G H IL L S B O R O Thursday, May 16. 1935 A RGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Page Nine OREGON N O T H E TO ’ K E D IT O M H M lIH E TO < K F D IT O K H M ildred and Lucille. Mr and Mrs. C harles E pler. S p rin g er. R ufner. In the County C o urt «*f the H 'ate ««f O re ­ In tlo* ’ <»unty ’ <»urt of the Htate of O re­ R eynold G erig and d a u g h te r J u a n ­ I Am m an. Sum G alirlg. R eynold G ehr- gon for WM«hlngt<*n County. gon, fo r W ashington (bounty. ita and th e honored guests. Mr. j ig. B enton. O scar P h a h l, Jo h n L, lb«* M at ter of I he Estate <*f < h arlo tt Io the M a tte r o f the E state of M ary R u fn er had high honors and Mr. I Goetze, Jo h n Haase, H enry Haase, Hi|l« hi»«»n. I»«« «-a«e»|. Y a n ttl, D»-«ea-«-d W aibel low. Notice 1« hereby given that the under­ ' .1 H enry Haase. A nnie P eters, E l­ Notice is her«-by given th at the under­ signed has been by the above alrove en­ signed ha« beeri duly sonflrm ed by the Mr. and Mrs. P arson a n d son m er Boge, T. Pile. L ouise U nger. I «M allini Column» t'lu m »I ! • u'rlouk W rdnm doy M uruin« title d «««urt duly appolnt«al ad m in la tra- above en titled court a- executrix »>f ’ he L eonard have m oved to A um sville. Hilda D ober. Jo e Dober, F ra n k 'l e s i Mil.e n ’ of F rank W ( •■ uiteli, <|« m «*u-*«s|. t«/r of the e»tate of ( h arlo t' HutrbiiMrn La«' W ill and Te»tam ent of said de- M r and Mrs. G yldon O ak lan d of Koch. A rnold G nos and Lew is, all by an order mad# and e n te ra l In the <|«rceM»«rd, an«l ha« duly «pialified as such • «*a-<«l. and ha« duly «pialified a» such. A KKAIIV IHAKKKT W II'II 2ft. HIGH ( ounty < our, >>f the H’ Mte- of Dreguu f ir ai|mlni»trat««r. A nacortes, W ash , a re visiting Mrs. of Iow a H ill and vicinity, and Mr*. Now, therefore, all persons having W ashington Coun’ y, on the 25th day if A ll |>er»«>n» having claim s against said claim» against »aid eatate are hereby H ili KKHVI.TH AT O a k lan d 's parents. Mr. a n d Mrs. M C ran e and Mrs T oni Schantln • briwl I< >lt H A I.h that »h«* ba 1 duly c«tate are hereby raquirw l t<* prtraent the notifnal and r«r«juire>l to present A p ril, 1936, and W ltliyc the I ' hn I n iw i M Reddig. of G resham . Miss G nos has tau g h t LITTLC COST MUMllfivil MS t il'll Fai■a-iit rlx «arne to rne, w ith pro|«er vo D ale,I and f ir - t published M ay 16, 1935. hereof. p a rty of th e series, w hich has been hom e. on« m ile south I teed ville Dated thi» 23rd day of A p ril. 1935. Last publication June 13. 1936 sponsored by th e co m m unity club, (N o aervlce !«■« than 15c> L ouise P e ters of M onm outh vis­ M A R fiA R E T Y A N T T L Executrix of I .'tou-pmi ml mare, sound, w ill H I NRY J H U T< H lH ’ tN A d m in is tra ­ Itaaitara, par Una Ida place It A Wltl.ycomlM of to r of the E » la ’ e o f ( h arlo tt Hutchison, the Last W ill and Teat a merit of »aid De- will be held S a tu rd a y ev en in g at ite d h e r p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. H. ceaaed F J M 'A le a r , A tto rn ey fu r 8:30 Mrs. W. A Jo n es is chairm an (H o aarrlea l#aa than M«» 19 Ililh b ..r o . on Ht I. de« eased M Jl. Bum p, Resilience and P eters, o v e r th e w eek-end. notice, tO’ Wlt W ith in u"-« of th e event. M Rahn. May 2. 10.16. H A Y horse i<>r »uie. 1609 lb» Cwaal Words Sand Money M r and Mrs. D Pearson a n d c h il­ 13*7 Iti I. Hillsboro. at Phillip« i » p I l l JI.DA M ( O N N L I. I. F ae. u tri« of «al»unty unmarne.1 Ed»«on w . Sutherland and nam ed includes Mrs. H a v e lle Je l- M rs H. H aase and Mrs. J. D ober day w ith Rev H enry S. H aller o f­ l-e « Ire n «»ul until lit* paper le uiMW I. Hchcrkla. De* eased IK H IS E S fü r aal#. w ill take cows In C o u rt Room at I f Hlale rro, O regon, aw the H utheriand, hi» wife. Ed • derks, S ab in a W hitehead and H ar- Notice Is hereby given th at All»ert and d a u g h te r B everly h av e been ficiating In te rm e n t w as a t th e loc­ tra d e , terms to reliable psrtle» llav«* ppoinlm i, qualified I tim e and pla< e fo r hearing said account . Hiliwckla, the duly .„ d w ,„ .m » r . h i. o td S hafer. Mrs. Max B erger was al I. 0 , 0 F. cem etery well-m ated taarns, also single hör»«*« N ow , therefore, all per »on» interested ami acting A d m in istra to r ,f.„d.„u. a p p o in ted ch airm a n of th e visit- ill w ith th e flu th e past w eek. Must »««•» to appre* tat# tbem A b Mr. M cK ee w as b orn in Ohio, D e­ are hereby notified to » p p m r at said with W ill Mhursed of the Estate of B a r­ I. annoiinckmknth FUschsn. tiaston. Il- 9 p tholomew I. Hch«M-lila, d«*« «*a*ed, has f il ­ tim e and place and m ake known any «d>- com m ittee w ith pow er to cem ber 3. 1865. He w as th e fa th e r I t F .ltr IM iD Y knows that our Perfect ¿«•ctiona they m ay have to the approval O L D IKUtHF.H W A N T E D ed bi« fin a l »«count in the County Court or-ier «*f »ai# laaued out o f the abov» en- choose h e r co-w orkers. T he last of Mrs. M y rtle H ays ot S ilverton bine W hite Diamonds are priced lower lllpheat pries pald. 145 N E uurth avan* <»f the H tate of Oregon for W ashington of the »aid account. tittod ««»urt in the ai»«»ve entitle«! cause m eeting of May w ill be om itted, and Mr9 Z um w alt. than meal Jewelers price Im perfect Dated thi« 16th «lay of M ay, 1936. ue l'bone 831 Y. 8 tf County, and that »aid Court has fixed O? î t 2p U . . X O ' . Î Î r,lÆ ‘: h . ' " ^ th e " e x t m eeting J u n e 14. •ineae Anderson's Jew elry «tors. _ ELTA L. K IN N E R . A d m in is tra trix . IIO ltH E H fo r sala. welght 110« to 17«« Monday, the 2<»th day of M ay. A D 1936, pouttd» («oaranteed a s reprasenletl. at teii o'clock a m. of said «lay in the Hirn» A him «, A ttorney« fo r Estate, 60 fy and d i.c h a c y . - e * 100*' « e d Q in g S W e r t g»v e n place fo r hearing said fin a l acc«»unt and gon. for the County u l W ashington. a tte n d th e sta te convention of the tun Hk Phons Mo«4 111f Com e in for p a rticu la rs. all ol»je«-ti«»ns thereto anil fo r the fin a l In the M a tte r of the E state of J. D. t h . .um of «26oo.(,u t , < « h . r w ith in - k>y D onna B road a n d O liv er Stein; F a rm ers' U nion M ay 21 to 23 at 27. CATTLE settlem ent of said estate. t m a t th .reo n at t h . r a t . o f 7% p«r ta p d ances in costum e by M arian Smith, D«»-eas«d. C A L L FO R BIDS M eltebeke A lbany. I'W O Guernsey heifers for «sie. fie»ben Dated this Dtth day o f A p ril, A. I). No tice Is her«rhy given th at the under- ii1.?,1 "" à"":*. thf ’ i4 d*x ot Boyson. trom bone selections b y CALL FU It B ID S ELECTRIC STORE September 462 N 1st Ave . Ilills - 19116. A c h ariv ari w as given Mr. and signed. as E x ecu trix o f the E state of J. I ’ . I, and the fu rth e r sum of 2277.ir* x»» r» m *» * » __ Mealed »»Mb for 11 U» 1« cords of 4-foot LIp boro. A L lIF .IC r Hi I1F.< K I.A , A d m in istra to r de D. Mmitk. d«*c<-aae«i, Fta» filed her F in a l Ac> «•oat», disbursements and attorney's fe«ei, Crloria Rolling. M arian H agg was Mrs. Ed B all M onday night. 124 S. 2nd Ave. H illsboro Dr wood, delivered to Oran««» school, intgreat theraon at thé a c c o m p a n is t. bonis non w ith W ill annex«»d. of the count and Report in the County Court tog«-ther w ith »ale I'U K E ItltE D young Jersey bull fo B ride G iven Show er must »»a in by June 17 State quality Phone Fuitate of Harthuloftiew L . He heck Is. De- of the Htate of O regon, fo r the County rate of 6% per annum since the 25th M a rjo rie B road and B e rn ard Al- John Hose, It, I, Millsboro and prpxu Hoard r###r»ea the rig h t to Mrs. K en n eth Ing of P o rtlan d <»f W ashington. and that Monday, the l i p ceasad. ay A p ril, I93u, as specified in sai«i t is i a n w ere th e eighth g ra d ers who I reject any s n ^ a ll Mda D is tric t 1*. 7 etgnin g ra a e rs wno (V e rn a K ra h m e ri w as given a THOH H T O N G U E J r . Att«,rney for 2'»th «lay of M ay, 1935, at the hour of execution, de« ree and order of sale, sell , »ws fo r sale, one fresh. adm inistrator. Mam ’Lieh. slant. Mt. 4 H illsbo ro 11 6 T W O Jersey 9 - il In o'elueb A M . of ««aid day. am i the at public auction to the highest bidder took th e exam s a t H azeldale this b rid al show er a t th e hom e of h e r ■(her w ill freshen soon J L. V an- Bids w ill he received on replaaterlng the I all the follow ing da- year. T hey took p a rt in th e grad- court room of said C o urt ha» been ap- f» r cash in hand Domelen, M ounlalndale Phone N o rth N O T H E TO 4 K F D IT O K H iiiteri«»r id aehoolttous# *•* D istrict N |M»inte«l by »aid Court a» the tim e and •« rii»ed reel property »ituate w ith in Wash- uation exercises held a t K inton m o th er, Mrs. Ed K rahm er, M ay 8 Plains mF 11 11 In the County Court of ’ he Htate of O re­ . place board re- for the h«-aring of objertm ns there- (IcIaU dy ¡'.U j I up U> May 2«. D»Jf. T»i .und^l 7?d’',',i2 Î Î lb J O 7 . M.' G range hall on M onday evening, D onors w ere M esdam es H erm an sale. II1 K F I. Jersey «•«»«•» sis helfet fo gon for W aahingtoii County. auy «»r all I to i«nd the »etllerneril thereof. •ervae the rig h t to reject a n d Ed F re u d e n th a l, J E Reeves. R osedale school closed F rid a y w ith R o b ert M eacham . F re d M eyer, A l­ Dated and fir s t puhli«he«i A p ril 13th, lo w ,, to -w it: bid» Mrs F ra n k Jacks«,n « bairm an. ' O ne or all Double-tealtsl Mrs. J II In the M a tte r «»f the F a ta l« of Ahrsharn ll>.t , Up Keichen, Deceased. 1935 Date <»f la»t pindication M ay 16th, Iti I Onrnellua._____ I'¿*-’ Hicks, tulle south • Iteedvlllr R uby G ille n w a te r fin ishing t h e Commenciny at the intersection of b e rt H ergert, F re d K rahm er, H e n ­ Notice is hereby given that the under­ 1936. ■1 ’ I F i V K yrsr <>l] K ra h m er. W illiam H am m elm ann. Street in the town I now c ily l of ... I IV , H u l.k m r ia l • ••>•’ « r i - 'I W A N T E D l i. r - .- l.l <«lv.-. C all e .r mings Last W ill and Testam ent <»f said deceas­ < •»¡her A B«-rnurd, Attorney». H uber school a t th e G ran g e hall F red H ering, J. H uis m an. H en ry liillehoro, flre y o n . and ru n n in g thence P ed. ami ha» duly q u alified as such. .la , |. » » ra n n . aa.lata.it j „ r w rlla t,o« llaaallna. Hlllabor NOTICE Ol RRU weet 1721.S feet and thence eouth 0 in th e n e a r fu tu re. I'lp I T W O Guernsey, one Holstein, young Jacobsm ullen. T e d W i l k i n s . J. Now, therefore, ail persons having claim» Notice 1» hereby given th a t, by virtue dey 10' east 74 1 feet to the point Mr. a n d M rs. Tom M iller and W ahrnke, Jo h n C ordes and H. E m ­ [ fo r sale O ne Guernsey. Just fresh, oth- against said estate are hereby notified «rf an order, decree and license of sale of lonrinniny of the land hereby de- i ers rig h t away. T . II »m l ah»,rti«»n and requited to present the same, to­ of the county court uf the Htate of O re ­ fam ily s p e r t th e w eek-end a t T illa ­ erick . Mr. Ing w as also present, ae-rihed . ru n n in g thence weet along 10. W ANTED— M ix etU nroua ' teat«*d clean. G 1.< m B, 1 m ile east of gether w ith pro|»ei vouchers therefor, to gon f**r D«—< hut«*» County, made and en­ m ook w ith Mr. a n d Mrs. D anford. a n d a luncheon follow ed th e o p en ­ the tieee L in e Road 67S.21 fe e t: de I t ii. ' I ,• the the law office of tered Into on the I7 th «lay of A p ril. 1935, undersigned »k XN TF I» Wood cut on »bares. thence north «77.16 feet to the eouth T h eir d a u g h te r V irginia, w ho has ing of th e gifts . e r -bare lt.daod Hornet ker. Y O U N G Guernsey cow for sale, fresh the F irst N ational in the m atter of the G uardianship eatate Bagley A Hare line of the rig h t of w ay of the O re­ sp en t se v e ra l w eeks dow n th ere, Hlllsim ro. Oregon. Iti I. Crtt’ eitus; P um pkin Itlrige r«»a«l of Paul IL Heineck, a m inor. I w ill, fro m T It and A H teslr-l M r. Susie Bank Building, P hone 21W 152 8. 3rd Ave. F arew ell P a rty G iven gon E lectric R a ilw a y : ihenre eaeterly re tu rn e d hom e w ith them . and a fte r the 25th day of M ay, 1935. sell « A ll Ft lit W A R M A N IN toHMlinan, m ile north of ( ’«»melius 12tf w ithin »is months fr«»m the date hereof along the eouth line o f eaid rig h t of F re d H oem m e w as honored w ith listed this |7th day of A p ril, 1936. at p rivate aale. to the high«*st bidder ». Ii.sd D ^ t r a l No. 7» Is «ailing w arrants ( 'H o K ’ F fr«wb Jersey. K e n n eth M ills is confined to his way 670.116 feet thence eouth 0 deg. g««»d producer, a fa re w e ll stag p a rty a t th e G eorge D A V ID I D A I'I* . Executor «»f the lo u t fo r cash in hand a ll of the undivid«*«! oit ludl « N.» 269. dated prior ,«• M arch iu ' eaet to the place o f beginning, di»ul»lr-tested K«»y Bills. Hbady Brook. W ill and Teslam ent of said Decegs«al. hom e w ith th e m um ps. one-sixth interest o f »aid m in or in and to M eyer hom e F riday. T w o tables 1*34 Interest ceases May I«», 1916. containing 7.00 scree, m ore o r ieee. 2 miles fro m N o rth Plains 12-16s M r a n d Mrs. C o u rtn ey Syverson of pinochle w e re played by R ich- | B A G L E Y A H A R E . A ttorneys fo r Ea- the follow ing dtweribed real property, (Being all o f Lot» 17 to 22. both in- «m a ll w a r r a n ts n«d her#,«»f«*r# called I ItF'JiH Guernsey rows, 2 Guernsey hulls. ecutor 9-11 situ ate in W a»hington County, Oregon, and fam ily of T im ber. M r and Mrs a rd Schoeler, L eonard G urske, D on­ rltiaiy«, and L o u «0 to «J. both in- P ay a b le a t C o tn tu e t. tsl N a tio n al Bank J2 and I n months , sell or trade W p a rtic u la rly d«a»crihed as follow», t o w i t : <-lu»i«e. and parte o f L o u 23 and 30 Tin»- Pear» G L eonard H allock and fam ily of ald H inrichs, H enry N eukirk. Rich M r. H ili Wyss, Vft 11 H. W T s y ln r’s F e rry r«»a«1 N O T H E O F S lO M IF F ’H H A LE B eginning at the southwest corner according to the unrecorded eelling 13 l»#r P o rtla n d viisted o ver th e w eek-end H erdlein, H enry N eum ann. F red phone Broadway I at»7 12 Ip tI By virtu e «»f a m ortgage for«wl«jsure of that certain tract of land situate plat of Tongue'e Addition to Hiileboro, w ith th e ir p aren ts. Mr. and Mrs. H oem m e a n d E rn est M eyer. j FltF.H H y«»ung Jersey cow Peter Kisd* eve. ution la-lied by the C ircuit Court of in Section 36. T . I N K. 3 W W. Oregon ; M W ashington County, Oregon, which HELP W ANTED «r«v. Cornelius Kt 2 ; 4 miles south of the Htate <»f Oregon for W ashington Coun­ T o c h e r w ith .11 the rig h t, t i n . , i n . . , - c p • Syverson. D orothy H allock W orks a t C ourse ty In »uit : N»> lo6«7. P rud ential Hav­ said tract was conveyed by D T . C all | Hillsboro 12tf fo r housework W A N T F .D Woman r«t .n d « t a w which the . . i d defend- stayed o v e r a few days in t h e b e - ings .X Ixian Asaorlation. a corporation, S m ith to W m . M ahon, deed for which A llen S im an tel has been em ploy­ Ltp FO R HALF. 2 I »-months-old Jersey bulls, and (T ta rle* II Carey. Corp«»rati«»n Com- 4th Ave i " l t ' ,R E ' S utherland and C a rrie A. g inning of th is w eek w ith h e r ed to fill th e position a t th e F orest was filed fo r r«*cord M arch 21st, cord- j fro m Iteavy m ilkin g and e xtra high Sutherland, had in and to »aid pro p e rty p r a n d n a r p n t s M I N w ith U»la Io contract c u lli miasioner of the Htate of Oregon and 192” , and recorded at page 674 in on the 3rd day o f E rh rv a ry . 192b. and t.r a n a P a r e n l S ' t«»sling registered c«»ws. double tested H ills golf course re ce n tly vacated wuori W b H u ntley. Kt 2 Hlllsl»oro . S tatu to ry Itereiver of P rud ential Havings Buuk 116. R«*corda of D«*eds fo r W ash­ 1» ' F F Hanley. Hillsboro. Kt 3 19 A Loan A»s««iatiou. a ro rporathm . P lain­ whi. h »mce »aid d aw a - accrued to them W atsons E n te rta in II.« '. I ington County, Oregon . ru n n in g th em e by F re d Hoem me. a b o u t I F IF T Y good, fresh m ilk cows fo r sale tiff» . v». >1 II Knaack am i V irg in ia along the south line of said Mahon .°k ' he.m * “ d , n . ,* r ’ " n* c|a i , Mr. a n d Mrs. G eorge W atson of W A N IF -O " Straw berry picket K oehnke Im proves tra ct 8. 39* 49' E. 603. h feet to tox 2666. I Cume see them m ilked . term» to re­ Knaack. husband ami w ife. D efendants," W.u i i r' m . d e ‘;rubJ'« t '" t o l i X n p ? i „ n A l o h a e n t e r t a i n e d w ith a "fam ily June I Y. Hat«». Kt liable party A H Kiachen, the center o f County Road; tbence 10-« ! guests w ere Mr. a n d Mrs. W. P. I y«»u at « W rite t««lav Kawietgh Mr. and Mrs. F re d K ra h m er and i II f \X'-w1. a t St. V incent's hospital. I'fs h in , Presume«! Deceased. and a fte r the 26th day o f M ay. 1935 < tllF -» A H B , O akland Cal I L I V E S T O ’ K wauled, fat r«Hng to the duly re- Dated thi« 26th day o f A p ril. 1935. E m m a L eopold, w ho is em ployed a pipee org an concert in P o rtla n d ' ! Chevrolet tru ck, dual pneum atic tire«. corde«l m ap and plat ther«*««f on file CHARLO TTE H E IN E C K . G u ard ia n <*f signed. a« A d m in is tra trix of the estate ! SDH« Hans Hanson. 4904 <«itn m ereiai W O ltK H ANTI II Pechin. presumed deceaaed. in P o rtlan d , v isited h e r p aren ts, Mr. S unday night. in the office «>f the Recorder of Con­ the person and estate o f Paul Ii Heineck. of W’lljiam mu#. P ortland _____ 1 1-4' I um med veyance« f«»r the County of W ashing­ a M in o r. E J. M cA lear. Hillxboru. O re­ ha* filed her fin a l account in the Coun­ a n d Mrs. P a u l L eopold. Sunday. hi.u.torred. «ut «»ff Jo e Sim s w as a w eek -en d v isito r i ty Court of the State of Oregon, fo r i Hher- ton. State o f Oregon gon. A tto rn ey fo r G uardian. 19-4 A m eeting of th e S u n d ay school a t th e E. W. H in rich s hom e a n d , J A lle a tty . saw REAL ESTATE I V5a«hington County, and that M onday the Date of firs t publication A p ril 1H. 1935. .... M ill Cu-, Bo» ISÄ. Kt 1. llanks. I 29. tea ch e rs and officers w as held a t en jo y e d M other's day w ith Mrs. (»1 - I I I I’ l l l » HAL1 O F 3rd «lay o f June. 1935. at the h«nir uf 12-4p F IV F a-n —m modern home in Portland, to D ate >-f last publication M ay 16. 1935. N O T H » W illiam H eil hom e May M ary Sims, his m other, w ho was J kX C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W aahing- R E A L P R O P E R rk O N F O K E t L O H I RE 10 o’clock in the forenoon of »aid day th e M rs trade fo r HiBabnro pr«»i«ert> or vi< in ity IIO U H E M O V IN G Notice 1» hi-reby given, that by virtu e ' and the c«mrt n»im of said court ha» 8 to discuss v a rio u s su b je cts and I ’ O H ot 3 « H illsboro 13 ». ton C ounty. Oregon. M'»»iog rw llttB g. raising, basements, Etc. also v isitin g h e re from B erkeley, j l»een Mp|»>inted by »aid court as the tim e H A M U F I. H M A R T IN Att«»rney for <*f an Execution. Decree and O rd er of business. P re se n t w e re Mr. a n d Cal. Mr. Sim s re tu rn e d Monday- , ling l l years' esperleso c It XX a»h- T W E N T Y acre. f.«r »ale all d e a r amt In P la in tiff. Mead B u ilding. Portland. O re- Hale l»»ued out of and under the «eal and place fo r the hearing of «»bjectionx e o e n ty I I l i e s t it 230 N Mrs. R D oty and d a u g h te r of n ig h t to W alla W alla. Wash., w h e re rr«»p Frank Matyac«», 2 ’ -j m il.- n o rth ­ 9-1 < of the C irc u it Court ««f the State o f O re­ thereto and the »ettlement thereof. . II east o f H llle b o ro . B ub 14. It« 1 I Ip Dated and firs t published M ay 2. 1935. B eaverton. M r a n d M rs A1 Je l- he is em ployed. M rs Sim s a n d h e r gon for W a«hington County on the 16th D ate of last publication M ay 39. 1935. d e rk s •lay <>f A p ril. 1936. on a Judgm ent and 1 4 -A C K F fa rm o r 2«-acre fa rm . fa ir HI M M O N S a n d M esdam es K incheloe. g ra n d d au g h ter. V irginia K ing, also TO SW AP ROSEMARY KENNEDY. A d m in istra­ In the C ircuit Court of the Htate of Decree made and entered therein on the buildings, 12 acre» In cu ltivation 6 T aylor. B lack, a n d B rooks. A social left fo r th e ir hom e M onday night. L. J Davi». 1902 Po rter Bldg.. AN Y4JNF having sw arm <•« . «»bmy Cha». 15th day of A p ril. 1935, in favo r of trix . acre» fin e strawberries d soil f«»r Oregon. f«»r W ashington County. the 11-6 tim e w as en jo y ed follow ing F.laner. p la in tiff. and against Portland. A ttorney. )>#•« to trade fo r H M b p a d • - - I h..ncy filb erts, w alnut», etc F A llrad y. B row nhill. P la in tiff, v« ( ’harlea Heamon. F ritx U nion H as Social M eet drop oartl to C W' MjoBl** Kt - lt«»x business. K t. I, ( ’«»melius . 9 mil««« north on X irg ln la M »v Heamon. R«»»e Henson. O tto Rudolph H o ffarb er. Ida E. H o ffa rb e r and Social m eeting of th e Bloom ing Chari«-« G Hepner. Tru»tee. defendants, , ■ i Alfr««l Heamon M r- Henry N O T IC E of final settlement M essrs and M esdam es C o urtney Pum pkin Kldge road 11-4 Seanom. W illie Heamon. A lfin a Heamon. w herein a judgm ent was given and en­ In the County Court of the S w w of O re- Svverson. C larence C hurchley. E arl F a rm ers' U nion w as held M ay 8 at ANTED Several well improved farm s. C«Mta tered «n fav»r o f p la in tiff and against the 11. SALE or TKAIIE—MbM rllanroua kk 4u . . . _ _____. . .. _ _ . B u n n in g ’s hall. T h e e vening w as gon, fo r W a .h in g lo n < ounty - ____ to NO acres, stocked end s«|uiM»e«l Caroline F.aktn. A lfons Heam«»n, John Ih«e defendant». Rudolph H o ffa rb e r and Ida Heamon. Richard R<«* Scainon. Jane Due In the M a tte r of the Estate of N o ra P ierce. Miss D orothy H allock and sp en t in d ancing Mr. a n d Mrs. preferred, have num ber «»f cash buy­ IT A.NO f«W sale or trade fo r young E. H o ffa rb e r, fo r the »uni of 61,989.90. Thurston. Deceased. H«mm«»n. M ary D«*e Heamon and Richard A rth u r Syverson w ere e n te rta in e d F ra n k Schulm erich. M r a n d M rs I at«M*k. «b'uble di««', pulverise», a u to w o er«. Kememher our «»ffice Is «m the w tth interest thereon at the rate of 8*^ Notice is hereby given that the under­ a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. P a u l hiie drag saw J a me» Hewell, M«»x highw ay, don’t be fooled by im itato rs Doe Heamon. Defendants Ed K raus. Mr. a n d M rs D alby and B O W LIN G SUNDAY In the Nam e of the Htate o f O regon: per annum since the 24th day of Decem­ signed. duly appointed A d m in istra to r of 4. Itt 1 HiHabofo Phene 2. FT * tf as we are the only Oregon Farm s Co. ber. 1934. and the fu rth e r sunt of 2100.00 the above named estate, ha» file«! in O 'C onnor in B eav erto n S a tu rd ay M r. a n d Mrs. H enry Reese w ere j N oon to M idnight. in kXaahinglon county W rite or see You. an«l ra rh <»f you. sre herel»y notified attorncx '•« -I- the fir»t cau-c f t t l.L L «•» trade your old farm im pie- above entitled court and cause hi« fin a l e v e n in g . that thi» p la in tiff is the holder o f tax v isito rs from th e L au re l local. N ext j u< at once, corner I nth and Hasetine. , ,ents f. Kagon. and fo r the fu rth e r sum of 61.108.09. ha« fixed the 2<>th day of M ay. 1935. at « mvsi I'rvMtiag Poet. 7481 H E. »2nd m anager 12-3p Isaued to him on the 27th «lay of July. w ith interest thereon at the rate o f “r , the hour o f ten o’clock A. M e l land. wangBaJSSf o f »aid Cal., sp en t a couple of days last Bloom ing school M ay 22. 1934. for the delinquent taxe« fo r the 7 ‘ j acres fin e soil, mostly cultlvat««l. year l ’l.'tu In the -urn **f 619 ••» u|»on (wr annum since the 26th day o f Oeto- day. and the court room of the above en­ w eek w ith M r and Mrs. E lm er B ride-E lect H onored M T, l'.'H . and the fu rth e r M H | of I I ' 1"."1' 14. FOK KALE— M lg c r I la n r o u e close to Cornelius. Price 6 1 .’»no the follow ing deacrilted real p ro p e rty : attorney'» fee* on the second cause of title«! court in H illsboro Oregon, as the W a l d e l e Miss F rances G nos w as su rp rise d NF XX Ftrrawlwrry carriers f.»r -ale. J /«»r 6 acres, goo« I A-n«»ni house, barn and ll«*ginning at the N. E. corner of the »uit »et fo rth in p la in tif f ’s com plaint, tim e and place fo r hearing objections to C ooper M ountain L adies’ club CorneBu »aid F in a l Account, and fo r the fin a l garage A ll cultivated, at w ith a b rid al sh o w er M ay 7 a t the R a r« M M f D I < It, T 1 S K. 4 and 26« . 612 m e l«M> Place orders tm nieaii- fo r p la in tif f ’s costa and disburse­ 422 H E 61st A v e , H«»rt- XX m et T h u rsd a y a fte rn o o n w ith Mrs. hom e of h e r m other, Mrs. M argar- j C onfectioners - Bowling Alleys Price 6226« kX M . running thence N 70 deg ment» herein taxed at 621.85 to me di­ settlem ent of said estate. .iel» Raymond M cC arthy. F «»rest Gt«»ve Dated this 17th day <»f A p ril, 1935. land Ph.»n» T A b o r M46. H -3 p 47' E 4 99 chains, thence N 19 «leg W Ju liu s G assner. A qu ilt, w hich the Phone «KN lL 4 p rect«»! and delivered, com m anding me to et Gnos. w hose b irth d a y also w a s : B illiards H. W P R IC K E T . A d m in istra to r of the 4 41 chains, thence H. 71 «leg W 6 .IS make »ale o f the real property herein­ 65(10« Fi»K HAl.t» Mplnch galvanised w ater E. J. ladies had m ade, w as a w ard e d to c eleb ra ted on th a t day. T h e h o m e : FO B HALF; The M acKay property. W ash­ chains, thence H. 33 «l«qr 25‘ E. 4.67 a fte r f g»a*d lum ber some brick. 1260 M ain S t .McAlear. A ttorney fo r A d m inistrator. chain» to |M>int of beginning, containing ington street near First. 66nnn Terms w as deco rated w ith tu lip s a n d the pursuant to the commands of »aid E x ­ B R Nick«w«»n. a l l N C«»n nell etc M r and Mrs. E rnest R annow and gifts p re sen te d in a basket. G uests j reasonable A pply M It Hump, at- 2.46 acres more «»r lea*. ecution. DiH'ree and O rd er of Sale. I w ill, . 210X 1* Ave N O T IC E O F F IN A L ACCOUNT That <»n the 17th «lay o f Jan u ary. 1935. i rney , ■” f on Monday, the 20th day of M ay. 1936. In the County Court of the S tate of fam ily of S andy a n d Mr. a n d M rs *. w ere M esdam es H enry Schulenberg. I k<>( l NG pie» for sale, also seed pola- p la in tiff paid all taxua a»**e«»«»l against at the hour of ten o'clock A. M of O regon, fo r the County f W ashington Jim C h u rch ley and fam ily of W itch i.w W N Daniels. 2 miles north of •aid property a» follow »: For 1931,616.12: «aid «lay. at the East o r F’ront D»»»r of M I’SK AL IN STRU M EN TS Probate Departm ent, Hazel visited th e ir father. T R an­ lt«aiver'«m on Barn«» r««ad . or at La- 35. for 1932. 612.63. for 1933-34. 612 30. and the County Court House in the (. ity of n the M a tte r of the Eatate of Archi­ now. S unday. ( ¡ram ie cream ery. F irst and Y am h ill W ith your spring hou»eeleanlng that all of said sum» I »ear interest at Hillsboro. W ashington C ounty. Oregon, bald R W rig h t. Deceased. I f-lland. 1 ,1 have your the rate of 9 *, fr«»m date of payment by sell at public auction to the highest bid­ M rs M ax B erg er a n d Mrs. Don- Notice U herel»y given th a t the under- F F.Nt’ F puam fo r sale W ill deliver P IA N O p la in tiff. der fo r cash in hand, all the rig ht, title , of the estate aid F ra se r re tu rn e d th e m iddle of 44tf lu n n l, cleanwl. demothed and repaired. | • ii m 1 I, • c Y«»u are fu rth e r n«»tified that p lain ­ and interest which » a i d defendants. , »¡gned. »» »d m in i’ tn rto r »f Archibald R. W rig h t, deceased, has C< Phon. 12|> t if f last w eek from a n in e-d ay scenic w ill apply t«» the ah«>ve entitled Rudolph H o ffa rb e r. Ida E H o ffa rb e r and Court fo r a «le< ree foreclosing the lien Charles G. H epner. Trustee, and each file«l hi* fin a l account in the County ( AKK AND T IK E S _ a n d business tr ip th ro u g h so u th e rn IS. of «aid tax«*» against said property and an*l all of th«-m. had on the 2nd day Court of the State o f O regon, fo r Wash- 3«. ROOMS AND APARTM ENTS «I ri veti FO R D , j -» I broke In. Bk> like new you are snmnwned to appear in the above of M arch. 1932. or at any tim e have t Jngton“ 'c o i7 n ty .'" '* n d ‘ tii» t'' M .m d .y ," the O regon and as fa r south as C res- FO R K E N T M cKay hon-e and garden. named c«»urt w ith in 60 «lay» a fte r the since acquired and or now have, in * n,l I 27th day of M ay. 1935. at the hour of cent . C ity. -* I l nuo m l he a buy si 6296 It Hk use Cal • T hey sp en t som e Lip Ibi« I l Ff 2. Hillsbon» kXashington street near First Apply die firs t puhli.-ation of thi» to the f«>ll«»wing bound«»! and described 10 o’clock in the forenoon o f said day ! t i m e w ith Mrs. T. E. Bledsoe at M It Bump, atto rn ey, or J M cKay. summons, excluding the date of the first real property, lying, being and situate and the court ro o n o f said court ha* ' private ltt.il Itu lck. F-67 aedan. • « * * M rs Bledsoe lived in »aid court a» the t-.arniner. I ifth - Ave 12ti 1 publication, and defend this suit o r pay in the County o f W ashington. State of I,oen appointed by t___ _ h.Mvtmi at |4«1 Phone 1962. 13 , _ _ com m unity for m an y years. more p a rtic u la rly described tim e and place fo r the hearing o f oh- this the am ount due a« shown above, together Oregon and castito •re jeetion’ thereto and the ’ ettlem ent th ereo f. | T hey re tu rn e d by th e Coast high- w ith interest and coats, and in ca»e of as follows, to -w it: Dated and firs t publiahod lx»ts 17. 18. 19. 2«. 21. 22. 23. 24. a.,,.*..» A p ril 25, n . 1935. w ay and spent a nig h t at N elscott. y«»ur fa ilu re to do so. a dev-ree w ill he D ate of la»t publication M ay 23. 1935. *6 31 32 33. 34. 35. 36. 3. and 38 ren,lere«l f«»rerlo»ing the lien «»f said ________ _______ C H A R L E S __ E. W R IG H T A d m ini’ tra to r. Mrs. M ary H ay of C rescent C ity. , . . .1 e. ' X . mile I w ■ taxes against »aid property of 'a n d in H o ffa rb e r Tracts in «'•«’ •nre 3 ! 2 c Joh n"6l»en. A ttorney 421 R-»y Exchange Cal., re tu rn e d hom e w ith th em for Richard»«-n D L C. in He*- 36. T EUEL ‘ I nl«»n store IS. Thi« summons 1« published by order io-« a visit w ith Mrs. F ra se r. In h e r 1 S R I W W M . as shown by the Hl,lx. of the Hon K Frank Peter». Judge of 1er w.««l for «sie. 6 I 76 per , P A S T U R E fo r « allie. 3« acre» under cul- F O L Itf duly recorded m ap and plat ed Roland H«»rnecker. k t tivati«»n. 6« in pasture A ll w ilt In* I he alvove entitled c«»urt. dated and en­ ho n o r M rs F ra se r e n te rta in e d w ith cord We also h a n d le W illam ina d ra in on file and of record in the office of N O T H E TO C R E D IT O R S » Telephone N o rth Plains l«aslure«i ('s t ile mu«t be te«te«l Joe tered on the 16th «lay of A p ril. 1935, the Recorder o f Conveyance» of W ash­ In the County Court o f the S tate of O re­ a M other's D ay p a rty . G uests in ­ i- tile and “C h ie fta n ” h y d ra te d lime. V rlica k. Hillsboro. Kt 1 . 2 miles n«»rth ami the date «»f the first publication is I ington C ounty. <>r«r’»n. le»« and ex­ gon, fo r the County o f W aahington. cluded M esdam es B oland. Ja c k . H A p ril 1M. 1936. W eal U ntoli hh C em ent in tru c k a n d carlo ad lots. s of g«aal No I f ir cepting therefro m that iSB< * I H I K I ’Y Probate D epartm en t. A ll papers and ,*r«»c«M* in this proceed­ Sm ith. E llerson. and M cH enry. T he LI j "■ of land conveyed by Rudolph H*»ffar- Argo« No tice i» hereby given th at the under- w ith buek 16-inch ing may he »erv«s| upon the undersignevl. W illam ette riv e r. C olum bia riv er, ber and Ida E. H o ffa rb e r to the 42 ’ i g n d A lbert R rh e ckl. h « . iwen appointed com bined ages of these six guests FARM LOANS Bay Dels I I KHT glass wimn I fo r »ale residing w ithin the Htate «»f Oregon, State «»f Oregon by I>ee«i record««! <»« tf i 49tf a n d G ales c re e k sands and gravel. E xecutor o f the estate of M xgdeline Ochs, w a s 4« 1 years. G aribaldi Ave. Phone 210«. ■■ I M t> N F Y to loan on good dairy h e rd *.— at the MtJdre»« hereafter mentioned. J n n u .ry 1935. on P»«e £•> « «lecensed. by the County Court of the W A L T F .B I H U T C H IN S O N . A ttorney I F. A G riffith . 131 H. 2nd Ave 7 ,f l>»,k 155 of Rocord» •’« f — '• S tate of Oregon, fo r W ashington County, S E E D S - PLANTS for P la in tiff Reaidencg nnd P. O. Ad- 19. i rA lt.M money to bain I’he Fevleral Land drea». Hillsboro. Oregon. . W m h in m o n County. Oregon, and has qualified. A ll persons ha>ing 9-13 to . » li - f v ihe hereinbefore m entio ned’ urn« claim s against said I A M I H IH golden gl»»w ensilage , hank now has am ple funds in hontls to estate are hereby hwauke. I hone , fM rm rr, p « . , ( >ver fi.n n u .. nnd fo r (he c,«t» »nd expen’ e , of ’ »id n o tified to present the same, duly verified 63.60 n»’» cwt. K J N O T H ’! I " C R R IF IT O R K (B y D aniel C a rte r) •' nod has t»een loan ««I to W ashington In the ( «uinty C«»urt of the H tate of O re­ »»le «n,l of »»id w rit. I If as by law required, to the undersigned Roy C a rte r, w ho has been e m ­ Bald «»le Will l-e m .d e county farm ers l«y the hank. W r ite or «•u«» pound* M inm wota N<* I ; .c«i| corn gon. f«»r the County of W ashington. deniptinn «« l-er the »(«tu te . of the St«te at Route 1, Box 111 T ig a rd . Oregon, plume «¡Fir». «-»|| f.»r particular». W ashington Coun- ployed in th e U. S D redge M u lt­ M r, A rth u r VuyD tcke w ith in six months fro m the date hereof. I'roliMte Dct»artment. IB tf ty N ational Farm Loan Association, ID 2. Forse I Gn»ve Dated an«l firs t published M ay 9th. nom ah for th e past six years, w as Noth c i» hereby given that the under- at Hill«horO' Oregon, th i- l» th J M Peraon, secretary. H illsboro 9tf sign««l F. I 1935. D ate of last publication June 6th. tra n s fe rre d K u ra tli ha« been appointed ItU R K A N K »ee«| poUtoe» fo r sale, grown | to th e U. S. Dredge Ed. B W«»hl- , r t i N N I ' . I . l . . S h e riff " f „ " ad m in is trato r < f the «-»late o f J. J ' ' “.I w 1935. fro m c«wtlfi«vl a«Mal. K u ra tli. - ItA L F .D h *y under e<*L •• l ” ” 4 hnrae «L*u«vd Exevut«»r of the La*»t W ill and on such term s as said executor may d«pen above en titled cause by the above en­ P re se n t w ere Mr. G u rsk e of B loom ­ N O T IC E T i l C R E D IT O R S hay n lre h < ured. no wad«*. 6s P«*r t«»n. Testam ent o f »aid dec«*a»«»l ha« fil«»l in title d court on A p ril 25. 1935, the un­ ing. Mr. Pyle. Mr. Boge. M r W aibel ; nnd , ,lin lv I Franct» < halinurs, C ornellu* Phone the above entitled court and cause hi« In the County ('«»nr, of the Htate of O re­ best w h . in »’ . by an order o f the « •'"> > dersigned a« ad m in is trato r w ith the w ill a n d son M orris. Mr. and Mrs Final Account am i rep«»rt a« such, ami D gon for W ashington County. Ib lld . • • 1 ' ‘ t ..f W aahington ( „tint» . S 'n t, " f annexe«! o f said estate, w ill »ell at p ri­ the Court has fixed sttil appointed the In the M a tte r of the E state o f H enry O regon, tlnly - » 6 - an,I en ler.’ l in ««I-' , vate «ale on am i a fte r June 7. 1935. at Pearson. Mr. R ufner. Mr and Mrs 3rd day of June, 1936, at the hour «»f Itrock *. Deceased. m a ile r the nn.leralgne.1 ha’ been » n th .r - and a fte r ten o’clock A M a, bis o f- J o h n H aase a n d c h ild ren Alvin. 22. FARM M ACHINERY |u «»'cliH’k A M o f «aid «lay am i the Notice Is herel»> given that an order — ( T tl.A M separator, w ith m «t«r. M«-< <»r- court r«»»m <»f the above entitled c«»urt In was m ade in the County Court o f the iie ,l t„ ’ ell nil nr any portion nf »»t>l , fice in the F a ilin g Building. Portland. C A L I. FO R W A R R A N T S m irk -D e rrtn p . fOO-lb. capacity. T ig h t­ Hillsboro, O regon, as the tim e and place State of Oregon for W ashington County e -tn te either fo r ea’ h o r upon err. It or Oregon, to the highest bidder fo r cash, or payable in la w fu l money of the U nited fo r hearing ohjectimi« to »aid fin a l ac­ on the fith day of M ay. A. I> 1936. in upon lii’ tallm en t contract» at public the ly used ow ner disposed of All C*»unty Road Fund W arra n ts of States, all of the rig h t, title am i interest p rivate ’ «le fo r the payment "t I2 tf count am i fo r the fin a l settlement of »uid Hillsl»«»*-«. » red <’«». W shimrtnn C«»unty, Oregon, endorsed “ not the above «ntitled court and cause, adm it­ owned by the ab«»ve named dec«Ment John ilehta o f «aid eatate. , N E W and used farm m achinery fo r sale estate. oaid fo r want of funds” on o r b«»f«»re ting to probate the Last W ill and Testa­ K ierm an at the tim e o f hi* death. Feb­ Dat««l thi-> 1st day of M ay. 1936 l,v l.« * ’ «r Ireland A Co 111« ment of H e nry Brocks, deecas«al. atttl ru ary 24. 1929. nnd all the r i- h ' t i t ’e Decern’»«»r 31. |g»34. nre now puvahle a, F. .1 M cA lear. Ex««cutor of the Last i'S K I» m achinery of all kind» Hillsboro and interest that the said estate by op­ the «»ffice o f the C«»unty Treasurer, in E approving and co n firm in g the appoint­ 4tf kX ill and Testam ent o f »aid Dec«*a»cd I !'.<( kk XL,io *' ment o f H e n rie tta Brocks as Executrix eration o f law or otherwise, may have Hillsboro. Oregon. Interest «>n such w ar­ I l - ’» 12-lp ,1. M cA lcar. A ttorney fo r Execut«»r. of the La«, W ill and Testament of said acquired other than, or in addition t«» rants m»t beret«»fore called w ill cease May Henry Br«»cks. deceaaed. am i th a, said 23. K1IEEP—«O A T S th a, of said decedent at the tim e of hi* 18. 1935. N 4 IT K K O F HAMS H e n rie tta Br«»eks has duly qualified as w it. N«». 1467 N o rth Shaver «trcci. B O SC O W , County Treasu- MAUD W death, in and to the follow ing described luu A N G O R A guata fo r sale, h alf nannies, Notice 1» her«4»y given thut by virtu e such E x ecu trix. rer. « 13 land. Oregon, an,I at the office o f a » - ' lots, pieces o r parcels «»f land. t«»-wl, : half-blood yearlings (Guthrie» «»f mi or«ler, «,«•«• ree h ih ! license of »«le Now th erefore all person« having claims lev « H are atto rn ey’ at l a » . H t ll’ bor, . N ’ * of N. W S. E ’ « of N W. lm T M ills, R t. 1. Banks. Box 2«J; «if the County Court o f the Htate of O re- against »aid estate are hereby notified C IT A T IO N Oregon, all the follow ing deaerlhetl prop­ N ‘ j of S. W . ««. S. W »» of S. „ il, orth M uuriin« 1 1 gon f«»r W ashington County, made and am i required to present them w ith the e rly aituated in W a ’ hington County. S ta ll W . In Sec. 17. T . 2 N . R. 3 West In the County Court o f the S ’ ate o f O re­ entered herein on the 24th «lay o f A p ril. proper vouchers to the undersigned a, the gon. f«u W ashington County. W illa m e tte M eridian. tim ber land A PO ULTRY 1915. In Ihe m atter of the guardianship law «»flic«* of Th«»». H Tongue J r ., in the o f O regon, t o w i t : 14. Lots numbered 16. 29. 23. 26. «.6, . tra ct o f land In S. W . ’ » of Sec. 13. T. In the M a tte r of the Estate of M arv of the «»state of Hugh Archbold, an in ­ fo r sale. W h ite Leghorn. Com m ercial Block In the C ity of H ills- 28 29. 39. 39. 1’». I I . t& and 3« in 2 S. R. I W . W . M . beginning at the BOOHTF.RS Peterson. Deceased. David sane person. I w ill, from nnd a fte r the l»«»r«», Oregon, week «>,d. 6 1 l»er drw.en. w ith in six months from H arelbria.k E a rm . .according ,«» ’ he duly Secs. 13. 14. 23 and 24. T. 2 S. K 1 W . To N ils G ustaf Nelson. John P erry A. 24th «lay of M ity, 1935. «ell at private l.orenv. ('» mllea smith «»f condenser. the «late of the fir« , publication of this recorded map am i plat thereof on file in W M in T. 2 8. R 1 W . W M . thence Larson. Am anda Nelson n«e Peterson. l2-3p sale to the highest bidder fo r cash in notice, to -w it : W ith in six months from the office o f the County Recorder <- 1 j-m lle weet. G ustaf Peterson. Justus P»’ »»r««».i, A «el N o rth along section line between said hand, the undivided o n e -fifth interest of sabl C o u n ty; am i any rig ht, t itle or May 9. 1935. Peterson, and all unknow n persons hav­ H U G IIh F Leghorns. 1»6* i pullet» or sect bins 13 and 14. 1255 feet more or said Insane peraon, subject to the Ilf« H E N R IE T T A B R O C K S . Executrix of the interest which said estate may now have less to the m iddle channel of the T u a la ­ «(m ight ru n , low prirea for last half estate of B ert C. H u n tin g to n in an u n ­ ing or claim ing an interest .n the above May A b o have reliable Reds for late divided one-alxth In and to the fo llo w ­ La«, W ill and Testam ent of H e n ry Brocks. in or to Lots 11. 1-3. 21. 22. 31 and tin R iv e r. , hence Southeasterly tracin g entitled «*s,a,e; G re eting: May nnd June llughea A H«»n H atch­ ing described real property, situate in Daeeaaed. Thomas H. Tongue J r.. A tto r­ 32 In said Ha*.elhr«s»k Earm . or in or the m iddle o f the channel <»f said riv er In the N am e of the State of O re '» n . 12-6 to Lot 4 in Cedar Hr«»«»k Farm in said to the point where same intersects the You are hereby cited and required to np- ery Kdtf F O ak. Hillsboro. Telephone W ashington ('«»nnty, Oregon, p artic u la rly ney fo r E x ecu trix. _________________________ia t f County. , , .a line between said sections 13 and 24 ; pear in the County Com» R.«om of th«- de*M’i 'II mm I as follows, to-w it That certain fa rm tra c t owned by sail, thence West along the section line be­ County Court House in Hil'sbi-ro. Wash­ N O T IC R r o C R K D IT O IW J. Sctarct ll«*ginning on the w««st line of I.ot D U D L F Y ’H Leghorn chicks, the best yon In the County t ’our, of the State of O re- «»state, as described in the inventory aim tween said sections 13 and 24. 44.5 fee, 1. Bl«»ck 22. In the town (now c ity I ington County. Oregon, on Monday, the bin Big iHtdled birds laying large H,»prai«ement herein, know n a« the Dosen- m ore o r less ,«» the place of beginning, 12th «lay o f August. I ''.'.5. at hour of I" M ANAGER ««»n. fo r W ashington County. of tlillaboro, Oregon, where th«* south whit« farm Mal«w fro m high pedigreed «lams Lam , C laim of Miles Davis am i Jane prove«! ; all In W ashington C ounty. O re ­ Phillips. Deceasnl. an«l running , ,f t im s I generation breeding. II. W. D west line of said lot to show cause. I f any you have, why the w ife. No 796 N o tification Notice is hereby given tha, the under­ Davis, hi« south line of gon. thence cast along the tc '«-«I. T h e hulk of our orders from old facts should no, l»e fo ind end the rights 5717. described as the West H a lf of Sec- signed ha« been «Inly confirm ed by the Said lots, plec«*« o r parcels w ill l»e acid o f heirship am i distribution ot said «state said Lincoln Street In said ( ’ity to ,-u«tomen M ay chicks. 69 60 per 100; above en titled court as Executor of the thm 6 Tow nship 2 Sm ith. Range 1 Wes, a« a w hile or separately to suit purchas­ th«* East line of said Lot 1 ; thence 69 in 600 lots. Day-old pullets. 620 decreed as set fo rth i n I prayed f. r in ,.f the W illa m e tte M e rid ia n : the p.»r,bm Last W ill am i Testam ent of said de- south along the ««ast line of said L«»t ers. ,.,.r D'O 619 iu 260 lot». Paul Dudley. the iHditlon o f the .»ta m tiff, H ildn M o f said fa rm tra c t now owned hv the cen«e«l. and ha« «Inly qualified a« such ; F or detailed In fo rm atio n respecting said Aloha n a il: ID . I . II««« vert on. Phone I. 59 fe e t, thence west p arallel w ith Now, therefore, all pers«»ns having claims «»state containing a total o f 269 acr«»s or property, w rite to or consult the under­ Sm ith, «»n file in the abu t entitled «state, Ihvvvertor, 00IH. lltf the south line of said Lincoln Street and to fib* your answers on or befoic against said estate are hereby notified therealam ts. Also Lot 64 in N o rth Tt to the west line of said Lot 1 In signed at the above given address. IIA R Y ( I I K ’KH Hii|»«*rl«»r »lock. H. ( ’. said tim e setting up your res|»ectivc claim* and required ,<» present the «ante, together i g arth ille in said C«»unty. Dated thi« 25 ,h «lay o f A p ril, 1935. aa(«l Block ; thence N o rth to the place W hite ls*ghorna. R I Reds. B a rr e l o f heirship, ownership or interest In said I Haiti tracts w ill he offered and *»b1 w ith proper v<»uchers therefor, to the First publish«*«! M ay 9. 1935. Last pub­ estate. of beginning. uid W hite Rocks started «’hicks and in «nch parcels and subdivisions as hid “ o « o « r NAriONSi an pullet» Visitors welcome. Prices to Bid» w ill he received fo r said property undersigned at the law’ «»ffice of E. J. «lers may m ake «»ffers upon, o r as a lication Jun e 6. 1935. W itness, the H o norable Donald T. T em ­ In th«* F irs, N a tio n al Bank ........ considered at the «»ffice o f E. J. M cAlear. A tto r- M cA lear J. T P A S Q U IL L . A d m in istra to r w ith com petition, quality Of THt t o c o i r id.c llaTchiTy Mi M in i.ville. Oregon, gey at Law . Hillsboro, nregu n, fro m and Building In Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith in six w hole: and the sale w ill he eontinued the w ill annexe«! o f the Batata of J«»hn pleton, Judge o f the County Court of th*» fro m the «late above specified u n til said State of Oregon fo r the C »unty of W ash­ Code No. 5491 I a fte r the 2 1 ,h day of M ay. 1936. months from the date hereof. Cookingham A H a n ­ land« «hall all he sold. Bids and offers K iernan . Deceased. ington w ith the seal of said u u rt a f­ Dated this 6th «lay «»f M ay. 193». W ANTED I ’uuR ry u i »11 kinu- „111 .. ■HUIN N A R i'll II O l . D , llu a n lta n f ley . Ridgw ay. Johnson A Kendall ; T h , h u ­ fixed this 3rd day of May, 1935. J. I, P H IL L IP S . Executor uf the Las, are herel»y Invited. w ill ...... . „ r b ring E rl,lay. Saturday n r , the and w ta la nf Hugh A rrh l.., ,1. M I T H O M P S O N . Executor Veaxie bs (J. Greene. A ttorneys f«»r sabl A d m in­ A tte s t: E D W C. L U C E . Clerk. 13-9 Monday hafnrn noun I'n r tl’ n i p rit-c . (in in.an .- pxrann. E. .1 M .A In tir. H i I— W ill nnd Testam ent «»f said deceased. E. A \ < ’•«*. At,«»mays fo r Executor istrator. 12*6 10-t 12-6 I' R R ardrn 4'nrnxllu«. ««If | burn, (Irngn n. A ttn m a y f,.r l.n n rd lan 1«-« .1. M cA lear. Attorney for Executor. not « f to < mkihthbh Last Social at Hazeldale In I I. »> ( m iniy < o i r t of »In- Htat# of O rr poll, for W aslilngtoo County. ln llia Mut I r r of Ho- Fetale of Fran k \A I ..niia.ll I lie lii.-H iiJ W Connell, that the under* Notice in hereby gi >tpnc«| bee been appointed and duly C la s s ifie d A d v e r tis in g Community Club Arrange* for Annual Picnic HOUSES It*» word --!• i Last Rites Held for Samuel McKee HHEMirFH HAI.K Blooming People Will Attend Meet 1ft $10.00 Buy* a New REFRIGERATOR vv1 USED CARS W illard Batteries M ohawk Tires B attery and Electrical Service. G eneral Auto Repairs S THOMAS S. SHOLES II. X. «if Bowling gives your muscles the play and your brain the relax a­ tion you need a fte r a d ay ’s office w ork! Play often — and keep fit. Everything t o assure your enjoym ent. CLEM’S PLACE USE TH E BEST Sewer pipe, road culverts, well casing, p ie r b lo c k s , foundation blocks, building blocks, building tile, chim ­ ney blocks, all sizes of drain tile. 3-jnch 3c a foot, 4-inch a foot, 5-inch 4 ’/£c a foot. 6-inch 6c a foot. W e i>uy am i M il IlSSd c a r s . , — Used Car Exchange. 4»tt . lM. W. I Firdale Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tile North of Cannery on P. R. N. Ry Legal Notices T^ I '. O ffice Phone 1341 DO Y O U W IS H TO IM P R O V E YOUR PROPERTY? Do you need money for re­ pairs or m odernization work? If so, bring w ritten estim ates for this work from local contractors, and if you are a satisfactory credit risk, we will lend you the necessary funds. Our officers will gladly talk over your renovizing plans and loan requirem ents with you. ‘X. * HILLSBORO BRANCH * I he FIRST NATIONAL BANK O f PORTLAND » « will