Page Ten I l derson's Jew elry Store, Howe's Shop. Oakes Grocery. Damage Action I ' Clothing Service Garage. Used Car E x­ change. Venetian Theatre. Clem's Palm Drug Store. Koval Filed in Court Place, Soda Works, Perfection Bakery, & Lj 1~J I New House Started miinufiiettired from either wood o ri in,, refuse from the cannery, accord- -ri», Strike Pickets ing to the plan. I ■«••• < • I I In Ordered Awav / I Scout Financial f e s W iV 'ï '• j Home Laundry, Lentz Auto Parts, ! Harms A Brock Garage. Dr. J. O. M an y M o to r ists D ra w F in es Robb, Douglass Radio Service. S Second Bombing in County , W. Melhuish. Pickens' Blacksmith tC’o n t i i h h s I fru it* (ing« o n « ) T r a ffic L aw C h a r g e s Occurs nt Rock C reek [ Shop, J. W. Copeland Yard, Bailey's will b e all e n c o u r a g e m e n t a n d not Service Station. Bailey's H o m e a n u n p le a s a n t ta s k W e h u v e d e f Damages totaling $5000 are sought Made Ice Cream. Millie's Beauty- Sawmill strike pickets at the in­ in ile o b je c tiv e s to a c h ie v e d in in g in a suit filed Friday by Joseph Salon. Wilma's Place, MacKenzte o rk tersection of the Tuulutin highway ; th e y e a r In th is Boy , S e o u l w ____ Motor Company. Wiley s Grocery. Ollin against Carlson & Sherk and the spur track to Stimson mill a,,d Wl* must not be hunipered by ' Hillsboro Pharmacy. Delta Drug company of Sherwood. The plain­ were dispersed shortly before 9 inadequate finances We wish to tiff alleges in his complaint that Store, Hillsboro C a s h Grocery. o'clock W ednesday morning by do it one day ami then forget he suffered injuries to his right Smith's G rocery. Blue Eagle Cafe. Sheriff J W Connell and his dep about it for the year and run seout- arm , side and back as a result of Im perial Cafe, Fred's Superior Mar - uties. O rder to abandon the picket *” 6 an accident betw een his car and | het. Fir Grove Dairy. Tom Sholes was given for alleged violations of "We feel there Is nothing in the one owned by the Sherwood com- Garage. Ihle s Shoe Store, Portland strikers' agreem ent regarding the comm unity that is doing m ore to pany at the intersection of the C i-1 G eneral Electric Company, Cos- num ber of pie le ts to be allowed. Influence character and good citi- pole and Sherw ood-Tualatin roads lett s Bar-B-Q. M eltebeke Electric A num ber of ears of lum ber w ere z’*n»hip Ilian Boy Scouting.’* stated on April 15. Shop. Cady Motor Company, and moved out from the mill shortly Halph Easter, chairm an of the dis- after tlie pickets had disbanded. trtet committee, yesterday "Those Drive against motorists who fa il-! •'r8us- _ ____ Work at the mill was continued who are active in the work are ed to observe highway slop s ig n s . under the Mine « ag e agreem ent convinced that il produces results in Forest Grove last week netted This colonial house is now under construction on East Lincoln street as " lie n the men went back to have more Ihan 30 men d o in g five violators. E. C Bisbey and Hugh L. Weik of Portland. Lee for Mr and Mrs. Paul L. 1’atterson The interior is designed in the work over two weeks ago scout work in this comm unity and M arshall and R. N. Baker of For- j simple colonial m anner The house contains four bedrooms, dining. Second bombing lo occur in o v e r KM) boys Noin of these men living and breakfast rooms, and kitchen The living room opens on to W ashington county w ithin a month receive anything for this lint Hie est Grove, and John Jackson of (C o,,i„u«d t o m w . <>■>.< a brick terrace at a flow er-bordered lawn panel took place curly on the morning satisfaction of d o i n g something Hillsboro w ere summoned before j of F at— Mrs. Williams. "Daisy.** —— b — of Memorial Duy at the store and w orthw hile for these youngsters " the local justice of the peace and purebred Jersey. 1193. 69J; Connell »n— 1.1.1. vn.k o i. .. ,, . shop owned by Willium Fuegv at ------------------- —__ fined $5 and costs each. Brothers of Hillsboro. "Number 18." W iley. Rock I reck, according to a b e- NOTH k of BOND REDEMPTION Robert C. Brown of Hillsboro purebred Jersey. 1928. 67.4; Hagg Seventh A M eri FU hbeck. Jeen Ann hl ted report filed w ith the sheriff Notice »• hereby given, (hat pursuant and J W. H artram pf of Forest & Sons. "Bell 13." grade Jersey. Monduv Local authorities believed ' H i l l " " NlK 10- ’ “f ,h” Grove plead guilty to charges of 1119. 68; Hagg & Sons, 'Bell 11." Seventh B Lu c ille W alter«. Jacqueline t i u , in c id e n t to b o tu tit .if t Htlhhoro, O reit.m , the C ity ..f |(llli»hor<> .wirt of . . recent Walter«, Phylli» Johnston, Phylli« A mac h- T e n ! >,.-..1, ............. '•" " *> lug honda on the speeding w ith trucks and w ere grade Jersey, 1021. 64.3; Mrs W il-' trouble betw ene brew ery p l a n t (Continued from page one» foilow itnr ii«t««. t«»-wit er, Eleanor Bk«*k. Lo rre«n May fined $5 and costs. The fine was liams. "Blue Bell." purebred Jer- company O ther firms bidding on E ig h th B2 Evelyn C lark. w orkers and the team sters’ union 1 Smith Hrv«nth Str««t Matailam suspended in the case of Hartram pf. sey, 1302, 61 2; B urkhalter. "Num-i Im provem ent Hutut». ilate«i Evt>ru«ry th B — L a V o n Berggren,. Evviyn The bomb was tossed betw een Earl R. Anderson of Cornelius ber 25,” grade Jersey 1007. 58 4; these articles included the A m eri­ H a E w ig o h rth 5. 1921». nuiul>ere«t 2 to ft. Itu lu .ive. . M ary M anley. M ary Elli w vi w i i i (.*ai ijr , i Munnell iiu iiliv il* »» ,. *«»v j ¡stow »« v i » »««m Il'M lll | I j| can i R t u ubber company. Mnrt- pie and -vtivsp shop Mt nt » about was fined $2 and costs last week Hagg A Sons. "Fish 6," grade Je r- vu«i are cm lieti fo r redemption A im iis t 5 Sherill company. E ureka Fire Hose ¡‘¿ 4 ku L p p .U An" iCteri. UuUie ,n M a-V 30 b u t n o d a m a g e w a s d o n e ItfSft. on a charge of having no m uffler sey, 1122. 58.3. Louise Ko««n»an. Ehn. i Krannen l o the building Fuegv told investi 2 Street Im provem ent lloioi«, Serie« on his car. while George S. Zim­ Three-year-olds m aking 40 pounds company and Sanderson Supply «en. IV26. «iated Ju ly |, (u fe , numbeteti Margaret Savage. Buddy l.oren gating officers that he heard four merm an of Yamhill plead guilty to of fat—Richard Hagg of Reedville. company. The latter firm was given Brvnleewe. 12 to .1.1, incluatve, are ealled f»>r re­ IH’lbert I ’ rew». Teddy G ardner. cars driving away from the build­ an order for 12 safety helm ets to a charge of having im proper lights F dem ption July I. Itfjft. l’aul H ickenlooper. George Twugawa, J u n ­ ^ r JerS“M !1|!>9' ' jq 1-'- Protect firem en from falling beams ior ing shortly before the bomb e x ­ Pauli. V ivian Bump. and paid a fine of $5 and costs. •1 Street Improvem ent Bond«. Seite« F ir Grove Dairy. Num ber 49. and bricks d u n fires ploded. His wife reported that a B I'.*2«i. d a te ti Ner I . H»2i>. nom E ig h th A Glen Power«. D a vid W iley Jack Haston of Portland, arrested P r TGrOVe Amendment to the “firecracker" "......... _ ! M ary Ann G arth o fn e r. D o rothy K u ra tli. week earlier she had received u beretl ft to l l. In clu a tv e. a re calied fo r May 25 on a drunken driving charge r w redemption November I, - ' 4 '. ordinance authorized the city coun- Beulah Shephard. w arning that the place was in following an auto accident at Aloha, Peer I. IttSft. an. H enry H u n t. L o rn a McLeod, ix'currcd at the Botvin M arket in 30 days in the county jail. His op­ Hagg & Sons. "Bell 14." grade J e r ­ park or the fire zone to the person Sherm B. Concret» Street Im provem ent Beverly W eil. W illia m G ettle. E a rl Pear- Tigard May 12. erator's license was also revoked. sey. 1085. 60.7; Mulloy. "Babe." or persons managing the Fourth Bond«. Serie« IM > . dated O, u d iri 14. of Ju ly celebration or th eir agents, j #on* Alvin Wilson of Si. Johns, berry Lew E. Cornell of Huber was purebred Guernsey. 1314. 604. IW H . nit iii I h * reti | to |7 , n,clu«ive. Sales will not be perm itted w ithin picker in the Bunks fields, was called for redemption ()etoh»r I ft. bound over to the grand ju ry Mon­ Two-year-olds m aking over 35 50 feet of any budding and "spit- «. .Macadam Street Im provem ent ; bound over to the grand ju ry Fri- day following arraignm ent before pounds of fat—Hagg \ Sons. "Judy devils." "cherry bombs." and sky- t O W t r r ^ ia il Bond«. Serie« D»2*. dateti June I. 1929 ! day on a larceny charge follow­ Donald T. Templeton, county judge, numbered I to 16. inclusive, are railed 6 / grade Jersey, 1026, 59.5; Hagg rockets may not be sold, according ing a prelim inary hearing before on an assault and battery charge. fo r redem ption December I. lUJft Si Sons, "Ash 5," grade Jersey. 10- to the ordinance. Following the Donald T Templeton, county judge. 7 S ixth Street Supplem rntai Street Two Banks residents w e r e 82, 58.4; C. Earl Stretcher of Beav- passage of the am endm ent, t h e I Wilson was alleged to have been Im provem ent itomi I ‘»29. dateti M a r c h brought into the local justice of (ContinutM f r o « page ono) "82 Stella." »» grade Guernsey, council designated the 1. 1930. numbered I only, ia cm lieti H illsboro; of * dmhill and J. W. M cArthur. involved in the theft of a tent. His m m ao r» — ------------ 1 **• peace court Wednesday for traffic erton. fo r redemption September I. |»3ft law violations. F. W. S hearer plead 1U9. 48.,; Connell Bros.. Num ber Fire D epartm ent, Inc., as the or- superintendent of the Eugene mu- companion was rem anded to the 6. Street Im p ro tem en t Bond«. Serie« 15. purebred Holstein. 13,0. 47.9; ganization to w hich the right to nicipal power svstem , juvenile court. IM O . dateti September I. 1931. num - guilty to a charge of having no HdOCf Qnnc “T rv -v lzx F , IO" en » r.< 4 .-> ...11 .......IJ ...... . , r r J bered I to U , Ineluaive. «re called W illiam J. Fitzlaff of Portland clearance lights on his truck and Hagg & Sons. "Im leh 18." grade sell firew orks w ould be granted G. W. Thiessen of viacxam as routc 8 and Lydia j ohnsOn Saun- for redemption September 1. 193ft received a suspended fine of $10 Jersey, 871, 45.1; Hagg & Sons, for 1935. | county was elected as chairm an of 9 W rat W Mahltiu top S t r e e t In , That conversations w ith th e O re -[ the '" t tem e m porary ^ r a r T '“ organization « n h '.“ ™ “"e°4 ders of P ortland were arrested by and costs. Dorman M. Moehnke “B eulah 7. " grade Jersey. 1097. 43.8; and provement Bond. Serie« 19.12. dated named secre secre- county authorities Friday and book- j M arch 1, 1933, numltered I to M, in­ was fined $5 and costs for failure s e v 8756 S43 1 H a g g * S o^s^"M ^sh g°n ' W ash>ngton W ater Service com- John i O O. Bozart Bozart was was named .56. 43.1, Hagg * Sons. Mush tarv directors, c con- clusive. are ca lieti for to have a m uffler on his m otor­ sey. irrade realem pt in it Jersey” 82? 42 7 ---- “ * > pany pany officials oniciais Indicated m aicatea th tn at at the th e lta ry . The The board board of of directors, o n -. e d . . . . 1‘in „ morals . , . charges ,, September 1, 193ft. utlUtv w ould not n e t consider ^ d « * a « com- e ™ . sisting of * chairm chairmen „ , „ utility en of the various A1,e«ed to have stolen cycle. Anrw f “ r n C ounty. t)re « ..n . have Stevenson th at a portion of the Sewell, Emma E. Heaton. William Resolution to the effect that dele- night ’ r‘,*1 w,th th* •s**^«»,y of s ta te the stree' lights in the city be turned Pechin, W. D. Smith. Joseph R. off during the sum m er m onths was ^ o u n t ^ a n d " ChaI*” L Johnson Canby " 7 3 5 ^ 0 1?*"" McDonald and Benjam in Ander ----------- - «... th e council. ------- -------------- | t i \ e counties and urge im m ediate arrested by county authorities Mon- whkh i». son. G uardianship orders w ere is­ steps for organization of power day on a charge of operating a car •»■•ad. n l m , p lw . « w h in .„<1 all »sairy sued for Jennie E. Adams a n d McGee, city m anager, reported th at d is tr ic ts w a s a d o n te d A n n t h « Tn‘* .•“ k « y with th«, „» Raleigh 4-H garden club plans to sim ilar action last y ear resulted in iution 'piaced “the' m eeting on rec­ with switched license plates. Clarence L. Stevens. Theft of a sedan from his garage .•“,d. by the en ter a float in the Rose Festival a savings of approxim ately one- . P . ® under the nani» ut P E H F E l’T IO N ord as endorsing the G range Pow er Saturday evening was reported to bakery parade. This is the first tim e that third to th e city. if sponsored again this year ■ , he sheriff by E G Beauman of D ate o f fin t publication June 6. 193.» a Washington county 4-H club has Notice from the county dog con- bill W ashington county was repre- Forest Grove route 1 D ate o f la«t publication June 27, 1916 sponsored an entry in the festival, trol board in regard to cancella- sented by the following delegation t Signet» L Y C O N G D O N Lew E Cornell of H uber was a r ­ tS ig n e d » J. H. C O E ¡».y Club m em bers and th eir leader, tion of the city's contract to collect Dr J. O. Robb, Hillsboro; Mrs. rested Saturday on an assault and Jam es S, Rose, of Beaverton de- dog license fees was presented by Mary L. Roberts. Forest Grove. A. battery charge. Cornell's wife was NOTICI "i » 1 1 Rll » \i » (Continued from pa»e one» cided th at a float entered in the the city attorney. Councilmen in ­ Notice 1» hereby »tven that by virtu e Miss M argaret Greenwald of Beav­ festival parade would be a fine ad- structed the attorney to contest the E Wilson and E. O. Zimmerman, the complaining witness. an attachm ent execution and order Theft of tools from his car at of erton by the Washington county vertism ent for Washington county cancellation on the ground th at the Beaverton; Ernest Lehman. Cedar < f »ale laauei out of and under the »eal T^u1' <- un" in6ham. Sherwood; Balm G rove S aturday evening was Moose lodge. club work. With this in mind they city had made a diligent canvass of John Nyberg, T ualatin, B I atton. reported by George Riggle of Bux- of the C ircu it Court of tli» S tate of O re ­ Final plans for the Goddess of sponsored a program and raised the town in collecting the licenses. C herry Grove; L. L. gon, fo r W a«htngton County, on the .'»th Crawford. ,on »lay of June. 193ft. uptm a Judgment L iberty ball on the evening of sufficient money to make the en- Action on th e park dedication ' Manning. Shady Brook rendered and entered in »aid Court on Ju ly 3 and for th e selection of the try ordinance was deferred. »he 13th »lay of M $y. 1936. m a cause A pproxim ately 150 persons a t­ Rotarians to H e a r T a lk lucky girl on Ju n e 29 will be made Members of the club are busily therein pending in which D Shaw wna ! tended the conference held in the p la in tiff, and G. F Shaw wa« defend- ' Friday evening by the comm ittee engaged in the preparation of their J local circuit court room. Ind u strial Alcohol Plan ant, in favor of p ljm t i f and agatnat the representing the Hillsboro Business f ljit. the definRe plans of which in the -um o f ft! 4a 17 and Details of a proposal to establish defendant & Professional Women s club, spon- are being held as a surprise Mem- the fu rth e r >unt o f I7A a tto rn e y '» fee-, soring organization. bers of the cIub are: Jean Moltz- an industrial alcohol plant in H ills­ am i fo r hi» cuata and d ia b u rie m rn t4 in boro will be outlined at the Rotary »aid action taxed at 142 26. and <*om- O ther events, such as th e free ner. p auj Georges. K enneth Holm- (Continued from pap« one) club this noon «Thursday) by A. m anding me to make aale of nil of the baseball games old-time fiddlers Iund, Fred Zw ahlem. Billy West, rig h t, title and interest of the defendant 1 co n test fireworks, - — Sard - - - steudler. Dick _ Randall. Tom B. Forrester, chemical engineer conxiating contest, firew orks, races, etc., are V iJ® street. Classes of an undivided one-*eventh in- i from Portland. Alcohol would be being whipped into shape by com- Ward H E G ilb e r t J r W1U h eId f o r tw o m o n th s, terewt in real property in VS.. hm gton (Continued from pape one» is as fol­ The aw m ittees in charge. Every effort is ’ ’ * List t . m of the graduates $- County. Oregon, p a rti, ularly dr-< rt'.e d a« 1 ards w ere made this year lows: follow», t o - w l t : being made to make the coming for the first time. Births Lot« o r tracta numliered 142. 143, Evelyn C lark, L a V e rn e Du ley. V ir » in ia event one of the most outstanding Optimism and encouragem ent as 14ft and 1&2 of Beaverton-Heedville I V anderzanden—To Mr. and Mrs G arnpus, Jun e G iffo rd . N o rm a H am m er, to date. W A N T E D at Once The best h<0-1800 lb«.. 3-y«ar- the rig h t, title and interest which the I G ardner. A lb e rt G illette, Paul H icken- Reed of the Methodist church. Pre- olda to «month mouth« ; m any well w ith in named defendant bail on the 31 at »lay o f J an u ary. 193ft. or han acquired I looper. Bud Knapp, ju n io r P a u li. Kim er ceding the commencement address, matched team« and »ingle hone«, fo r Rollins. Georae T iu g a w a , F ra n k V u y l- the school chorus sang “God Touch- i fa rm , orchard or heavy d r a ft work. Buddy wTxJd W U ey' E ’ eljr" *nd ed the R o se" O ther musical num- They w ill be »old on 3 «lay«' tr ia l, if not a« repre«ented. to he returned Students reported on the honor “ cl“ded a. uvoca‘ “ J 0* "Would We salute you and con­ »am» condition a» bought and money roll for the last six week period God 1 Were the Tender Apple w ill be returned. F o r « redit «ee your gratulate Hillsboro high were: | Blossoms.” by Wilma Marie Schaus own local banker. N o hone« «old pri David Hill School and "Blue and Gold O verture1 by vate on »ale day You can alw aya de­ on the splendid class Just received 300 T h ird B -N a id a Fish back, Donald David- t h e band. pend on a good auction at The In te r- «on. G ail Kohlm eyer, Douglaa Jun »nickel. P v h ib i » ^xf »tate Stablm “ Sunbonnette” of 1935. Don M orriaon, F rits i» piapp. Buddy E x h i b i t of m anual training pro- CLY de W W O O D A BROS, Auctioneer» W olfe. jects and of model farm buildings F o r «ale dat SPORT H A TS phone 614 Vancouver. T w o B Lynn H a ll. Bob M orriaon. N o r- constructed by the Hilhi 4-H build- 1 — _ — Colors red, blue, green, R * ,'° u A llene A m .r h e r , Corinne ers* club was shown in the school > ■ ■ «■ ■ ■ $ yellow and white. The 'icifth B—Junior ri»Upp. shop before and after the gradua- As high school grad­ WE KNO W Sixth A — A deibert H o ffn e r. Jack Ken- , i o n program. Equipm ent used in Modern Miss Hat that’s nelly, R,djert Bailey. ( classes was dem onstrated by stu- uates you are just leav­ FoorthB Patricia Kroever. Pat«y M« dents under the direction of Maurice Connell, B arb ara Shaw. V io la T ay lo r. j x» R om ip in e tn ic tn r ing the kindergarten Ja n io r H iirb Sehool rtomig, instructor. Drive Launched Production ReCOrds Set by Dairy Herds Hearing Scheduled on Zoning Program Pl -in Discussed Locally »«hl in ani| io «ahi real prop or any portion ih n of, Io •n lla fy k itu i hm. Juilunnutl. • nU r. Intere»!, nuil ftrrrum l coala, a thl toil«« lo he • tlbjevl to rm lnti|i(hilt pci Ih e « la ttili . . ( 4 . Datesi (hl «Uh >I h » of June. 193ft J u conni * 1.1 s h e riff . tt .iiih iiiii (on County. (iraifoii E J m A le n Al lorney for P la in tiff 16-20 C A L L FOR HihM Tit. Hoard of D lrectoi « of S«'h««d III« . I trict N \\ ««hillut. n County, a«k« for hi.l« >n tim e I« to he baue«! ’ l- I Hi«' natruction of a •ch«a>l gym naai- uni in i i'ordance w ith foie Iahen at a «pe. ial •h«»ol meeting held M .is I7O». 193ft Sealed Iddi w ill be »«*« elve« I by t he I b lM lil.t t'le ik o tief« July I. 193ft Ih . e W arrants w ill lo ia l the aunt «»f »»>►<■ IM» of Which w ill fall due in Itt.iii. and 9 b i l l t ilt ,.a,h yrrtr (here­ a fte r u n til (he aunt of lailRM Hl ha. tieen paid. I'he«e w arra n ts w ill be issued in the aum a o f $ too no o r | | 00 B, lh t. option of bidder The rem aining llu ttttti w ill ru|| due in 194.1 A ll w a rra n t, w ill ’»ear in te re .l at the ta le of <*• . . payabl. i Large Grade ClaSS Ends Work Friday High School Class Graduated Friday Too Late to Classify 0 í)l.^ra*^e, the hlKh To Our Graduates USED CARS Bought and Sold 1930 Ford Fordor Town Sedan 1929 Ford Fordor Town Sedan 192K Pontiac Deluxe Sedan 192H Essex Sedan 1927 Oldam obile Sedan E veryth in g in In su ran re 1927 Star Touring Ph« nei 111? IV a a I i ington I ♦ 1929 Ford T ru ck Dodge Touring 1927 Ford Pickup DR. R. J. N IC O L 1927 Ford Touring Buick Pickup D R. E. W . A I.M Q U IS T V eterin arian » RUSH LOW Agent for T rlephane 843 and 842 Pai ge A n o th e r C arload d W ILLYS. J u st re ce ved See them before you buy Scav« ngers. Water Hyucinth, Water Lettuce, Floating Blunts Visitors welcome IIA R K 1 and G raha W illva G O L D F IS H Hlc and up G rah am -P aig e S -d an $849 D elivered H ere W illy * 4-door Sedan $579 D elivered H ere MOKUAN Ilills lx .r o 234 E Jackson St. SAXTON A LOONEY Producer« of Quality Gaa - O il - Accessories S A N D and G R A V E L Used Car Exchange Blunt located 4 miles north of FVir- est Grove on Gales Creek Bbonr 2nd and W ash. 1609R Phone 2641 Powers Grocery M A IN S T R E E T P H O N E 81 Prompt Service . . . Raleigh Club Plans Rose Festival Float «pp^ved by Happy Days Events Attract Interest annually Bida m ay he mmAe f o r l l t t t i i H i or for (he en tire «uni of | * *"U O il T h e Nchi«d ll-atid tenervi*« the rU 'hi of reject any or ail bida Itiil« w ill l»e opened at the icu u lar m onthly raeedutf of the Board at the Durham S