Page Seven H I L E S BO K O , O R E G O N Thursday, M ay 30, 1035 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S In tb« County Court of 'b e Htat« of Ore «on for W aahlnglnh County In (be M atter of tha M l« » « «»f C b arlott If ■ iti-h la o li. h c e u a e d . Notice 1« hereby »Ivan I bat I be under* alynaal baa been by the above above e n ­ W rd... mlay M oniini . titled .o u rt duly appointed adm lnlatra- t..r of Ibe ««tale of < h arl'd t llutcblaoU. W ANTED Poultry of »II kind«. W rit«, deceased, and haa duly qualified a« au< b w ill call, or brin » Friday. Kat urda y or ad m in is trato r. A li persona bavin» claim« against «aid Monday l»af«»r« noun P ortland p rir*» I II Harden, (tornallua. 4t»lf eatalc are hereby required to present the same Io me. w ith proper voucher«. at my D U D L E Y ’S I .a» horn • hick«, Ui« beat you ■ an buy. H i» bodlad bird« laying large realdem e < om eliu«, Oreiron, Route I. or at Ibe law office of M II Hump In w hile HU P A ll prialured on our own farn i Malea fro m high prall«read dama lflllalH .ro, Oregon, w ith in ala m onth- from <>f yiaal generali«»!» hr «aal ln« Il W' D j the data hareof Dale«! and Urat publlabed M ay 16, 1935. tea'e.1 The bulk of our orders from old Leat pub lbation June 13, 1635 cuatomer» May chirk«. 66 6« per lot». I',» In f»«O lota Day old pulleta, • !'» H I-.N ItY J H U K H IM O N . A d m iniatra- per lot). 616 In 2ft'» Iola I ’aul Dudley. toi of the F -lal«- of ( bar loit Hut« blaon, Aloha m a ll: Kt. I . Beaverton. I ’ h« deceaaed M II Hump. Bealdence and I I l f ttdd rc»., D iegon. A tto rn ey for 11. a« verton 001» aal.l adm lulatrator and «wlate Classified Advertising Cta-U fled ( m a . < low a t '« A MKADV M U H W T W ITH B IO KKHVLTM AT LITTUC COHT nm tnaertlon. per word (N u eerelee *«■* than IB«) La«h additional I a e ar i l o a. w«»r«l Kaadars, par lln« |N u earvlna la«« pe» 1« „ (N<> «arvUa !«*• tha» 10« th«»i M«» Count W ord« Hand M«»«ay Count Your Profit« K«a4ing« i ^ah eec«>otpeny »ha «»der. «hould Hot 15. Black F»oa agli lad. par­ luuni A N N O IN t TM KNTN I.V F R Y B O D Y kno w - that ‘»‘»r f a r fact ¡I.u« W h ile Diam ond« are prlead «»war than »»«al jeweler« prtee hnperfart atone» Anderm .n« Jew elry store. NO l'K K I w ill d l x responsible for t.illa contra, tail In ••»> "« •’»• by Albert PlndrM, lluoka. Itt 1 al.r •». auc t io n halkh I’ IG N W elch, I Ion. Telepb- 16-6 I ..-.I E L E V E N weanling pig« for «ale iBp Muhly aouth ««f Cornellua W E A N I.IN H Pl««. 4 heifers, II bull, tiuernaey «m l Jersey la r e y , near N o rth 1‘ laln«. Tel»pb«»ne l6-7p 2E I4. fe e t Out o f falrnasa U» a ll n« tn fur ma­ llon on tha elaa«itte«l P»«a b« «Ivan out u n til lb« paper » I SO W w ith a o u lb 6 pi»«. N e w to n F w « ta t 2».F2I 211. IIOK-HKN le or tra d e . 2 ad- < n r . a i * horse fo W Haughman. (>r- juatabli » collars ____ IBP IH .A t ’K m ate colt. I years. 2 unbroken horses . also 2 farm horses for sale 12 miles northeast of ll.ll* K p rln g v llle road, ’ r-m lle east saw m ill, Ito turn le ft, second house, Hethan 1 K i l t K A LI- Hay m are ||0 0 lbs. 2 year N orth ling heifers Mrs. (,. A. I ’tsle I l «.i- ' Plain». borse«. | l-'Olt M A L E New shipm ent of w ill tra .le 126 to lin n D airy A H Eischen. (Jaston. I6p E d it K A L I llelgium - Per. heron mare, weight 1600. age 6 years. Park T a y ­ harm ing tun lor. ID . 4. KherwiH«] . 16 road, » t Jacktown O L D IIO IIH E K W A N T E D Highest p rtie paid 146 N F -u r th aven­ ue Phone H3IY 6»f HOlCMKM for sale, weight I2'»n to 1700 pound». G uaranteed a ■ represented. ( ||ora«a l»ought, sold and ««changed E W. W aleh 16(X) feet south of New ' ton station. Phone liillah o ro 261**21. 7 lf S O T K E DE H N A I, A C C O U N T N o lb e ia hereby glveu tbat the um ler- aigne.1 « .Im lu la tra trl* «f the Eatale of 1* E K inner. De. •••■«*!. h«» filed her hln al Ai'i'.iuiit in the CuuntV Court o f the Klate nf Oregon fo r W ashington Cuunty anti tbat the court haa fl«e«l H atur.lay, June IB, 1136. at the hour of • :30 A M a l the County Court House In the Cuunty Cuurt Hoorn at Hillsboro, Oregon, as the tim e and pla« e fo r lu-uring «aid acc o u n t; Now , therefore, all person» Inter- a re hereby notified to appear at «aid tim e and place and make known any ob­ jections they m ay have to the approval of the »aid account. |)al«si this 16th day of May. 1636 ELTA I,. K IN N E R . A d m ln latra tria. H im - 4k Hirns. Attorney» for Estate. 600 H enry Hid»., Portland. Oregon. 13-7 N O T H E TO < K K D IT O K H In the County Court of the Htate «»f O re ­ gon. fo r the t ourity of W ashington Probate D epartm ent. Nut Ire ________ Is bereit y __ given that the under- ______ • i s ....... A l l o r i S , h . . . k l . h a , h a a n a ,.," .,.,.. ! Esca-utor uf t h e «alate of M agdeline D e h » . defeased by the County ( o u r t uf the N O T H E T O < K E D IT O R S In the County C eurt of the S late of O re ­ gon. for W a*bington County If. the M a tte r of the l.aal W ill and Taatament and Estate of A leda <•«*»»’. | Deceaaed Notice la hereby given that the under­ signed. U G l.andeea. baa bean by the county court »»f the Htale of Oregon, for W a«bington <-«Minty, duly appointed executor of the last W ill and Taatam ent of A leda Cobb, »lereaaed. and ha» duly qualified a« «uch A ll person« bavin» claims against »aid eatale are hereby re­ quired Io present the same to me. w ith proper voucher«, at rny residence in Ifill» - Imro, Oregon or at the law o f f l - .- of M It llum p lllllabor«., Oregon, w ithin «la m onth* fro m date hereof Dated and firs t published May 30, 1MB. |.a -t publication June 27, 163ft 11 G L A N D E S S . Executor of the Last W ill and Taatam ent of Aleda Cobb, De- reaaed M It Hump, resilience and ad­ dress. Htll-lH .ro Oregon. A ttorney for said Estate and Rseeuior. 15-6 C IT A T IO N EOK R E M O V A L No. 3676 In the County Court of the H tale of O re ­ gon, fo r the County of W ashington, D epartm ent of Probate In the M a tte r of the » t a l e of C h arity It Co«, D«eea»e«|. it appearing to the ( ’ourt that R«»y Chapm an, ad m in is trato r of the Folate C h arity It C om . d«cea»ed. ha failed, neg­ lected and refused to file herein any accounting of his doing* as such adm in­ istrator, and It fu rth e r appearing to the Court from the petition heretofore filed herein by Maude ( ( briatopb r. sister of said de­ ha. ceased. that >aid 11«.v I,. Chapman purtHMely absen te. I htm -elf from hi- u .,.ai pi«c» uf .la-la and ramcnwi k'"1- - I l i.........I the .a a <,f 'h e H iaie of Largest Class Finishes Work C o n g r e g a tio n a l B r a v e r to n M eet H e ld W r d n e id a y BEAVERTON T he largest class in the history of the B eaverton high school w as g ra d u ated w hen 73 students received diplom as F ri- day evening, w hich w ere presented by Dr. C E M ason, ch airm an of the hoard T orch honors w ere aw arded to six tee n m em bers of th e class The highest n um ber of schol- a stir points was won by Miss Mil- d re d Twohy. O th e r m em bers re - celved honors in athletics, m usic and forensics. T hom as G e n tle of M onm outh gave th e class address. T he u w as filled to capacity Thoi ,mas G entle of M onm outh w as in an autom obile accident n e ar For- eat G rove w hile en ro u te to B eav- erto n F riday evening to ad d ress th e B eaverton high school g ra d u at- -ng cl-. T he c ar in w hich he was - ir lin u utas riding was rliuui11<-rl disabled, Kilt but, h h irtn irin i' g ; a n o th er car. he a rriv e d late and ' flRed his place on the program . ( a rtie .......... - - .............. ‘ | T he p m “ > E " njoys f t’ c P X a . s e ig h th The pupils of the local e ig h th g ra d u atin g class received I« therefore now here ordered tbat g r a ade de 1,. Chapm an ad m in is trato r •f«»- th e ir diplom as T h u rsd ay afternoon. h a a o .i . , , « r " , >h - ' .uri Koon. Am ong the social events for th e id Mrs. T hom as of C orvallis vis- i ited Mr. and Mrs. C laude E slinger ciiit * Hi» »ubject wa» "T he Religioua " iou> I Sunday. S itu atio n in India.'' Sunday e vening v isitors a t the Mr arid Mr». D an l-auro a re be ! I Ernest M arr hom e w ere Mr. anil ing felicitated on th e b irth of a »on Mrs. C liff Sandy. Mr and Mrs. May 23 a t the P o rtlan d san itariu m j M aurice Thom pson. Miss Mninle G arden« O pen Sandy and M ary Sundy of V e r­ T he H ow ard W eed gardens on . C anyon road a re open for publl. N o r th P la in s P ic k s F a c u lty nonia and Mr F rancis Thom pson of P ortland. inspection A pproxim ately 50,000 - M e m b e r fo r V a c a n c y 000 choice Iris' are in bloom m a k ­ ing a b e au tifu l n a tu ra l picture. L ette rs A w arded (B y N o rth P la in , P T A . i T w enty-six B eaverton high school NORTH P L A IN S — Six schools, students w ere aw ard ed letters at an assem bly T hursday. f e i i r i e e n o f nam ely. A rcade, S hady Brook, Hel- BETHANY-CEDAR M ILL N P m em h e , ' . . J a y s o n and w h ith w ent to m e r n bers U .. v of . t ...» . .. school's cham pionship tra c k team . 1 J“ 1” » held a union eighth Johnson, w ho is in the St. V in­ c en t's hospital w ith blood poison­ p B urke, m anager, received one, K,r a nUal i ? g ^ er rat* 3t th e K ' f,ve g if t, an H ila C * ornelius « l left e l ,I, . s n d a y I | A f — ------------------------------------------------- --- Six Schools Hold Program Johnson Recovers front Blood Poison It -a t« • ’ ‘»am« of In te rs tate Ruy Ib.raa and Cow M arket Union Avenue . ( olumbia IBlvd Portland, Tuaadey. ani <>| t h e u n d e r s ig n e d Judge In Ib e I l l y <>f M r .n r t u v I.,,,,, 4 | Ift p in ||>»r«aa Mulaa. Hell ||ill-b o ro . County of W ashington, on the c la s s W3S d s k a t i n g p a r t y M o n d a y arl.Mtd or more •>,«l m ule* . re bon»«« I evening and -a a i w ien .... , • . . ... . _ .. in Y P **a o .■» rtlan < I., a,.! d n o er r 1636, to show H tale <»f Oregon, fur W ashington C ounty. |i,th -a'ua anti single horses, for fa rm , or- notified to present the same, duly verified It 1» fu rth e r ordered that a c«»py of T hursday e vening , barsl or heavy draft work Hc.t b-rse- __ they have been living in O regon ln ,h e H illsboro school next year. Mrs. Ivan Yargus, B elknap, Iowa, as by law required, to the undersigned this O rd er be published in H illsboro A r ­ n , red ihl« season They w ill be Bold — ady • is a d istric t ------ T eacher N am ed ... at Route 1. Ho» i l l T ig ard . Oregon, gus, a rtewnpapt-r of general circulation C ongregationalists M eet C ity Mr. C m an w rites th a t her 20 - y ears suffering ..u i days’ tr ia l »f hot as repre- w ith in «1« month» fro m the date beroof. in the County of W uahington, Htate uf rntad, U» l x returned In ««ma rondl- T he C ongregational club of O re- ager for th e O regon Jo u rn a l, A t a m eeting of th e school board from rheum atic, n euralgia, a n d Dated and fir s t published M ay Wth. Oregon, for two t2 l au«-ceaaive week». t...i. a« bought and money w ill be re- gon m et in th e local B ethel ch u rch last M onday nig h t Miss O live G as- n e u ritis pains has been re m a rk ab ly 1636. D ate of last publication June 6th, Dated this 2»th day of May. 1635. tor tied. Eor credit see yon* own I - al evening. D in n er w as We speciaUze in q u a lity com- ton was elected to fill the vacancy relieved by tak in g W illiam s R. U. I * 31 _ . DONALD I TEM PLETO N. County W ednesday I.a..her. No hor-e- «old p r u a te . .. -a ir A L H E K T H C H E C K I.A . E«ecutor. h r«d J udge served to a bout 135 guests. 90 of m ercia l p rin tin g —A rg u s._____ U caused by th e resignation of M iss X C om pound. In h e r le tte r she I day Wagon« 1 new iron-w heel wagon. . A Allehoff. 612 Mead B u ilding, Portland. w hom w ere from out of tow n. T he -— ■ » - 1 ” C ornelius. ,. -I used. 4 used w anl-w heel wagons. I states she also takes W illiam s S. { Oregon, A ttorney. 12-B CATTLE manure spreader, m owing m arhtne. b a y ) « * N O T IC E OE H A L E OE R E A L speaker of th e evening w as Mr. notice O F sale Mr. and Mrs. Ju liu s S choenberg L. K. F o rm u la to elim in a te the lake, 1-horae - .»nt planter. spring llO l.H T E IN cow for sale Freshen flra t N O T H E OE H A L E O F R E A L E S T A T E PROPERTY Baninga. p resid en t of Um ori T h eo- Notice « beret.» itiyen th»t by «y1“? v isited M rs Sue D avis in P o rtla n d ! cause.—D elta D rug store.—Adv. of m onth E I ’. Llndow . m ile south­ t.M*ib barrow , «ingle »hovel cultivator - -------------- - order, decree .n d licen .e of u l e of . ______________________ : ---------------------------- In the C ircuit Court of the H tate o f O re ­ No. 10622 west of Jacktown Phone Mcholl» 407. You ra a always depend on a gosid auc- gon. for M ultnom ah County In Probate NOTICE TO ( UKDITORS WMh7n^ r t <^unU. ®iiide wd” '« - ' T em ple Visits ti-ui at the In te rs ta te Ktables Clyde D A IR Y rows of all kinds fo r sale or J In the M a tte r o f the Estata o f John In the C ircuit Court o f the Htate of O re ­ W W inm I d H r - A uctioneer. Eor trade A ll double-tested G all Karns. gon, for the County of W ashington. In the County C o urt of the s ta te of O re- herejn on ,he 2»th day of M ay. F rie n d sh ip T em ple P y th ian Sis- K lerm an. Deceased. « a le . la le a . phone u l t Vancouver ( Ire n e . Phot»» 2621 X. Hillsboro I6 tf «,,h for W a,h m »to n County. l»J4, in the m atter of the suardianehlp v is it e d t h e V e r n o n i a T e m n l e Notice la hereby given th at pursuant A A. Schram m , ua Superintendent of tne V ernonia le m p ie Hanks of the Htate of Oregon, P la in ­ In the n a tte r of the Fatale of A lb ert F. of the p ,n „ ,r, , nd estate of Llm er Burch, te r s . Y O U N G ll.dateln COW for sale, freab. T. 1 to an order duly made and entered In the t if f. D e th ief.. I ie c c e d . ¡„com petent person. I w ill from and M ay 22. V isitors w ere M esdam es II and alM.rtlon tested John M atthle- aliove entitled cauae by the above en- C A L L FOR HUIS v«. Notice 1» hereby »iven, th at the under- a fte r , h, 2Sth day of June. IM S , »ell a t M attie JOOS, Rose T ru itt, C ora \ ( n fl p r n g e V ell - TOOm hOU Se 16p titled court on A p ril 26, 1636. the un- id t Sherwood 4 A U - EO R H1DH u , the hiirheet bnMer fo r Re y noJjJs E ugenia C ypher, J a n ie . . . .... . • i„ |e dersigne.1 as ad m in is trato r w ith the w ill E. J M ann and U u r a C. M ann, husband •iened h»» been duly appointed by the p r|»aW for aeal«d b*4- for 16 4u 2« cortla « f 4-fool Y O U NG Jersey row . fresh, Phone above entitled court, a . A d m .n latra to r of c>, h ln hand rea| property in W a»hlng- . R . M G oldie m f i n e C o n d i t i o n , CtlO lCe 1O- N o rth anneaad of «aid eetate, w ill »«Il at p rl- and w ife, record owners. Defendants. K.lner Jeppesen, Huston Di wwsm I. 4 e llv « r « s | t o O re tito acbu»l. lf,i, vate «ale on and a fte r June 7, 1635, at Ily virtu e of an execution, judgm ent the - U U O, . . i d d ec e.,rt,. and h a, du.y u ,n O r « o „ W lo n g in . W - l d in- Plains IF 1 J . must be In by Jun« 17. H tale quality and a fte r ten o’clock A M at hl» of- order, decree and order of sale issued qualified a» »uch. competent person. _ fo r sale. 16 head to flee Ui . i.d price. Hoard reserve» »he rig h t to F I V E fresh Now. therefore, a ll person» haviny claims , r r i|^ d M follows ,to -w it; in
nr> o f the U n ited dBt#d Bnd required to present the same, to- and the South 1.32 acre« of Lot 66. law ful ---------- E o . . lt . HALE. ..eew-.w«___ Fine registered Guernsey ------, hull, payable . in . . ---------- — —------------ ---- - Ul Ll , l h >rr r 22h(J da>. of M ay ly;j5 , upon ________ . .. . ---------- , __________ . . . a ------ «— Mr. and M rs T hor G ronbeck. Johnson Estate Addition to Beaver- 2 Guernsey befferà, 1 2 -month» «nd I State», all of the ri« h t. title and Interest judgm ent and decree rendered and en- I »ether w ith proper voucher» therefor. * • in said court on the 21»t day o f - I • the under»i»ned a - t •*-- ---- of Mr. a n d Mrs. Ed E dw ards of the •— law office» offices ton-Reedville Acreaye. as shown by 3-months-old. fro m clean herd I. E. ..wne«l by the above na m e l decedent John tered 10. WANTKIF—M lacelUneoua Klerm an at the tim e of hl» death. Feb­ May. 1636, in favor of A. A. Hchramm, 1 Hayley 4 the ¿yjy recorded map and plat B anks visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T a y lo r. Hillsboro. Kt 4 Phone 663 H a re in the Eir»t N a tio n a l W A N I’ KD N a m e men - women. 1« - Bu. ru ary 24. 1626. and all the rly h t. title Hillsboro. O r«yon. th ereof; In ------ , a» Superintendent of Hanks of the Htate Hank Buildiny, S choenberg F rid ay evening. tstsbln» steedy governm ent b«ba. Hum­ F IV E cows, all double tested, for sale and interest that the »aid estate by op­ of O re»on. p la in tiff, and ayainst E. J. w ithin six months from the date hereof. ^ ,4 , wjj| be received for said property 1 % m lle a north <»n N o rth Plains road 1314 Mxln Street :r«hewt f « £ 7. McAleir; Attorney M i» E ugenie C ypher and Mrs. mer ««a m inatio n, especie. 1 H ta rt |h»B- Date«! this 13th «lay of M ay. 1685 Phone Hillsbon« 2722 |5-6p eration of law or otherwise, m ay have M ann and l-au ra ('. M ann, husband and • 176 avenlh F u ll particular« «ample “ ¿ . « . Hillsboro, Oregon, fro m and a fte r L ester C ypher left M onday m orn- Hillsboro. Orecen E R N E S T W . D E T H L E E S , A d m in is tra ­ .c u u irw l “ lh»c than o r In *" w , f , . . l. f , n d . n t . , fo r the .urn o f »000.00 T. W ta»te. fre e W rite Imm etilately F ran k - J E R S E Y cow and heifer for »ale ing by auto to visit Mrs. Eva tor of the estate of aaid deceased. the 28th day of June. 1935. M u lllv a n , 4 ^ m ile , north on Helvetia d m th |o and tu ||>e foUowln< described w t h intere.1 .1 l h e r . 1 , of eight I « - , , Im InaU tale, D»Vl 6»lR . Rochester. B A G L E Y h H A R E . Attorneys fo r A d­ L I L L I A N L . M a c D O N A L D . G uardian of W orm ell at A sotin, Wash., and per cent i»er annum fro m the 2Uth day 1 4 I 6p * * lu ta , piece« or parcels of land. t«»-wlt : luta, pier 14-18 the person and Estate o f Elm er Boreh, an ^ i s s M arian C ypher a t Lew iston, of A uyu»t, 1682, and the fu rth e r sum m inistrator. EO R H A LF or Trade I year-old H«»l- N S uf N W *« 8 E k« of N W W % N T U > Wtanl cut on «hares, ra n de­ incompetent person. E. J. M cA lear. A t- - n v , .. person of I26U.OO attorney'« fees, w ith Interest . H. W . % o f 8 Idaho T hey w ill be gone about ■ tein m ilk row, and 3-year-old Jersey *». N S of H. W liver y*»ur »hare R.dand Horne« her. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R « torney fo r G uardian. R. 3 Weal at the rate of six ( 6 % ) per cent per In the County C o urt of the State of , If. Hec 17. T. I N m ilk row In q u ire 116 W M ain Ht IS tf w Ito u le 1. Cornelius . Pum pkin Ittdge te n days. tim ber land : A annum from the l i s t day of May, 1636. M eridian. nW >*-* F R F J ill Guernsey cow». 2 Guernsey bulls. W illam e tte Oreyon, fo r W 'ashinyton County. Picnic Ends School nd the fu rth e r »uni of 1466.00 w ith in - W »4 of Her. 18. T . I 12 an «i 1* 1* m t i t onth»; -n th - sell Of W traet ol land In B. M and aell o r trade 1 W W W W M M beylnnln beyinniny at the tereat at the rate of eiyht (6 % ) per In the M a tte r uf the E state of A n nie A rcade school closed last F rid ay ,1 u n »» W tN T F I) W Wyaa. ym , 6611 H. H W. ^4. Taylor*» T a y lo r’» F Kerry erry road 2 H It 1 M. Im brie, Deceased. 14. 23 24. i . T T. 2 8 R 1 W . l * r annum fro m the 22nd day of IL H R l.r WANTBO P h o n . h r « M lw .y UW7. IZ « p lf H w - 1.1. 1« - ' . " and 4 S R. S. Scott et ux to Jt»sephine Dunn w ith a b asket d in n e r and picnic Notice Is hereby yiven th at the under- fu rth e r sum of i.O O D farm hand wanted Must l«e y-*«d rr . . . . . . . , , . . veal and «hick- W in 7 b It 1 « W. I M .. thence Jan uary. 1633, and the there- confirm ed by the et Bj 10 Bcrw Section 22 T2S B1W on the creek a t th e F ra n k Jo h n so n v ” attorney*« a i i u r u e j ■ f< i « t » w v s ith iin i interest i u n u i IIIV IP - . siyned ha> been duly v ween said 650.00 m ilker te follow m llk ln y "»•cb,h* 'P" y r „. ( a ll 632 and - u r ’ buyer w ill see N ° [J k " A 1!0" ...« P * Bert C. Rue et al to Elm er E. H am ­ on at the rate «>f six ( 6 % ) per cent per above entitled court as Executor of the m ore or hom e. A large crow d attended. m . .. u h W ru. H-. « . nni.im7 ____________________ in f he T u a la - annum fro m the 21st day o f M ay. 1635, Last W ill and Testam ent of said de­ mond et ux, 1.456 acres H icklin D. L . C. Mrs. C arl C h risten e r e n te rta in e d Kt S, J. W Connell ( S h arif f ) to Euyene tin River thence H«»uthea»terly tra cin g and the fu rth e r »um o f SS.86 coats and ceased. and has duly qualified as such . . ___ _ _ . ... 1/1... t ' l.-i Si.iit lies»! «■ r I W A N T IU > Htraw berry picker. about w ith a show er com plim enting Mrs. Now. therefore, all persons having claim - W erner. Lot 26 V irg in ia Place, 29. REAL ESTATE the middle uf the channel «»f »aid riv e r disbursement» w ith interest thereon at June 1 Y. Rat... Kt 1. Rox 2666. a g a in .t said eatate are hereby notified W illia m F. W illings et ux to Cecil J. F ran cis V anLom W ednesday, May F o i l S A L E or Kent Residence a l 246 to the point where »ante intersect» the the rate of six (6*4 > per cent per annum r - r t la a d . Bethany near Treabyterlan and required to present the same, to- H irs t. 74.20 acres Section 18 T 2 N R4W W aln u t Ht . HUIebom. Hix rooms, bath. line between said »ectiuns 13 and 24; from M ay 21. 1636, and the costs of and church. I3-&P w ith proper vouchers therefor. p jr Cornelius et ux to T . B. Ed- 22. aleeping porrh. sun room, fu ll base- thence West along the section lin e l*e- upon thia w rit com m anding me to make get her L eaders E n te rtain the law office wards et ux. Lots 38, 39 and 40 Block M EN warned fur Kawietyh routes in ment. yuod furnace, large lot, l«ds uf tween »aid section» 13 and 24. 44.6 feet. • ale of the follow ing deacribed real prop­ to the undersigned at Miss ua«iiv*«c; B lanche B ritto n v of * » H » illsboro o f Bagley A H are, in the F irs t N a tio n al 13 Garden Tracts Addition to Hillsboro. ¿vu»a a a » *w *v ILlIahert». W rite today Raw let»h ('<» . ■ hrubbery. »hade and w alnut tree* mure or le«» to the place of becinnin». erty. to -w it ; Dept (»K E -»«-H ll O akland. Cal ll- e p Hank building in Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith - j w Connell 1 S h eriff to Fred Stolte an c j Miss H ila ComellUS. leaders of A ll o f Lota 34b and 346, Johnson Ad «Ire«» C II Buchanan. M cM in n v ille, containing 1.06 a«-res m«»re or leaa. Im- M lD D l.E -a « e d woman wanted fur house­ in six months fro m the date et al. part Sections 4 and1 27 T2S R1W - * sew ing clubs, e n te rta in e d th e 16-4 pro ve d ; all In W a»hlngt««n C ounty. O re­ E state A ddition to Heeverton-Reedville Oreyon. Dated th b 23rd day of M ay. 1935. W in n ie H u lbu rt to John H u lb u rt. Lot . . t h o ir r liih « w it h a n ir - work. Nu ubjertion 4« » child M 8. Acreage, according to the recorded tea la gon. H A V I ' aab buyer < 10 t«» 40 A I.B E R T J H A K T K A M P F . Executor of j Bkx.k 3 n n n e y ’s A ddition. Hillsboro. m em bers of th e ir ClUDS With a piC k Rt Said l«ds, pieces or parcel» w ill be sold plat thereof, together w ith the tene­ ell drained. crop, must l»e yt»»d soil, the L a -t W ill and Testam ent of said j w Connell «Sheriff» to W . C. Stum - n i c at M eacham F rid a y afternoon. a» a while o r separately to suit purchas­ ments, hereditam ents and appurte­ R IU on good road, prefer n Det-ea»e«i Bagley A H are. Attorneys fo r 5 ^ ^ el ux< p art Sections 2» and 33 T I N “ Mr. * ' * and • • Mrs. W. H. W ienecke nance» thereunto belonging. W ORK WANTED 1 • Have buyer for 3 to 5 a rra w ith in 3 er» 15-9 R4W’ Executor. For detailed info rm atlo a respecting »aid and fam ily spent Sunday a t B u x ­ Now. therefore, by v irtu e o f said execu­ \ G riffith , 181 ' miles of lllllabor«» F. F M ’ E K IR N C E D farm hand w ants work ----------------------- ------------------------- — ------ j w Connell (S h e r iff) to Albert property, w rite to or consult the under- tion, judgm ent order, decree and order ton w here th ey visited Mr. and 16 H 2nd Avenue. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S S tr e iff et al. part Section» 12 and 36 k . fa rm Kenneth S m ith , care «»f D A. aigixpsl at the alnive given address. of sale and in com pliance w ith the com­ M rs M artin G indhart. In the County Court of the State of O re- T1S rjw . tu tu . R t I . L au re l IB F O R H A L E 46 acre««. k-r«M»m h«»u»e. good Dstaxl this 26th day of A p ril. 1935 mand» of »aid w rit. I w ill, on .Monday gon, for the County of W ashington. j w. Connell I S h e r iff, to Stanley Beard barn, 7 rows, team, all farm machinery. HOUSE. M O V IN G Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard C anton- First published M ay 9. 1935 Last pub- the F irs t day of Ju ly. 163.6, a t 10:04) prlce 65600, m ight consider »m all tract J une 4. 1936 D epartm ent. _ b _____ ux g 54 acre. Section 31 T I N R3W M uviny. rwelllin«. raising , basemanta. Etc. t rooaie urv»»*»'1’ " 1- . . 6 a c r e » ___ and little d a u g h te r of O ak- o'cltM-k A. M . at 'h e east fro n t door of N’..Dcr is hereby given that the under- j w Connell «S h eriff, to Fred Stolte w .’ ’ ine "T lllllalH in* as part down payment •ilny liny 27 >e«rs es per lance In W a»h- J T I ’ A S Q U IL L . A .lm in lstrato r w ith the County Court House in Hillsboro, signed F.. I. K u ra th has been appointed j p ortlBnd Heights No. 2. land. Cal.. \ lSlted a t th e S. A. D F A G riffith . 131 H 2nd Ave 15 the w ill annexe«! of the E state o f John ii,b-'.»n county F L lle w itt, 230 N W ashington County, Oreyon. »ell at pub­ j d m in u t r . « .. o f the « 1 .1 « of J . J. ■ w Conne(, , Sher, f f , to Bert C. M eek hom e Sunday w Am , 11« F I V E r«»«m m.stern homo in Portland, to K iernan. Deceased C«wkln»tham A iu r- lic auction (subject to redem ption), to the f - ° W « h i n . « o n H « « n . L o t. . . n ,i 2 B £ k 2 Subdivi- trade fo r H lll-lH .ro property, or vicinity le y ; R idgw ay. Johnson A K e n d a ll: ™ » m - hhfhw t bidder for cash in hand, all the P (J Box 33. Hillsboro. 13-6 a» G. Greene Attorney» fo r »«»«1 A dm in- rig ht, title and interaat which the w ith ­ C o u n 'l «nJ h - 13. SALK or TRADE— M U rrllaneoua q u .llfi-d . A ll ¡ e r e .n . ,lon 12-6 B ert C. U trato r in named defendants E. J. M ann and n n lX * . t ^ X t - t t H.;,nW LoCu nn n J S» B.rtk Hon, Cub FO R H A L E or Trade ( i s . w ater heater. 66060 Lau ra C. M ann, or eith er thereof had The M acKay property. W ash­ -i-e«l pun rh iny *»ax am i a la n d , »»» FO R H A LF C IT A T IO N erified a* by law required, to the „ un- Truct. eil. »«• -------v ington »ireel near F*lr»t. 66000. Term» In the County Court o f the State of O re­ on the 6th day of M arch. 1929. the date verm ranya »‘bone 472 162 H 6th Ave e n ite a . as oy^ n»nk a . DeFrancq et ux to J. H Davies <»f the firs t m ortgage herein forerl<»»«d 1 dersigned at Com m ercial N a tio n al Bank reasonable A pply M II. Hump, a t­ FO R H A l.K or T rade Guernsey bu ll about gon. for W ashington County. et ux. 1.15 acres. I torney. _____________________ btf r since that date had in and to the w ith in , i l m onth, from the J«le «By W’ ilm a M a r r) In the M a ile r o i the E atate o f M a r t C ity of Forest Grove to Joseph K. Mc­ D .te J »nJ f ir t t puW bheJ M ay 2. t» J j. above «lexcribe«I property, o r any part IDU-lwiee Fhone 113 KANSAS CITY—The s tra w b e r­ Lot 1 Block 42. “ Tomt * Peteraon. Decea«e«l. Date «»f last publication M ay 30. 1635. Cready. p a rt STO V E»—HEATERS thereof, to satisfy said execution, ju d g ­ 31. To Nils Gustaf Nelson. John P erry A trade fo r youn» E. I K U R A T L I. A d m inistratt»r. 11 «o ries a re gettin g rip e fast in th is Grove. ment order and decree, interest. c«»»ts and ,. „ k d o u b le dia» pulveriser, automo- 1 H T C L A IR enameled range for -»ale.*«»n. Am anda Nelaon nee Peter»on. accruing costs. C ity o f T o r « t Grove to w. J. Me- com m unity a n d picking sta rte d for Il L . Eisner. mm _ N O T H E TO C R E D IT O R S bile nr drag saw. James Hewell. Ih»x J I condition - m » — • « G ustaf Peterson. Justus Peter*«»«». Axel C rm J y r t ux. part L o t 4 Bl.>ck 1. For«t (he can n ery W ednesday Dated at Hillsboro, 4>reg«»n, this 24th Tig ard 0253. Hhetwiawl. Ph«« Peterson, and a ll unknow n per»« n« hav- day -f M ay. 19 15. IÎ4 . Rt. I, H lllaboro Ph«»ne 27E7. Mtf j , In the ( ’«»unty C«»urt of the State of O re­ J.” * ' . Connell s h e r i f f , to H . r r y B. Mrs. S h a lle n b e rg e r a n d Mrs. .SELL "r trade >««ur old fa rm Im plé- ¡ ing or claim ing an interest in the »boxe gon. for W ashington County. D ate of first publication M ay .»'. 1936. MUSIC AL ÌN S T H I’MENTS entitled estate: G reeting: i.«tita fo r relm ilt Implementa at South- -»a. Date of last publication Jun e 27. 1635. In the M a tte r of the Batate of Jennie E. Bamea et ux. s ’ j of Lot 53 Johnson H arndin of B eaverton and Mrs. Ef- In the Nam e of the Htate of O reg »n. ••a t T rad in g Post. Í451 8. K. 82nd W ii h your spring housecleaning Adam». Deceased. Estate Addition. fe n b erg e r of T illam ook v isited Mr. J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff uf W ashing­ Notice i» hereby given, that the L under You are hereby cited and required to np- A v e . Po rtland Bptf have y «»or J. W. ----- ton C ounty, Oregon 15-6 f tOSectton 24 a n d M rs A lfred L ew is W ednesday. l»ear in the County Court Room of ’ he P IA N O signed has been duly cu »nfirmed by the F,,re it Grove. »IK»»«'* **" cuurt ns Executor of the -i-,v- R5W Viola H ow ling of C en tralia. ( ’«Hint/ Court House in H llltb o ro . Wash­ tuned, cleaned, demothed and repaired I OH SALE -M tarrlU nroua 11 . Holu-ri« PI llf NOTICE TO ( K E D IT O R S J L a s t* W ill »nd Taatament of »aid de- j w Connell (S h e riff) to C. G. B ur- Wash., Visited at th e C. H. Hamil* ington C«»unty. Oreg««n. on M -mlny. the itaEê» l-«r «a"îë D»«T" imagi and 12th «lay of August. I*M6, at h«nr <»f In the County Court of the State of Or«»- .«wued. ami ha- duly qualified a* such : lingham et ux. Lot» 3 and 4 Block 4 | o n h o m e a few’ days this w eek, M WFtanand Ph« ne H IO 8ch«dla. o’clork a. in of -»aid day the.» and there I 38. ROOMS AND APARTM ENTS gon. fo r W ashington County N -v therefore. all per»ons^ Knob H ill Addition to ^Fv»re»t ^Groxe. M rs C laude L yda. Mrs. E arl trade L w F: claim - against »aid e -u te are hereby j ’ W ? Connell (S h e riff) to A. D. I N D IA N A alio. |0x30. for »ale «how cause. If any y-»u have, w hy the th<> M a tte r of rt»e Estate ItiK H I N T M. Kay house and garden. W aldron and Mrs. C harles H am il- _____youiiK hm *e Glen I I Epier. I d the rig ht „ „ , , . . ami . . . ________ notified required to present the same. Ht»sier. part Section 11 T IS R l W . A |,piy f « r t . .h .m lj n..t f" " I Illatchley. , ___ Deceased. W ashington street near F ir»t Forest Gr»»ve. phone I4O7W. I4 tf| I -aid estate No tice 1» hereby given that the u n d er-f together w ith proper voucher» therefor, to .v j w Connell (S h e r iff) to A. J De- ton a tte n d ed th e cooking school at r J. M cKay, " f heirship ami d is trib u te M II llum p. attorney, W AGON. 6-lnch tir e good condition . | rav«--.! f' » j n signed ha- been duly c o n firm « ! I»y the ' the underalgned at the law office «»f E- Rosier, part Lot 24. Garden Home. , th e R oyal N eighbor hall in B anks 12« f deereed as set fo rth m l 360 H F ifth Ave « Acme barrow . 100-11» Ice box 1 alnive entitled court as F\»vut«»r <»f the j M cAlear in the F irst N a tio n al Bank th * |»ctiti«»n of (he »»1«• nt i f f . H il j w . Connell (S h e riff) to C ity of W ednesday afternoon. » D Shaw, Kt. i Last W ill and Teatem ent o f ».aid de- Building, in Hillsboro. Oregon, w ithin Sm ith, on file In the aho e entitle»! hale to eluae 40. ‘ASTI ICE ^ % . O^ « h BX h « ) J S.K-K- M argaret E slinger sp en t S u n d a y ! 14-6p and ’ «» f il your i n a m n on befoie ceasevl. and ha- duly qualified as such . j -ix month* fn-nt the date hereof. I tea verton I. w ater ami said tim e setting up y«»ur reapertive claio.r rent, running PAS I l I II BOW LING SUNDAY n«y. L o t. 167 »nJ 16« Johnson Estate aftern o o n w ith A gnes L arson at Now. therefore, all |>er»«>n» h a v in g ! Dated th i* 28th day o f M ay, 163.». deliver I I N« K posts for Portland gras« Al»e Kahler, ID <»f heirship, ownership o r Interest In said claims against said estate are hereby ■ F R E D L . B E A C H . Executor of the Noon to M idnight. 44tf A ddition. R ippling W aters. Delatnan. Ph«» near Bethany. ■ notified and required to present the ’ W ill and Testam ent o f »aid De­ j . w . Connell is h e r if f i to A. B. Webb Miss M am ie S andv of V ernonia estate. Witneas. the Honorable Donald T Tern- same. t«»gether w ith proper v«»ucher> | «-eased. E. J- M cA lear. A ttorney for Ex- et ux. Lot» in Hyde P ark - -- w as an o vernight guest of Mr. and TAKVI LOANS CAKS ANI» TIK ES 15-9 ♦2. 15. Connell (S h eriff« to M a ry A. pleton. Judge of the County Court >>f the therefor. to the undersigned at the law * ecutor. J. W E rnest M a rr M onday. State «»f Oregon fo r the ( ’ »unty «»f W a-h- office nf Hagle> A H a ir in the F i r s t ------------------ ----------- — — — DeHondt Lot 6 Bl«»ck C Doughty’s Sub- M rs M O N E Y to loan on w->od dairy herds. Htat —n n _ \\ Mrs. V anderzanden Hostess w ith the seal of »aid ».« Natb-nal Bank Building in Hillsboro. O n N O T IC E O F A N N E A L 84 H O O L division. Hillsboro. F'.. A. G riffith . 131 S 2nd Ave. 7 tf ingt Connell (S h eriff» to J. Jeppe- J W gon. w ith in six month» front the date ' M E E T IN G Mrs Roy V anderzanden e n te r- I h . F M e r a l I.» n ,l f - ’ -« F'ARM money to I Notice is hereby given to the legal sen Lot» in Section 6 T 3 N R3W 13-6 hereof Attest l.D W ( ’ LUC E. 4 lerk. bank now ha» am ple fund* in bonds to K ansas C ity club a t an voter» of Un ion H igh School District W . Connell «Sheriff» to M. Jeppe- , a i n e d J D*»ted th i* 26th day of M ay. 1635. loan to farm ers at 4*»’ . O ver 61.000.- C onfectioners - B ow linf Alievs a ll day q u iltin g last Tuesday. 1«. FCKL N O T H E TO ( K E D IT O R S F R A N Z C. P A U L I. Execui.»r of the No 8. of W ashington County. State of sen. part Section* 12 and 1 • T 2 N R4W. 664 has l»eru l-«ane«l to W ashington Meet- B illiards . the Annual School J. W . Connell« S h e riff t tv» A lvin Hunger, Mr. and Mrs W. E M arr visited I. price reason- In the ( ’• «intv Court «»f the State of Ore- (*d)kl>8 g«M*l f h «»o*1 uid de- ¡ Oregon that Last W ill and reatam ent of county farm e t» by the hank. W rite or t the part Sections 25 and 3 » T I N R4 A 5W'. I5p f«»t W ashington County. ut.I«- Phone 3 4 IR I -ue it G ro w . e«l. Bagley A H are. A lto n iya fo r ing of said D istrict w ill be held and M rs W T S ellers of all fo r particulars W ashington C«»un- • begin 1260 M ain St. Matcovich to Betty Matcovich. Loan A ss. »c la l ion. In the M a lte r <»f the l.a -t W ill and E 15-6 Union H ig h School building. I oro Itbinch 64 6 0 . 12-mch. 6 1 76 . no knot» Mr. and Mrs. E rnest E slinger fourth Monday o f June, being the -4th I. Scuffins et ux to George H«*- I6 p C. Deceased. :i<( N Fo u rth Ave N O TI4 E TO t K E D IT O R S a n d fam ily of D avid's H ill a n d Mr Notice •- hercbv given that the under- kins. T ra c t 18 Tig ard Highw ay Tract». day of June. A. D. 1635. H E A V Y and light alni». cordwtaid. coal () -irn e d . W illia m Y Gray ha- I »een by the In the County Ç’»urt t the State This meeting is called for the purpoae J. W . Connell «Sheriff« tv» John D. Kehse. 673 E -nil briquets Herm an f«»r W ashington County of electing one Dfeqrtor fo r a term of Hare, part Sections 16 and 17 T 3 N R5W c u n t y court of the state of Oregon for 14tf W alnet. f the Fiatate of M five years and the transaction of busi­ J. W Guyer et ux to C lara A. Parker W ashington C«»un!y. duly app«»inte«l ex- In the M atter I I II I K -f« a -t alder »«"»I f-'« “«le. 63 « •» l»er <«d. eeutor >•( the last W ill and Testam ent of Com •' ness usual at such meeting. 8 acres T IS R4W . -rd delivered Roland Horne, her. Hl N O T H f ; of f in a l se tt le m e n t nd third Notice hereby the under- districts >'• of the — second . . . . . i» __ -------- , given, ......... that ....... ..... ........ | In n UlSiriVV» ■' •». J. ” W ■ . v,vn»«ss Connell 5U>, (S h e riff) »»- to a*. H. ... M. • 1 • Ly«lia G ray Rhea, deceased, and ha< duly 1, (Utrnelius. Telephone N o rth Plains In the County Court «»f the Htate of O re ­ qualified as such. m il ha* hern «luly appointed by the cjasse, t he ballot» »hall not be count«« ney et UM 20 acre» Sectiv»n 4 T2S R lW A ll persons having , 8-6 gon. fo r W ashington C«»unty. “ * u n til one hour a fte r the tim e »et fo r j Connell (S h eriff» to John D claims against said e-ta te are hereby re- above entitle«! 4 o u rt. as A d m in istra trix or In the M atter «»f the Estate of J. 8. « i u ii . m I t«» present the same to me. w ith the estate of said deceased, and ha* duly the meeting to begin. U n til the count n are. p a rt Section» 8. 6. 17 and 18 T 3 N I IR 8 T rlass wimh I for »ale. Ray Dels 4Utf I G uyton. Deceased kecin«. any !<«»> of , he d k . . ? i -,ar. G aribaldi Ave. Phone 2107. en that the under- pr«»|»et vouchers, at my residence in Me- qualified as such. Notice 1» hereby _ Now. therefore. all persons having »hall be entitled to vote upon any nusi- L in n e ll et ux to K. J. M cAlear signevl Executor of the l.a *t W ill and M m n ville. Oregon, or at the law office of M It Hump. Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith- claims against said estate arc hereby n«»a before the meeting. (Executor», 40 acre» Section 34 T2S R lW . 19 HEEDS—PLAN TH I Testam ent of sni»| dereaned haa files! In Dated th i* 26th day o f M ay. 163.». John S tite* Johnson to Clarence L. n«»tifie«l and required to present the same. H A L E D Straw and llurK auk »eed potatoes -th e above entitled c u r t and cau»e hir in six m onth* fro m «late hereof W M . C. C H R IS T E N S E N . C hairm an H arm on. 18 acre» Section 12 T I N R 3 W . Dated M ay 17, 1635 i together w ith proper vouchers therefor, t ■uch, and fo r aab- J. A. W ill. Laurel Phone I Final Account and report j Thom a* et ux to L e ttie A. Mc- the undersigned at the law office *»f E. B«»ard of Director». A tte » t: L . C. Lom ax. Date of first publication M ay 23, 163 15 , the (b lu rt has fixe«l and appointed the 8ch«dh> 271».___________________ Last publication June 20. 1635. J M cA lear in the First N ational Bank p iT trict Clerk. ’ Kay. 38.13 acre* Section 23 T IS R lW . 1635. at the hour of 3rd day of June H E LD and table potatoes Buckeye M ar W II.L IA M Y G R A Y , F \«‘cutor of the Building. In Hillsboro. ()reg«»n. w ithin - - w George C. How ard to Janie* L . Coti- III o'clock A M «»f »aid «lay ami the T E A C H K R S ’ E X A M IN A T IO N S Iey pBrt Set.tiun!, 22 and 23 T 2N R lW . ket. Cornelius, Oregon. I6p court room of the alnive entitle«! court In Last W ill and Testam ent »«ml Estate of » i* months fr«»m the date hereof Notice i» hereby given that the County j w Connell «Sheriff» to Fred Stolte. Dated this 28th «lay of M ay. 1635. M. H Bump, T A H I.F ami seed potato»» fo r sale W. Hillsboro. Oregon, as the tim e and place Ly«lin G ray Rhcu. «Ieceu*e«l F ;D IT H K O W E N S , A d m in is tra trix of School Superintendent of W ashington 22 and 23 Block 4 Portland Height» fo r bearing «»bjectlon» to said fin a l ac- resilience and «ddree*. Ilill*b«»r«». Oreg«»n. 11«| miles m irth Jackson acht» II Jon c«»unt am i fo r the fin a l settlement o f said A ttorney fu r »aid Estate a n «I F’.xecu- the Fatale of »aid Decease«!. F. J Mc- County, o reuo n. » I ll hold the re in ta r N „ 2 house exam ination of applicant» for state teacn- j Connell (S h eriff» to M arjo rie 14-S A lvar, A ttorney fo r A d m in istra trix. estate. tor. We also h andle W illam ina d rain «¡«in pound» M innesota Nu III seed corn. Date«l this 1st day of M ay. 1635 — er.' e e r tlfire te . .1 the office o f he O. Collins, Lut 1 Blvick 6 M etzger Acre-. Mr»- A rth u r V u yh teke. phone 6 F 1 6 ; E. .1. M cAlear, Executor «»f the Last School S u pcrintcnJrtit. Court Hou»e HUI«- S H E R IF F ’S S A L E H. T . Burns et ux to Janies P ru itt. 2 " j tile a n d “C hieftan" h y d ra te d lime. N O T IC R TO C R E D IT O R S r .- « . W ill am i Testament «»f said Decca •«‘«I I Notice is hereby given, that by virtue boro, as follows : Commencing t5eune»«ia> acres Section 14 T 3 N R4W . o f the State o f O re­ C em ent in tru c k and carload lots. anr ry V. . it the under- on the 6th «lay of M ay. A. D. 1635. in Zella M Sam I ivall, defendant, Composition. H 1st is to Lewis et ux, part Lot 11 Steel’s Addi­ FO R S A L E Pape«’ ensilage c u lle r. «He Notice is hereby given that nd «luly con- i (he ab«»ve «n tltle.l court ami cause, ad m it- »uni «»f 617.25 cost and the fu rth e r sum Thursday Forenoon A rith m etic. Hist» rj tion. Beaverton. signed has been a p p o in ta i a N In q u ire at H IlIxboro Feed Co. I6 tf ,ast W ill am i lin g to pr«»hale th«» Last W ill and Testa- ,.f 61650.00 w ith interest thereon from I ,,f Education. Psychology. Geology- O f f ic e P h o n e 1 3 41 H a rry A. Alexander et ux to James N o r t h o f C a n n e r y on P. R- N . R y . as B xecutrlx of the Last C A S E threshing o u tfit fo r sale. 82-54 firm ed Thursday A fternoon G ra m m ar. Ge»-; im v m O r r s n x W . . w . . . . . . . . deceased, • ...................... f H e nry Brocks, deceased, and the 20th day o f July. 1633. at the rate Lewis el ux. Lot I Steel’s A«idition, T«»stament of ( Frank Connell, ment raphy. ---------------- Am erican - L ite ra tu re . » bysics. threaber w ith clover attachm ent 1 1 «»r«ler made am i entered in the approving and co n firm ing the appoint- ,,f fi p rr cenl pt.r a n num. and for the .»-M Beaverton. by 25-45 model T tra c to r w ith pressure County C«»urt of the State of Oregon f«»r . ment «'f H e n rietta llr«»cks as F.xeeutrtx fu rth e r sum of 668.01 w ith Interest there- | Friday Forenoon theory ami r r m n J. W . Connell »Sheriff» to H . A. Ball O ne 4 *-j-foot mower day of , 1634, at - O rthography (S p ellin g ' Physical tteog- et ux, 2 acres L«»t 343 Johnson F.state o llln r system, W ashington County. on the 25th «lay »f of the Last W ill and Testam ent o f said ,,n fro m the __ A t W. Heinrich«. A p ril, 1635, she has duly H enry Brock», deceased, and that said the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and raphy, English L ite ra tu re. ut n _ bargain. Addition. and thnt near Scheffiln. Phone 23F 1X 5. 14-6p qualified as such Executrix. H enrietta Brocks has «luly qualified «« for the fu rth e r sum of 6150.00 attorney*» Friday Afternoon Rcnool L aw . Algebra. W . Connell 1 S h e riff 1 to J. M Per- Now theref«»re all persons having claim» I such Executrix. . fee» w ith Interest there«»» fro m the 18th C ivil Governm ent, B«»okkeeping. !•»•» son, part Section 15 T I S R lW . NF.W anti uaed farm m achinery fo r sal«» ngaiiiNt »aid estate are hereby notified and Now ther«»f«»re all pers«»n» having Haim » ,jBy ,,f M wy ¡93- B( rHte ,,f pev B K R A U S . County School Supertn- l.y l.«wter Ire lan d A Co. J. W . Connell «Sheriff» t«> Gertrude cent per annum , to me directeil ami d»- tem lent. W ashington County. 4)reg«»n. U S E D m achinery of all kind». IIIII«b«»ro required to present them w ith the proper 1 against «aid »»state are hereby M cCorm ic, part Lut 2 Garden Home. the um lerslgn present them w ith the Hvered. «.wnmwiauiaaM com m anding i««v me to niaivr ke »aw sale 160 w M a in St. 4Af ,-oucher — cl E x ecu trix und require«! --- to --- •------ - , — — - ---------------- m V IV lB M Il J. W . Connell tS h eriff» to Gertrude her resi.lence six miles northeast o f prop«»» «.»uchers to the undersigned at the (|f th<> ren| p r,iperty herein after described. N O T IC E O F P A Y M E N T OF l i l t ii»r.?xi McCorm ic, part Lot 7 Garden Home. | . .1 hay i u ei HUI li" 1" 1 ' •',l H Tongue J r •• 1 have levied up«»n and pursuant to ai«l | n the C ircuit Court of the State of 4»re- 15-6 Hlllsh«»rn, Oregon, - or »«t the * law «»fflce , of i I |Hw office . . of ... Thus J. W . Connell (S h eriff» to Standard . . . . 4- U ' .. .1 , , 1- , , I . ,11 . Co. in the ( ity of H ills - O n ,er Th«»a. 11. Tongue Jr., in the Com m ercial Commercial .........- ........ Block .........: : - . f I •-'**- iim vii , vrruxri and nuvi iswvrrv- gon, f«»r the County of W ashing’ « 1 u m nvestment vesiniem Decree «•« of uni«-. Sale. • C«».. part of Ashhrook Farm w ith in six »mmths fr.un w H, on Monday> , b<. 24(h dBV ,,f June , n , he MHttPr of the Liquidation of the T i g R lW Klock in the C ity of Hillsboro. O regon. 1, »ro. Oreg.m , w ith in six nionth» fro m the «late o f this th,, „• J»te of Ih r fir-,1 , „ i t thi" I h C „u „- shule Savlnir« Bank, milabnrt», H rn in n . 23. SH EE P—««OATS .11 , |ht, 111«- F I.««'I , (||H l|l«l| Ul f 11,1“ , I ,„irlh -II I I ,l< 'll'■ rile to Louis P. Furile, part “ - ........ ......... fro m I ......................................... Notice i, hereby yiven. that an order W ith in six - months from jn W ashington C.m nty, Oregon. m»llce, t o - w lt : W ith in six months front notice, to-w “ it n t u ir r «» t t oi of T I G. N aylor claim Section I T IS TW O • •• -.«'in «»Id bin ' gnat foi M sy 6. . 1635 . . rt-.... -u o .v , i. r ,i... "( (be h«»ur «»f ten o'clock a. in. of M id has been entered by (be C ircu it 4 our «» m w ’ . T o n ............................................................. h.«lf Angora, cheap. W A. Bunnell. May 2. 1635. Executrix of H E N R IF .T T A B IB B KS. F.xe,»iitrix_«»f the Jmv snl) uf n i|lll,(. q,..«.. ,.f ()reg«»n. fo r the 4 ounty of v HULDA M CO NNFI Ile n r y Behrm an fa rm . Cornelius- 15 the Last W ill and Testam ent of F rank | 4„«t w il l nini T«»»tament o f H e n ry Br«nks. «lay, sell at public auction to the highest ihc State of Oregon, fo r the E. J B, m » s et ux to J. C. W h itak er et bidder fo r «ash in hand, all o f the W ashington, authorising, em powering ano al. part Section 20 T 3 N R4W FO R S A L E 23 larg«» qwe». tom e lambs, W. Connell. Diseased. Thos. H . Tongi»«» Deceased. Thomas II. Tongue J r ., A(t«»r follow ing di'scribed real pr«»perty. lying directing the Superintendent of C hristie Downer et ux to Universal «»•ie r»v istered lto»nney buck ; al»«» 8tew - Jr.. A Korney fo r E xecutrix. 11 12-6 Ton ........................................................... ney for Ex c u trix . being and situate in W ashington Coun- distribute a fourth dividend of 2 Sec. Co., part Sections 23. 13, 11 and 24 ,,rt ) *11 -bearing xfc«»«*» shearing machine all ordinary «lep«»sit claims f»l«wl and ap­ ty. Oregon, and more p artic u larly di T2S R lW . .1 It Pub.»ls, Hlllsb«»r«». R t. 4 ; near N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S proved against the Savings Departm ent Cleora Colt et ux to John L. W endorf W« lin k in church ___ 1 In th«» ( ’«»unty Court o f the State of Or«»- |„ n ,,, ( ’,„ ,nt v Cuurt «»f tb«» S late of O re- scrilieil as follows, to -w il : of the Shiite Saving* Bank, up to ami Comm encing at the Southwest corner et ux. L o t 81 B e avertu n -R ralville Acre­ g«m. for the ( ’«»unty o f Washing»«»». >>on f|1, W ashingt.m County. In d u ,Un« A p ril IIP. I»»5. »»''I ■’ ‘ ’J '1* " ' 1 of Section 3 in Tow nship 2 South age. |*r«»bate D epartm ent. |„ M u tter of the Estate of M . C. be paid <»n ; and a . fte r .. June POULTRY 5 0 -lb . sack Range I West o f the W illam e tte ............... , , 6. ,v 163ft , ueorge George x C u linton n io n io to iieorge George ixuoen Robert R ixo- it- In (lie M a ile r of the Estate of W illia m , Phillips. Deceased. Th«l »«1.1 n rJ rt »1.0 - ' ' 7 ’ , '" ' tenhon,... part T r . c t Htì Bonny Slope. M eridian ; thence N o rth 32 r«»ds ; John Marcom, Pe«-hin. Presumed Decease«!. Notice Is hereby given tbat the tinder' is G F i-S E fo r <»»1« I I I , „ t of f ir t t . «eçonJ «n. h ,r'' F ra n k V a n ii» « , to M ay W . M a rtin . m ent - ------- . -. .... . . Notice 1» hereby ___ . given thnt the un«T thence East 50 rods; thence South 5 miles smith of Rt 2, Cornelius nl ha* been duly confirm ed by the .11 npproved .i,n r.ivM t claims I-aim s filed against tn«» _ _ ......... on . nil A d 1-1 m 11 in tra trix of 1 the Jlbove en tUled c,»urt a* Executor o f the 32 rods; thence West 50 r«»«l*. i the 15p I , ,, . i „ 111 is itratrli he estate 1 ■ acres. N o rth Plains. H llltlM »«• 5 lbs. .......................................... Savings Departm ent from October 20, .. u«_ -------------- — .1 I WJ1J (d TlMtBment ,,f „B|a de- place of beginning, c«»n,ainlng |o ,,f W illia m Pcehin, presumed .1— deceased, S. E. Henderson. Inc., to E. F. Lang W A N T E D 20« <»r 301» (I-weeks-old Lcg- bus fll«»,I li«»r fin a l account in the Coun- 1634, to and including A p ril 30. 1635. et ux. part M o rgan’s A ddition. Hillsboro. cease,I, am i has duly qualified as such: acres. In W ashington County. Slate «»f T M a rtin . N orth I urn pullets. (' which claims were file«! subsequent to I5p ! »y ( ’"«»rt of tb.» State of Oregon, for T r a d e w ith P a y C ash a n d S av e N->w , therefore, all persons having claim» Oregon. J. W. Connell (S h eriff» to R. I). Sm ith Plains. W ashington ( ’«»unty. and that Munday the against »aid estate are hereby notified to satisfy the hereinbefore numed sur the payment of said dividends. et ux. Lots 5, 8, 6 Garden Home. cockerels. 8c . Black S IX * .- k » W I. H-,1 «lay of Jum-. 1635. at the hour of ami required to present the same, together ami fur (he c«»st am i expenses of sale That said order directed that this J. W . Connell (S h e r iff) to C. J. Stick- Wm. N lcko l. R t. 2. 111 .»’dock in the forenoon of said «lay (iK ’hftti B antuin- „ . . l i r a he Kivrt. b r publication thereof In | U >Bd w ith proper v«»uchets therefor, to the and said w rit 142 Beaverto Portland , Bethany near Bethany Pres- , and room of “ «»Id ' * a irt has 8 C undertigned nt the law «»ffice of r. J. Said sale w ill be made subject t«i ro- one i««ue of a newapaper o f Keneral Reedville. l.yferian church. *5p , i...,.,, nppointed by said court n the tin,«» circulation printed and published in Wasn- M cA lear in the First N ational Bank demption ms per statute of Oregon. J. W . Connell (S h e r iff) to Fred Deck­ ItX B Y ( ’IIK 'K S Su|M»ii«»r stock S. ( i ami pla«« for Ibe liearing of <>b ¡«at iotv Building in Hillsboro. Or«»g«»n. w ithin six That the date Dat «si at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 2»»th ington County. Oregon South Second 81. Miller* of Q uality Feed« er et al. N*-j of N W ’ * of S K l , of Sec­ Phone 0, " „ .'r t J ^ iiw ir ^ ‘a , . : s x ; f May. 1635. of publication thereof is M ay 30. 163». day months from the date hereof. tion 13 T 2N 4W . A A. S C H R A M M Svperintem lent of Dated this 6th day of May. I « ’-' J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff «»f W ashing- J. W . Connell tS h e riff) to Standard P I. Patterson. Bank*, in charge of the Liquidation J It P H IL L IP S . Executor of the Last ton County. Oregon. , .;;r Investm ent Co., Lot 3 Blm-k I Sherwood. F. A ttorney fo r P la in tiff I l h the Shute Savings Bank. Bldg . W ill nml Testament of said deeen-e«l .(„• . Hatch ery. M -M m n ville. Oregon. | trlx . L -L D avi KM), l - r l i r .1 M cA lear. A ttorney for Executor 12 « 11-5 2 tf 1 Portland. A ttorney « .1« N« k 6461 a I < HON EXTRA GOOD catiOH, dose ¡11, beautiful lot. trees and shrubbery. Only $2500 .easy terms. W. G. IDE Losses come without warn­ ing. Protect yourself today against fire, theft, or accident. TUALATIN VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate Transfers Rlttsboro. Berry Picking at Kansas City Begins Bowling gives your muscles the play and your brain the relaxa­ tion you need after a day's office work! Play often — and keep fit. Everything t o assure your enjoyment. buy and ««II used cars. —Used Car Exchange. 18tf CLEM’S PLACE Legal Notices U SE THE BEST Sewer pipe, road culverts, well casing, pier blocks, foundation blocks, building blocks, building tile, chim­ ney blocks, all sizes of drain tile. 3-incn 3e a foot, 4-inch 3»ac a foot, 5-inch 4(^c a foot, 6-inch 6c a foot. Hillsboro Concrete Brick fió Tile E. DAIRYMEN- For a Pasture Ration Imperial Molasses Dairy— $2700 Imperial Cow Ration— ’29°° D airy cow s re q u ir e a grain ra tio n while im g r a s s — Carbo Hyd Lime— 24. Dairy Wonder Sterilizer— Imperial Feed 35c 60c Grain Co.