'j.* H IL L S B O R O Page Four F R uby R ebekah F W in s H o n o r s 1 s t E tu ngin8 of "America. ot "America. The The Beauti- Beauti- stfom str° farm m farm near near McM innville McMinnville. meeting w ere Mrs. C w. C. .... Demmin, ..... Several relatives and friends of the union will hold its regular t e ^ e d ^ s i K e r w a d in g ful; " prayer by Rev. Raynor. Smith; D M r. Bagnell and Mrs. Bunnell, sary Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Pete P‘a" ° “ lo- B r i t l at Gervais. Mrs. M urray was ad « ch°™ s a bridesmaid and Mat H eimle was T„m s t ret chert p w o v u e w m . _________ r - - - „„ .......... ^ a ^ d “ m1a n y tofethe°sSnday ¿ e s t s W arren Forsythe district 96. ta 7 t.“ the“ t o ^ e T u a ^ J h e 7 o n - ' ¿ ’ " ¿ X n of Portland w a. an John G ate, was appointed to attended the wedding at that time n R Kr^os received a one-year tuition scholar- tract for next year. Miss Truen- overn, ht visitor of hia bro,her. F. name a comm ittee to take charge TLr , hc dancc , bat followed. ( S trickler of Laurel Ridge district and northern California points and them. ning from the Evangelical c o n fer-, DR. R. J. NICOL , was general chairm an: Miss Helen visited the Cy Brown home at Mr and Mrs. C. J. Haines of ence at Yakima, Wash. A F R A ID O F H IM IIK K IIIU P ortland are w orking on the Brock L ittle Eleanor W hitmore is ill DR. E. W. ALMQUIST ! Asbahr, techer of Laurel Ridge, had K lamath Falls. Do you live in constant fear? I charge of the program: and Mrs. John G otter of E nterprise is vis- farm. w ith the measles. Does a nameless dread grip you Veterinarians . Clifford Trask and Mrs. S. A. Got- ¡ting at the S. A. G otter home this Bill H ering is putting a new roof Mrs. B B. Cooley and her moth- Hav bv Hav. ter decorated the stage with massed w eek. on his bam . er w ent to Kelso, Wash Saturday , . comfort that millions ot Telephone 643 and 642 columns of snowballs and floor j Mrs. Peggy Haynes attended a Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hosgson and for several days visit w ith friends foUw , b(l Mrn(. b(la, Then 1 lamp lighting, with groups of Iris family dinner party Sunday at the fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mr. and Mrs Leslie Lee a n d ; mugt somewhere Shafer are planning to move this three children of C herry G rove' Suppose we take a look see bouquets. This is an annual affair ; r F Casteel home in Aloha. Daily Trips to Portland I sponsored by school boards and Mrs Mae V inbrick of W illamina w-cek-end from the Johnson farm and Mrs. Raleigh W hitmore and through God's eyes, the Bible For Hillsboro Auto Freight ' patrons of districts which do not i visited at the John Hitchcock home to a place at Scoggins valley. Mr tw o daughters visited at the Cal- we see things as God sees them I have individual exercises for the several days this week. and Mrs. Johnson will return to I vin W hitmore home Sunday wh„n hi. Bonded and Insured Carrier H arry Schmeltzer. m aster of th eir farm. Mrs F L. Brown returned Sun- . . < o»rn itv So' o n e n th e Serving Beaverton. Aloha, Reed i eighth grade pupils. Lloyd M urray attended his home Scholls Grange, attended a m eeting _ _ _ . day evening from a several days’ , i..,,.u tw entv ville, Hillsboro. Cornelias and ^ n % v Uln d atv ^ h ^ idele^a\e rdrae ' ° f gr8n«erS * Hlllsb?rO Mo" day O tlC C O v e r G lV C Il ^‘Sit * “ h ,heL h n " ’ ‘T“ ” ' ' - "•'in e Into G .llle. ' back .1,1» Forest Grove ? ? ? „ „ ?h * a T l ^ X 8 wh.eh' Fven?n* / , I e x h lb ,t. . . * ey? ol____ a_Ui-U I s e »Ho Ir i rx rt«s zxf of 4b« |t — a|l | „ O ........ m Beaverton at the T Beaverton high e th e tarzxr w orkings the rxl«rO plant. Var- eighteen Varieties Of flOWCrS in you are .... to .„ |eave ------ .. I school graduation exercises May ious phases of the w ork were ex- . Couldn't you quit w orry that long 24. He was also made a m em ber plained by members of the office! r,,» ,o r‘’s* on ,h<' E verlasting A rm s’ we1t =., ° .K „„„„,„1 ei.5°:_.^ Lh .'.S d - fOr And if for one hour, then the next of the T orchbcarer club. and. m echanical staffs. Charles Haynes and H enry P eters Those here w ere Madeline and , a visit o fs e v e ra l dijys- also, and the next. C ouldn't you spent the week-end at Wilson riv er A lbert Coussens. Victor B ru g ia.; and M r. H .l.dvh trust Him that way? " “z- on a fishing trip. L orraine Schneider. Marcus and ' children and Mrs. Rale gh “Casting all your care upon Him. Mr. and Mrs Ed M urphy and C harles C runican. Dorine Foelker. W hitmore and two d a u g h te r, \ n t - for careth for you." says tht daughter Hazel w ent to the B uxton Betty Heinrich. Joseph Heinick. vd at the Calvin Whitmore home fJ(M)k Nothing half-way about it cem etery Sunday to decorate the A lbert and Merle Vandehey. Juli- ' bunday. y ()U born-again ones are either go ing through on God-power with graves of relatives. ana and Evelyn Sohler. F ra n c e s1 victory over sin. w orry and self or Mr. and Mrs. E. Devoure and and M artin Ryan, Clifford and else you are limping along. Yes five daughters of Spokane are vis- Elm er Stroeder. Irene Engeldinger, (By I. It Strubb) just limping along on your poor iting at the Charles Devoure home C laire Bickford. Jam es Abts. Del- 4] ( ’ •