! Senior Play— Hillsboro Day— Hillu Auditorium, K: 15 Friday Evening Free Gift Distribution 2 P. M. Saturday W ith Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent Volum«1 12. No. I I IlillHboro, Oregon, Thursday, May 9, 1935 S ta te C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r n V A. I. L I N n II R C K Replacement ( 'apihd Interesting All J Oregon Folk • ------------ _— —-----_----- Wheat Plan Outlined at Meets Here A im o f P ro g ra m P a r it y P ric e s to O b t a in on C ro p , Hilhi Class Play to be Presented on Friday Night Valley Plan Subject for Local Meet "The Poor Simp," a three-acl comedy selected as tin* annual H il­ hi senior class play tor this year, will be presented a t the high school auditorium ut 8:15 p m. Friday. I The cast, all selected from the sen­ ior class, includes seven women and f 10 men. ami is directed by M iss S e le c tio n C o u n ty P ro je c ts Tennessee Weattierred. W il l a m e t t e D e v e lo p m ent The plot of the comedy is con­ cerned with Simpson Hightower, | Set F r id a y N ig h t a member of an Important family i but himself a "washout.” High- j tower, played by Jack Barr, loses his girl, loses his job and a lm o st ' I»|zw -tsl VKZixrL H ' t r ’K H i l misses his last chance. When he * ™ 1,1 * U d tA C U stands up to his boss for a show­ down, he Is dismayed to hear h im -, self tell the boss w here to get off T h o r n b u r g h W i l l C onduct But his friends spur him on until _ «, • he wins a ‘seat in the lap of sue- ! C o u r t H o u s e Session cess as the final curtain falls. ______ Cast of characters Includes’ „ , . ... . , Thomas Bronleewe, Kathleen Me- Washington county Alear, Helen Nelson. Hetty H avens,; p r° i ~ UJ i 1 ?cl,U,df,d *” V™' Jack Barr. Don Chase. Robert '" ’’“'d WHIamett Valley develop- G rant, Cecil Heaton. Jim Kohl- T “ 1 erogram * ‘U be considered meyer. Jim Samsel, Frances F ields.: during a Publlc m eeting at the Norman DeFrees. Wunda Park. Nor- ‘'ounty court house at 8 p. m. Frl- ma Crawford. John Eldridge and ¡*“ y' . T * " n P n ’ '? " ° v Royal G ardner Members of the by John Thornburgh of Forest technical staff are Karl Doern. bus-1 (*ro„ve' mem ber be va:ley Plan' tness manager; Oradell Pricket ad- c°mm ittee. Outstanding among vertlsm g manager; Ernest Brown. thc, expec ed to be sug- scenery director. Edward Hurd 8,‘s,,*d arc the Tualatin riv er flood Stage lighting, Evelyn Pasley, cos- c°S!fS*' mrigaUon an,d colonization. tumes. Helen Wick property man-1 1 r,’d ecta... P5 ° ’? 'led during , ‘he aver „ ¡ .I .! - ,,/ u meeting will be discussed and then | lib e r .' Facility assistanU include «“ hmitted ,o the W illamette Valley Section 1, Pages 1 to 8 Benefit Checks on Hog Program Arrive Locally Bargain Day Slated Here on Saturday Hog benefit checks for the final paym ent on the 1934 contracts in Washington county have begun to arrive from Washington, D C . ac­ cording to William F Cyrus, coun­ ty agent This payment will total ___________ *14.248 30, bringing the am ount re ­ ceived in this county on 1934 con tracts to *38.674 50. S p e c ia lly P ric e d G o o d . W i l l Present checks are computed on the basis of *1.75 per head on the be O f f e r e d by 2 8 S to re * perm itted production for last year under thc term s of the adjustm ent D u r in g S a le * E v e n t contracts. Checks for that part of the alphabet from A to G have Bakery Business Here Purchased by Newberg Men Perfection bakery was sold last week by Herman Schoen, who has * operated the local concern for the past eight years, to J H Coe and L. V. Congdon of Newberg. The new owners took possession Mon- i i day to^ p7 y “¿ t h " h ^ . T X p City Orders Survey for New Sewer ___________ E" « in * e r E m p lo y e d W iH f o r S tu d y o f I the bakery owned by the newcom- I C A1 KM While Governor Martin'« ers at Newberg, according to Coei S ta te s A d v is o r state planning board ponder» N e e d a n d C o a t* ’ and Congdon. over plun» for a new »tale house Coe is recognized as a high class ; to replace tin* one destroyed by pastry man and has been in t.u _ , _ fire two week» ago. Mr and Mr». Average Citizen are doing a lot of speculating about the new build­ Approximately 200 contract* for i of - Oregon - State college Both men ing on their own accord 1933 _ have been signed, Cyrus stat- -- - ----------------- . w ill reside in Hillsboro. B a llo t on C o n tro l P r o je c t Two iiuestions persist In obtrud­ U . c t ^ i H ^ m o Z ^ t o » 1 5 he°ii f e a t u r e d G o o d . L i. t e d in S ta ff em ployed by the S c h ^ n s F r a n c e M e t h o d . C it e d in ing themselves Into every conver- per T a k e n C o u n ty Sessions , wlI‘ be continued under the new d . l l less adm inistrative costs on the utlon in which the capltol build­ setup, according to present plans. n e p o rt or u r . k o d o num ber of hogs the signer is r e - ! r u l l - r a g e A d v e r t is e m e n t ing 1» the central theme One of ______ Employes include Dan and H arry --------- quired to reduce Paym ent will be Il Will the new Inuliling I Hr Wm. F Crrua. County Assnl) Badertscher, Mrs Frances V a n , made in two installm ents, one as have a dome?" The other la: "Whal Immediate step* tow ard provid­ Hillsboro will be the Mecca of Miss Helen McClain. Oscar Berg- Price» of wheat In the United aoon as practical after the contracts will It coat?“ ing . sewer facilities for that - part of State» have been above world lev­ are " arceuted*V?n " w a .h 'in y tn n 'T n a a host ot Washington county shop- rnan and Bob Philson. -------- ills' I.eft to a vote of realdent» of Sa­ el» in 1933 and 1934 because of two the Other sometime a ft e r ^ th e e n d P*™ Saturday when another of the Although having no definite plans H*9sboro not served 8t Preaent lem to whom the old capltol dome sucresslve short crops and the ad­ of 1935 when ttie final c o m n lia n e e popular "Bargain Days,” sponsored for a new location. Schoen states were taken Tuesday evening when c U k up 1ms i X c o m o le ^ p 28 m erchants of the Chamber that he w ill take a vacation until j authorized th e h lr- had lderable backing is being featured in the program now be- a few of the bargains offered reg- I Partly Price Sought Method for financing the pro­ e« n d s e a r « in v % • v c v n s * ‘o n / a < s .drainage s s * sa» • I es v. a 4* n I I d «* . flood * »’ kJ capltol building should look like. 1 M e if All Those E Y e o .m v i K ^ con- lng planned by local firem en for ularly. _ .. ... Parity prices for that part of thv C posed project as recommended by h arm s" Wilma Sdm ^s a n d M h F v ! Lro1 Pr °Ject on thc T ualatin river, the annual "Happy Days" celebra- Stores Designated H om the earliest experience In | wheal crop consumed In the United X o n u J « ," y I Surveys und reports ‘h‘* pro- tion at Sbute ¿ark. July 2. 3 and Dr. Robb included assessing 25 the history of the United State, States was the alin of the Stores offering “Bargain D ay” — existing per cent of the cost against prop­ gram have been prepared through 4 Included in these free events will items will be designated by yellow domes and wings amt porticos and wheat adjustm ent program and l_ erty in the district and issuing activities of the Tualatin Valley be baseball games, picnic facilities, posters and by displays of special columns have come to I m - regarded to bo the aim of the tentative new ' general obligation or revenue bonds Drainage & Flood Control associa- fireworks, old-time fiddlers’ con- bargains. Free distribution of mer- as symbols of governm ental a u ­ program By parity price is meant ' of the city to cover the other 75 tion and would enhance early con- i test, horseshoe pitching, races and chandise thority. A survey of stute buildings a price which would muke a hush gifts contributed by those P io n e e r D a u g h t e r o f C o u n ty per cent. These bond*, he declared structlon if federal funds w e re ; a surprise feature, n n r t ir in iH n f l in ko *_ _ , throughout the nation reveals that el of wheut buy Ihe same amount participating in ♦ the sales event is I could be retired by m aking the available. Play-off for the Washington coun- planned a t the cham ber of com­ in spite of the modern trend to ­ of goods now that u bushel of D ie * H e r e T h u r s d a y sewer service a utility and charg­ Money for the anticipated broad ty base-ball championship betw een merce, T hird and Main streets, at ward towers 40 of the 411 capltol wheal purchased during the years ing for it* use. development of the W illam ette leaders in the Tualatin Valley and 2 p. m. A public address system buildings ure crowned by domes of 1910 and 1914 The period of Such a plan is now being used -------- I valley Is expected from Oregon's ■ Sunset league teams is scheduled has also been obtained through the Io addition to the three already 1910 to 1914 Is used aH the base Mrs. Annie M. Imbrie, 81. pioneer mentioned the only dome!. ( ,, | for determ ining parity because of B e a v e rto n a n d G a le * C r e e k 'MHi.lkXl.lXX) in federal for the Fourth of July. Leaders in courtesy of Reed Connell for an­ daughter of this county, died at successfully in 220 towns in Texas and in many other states, according funds appropriated f o r public the Washington County and Farm nouncing the distribution of gifts tols in the nation are those of New the general farm economic condi­ her home here Thursday after an to Robb Charges may be based works Expenditure for the state Union leagues will clash on July and York. New Jersey. Virginia, T en ­ tion during that time According W in H o n o r * T r a c k M e e t other features of the day. on any one of three plans, nam e­ extended illness. project has been estim ated at *38.-, 3. With cash prizes and m erchan- nessee and Oklahoma to Shumway parity prices for the Every effort is being made to 000.000 i disc at stake for the teams that win F uneral services w ere held at ly: Amount of w ater used m onth­ O f th e 18 c a p lto l b u ild in g s con­ past ten years have generally been ly, annual rental charge or by Beaverton won the class A 1 hornburgh was appointed to the the right to compete in the local provide for the convenience of vis­ structed since the turn of the c e ll-. slightly above the coal of produc­ championship und Gales Creek the Willamette valley comm ittee two event, competition in the various iting shoppers. Ample parking space the Donelson & Sewell chapel Mon­ making a fixed charge on each ap­ lury 14 have domes, the most re tion day afternoon w ith Rev. H. A. pliance used will be available around the court class II title Saturday in the finals weeks ago by Governor Charles H. leagues is becoming unusually keen cent of these being the Washing [ purity for the domestically of the annual Washington county ' M artin The group, a sub-commit- That such a set-up was fair was That one of the most elaborate house and in the rear of the I. O. Deck officiating. Interm ent was in ipilol at Olympia completed consumed portion of the farmers' grade school track meet at Hilhi | tee of the state planning commis- displays of firew orks shown O. F. building. the Hillsboro cemetery. Pallbear- the contention of the chairm an of If! 1928 at a cost of *(1,300.000 wheat crop has been attuined by A O utright of Gales Creek, slon. will inform the public and Hillsboro for many years will be  ΠJ T 1; 10“ ,t % be. ° {’ , ers w ere Fred Cornelius. J. H G ar­ the sanitary committee. Property benefit payments flnunced by a A s to the probable cost of O re­ Jones and ■ Knvpiier of Beaverton cannot full vu.« cost o ... assist in the development in con-1 on tap for the evening of July 4 u tered day include n r W F Pittenver w n owners i n i during u u i m g the U ie a a y in c lu d e ten- t e n - i re»t rptt Dr Tu --------• stand the m«« gon's new building some basis for processing tax on wheat Some con­ and Hickenlooper of Reedville were neetion with the commission he, propo8ed im provem ent and ; la the declaration of the commit- nis shoes, newspaper subscriptions, Hare Charles Meacham* a n d F J I wash goods, brooms. dre«s »hirts. S j ^ e a r Meacham and E. J this o la n w o u ld speculation may be found In Ihe sum er objection has arisen from all tied for high scoring honors, plan would perm it payment The valley project would include ' tee in charge of the celebration. The experience of other states O kla­ lime to time in regard to this each winning three first places as the benefits are received, he the classification and use d e te rm in -; display is expected to last nearly self-w ringing mop, pure lard, cof­ homa’s domeless capltol. completed processing tax and these objections Annie Mauzey was born at West said. He also pointed out that citi- Honors in class A competition “, ‘an “ 9 lands, retirem ent of ■ half an hour. fee. beefsteak, cheese, dairy feeds. Shumway pictured as an objection in 1917 cost only *1.54X11X10 North went to Beaverton by n wide mar »ubmarginal lands, opening of re- Considerable interest is berns al®rm clocks, ladies' underw ear, daughter in other districts had already Dakota's new building, just com­ to paying the farm er parity prices gin. contestants from that school i setl,em<‘nt areas and conservation »hov rrln the old-time fiddlers con-i ma*cbe t’ candy, flour, egg m ash ,! , Hliam and Eleanor Mauzey paid sew er assessments and could pleted to replace the one destroyed on approxim ately half the wheat scoring 73 point* Forest Grove was anti utilization of all w ater resources test which will be held on the aft- thermos bottles, tub-fast dresses’ ' Plo“ eers °* y l 3- She was m arrie d ' not be expected to share in the by fire In 1930, cost *1,300,000 fills he grows Since the money collect- second with 41 points and Hills *ur storage and w ater supply, ac- ernoon of the Fourth of July tak in g powder, laundry soap, gar- t o / anles 14« 1880. expense of such im provem ents in Ic design I r , .',h r*’" ‘ih “ .U x ,s hack boro. 1934 champion, and Tigard cord’ng to the program outlined by Firemen plan to construct a plat ba8e cans- "M other’s Dav cake. building Is of modernistic . y moved to Hillsboro in othr parts of the city. if ho • c con (Continue*! on (>*<• <, colum n 4> 1896 when he became county clerk Construction of the project at (C ontinued on page 4. colum n 5) ♦ ‘ 1 u form for the competition and to o holder, were tied for 85 feet rising to n height of 234> I trois his acreage, it is es to serve for four years. The fam- this tim e would be a distinct aid i V'ird place with 36 points each provide facilities for old-time danc­ feet. Idaho’s capltol of the dome h ü whr™tM cropr,r’' rrCe,VV" ,o r |Ah>ha ït'ü d cn ts'"t'allié ’7 f mid “ s i ’ ily had made th eir home in Hills- to the local unem ploym ent situa- ing. .mil wings design cost $2.290.000 ’ boro ever since. Mr. Im brie died tion. the doctor said. He urged that Every effort is being made to new Utah capltol. one Of1 ,.2 m 2 ,2.*7’POrîi w,’cat into thc '/- 'i . *2 L . „ . and (he May 2, 1928. work be started by August. accommodate picnickers at thecele- ", i United Stales should not be viewed Galcs Creek and Reedville were Ihe must beautiful in 1 the west Deceased is survived by five chil- f a l l for a show-down in the I Oration this year. A num ber of ad ­ outstanding in the class B division, willi alarm in Shum w ay’s opinion i i-picseiits an Investment of *2. dren. Mrs. May Smith, Mrs. A lbert lon8 controversy between the city ditional benches and tables will the former scoring 48 points and Such im portations were for thc 739 :■:')) Coloradu with a population ) 7."",' H artram pf. Madge and Robert Im- council and the Oregon-W ashing- i be built and visitors are cordially part low grade feed wheat *he latter 41 Scores of other schools c)iitip.ii able Io that of Oregon. s|M*nt brie and Mrs. Alfred Smith, all of 'Continuedon paae 4. colum n II invited to avail themselves of pic­ were as follows. Sherwix»d 26. »2 MKI.000 on Its rnpitol building and Durum wheats of w hirh latter Orenco nic facilities. Hillsboro, and one granddaughter. Banks and Union 14 11 , , x s - a s « » » s s s s , a s s , *x I I x i , ■ I X I I «. I I k Xz I I I I — X completed in 1IMHI and thc Kansas Ihi i e was almost ’no production in . ■» s , * 16. Most of the big lum ber mills Anna Mary H artram pf. Space at the park has b e e n capltol. cuinplelcd in 1903, cost the United Slates during 1933 or l ualahn \ie w 12. (.aston and Watts $300 for support of scout work in limited by the committee to six I throughoul thc northwest are closed Mrs. Im brie was of the Episcopal I 1UOU 1934 Most of this Durum or macar­ 11. Mountainside 9. Midway and the Hillsboro area for 1935 will be lunch and six soft drink stands c1own as a result of the walkout faith, 2 o | h t ^ Mountain 6. Hazeldale and conducted Ju n e 6. according to oni wheal is grown In the Dnkotus Some of the more elaborute Cap­ (t <>n(inu«>«| * mi |»u*(v 4. colum n 4i in n i L % Corneliu« 3. plans announced by the finance Local residents are being g iv e n ! ?f lumber workers, which started Saints’ Episcopal Guild of Hills- preference in these concessions a n d 1 „ 1 week and was on in earnest boro. She was also a mem ber of itols include t h a t o f Nebraska Hillside 2 and Cherry Grove 1. sub committee of the district or- persons interested are asked , o I Monaay. W orkers are dem anding a the Eastern Star. Pythian Sisters, which cost $9.500,(NN), Louisiana. Prelim inaries in the meet were ganization. The drive will be held contact the firem en's committee I minimum of 75 cents an hour and N eedlecraft club and a fifty-year $5.000.000; Wisconsin. $7J03.826; and conducted April 26 at Beaverton as a ’Dawn to Dusk’’ effort with prom ptly as space is being taken I a 3O'h ° ur week, while the mini- m em ber of W ashington county Po- Pennsylvania, $11.033.400. nil. how ­ and Forest Grove More than 225 15 teams of two men each starting rapidly rartiriiv I m u m n now o w is r n f« art n n r m o n a Grange. Awarding of Farm Union scholar­ mum is 4 4 2 1« 2 » r cents an h hour ever. in states much larger than contestants representing approxi- in the morning and contacting 10 ships to the annual 4-H club sum ­ C arnival company has been signed Employers m aintain that such a Oregon mutely 25 county schools were en- assigned prospects by 5 p. m. mer school at Corvallis w ill be con­ • • • wage scale would shut them out to conduct rides and shows on the tered. The committee in charge of | Instructions will be issued at a grounds during the celebration. In of competition w ith m ills in other ducted at the Ju n e meeting of the Governor M artin has no patience Washington county union, accord­ \ . e-u,_V<.’? t J n<’kLd Barnum breakfast on the IIIX morning of June 4IX -, ‘‘d --------- of , W I « UIVi «SCI» X XII MIX Z* lllll|k X I* VUIIt IVIIIIXJ addition to the usual rides and j sections. with ap|M>intees who ure content i Ukcr. George Ray of Gales g and reports will be made at 5 p shows. 10 other amusem ents a r e ing to plans announced here S at­ W arrants for #27.733 75 in e l­ Hillsboro Lum ber company re ­ to sit on the band wagon and ride urday. Reports w ere also made in ­ i,»K<- 4. colum n 4) (Continued on pane s. column SI j 3 P°r' lon , , . tne flna|3flBI fence. Guards will rem ain on duty I burden according to the population. of state products. men w ere throw n out of w ork over KOAC. state-ow ned station at hoort; and John Goetz, Blooming day and night to keep the public The money does not go to P o rt­ Eight of the special exhibits when the mill closed. Corvallis c F Emerson of The Dalles, a out of the danger zone w hile the land. Portland is one unit of the shown are strictly Washington C arnation mill, also at Forest mem ber of the state executive work of razing the building is in I council and pays its portion based county products w hile the ninth Grove, closed Friday for repairs, board, was a guest _ of the county progress on its population," stated Alf Jo h n ­ consists of articles m anufactured releasing approxim ately 60 env Equipment Installed _ union. In his rem arks he pointed • • • son. chairm an of the drive. . —......... word ........ ___ New sterilizing equipm ent is be- out that the problems of the^w heat No definite has been in the state and sold locally. In . ployes. It is going to cost more than | “This money Is quite necessary addition, the m ajority of Hillsboro received regarding the Sunset and ing '"stalled at the C arnation con- farm er were quite different from *46.000 to wreck the capitol walls for the adm inistration of scouting grocers are featuring state m anu­ Consolidated mills. densor here this week. A construe- : those of the valley farmer, but and eart the debris away, accord­ Farm ers of the coming g e n e ra -1 vantages, actual planning of struc- in a successful m anner,” Easter de- factured goods both in displays and Reports also indicated that at- tlon cFew betw een eight and 10, that both had much in common. He ing to figures subm itted by Bur tlon will be equipped with practical tures. the qualities of various ma- clared "While scout leadership is sales. tem pts have been made to get have been w orkln8 on the ur8 « i that all farm ers pull to- Ion Palmer, representing the State knowledge of building construction terials. cutting of rafters and other performed by volunteers, efficient -u‘— ' ------ gether. Washington county's two m anu­ shingle mills in the county to close ■ 100 Emergency Relief adm inistration as well as crop production and phases of the work Six boys out ; organization n e e d s professional facturing concerns, the C arnation down. which is taking over the job Most animal husbandry as a result of of the class of 22, Ernest Brown, leadership. This sum represents the Products company and the Ray- of this expense could have been Imports Explained SW" „ ... Free Gifts Planned Urge Prompt Action Firemen Plan Free Events j t pr"" Mrs. Imbrie Laid to Rest Grade Schools Compete Here u c v m z ic u Scout Group Plans Drive County Mills Hit by Strike PI State Employment Office Opens Here r* Builders of County Organize Exchange Details of Compulsory Testing for All Dairy Cattle Outlined displays include Im perial feeds insight into the information gleaned members. mailing, a sm all portion of "office Ihe Selfridge F urniture company. in Ihe work given and six model Total of 13 sim ilar clubs are or- overhead, bulletins, lntertroop ac- at Royal Soda W orks goods at the County branch of the state re ­ ■ Hz Wm. F Cjn... Count» Anenti antine and the law provides that buildlngs constructed by Ihe class ganized in Oregon along lines or- tlvitles. telephone, p u b lic a tio n s , Portland Gas & Coke Company, Testing of dairy cattle for in- ,, „ . , . ; . t were exhibited Monday at the iginated by O. G. Hughson, field- printing, and gives the boys of Pendleton blankets from Weil's at employment service was established feetious abortion will become com- 1 s" a" he unlaw ful to hold or Washington County B uilders'E x chamber of commerce by M M man for the Oregon State Build- this district the opportunity to Lester Ireland & Company, p rin t­ this week at the local SERA office pulsory under the term s of the act pasture a quarantined Bang's dis- change was organized Wednesday Romig. Hilhi manual training in- ing congress. Work in this county participate in the splendidly equip­ ing from S. E. Fayram at J. L. under the supervision of Leon S. evening nt the Hillsboro chamber structor. council. It Anderson Jew elry store. Scholls Davis, personnel manager. The of­ passed by the last session of the ease reactor anim al w ithin six feet is conducted under the supervision . ped eamps . of the area ___________ of commerce with 19 county trades Buildings completed this year by of the 4-H club program In order very evident that such an or- Brick A Tile Company at Seligman fice will be operated during the law provides of any neighboring cattle owner's . . . . . the club, the only group of its kind Io standardize the program and ganitatlon as the Boy Scouts of Studio and printing of the H ills­ height of the seasonal employment. that the act shall become operative Jan u ary 1. 1936. and that testing £rop<;rty llne w hich incloses any Aflother session of the group to located in n high school in this provide for competition Both hugh- American needs capable supervision boro Argus at H all's Barber Shop Davis stated. of cattle shall commence at that Bang s d,??a1 s e ‘c ^ f d and free cows discuss wage scales for the various country, included a hog house, poul- son and L. E. Francis, assistant and that Hillsboro pays a relatively Oakes' Grocery is also featuring Project for repairs to the Watts time. or susceptible cattle.” trades Is scheduled for R p. m try house, barn und silo, milk county agent in charge of the 4-H small sum for the 100 scouts in the C arnation products. school and grounds was received In the event that the federal Indications are that the federal house, combination garage a n d club work, attended the meeting ( district." Monday. Committee in charge of the local this week by the SERA office. The Bang's disease indem nity program tests and indem nities w ill end this D. Patterson of Hillsboro was shop, and n farm home All of and spoke briefly The project is job calls for an expenditure of a p ­ event includes A rthur Reiling. C. is continued into 1937. then the year. Consequently, the dairym an selected chairm an of the exchange these structures nre complete witli purely educntionnl and not eom T. Richardson. W. E. Kipple, S E proxim ately *2500 in labor and Oregon law does not become ef wbo starts his testing now has a materials. and Harvey Batchelar, also of Hills­ cement floor or foundation, glass niercial. Fayram and Alf O. Johnson fective until January 1, 1937. Every chance to receive more out of any windows, siding, shingles and are Regular m onthly evening meet- boro, secretary. Washington county's share of the bovine anim al in the county must infected cattle he may have than if Finns were announced to have a aerurate in every detail. Value of ing of Ihe cham ber of commerce state liquor fund has been r e ­ be tested for infectious abortion at he waits. C ontracts for the federal Poppy representative of the Federal Hous­ labor put into the barn and silo will be held Monday. The follow- ceived. However, the am ount was ing week the Portland Gas St Coke ing adm inistration present at the alone is estim ated nt $350. Canning ling operations started at the | ' 1 1 / [ c cut 21 per cent below previous a l­ least once every 12 months unless testing are available at the county in the judgm ent of the state de- agent office or the veterinarics of- Models are built on a one-inch company will have charge of the Ray-Milling plant here Sunday with meeting Monday to discuss the B et­ lotments. Sim ilar reductions are partm ent of agriculture such test- ficea at either Forest Grove or ter Housing ennipnign All building scale from regulation blue prints program and on May 27 Earl the freezing of asparagus, which being made all over the state, ac- ing is not necessary. Hillsboro. tradesmen of the county are urged Boards, timbers, siding, shingles Snell, secretary of state will speak, will run two weeks. Canning of Annual sale of "Buddy" poppies 1 cording to R. W. Weil, county re ­ According to the law a B a n g ' s ------------------------- were rut to scale by members o f , Announcement’s were made con- rhubarb for the first run took up will be conducted in Hillsboro May j lief chairman. to attend. disease inspector will be appointed C n n n t v P .i-a J » thc club and used in the construe- eerning Bargain Day nnd Oregon Monday nnd Tuesday. Employment 24 and 25 by m em bers of Washi- by each county court. Pay for thc L o u n ‘ y Iz r a d e s tu d e n ts tinn work Parts of the buildings Products Week. the first of the week was given to ington county post 2666. V eterans F in a l N o tic e G iv e n N o v e l In v ita tio n s S en t inspector is to be paid by the coun- W i l l T a k e S ta te T e s ts are cut away to show construction _________ , approxim ately 125 men and women of Foreign Wars. Funds obtained r r- . <- . . to P re s id e n t R o o s e v e lt features. The students plan to ex ty w ith the state paying for the j State exam inations will be taken Spinach will begin coming in from the sale will be used to care f o r b o u n ty S c r ip Issue car Novel Invltntions. consisting of hihit the buildings nt the state fair F o re s t G ro v e Y o u th W in s tags and for the laboratory work . , .. , , , about May 15 and gooseberries for disabled veterans and orphaned Final call for the redem ption of in connection w ith Ihe test. In- by sixth, seventh and eighth grad- cedar shingle* used In the model and Pacific International Livestock F u t u r e F a r m e r O r a t o r y around Ju n e 1. children of America's w ar dead. Washington county scrip was is- dem nities will not be p aid by eith- prs in Washington county public building project nt Hilhi. were exposition. Roland Undley of Forest Grove Building operations on the w are­ G enuine "Buddy" poppies will i sued this week by R. W. Weil, er the state or counties and the and private elem entary school* sent by members of the loca^ club In addition to the actual con­ won the stnte oratorical cham pion­ house are progressing rnpidlv and to President Roosevelt inviting him struction. members of Ihe class ship at the Future Farm ers’ of it is expected that work will be be identified by a small label and ! chairman of the board of trustees, owners of reacting cattle w ill not Thursday and Friday, according to to attend Ihe Federal Housing pro­ learn to calculate costs of proposed America meeting at Corvallis F ri­ completed by Ju n e 1. Construction w orkers will carry credentials All persons holding scrip are re- be required to dispose of such cat- O. B. Kraus, county school super ..«« except „«.vco« when w..t-n the mt- federal ..-„..r-,, govern- intendent. This will apply to all gram exhibit in Portland May 25. j buildings and the ordering of m a­ day nnd will represent the Oregon of the new office building on Members of the veteran post and j quested to present same at Weil's He will be divided into groups Departm ent store on May 15. No rnent is paying an Indemnity The shingle invitations n r e 2V4 terials, the various types of con­ Future Fnrm ers at the regional con­ Washington street has been held a auxiliary except Hillsboro w hich its Is n il a s s ilfn t'd d p iin itf* r lie tr in ta tr \r r t v in m n lin n u /il l __* «* . . . .. ?hed d X Kned de' lnlte diS,r,CtS , o r ! ^ mption wil1 be made after th at I However, in all cases the in- a districts first class district and gives Inches by 4 inches. struction methods nnd th eir ad- test in Salt Lake City next month. up for this year. must be kept in y , ...... .... _ ___ | 1 d" le' I ' fccted ------- cattle - *** quar-1 - own vzwi» examinations. « AaiiiiiiaMviie, Operations Begin at Local Cannery "Budd?” Sale ’ Planned May 24-25 Shoppers! Take Advantage o f Hillsboro Bargain D ay Saturday Q uality M erchandise Free G ifts