H IL L S B O R O Page Six back of the davenport and lighted a cigarette. "B ut there was blood on the dagger when it was w ith­ draw n from betw een Archer's ribs . . . As I see it. Markham, the bloody dagger that killed Archer was throw n into the fragile Ting _____ yao vase that w as on the table there in order to in d icate by a H o u s e w a rm in g H e ld ; M ay By subtle and devious symbolism tin D a y P a r t y G iv e n motive for the crim e Hut the steel S. S. V an Din« and gold of the dagger broke Hie vase—it was of almost eggshell CORNELIUS Special • delicacy—and so the dagger was then Placed in this other Ting yao. »’»U be held for Mother s Day next Copyright by W. H. W right In clearing up the broken pieces Sunday during the M E church of the first vase, the m urderer ov- hour Special tokens will be given WNC Sarvlco to the oldest mother. youngest erlooked one sm all fragment." mother, m , other .. with the .. largest “But whv the substituted vase . .. , (Continued from lnet w eek) • In order that no attention would ,am >l.v and " “ ’«her with the larg I certainly haven't been lean- ^e attracted bv the glaring absence est "-iniilv present. ing on it." retorted M arkham He ot the original one If a valuable H ouse W arm ing H eld was annoyed at Vance’s secretive Ting yao w ere missing, it might .\ housewarming party was held manner. j indicate another motive for the at new home of Mr and Mrs. J. "N either have I. for that matter." crime, and that motive would have Delmonte and family Wednesday said Vance a little sadly. "But it confused the issue and diverted evening T hirty-three were present furnished a starting point to rea- attention from the person the mur- Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church son from -provided, of course. I derer wanted us to think was be- presented them with a wool com- could verify it" hind the crime." forter and the Sunday school pre- H e c a m e back slowly tow ard the "That's all very well, perhaps, sented them w ith a table and lamp. . o f th e room where we were M arkham returned dubiously; "bu’ A prayer meeting was led by Rev. d a r e n ^ r t and we did not find the dagger in the Charles M Reed pastor of the lo- S * B U:? r thUeblhb;Vrvhet a ^ Chr e w e a k e n out and used to & Mother’s Dav Services Set THE KENNEL MURDER CASE AR G U S, major operation at the Emanuel hospital in Portland Friday lie is getting along nicely. K enneth Smith had the good fortune to find a ten dollar gold piece while working m the gulden P u p ils G iv e F a rew ell H I LL S B O R O , Miss Caroline llorlachcr of For­ est Grove was a guest of Miss Mil­ dred Rock over the week-end. Miss Blanche Moore of Glenwood is .1 guest at the W A Goodin home. Alice Wolfe Wins .Alice Wolfe will have her name put on the silver loving cup as a result of the spelling contest held Friday night at the school. Miss Wolfe is the second contestant to have her name on the cup, last year being the first of the con­ tests. T here w ere nine other con­ testants this year W arren Barnes pronounced the words. Along with the contest the low er grades sang a series of songs. The interm ediate grades gave a very interesting dem ­ onstration on a screen of original drawings from Oregon history w ith Billy Hamelman and Raymond Trites giving talks in connection w ith the work A group of girls sang and Delores Sahnow. Georgi­ ana Jones and Marie Montgomery gave a tap dance. The interm ediate boys gave a cowbay stunt and song with solo part by David Edmonston Lester Peabody gave a clever and amusing hula hula dance. Manual training and 4-H club work was on exhibit. A very large crowd a t­ tended Word , , has _ been n ,, received . -r,,,. from , J Tac?,‘."a Wash- b>' Cornelius friends of the scrlous illness Rev Beedlrs h llt^ d .¿ k ^ d o w n at a kill Brisbane." ... Robinette gave a reading by Edgar „ low/ te a k w ood s t a n d on By the m urderer of Archer? Guest. which stock a cornucopia-shaped "Unquestionably. No o n e else Mrs. Cochrane Honored w hite vase. A set of books piled would have known w here the dag- Wednesday at the Ladies' Aid high on the end of the table al- ge5_w a s, , .. . .. j .. meetin8 ot th e Methodist church a most obscured it. Vance approached ' a” ce *.hat theory doesn t birthday party was given for Mrs. the vase ft‘ ‘be tacts The sergeant found Joseph Cochrane The ladies plan in t e r e s t in ’ " he lhe da«8er upstairs i n A rcher's t0 pa,nt the aid room soon and T h a t s dashed in terestin , he room_ w ith the door bolted on the - buy new song - books ---- m urm ured. A piece of later Ting inside dled hours Hold May Day Party yao—from the Yung Cheng era. 1 fore Brisbane was subbed. Why. A May Day party was h e l d should say I if the same person killed both of Thursday night at the meeting of He picked up the vase and be­ them, didn't he replace th e dagger the Neighbors of Woodcraft i n gan inspecting it. in this vase? A rcher was already _______ At the business "A rath er thick biscuit, and dec­ dead, and Brisbane was killed down- Bunning’s M r hall. s ” i*e.> H o ffm a n *w-as**im orated in relief; copied from an stairs. Why should the dagger have as flag bearer and Mrs ancient bronze. . . Angular crack­ been in A rcher’s bedroom chair"" EHen v k k e r e a s d T n e r ¿ r .tm e l T each ers N am ed ling in the glaze, which is brittle \ ance smoked unhappily f o r Mrs F rank Dooher and Mrs Pete At a recent meeting of the Cor- and glossy. . . A very beautiful before replying. Susbauer won prizes for the pret- nelius grade school board the pres* and perfect specimen." s what I c a n t make out. baskets. Judges were Mesdames teachers. W arren Barnes, Mrs As he talked, he moved tow ard he That admitted. W. VanLom, VanLom. W. Cochrane and Miss Evelyn th e window and held the vase to j i "Brisbane was not w n Dusick and L. i I Louise vucnruiie Miss Floy the light in such a m anner that he ~ ? b bvd until hours after Archer Mooberry. Mrs. Dusick and Mrs Reed, were ■ re-hired. re-h could8 look inside it The m urderer could have been in Mooberry w ere in charge of the W right Portia n . , . , . . . .. .. „ . -----... charge of the W right of Portland of was hired to could look inside i t I niladeiphia by the tim e Brisbane ¿ames Refreshments were served complete the term of Mrs. A rthur “I believe there is something Mav baskets w ith Mesdames Benofsky. who left for Oakland, here," he said. Moistening his fin­ was stabbed. He certainly w ouldn’t H v Jones will be janitor ger on his tongue, he p u t his hand have tarried here for several hours Charles Lathan. John Rock a n d Cal next > oar. deep into the vase. When he With­ after disposing of A rcher The only r Schultz in charge Leaves for South Mr and Mrs Earl Hollenbeck drew it there was a red sm ear on explanation I have is that the m ur- derer, after killing Archer and xirs. A rthur Benofsky left Sat- an<^, daughter Helen and little Earl the end of his finger. placing the dagger in the vase, re- urdav to make her home at O a k -' Smith, all of Mountaindale, visited "Yes, quite so," he said, looking turned to the house and killed iand.’ Cal. Miss Floy Wright of Mr and Mrs. A rthur Bishop and closely at his finger. ., Portland will finish the term ’s work | family Sunday. "What have you found?" de­ B7 ^ .ane’ rtoo\ Then, I ask you. the sergeant a§ teacher in the prim ary grade Mr. and Mrs Donald McPherson m anded Markham. broke out, “how the dagger got in sh e is m aking her home with Mrs 1 arrived last week from Los Angeles Vance held out his finger. the bolted room?—and who put the Paul Melanson for a short visit with their ---------- parents. “Blood!" he said. "And th at vase Mr. and Mrs A. McPherson and through A rcher s head, and Mra. O liv er E ntertains was also near the davenport, only bullet_ why?" ___ ..... ........ Mrs. __ A. _ J. .................. Oliver, mite box _........ sec- Mr. and Mrs. D J. B arrett. a few feet from w here the Sung Move to New Home J* L cou' d answ er those ques- retary of the Missionary society of Ting yao stood. Both vases were .. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dixon have used in this devilish plot. . . . A tions, Sergeant. Vance told him. m e church, entertained at the moved into their new home in the subtle conception — but th e plan T could , solve this w’hole insane mite box opening Thursday eve- south east section of town. problem. ning at the church. Mrs. G Milne. fell to pieces—" Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooke and At this mom ent W rede came Mrs. F. O. Shay and Miss Helen “See here, Vance," — M arkham down the stairs and walked past Shaw gave readings and Miss Helen Miss Dorothy accompanied by Miss spoke quietly, trying to curb his Oliver played a piano solo. Maxine Mary Corl and Mrs. Elizabeth M o r ­ annoyance—"just how w ere those ‘ „ bb rary to tb e front door. * say- Mr. Wrede." Vance a n d Lucile Poffenberger. Ruth ris, both of Portland, attended the vases used? And w here did the called out. "Could we speak to you Price. Laurel Shay. Helen Milne, funeral services of L. J. Corl of blood on them come from?" 'Pornent before you go?” Ruth Davis, and Betty and Alice Portland, at Corvallis Monday Mr "As I see it, M arkham, those a The man turned and came into Delmonte gave a little play. "Dif- Corl was the father of Mrs Cooke two Ting yao vases w ere used to the library. His face was flushed ferent Kinds of Boxes." Miss Mil- and Miss Corl. divert suspicion from the real m u r­ and there was Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finegan of sullen angry look dred Rock, as a nurse. Miss Doro- derer and to focus it on another ln his eyes a a look almost m ur- thy Cooke, as a deaconess. Miss North Bend visited at the Joseph person: and they were employed derous. Finegan home over Saturday night. Helen Oliver, as a m ountain w ork- as symbols in order to create a Play on Wednesday Here I am. he announced curt- er; Miss Yuneko Yusui, representing false motive.” ..o ° t U8 l set J? ws - Japan; Miss Rosamond M undorf.; A one-act comedy. - “Whiskers," ------------ "You mean we w ere to regard So I observe. Vance m urm ured representing the negro worker, and ** j “ sponsored by the M E the crime as being connected with mildly. "And you seem rath er up- Miss Virginia Erickson, a Spanish Sunday school at B unning’s hall A rcher’s collection of Chinese cera­ set, don t y k n o w .’ worker, put on a clever playlet, Wednesday evening. T here will be mics?” Wrede s tense attitude did n o t' assisted by Misses M argaret Cooke I musical numbers. Vance nodded. and Doris Shay for the opening of —----------------------- “I feel sure of it. But in just relax; and he said nothing w hat way I don't know. It would a s k ^ u pie“ « n ” lss L ake” Vance ’erved.<” r> c?«. weelt u t r»i one bottle I could eat almost a n y -: and poor Wrede was given his K u Scott of Blooming was LICENSED EMBALMERS thing and did not have those awful conge. It’s very sad. He doesn’t like ? v ern |ght guest of Mrs. Joseph gassy pains and soreness in my Grassi—he doesn't at all like h im .; w n u u u stomach. I’ve tried many other But I doubt if he really suspects ,n,^ jvRiiiC a?k u'i« I?omh3S- b?Cn Ser' medicines but no other has done him oi killing A rch er though I ni y 1 h s home- 18 im prov- the w ork as has Williams S. L. K. sure Wrede doesn’t put it beyond m ,, a , o a Form ula." him—" _ John Mundorf Sr. underw ent a | This wonderful medicine is the 1 ,’.’Lhen wl?y, the insinuations?” fore, when he was hum iliated a I prescription of a physician for , u . t . J Markhalf>- Wrede moment ago in front of Grassi. he, Everything in Insuranre stomach, liver and kidney disor- ,tninR3 that, if we turn our atten- turned her over to us, as it w ere i ders, associated with constipation. ,° Grassi, we will push past w ith Grassi as a smoke screen." 1 1 Ph< « • I7EI 1332 Washington sour or gassy stomach, distress aft- »• L straw m an, so to speak, and (To lie continued) er eating, sick headache, neuralgia. Ilrid elsp ' . . rheum atic pain, neuritis, bilious- 7," m’ n the name ol heaven? I ness, dyspepsia, heart-burn, gen- u M?ss Lakc. of course. W red e' eral weakness and loss of vitality « b^come vindictive and bitter 1 Tf you suffer, don’t wait. See your asy aaS^ h t a m 3bw.ut Miss Lake I druggist today at Delta Drug store his h ^ d h e J “ spect Pu ‘ ldeas in , ^ f a c t i o n or your money b a c k .- a n t a g ^ s m ^ a ^ ^ a ^ a ^ x i s t ^ I County Delegates Win Many Places Thursday. May 9, I 935 [ last week Wyman lias recently taken over a McConnan route School Closes Norman Wright, small son of Mr. Imlays Open and l.cstcr Wright, hail to his ear lanced Portland Next Monday liave a New Store Several fishermen from this vi­ Mrs ill Mrs A rthur Benofsky was given a farewell party Friday afternoon M iss M ills by her pupils in the local grade school. OREGON at H ir e d M o u n t a in III« Mnhrl II fo Teach cinity report very good lurk at Scoggins creek, some catching tile limit of fine trout O re g o n Hom e A lllaonl Hilhi Student Election Set P ro d u c ts D in n e r A lo h a at H a ll T o n ig h t I Hv II (' Klvant) MOUNTAIN HOME Mountain AI.OHA New store building tn-i«- Home school will close May 13 Miss for J It lull.IV ,t Son-, o f Heed Mary Mills of Springbrook h a s vllle. Washington county's pioneer been hiretl to teach this school next grain lind feed deulers, was opened year. She visited this and Chap Student body elections will In- Wednesday. Just one year after man school May I held at llillii Monday Candidates they had established a branch store are Lloyd Selfridge and LuVernc here. A complete line of food, grain Aid Meets president; Alvin Mohr and seed together witli accessories laidies’ Aid met with Mis T. C. Abendroth, lin k Abls, vice president; Irm- for tin- dairyman, poulti-yniiin ami Hamilton Thursday, with tw elve ami Many on Mother's Day would al Trask. Ann Munkres and Lowell gardener will In- carried in the present They enjoyed pot luck Chase, Join with us ami say the best secretary, unit ltlllv Allison Aloha store Many friends called luncheon at noon. Quilting and a and Lewis Garfield, treasurer ttiat life bus to offer, we during tin* day to extend tiest business meeting were on the pro­ wtsii for mothers ulways Orchestra Formed wishes, one of the visitors being gram. A program will be given for orchestra lias been organized a man thut had been a customer the benefit of the church in the at An Hilhi under tile direction ot Lytm of the firm continuously for 31 near future Mrs Harold Acbischer an and will play at the sen­ years This store is in on wuy a of Laurel Rnlge district was asked Sherm ior play Friday night. Orchestra separate unit, but merely an a d ­ to prepare that district’s portion of members are Pearl Lowe. Veru the program. It was also decided Lowe, Billy C urrington, Kenneth dition to the business and Is under to ask the Mountain Home Sunday LaPlante, violins; Leonore S her­ the direct supervision of Charles school to be co-sponsor with the man. Harold Meyer, Don Wick, Imlay Mr and Mrs George McBreen with u Gift from Aid in giving this program Next clarinets; Kenneth Forsythe. Earl meeting of the Aid society will be Hickenlooper. Albert G r o s s e n . spent the week-end ut Rockaway. Mr. and Mrs Carl Rudolf ut with Mrs. Percy Hamilton Ju n e 7. trum pets; Art Klaus, bass horn, Mr and Mrs Aubrey Taylor and John Eldridge and Virgil McCor­ tended tile Junior week-end fes- baby daughter of Woodland. Wash . mick. trombones, and Melvin M ar­ tlvitirs at Wllluniette university Saturday. visited Mr and Mrs Sam Body iner and Howard Davis, drums. Mr. and Mrs Jack Jucobson and several days last week. Mr Taylor P hilo P le d g e s N am ed Mrs Nancy Lee. ami Mr und Mrs was here on business regarding a Philo pledges for next year are Cal Faulk spent the week end In real estate transaction Betty Hobbs, Sue Santoro, Ann Washington visiting relatives und Mr and Mrs. Frank Adams and Munkres. Christine Robb. Helen friends. children of Kelso. Wash., w ere Hecker, Hazel Churchley and Mel­ P rod ucts D in n er T onight week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. ba Haverstick. A group of ladies of the Aloha Ililhl Swamped Body. Grange are giving an Gregon prod­ Gaston defeated Hilhi 16 to 4 on ucts dinner tonight (Thursday) at Mrs George Allison attended a bridal shower for Miss Urdeane the local field Friday afternoon in tl 30 nt the Aloha Grunge hall A W rit door to V rn rtU n thratrr Allison nt the H arry Mendenhall a loosely played game. fine musical program will bo giv­ Hillsboro home in Portland Thursdny eve­ en the same evening following tin- O prn until 9 P M ning. Mr. Allison was a guest of dinner by the P. T. A. K voty Saturday Night his sister. Mrs Victor Kindt of Portland, that evening. Quality Job printing Argus Mrs Ethel Mae Egan of Portland visited Mrs. Bertha W aldron S a tu r­ illy Mrs. John C alm Jr. 1 day and Sunday. LEISYVILLE G raduating ex er­ Will Sponsor Program cises of the Leisyville school will At a business meeting im m edi­ be held nt the school Muy 15 nt ately following the Sunday school eight o'clock. Everyone is invited The club meets Thursday with session, the school voted to help sponsor the program and social to Mrs. John Sinclair B irth d a y s C eleb rated be given here soon for the benefit Mr and Mrs. Fred G rant e n te r­ of the Mountain Home Evangelical Right nt the height tained at dinner Sunday for the church. of Mrs William Stoltcn- tif the hauling dea- Mrs Alex Bruce is confined to birthdays and Mrs. L. II. M acIntyre bed with a serious illness this berg Ron we have a real Present were Mr ami Mrs. Dick week. Stoltenbarg, Roy Stoltcnberg. Mr selection of good W. C. T. U. society of Spring­ and Mrs. I,. 11 M acIntyre and Mi­ brook met w ith Mrs. Sam Body ami Mrs. bred G rant and family used Trucks. See Tuesday. them! Young folk of the community are I enjoying the tennis courts at the U S E D and N E W P A R T S John Schm eltzer home these bright 1934 FORD \ S l'- j- to n , 157 inch wheelbusc, d u iil days. For less. T ires, lu ttr r ie s . w h e e ls— Chehalcm Mountain Potato club I w ire. wood. disc, a ll site s . T railers wheels, overload springs, good rubber. F u lly re ­ met at the John Schmeltzer home m ade to order. conditioned and Thursday evening. Plans for the H ills b o r o A u t o W r e c k e r s guaranteed m C I m year's work were discussed. Two 156 S econ d A ve. members of this club. Jam es A lli­ 116 W. M ain son and Helen Schmeltzer, are plan- I 1933 C H E V R O LE T I ' j ton, 157 inch whedhase, dual ning to attend the 4-H sum m er I wheels, overload springs, p la tfo rm school at Corvallis. Jam es Moore, assistant assessor, hotly. A-1 condition is calling on farm ers of this dis­ HARRISON 0. HUGGINS trict last week. M. D. 1929 FORD lL j- to n , I .'! 1 -inch wheelbase, Hip Fractured Fred Larson of the Gibbs district EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT dual wheels. Good condition. fell after stum bling over a rug in | SPECIALIST his home last week. An ambulance 1929 C H E V R O LE T 1-ton, 131 inch wheel- from Newberg was called and he G LA SSES FITTED was taken to the Wilcox hospital, base,, single tires, new rubber Room 3 where an X -ray showed broken ( ’om m trrial N ational Hank Annaa hip. Larson, who is an uncle of 1932 FORD PIC KU P, closed , ah. Hood Mrs Jam es Middleton and made Phonaa Ilooni his home w ith them, is 87 years of He* idan ce 2972 9 Su a . m. to 12 m. condition, ready to go age. U ffira 2971 1 :3U p. m. to 6 p. m. Goes to Sherwood Miss Dorothy Demaray, who has been teaching the Gibbs school for I the past two yeras, has received ( word that she has been hired by ( the Sherwood public school to teach Gas Pains and Indigestion victims, the fifth and sixth grades then- i why Buffer? For quick relief from I next year. stomach distress due to excess acid. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Wyman and i get a free aam ple of the (Jdffa AUTHORIZED SALES AMD SERVICE daughter Delores of McMinnville J Treatm ent, a doctor's prescription visited old friends and neighbors i at the Hillsboro Pharmacy. Adv. Remember Mother BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY Graduation Date Leisyville May 15 USED ’535 ‘285 ’225 ’335 STOMACH ULCERS A b r a n d - n e w th r ill has com e to to w n Funeral Home Flames Destroy Home at Scholls WAS UNABLE TO EAT NOW FEELS FINE! Donelson 8C Sewell GET IT AT YOUR GROCER’S RUSH LOW U SE ---- :_________ ________ between her and A rcher. There-1 The Memorial - - - The fortunes and heritages which men leave behind are un­ certain, insecure, estates and in­ heritances may and do p a s s. ftniy the Memorial will positive­ ly stand forever as a reminder and a history of those who lived and passed beyond. OREGON MONUMENT WORKS H. H. Stannard, Mgr. THE BEST Sewer pipe, road culverts, well casing, pier blocks, foundation blocks, building blocks, building tile, chim­ ney blocks, all sizes of drain tile, 3-inrh 3c a foot, 4-inch 3>/^c a foot, 5-inch 4<^c a; foot, 6-inch 6c a foot. We also handle Willamina drain tile and “Chieftan" hydrated lime. Cement in truck and carload lots. W illamette river, Columbia river, and Gales creek sands and gravel. Hillsboro Concrete Brick ÔÔ Tile 4th at Ma1", Hillsboro North of Cannery on P. R. N. Ry. Office Phone 1341 W HEAT K R IS P IE S AN AMAZING thing lias happen«»«! niem U ng two grains together is to a wheat cereal! — Something u Kellogg achievement. Taste the llial lias never been «lone before. result for yourself. Huy n pack­ Kellogg’s Wheat Krispies actually age o f Kellogg's Wheat Krispies retain their crispness after milk from your grocer. Always oven- or cream lias been added. fresh and ready Io eat. Enjoy them You won't believe it till you try for flavor and nourishment. this delirious new ready-to-eat I f yon are not delighted witli cereal. Adding just enough rice to Wheat Krispies, return the empty the nourishing goodness o f wheat package and your money w ill Jias resulted in a marvelous new he c h e e rfu lly refunded by the flavor and emnehiness. Kellogg Company o f Battle Creek.