Thursday, May 23, 1935 H I L L S B O R (J Special Meet at Reedville no C ice. K m eeting or evening se rv ­ M is . M a iy O lin g e r visited M ix in P o r t la n d S u n d a y M is s Mr and Mr« I. It G olt c e lo - b ru ted Mr. G olt's birth d ay a t tin- hom e of his daughter, Mrs T Me* N utt, Monduy. Treble Clef Concert Fine A R « IJ S . i l«i> at Ju n io r high have bcen ab- I (,’hnn lilr v) win a 10-day pleasu re and sig h t­ Pearson a n d sons D onald a n d D a r­ state. D u rin g th e first th ree m onths «cl, M arion Isaacson. Bert Finc h. I annual concert, asristed by the TIM BER G rad u atio n e x e r c i s e s ' seeing trip to scenic A laska The rell, O rpha C arter, F rancis Gnos. of 1935, 7777 cars w ere listed from HEK D V IU .E Services of SINT till Lorenzo Lee A nna May N ault. boys’ chorus, before a capacity w ere held for th e eighth grade first condition is th a t she is a re d ­ E leanor and Jo h n n y K oehnke and o th er states, w hile in 1934, 7052 liitexaat will be held ut Uu- church M argaret Im lay. B etty Ja n e Sparks, crow d F riday night Mu D ixie Lee m otor vehicles of v isitors to the pupil» in the school T h u rsd ay e v e­ head, and th e second th at she be F lorence S pringer. I B y M r . ) . A. McCoy) next S unday, In place of th e usual B yron Jack and A lvin B ecker. Mui M ucDowell, accom panist for the sta te w ere tabulated. ning G rad u ates w ere M axine Kil- chosen queen of the 1935 Readhead N eighbors of Mrs. A m an spent SOUTH KA NSA S CITY Kutua» , .. . , . burg, Z erel Wilson, Hazel S hiffer.; R oundup a t T aft J u n e 22 and 23, In spite of the g re a te r num ber Sunday «chool mh »I uii At 10 o'clock g a ret Im lay gave the class will, | evening, presen ted a group of piano I W ednesday afternoon at h e r hom e of to u rists re g iste rin g in the quar ..... ..........................................- num ber- J... k H o w sang . solo , " v. !Jni,' n l,xul Dr. W. I,. VunN uys of P o rtlan d A lvin B ecker the da»» prophecy num ber, "Cradle Song ' by B rahm s • “ '■k. W ednesday evenm g w ith a Ede M orelll; O rville Sim m ons and the only ev en t of its kind in the Mr and Mrs. R eynold G erig a t­ and H elen Im lay gave the w e l­ te rly period, th e m onth of M arch W illiam Hall T he class prophecy country. H illsboro is In No. 5 of will deliv er an addrr»». Baaket come. B yron Ja c k wus v a le d icto r­ A one-act fan tasy w as given. Moon -‘»»rt bu»lnes» m eet.n g T hey elect- was read by M axine K ilburg, th e i s ir d istric ts th a t th e w estern coun­ ten d ed a w edding in P o rtlan d S a t­ show ed a fa llin g off in its totals, ,he,‘r del*«»tas for the state class history by Hazel S h iffer and try hag been divided into to facili­ urday. lunch d in in g the noon hour Coffee ian, Ju d g e It F Peter» of Hills for a P rince." C h a ra c te rs w ere as com pared to M arch, 1934 This M r and Mrs. H. H aase have year, 3831 cars w ere checked In will be provided horn gave the uddrem. and H enry M arjorie K idney, prince, C loyce convention. A fterw ard a short pro the class will by O rville Sim m ons ta te h a n d lin g th e contest adopted a baby boy. gram w as held and a »ortal tim e a n d last M arch. 3969 w ere totaled. T he a fternoon m - s »1 ihi w ill open Hugg p re sen te d th e diplnrnus anil Bump, m oon; A rd n E llingson m a- B ert lie e ia c k e r and Mrs Ruy Van- A m usical program w as fu rn ish ed ! Or, if she is not fo rtu n ate enough B irth d a y C elebrated Song« w ere giclun; E velyn H aw orth king by a duet by B illie H uffm an and to be elected queen, she m ay be­ w ith u non« arrviee ut 2 o'clock reuding certificate» As u su al C alifo rn ia topped the riehey received high and J P. com e one of th e five princesses in M uch c re d it is given th e direc- David W lenecke; a piano accordion Mrs. Jo h n H aase e n te rta in e d w ith At 3 o'clock l»r V erkuyl w ill give »nog by o ther clui i-s of the school V underzanden and Mrs B ert Hee- solo by Mrs L eona Thom pson and th e royal re d h ea d c o u rt w ho will J a p a rty T h u rsd ay in honor of her list of states sen d in g visitors to Tlie unnual picnic was held Tuer tor, Miss M uurine Mocre. for the in toktmui on "Chriat in tin ' Honte " Oregon. D uring the q u a rte r. 3823 i success of th e concert and for the sack er second and C lifford B ea­ her daughters. T he ad d ress was be fu rn ish e d w ith lovely clothes d a u g h te r L ucille's fo u rth birth d ay cars cam e in from the neighboring The day'» progrum w ill include day R ichard Anils of N ew berg spruit ■ fine result» obtained from grude m an low. given by th e Rev C laude Sabin a n d ro y a lly e n te rta in e d as befits P re se n t w ere Mrs E. Boge and sta te to th e south, w h ile W ashing­ vocal milo num ber» Dr V erkuyl Mias M argaret K ellogg of For- of Forest G rove and th e diplom as h e r station, all a t th e expense of d a u g h te r Evelyn. Mrs. H. Ficken ton se n t 2130 autom obiles over its to k en of I« field d irec to r of le a d e r s h ip Die week end ut the hom e of [school i hild ren A ap p reciatio n to Mi. 1 Moore, the j G r o v e , tea ch e r of the K ansas presented by Miss La V elle Berg th e R o undup organization a t Taft. and d a u g h te r S hirley. Mrs. D P e a r­ sta te line in to O regon. Ti Mining in the P re sb y te ria n I t a lp h H o lc o m b m em ber» of the T reb le C lef d u b C ity school, took th e girl« to the son and sons D onald a n d D arrell, eliureU. L eader» from ull the Mrs S. R. P hillips and d a u g h te r T uesday afternoon, w here A rlene of S h erid an a re visiting a If you change y o u r address k in d ­ j and M rs M uhly and son of B loom ­ Cliurohee of thia d istric t w ill be in S ta te C apitol News L etter G iv -I Pr< s4 l,u u,'c vegetable. 2 lbs. SHORTENING. Cloud. 4-lb. carton PURE LARD— QC/» dtPV» K A White zlQn lt/V 29c 9 ad lbs. SYRUP. Red or Blue Label. n r r r a I)/"1 ! I Argo. O I iiK U fl 1-lb. Corn or Gloss. pkgs. Pkg................... FRESH, LARG E Fresh and Firm 47c 29c M AYONNAISE—B est Foods. Ä"! PALMOLIVE 3 bars -4 J Buy now before the advance. 39c PEN-JEL— 2 pkgs.......... 23c 25c FO RM AY— 3-lb. ra n 53c ................... SY RUP—Log C abin M edium size ....... CAK E 35c JAR RUBBERS U . S. 3 pkgs. 10c From high-grade rubber. 14c 6c 15c 39c 5c While it lasts. LEG ROAST VEAL . MUTTON CHOPS 10c 10c PICKLED PIGS FEET “ 35c CHOICE BABY BEEF AT ALL TIMES Phone 982 Free Delivery 5 BIG SALE DAYS! Prices Good to Memorial Day Safeway. 49-lb. sack Primrose. 49-lb. sack ................... Apple Brand. 49-lb. sack .......... Pride of the West ....... Absolute Brand ............................. $ 4 .59 I ■ $ *| .49 I 4 Cxa PANCAKE FLOUR. Safeway. 10-lb. sack .......................................... SYRUP — Maximum. Pure cane and maple. 17c ?„7r‘ 29c 95c OCSz» MILK— Mt. Vernon. 4 tall c a n s ..................................................... BEANS— Small white. 29^^ BACON— Eastern, light or heavy. 27c FLOU R—Sw ansdow n. 27c 17c COFFEE MUTTON STEW - 10c W AX—Johnson's. FLOOR Lb. C an T ISSU E—Scott. PORTO— Fruit Pectin. 2 bottles 45c 23c 59c CRA CK ERS—Ritz. 1-lb. pkg. 2 rolls 39c TOILET SOAP FLOUR SALE LIFEBU O Y — B ar Lb. 9c L * ° r en 3 bars By the Piece 20c J mEmoRinf TO ILET SO A P—W hite King. HAM MATCHES celebrati HOM INY—V an Cam p's. 3 large cans P k g .......... 32c PU FFED W H E A T 2pkn. 15c ncnnC D (8.oz. Schilling’s Black. rc rrE K i» c ) 4-oz. 10c HALIBUT 5c May 24 to 29. incl. JE L L O — 3 pkgs. CERTO— Bottle 8c C R A B l Store Closed All Day MEMORIAL DAY White. 10 bars 10c ¡cr SALMON. Del Monte. Red Alaska. 1-lb can. 2 for Service 15c S afeway S tores Fels Naptha 10 bars PAR. Washing Powder SA LM O N Quality WAXPAPER — I) i a- mond. 4 125-foot roll J 17c DOG FOOD— 4 Victory. 3 cans J 14c |Z I > A I T'T' No. 2 Vi, from Libby's lX.K/avJ A northwest cannery. Can 10c CALO— 4 2 cans J[5c T O M A T O E S zN: : J ,ay.'..2 '".‘ :....... 19c SOAP. Liberty 20c COM PANY Can POST TOASTIES STRAW BERRIES rVLL FLAV0RED FRLIT LETTU CE 3 Htlil 1 0 c O RA N G ES 2 dozen 2 5 c SAVE! MEAT 15c 2 cans Campbell's or Exquisite. BI-KARB SO D A H IL L S B O R O 15c AIRWAY— 3 lbs............ (Lb.............. EDWARDS— 2 lbs. ........ (Lb. can SO U P 50c 18c) 49c — PICNIC SUGGESTIONS MARSHMALuOWS—Fluffiest. Lb. box .................................................. RIPE OLIVES— Highway. 2 large cans ......................................... PORK & BEANS— Van Camp’s. 11-oz. cans. 4 for ................................ DEVILED MEAT— Armour’s. 3 cans ..................................................... SARDINES— In oil. 3 cans ..................................................... — 13c 25c 19c 9c 10c 25c) Vegetable or Tomato. 5c Taste Tells. < TOM ATOES T “te T 2 e,ls- Large Vs can JLWz SH R IM P L , ; 1 10c Fruits and Vegetables Specials for F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y O nly CARROTS. New. 2 hunches . 5c 5c CUCUM BERS. Long. G reen. Each TOM ATOES. Firm , 4 A — Ripe. Lb. Iv L - T U N A F IS H ^■r*dfic:... 9 c G R A PEFRU IT. L arg e- A rizona. 4 for BA K IN G P W D „SV'X. 25 c LEM ONETTES. F ull of juice. 15c Dosen 5c