9 in 600 lot«. Itay-old pulleta. ».0 Ihe | Deceaaed. Thom»» H. Tonini» J r., A tto r- tenements. hereditam ents and ap­ Thia m eeting f„ ||ow j nB --------------- described — real . property. lying I — _ is called for the purp«me --------------- per l» 0 . «18 Io 250 Iola. I ’aol Dudley. " : * ‘e ,M. l',f ..d n d itïn a " 'ï.." mmi.HÏé Vhë L»«'t '" ’V «'"■ K«c ™ 'rl» purtenance* thereto belonging or in 12-6 of ele«',ing one director for three years an,j aitqgie in W ashington Coun- Aloha m a ll: III. 1. Ileaverton. I hi..... anywise app ertaining. an«i to hear the reeding of the clerk s Oregon, and m ore p artic u la rly de­ I l t f W ill and Testam ent of Tekla 8cheekla. | B««a verton 061H. 1 to satisfy the hereinbefore name«, sum* N O T IC R TO C R E D IT O R S «leeeased. ami con firm ing the appointment In the C«»unty Court «»f the State of O re- .a n d for the cost and expenses of »ale annual re(H»r, and the transaction of »cribe«! as follows, t o - w lt : business usual at such meeting. Commencing at the Southwest corner of John Hcheckla as Executor of the Last I P IG S gon. f«»r W ashington County. and said w rit. In districts of the second and third of Section 3 in Tow nship 2 South W ill ami Testament of Tekla S chw kla, In the M a tte r of the Batate of M Sai«l sale w ill he made subject to re- classes the ballots shall not be counted One brood sow II N C. FO R S A L E Range I West of the W illam e tte decenaed. and tha, said John Seherkla has | | demption as per statute o f Oreg«»n. K um m er. 2 miles west of Hillsboro on P h illip *. Deceased. u n til one hour a fte r the tim e set fo r the M eridian ; thence N o rth 32 rods ; duty Executor. Notice is n hereby that um ier- Dated Hiliaboro. Oregon, this Slst m eeting to begin. U n til the coun, begins, " «inalified ........ as such .. , i ..... n o n c e is e r e o y k given iv o i » i «"« the ««««• «•■<>■’ ■ t inti«'«» a, hi highway. Phone 1996. thence East 50 ro d s . thence South Now therefore all persons h" ' * " * « i signed has been duly confirmed hy the (|H>. ,,f May, 1935. W E A N , IN C pigs f«»r 5-year- any legal voters of the district shall be against »aid Estate are hereby notified I 32 r«»ds ; thence W est 50 r«»ds. to the above entitle«, court a* Executor of the J W. C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ entitle«, to vote upon any business before .dd freah Holstein cow H. L. place of fa g in n in g , containing 10 ami required to present them w ith the and Testament of said de- j ton County. Oregon El««y«l D M«»>re. A t- i mile» «outh M in te r bridge. I«»f proper vouchera to the underslgne.1 a, La», W ill the meeting. acres, in W ashington County. State of «'eased, ami has duly qualified a* such: j ,«»rney for P la in tiff, 515 R ailw ay F.x- j SlX-w eekh-old pigs fo r sal«’. H a rry H a n ­ his Oregon. Date«! this 2 9 ,h day of May. 1936. resilience about tw o and one-half Now . therefore, all person* having claims change. Portland, Oregon. 16-29 . sen, Box 377. Rt. 2. Portland. Phone mil«.» south of T ig ard . Oregon, o r at against »aid estate are hereby notified \k P. C A D Y . C hairm an Board of Direc­ to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums H illsboro I4 E X . 10 tlm law office of Thos H Tongue J r.. In and r«*(uire«l to present the same, together | tors. A tte s t: H. R M organ. District and fo r the coat and expenses of sale SUM M O NS and said w rit. th«' Commercial Bha’k in the C ity of W E A N L IN G pigs. 4 heifers, 1 / ” »»«« w ith proper vouchers therefor. ,o^ the | Clerk. K * n<* In the C ircuit C«»ur, of the Slate of O re- Said sale w il, f a made subject to re­ Hillsboro. Oregon, . six months tim bull. and Jersey H. II undersigned the ih law office m ill, Guernsey « lu e r n s e y «••««i .■«-■»«j ■■ ||illsli« > ro . «»reg«m « w n ithin u«I.D H O R S E S W A N T E D T M acKay. D efendant: o f H r.m o US' H Tongue Jr.. I W ill and Testam ent o f said deceased. E To In John tf A ttorney fo r P la in tiff. fog feed. Argus I Seh«*ekla. decease,! Th«» the Nam e «»f the State of Oregon h a p p e n i n g at * home. Cheap «3d home* for 18-29 I J M cA lear. A ttorney fo r Executor. ,2-6 16-28p 1 A ttorney for Executor. 2814. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S n the County Court of the State of O re­ gon, fo r W aahlngton County. n the M a tte r of the f a ta te of Jen nie r~ Adam». Deeeneed. Notice 1» hereby given, that the under- igned ha» been duly confirmed by the entitled court a» Executor of the al * La»t W ill and Testam ent of »aid de­ ceased. and ha» duly qualified a» »uch : Now. therefore. all persona having . claim « against «aid aetata are hereby 'n o tifie d and required to present the»am e. ' together w ith proper voucher» th erefor, to the undersigned at the law office of K J M cAlear in the F',r»t N a tio n al Bank . Building. in Hillsboro. Oregon. w ith in ! tix month» from the date hereof. I »ate« I thi» ¿Hth day of M ay. 1935. FRFU, L B E A C H . Executor o f the J I^a.t W il, and Testam ent of »aid De- cra»r«i F. J M cA leer. A ttorney fo r Ex- ____ 18-9 eeut< 1, Healtl, AI>E-MI Funeral Home K U R A T L I & W ISM ER u- We buy Mini well used cars. — Used Car Exchange. 4 8tf 11. C. Legal Notices Donelson & Sewell Phone 953 rUKL : H iliaboro MILK DRINKERS M ilk is the one food-bever­ age w hich builds strength and v ita lity . I t is as essential th a t adults d rin k tw o to fo u r glasses d a ily , as it is th a t c h ild re n do so. O rd e r by Phone 2104. 10c McFall Jersey Dairy TAKING A TRIP? - - - Be sure to take plenty o f Film s. Money back fo r a ll you d on’t use. A REAL TREAT - - - Jum bo Ice Cream Sodas— T hey're delicious ................. 15c PALM DRUG STORE If You Want a Building th a t is an asset and not a lia b ility you w a n t to use Concrete. 25. Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tile Co. __________ __ 228 *•". ..................... .. I