Page F our H IL L S B O R O A RGU S. H IL L S B O R O , M O V IN G B A Y . 1935 Joint Program Scholls Tonight OREGON T hursday. May 23, 1935 John Saltivi anil laiiul.v of Tigard visited Mr and Mrs F M 1 ill,-, gat'd Sunday. A crew of eight w ere spraying for w alnut blight control at the Mountainside farm last week, Mr and Mrs C arl S citi,-it. Herb eri and Carline Setffert. Wanda l . 't s e ll and George Knupp were D r. Y oung to G iv e A dd reas S u n d .,1 d m n e i p a r t i g u e s ts at the „ « « « » * •» J o h n F is h e r h o m e m C o rn é liu s G ra d u a tio n E xercises exhibited (heir m t u |> hooks und a spting«* cuke I’licy also demon stratcd the cooking of blunt* mange for their friends The parents were pleasantly siiipitsed b.v a tea Miss MeKinnis aunt. Mis I .id le Hurd tng. of Tualatin and Mi z\ O Pitman ' M , f poured e . ' , " 11 M,s A g n es I r i a n t s p e n t s e v e r , 1 1 '» rllu n d last m e k v is Orenco School Plans Prograni R a y n a rd H o n o re d ; G ra n g e rs H o n o r C ou p le S a tu rd a y .. G rang e H o n o r* I <>uple SCHOLLS—Thomas A. Verdenuts of Portland will give a patriotic talk for the joint eighth grade ex- ’ ercises at the Scholls Grange hall tonight tThursday). The speaker has requested that “America the Beautiful" be sung by the audience, led by Mrs J. M. Stretcher, as an opening number. Rev. Raynor Smith of the M E. church will introduce 1 the speaker and pronounce the in-I vocation. The Scholls orchestra will i play and there will be four other special numbers. O j ST A N D DIAOU h Ö lR lC K E N E A R N E R S leave worthless F A R M S FO R G O V E R N M E N T L A N D IN A L A S K A Irrig a tio n P lanned An electric pump was installed at the F. E Rowell place Monday for the purpose of irrigating the | law n and gardens by pumping w ater from the river. Mrs. Ernest Nelson and two daughters spent last week with her parents at Amity. Mrs. Earl Edwards and children of Pasadena and her mother, Mrs. Eli Kingston, and sister. Katherine, attended a bridal shower given at the Eltis Taylor home near Banks May 15 for Miss Mary Kingston Mr. and Mrs. Bert Seiffert and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoffner of near Portland visited their brother, Ed Seiffert. and family Sunday. Potter & Trask store has install­ ed a new vegetable cooling system. Mrs. Hattie McClure of S her­ wood visited Mrs. Ed M urphy fro m , Wednesday until Saturday. They w ere neighbors 30 years ago. Julius Christensen and sons start­ ed hauling their grade B milk from a herd of 68 cows to the Alpine Rose dairy in Portland Monday by . A ssidente leave - a s ÒOVEQNMENT 7ÈAPS DOWN SLU M S To ÖUILD M O DERN SANITARY apartments VALLEYS A R E F LO O D E D Ö Y F E D E R A L D A M S ------- i , and Eddie Ar- ira ttc League of M ultnom ah coun j .. 1,1 Avalon park Sunday. M iss ^,r and Mr» Clyde H efferm an. McGee Is sociul chairm an of th, Miss Ruby Johnson of Spokane T e n n e s s e e mountaineers Mr and Mrs Billy Hefferman and league is visiting her aunt. Mrs, Charles S F p k N P l V T A D M C DeVoure, of Jacktown. She is an T tx V V r M K I r i b daughter Nancy Ju n e w ere Sun- F. It Edlefson and Mrs R,„e day dinner party guests ut the Wit- Murphy of Portland v isite d Mr a rt student. ham Mosher home in Portland and Mrs It A Mitchell Sunday Jesse Snyder Jr. visited last week o „ ------- — <- la.ra Hansen and Mrs An- Mr and Mrs Emil Daraldson and at Oregon State college and at the ' Scnmcltzer and ' G rand Lodge and Rebekah As- Sheridan visited at the A B Flint ,h„i..MarSCh. Portland visited Mr and M rs Kenneth M c C u n e of brick and tile plants at Salem, AI- . K irkpatrick homes Saturday semblv They attended special meet- home Sunday. their parents. M r. and Mrs. Hans Portland visited Sunday at th, banv and Corvallis. ei'eT ng» .,.treat several members ings of the order Monday. Tuesday, B o y III John A McGee home. Potter's Cash store installed an . 1 ■ *am *‘tes. wbo w ere ill with Wednesday and Thursday. George Allison Jr. is ill w ith the Hansen. Sunday electric frigidaire last week. ptomaine poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. E arl Shipley and scarlet fever. J a c k to w n School Closes An exhibit was given in M is Mr. and Mrs Victor Boleen en-j _3*ES'1., 5iI‘*ier J p^nt 5he pas: son A 'e rv Lee of M anzanita are D ed icate T re e to J a o u iih last Jacktow n school closed Tuesdav Maria i , ‘ '* MeKinnis* M5 Klnnis room roo,n ■ “»f Friday Friday tertained Sunday with a party for at ^he •G^Miller home. visiting relatives in Scholls and The Scholls W om ans club w ill w ith a picnic at the citv nark in l,U’ "'",K|ows and boards were at- her little son Wallace, in honor of „ MV !,nd Mrs W lkon C ranc oi Hillsboro this week. 1)Ian.e a , X s l T M‘ Portland. Miss Evelyn H esse t h e ' trac,?v»‘ decorated w ith sun bon- his fourth birthday Present were Vlsn^ at Mike and Elm er Bolma with Roy Stone and cemetery Memoria da y” jv E ch th ev teacher for the p ast two vears has babl*‘s Also th e children each Ethel, Frances and Bertha Waibel. J J McCann homes Sunday. Charles Erockm ere from the West- wUl d rfic a te t “ W W J a o iith been hired for next year. Virgtnta i of Interest on th. Esther. R uthie and Donnie Chris- H arry Schm eltzer ern National oil fields at Whitlash. Mr. Jaq u ith has furnished much of K eutzer is the only eighth grade board besides art. w riting and tensen, Phyllis Christensen, G e r a l d S c h o l l s G range delegates Mont., came by auto last Tuesday the facts with which the c lu b h a s graduate from this .«thool | spelling books which were display-1 ine Taylor of Beaverton and Eve- J ? ? * 1* P “an Se at McMinnville be- to visit his brother. Ed Bolma. and been compiling a history o f the Miss Mary Kingston and a group ed at their seats At this exhibit lyn and Allan Boleen K lrk p at’ Bolma S c h o l l s ^ u m S i y “ He to one i f !h r of friends from Dilley spent the the "Aunt Dinah's Substitutes " also Groner School Closes r , nin'ir Tu tT lay eveI earliest settlers of the vicinity, com- week-end at the beach. G roner school closed Wednesday r, , 9 >n£er,n<‘i S “nd*7 ^ , re . \ ,SIti n ?u w‘J h th ^m a n d : *ng here 52 years ago. and served Mr and Mrs D A G riffeth of they entertained the at ‘ more thanT .0 y e a r ? as a ‘ m e X r Portland visited at the Eli K ing­ and Miss Laura Ahlstrom. who h i ' in^ J n,C »ThnSOn HStri Cta SU.Per; * ' boy, later ‘ D R . R. J . N IC O L th eir home in North P lain , lived at the C W. Larkin home, he, Por< and district, and secretary of the M ountainside ston home Saturday. Sunday visit- Mr. and Mrs. Ferd G roner s p e n t' Cem etery association, returned to her home in Portland. “ h°,‘d ,lhe last q uarterly ' ° ? ieT ors were Evelyn Schulm erich. Vet- D R . E. W . A L M Q U IS T Ju liu s Christensen as delegate ma Rosevear and Harney Holcom Stanford G oetter and Henry H an -1 ef?Ce u f o t h j year at the Scholls a few days Bus week at th eir V e te rin a ria n s beach home in DePoe Bay. from r o O F Lincoln lodge and sen are the eighth grade graduates choT2'l_Bl^ a? A , , from this school Stanley Trefren and fam ily came . • 7 CL °7der re ,u rn ed from a Mrs Ruby Meyers as delegate „ .. . last Monday to spend several days w u i *?«. CaJ*f°rn ia last Friday from Ruby Rebekah left Mon- T rte p h o o e « u s m t_ 6 « H o ld P ic n ic working r»i ♦♦ j at ts th . eir b. sm all . a farm. C* a Mr- eM h vrer»he ' ’]slted j is mother, day to attend the G rand Lodge and Midway school w ith Miss Irene Clifford Trask went to Stayton Mrs~ M E Crowder, and uncle. J. Rebekah assembly at Salem this Stevens and V ern Allen as teach­ w ith his father. L. C. Trask, last P- Crowder, also at the Mr and week, as Mra Meyera w i i be in- ers, held a picnic at Robinson's Monday to arrange for the funeral ¡Mrs. George Wall home. MASON HILL— School closed stalled as o u tsid e'g u ard ian of the Creek Thursday, when the last day of his uncle, A rthur Trask, which with an all day picnic Sunday R eturns from East assembly. 'In c o rp o rated * of school exercises were held. Della Miss Madelyn S hattuck returned b to Twiao and August Billings retu rn ed from Mrs. Sutherland President Burke. Francis O d e ll. Joseph W Mr h ,na S u th er,and r e . Eastman and Robert Watson are forth home in Portland Sunday, visited at Yamhill Saturday Miss Waahington. Tillamook. Yamhill. th at state. 1 elected president; Mrs. S. S the eighth grade graduates from | Mrs. Gladys Trask and daughter _ - Betty rem ained for a visit w ith! 1 olk and Marion Counties. this school Miss G arnet Guild of Pacific uni- v>ce-president; Mrs. J M her grandparents. Mr and Mrs Personal C ontact on Collections Lawrence Hunt. Mrs. Eva Hunt Miss Lorraine Dem'min attended versi,y visited at the parental home 5}re * he,r Sl'c reta‘'y. and Mrs. C. | Delmar M artin W ash ing ton C ou nty O ffic e and Mrs. A. Loman of Manzanita the mother and daughter banquet during the week-end. w was re -eletted treasur- Mrs Anna Donaldson and Mr visited at the E. G. Heaton home held by the B and P. club at Mr and Mrs. Glen Tointon Mr . k Woman 8 SIu,b w ,*l enter- and Mrs B E Waldorf drove to C o m m e rc ia l B u ild in g Saturday en route to Portland. Hillsboro Mav 15. and Mrs W alter Orr and children ‘ «¡J he i Uw °r c’ub, Ju,nc I4- Portland Sunday to attend the Second and Main S treets Sunday guests at the Theo Nts- B rn n rtts M o ve and Amy Alice Howard picnicked p ,M,V “a d.,MrS T Li. e^ aril ot «r;‘duation exercises of the West- Phone 3071 rer G°reX Ofr Port1!» 3rfd M1” ' Mr and Mrs J E Bennett rnov-, Sunday at the Tointon farm nd m T " ^ heo,°8 |cal sem inary. Stanley H illsboro, Oregon ter Grow of Portland, Mrs. Mar- ed to Blue Lake P ark Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Frances Rowell and _ Capltul HlU' Mr and Mrs Corntls was among the graduates ffliret B M S and Ernest Block of assist with boating concessions dur- s°n John A lbert and Mrs E J ' ~ j « z- a lng ,he 8ummer season. Davis spent Sunday at Three Rocks « a T d a ad u o t Ga rden Miss Grayce M iller and friend, Mrs. A udrey Heaton with a Home visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Russell Gilman, who was «roup of Hillsboro ladies attended ic a in a rd H _ onored house guest the past week T W v. . --- rvtciv at d l the m e !be .......... state sw««. convention «. wig v crgl l lull of UI Business DUSln' h i e ha-oL was honored M iller home, w ent to P ortland ! and Professional Women's clubs at = blrthda>' Ma>' 12 w‘th Monday to spend several days at The Dalles Saturday and Sunday 152 S. T h ir d A v e . P hone 2 1 W drlnVe ra party: 15 a the M arke Wolfe home. Mrs. Gil- The Ju n io r Woman's club met ^hd’ coml" g to thls man will return to her home the at the Mrs. Lyle Potter home Mav i,° m i ,.u n ,ty thS al e 14 y ®ar=' last ot this week. 15. Miss A rlene C otter had charge T hlS hon?e he5e S utherlands B u y Place of the program on "Gardening ' w1mPhlsf familviebv»aeTrSRWhen. he Mr and Mrs 1 E Sutherland Next meeting wiU be at the T hio mily 1 ivehe woials above Forest Grove lust when the cem etery association will Fred Som erville and a friend Thursday Be was taken to Ver- hold the annual business meeting ftom the t i l ’ camp at Vancouver ,lo,l*a Lit* Medical aid The cem etery is being mowed and visited at the S. W Baughmuu S. 8. R a lly at K r e d v lllr put in first class condition for the .................. ....TiW "L*"“ ? chu“ h * '» '-»«e event, which is usually attended *A gr.nm o 7 p T a by a ‘ Presbyterian r und the lose | at Sunday or morning service In the with her parents. Mr. and Mrs 1« ed March 1 local church. A. Whittle, were Sunday guests at Miss M argaret C the (. . (.» Wright home in P o rtla n d M a n n in g vn ««•it 11,.. .. „T h. ,» .h ~ - ......... school are Miss I urill« m ..#» .. j . »»< w s nr H ills b o r o and the sur- S M ountainside s n FRi i h Bettv r *,d (By Mis* Lorraine Dentn>inI Q uality job pi m t ln g from First National Flank lliithlinir Phone 2211 Hlllahoro HHJ-SBORO ARGUS C tt. For Information «bout »Irrrtorr or It. Adrrrtlorra rail T h. A r n o —Jim ,