Page Eight H I L L S B P R O A R G U S , H IL L S H O R O , 0 R E G O N Sunday In th c afternoon they drove to Portland, w here they viewed Victor Willis Banks School | the L am bart gardens. C harles Kessler has installed a gas pump in front of his place Head Selected ■ [ of new business Enlists Army on Main street. Tnt .** • '' E bH r R « c n a ila b le to cover losses, including that of the building itself, totaling approxitnately $600,000. Fire kisses to state property since tile restoration fund was eieated and up to the eapitol fire aggre­ _____ C. W. McPeak and family visited gated $161.3-10 Among the more . Mr and Mrs. Herb Cham berlain in of these losses was that in­ E ig h th G ra d e G ra d u a tio n Portland Sunday. H ills h o ro G ra n g e rs V is it at serious volved in the destruction of the -», j » ». . _ Lloyd Heard became seriously ill old training school for boys with C h a n g e d to M a y 17 Thursday and was taken to the St W a s h in g to n G ra n g e a loss of $71,790 In the first year -------- I Vincent's hospital in an am bulance ' of the restoration fund, a fire at BANKS Verl White of M o n -' - 15 p ,r'e nte' Mr and Mr* W alter the stale college resulted in a loss rgiuiized in a high school in the United States. grade rade school Friday afternoon, ing o n 's strict d ie t P college spent the w v eek-end w ith -*l>’hn - 3 0 1.000 tV rn eltu a Schools participating were Banks. Follow ing the game Sunday the I i*2s. ParenU * M r and Mr5 *»»mes . • I .66? Gaaton 0 3 .000 . f i r a t . II. t'u tritfh t. (}« lw Cr««k. »n,i boys w ere treated by MaU>iesem ' L^iro?’'"* i i 66? rig arti 0 2 .000 Greenville, Roy. Harrison a n d baseball ________ I McCool, M 'U ii I mi itaiile, lh (r,l 66? Shcrwisxi * Aftnsswal Wedding 0 2 . tHX) Attend Mead. Miss Moxie Hopkins, pri- George Oatfield. 22O*yar«t r*l«> (UI m C rrrl*. flm l . W «(l> hlrtl. mary teacher in Banks, presided at Mr and Mrs Reid Eldridge of Mr. and Mrs. C. I Williams at- knocked out ‘ lea«ucr» » ere ' X t i i L ï r , row dto u n e «: A. Cut rig hi. the piano and Miss Peggy Doherty. Hillsboro and Miss Hattie Kennedy tended “ >e wedding of then ne- firs* p lL c ,„ ,hS t T « tW f i r » t . k . stolUr. Union ____ pane one) Z GbI» fir teacher at Roy led in the singing of Portland visited Mr and M ri Phe»'. Francis Northrup, and Miss d a\ wh^n they osl , thiH linu (Continued from U~ .Y**"1*'*’. « “"I. ihird ond. Lawlor. Beaverton, third _ Graduation ( hanged ¡Jeff Kennedy Sunday Dorothy* Pollock, both of Portland h e irt-b re a k in g m m , High Jump: Blevins. St Marys, ‘ j *1 ’* * Cr- rl‘* fi"t i''"it'.’b .* / n.?|l .’u,«(' The date for the eighth grade Roof B urned ; k “ ¡ " " d ‘T"***™**’* **p*scupai | 3 to 3. The locals w ill nlav aw av first. Spooner. Forest Grove see ' ’*■** m A .,.i .r .. ., ,, « m ,.„„ graduating exercises h a s b e e n ond; Y tiuni. Beaverton third. '“n . J ’",?',. . . Shot put: Jones. Beaverton, first: Mid..» rim N » lii? w’ ilu i’; . i L '" e ’rw i!' Rev. E Tilton will be the speaker. ¿2. "rdap" ,, UgnV The senior class of the Banks from ‘he flue and Forest Grove, second; In- ■ ‘*xon»i a Brown. Union, third galls. Tigard, third Example Model Building Work Sunset Team Loses Sunday holm* on Scholls Ferry rood Co\ were laid for twenty Mi Ao Wedding Held ers na Fills of (¡utUmidi was hom , guest Mis Iloliert Hummers mid Mi at Be averton 1 Elmer Stipe were joint luisti , _____ M iss R o s s i B rid e ; P in y nt nt the Campbell court Muori«-. 1 I *m I lor id f t l e i i i l s w e n * l i n n u . md i.m l. were In play C h u rc h F rid a y Evening A>k your attorney to semi v«»i legal advertising to the Argu> BEAVERTON Miss Klva Russi became tin* bride of Jam es W. I G raham at the home of her mother, i Mrs llattle R oas I, in Beaverton May I Kw. Charles K Clark of- ! flviated. Immediate relatives and a few close friends were In attend' , | anee. The couple left by auto for a aix week«’ trip through the east ‘and Canada. They will make tli«*ii I home in Portland. The mnuiinnary study class of the Bethel Congregational church met , T w X X ^ ln “ “ USED CARS B ought and Sold “»«> After a pot luck luneheon1 twelve of the Indies uttemieti a nil 19 3 5 W i l l y i D r m o n i t r a l o r ver teu ut the Aloha church where ■ r j o j r. three act comedy, entitled "The t s y i r i ? « *«3 F F “ ¡ Ä w2 S * ' Ä “ ? r ? f T : s s s - s r . Fascinating Funny Brown." In the W illy s and G ra h a m -P a ig e n d“ h ' kn»Pl»r. BMV'm.n. L Tlssrd. Mcmd: Gwr«,. social hall of the church Friday Miss Doris S ü l e y T ; w ^ Ä ^ * ' a" d L " - - » - e u ti v e victory. A walk HU, HUIaiMru. third. evening The players ure LuMcrnc Just received carload of new 7&-y»rd d«»h Knepper. IlM v e rte n . firat Fonw dles.her SiS,er> MrS- B radi^ d ! and “a hU* put T ualatin runners on w ere chaperones Sports such as " ho heIPed to Dean. June Boswell. B e lly Munden. ¡¡E T u iS * * * * ,* ',nd' 1-2Î' i? “ y 1" " HilUbor... .m.n,l, f - - - Mrs. Guy Jacobs und Mrs. L Mlci S K 'Æ ~ S W ..h, Phon. ames . “ ^-rsnl r v U y : Hillaboro. fir« t . llm v e r- relatives in Banks. He also made Mrs G W McGraw daughters of Portland visited at the Cornelius Mr and Mrs. Hayden Brisbane A ,,* 1 on,‘ ,<,f ’..rtland and! to .* Y " " * 1 . U li.l.n ru »». c e : Ib m F. l H .r p e r some good catches of fish in Dairy * Fred Toelle home Sundav w n u » , .»*♦« j ------- ~ in w ~ . n I o Î.' " • * k' ,t*oll Ihrow of Pum pkin Ridge visited the V. 14 luncheon at h e r 1 C reek while here. ' w . ~ ~ Mrs J. J C Raffetv was• very i l l J , -d " ° ° ' 1 10 t o f o r w t G r ,,,,. f¡„ , K , 1M)“ n" J -r Mrs. - W S 3 K * 1 .< 11 5* Eaurpl trounced Tigard Mr. and Mrs. B. W. A rm entrout to 1 ‘•"tv-. Keolta : .W H o llin e » » ,,rth. Tls.rvl C. S trubb home Saturday “ i Ä T week R but . . « i is 5 improving. * 17 IA and Aloha c __ s * ™ ____ in>rd. Velma Retherford of Buxton of Banks. Mr. and Mrs. M aurice spent the week-end with Grace Thompson of V ernonia and Miss S t t ¿ 5 ? S “ " ® ' Strubb Mamie Sandy of B uxton picnicked Member Sorority el home in P ortlan d ^ n n d n v I a i ’ u ” ''’ < Sherwood at Tualatin. Ba»««h«ll throw aeeuracjr: F* F'r«*«« in Washington park in Portland Leaders ♦», Name 4 • Mr and M rs Jim Puddingy # Aloha at Tigard and Hillsboro at ' J ,irani' ^*r*t • J - V»nn fir»t Frank Genzer home M anafteld. Sherwood. ,m-.,nd Jack. lUmli Frank Bailey of°mceo X dsa ys ^ m ^ ena PV !SCil M r s ^ u X H « to n w X ^ t S 1 ar^ and Mrs Harold Reynolds C .,r n „ io. ?y and Ernest Hunger i viu«, third. made a fishing trip to the coast firJ» Uyr nV M®b»fi«ld. SherwiMnl w it h hor Pent the w eek-end publicity chairm an T h e sn eak er a i e aSal1? hxing in their home here c»»t. n ■* f i r s t ; Jack. Raedvillg. w u n d < u trlgh t, Sundav. P a e tr " M » and MrS and P r o X b T a n n ’o ^ c e 'd " HW ,b° rO f°r *^ n d ^ i ,^ « * ‘ Grade Students Compete Locally Edward Stnejkal is Transferred Used Car Exchange w. Joint Graduation Slated a, Scholls » 0 It’s the Big Event of the Season! WEIL’S ANNUAL SPRING Continues SALE Greater Values Greater Bargains Neuenw ander. Th Conference Held Jack to w n ^ H ie id a le .^ L a u rt'f5 Buck The fourth quarterly conference' Reaven. Groner. Midwav. Chapman of the year was conducted Sunday Laurel Ridge Mountainside Laurel afternoon in the Banks church by view and Farm ington ' ’ Dr. Lewis Magin. the M. E. dis- Mr and M r. Mile. trict superintendent. Church of- turned to th eir home at Midwav fleers for the coming church year Sundav and she resumed her work S S r ‘„ * l 12 C , ' V ‘ , ’ 5 Galaa C rerk. third. 440-yard relay Ravdville. first G ale. R. H E 1 I r w l i , second; W atts, th in i. 10 K 4 1 firJ t’ -1* r * a i , l : Hiekenksypar. K.wdvill«. wu?1 ’ G- J * 1 " * * . G a l« ( ’ reek, set-nnd Buetor W’ inter*« W ilson, («ales Creek, third. f i « ? * 1«» H k k e n k w p e r. RwdeUJg. R. H E. rirst . Stevenson. W atts, second. HU,iar * h h i* ‘* I>* H u a k ta la . firs t v a n . and K.duk S m t.b X H h i r d * * WM* ' * • - ' • “ • « * **••»»- C rh Y * ^"’^ n L W' WiUiami* Ed w3ii»m,„« £ Dodson. C. I. Williams S h e r» ..» t a?Jd 9. Jo h nson visited Mrs. Don- gola ald G arrl«us a‘ Prickett Frida*. *nd afternoon. T( . an<^ ^ rs E ar^ Hollenbeck i Laurel and Helen and E31*! Sm ith visited «‘•hrelner. Grant an nd 5’„ S ' „ a » * » • — - « — » « *- ä 'S: Ä / S " ¡¡“ T - Ä R Ä Ä , « m S S X » T 3 K Ä S I M ,„ H„ T h . mpTO Mrs .H. L. Jensen. Mrs. C. B. Tresh- H ^ r y F r e w 'n g X L Amity of Vernonia SP « “ “ >e w eek-end at am. and Chris Rieben. Stew ards j£ s . W h izn tn d ? L ^ d a tele- the A rchle Thompson h«»me. _L — — ----------------- recording0 Mrs^ c * B TYesh' WaW' er3m Monday n i8ht announcing the . “¡j T T _ h erV n°°.?i V e ,e r a n ,, Sm all ,,MAh School»— Sm all Boys B e lls . O ren eo . fir s t . < • - Carlton Takes Lead in Farm Union Loop Leadership in the county Farm Union baseball league goes to C arl­ ton on a percentage basis with two straight wins, while Buxton leads in games won and lost with a rec­ ord of th ree.v icto ries and one de­ feat. In games played Sunday I Cedar Mill nosed out Kansas City 9 to 8. Carlton trounced Laurel 15 15 b o H d Huxton downed Verboort Criek third"1, "ec”nd u ••rthimrton. serve «toirict; Mrs H L J?ns^n Ä i s e B a d ,F in ju r e d M o n d a y H7V ,rd M d" h: B*"** Or" “»* d i ^ u ^ n g ; Mra. Fred Wolford, con- M l» Ä M eC.nn t . H - d . . H u yhe. M an am a, erond : C a .lle , Sher J 3 n e c tio n a l” ’ M i« " ¿ ¿ n o - ”c -------- Miss Vir8inia McCann visited at 'C ontinued from pave one) w «* m |. third. Standings arc are as follows: ______ ___ ..x,«* uiiciw com m onLo L L SL L 'a Severence the parental home Monday and saved bF Jus‘ ‘u rn *ng ‘he souvenir received three 'fractu red '’ r i¿ 7 ^ ' , r7l* < - ft~ >i> tiie i, communion, and s t Mr? a n B Mc‘ h - ___ onu before returning to her hunters loose « ^ ____ W L Pet w L F a ? U n ^ d?^tnitd ^ rH A Tuesday on the rums. t'a rltn n 2 o l.o Verboort k n ,trk,kd nH Sh0Utd er M on d ay w hen Vaw fir., I 2 A t ? o r k hh I L i ew,aJ d , work in P ortland after a vacation * * I : . * * * I ] ?,’, bruises. Bower was taken to , ’’r"-'1 iumi* M«*»*. Orem... r,m v,„ m Mr u k ? m Car belonging Monday. • Prior to 1925 departm ents and th V eterans' hospital. > Cornellu». »e.-..m j. K..Wr r - . George Washington of Sheridan sliehtlv rtam L °L F° reSt Grove was Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Flint visited institutions suffering loss from fire _______________ 1 iMnL were held Tuesday afternoon at Baseball th ru« Mr anri^Uro n i ,, „ , a h ly P°nd farm near W heatland J°°ked ‘° ‘he legislature for reim-1 cca i » D wood. f i r . t l• n “r,.G.i h * " H L .h , ’^ : k ■■ Farm ington w ith Pastor Henry S tw o eh^dr M ^ i p b w Ilcox and Friday and purchased bulbs for the bursem ent The session o f 1925 •5 c a r l e ‘ F e v e r Results L k . G a l« Craak. th ird. ' 1 H aller of Pilgrim House officiating nonia and S t HoUnc t«ilro^ h v *r ' new pond at the Flint home created w hat is known as a "re C losing T ig a rd School Sm all School.— i .a r a . G ir l. Mrs Washington, nee O rpha Morey, Nolan Van n^,m ^o d? y D , Mr and M rs' GIarence Hoon and storation fu n d ' to which each state First five grades m the Tigard yard daah: a Brow n. B a n k. f i r . i ! was born In Camas. Wash , August troop No 240 ° f P a,n ks f ? 1" came last Thursday to visit ?ctT ,y contributes in proportion schools were closed Monday by v » < « « « .. 8 h .r w « S , of th e developm ent ^ u - r i i y ’g I • M o£ K ^ y R o ov <£,2... . a second class Miss r Freda City t0 thc aPPraised value of its prop- reason -» •*-- ------- B v P oC Som,» ie z___ u a > Johnson u on n son o of i Yuba Yuba C ity. ouy O U t a t .».---------. t h p m ii r - t nt . . v ___ . < • e r f . v y ' . X e T ^ o 0/ T O “ ™ “ 1 a N orth p X . ’‘X m^ in y r™ 2, th e „ cour‘ honor Cal., arrived last T hursday to visit erty ning 1 Grove Wednesday eve- th eir and „ *. , . 2*^® » fVnd a re ...*w .. sister, « Mrs. n a . Waldo n m u u r F u lint m a n a «• uou m e T h o o lo { s c a r le t f e v e r '• • » » In « , third. K ’ 1 m arried in 1915 Mrs Washington family. All w ith Mrs. Leland Flint. ,lm ited to aggregate of $25.000, f i .l es W‘>1 rpmain closed the --' -yard relay f .» „ „ .r M untam fir», died at the McMinnville hospital Aid Ball Team T h e f o l l o w m » _ K, ---------- (- ? ent Monda-V ‘o view the Colum- sP°nsors of ‘he plan believing that rest of the term The other three B -i,;.Z nnt h r ^ l,,‘. ? : ', . ^ d v ,, ? unday T here survlv«> her hus- Banks m L bT ne? houses ot bla " vcr h i8hway as far as Stev i h,s “mount would suffice not only grades will be closed on conclusion ; w i . > t. , i i M .m n u im m ” *?' two d aughtcrs, Helen and R a n t! k i .d dotl? “ ons to th e enson. W ash. returning by the 1 cover a11 ,lre losses but to build- of the eighth-grade exam inations Sherwmat. •Ide, .»rond A Brown. Bank», th ird Marly«, a brother and two sisters ?im: R,!?iaCO, SemV' w erhgre£n h ‘gh way to Vancouver *ng U(P a fund ?f W00-000 against Thursday and Friday if no marked Baseball throw distance: w l.ytnell. i Mrs. W ashington was a niece of Pown M ' » 1 ° B°dle & Co., Wash. The visitors are enjoying m ajor loss such as th at suffered im provem ent is shown M o im taln .ld e. f ir a t : p. w ii.i« ,. B a n k .. Mrs Carl lairsen of Hillsboro ^!ier<:ai?td ?* Banka Confec- the grand Oregon scen ery J with in ‘he eapitol fire. Experience, how- n »•'“ - ■ > . th ird a . . . — < $ « .-< $ «- not* 4 :_x . B«»eb«l| th r o w - seeurary: E. K elly, tionery. Fred Schlegel. Banks Meat daily sight seeing trips. Fue r'i-has Provcn *he inadequacy of Marriage Licenses « « • a , rir» t : I. J u rze n .n n , Kevdyille . M arket, Banks Pharm acy, W. S To Make D river Test Ju n io r Club to Meet , e Ijm‘ted assessment since fire Edward J. Ball and Irene Krah- ond; C. C l.p n h .w , H i 11, ide. third. Atlee. Kennedy's Garage. W ashing­ M artin Redding, exam iner of op­ Scholls Ju n io r club wiU meet loss?s fa v e drained the fund almost mer, both of Cornelius. May 2 Sm all Srhonlw—Sm all G ir l. ton County Bank. McFarlane s Hard- May 15 with Mrs. Lyle Potters. The as erators and chauffeurs, will be u, . i as the, contributions came Carl Adolph Wolf and Eileen «»-yard d a .h A C u trla h t. Galen Creek o a rt ' G earha r ts Service Station, topic w ill be gardening. *n , so th at at the tim e of the c a p i-1 Marion Fox, both of Beaverton n o ,P T Cu,^ ‘[h ,• ‘t * 1" ' 'r e e k , .eennd llilsburo Wednesday, May 15, at | Banks B arber Shop. George Sctaol- B. Hniboke. T u a la tin View , third the court house from 9 a. m In i ---------------- - tol fire there was only $139,000 1 May 3. 60-yard daah: A. Q u trls h t. G ale. Croak. p. m. e r is manager of the team. J. H . T a m ie s ie D ie d Has Play Part Mrs Flora Munford drove to in P o rtla n d T u e s d a y Corvallis Frulay w here she attend­ H. Tamiesie, who lived north ed the play, “No More Frontiers, of J. Hillsboro years ago, menCth ofW: Sp e ^ h of o" P° rtland was died ab ro th in - neth M unford had a par. in Z a^d^Miss6 M ^ e ^ a m ie s ^ e In d M^s Our New ° * ROber‘S' Capitol NeWS letter „ O ^ a L and“ 1^ h“ Orval. and fam ily .n Forest G ro v e, and Dr. J. C. Tamiesie of Eugene Wrecker Service C O M P L E T E , Q U A L IF IE D SERVICE A T H IL L S B O R O Saturday, May 11 - 1 P. M. Sharp is the foundation of our sales in this community of Evenings Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Cars 1192, 3361, 1432X, or 2842 neXi *?u,,,<,lnff' 'So be sure and come if you need anything and if you have anything to sell bring it with you and we will sell it for you. k Here is what we already have listed for this sale (Eight rooms of good household furniture) Living room suite, dining room suite, bedroom suite, rockers, chairs dressers rugs beds mattresses, lamps, kitchen cabinet,’ t lock, extra chairs, dishes, cooking utensils, musical in­ struments saddle. mirrors, fern stands, tools, books, in fact everything for the home. Many articles not listed here. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: If you have anything to sell bring it to this sale. We will sell it for you and turn it into cash. Cattle, horses, machinery, tools, chickens fur­ niture, harness, in fact anything you wish to bring. TERMS— Cash. List your goods with Mr. Robinson at livery barn. P. F. GEIDL, Auctioneer Phone 85« VANCOUVER. WASH. 317 Main ta JAMES WHITELAW an d “ B e tte r-fo r-le s s ” USED PHONE 441 TIRE WAR STILL ON Big discounts — Fresh stock! Hillsboro Motor Company JAMES WHITELAW, Prop. PHONE 441 Livest Used Car Market in the County. P a c k e d in M o th e r's D a y G ift Boxes — No C h a rg e ! P owers Grocery M A IN STREET P H O N E 81 Prompt Service . . . S pecials fo r M a y 10 and P uffed Rice Quaker. Y o u r choice Wesson O il P in t S ize and M a y o n n a is e M ix e r P roprietor Here is the Sun Motor Tester which enables scientific diagno­ sis of any motor condition — all makes. Come to us for accurate inform ation, quickly and freely given. T hese lovely Phoenix hose are aliatl- o w le ss , o f c o u rs e , a n il h av e th e Phoenix D uo-heel anal T ip t-to e for long w ear. C u sto m -F it Fop, exclusive w ith Phoenix, m eans e x tra com fort aa well as perfect fit for any size leg. Ask Io see the new S pring colors — T u rf, Jockey, P addock, Saddle. O r W h e a t. CARS All kinds of Mechanical Work, Body Repairing and Re-building, Painting, Glazing, Upholstering. All at popular prices! ' in the n e w S p rin g colors is now available at popular prices. A u c tio n S a le L o c a tio n 1 340 M a in S tre e t— th e old liv e ry b a rn — n e x t to P H O E N IX H O S IE R Y O xyd o l L a rg e -s ize p k g . H ere is the very latest In a boring bar. New and ex­ act in its results, as we have all instrum ents for precision work and know how to use them. P. & G. N ap th a Largs size bar. 6 fo r Coffee Red & White stores brand. 1-lb. pkg. M ilk Red & White. Large cans. 2 for 11 10c 36c 23c 25c 25c 13c q : J ......— opwiuiiy price« ior Friday and Saturday. These prices good May 10 and 11 only