H IL L S B O R O Pag«- Six Thursduy, May 16. 1935 A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Plane- Innight I'l'lmi sduy» A fter u Williams enllided id the Ix-nd i n 1 monk visited the \ l f n ’«l i.ewls slioit business mealing a dance will boro visited the latter's pareilta, home Mav 7. Twelve ladies an sw er­ home Sulurduv evening the road neur the foot of tile K Mr. and Mrs. F C Mulloy. Satur- ed roll call Next m eeting will be Miss Elsie K e s s le r of Banks vis­ lie held. Memlieis a re asked Io In­ Duyek hill Friday morning Al day. with Mrs Cornelius Ott May 21 ited Mr and Mrs Ernest Marr vite tlieli ft lends amt ull bring though tioth tlie car aud bus ware j lunch rids will ho tin- last six'I id Sunday guests at the J W Mc­ Mr and Mrs Charles Tatman damaged no serious injurie were Tia'sdav evening. f(„ ii,li e.i nii A rrangem ents arc Fall home w ere Calvin Jack, Mrs went to the Tillamook beaches M arrs l a in lain «‘«I I Mettle Cahow and Clyde Lundy of lu'ing imuh' l*> have II I'- I.ufky of Sunday and returned Monday e v e ­ Ml s l.oel Hollenbeck utlclidcd ,i Mi and Mrs Eineat Mali" en­ Salem explain tlie E lu/ler-L rm ke Portland Mr and Mrs Richard ning _ Pyltiiaii convention al Dalla , tertained at d o n u t Sunday Mi bill at the next business meeting W hittle w ere evening guests. Mr and Mrs Merl McDougal and G ra d u atio n M ay 23; D aily Thursday mid attended uiiollici ami Ml Cliff Mundy. Mary. I amai 4 11 B e n e f it «in W e d n e s d a y ; Miss Ina Stevens of Vernonia Pvtliian convention at Pendleton and Mamie. und Mi and Mrs Schools to Close; P ic n ic son and Mike Maynard and Harvey Neill spent Sunday at Oceanlake spent the w eek-end at home. The Ask your attorney to semi your Bible School A rrang ed Friday Maurice Thompson of Vernonia. M rs . N a d e r e r H o n o r e d as guests of the George Maynard family took her back and spent Planned Saturday School Picnic Held Francis Thonipaon of Portland und legal advertising to the Argus. Sunday evening in Vernonia. family. A large crowd attended the Mr and Mrs Ray Sandy und chil­ lB y M m . H u gh B urdett«) John W alker Honored ,B y M r«. F. L- Brow .»I __________ Mr and Mrs Sidney Rothstrom school picnic at H arrison Sunday dren of Hillsboro Mrs John Walker entertained a (B r Mr». Bird McCormick! ORF.NCO—A school exhibit and a In the afternoon both voting and LAUREl A carnival and pro- and two sons and Glen Rothstrom. Mr. ami Mrs Ernest M arr visited CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—Moun­ group of young people with a card gram w ill be given at the hall Wed- who is employed on the E. S. Craw- 4-H cluli achievem ent day program old enjoyed a game of bull Mr and Mrs Kiiynnril Hudson of tain Top eighth grade g rad u atio n . partv Monday evening as a su r­ nesdav evening for the benefit of ford ranch, visited relatives in Port- will t>e held Monday evening at 7 Guests at the C. S Reynold; Hillside Sulurduv evening. o'clock. The exhibit will be in hom e Sunday w ere Mr and Mrs exercises will be held at the achool prise for her husband on his birth- the 4-H girls' sewing club. Pro- land Sunday. Black Raspberry G row ers Parly at Lewis Home Mr Serafford's room and the 4 H house at eight o'clock Friday eve­ day. George Hauser and daughter Irene By virtue of an order by the gram num bers will be "n o v elty , Mrs ytaud Schneur Haley of Mr and Mrs Alfred Lewis en ­ D ir e e t m of A griculture of the State Mrs Kurt Jacky and little son songs ning w ith invocation by William recitations and exercises Portland and her sister. Mrs. Frank club program in the lunch room at and Mr and Mrs J I N orthrup of tertained for dinner Sunday Mi­ uf Ori gon. a meeting of black ratp- Morse of Newberg and address by Donald of North Plains spent three T here will be "surprise" booths. Meyers, of Hillsboro visited at the the school house. Portland E. J. Lewis of Forest lu'iry growers resident In t h e Superintendent Lynn Gubser ot days last week w ith her mother. Popcorn and home-made candy will E. C. Mulloy home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs II O n u s ami d augh­ ami Mi Exercises May 23 Grove. Mr and Mis E C. Savage S c h o ll McMinnville. Doris O rnduif is val- Mrs. A rthur Hill, and attended the be on sale ters Margaret and Alice and Hu Orenco eighth grade graduating district, ' o m p i M a g , h ‘'' Mrs. Esther Hendrickson and two edictorian and Vivian Zeigler salu- last day of school picnic at Fir exercises w ill be held May 23. Dr. mus M athiesen of A tortu v is ite d und family of Springhill ami Mi­ portion of W ashington county ly­ The ladies of the Social club arc tatorian Other members of the class I Grove school as did the Frank Hill quilting a quilt to be sold also. children, her mother. Mrs. Mary Henry Young of Hillsboro will be ut the Jum es M athiesen home Sun < ami Mrs E .1 Savage of Dilley. ing north und west of the West Rothstrom. and Carl Nielson, all of Mr. and Mrs V idor I.ewls ami Sul.' Pudfle highway, running be- are Nadyne Brimson. Darold Strif- family of Witch Hazel day. All are cordially invited to come Portland, visited at the Sidney the speaker Gene and Mr ami Mrs Schoeler txveen Newbarg uml Portland, will Vivian Zeigler Hostess j enjov an cvclun(. o( fun and fler and Iva Mae Stew art There Mrs. Fred Tuelle and daughter Mrs. S. L. C arlyle entertained Vivian Zeigler entertained w ith froUc a< w e„ M helping the girU, Rothstrom home Thursday. will be instrum ental music by M r and Mrs. H N. R o b in s o n o f Khodn are visiting relatives in P o rt­ and duughter of Blooming moton-d l>. held tor the purpose «if electing to Bonneville dam Sunday for a a grow er mem ber to the Hoard «if Mr and Mrs S. E Stoller and Forest Grove and Mr and Mrs land a few days the Buck Heaven Buckarixis. vocal an out-of-doors play- party T'u lrs~ A rrangem ents are being made by- Miss Ircne Stevens leadev of the children w ere M other's day guests George D G arrett of P ortland at music and readings The public is day evening at th e close of Mrs Tom Qualls. Mrs Fred Jesse picnic. of the Black lluspberry Mr umi Mrs W E Murr Wilin'« Control of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John a mother s day dinner Sunday in and Mrs. Cluude Williams attend grade school work Present were invited Code Agreement for the S tate of and M arjorie und Mr. und Mrs Will, of Beaverton. Ruth and Wesley Hilhngoff. Mai Mrs. Nar W. T. Jenks, Secretary guests at the F E. Hoffman home with her for a few days' stay She West Union local. Furinera' Union, . : 11 l n i- M c N s v M r a n d Mrs L e e ! the school grounds May 24. Pot O C. C urry, of Portland Sunday by Patricia W hisnand. L u c i l l e G. ■ • - ■ _ • atrtcl"a and luck dinner will be served at noon were Mr and Mrs George Gould. will visit both the St. Helens hall will meet at tlie K P. halt. North Spell ing and Esther Spelling; read- i Brown. Lull« Brown, t atriciu ana . . . . . . . . . . ........... ........... and Mrs. C arl Jensen uttend- Bruce Brink and Mr. and Mrs Vmos Watkins vocal Barbara McNay. Raymond Meyers A May day r**tival program will ed Mr. Gable school. a birthday dinner Sunday in mg. Mr: Victor Schmydt and two sons, all and Amos watKin». \ c x a i |o . _ ------- I be given in the afternoon E very­ Mrs. Clara Wohlschlegel is m ak­ duet by- Billv McNav and Norma and Mr. and Mrs F. L. Brown, honor of Mrs. Jensen's und her sis­ of Portland. E. P. Smith, who is Friendly C orner class of the S un­ body welcome. ter. Mrs Hyde's, birthdays It was working at Bonneville, and Mrs. E ing an indefinite visit at the Fini- Meyers, and vocal solo bv Lee Class Closes day school will meet at the W. L. gan home. Brown. P. Smith. SERA adult education classes d i­ in Portland ut the Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Mervin Whitmore. School to Close Stevens home May 28 instead of Mesdames D. M McInnis, W. F. rected by Mrs. M atilda W hitford L. Hyde home. and Mrs. Clayton Whitmore Laurelview school w ill have a May 23 as previously announced, D inner party guests of Mr. a n d 1 Wohlschlegel and Ira G. McCor­ Mr. closed last week, M others day dinner p a r t y Sixth, seventh and eighth grades « « »‘« o h t Reynolds Sunday w ere mick and the Misses Wanda Fini- Leonard. Wallace and Bruce Whit- program Thursday afternoon at the more and Keith Marlow visited the schoolhouse School will close F r i - 1 guests at the Dewey Mercer home finished their final state exam ina- «* .’ " ? / ! ? \ '¿«’ a .',' i r gan and Alice McInnis attended a I , Jesse Meyers family at Buxton day with a picnic planned at the were Mr and Mrs. F rank Maxani lio n s Thursday und Friday Hillsboro. Mr and Mrs Loa Amler dinner party and quilting "bee ‘‘^ « . ‘^ p l e f r o m ^ e r e 'a t t e n d - ' V » " ™ 'e r . Wash , am. Hur Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buchanan. Mrs. Sunday- I city park in Portland given bv Mrs J. A. York at Reed­ School Closes Merle Dunham. Miss V erna D un­ j Mother's day visitors at the Mrs. ville Mav 8. O thers present were ed the senior class > °'M " A o r" G r V ernon,, Almost the entire comm unity at- A. N aderer home in the afternoon ham. F rank Newland and Gerald Mrs. L. L. M urray of Portland and I tended MathlcM,n the last day of school pic- were Mr. and Mrs. W alter Larsen Buchanan, all of Portland. Lyle boro union high school Friday vW ted Mrs. Oscar Hagg. 1 nic at Fir Grove school Friday. Dunsmoor and Mickey Dean of and four children of Corvallis, ac­ M ildred McPherson from the Th T ,,C i * r ehBra*have- bcen re l" « '' Thomaa Connolly .....v. w- .... G uenther, who ...... Portland w ere evening visit«jrs, by - Lynn Buck Heaven district is among the 1 Wallace Whitmore was neither ab- companied nor tardy the entire term attends CL S C o h e re and Mr. arid | bringing home Millieent Dunsmoor, h n ? ,. ; « r I i . i n , ' > ( H.llsboro Visited Mr and Mrs graduates at Newberg union high. i sent Mrs. to teach next year Austin | Connolly Sunday Wohlschlegel Honored Mrs Ernest G uenther of Chehalem who had spent the w eek-end with elected Elery McDougal Honored Scrafford, principal, and Miss Maria „ • Miss Wanda Finigan and sister, Mountain gard of P o rt­ j Ber father. Mr and Mrs. Elery McDougal a t­ j Mrs. Thomas Shuck, of Hillsboro Fred Teseh J r who has been Mr and Mrs. B. G. McNay and MeKinnis. prim ary room. land visited Mrs Kigurd's sister, tended a dinner party at Sandy Mr. and Mrs. M arkley Saver und Joe Baker, und fam ily Sun- Sunday, complimenting her mother. j were hostesses at a M other's day ill with pneumonia the past three daughters attended the funeral o young son Glen and Mr McFadden Mrs ‘J11 Mrs E. Dodd. Twenty-six w ere 1 dinner party honoring their g ran d - weeks, was brought home from the bis cousin. Louis Bsilsiger. at New- of P ortland visited Mr. and Mrs. - M l « Lona Jennen of Portland present. When Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ I mother. Mrs. Clara Wohlschlegel. hospital Fridav He is im proving: berg last Wednesday. They spent W F. H unter Sunday. Sunday. Present w ere Messrs and satisfactorily. the evening w ith re a lives there. spent several days last week with Dougal arrived home Sunday eve­ ■ Mesdames Mr. and Mrs, L. T. Woodward Jam es Rachin. Portland: Mi and Mrs. C arl Jensen Hannah Rutschman was a Moth- Mr. and Mrs. William J ^ r r and ning they found his brother. Win­ K enneth Woodward spent children — of ___ near ___________ Beaverton | Miss Mamie Sandy of Banks and nie McDougal, and family of Day- L. I. Hulit. Newberg: Ed and Fred er s day guest of her parents. Mr ; two 'ere M other's ~dav guests' of his Mother's day w ith their son-in-law Fruncís Thompson of Portland vis­ Wohlschlegel. Scholls: Oscar Hagg and Mrs. Adolf Rutschman ton there w ith a birthday supper ----- •*- and Mrs. R. E. - — - - 1 — • J ». U . ? . . , i . m o th e r Mrs John McFee. and fam - and daughter. Mr. a it t*d Mr and Mrs. Archie Thom p­ prepared in honor of Elery Mc­ and daughter. Reedville: W F and hel £ d aj quests at the Anioa theater partv in Portland was Parsons, in Portland | E. C. Wohlschlegel and family. Otto W atkins son Sunday. home w ere Mrs. E. Wat- HX- A m e a n t pariy in r w u w u Dougal. Portland and A Mother's day guests at the M. M. O rnduff and son of this community: kins. Mr and Mrs Douglas Hood, part of the entertainm ent of the the B. A. Mitch- ■ Messers C arl Wohlschlegel and Miss Annie W atkins and David an d , day Harvey home included her daugh­ an | ell home Sunday- Scholls; Thomas and S tan - Douglas Hood Jr., all of Portland. Mr and ■ Mrs. Ade R utschm .-«»-j ter. Mrs. S A. D Meek. Mr Meek, I daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W ilfert and ley Shuck. Hillsboro: L. T and Mr. and Mrs Arland W hitmore and sons Adolf and Cecil visited their son Jam es of North Plains and children Helen and Sherwood. Mrs. their son-in-law and daughter Mr Will Finigan. M elburn Zeigler. Miss , iSophia Jacksonl, who w ere m ar- Mrs R utschm ans aunt. Mrs. Roy G. A. Robinson. Virginic and Lois H illsboro, O regon Vivian Zeigler, the honor guest and las, month arp nQW Uvjng on F-ieids. of Hillsboro Saturday night and Mrs. John Gates of Hillsboro. spent Saturday at Estacada w here i H r W ilm a M a r r i and Sunday. The Everett Morgan home was the hostesses. v. _ r, I th eir place west of Laurel. KANSAS CITY Mrs C laude E- M other's day dinner party guests i Mr Robson is working Mrs. Ernest G uenther s b ro th e r.1 Mrs. - L. A. ----- W hittle returned Mon- the scene of a M other’s day picnic Mrs. C harles Rogers and daugh- Ifnger entertained the Kansas City W alter Larson and family of Cor- day fr, ::i Bv: e. Idaho w here she honoring Mrs. Morgan's mother. vallis and Lynn G uenther, who T u ^ v ^ f ^ t T a t t i n d William Frey, his daughter. Mrs te « . B y rd in e jin d D orK vW ted at Women's club Wednesday ufternoon went Mrs. R. F. King, of Springbrook Julia N orth and his sister, M rs ; the Jack Robertson home in Port at her home Flowers and their culture w ere attending O. S C . were guests at the funeral of h er brother Mr and Mrs. Alfred Lewis und tir ¿aJ,, > fi) Ä Nora H um phreys and Pauline land Saturday. discussed at the Fir Grove Ladies' the G uenther home M other's Day. A lfred Mulloy of T ualatin was Humphreys, Portland. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. John M cIntyre of sons visited at the C C Follette Social club at Mrs. Ben Cooley's In the afternoon they visited their the guest of his brother' E C Mul E Haveman all and of son home in Forest G rove Thursduy Eldon and Gresham and Mr and Mrs Tom mother and grandm other. Mrs. A toy. May 5. Ireton of Portland visited at the F evening Naderer. at Laurel. Mr. and Mrs. Loa Anderson (Lot Marvin Mosier of Chehalem Moun- J. Mr and Mrs Elm er Hamilton of Meihoff home Sunday. Mrs Lyman Brisban and d augh­ tie H athorn) of Vancouver. Wash tain Alfred Finnell O S C. student. Mr and Mrs J. W. Weir of Los Forest Grove -pent Sunday at the I ter. Miss Ruby of Dundee visited and Mrs W. N. H athorn of Hills ___—----------------- was an overnight guest of his sis- Angeles visited their niece. Mrs. W E H Hamilton home their old home place in the M oun­ ________ , served as president of the elub for ter. Mrs. Jam es Will. Friday. H. Ring, and fam ily last Monday „"n", ' tain Top district Sunday- Mr and Mr- Francis Coolidge Mrs. Ring has b«>en ill with the flu Edna visited a lousin in Hillsboro A rthur Parrish preached at Moun­ the last two vears The pennv -s-sA--.isue tw o weeks. Saturday and baby son of P ortland visited the past tw o weeks. tain Top district Sunday evening, niarch netted $1.21. Fred Somm ervllle from the CCC Visitors at the Victor Lewis home There is Sunday school and preach­ Mr and Mrs Bud Kieser and her parents. Mi and Mrs. George camp at Vancouver was a guest o f 1 Friday were Mr und Mrs T K ing here every Sunday evening. family of Forest Grove visited Wil- Rosevear. Thursday. Sutler and Mrs Helen Rat ksleud Mr and Mrs J R Haynes and bur Jones Saturday Mrs. H erbert M other’s day guefta at the Mrs. Richard Baughman Sunday Captain Harry Watt and wife of . of Portland baby of Banks. Mrs Etta Haynes Reynolds o f Newberg spent last Cally Dailey home were Mr and Mr and Mi I. It Slielteiiln i g«-i and son Duane of Hillsboro amt week here Mr Reynolds jo in e d Mrs Elmer Peterson and daughter Purtland visited Mr and Mrs. W 11 King Sunday ' Beaverton and Mr and Mi- O Miss M erriam Olson of Cornelius her Saturday. Thev will rem ain Connie of HlUaboro. Dr M O Anderson spent last j A Effenberger and babv «.t Till.. visited the B. F Deford family tw o weeks. ! Mrs A Forcla of near Blooming Wednesday and T hursday w ith his I Sunday Homer and W K. Davis went to visited at the J H. Felton home ” Miss Margaret Neill and Thoma.-. Portland Saturday evening to visit Saturday She was accompanied by sister. Mrs. S. II Smiley, and fain 1 (Twigg of Scholls visited Sunday .« si -lei and niece. Mr Bell Baker relatives, recently from Nebraska ily at Scappoose Exhibit Friday at the H. li Neill home. Mr Forcia is quit« ill in the V eter­ who is ill. and A rthur Davis Miss M aria MeKinnis' primary Mr. and Mrs C harles Brownhill ans hospital in Portland, having A lurbct's shave sets a man up— a new list give» a School to Close will have an exhibit and tea Good 7-rooni house, 3 bu g«- ami family of Dilley visited the D. w i .mail tontidtuce Jtnl a ftonr in.It Ireshly panned close undergone an operation and sever­ r<«om Buck Heaven school will M. McInnis family Saturday eve­ Frida> with a picnic at noon fol­ al blood transfusions. The Nebraska Friday afternoon from 2:15 to 4 w ithUass-HuetcrPorUiand l-Ttsx Paint *tcp*up die o'clock in the prim ary room. The lots. Close in, good streets, ning. by a short program. Mervin , relatives will care for the Forcia "A unt Dianah Substitutes." 4-11 sewer. A real bargain, $300. w hole kitxk! 1 his sturdy finish is grand lor port lie* I Wesley. Theodore and B obB run- lowed place w hile he is absent. Whitmore, chairm an of the board. and p o iili steps it guards against hurried, «.«rcless Carl Coolidge of Klickitat. Wash.. cooking club, w ill present their W ill hitttdle, h alttiu e I ' , . We can freshen your l son of Portland spent the w eek­ achievem ent «lay program also. feet and it's g«x««l paint for indoor floors and stair* lilt- flM I ltll L I llU C M U U U U IC , W illi . , , . . . _____ I drapes, curtains, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilfert, H el­ Let us show you this place. Brunson her diploma. Doral Saxton has been ‘^ge, during the w . that get hard wear. You'll like its eight pleasing color*. Work training hops in the Cady | neither absent nor tardy during the E. L. K raus on the Hillsboro road en and Sherwood spent Sunday at bed spreads from last the Arnold Besser home In P o rt­ 1 yard will be finished this week has a leghorn baby chick which entire term. Everyone is invited to sum m er, so th a t they Mr. and Mrs. Eari C hristie have ! bring a basket dinner and a tte n d .! ***5* ?. n :u „ land. Mrs. G. Husbands and children as their guests this week her sister, 1314 Main Street M rs Emily Burton Cress of San H M c N a y a "d jio n oB.ily look new. Why not have of Portland visited her sister. Mrs Mrs Allen Richardson, and family P.-d, -, Cal I- making a two w eek s', sPe»1 >«« Saturday at Newberg. IIIllslMirn. Oregon them dyed a bright, Lee Randall, and family Saturday recently from Willamina Mr Rich- visit with Mrs Wayne Brunson ('■dun Program Saturday 1935 color- O ur serv­ ' urdson is preparing a house in Mrs Cress was reared in the M oun­ Social m eeting of the program, evening. They all spent Mother's ( | family from Seattle, who will oe the rebuilding, modernizing, Vivian helped her school j John Schm eltzer was elected lead- cupy it as soon as the Ernest H an­ athletes. np.untinK .«ml repairing of win first place in the girl's shut- I er. son family vacates. your property through the tie relay Frances stopped at 16 feet ------------------------- .95 Electric Program Last National Houaing Act Plan. 10 inches in the broad jum p State Societies to Meet Pleasant View comm unity club's and K itchen Clock Iowa and Minnesota societies will last program of the season was giv­ for boys and took the high jum p a mark of 4 feet and 8 inches hold a dance, program and card en at the school Saturday evening. with Mr and Mrs W. R. Reese and party at the Masonic Temple. East (By Mi«« Muriraret Mathieneni Albert C hevenert furnished piano MOUNTAINDALE— M o u n t a in - 1 music, the Wilhelmson tw ins gave baby, who have been living w ith Eighth and Burnside streets, at 8:30 dale school bus driven by Ben Lay- u r S ^ r n g T H ^ ^ i x '^ 'w : ; ; ; mother. Mrs. B e rth . Clark p. m. Saturday. Members and 136 S. T h ird A v e . Phone 2 I X ton and a car driven by Mrs. C. I . ! - — - . . . Hintz . have moved into the adjacent Pet- friends invited. Jones. Fern * - Ego and - Jessie roff house. . | ■■■ ------- — -■ sang songs, readings by J E Blazer. Mrs. E. P. Smith w ent to P o rt­ Clarence Wood and Mrs. Wayne Jones. Miss Dora Simons a n d land Friday to visit her daughters. and ._____ Mrs. Waynes Jones gave a skit and J . , Mrs. ,, _ Victor Schmidt .____. M. D avenport of Newberg told of Ceorge Gould. She returned home the work of the grange. Bouquets Saturday evening. ■ w ere presented to th e following: Henry Vehrs underw ent a m ajor You may have to leave Mrs. J. P. Jones, as the grandm oth- operation at St. Vincent s hospital w ith th e most grandchildren i May ”■ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I t l M I V SHOPS your children fatherless ' er present; Mrs. Charles Wilhelmson for bringing her tw in sons here SAXTON & L O O N E Y — but don’t leave them from Newberg to tap dance; Mrs. D A IL Y M A Y 1 9 - O C T O B I R I f A. O. PITM AN. M. D. EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP Producers of Quality Wayne Jones as the youngest m oth­ You w on't spot your walls or O eneral Beauty Work homelets, too. If the er; Mrs. Wayne Brunson as the P H Y H IfT A N »nd SURGEON S A N D and G R A V E L From Portland P R IM IIR X-Ray and Ph ml»- Therapy m other w ith the most children p res­ P lan t located 4 miles north of F or­ drapes with Shell Fly Spray. And Permanents and nil kind» of mortgage outlives you, ent; Hfcuity work. Suodard Tourtes C— R Mrs. Tom Shuck, who came est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone Commercial National llnnk Hldg. T R A IN S this spray is harmless; it doesn't longest distance to attend; Mrs. Trl*phon* 1AB1X Chlcaga___ $ <6.00 $ M .N « «7.M 1609R Telephone* it may be a staggering the Ray Ego as a m other, who had Injure the skin. Office »231 Itcdldence 701Z Naw Y ark. ...124.40* U 1M * N .7 I* llalronv Iflllnkorn Pharmacy Plan Exhibit Orenco Monday Laurel People Plan Program Mountain Top Program Set ATTENTION! Have you beard about the WONDERFUL Gasoline Economy on the 1935 Dodge and Plymouth Mrs. C. Eslinger Hostess for Club CADY MOTOR CO. M. W h y P ay R en t W. G. IDE Freshly painted porches look prosperous , h BASS-HUETER PORCH Qt. $1.00 & FLOOR PAINT 1/46M $1. , 5 49c SALE Hom e Laundry Dry Cleaners FABRICS School Bus, A uto in Wreck Friday Selfridge Furniture Company M SwMtu/i ~ IZ&ujain Rorntd-Ttrifi Tatun burden on your family. P rotect them w ith an equal amount of Life In­ surance in the strong, old Northwestern Mutual. Mail coupon or 'phone us. A tla n ta ............107.00* PRESCRIPTIONS THE NORTHW ESTERN M UTUAL L IF E INSURANCE COM PANY B U IL T THIS BUSINESS M a il C oupon fo r B o oklet C H Ä S.T." WALKER Agent Every Form of Protection — Fire Automobile. Liability. Surety Bonds and Life. Phone 1732 116 S- 3rd Ave Without coat or obligation, please eend me a copy ol the booklet "And Thie Makee Sure the Home Will Be Yours.'' N am » A Jd rru C tly « .« • Boaton........... H L « * 114.M* rescriptions can ’t be a imo»i right. They must be exactly right. Absolute dependability th a t hits made us the choice of Hillsboro’s leading physicians safeguards you in all your purchases here. H eadquarters for ru b b er goods — invalids’ foods and supplies— infant«’ needs. P Delta Drug Store D a tralt...............N .M * K a m a *C ity .. 72.N Naw Orlaam .101.40 Ftilladalp(ila.l22.M * Mb L o u l._____tl.iO St. Paul........... 72.00 IU I‘ »7.00 U .U 1 N .M * U .M I7 .N Toronto.........10S.U* MJ** Compl»t*ly TM «» UXtt* HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AIR-CONDITION» Cfaon - Coal - Oirfaf Yet it's an extra powerful killing ag en t on Insects. The im p artia l Peet-Grady Insecticide Test proves 0T.00 M«w 4» hua G o m X m , kw- « « T n r tM aa4 tta a d a r* ■•»ay Appointment Telephone 2325 INSURANCE RUBRER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH W««hlnRlon County BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS A rent let IN R IIR A N C R RVCRVICR Fir»t National from llrink Itulldinr Phone 8211 l-'.ir lnto.n.»tt«.n »hi.iii Hilhboro h lrw ln r r or HILLSBORO ARGUS II« Adr.rtl«ar« ta ll Tha Arga._*l»t