H IL L S B O R O . huraday, Muy 2, 1936 Mountaindale Party Draws ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , Portland Pilot Crashes Near Progress Page Five OREGON Plan Program at Cornelius "Crime Is a symptom of social disorder Widespread incress« In capacity to substitute order for dis­ order is the rem edy.” —President Roosevelt. Townsend Club Meet Tonight —— I SAXTON * LOONEY Producer, of Quality A n u llie r Planned Soon; N SA N D and G R A V EL H. Toatea Host» Dinner Plant located « miles north of For­ est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone BETHANY-CEDAR M ILL—Town- (By Ml*« Dorothy Cooke) 1608Ft U ly Mib« M u rifa rw t M » 1 I i I(M » h ) club m eeting will be held tonight CORNELIUS—A special program m o u n t a in d a l e - a iu r « < ‘Thursday) at t h e Cedar Mill tor M other’s Day is being plnnned crowd utlendv l the card party und Grange hall. Refreshm ents will be G O L D F IS H for May 12 at the M E church. dunce ut the Mountalndttls hail 1 served A prom inent speaker is to 16c and up Mrs M attle Smith In charge Sutuiday « vi ulti« Mr«. Em 1 Hob attend. Everybody is welcome. Mrs Ernest K roner of Portland See them before you buy. lerihc« k und Fred s. hwan r ro- visited Mrs M. Edson and Mrs Announce Engagement Scavengers. W ater Hyacinth. Water Fred und Mi reived high Mr. and Mrs. H enry Schneider Edna Russell Sunday. Lettuce, Floating Plants. comi, J«*ss(* und Eui I Hollenbeck Sr. announced the engagem ent of Woodshed Barns given in two Another putty will be Visitors welcome their daughter Lillie Schneider of The local fire departm ent was • ■ HARRY MORGAN Portland to John Rueck of Scholls, called out Saturday morning when Mr und Mi» Her I Wilkes. Mi I Hillsboro son of Mr. and Mrs George Rueck, 234 E. Jackson St. the woodshed belonging to A. M und M in .luck I)v«i ititi non J uck at a dinner Sunday for which Miss Wodell caught fire. und Mrs Dun Phillips of Longview. Pauline B randt was hostess for the Mrs W. R. Cooke and Miss D or­ W .H \ . r 1 #u WitU nini i bride-elect at the home of her I othy spent the week-end w ith Mr Mr». Itoycv H um s m I daughter | father. Alex Brandt. No date for and Mrs. G. W. Brown and family Joan Sunday the wedding had been set. Alex of Gervais. Phone 953 : Hillsboro Muny people culled on uu lh i ui convention Mrs. H enry Jacobsm uhlen was Mrs. Carl Rueck, Ray Rueck. and nt Yumhlll T hursday were Mr. uud hostess to a gathering honoring th? Miss Flora Rueck of Scholls. Mr Ml 3 I .«»cl llolhidH C l Mi and Mrs birthday anniversary of Mrs. F. A and Mrs Henry Schneider Jr., Miss W S Huhu und M* I. iiiicn Karl Jon, at the Jones home Wednes­ Mollie and Mary Schneider, Rueben Hollenbeck, Jun««* M.iim« n, I* day afternoon. Present w ere Mr. 1 Hesler of Portland, Miss Lillie and Mrs F. A. Jones, Mr and Mrs. A Quultr-» und I loyd Huff« H ilderman of Alberta, Canada, Mr. Orville Jones and children, Mrs !■ M ary K ingston of Hunks and Jim and Mrs. George Blum Jr.. Pauline Hui lciuun of L nuiil vr.ited Mr A M ilbrand and family, Mrs. Ellen Everything In Insurance B randt of Portland, and the hon­ Vickers. Mrs. M. D. Mann, Mrs. | und Mrs Archie Thump •• u Thuis- guests, Miss Lillie Schneider 1761 1132 Washington W 'nrkaii, I.. Eaulcrotk unplum- whirl. ,r., Ii.d Thursday in th. back yard of the Wallace Brown Mattie Smith, and the hostess and Dr. J. P Tamiesie, prom inent P o rt­ ored duy. of Portland, John Rueck of Scholls, claiming th. life of filen C Wasco, und Sherm an counties It is that the insurance liability limit Cochrane, the honcr guest and A wards w ill be m ade in tw o classi- the home of Mrs W alter Nicol last Mr». Julia Smith of Portland vis­ over from year to year, stated also ¡MMSible that u separate camp the hostesses Clever table decora - if¡cations: An open contest in which Wednesday ited Mi und Mr» Frank Murphy Cosby. Consequently, it is neces­ will be held for scouts of C lacka­ fixed by law may be reached soon­ tions and place cards exem plying there are no restrictions as to age. i n the evening at Pomona Grange er than was anticipated by the Sunday. California life w ere used Mrs residence or education of the con- April 24 a program was given be- sary that u poultry man have su f­ mas county. fram ers of the National Housing Toulr* Entertain ficient ground to allow lum to use These camps will be a more sim ­ Act. In any case, the director points Benofsky plans to leave soon to testant, and an under-graduation fOre the final meeting. It included Sunday dinner party guests a t ! the pullet runge not oftener than join her husband in California. division in w hich participation is a play by Tualatin View school. were Mr altern ate years and preferably o n ­ ple type of camp, with the scouts out, there wili be no m ore in su r­ the N * » 1 1 Buy W hiting Place limited to students attending insti- vocal num bers by Phil T horne of and Mrs Oscat Am uchei. , Mr a n d ' ly every three or four years It is doing their own cooking under ing of loans under the m oderniza­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Jan ak e have tutions of higher learning in Ore- Cedar Mill and Mrs. Britch of leadership. At all the camps tion credit plan after the end of Mi». J H King and miu », Mr. and impossible for a poultrym an to stay trained purchased the D. C. W hiting place gon, Washington o r Idaho. P ortland skit by Mrs. Charles Boy Mi». 11. Evans and m > i >. Mr un 1 in business and expect to range there will be swimming, hiking, the present year. The only loans near the park. Need for factual inform ation and and .Mrs. Simon Berger, reading Mrs. N It. Tuttle» Ji and children. pullets on the same ground eacn campfires, scout advancem ent, pio­ insurable by the Federal Housing P arty Success detailed study of im portant econ- by Lincoln Young, tap dancing neering. and other Boy Scout ac­ A dm inistration after January 1, Mr und Mr». It H W arren und year. The card party and basket social Omic ancj trade problems of the from Nick’s Flower shop in Port- tivities 1936. will be those provided for duughter», all of P o rtlan d . Mr and Success that a poultrym an lias in Pacific N orthw est prom pted the land, and a speaker from the The Portland Area Boy Scout under the system of M utual M ort­ sponsored by^the^ ^young_^ 3 Mr». W II M artin of West Lake. pr« serving the health of his chick club of the St. A lexander church bank to sponsor the competition. Audobon bird society gave a bird Mr and Mrs J H Brennen und ens on the rung«* depends upon Council serves scouting in the ten gage Insurance, for complete home at Bunning's hall Thursday night Scearce stated. All contestants are lecture and showed pictures of the daughter und I«e»lte Hoy of Fore»’ his ability to avoid concentrating northw estern Oregon counties, and financing, the phase of the Na­ was a great success. required to file a form al applica- birds. the five southw estern Washington tional Housing Act which is d e­ drove. Misses M argaret Cooke and L a­ contuminution. he said Two places for entry giving the topic of Mr and Mrs H arvey C arr and Mr». J Lawton of Seattle ha« w here contam ination is most apt to counties, and has u scout m em ber­ pended upon to bring about e n ­ von Robinette w ere hostesses to a tion essay and the assumed nam e family of Gresham visited Mr. an J been visiting In i patents. Mr. an I concentrate Is around the house ship of 5300 boys in 226 different during revival of new construction party for young people of the M the under w hich they w ill WTite. En- Mrs. Yule Austin Monday. thereby enabling the building in Mis. I H Maxwell, and her sister. und around the feed und w ater troops dustry to keep pace w ith other othei ] E church at the church T uesdry try cards and rules may be ob­ Mi Bradford i na k • I evening T here w ere about 35 young trough» The feed troughs should tained at the local branch office. forms of economic activity. Mr und Mrs L W W anen. who be moved to clean ground at reg u ­ people present. The contest w ill not close until Reports received b y D irector have been visiting tncii daughter, lar intervals if the w ater troughs Mrs. VanLoo Hostess Mr» N H T(»ates und family, left cannot be moved, they should be t I G riffith show that there has been Thim bie ciub of the Neighbors M arch 1, 1936. Topics suggested are as foUows, Sunday to visit then daughter. Mi trem endous increase in modernize of WotxJt.raft me, T hursday after- set on screens or slats in order tion borrowing in i “Cent weeks noon wjth Mrs William VanLom. although contestants are not re­ W 11 Martin, of West Luke Bowling gives your that the birds will not be able io W J Reuter, district manager Sydney Connolly <». . . . - lunch was "Possibilities of Utilizing Electric of the Pontiac Motor company, will muscles the play and visited friend» here over the shade, either in the form of shad* teacher! of Oregon and Washing- 30 for ..— the —, entire coun- i noon an(j a delightful Pow er Developed in the Pacific be at th e W ashington hotel this about 10 women, week-end frames, tree« or corn rows ure p ro­ ton met in conference at Blooming try und by A pril 13 the total had scrve(j your brain the relaxa­ Saturday seeking to establish a N orthw est in P ulp and P aper In ­ April 23. 24 and 25 Sessions were Mr und Mr* McCally of P ort­ vided, the birds will tend to go to grown to 129,204, an increase ot Cornelius lost to ReedviUe Sun- dustry,” "Trends i n Production, Pontiac dealership in this com­ tion you need after a land visited Mr. and Mrs. Bradford these places and hot congregate held each morning and afternoon 11.154 in tw o weeks, w hich m eans day on thp locgl fleW Prices and M arket Uses for Doug­ munity He will contact local buii- ! in the parochial school, G. Beck­ that loans for repair and m oderm - F’owles and family last week Attend Conference around the house. day’s office work! Play ness m en in regard to a dealer mann of Snohomish, Wash., presld- Mr und Mr» W B A rm entroui are now being m ade at Jthe Mr and Mrg Lester Mooberry. las F ir in the Pacific N orthw est,” Moving picture» were shown il­ I ing W C. K erstcn of Tacome, zation rate of alm ost 1000 per day The Mrs. Louise Cochrane, Mrs. M attie "F uture of W heat Production in franchise. of Banks visited ut the Archie lustrating often — and keep fit. practical methods for I Wash., served as secretary. Service Dealers in other cities the size value of loans thus far re ­ Smith and Miss Frances Gnos a t­ the Inland Em pire,” "Problem of Thompson home Sunday care of growing chickens. O ther was held on Wednesday evening dollai Everything t o assure of Hillsboro are in many instances Seasonal Labor in t h e Pacific Mr and Mr» Otto Voges und the ported Is $54.240,871. in increase of tended the educational conference illustrating the duck farm N orthwest.” "Effect of th e Federal responsible for the sale of from 50 local pastor preached a ser­ approxim ately four and one-half at Monmouth Saturday. children Visited Mr and Mrs Otto pictures your enjoyment. ing Industry of Long Island were The j Silver Purchase Program on T rade to 100 new cars annually. Reuter mon on the text, “T hat from a million since the first of April. Moeke of Oregon City Sunday. Mrs Ellen Vickers has been vis­ Between the Pacific N orthw est and states As soon as the proper local 1 Child Thou Hast Known the Holy Mr» Reugsegger and duughtei also shown. More than 13,000 banks and oth­ iting in Portland. BOWLING SUNDAY man or men is located, the dealer­ E L. Ross. W ashington county Scriptures Which are Able to Mak? er lending institutions have iseen F.llu and Hudy Tschunz visited F'n I Mr and Mrs. Lester M ooberry the O rient,” "Situation and O ut­ Noon to Midnight. representative, spoke briefly on re ­ Thee Wise Unto Salvation.” F if­ authorized to m ake modernization attended a teachers' dinner at the look for Processing and M arket ships w ill be set up and the sale Schaefles ut Agate Beach Sunday Bonita Thompson »pent several cent state legislation affecting the teen teachers attended. Several pas­ loans, und 3580 have been approved Junior high school Wednesday eve­ D istribution of Various F ruits and of Pontiacs started here, he said. Reuter stated that w hile it was Vegetables in the Pacific N orth­ tors and students of theology wer? as mortgagees, with authority to ning in Hillsboro. days in Bunk» last week visiting poultry industry. : desired that the person should have This meet was the last of th»' present as visitors. Noon meals make loans under the system cf her uncle and aunt. Mr und Mr Mrs Nick Schm idt and daugh­ west," "Railroad R ate S tructure and previous autom obile experience it series of monthly |>oultry meetings w ere served in the basem ent of m utual mortgage insurance. Delbert Hutchens ter Theresa attended the wedding , the Livestock Industry of the P a- was not necessary. He says that the church under the direction of Mr and Mr» Lester Sm ith and for the seuson. of Miss Rose V anderzanden and | cific N orthw est" It is estim ated by officials of the | Mesdames William Hergert. Emil Federal Housing A dm inistration Francis Meeuwsen at Roy W ednes­ daughters of Portland visited Pt F irst prize of $750 and a second he is here to interview all in ter­ Confectioners - Bowling Alleys Brandaw and W alter Demmin. The that more than three-quarters of a day. the Earl Hollenbeck home Sunday I prize of $250 is offered in the open ested local residents. Billiards visitors w ere entertained In the million w orkers have been given Mr und Mrs Gabe E isner and i contest. F irst prize w inner of the A ltar Societies Meet Subscribe now to the Argus. In i home of the local teacher, R. P. employment as a result of build­ Mrs Elizabeth Harm» visited Mr. A m eeting of all the A ltar so- college contest w ill have a choice Oregon 1266 M ain SL $1.50 a year. Six months and Mrs Jack Thompson und fam ­ cieties of W ashington county was of a $400 scholarship or $200 in P l a n e f o r O l l t i n n | 1 g,lrsts Mooller- in April 23 Teachers were I I c t ll S 1 V I the John Kanina. George ing activities generated by the B et­ held at the Forest Grove Women's cash. The second prize w inner will 85c. Three months 50 cents. Two ily at C edar Mill» Sunday. months 35 cents. tf Boy Scouts «if the P ortland Area ! Meyer, John Stark. H enry Helm- ter Housing Program . Mr and Mr». Joe Baker and fam ­ club w ith the A ltar societies of have a choice of a $200 scholarship ily visited Mr. and Mrs B ernard Council, Boy Scout» of America. ; P hilip Mohr. R. P. Moeller Forest Grove and Cornelius as or $100 in cash. Ghent of T hatcher Sunday. are turning their eyes tow ard sum- ; an‘i Hinrichs homes. Mes­ hostesses. About 75 w ere present. -------------------------------------------------- Miss Alma Huffety »pent several mer camping The scouts here a r e ; daines H. Riekenberg and H. H Those from here taking part in- FOR PEOPLE WHO THINK days lust week with Miss Wilma part of this large fifteen-county ! KoppeImann of Zion church 1 n eluded Ashley Jackson, who spoke "The w orld today is a jungle,” Portland und A. Schultz of S h er­ Marr of Kansas City. on the young people's club; M ar- Boy Scout council. According to ” says David Lloyd George, famous Mrs. Elizabeth Harms Is spend word from the Portland scout of­ wood w ere also Blooming visitors Jan Dooher and Tony Dooher B ritish statesm an. "The nations are / F Q I FMCTOKY Tw enty-seven 4-H club members garet mg several week» with her mother, fice. five different camps will be during the time of the conference sang, both were accompanied at ling through it, snarling and Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William received achievem ent pins at the the piano by their m other. Mrs. prow Mrs. Emma Schwander. operated for the scouts of the ter- bearing th eir teeth at one a n o th e i; lin in g . April 27, a boy Mrs. B e r­ achievem ent m eeting sponsored by Frank Dooher: Eleanor Hermans A num ber of people from th u rilory ing is in the hospital at Hillsboro the Hillsboro G range Friday. C ertif­ gave a reading, and Mrs. Dooher at any mom ent to spring at each community attended a show er for / / FO B . FACTORY First and foremost will be Camp Miss Rose Vanderznnden and Fran a Local Farm ers' Union met in the icates of achievem ent w ere p re ­ sang, accompanied by Miss Mayme others’ throats." sented to the ReedviUe Dairy club. Susbauer. Mrs. A. L. Brock was "The w orld is falling to pieces Meeuwsen Monday night ut the M eriwether, an eight weeks* sum ­ school A pril 24 mer camp Camp M eriw ether Is M argaret Goetze has resigned F ir Grove Dairy club and Orenco program chairm an for this parish inter-nationally, racially and in ­ Roy hall Mr». Chris Tolke suffered an a t­ locuted on the coast in Tillamook her position in P ortland and will Rabbit club in recognition of hav­ and Mrs. Pete Susbauer, president dustrially," according to H enry ing completed th eir w ork 100 per of the local society, was luncheon Sloan Coffin at the recent Carnegie tack of appendicitis lust w ork but county. It enters its tenth season rem ain at home for a while. this sum mer, w ith plans well laid John K oehnke S r is in a P o rt­ cent last year. is quite well ugiun. chairm an from this parish. T w en­ hall mass meeting. "And all about for a large attendance, und a most K enneth Woodward, Alex Bella ty-four w ere present from C orne­ us are men and women gone to land hospital to undergo an opera­ Mr und Mi Jam es M athiesvi vigorous Boy Scout program and Bob McCulloch w ere each tion. visited Mr and Mrs P A. Qualls lius. V erboort had the largest at- pieces," he ados. Then follow Dr. The cam p Is one of the finest Elmer Muhlv H urt aw arded silver medal diplomas as | tendance and won the prize of a Chaffee w ith—"We have been say­ Sunday. ing for years th at this is a lost Elm er Muhly sprained his ankle m em bers of the Orenco Rabbit | ca^ e Mr. and M ir . P A. Qua lb visited Boy Scout camps in America, hav­ Mr and Mis Ju n Anderson of ing un area of 488 acres of forested on a fishing trip while spending judging team w hich took second A. Parm ley of Canby visited his world, but th e terrib le tru th of coast land w ith one and one-half his Easter vacation at Strasburg. place at the Pacific International, brother. Jam es Parm ley, Sunday. th e statem ent has never been d riv ­ Hillsboro 1 uurduy evening miles of ocean frontage, and as if 111. The mishap necessitated his I C lub m em bers receiving aw ards Mrs L aura Oswald of Portland en home to us. Now w e see our w ere as follows: F irst year. Howard visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. civilization for w hat it is, spiritual­ 1 that w ere not enough. It has a using crutches for awhile. Salesmen Trained Davis; second year, Stanley Shuck. M argaret Ruecker and Arlene ly hollow, cruel, blind; literally a „ ,| ! beautiful eight-acre fresh w ater C. O. Dixon Saturday. Contractors and m aterial Jam es Abbotf, V erden Beck, Don­ Muhly hed the measles Mr and Mrs. E. A. Dixon moved sliding tow ard hell.” supply dealers of Norfolk, Vn have | luke. Sunday dinner party guests of ald Hagg. W illiam Cyrus Jr., Bob from M ilwaukie into the F. Reh The cam p will be under the p er­ people are saying that established u fund of $2500 with and K enneth George; house in the southeast section of the Thoughtful curtain is about to drop. What which they w ill employ five tra in ­ sonal direction of G. II. O berteuf- Mr and Mrs. Albert Meyer were McCulloch year, H enry Tews, Wilfred town. w ill the next scene be? God him ­ ed salesmen to go out and sell the fer, the scout executive und camp Mr and Mrs George Meyer, Ernest third arnett, W arren Williams. D a l e Achievement Day Held director. There will be a staff of 25 Meyer, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Pfahi. B self tells us through his B ook., 149 S. Third Ave. idea of home modernization. Birdsell. Alvin Becker and Howard and Alvin and Lois Pfahi. Achievem ent day for the "Nifty F irst and next in order according camp leaders to m anage affairs for Oregon Hillsboro Trachsel; fourth year, Richard Miss Meyer Hostess Needles" 4-H Sewing club and the Bible prophecy, the tru e church Ask your attorney to send your the group of 200 scouts who will Hagg, Alex Bella, Robert Fowells, m anual training departm ent of the to Miss Anna Me.ver was hostess for be In attendance each of the four is to be taken out of th e world. legal advertising to the Argus. the aid nsMieiation for Lutheran.; Loren Trachsel and Maxine Wal­ grade school w ith Miss Evelyn C hrist w ill descend, open the graves April 17 Aftei the bmtnwa the dron; fifth year, Eugene Barnett, Reed and W arren Barnes as lead­ of his own, raise them to glory and guests played ”500.” A decorated Jack Peppard, M orris J. McEntee. ers was held Tuesday at a meeting also w ith them hfs saved dwelling cake given ns first prize was won Kenneth Woodward a n d Donald of the Civic Im provem ent club in here on earth at that moment. So by Leonard Muhly. Helen Hclmold Rogers; seventh year, George B ark­ the city hall. Superintendent O. B. his own. those w ho have accepted and John Neumann had low scores. ley. Irving Chase and A d r i a n Kraus, club members. 4-H a n d C hrist as Saviour from sin-guilt Hornecker. m anual training pupils w ere pres­ will be caught up to be w ith him Following the achievem ent pro­ ent. Mrs. Alice McCornack, presi­ forever. gram, motion pictures were shown dent, presided with regular club Then follows th e seven years of by the assistant county agent and business followed by a talk on terrible _ _____ tribulation _________ — “And ___ _____ (P y I. R. Strubb) except Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Joe refreshm ents w ere served by the "How to Make a Sail Boat by 1 those years should be shortened Smejkals A pril 22 w e ra Mr. and ladies of the grange. D arrell A n d r a ig . The ‘ N i f t y there should no flesh be saved." Mrs Vincent Shultz and children Needles gave some dem onstrations M, 24-22 God is to show aw ful • Caroline, Cora Belle and Donald, g Com e in and take w ith Dora Dee Selfridge presiding. I w rath at „ w orld that hag rejected M Price, all of Tigard, and Mrs. Demoiistrations w ere given by V10-1 ch rig t ag saviour. on e look a t th e sen sa ­ Rosetta M orris of Klnmath Falls. t io n a l new C O N S E R ­ Mrs. D. B arnett visited a daugh­ d 4 i.la Cnle’ j Ai lce 'u ° '4ej Est^er ; Now is the day of salvation. “Be- Mrs Morris, who is Mrs. Sm ejkal’s Peabody and D ons Brandaw . ,ng now counted righteous through VADOR—th e p aten ted , m other, rem ained for an extended ter, Mrs. Abbott, in P ortland last Prizes given by the civic club for chB rigt s blood we *ghaU saved week. visit. sh elf-lin ed , in n er door m u "8 £ear Wen‘ from w rath through him. "means Mrs. Gladys H art and children Etta and John Bailey have been F r a IAuIS Romans 5:9. "Rock of Ages, cleft of th e Fairbanks-M ores absent from school the past week of Portland w ere w eek-end guests C hartrey. Doris Brandaw and Alice for me Let me bitje myself in refrigerator. T h en you on account uf mensles in the fam ­ of Mrs. E. Helvogt. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bergquam are Wolfe won in the girls division. Thee—Let tbe w ater and the blood. w ill know w hy th is m ar­ ily RnhcH Te aln n ^ e nndmeH .n rv . r ,V«? »“ !« that flowed Miss Frances T eller is spending a living in the old Helvogt house Robert T anner and H enry B e h r - i Bc of gin the double c u re _ velous new refrigerator this sum m er w hile having their few weeks w ith relatives in P o rt­ man. Mnc Behrmnn presented the c ,eange me from ltg and pow. is m a k in g su ch u nb e­ home built a t Tobias. — SEE THESE MODELS TODAY! — land. The m anual training w ork I er. "-—George _ — • - Beaverton. - - I N. — Taylor, L. W. M ullendore traded his car prizes. lievab le records in Sav­ Mr. nnd Mrs. William Sm ejkal has been on display in Hillsboro. in g M oney, T im e, Food. and little daughter Will» Mne of for a new one Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John B urbank and I—Paid Adv FA 4h W orkmen are cleaning out the Gales Creek visited relatives here family and Mrs. Edith B urbank of C om bines every feature 8 6 square feet shelf area drain ditches along the side of the T hursday and Friday. F ir Creek called in C ornelius S at­ EASY TERMS you h ave alw ays w an ted G erald T ucker of Beaverton was highway. urday. F 43- L iberal trade-in in your refrigerator. Y et buying potatoes in the vicinity this 0.15 square feet shelf area Lizzie Q uinlin of Portland A paint company in Ohio reports is Mrs. allowance week. a guest of Mrs. Sam Mcllvane. co sts no m ore. that it sold m ore paint during March FA 60- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sm ejkal and 13.5 square feet shelf area Mrs. M orris visited Mrs. Frank than during all of 1934 in M uskin­ If you change your address kind­ gum county. The company a t­ S J ^ | , 5 . » Sehmidlin at V ernonia Friday. notify the Argus direct and at ( F 55— tributes the increase to an aggres­ ly C A. Teller lias an infected hand once. tf On Good Farm 11.8 squnre feet shelf nrea caused by the bite of nn Insect, sive new spaper advertising cam ­ or F 70 - which hq caught and Is keeping for paign in w hich was stressed the use of the m odernization credit City Property 14 0 squnre feet shelf area identification. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elm er Ncuhnuser plan as a means of financing new O ther Models as Low as $85.06 and son Donald of Portland visited work. (Incorporated) - TERMS — at the Joe Sm ejkal home Sunday. «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a« and ELECTRIC APPLIANCE SHOP Collections — Credit Reports 1314 Main Street R. MELTEBEKE O ur classified columns may have In Corwin H ardware Hillsboro. Oregon 124 8. Second Ave. Phone 2381 just w hat you ore looking for— Washington, Tillamook, Yamhill, Read them. if Polk and Marion Counties. Losses come without warn­ Prlie Winner for Last Week Personal Contact on Collections ing. Protect yourself today against fire, theft, or Longest T rout caught by Washington County Office Ono do«« o f A D L E IllK A q u ick ly r«- It’s worth dollars ($) to you as part payment on accident. ROSS COX of Hillsboro llevtM kH$ b lo a tln v . clean « «»ut BOTH Commercial Building upper nnd low er bowel», allow » you to your refrigerator. Investigate before May 15 if you 14-inch Trout TUALATIN VALLEY eflt and alcep good. Q uick, thorough Second and Main 8treets a ctio n , y e t en tir ely g e n tle and eafe. intend purchasing a refrigerator this summer. Watch This Space for the Week’s Next door to Venetian T heater — Hillsboro INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 3071 Derby Winner! (»pen until 9 P. M. every Saturday night Hillsboro, Oregon Engagement Miss Schneider Told; Hold Program W oodshed Burns; W hitings Sell Their Property Donelson & Sewell RUSHLOW Director Sees Need of Action Poultry Range Rotation Vital Bank to Hold Essay Contest Pontiac Dealership Sought in Hillsboro Lutheran School I eacners Convene CLEM’S PLACE Scouts Consider Local Grange Holds 4-H Honor Meeting -BED 1935 S iq q e A .. . $BBO CADY MOTOR CO. New Conservador More Beautiful Green Mountain Has Amazing P O W E R io SAVE Witch Hazel More Convenient 118* 149 0 1 5 9 5“ 700 TO LOAN 199° B R IS T O L H a rd w a re Com pany Credit Bureaus S tom ach Gas A D L E R IK A FISH DERBY ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I W. G. IDE SAVE T H IS A D