H IL L S B O R O P a /e Ten WHAT A SALE! 250 G A R M E N T S In Our Ready-to-Wcar Dept. That sold high as $10.00 each. O n sale at a fr a c ­ tion of th e ir a c tu a l cost. C o lu m b ia - K n it tw o and th re e -p ie c e Suits, V e lv e t Suits, S atin C oats, A ll W o o l S w a g g e r Suits, P la in an d F a n c y C o lo red S ilk Dresses for sports w ear, _ _ ____ evening and graduation. IN C L U D IN G $4 an d $5 S U E D E L E A T H E R and C A L F - SK1N J A C K E T S . O A T RUM M AGE W o m e n ’s S ilk and R ayon P rin ­ cess S lips, W o m e n 's and C h il­ d re n ’s S lip -o v e r an d C oat S tyle S w eaters, S ilk , C otto n a n d K n itte d Dresses, R aincoats, Smocks, W o m e n 's W h ite P ique and W a f f le C lo th S k irts , W o m ­ e n ’s Blouses, C h ild re n ’s A ll W ool S k irts , A ll W ool Breeches. Values to $3, hun­ dreds of garm ents to p i c k from — all sales final. T “11 SALE! L A T E SEASON YOUR Rayon and Silk, and Lisle. H undreds of pairs to select from. All styles, all sizes, and all colors including white, of course. Values to 25c pair. A table full. Special, PAIR 5 0 -C E N T Z ip p e r P u ree* Assorted shapes and all colors including two-tone 9Q p effects. Special P o c k e t C om b* Black and pastel colors. Some have cases. Reg. 10c. Cp «J V T h is aale ............. CLEAN-UP WOMEN’S S I L K BLOUSES, SILK, WOOL, ORGANDY and COTTON DRESSES, KNITTED DRESSES, KNITTED S U I T S . COATS. ALL WOOL SKIRTS, NEW BRIGHT COLORED TWIN SWEATER SETS. All garm ents sold “ as is,” no exchanges or re­ funds please. p a ir. 49c Sale Pencils W ith erasers. Soft leads ami woods th a t don’t chip all to pieces. Op P e r d o z e n ....................... 20c T a lc u m A big can and a big value. This sale. lOel S pecial G a rd en Gloves For hoeing or digging in the dirt. W hile they last. P a ir 5c HATS TAM S BERETS S om etim e d u rin g th e n ig h t o f A p r il 8 th Iv U z iU /, a w a te r p ip e b ro k e in th e c e ilin g o ver o ur store, flo o d in g and d a m a g in g h u n d red s o f d o lla rs w o rth o f goods, w h ich go on S A L E F R ID A Y , M A Y 3 rd . Some a re h a rd ly d a m a g e d a t a ll, but w e h ave g ro u p ed th e m a ll to g e th e r and a ll w ill be sold re g ard less o f cost. L in o leu m Rugs Boys’ K h a k i Ju st 40 in the lot. They sold 15c each. NOW Breeches 5c Tissue Paper Cellophane, 65 rolls. Reg. 10c UU W o m e n ’s Gloves K ayser Silk and Chamois- ette, short and long, as­ sorted colors. Gloves that so d to $1.25 a pair. On sale | NOW . lU t Sale R ib b o n s A n d In sertio n s. Thousands of yards, all designs and p at­ terns. Values to 10c yard. 12 YARDS ... Sash 10c dQp- *• . , . 1 J .U U S pe c ia l, p er p a ir 4.C Corsets Some slightly dam aged and soiled, some not hurt a bit. A table full. You'll never see such a value again. T u r k is h The genuine, no starch or filling. Yard 4 wide. Special 5c Y o u r choice N eckw ear S carfs and Bows. to 49c. S pecial C lo se-o ut Values 4 E. ■■ . 50c R u b b e r Fancy coverall style, w at­ erproof and serviceable. (I d a m a g e d . sa>e, y a rd « Hi -a le. Each .......... A p ro n s OQo T o w e ls 1.98 Each S pecial 8c “ DAMAGED BY W ATER” S horts and A th le tic For men WvLz Big double size, h i g h grade coverings and fill­ ings. $4 Q g Values to $3.50 JLat/0 ‘1.00 S hirts DRESS and boys. 19c Your C hoice GOODS DIMITIES, PRINTS. F I G ­ URED SATEENS. VOILES, SUITINGS, RAYONS, ETC. Some w ere soaked, h a rd ­ iked, some hard- ly wet a t a l l ! H undreds of yards m u s t all be closed out! YARD A th le tic U nions 39c jOf» for MEN and WOMEN 3000 PAIRS VALUES TO $5 SALE YARNS W OM EN’S W HITES, W HITE W ITH BLACK SADDLE, TWO-TONES, BROWNS, GREYS, BLACKS! PUMPS, TIES, OXFORDS! HIGH. MF.DUM and LOW HEELS! For fire«?. Sport and W ork. Including ARCH SUPPORT COMFORT SHOES! MEN’S ALL W H I T E S , BLACK A N D WHITES, TWO-TONES, ALSO MEN’S HEAVY B L A C K ALL SOLID WORK S H O E S PAIR W IT H “W EARFLEX” 198 M inerva and Fleisher's ball? and skeins. Broken lots, good assortm ent Values to 65c M unsing B roadcloth S n o r ts and Rayon Shirts. Regular 75c each. B a ll D a rn in g C otto n H a n d k e rc h ie fs Belts B uttons B uckles B unch Beads U n io n A lls One-piece Work suits in khaki and express 98c 50c Dress “JIA N T JIM ’’ S h irts S h irts Soft collars, attached cuffs — plains and The best work shirt 69c 49c X % ... M e lto n Jac ke ts Spring weight, for men with "Z ippers" Q OC and ^««7Cl All wool M e n ’s Dress 4 o H ats New spring styles. Your size is in this ‘1.00 On sale M e n ’s P a ja m a * SOLES. „ 79c (Some slightly soiled) “ H o le p r o o f” Socks For men! All sizes. Colors black, grey, white. PAIR 1.00 Boys’ B ib W o r k Pants S tu rd y s p rin g weights for men. Val­ ues to $4 $1.95 Sale Men’s Socks For work and dress' On sale. Per pair 8c O v e ra lls Boys’ B lu e Blue denim s in sizes 1 W QQ p years W t/U Good cham hrays. 12 to 14 years. Boys' K a y n e e S h irts * Blouse W hite, fancies, black and khaki. R egular a n d sport collars. Values to $1.25 ........... 49c S h irts 35c 3,J1 B e ll-B o tto m O v e ra lls For men and hoys. Sturdy blue denims. 79 c C h ild re n ’s Shoes Tennis Shoes Sandals and O xfords in all w h i t e, two - tones, blacks and browns. Sizes House S lip p e rs For men and boy.« All sizes V vV z Leather Coats Men's SHOE POLISH For men and boys! Suede leather and calfskin. $ ft Q i) ’K e rc h ie fs 5 t0. 2- For men, women and chil­ dren. A big lot to close out. G et yours NOW S pecial QGo 5c 49c O n sale GREAT SALE NOTIONS Spool Sewing T hread (Black and colors) M en’s Just the right weight. Plains and fancies, SHOE SALE X Sale 19c 11 For men — 36 to 46 size. Also m en’s small size full length knit Unions. O n sale SA LE This Season’s Greatest X 14.95 B lu e Panels Bed C o m fo rte rs Lunch C lothes And Lunch Sets. All linen fancy colors and designs. (Some slightly w ater dam- M a rq u is e tte 45 inches wide and full length. Soft ecru color, fringed bottoms. QQg» Reg. 65c each 24 Hart Schaffner & Marx A 'L W O O L #* i JIT S £ i.K Size 15x30. The handy towel th a t's highly ab- sorbent and very service- able. Broadcloth L t /L - EVERY DAY ON OUR BAL­ CONY. Com petent teacher in charge. Come in! Part wool cam ping blan­ kets. The season will soon be here, get yours now. (•n sale. $- Special ............ 54 -in c h Hope M u s lin Close-out— For your windows. On sale. 25c F R INSTRUCTIONS EE! KNITTING 50c 4 lb . B la n k e ts Fancy terry cloths for the bathroom or m a k i n g baby's bibs. Special, each 19c P ap er Shades C o m p le te B atts Full bleached, open up to full double bed comfort size in one piece .............. 12ic .9 8 P r. C u rta in s 36 inches wide, 6 feet long with brackets all ready to hang. W ater color Sizes 6 to 12. T h e s e breeches were wet, but we have dried them out and you can hardly tell big lot— Silk Ribbons Velvet Ribbons — Red, lite and blue Ribbons Laces— B riads— Soiled d IV Sale Laces 3-POUND N othing like linen for service and the laundry. Reg. 20c yard. Bleuched and brown ....... W a s h C lothes Famous “ Cannon" make, stripe bor­ ders. Reg. 25c. Special W in d o w Shades DC ATY Damaged. “ As is” ................ F O R 25c P r. T o w e lin g $1 22x44 TOWELS P a ir .................................. DAMAGED BY WATER” SALE 25c 10c $4 8c H and­ kerchiefs. Large size, for women. 3 M u s lin For sheetings, coverings and sacks. This sale, yard In a BIG SA LE A U L inen Big double blankets in a timely sale. Values to $3.50 3 9 -in c h SUITS HERE THEY ARE! Men. see these new shirred and pleated hack models. Also straight line and conser­ vatives. Fancy checks, m ixtures and plain colors in d ark s and lights. Val­ ues to $16.95. BLANKETS Fancy patterns, 46 inches wide. W orth IQ p 25c y ard .... .. Awl» 100 pairs to sell a t this low Price. 4 Qp D ozens and D ozens to Select F ro m ! Needle Books F ancy C h o ic e V alues to $1 8c 35c and 50c All Linen 79c 39 c 7 0 x 8 0 P a rt W o o l Sale O ilc lo th C5Vz Pow der Your $100 O r­ gandie«, L a w n « , C rashes, G e n u ­ ine S eer»u cker, W a f f le C rep e», P iques, Im p o rte d G in g h a m s . Plain colored S ilk G e o rg e tte s and S ilk C re p e de C hines. Beautiful W hite and . tans. Values to $2. On sale Per Priscilla style, full width, 2 * 4 yards long. Special. AU new spring and sum m er m aterials for your new frock at big sav­ ings. Yard MEN’S ALL WOOL #1.25 Curtains Values to 65c Dress Goods KID GLOVES 400 yards "L illy;” 300 yards " C la rk ’s.-' Every spool g u ar­ anteed. Go On sale. Spool OVz m a big $2.98 Thousands of dollars w orth of new spring Ready-to-W ear, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, and Dry Goods bought for sp rin g and E aster DID NOT MOVE on ac­ count of the BAD W EATHER and LA TE SEASON must he TURNED INTO CASH NOW ! T h at's why w e’ve planned this straightforw ard, down to earth, val­ ue-giving event. P repare yourself for a big surprise, check every item on this page and rem em ber IT’S THE VALUE TH A T COUNTS AT W EIL’S BIG SALE! i S e w in g T h re a d 300 GARMENTS and Children’s Muslin Bloomers Medium spring a n d light sum m er weights. Practically all styles and a big value! HERE’S THE STORY' Consisting of 36 pieces, com­ plete service for six 4 fig* people. R egular 25c "Vz NEW COATS These coats are the latest w o rd ! Finest all wool m a­ terials with shirred a n d pleated backs. Also straig h t line coats in a big assort­ ment. Dress and sport coats th a t sell reg u lar to $16.95 F o r W o m e n and C h ild re n V a lu e s to 65c ber* taken from our regular »lock high grade garment*. $5 to $7.50 value*. 10 c SALE WOMEN’S RAYON STEP-INS SAI i: UNION SUITS N a tu re 's R iv a l N E M O ’S Ularantiimeil num­ P ic n ic S et* All Wool SUITS ah SALE GOSS ARDS LATE SEASON A n d M a n u fa c tu re d in O re g o n ! W ith the snappy new shir­ red back, pleated s h o r t jack ets and straight line sw agger styles. Exclusive models, everyone silk lined. All sizes. OREGON 25c 10c DOORS OPEN STARTS - FRIDAY, MAY 3 8:30 A. M. WEIL’S GREAT V V A T T TFS1 ZT l JU 1^0. OREGON'S GREATEST H IL L S B O R O , ANKLETS, ’ 2 and % SOCKS and STOCKINGS SALE C H O IC E 49 ARGU S. Bead N ecklaces S a fe ty Pins Snaps H ooks and Eyes B o lt Bias T a p e B olt B ra id B olt R ic Rac Shoe Laces H a ir Pins B u tto n H ooks H a t Brushes N eedles B a rre tte s Bobby Pins Pencils Pencil T a b le ts N ote Books 4 U a « /u j W hite, red, blue. On fi. .....4c Az: Choice Your H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N