H IL L S B O R O T hursday, April 25, 1935 N O T IC E T O < « 1 D IT O N H H H F M IF F ’H h a l f III thw < Ircutt < ourl o f th e S late «»f O re ­ In the County Court of (be State of O re g o n , for W ashington <5»unty gon, foi i lie County " f Wu ihliigton. A J Bl. ha and Eugenie l am i ,le-«»e lla y » . Iiuahand and I Notice is hereby given »bat the um ler- w ife. Bank «»f Beaverton, a c«»rp«,ra­ ’•igiual lias been by the < oUflty • o u rt «»f tion. A A Mchrarnm, Superintendent I'U m ifk il < oluiiiiM Cluao a l I# o ’etoek W eSoeaduy Muruin«. < «»unty, Oregon, duly ap of Bank« ol t h e S late of Oregon, W ashington Shaw - l «*ai < otnpany, a ««»rporatton, l>oini«*«| ad m in is trato r w ith the w ill an- A READY M A RKET W ITH W A N T K Ii I'o u ltrx of all kind«. W rit« , Anna B. Jolmson, a w idow, C. M ■ .«><<■<1 of the estate of Edith (M a r y , Alm a i'll io*m>r, r p rin k . J W < upeland Y a rd -, a cor­ BIG KKHULTS AT Momluy before ihmui . Portland p r •«•«•». pora'ion, W. J Mi < ready Lum ber < om- ified as such adrninU trator. A ll persona having claim s against ««bi I- It Harden, Corn ellii*. 4 6 if pany, a corporation, am i < <»mrnol A .1 l.otfan Hiii«b<»ro, W ashington < «»unty. O re «(■tilled c«»urt in ilu* above entitle«! cau«e in Kani» •d illU o n al I n a e r i l u n . Phono Ml*22 N o rth Plain« 10 on the 27lh >t Gonjir«» Yam ada. deceased, has filed in M in e condition a« bought and money U»th «lay of November. 1927. and the ids fin a l account In the County Court of the s ta te of Oregon, lo t W ashington . I. A announckmknt M N O flU trn ill |ueaf returned. For ||)(rBrB credit Bol<| your A NN U N IW » » r . » n " * i n | w wn |j-(ikrr Ni, ,,rl. fu rth e r sum of 9 Hi 5 59, attorney'« fees County, and that the 13th day of M ay, and coats am i disbursement«, »eii at J U U O M I.A V a a r li'u llu r a ll.t fru it iira fta r vate un «ale day. You ran always de* public auction to the highest bidder for 1935, at the hour of 9 30 o’clock In the pend on a g««»d Auction at the In te r ­ . ash in hand all the follow ing «Jeeeribed f<»ren«a»n of said «lay and the court room N u r..r» m a n aa» « ra p - state K la hie« Clyde W W< mm | A Bros . teal pr«»(>erty «Itu ale w ith in W ashington of said court has been appointed by uraflwtl »U laakaa .Ir o v . »round I aa» II haa and ran ba duna. Dun » pu“ Auctioneer« For «ale date« Phone 6 1 1. County, Oregon, am i m<»re p artic u larly -aid court as the tim e and place fo r Vancouver. _____ I® I bounded ami described a« follow», t o - w lt : the hearing of objections there!«, and the rout old .luck a ra p -a Kuu » ra n k M. ' settlem ent thereof. M illar, Hillaboro. Kl I. Kua I t B-lup T W O M tM <‘t «be W eal hor«ea for «ale, f> year-old black, Dated and firs t published A p ril 11, «.w» KY I I I , P Y know» lh a l uur Partant three acres of Lot seventy-nine in l4<>0 lh« , bay, 1400 It»«. Imtb gentle 1935 D a te of la«t publication M ay 9, Johnson Ij»tale Addition to Beaver­ and w ill work «Ingle o r «tuubia. II loua W h lla IHamonda ara V '1« - 1 i 1995. ton K erdville Acreage, according to Ilia n n ntuul Jawalar. p r ie . In ip u rfart , |ri_ _ 4______ AehU rher. Hherw«»«Ml Phone 8462 10-1 EDW ARD N W E IN B A U M . A dm inis­ the duly recorded plat thereof on - ..... .... AutUraon « Jew elry «tore 86 i i w n m « hm I w o rk huraea fo r «alv In q u ire tra to r M orris A Goldstein, A ttorney, 410 H j l H L .ro I rad Co. 9 10 file in the office of the lie« order of j Yeon Bldg , Portland. 6-12 Conveyance« of W a«htngtou County, « LOST AND FOUND I OLD HUKBfcB W ANTH i Oregon , N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T together w ith all the rig h t, title , In te r­ 1 n J - X . . . . . r n . l lu ., J«' '- h ...,. o n "<• est ami estate which the said defendant«, In »he County Court of the State of O re ­ n i l » » , ----- «--------- I » .. • I i iu k s k h fo r almua, purpuae fur gon fo r th«* County of W ashington, It k W A IU> fu r P.r, , i •• . . I . or I t . , I . A S. h l .. hen. « .a lu n , M arie Hay» and J«*«»e llays, l»a" I ,, M r . B raak O r a « lla . Kt J. Uua •■ » . | <>'•«••» mew L. Scheckla, Decease«l l November. 1927, and whi< h ha« «Ince ■ale. weight IftOU to 1700 ■aid date arciued to them or either of Notice is hereby given that A lbert 10p i | | ( ) HS KH for HoMvrrU'ti _____ Guaranteed a ■ repreaented. th e m , that aaid «ale w ill l«e made sub­ Scheckla. the duly appointed. qualified • • nir ~ pound« (à ami acting A d m in is tra to r de bonis non ||or«ea Ixiiivht. «ohi am i earhanged ject to redemption as provided by law. K ID S F. W . W aleb. 16ou feet south of New J. W . C O N N E L L , S h e riff o f W ashing­ w ith W ill annexed of the Estate «»f B a r­ . ton Station Phone H ill.b o ro 2 6 F II. 7 tf ton County. Oregon. L. 11. 7'ongue, A t ­ tholomew I. Scheckla. «leceeseil, has f il- t a l i . n m h iu s €-10 «»I his fin a l »rrirtint in the County Court w»U Ira «e-etved «»n repatr *d Sharly j I B >IISKN fo r «ale or trade f«»r cow« or torney fo r P lttin tiffa Uni of the s ta te of Oregon fo r W ashington llrnuk n«b...l k u lld ln a . I n . l r l r l No. t l . wotxi Itay Ileism an, G arib ald i Ave. County, ami that »aid Court ha- f»xe«l « I... bbki on p a in im a ln .n l. .n d « u i. ' Phone SU07. itf N O T H E TO C K E D IT O K S Monday, the 20th «lay o f M ay. A D 1935, .... t.. Ma» ». UM» S|«M lln ain n . m .» «blpm ent horaes fro m In the County Court of the S tate of O re­ at ten o'clock a. ni. o f said day in the l„ t.t a lu a l fr,«n, I la r i in . » » Slauaa. .J U S T received Waaco county. T h ree to ten y e a ra . gon, f«>r W ashington ('«»unty. « «»unty court room of the ('«»unty Court ,l.r k Iloa 7«. 111 3 Mllta»«wo. I ha , weight 1300 Io 16"« II»« J. W M eier, In the M a tte r of the L a la le of A. B House in the C ity of Hillsboro, W ashing­ |.,..r d r « r . w . t h . H ah! t„ r a k n l an» | 1 m ile east <»f lllllaboro, on high S p ille r, Def said estate. logging teem W ill «ell reasonable or the strove «*ntllie«i Co urt, A ,11 laUl for f l l l - r t .» •! « • * " “ * '".“ ‘T take cow Boh llo lt, north tra to r de bom» non of the eatate of said I,ate«l this H»th day of A p ril, A. D W ,\k . M . v -la r. > U I n ' W“ f - W itch Hasel «chool 4 tf «I«» < u.e«i. ami has duly q u alified as «uch- lees. Now, tlierefore, all |>era> ltie ui.deraigned a t tiie law “ m m i l Z r W r i t . . .. la r H * . W . k D .P ■ THOS H T O N G U E J r . Attorney for office« of Bagley A lia r e in the F irst adm inistrator. CA TTLE 9-13 ,» |(|. MASA. O akland. < a lif » 27. N ational Bank building. in Hillsboro G U F K N H E Y hull. 2 year«, »lot w ith in ala month» fro m the .h e r. Iti 1. Oregon, m ■ I it » i n C R K D IT O R B f to r a tra in 1 • • h « n n SA1.K T T ltll> K -M lM r|la.ie«U M Hrhoila. I"p dale hereof. |t<>* : : S her w i m m | i In the County < «»urt of the State o f O re­ Dated this 21»t day of M arch, 1935. , | \ n <» fwr « .h « t r - l c for > un« F K E S H ...w for «ale, I4&. .1 yeara dd. gon fo r W ashington County. W . ( TC t KEB, A d m in istra to r «1« In the M atter « f the Estate of Abraham . tk double «Bac. pulveriser, eut«"»«»- Salea Depot, 1 nil lea aou lh »n F i bon is non of the «wtate of »aid de- I,l|v t.r drag «aw ’ ai f K ciihen. Deceased. 10 A ve. c«*u««-«l Bagley A H are, Attorney» for , . » Kt l. KlllelM.ro Phone a .k . Notice is hereby g iv e n that the under­ Trad e 6 m old W ANTLD t A d m inistra tor ty Court of the State «»f Oregon for the undersigned at the law «iffice of hsppart. near attachm ent M A 0 G aribaldi A ve. Phone 2107. W a'h m g to n ('«u n ty, on the 2'rth day of Bagley A Hare, in the First N a tio n al 10p Needville March, 1935. and (hat hr lie« duly qual­ Bank Building. in Hillaboro. Oregon, T W O Jeraey ry hi H kW I L K .H H G««*l Health l ’n d u r i» for- ified a« «urh Adrninist ratpr. w ithin six m onth- fro m the date hereof. end yearling. tv ai»th angteereary O» «teal van illa Now therefore, all person» h a v i n g Dated I ho* 17th day ..f A p ril. 1935. ( '««rnellua Liceo««.! tiffe r in biaU»ry «'f ••on»ll ny claim« against said eatate are hereby D A V ID E D A P P . Executor of the I . a - ’ doubl at bth. !<>-2p G U L IIN 8 L Y hull K W «»hingt riot if let I am i required to present them W ill and Testament of said Deceased lili Ihel. tr.te.1 W’ tlliaiu U . K I K i e l - . n a h l - K ln a -r .aw ln a B A G L E Y A H A R E Att«»rney* fo r F.x- tttf w ith the proper voucher« to the under- I t it horn Phone S. f»r rh m a p r a r lh a llr »— « ,u »igned A d m in istra to r at 'l*he Comm ercial C A S H paid for d airy and lx t1 ra ttle u- t ’ sewl C a r F »change N ational Bank. Illll-b o ro . Oregon, o r at Tel«rphone 11 i I I • b o r <> G all K ain«. N O T H K O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E 4tf the law office of Th««a. H. Tongue J r., MUX. ____ in the ( onirnercial lilock In the C ity of lly virtu e «»f a m ortgage foreclosure 1 - ' Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith in ala month» boro. L i« . 29. KLAL ESTATE from the date <>f this note, t«»-wit : W ith - the State of Oregon fo r W ashington C< in- M A N U H L fu r «ale. Id .. ' • \t . » | '.»36. S T O P P A Y IN G K E N T ty in suit : ' N«». 106o7, Prud ential Sav­ lii.-ieal Bay Delaman I h«»ne -lt> t r«M«m h«»u«e. hath. («diet, electricity, ga«, W C ( H ltlS T E N S E N . A d m in istra to r ing« & Loan Aaaoeiation. a corporation, i L N t L • poete <»»r M ie. W Ut 4eti ver and city w ater 1 acre fine ground. w ith the W ill A n n e ie d of the Eatate of and Charlea H Carey. Corporation C«»m- 44tf Bay Delaman. Phone 2 1<> Sm all h am and chicken house Priced Elisabeth E tta I ’ reaton, Deceased. Th«». •niaaioner of the State of Oregon and tu »ell. only term» If Tongue J r.. A ttorney fu r Adm inis­ S tatutory Receiver of Prudential Saving- CAKti AND T IK IS I 1*, at tea on highw ay. 12 mile« to P o rt­ tr a to r 6-10 A I.«»an As«.M*iatii»n. a corporation. P lain ­ . I- , ,.r .r o l . t tPUrk f „ r ''» • * * Ï " , land Dandy S-r»a»m furnished house, tiff» . v» H H Knaack and V irg in ia T .,. k .r « ,r W ill taka eai A «• garage, w«»»i house f ru it, herrte» ami Knaack. hu«l»and and w ife. Defendants, N O T IC E O l F IN A I SETTLEMENT nut«. Price H In the ( ‘««unty Court of the S ta le of O re­ therein pending, and to me directed. I M a b lrr. Hanka. K, 1 4-r«">m hou«' . gar- gon. fo r W ashington County. rea near Tobia «hall on M»»nday. the 2«»th day of May. U K ) -U a k a . |W'< »•» > „ » "’ *“ “ ’’ Price In the M a tte r of the Estate of Nora 1935. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon F ir s t S' fru it tree« -birken hou1 age. H trrh 1% mllww “* Thurston, I>ecea«ed limu thereof, at the fro n t door «»f the ««»unty V I I t ilth coupe. I t » ” * * 5' # b • 1.1.,-t «m large corner Notice la hereby given that the under- court h«»u*e at H illaboro. Oregon, »ell at fin e k-rtaun h< sale ...e. h a t, ira i condition. for hulltln«. modern -igned. duly appointed A d m in istra to r of public auction fo r rash, all rig h t, title lot. llardwiM»«! flu U 7 N rtra t Ave in evening« l im I h*'U«e A real I h r above nanuni estate, ha« filtai in the an>i interest had and poaaeased by said plum bing, garage, „ r A K t . - p a m r f»» «»«B * almve entitled court and cause hi« fin a l defendants, «»n or since the 2"th «lay of buy at 9 1 400. S acres g«M»d soil, 2-r«M»m »hark. fru it account and report as such, and the court June. 1929. in and to the A llo w in g de- Wohler Pb*»ne *K 3 end berries. * mile« front llill«lM>rv. A has fit«a| the 20th day ««f M ay. 1936, at acribed real p ro p e rty: clock A. M of the hour of ten snap at ffc’«" A ll of Ix»ts numbered tw en ’ y-eight 't 41 scree, 6 miles fr«>m Hillsboro, go«««I «lay. and the court r«a>m of the atvove en­ (2 * • and tw en ty-n in e »29) o f Wood­ r««ad. 4-nawn house and «>ut building«. title«! court in llillal»«>ro Oregon, a« the land Acres, according t«» the duly re- F ru it and l»erriea A nother snap at tim e and place fo r hearing objections to rorded mat» and plat there«»f on file 9 1 ink » W G Idc lo said Fin al Account, and fo r the fin a l FUEL in the office of the Rec«»r«ler of Con­ IB. veyances for the County of W ashing- rl« w W ...I fo r aal» « • » K **’ : k'Olt H A L F The I mil B itte r place ««» settlement of said eatate. Dated this 17th day of A p ril. 1935 I I RUT G . r l l » k l l A . . I ‘k u « a « l ° t . «M» t«»n. State of Oreg«»n. acres. M rleered, 12 pasture, ««»me lim ­ II W P R IC K E T . Admtni»trat«»r of the man, Date of firs t publication A p ril 19, 1935. iter . 17 miles fr««m Portland. <2 milt'« FLstate of N ora Thurston. Decease»! E. J. D ate «»f last publication May 16. 1935. north H elvetia Unitetl H allw ay l. 9 M cA lear. A ttorney fo r A d m inistrator J U C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ SEED S—1‘LANTS mile» fro m HilD btiru. g«»«tl «oil, fine ton ( ’«»unty. Oregon ,aed potatoe« l& l lthe«I am i repaire«! and the court room ..n the 2nd day of May. 1935. at 2:39 p. n«a»n of said day i»run G e o rg e Kol»erts. P h o n e 12*2 10p « J ¿ 5 h W. c O - i n u l .. «t»pe»lne». m . at which tim e said creditor« m ay «•f said County Court in the C ity of t.c rte ‘i , b e i r S T r M u b e r r t... b l .. k . H illaboro w ithin said W ashington C«»un- attend, prove their claims. appoint a V Miri« 3B. ROOMS AND APARTM ENTS trustee exam ine the bankrupt, and tra n s ­ ty. Oreg«»n, have been appointed by said act «uch other businea* as m ay properly ( ’«»urt as the tim e and place f«»r the M O D E R N 4»r*a»m apartm ent f«»r rent. hearing o f said account, objections there­ S ’- : “ * rX L p f r^ I 125 N F I rat A ve. I" come before said meeting. to. i f any. and the settlement o f said Claim s must be presented in form re­ T H R E E •r«H«m furnished apartm ent w ith W c do lamlacaptng and estate. quire«! by the B ankrupt Act and sworn plum p rivate bath In q u ire 2511 Argu» »1 f Dated and first published A p ril 11. «« or shrubs, and g ra ftin g . mg. L to. „a. to etolt «H»r Bl The schedule file«I discbwra 9733.01 as­ 1935. I.a -t publication May 9. 1935. invìi« 81 8 PO RTLAND TRUST \ N D S A V IN G S dv, l U M ots Uroe. Nurseries. I h«me I sets. 9890 36 liabilities. 92o5.0<» exempthms B A N K and < 1. S T A R R . Executors o f He MODERN house. 3 r«H>n»-. bath, com­ claims. Hillabon» the Estate of W illia m C Harm on, de­ pletely furnished. 1 acre, garage, on Dated A p ril 29. 1935. cease,! The«»dore Opaund. A ttorney fo r highw ay «v»st o f Hillsboro, 9 13 G W THOS II T O N G U K J r . Referee in Executor*. ®“4 I H a g le Phon« I9HS __________ If Bankruptcy. H illaboro. Oreg«»n. 19 Vanderxanden. B ’ Peter N B anks. inilca north Grove H *» 3 tf I 40. S I M M O N S PA STU RE N O ! 1« I I " » io D I I" » ; In the C ircuit Court of the State of ■ P A S T I’ RF: fu r a few more h«*ifer». must In the District Court of the U n ited States, O rw o n . fo r W ashington County. Chas. for the D istrict of Oregon. I»«* from clean herd. Bay M ontgom ery, B rtdvnhill. P la in tiff, vs. Charles Seamon. HAY AND FBKD m taindale. ~ io»2p No B 1974»» in Bankruptcy. V irg in ia M ay Seam«>n, R«»»e Hanson, O tto In the M atter of Samuel A rth u r Steinke. hay fo r «ale Seamon. A lfre d Beamon. M r- H enry F IG H T T O N S k«»e B ankrupt. FARM LOANS W illie Seamon. A lftn a Seamon. J P M eurer. tw o m ile east of *»renco To the creditors of Samuel A rth u r Steinke C,s«tM Caroline E a kin, A lfona Seamon, J«»hn Doe ,,u « ornell road ».« bmn on g«a*d d airy herds. o f Hillaboro, in the County of W ash­ B A T E D clover H-X f ” J " f ' R. A G r if fith , 131 S 2nd Ave 7tf ington. ami District aforesaid. B ankrupt. Seamon, Richard Roe Seamon. Jane D«*e Seamon, M ary Doe Seamon and Richard derxamlrn R t- I. Cornelius llM p Notice is herel>y given, that the «aid F A ItM money to loan The Foderal I .and I Doe Seamon. Defendants. bank n«>w has am ple funds in bonds to Samuel A rth u r Steinke, heretofore file«! O A T . .n d .»1. h h .y «or « » • • »’ w In the Nam e «»f the State of O regon: P h n M l« n W k . . r . - l l.r ..> - loan Io farm ers a t ( ‘«¿«A,. Over 9l.oro 9 t f by a c«»mia»aitl«»n or extension pr«»p«a»al; year 1930 in the sum of 819.69 upon that he drairra to obtain the benefit of sub-section of said flection 75 and pur­ the follow ing described real p ro p e rty : Beginning at the N. E. corner o f the «. FARM MACIHNF.RY suant to his amended petition, under -aid sub-section, he was duly adjudicated It S Tup per I). L. C. in T . 1 S. IL 4 iW O -M T tw o d r .« ta r r o w , n im n W e . W’ W M . running thence N. 70 deg. Hen H m .r n . «W K W o h in « « " " ««• bankrupt on the 11th day of A p ril, 1935; 47’ E. 4.99 chains, 1 hence N 19 deg W that the first m eeting of creditor* w ill be l-hoiw « 1 IY . 10,> s i l l K IE I S S A L K 4.41 chains, thence S 71 «i«^r. W. 6.18 C A SK T R A IT O R . I»-««. > " • " « ' < " " ‘K/ Noti«*e is hereby given, th at by virtu e held in the County ( ’«»urt Room o f the chains, thence 8. S3 «leg 25 E. 4.67 lio n . John D - r - " I ! 1 o f an Execution, O rd er and Decree of W ashington County Court House at H ills­ chsins to point o f beginning, containing Oregon, on the 2nd «lay of M ay, t«Ttna to rea|M»nslhle partira. !.. Sale. lshtie«l «»ut of and under the seal boro 2.46 acres more o r Iras. 1935. at 2:3(1 o’clock in the afternoon nraverton Rt. I ; H - « * • o f the C ircuit ( ’«»urt of the State of That <»n the 17th day of January. 1935. Oregon, for the ( ’«»unty »»f W ashington, at which tim e the said creditor» may a t­ p la in tiff paid all taxes assessed against „ruth highw ay at Tobies. tend, prove th eir claim s, exam ine the ■ n i t SALE. Meyers autiNualic electrn dated the 26th day of M arch. 1986. In b an krupt, appoint a trustee If it becomes I ««aid property as follows : F«»r 1931.215.12; favo r of Charlga R u rgdorfer, p la in tiff, ir r li.lin « o u tfit, complot» wt,,h .„ 12 I for 1932. 818.63, fo r 1933-34. 812.30. and r ^ " f p’ po. ■ • ■ • ¡ • r r - R“ T > " ,V.'k and »gainst Lee R in g and Ah Sin llin g , necessary under the terms o f said sec­ that all o f said sums hear interest at husband and w ife, defendants, fo r the tion and transact such other business as the rate of S’ i « r hour H I. Fullor. « " •» tro n\ date of payment by sum of 974 .11 taxra w ith Interest from may properly come before said meet­ p la in tiff. Hl fhono »!"» Claim s must be presented in form day of December, I9 8 i, and ing You are fu rth e r notified that plain - V S K ., rn .rh .u o ry of .11 k in d . HU Lboro the f ifth re«i»tire«l by the Bankrupt Act and sworn w ill apply to the above entitle«! Koni C o , 1«" W M .ln SI. « ' the fu rth e r sum of 93991».99 w ith in te r­ to. The schedule filed discloses 97199.90 ‘ t i f f I Court fo r a decree foreclosing the lien est there«in fr«»m the 3rd day of A p ril, 99171.62 lia b ilitie s . 9420.00 ex­ J d H N D w ro U M l o r . ond ‘ “ V " J 7 “ « ,( 1931, at the rate o f 7 per cent per a n ­ assets. I of said taxes against said property and emptions claimed. f „ r .»io. L - x r Iro U n d Co. « *2 num, and fo r the fu rth e r sunt of 9259.90 I you a re summoned to appear in th«* above Dated A p ril 18. 1935. A tto rn ey fees w ith interest thereon from named court w ith in 60 days a fte r the THUS. 11. T O N G U E J r.. Referee in ■ late o f the 26th «lay of M arch. 19.35, at the rate the first publication of this M . SIIK K F-«iO A T N ; Bankruptcy. Hillsboro, Oregon. 10 summons, excluding the date of the first of 6 per cent per annum , and for the I u it’J t l l m ilk g o a t for nMl«* ‘ hrap. ** . A. of 9196.14 w ith interest ’ sahn- ( W n e liu s . H i.. Phone fu rth e r sum publication, and defen«! this suit «»r pay (M l I-OB W t b i t t \ n thereon fro m the f»th «lay o f December, the amount due as shown above, together 23F35 --------------P 19.31, at the rate o f 7 per cent per a n ­ A ll ( ’«»unty Genera'. Fund W a rra n ts of w ith interest and eoats, and in case of County, Oregon, endorsed your fa ilu re to do so. a decree w ill he num. and the fu rth e r sum o f 936.84, taxes W ashington PO U LTRY paid, w ith Interest thereon at 7 per cent “ not paid fo r w ant of Funds" on or be­ rendered forachwing the lien o f said M. fore Novem ber 8t), 1934, are now payable ...■¿hrrrd«. lì wi»k« old. I»«’ per annum fro m the 2nd day of M ay, at the office o f the County Treasurer, in taxes against said property. I.E G H tiR N This summons is published by order Ç. K m h . K«. 2 C o rn .R u -. 1932, and Ihe fu rth e r sum of 946.18, llillshoro. Oregon. Interest on such w ar­ II •Mich of the Hon. K. F ran k l ’eters. Judge of taxes paid, w ith Interest thereon at 7 not h»*rntof«»re called w ill cease the above entitle«! court, dated and en­ F in ía le nmd per cent per annum from the 6th day rants lu m o n i « « » lo r «nd » A p ril 27. 1935 GULDEN tered on the 15th day of A p ril. 1935. J im m y Abt«. M l R r h ,J¡¡ of M ay, 19.33, an«: the fu rth e r sum of MAUD W B O 8C O W . ( ’«»unty Treas- and the «late of the firs t publication is fur rale 962.94, taxes paid, w ith interest thereon 1° A p ril 18. 1935. \ V e at the rate of 7 per cent per annum , urer. fo r »«n- A ll papers am i process in this proceed­ I» BONZE. turkey li. li h l n « e««" ^Tmile north from the 16th «lay of M arch. 1934, and C A h l. FO R M A R R A N T H ing m ay he serve«! up«»n the undersigned, the fu rth e r sum of 917.99 w ith Interest r«»HA. »nable. J Delmont A ll County Road Fund W arran ts of residing thereon at the rate o f 6 per eent per w ithin the State of Oregon, Union O il station. Route 1. Corne- 9-1 Op ( ’«»unty, Oregon. endorsed at the address hereafter mentioned. annum fr«»m the 26th «lay of M arch. W ashington lina hicks. 96% pullets 1935, to me di re«*ted and delivered, com­ "not paid fo r want o f Funds” on or be­ W A L T E R E. H U T C H IN S O N A ttorney H U G H E S Leghorn M ra lg h t run. niln«e«l prj»’« f" r m anding me to m ake sale o f the real fore Novem ber 39. 1934, are now payable fo r P la in tiff Resilience and P. O. Ad- A l." di-lH-ndhl-lo Red« nod B»rr<"» property herein after deacrihed, I have m ’ the office of the County Treasurer. In ' dress. Hillaboro, Oregon. 8-13 M io Hillsboro, Oregon. Interest on such w ar­ B«aks . at t »M.MI per inn. C » t«l"«. yl»- levied upon and pursuant to said Execu­ rants not heretofore called w ill cease I, „ r - wolrom r llu u h .» * Ron »«■', l *’ tion. O rder and Decree of Sale, 1 w ill SUMMONS Itor A p ril 27, 1935. rry . H IM K. O .k . H ill.lm r,, Irlr p h o lir n I• ’••»»« -i i \ ol \ »•«1 1 I M S MAUD W M OSCOW. County Treas­ In the C ircuit Court of the State of O re­ »t the East door of the Courthmise in gon. fo r W ashington County. 10 i;IANT White I’ehtn duck !•«««. M'- Hillsboro, W ashington ( ’ounty, Oregon, urer D. Shaw. P la in tiff, ' ' , * r .e itln « of 12. I l . b r d u e l... l«e «.eh. nt the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of vs. N O T I C E O l F I N A I A C C O U N T from breeder. « to 1» lb .. e»eh. ►. R- said day sell at public auction to the G. F. Shnw. Defendant. highest bidder fo r cash In hand, all of In the County ( ’«»urt of the State of T o : G. F. Shaw, the above named de­ I I . rden C o n ie llu . ____ _____ Oregon, for (he County of W ashington. IIIT T IK Red < ld e h . » il.M Per lim. the follow ing described real property, ly ­ fendant, G re eting: P r o la te Departm ent ing being and situate in W ashington In the Nam e of the State of Oregon. I'o iillry p rle e . . .I v .n il n « , M .k e In the M u tter of (he Folate o f A rch i­ r .I.ln « fry e r .. O rder now of H . r . county, Oregon, and more p artic u la rly de- You are hereby required to appear in the bald R. W rig h t, Deceased si-ribisl as follows, to-w it : above entitle,! Court and answer the H .te h e ry , Renverlon. No tice is hereby given (hat (he under­ A ll of Lot numbered th irty -fo u r HA1IV C H IC K S Superior »toek. S C. signed, as ad m in is trato r of the eatate amended com plaint file«! against you In (34) and the south fo rty (49) r«»ds, the above entitled cause on or before the . W hite letrhorn». R I. '***■ • " 7 of Archibald R. W rig h t, deceased, has or ’ wiF-thirds. of Lot numbered „„,1 W h ile R oek. ; . «rte.1 «•¿‘r k . «m filesl his fin a l account In the County l l t h day of M ay. 1935. said «late being T h ir v-slx (3 6 ), in T u a la tin Gardens, pullet» V l .l l o r . welcome I rle e. to C«»urt o f the State of Oregon, for W ash­ a fte r the exp iration of four weeks from as shown l»y the duly recorded p la t meet eom pellllon. u u .llly eon.ldered. ington ('«»unty, and that Monday, the the «late of the first publication o f this thereof, summons, and if you fa il so to appear 1 »he Il.le h e r y , M cM in n v ille. O re«»«. to satisfy the hereinbefore n am e! sums 27th «lay o f M ay. 1935. at the hour of fo r w ant thereof the p la in tiff w ill apply Code No. »m l fo r ’ he cost and expenses o f sale and 19 o'cloek In the f«»ren«»on «»f said day to the Court fo r a judgm ent against ami the c«»urt room of -aid court has Iliin f .K Y 'H I l.eghorn chick», the h e t you said w rit. n r III« limited b ird . Inylnu l»r«e as the you in the sum o f 81ME00. t,»gether w ith Bald sale w ill he made subject to re ­ been appointed by said court can buy. interest thereon front the 25th «lay of tim e and place fo r the bearing of t»b- , w hile e« « .. A ll produeo.1 on our own demption as per statute of Oregon. August. 1911. at the rate of 7% per f .r m M .le « fro m hl«h pml 1«*«-» •' Dated at H illsboro, Oregon, this 2flth Jertlona thereto and the settlem ent thereof. annum . an«i the fu rth e r sunt of 8150.00 Dated and first published A p ril 25, 1935. „ «enerfttlou breedln«. H. W . O. day of M arch, 1936. of fin« fees, snd fo r his costs and D ate of last publication M ay 23, 1935. I attorney's (rated. The bulk o f our orders from ont J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff o f W ashing­ Incurred, and to C H A R L E S E. W R IG H T . A d m inistrator. | disbursements herein «•ust «»mera l l.b y thick». »10 »11 per 100 ; ton County, Oregon G. II. Cellars, A t ­ satisfy said judgm ent the p la in tiff w ill fc n « > lo t. ; .eyed chick. If de. John Olsen. A ttorney, 421 Rw y Exchange 9H» in torney for P la in tiff, Fu llin g Bldg., apply to the Court fo r an order that the HM I'w il Dudley III 1. lletiverlom 8-10 Bldg. a t red land, Oregon. Phone Beaverton 9618. Classified Advertising 4 ARG U S, . . P«» 241. I' . U » om - le W 1«. We buy unti dell used cars. • —Uaed C ar Exchange. 48U II. We : • lioi te. Legal Notices A ». »4*1. z,r H IL L S B O R O , p la in tiff apply theroon the a m of 9233 75 , now in th« hands of p la in tiff a» Execu­ tor of the Last W .ll and T«-trn..o . r.t of I M ary J Shaw. ieacribe«J as f«»ll«»ws. to -w it: Lots or tracts 142. 143. 146 and 152 of Ilea vert«.n-fteedville Acres as «b«»wn by the duly re«-or«led map and plat there«.f on record and on file in the «»if!«•« of the Keeordsrr of <’«»n- W ashington County, O f~ veya gon. wlii.-h aid real property was heretofore seixed and attached by the S h e riff of Washington County, Oregon, in the above entitled Court and cause, arid which said attachm ent has m»t i»een dissolve«! This summons is server! upon you by publication thereof in the H illsboro A r ­ gus pursuant to an O rd er of the Hon­ orable It Frank Peter«, Judge of the above entitled Court, mad», rendered and entered on the 9th day of A p ril, 1936, which said O rder preaertbad th at Hum- m«»ns »hall i»e published in said news- paper fo r four succeaslve and consecutive week», the date of the fir s ’ publication there«.f being A p ril 11th. 1936, and the date of the last publication thereof l/»ing M ay 9th, 1935 E. J M« A L E A K , A tto rn ey fo r P la in ­ t i f f Kraident A tto rn ey, State of Oreg«»n, p«»st office address: F irst N a tio n al Bunk Building, Hillsboro, Oregon. b-12 N O T IC E O F F I N A L A C C O U N T In the ("ounty ( ’ourt o f the F tate of Ore- gon, fo r tha County of W ashington. In the M a tte r of the Estate of J. D. Sm ith. Deceased. Notice is hereby given th at the under- sigue«l. as Executrix of the E atate of J. D Sm ith, defeased, ha« filed her F in a l Ac- count and Rep>>f an order, «!«««• ree and license of sale of the «-«»unty court o f the State of Ore- v« n for Deschutes County, made and en­ tered into «»n the 17th «lay of A p ril. 1935, in the m atter of the Guardianship estate of Paul 14. Heineck, a m inor, 1 w ill, fro m and a fte r the 25th «lay of May. 1935, -ell at p rivate sale, to the highest bidder fo r cash in hand all of the undivided >>ne-«ixth in te rra t <>f «aid m in or in and to the f«»li«»wing described rea! property, situate in Wash ington C«»unty, Oregon, p articularly described as f«»ll«jws. to -w it : Beginning at the southwest corner of that certain tract of land situate S e c tio n M , T. l N R 8 W" w M W ashington County. Oregon, which -aid tract was conveyed l»y D. T. Sm ith to W m . Mah«>n. deed for which wa« file«! fo r record M arch 21st, 1920, and recorded at page 574 in lb -.k 116, Records of Deeds fo r W ash­ ington County. Oregon : running thence along the south lin e of said Mahon t ract S. H9* 49' E. C0S.8 feet to the west l>oundary line o f the P. K A N rig h t-o f-w a y ; thence N . 0* 20' E. along aaid rig h t-o f-w a y 293.M4 feet . thence N . 6 9 ’ 49’ W . 5*2.1 feet to the center of County Road . thence S. 4* 33' W. aJong the center of »aid road 294.7 feet to the place of beginning, containing 4 acres. Bid* w ill he received fo r «aid prop­ er« y at the office «»f E. J. M cAlear. at­ torney at law. Hillsboro, Oregon. fr< m and a fte r the 25th day o f M ay. 1935. Date«! this 25th day of A p ril. 1935. ( HARLOTTE H E IN E C K . G uardian of the person and estate of Paul 11. Heineck, a M inor. E. J. M cA lear. Hillsboro, Ore- g«»n. A ttorney for G uardian 10-4 NOTH E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE OF R E A L P R O P E R T Y ON F O R E C L O S U R E Notice is hereby given, th at by virtue " f an Execution. Decree and O rd er of Sale i»»ued out of and under the seal of the C ircuit Court of the State of O re­ gon f«»r W ashington County on the 16th day of A p ril. 1935. on a Judgm ent and Decree made and entered therein on the 15th day of A p ril. 1935, in favor of F ritx Eisner. p la in tiff. and against Rudolph H u ffa rb e r. Ida E. H o ffa rb e r and Charles G. Hepner. Trustee, defendants, wherein a judgm ent was given and en­ tered in favo r o f p la in tiff and against the defendants. Rudolph H o ffa rb e r and Ida E H«»ffari»er. fo r the turn o f 8l.0M9.tK», w ith interest thereon at the rate of M'i per annum since the 24th day of Decent* ber. 1934. and the fu rth e r sum o f 8100.W» attorney'« fera upon the firs t cause of suit »et f«»rth in p lair t i f f ’s com plaint, and fo r the fu rth e r sum of 81,108.00. w ith interest thereon at the rate of per annum since the 25th day of Octo­ ber. 1934. and the fu rth e r sum of 8100.00 attorney * fera «»n the second cause of suit set fo rth in p la in tiff's com plaint, and for p la in tiff's coats and disburse­ ments herein taxed at 821.85 to me di­ rected and delivered, commanding me to make »ale of the real pn»perty herein­ a fte r described. I have levi«#d upon, and pursuant to the c«»mmands of said E x ­ ecution. Decree and O rder of Sale. 1 w ill, on Monday, the 20th day o f M ay. 1935 at the hour o f ten o'clock A. M «•* said day. at the Ea«t or Front Door of the County Court House in the C ity of Hillsboro. W ashington County. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest btd- der fo r cash in hand, all the rig h t, title , and interest which s a i d defendants. Rudolph H o ffa rb e r. Ida E. H o ffa rb e r and t'h srlra G. H epner. Trustee, and each and all of them . ha«1 on the 2nd day of M arch. 1932. o r a t any tim e have since acquire«! and or now have, in and t«> the f«»ll«»wing bounded and describe,! r«ml property, lying, being and situate in the County of W ashington. State of O re g .n and more p artic u la rly described a* follows, to -w it : L o U 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 26 31 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37 an.l 3* of * and in H o ffa rb e r Tracts in U *»rge Richardson D. I*. C. in bee 86. T 1 S R I W W’ M . as shown by the duly recorded m ap and plat there«*’ «»n file and of reconi in the o ff le t of the Recorder of Conveyances of W ash­ ington County. Oregon, less and ex­ cepting therefrom that «’«‘/ J * 1" . ,»f land conveyed by Ru«l«dph H .d fa r her and Ida E. H o ffa rb e r to the State of Oregon by Deni reconied on Jan u ary 5. 1936. on » > • ■ " * * * ¡J lx»«>k 155 of Renirds of Dee«t* »»i W ashington County. Oregon. to satisfy the hereinbefore menttone«! sums . n d f ' r t h . c - t . .n d e x p e n d "« « « I «ale and <»f said w rit. , Said - » I >* * ubf’7 h , S t."e dem pilon .» par «*>* ,h e s t , , r H ill.b o ro , Paire Seven OREGON O m ro n , % !£ ,’f MW Ton«ue in « t"n County. O rn jo n . T h - . H. Tony Jr A ttorney for 1 l .i n t t f f S 'tlT It E t>E E X EC » T O R S S A L K O» N R E A L PROPERTY Where«» by the w ill o f E. Q u.cken- hu h de.e»»ed. I .t e of W .» h ln « to n Coun- ty State of Oregon, the u n d esig ned «» .i'e e u to r i . .u th o r fe d .n d £ .e ll «11 the re» property of «»id eatate " " . g e l , n.«nner and . . .uch pr.ce .n d un .u e k term» a . «aid exeeutnr may dee,. '" w h e re « « , by an order of the G » " ! » Court of W ashington County. State of Oregon, duly nt.de and entered in .» ,d m atter the underalgned haa been • “ ‘ J' j ire.1 to »ell »11 or any portion of . . , d eatate either fo r c.»h or upon credit or upon in «,a llm en , co n tract, at public or p rivate »ale fo r the payment of the debt« of «aid estate. . . . Now therefore, notice 1» hereby -t , that «aid executor w ill o ffe r for »ale .■ p rivate «ale to the highest and heat h r i­ der therefor, from and a fte r the 31 , day of M ay. IM S . at the realdence and place o f huainea. of the under«,gned w it. No lt« T N o rth Shaver .tr e e !. 1 ort- latul Oregon, and at the “ , f k e „ ’¡i. lev A Hare, attorney« a, taw. H tllah ot, . Oregon, all Ih e follow ing deacribed prop­ erty ailuatad in W ashington County. State o f Oreg«»n. to -w it s __ Lots numbered 18. 20 28. 25 26. 2 . 2M 29. 30. 39. 10. 11. 16 and 87 in Hntelbrook F arm , according to the duly racordad map and p l.t thereof on file in the office of Ihe County R e o rd e r . . «aid C o unty: and any rig h t, t itle or Interval which »»Id eatate m ay now have ¡n or to l.o t . 12. 13. 21. 22. 31 and t> In «aid H atelhria.lt F a rm , or In ot­ to l.ot t Io Cedar Bna.lt E arm In »aid That certain farm tra ct o w n el by said eatate. aa deacrll.e.1 in the Inventory and appralaem ent herein, known aa the Doach- er Earm . being a pa.-t of the Donation 1 anti C laim of Miles Davis and Jane Davis, his w ife. No. 708 N o tificatio n .»717, «iescrihed as the W<«st H a lf of 8e*- tion 6 Tow nship 2 South. Range I W ed of the W illam e tte M e rid ia n , the port hut of said farm tra c t now owned by the estate containing a total of 269 acres or thereab.mts. Als«» Lot 64 in N«»rth Ti g ard v llle in said County. Said tracts w ill he offered and •old in such parcels and subdivisions ax bid ders may make offers upon, or as a whole; and the sale w ill he continue« fro m the «late above spe«*ified u n til said Ian,I« shall all be sold. Bids and offer.« are hereby invited. M E. T H O M P S O N . Executor. Veaxie A Veaxie. A tto rn ey* fo r Executor. Musical Play at Junior High R e p e at Show H o ld Gotham Greets Easter Party Hdd FDR. Hoover at R«Ule Home (By Daniel C a rte r) FIR D A L E- Mrs C F Urtwher en- | tertain e d w ith an E aster . p arty : Sunday, T he afternoon waa spent , in playing games and in un E aster egg hunt. Present w ere Mrs. E. W. and Mrs K C arter. Lila and L u ­ cille Reddig, B ernetta, G ran v il and A rth u r Sheet, Lois, D orothy and M errial Finney, F red rick Ward. Em m a Lois and M argie Robinson. O rpha, B illy and Hazel C a rte r and A nnie. Francis, F lorine and Viola Brosher. D avid and F re d rick W ard re« tu rn e d to P o rtla n d Sunday a fte r spending the E aster vacation w ith th eir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, here. M r and Mrs. J D ober and d a u g h ­ ter. F re d D ober and Hilda Dober visited M r and Mrs H. W yland of P o rtla n d Sunday Miss F lorence H aase of P ortland sp en t the w eek-end w ith h e r p a r ­ ents. M r and Mrs. F. Haaae. M iss Rose L oukat, F ird a le school teacher, e n te rta in ed her pupils w ith a tre a su re h u n t F rid ay afternoon. M r a n d M rs Jo h n M arcom vis­ ited M r a n d Mrs. V anderscheure at Johnson Sunday. G ladys Ede of P o rtla n d spent the w eek-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Don Pearson. Louise P e ters of M onm outh spent th e w eek-end w ith h e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P eters. F r id a y N ig h t ; E a s te r P a r tie s T he m usical play, which was p re ­ sented re ce n tly as a n assem bly I fe atu re at the J u n io r high will be re p e a te d th is F rid a y nigh, in the school a u d ito riu m a , 8 o'clock The public is invited to a tte n d T here w ill be a sm all adm ission charge. | Song Kelly May 3 On th e afternixin ut May 3 the H illsboro school children, as well as ch ild ren from nearb y r u r a l schools, w ill g ath er in the H illsboro union high gym nasium for a song ra lly In connection w ith th e m us.c festival exercises H illsboro is one of th e ten cen ters in the county j w here such festivals w ill be held. C oncert P lanned On M ay 17 in th e J u n io r high a u d ito riu m the T reb le C lef club, assisted by th e boys' chorus w ill i p re sen t a concert An added fea- ' tu re w ill be a fantasy, entitled, "Moon for a P rince." T he general public is c o rdially in v ite d to at-1 tend. T h ere w ill be no adm ission charge. 7A to G ive Play J u n io r high 7A is p re p arin g a play, “W ho's C razy N ow ’ " to be p re sen te d a t th e next assem bly p ro ­ gram . O u r classified colum ns m ay have Plan O p eretta ju st w h a t you a re looking for— P e te r Boscow 5B is p lanning a.i R ead them . tf In d ian o p e retta to be given in May. T he m oney is to be used to GOLDFISH buy a ra d io for th e room s 10c and up Hold E aster P a rtie s See them before you buy. S everal classes en jo y ed E aster parties. J u n io r high 7B2 had th eirs! Scavengers, W ater H yacinth. W ater L ettuce, F loating Plants. on T h u rsd a y a fte r school. O utdoor i gam es w ere p layed a n d a p ic n ic 1 V isitors w elcom e lunch w as served. T h e 7B class HARRY MORGAN held th e ir p a rty A pril 17 a fte r 234 E. Jackson St. H illsboro school. A luncheon w as served i n ' the c afe te ria a fte r games. Rowena H erm ann, G eorginia B row n, G e r t - , ru d e N eedham w e re th e teachers At one a n d tb e sam e tim e. present. S u p e rin te n d en t N osier was New York C ity played host to Phone 953 : Hillaboro also a guest both P re sid e n t R oosevelt and H ave Egg H unt FUNERAL D IRECTO RS h is p re d ec esso r In th e n a tio n 's P e te r Boscow 2B had an E aster and egg h u n t F riday afternoon. M o n d a y , h ig h est office. H e rb e rt H oover. LICENSED EMBALMERS m o rn in g a t recess th is sam e class i And both d istin g u ish e d g u e sts had an egg rolling contest. D orothj I s - med h a p p y , as in d ic a te d W eil won first place. G loria M c­ above. R o o se v e lt's fa m o u s sm ile G u ire w on second. flashed a cro ss a face ta n n e d by J u n io r high 7A enjoyed a w eine- his re ce n t fishing vacatio n in roast last T hursday, A pril 11. a f t e r ' th e tropics. school. Form er S tu d e n t Visits Sally G ard n er, fo rm erly of t n e ' Everything In Insurance P e te r Boscow 5B class, visited t h i s , P h m e 17*1 1332 W ashington class F riday. S h e now lives in Y akim a. Wash. D avid H ill W ins tB y W ilm a M a rr) D avid H ill d e fea te d P e te r Bos- j cow in baseball last w eek 10 to 5.! KANSAS CITY —A fam ily reun-1 ion w as held at th e W E. Man- The m im eographers for next hom e E aster Sunday. F ifty w ere | y e ar h ave been a ppointed. T hey are Ja c k Goodm an, P h y llis A m acher present as follows: Mr. and M rs L ester L u ttre ll a n d fam ily, M r and i V irg in ia H avens, M a rjo rie S igler Mrs Sam H udson of W estport. M r : and R obert H urd. and Mrs Sam Bledsoe and Jam es Illness C uts Roll T he follow ing stu d e n ts h av e been and M r and Mrs. C lyde L u ttre ll absent from school because of ill­ and fam ily of St. H elens. Mr. and ness: M arjo rie K idney a n d A lu ra Mrs. Abe H udson and fam ily of T sugaw a from 6B; K ate Iw asaki. G ales C reek. M r. and Mrs. Irv in I W esley M organ and D uane R ash L u ttre ll and D onald of P ortland. from 7A; E dw in L in n and Rose j M r and Mrs. Jesse F o rq u er of F o r ­ W atkins from 7B2: H ow ard H uilt est G rove. Mr. and Mrs. C harles i from 8A; L esta P irie, E v ely n Col- J Sellers a n d M ary J a n e of Iow a 1 fer a n d G eorge T sugaw a from 8B; i Hill, M r a n d Mrs. R aym ond Hud- Bill G rogan a n d Jo h n C hristenson son and C arol and M r and Mrs. from 8B2. T hese absences w ere Lloyd A nderson and fam ily of from J u n io r high. At th e P e te r Hillside. Mr a n d Mrs. F ra n k Lut-1 Boscow school A lvin K rau s and tre ll of G aston. Mr. and Mrs E rn ­ est M arr and M r and Mrs. W. E T ak a Iw asaki w e re absent. M arr and fam ily. T ram L isted T he g irls' indoor baseball team Mr. and M rs A lfred L ew is and j at the J u n io r high consists of L esta fam ily v isited M r and Mrs. F. J I P irie. E velyn H aw orth. M ary Ella L ew is of F orest G rove Sunday. M ariner, V ivian B um p, M arjorie Viola H ow ling of C entralia. Wash., P atterso n . N orm a H am m er. Z elda is spending a few days th is w eek Save up to a cupful W eintz. M arjo rie Sigler. O reille at the C. H. H am ilton home. in 1 hour of steady M iller. M argaret Savage. A n n a Mr. and M rs C laude E slinger. I running ! L eider, and LaV on B ergreen. M argaret and M alcolm and M r and M rs Roy Hodges and fam ily spent Sunday w ith Mrs. E slinger's p a r ­ ents. M r and Mrs. Hill, of F orest ' Grove. G ene L ew is a tte n d ed an E aster A nnual H ilhi senior class play- p a rty at the Low ell S h e a re r hom e w ill be given a , th e a u d ito riu m at G roveland S a tu rd ay afternoon. • May 10, according to a n a n n o u n ce ­ Mrs. C lau d e L yda v isited re la ­ m ent th is w eek b y M iss T ennessee tives in P o rtla n d T hursday. W eatherred. w ho is d irectin g re- : Mr. A rt E asly and fam ily of Your ro u nd-tow n driving is the hearsals. P o rtla n d spent F rid ay a t the W il­ most wasteful kind. Super-Shell is C h arles W alker, p re sid en t of the liam E asly hom e. N o rth w e stern School of Com m erce Mrs. C liff Sandy. Miss M am ie b alan ced to reduce stop-ond-go in P o rtlan d , w as guest speaker at S andy and M rs M aurice T hom p­ th e stu d e n t assem bly last w eek. son of V ernonia visited M r and w astes in 3 d iffe re n t w ays. Yry i t . . . P reced in g th e talk. Jim Sam sel. Mrs. E rnes, M arr S a tu rd ay e v e­ save the difference. m an ag er of the H ilhi annual. S u p e r­ ning. in te n d e n t B. W B arnes. P rin cip al M r and Mrs. Lloyd W oodhouse B M G oodm an and Reece H athorn of F orest G rove visited M r and [ gave sales talk s for th e annual. Mrs. C harles H am ilton T h u rsd ay ] N om inations for editor, m anage - evening. a n d a ssistan ts fo r th e 1936 H ilhi M r and Mrs. R aym ond V ander- a n n u a l w e re m ade a , th e teachers' zanden and ch ild ren spent the m eeting M onday night. Elections w eek-end in P o rtlan d visiting rel-1 w ill be held next M onday. atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. V ictor L ew is v isit­ O u r classified colum ns m ay have ed M r and Mrs. H enry Reese of ju s, w h at you a re looking fo r— L aurel Sunday. R ead them . tf Mrs W illiam Easly and d a u g h te r 1 A t th e s e neiahbe>riy s ta tio n s s w ere in H illsboro S a tu rd ay a f te r ­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S — H ILLSBO RO — in the County Court of the State of Ore- noon. iron. fo r W ashington County. M r and Mrs. C laude L yda at-1 C ady M otor Co. In the M a tte r o f the E state of M ary tended a ball gam e in C arlton Sun- i Y a n tti, Deceased. H illsboro M otor Co. Notice is hereby given that the under- day. B usch'i S u p er Service 'iirned has l»een duly confirmed by the Mr. and M rs V ictor L ew is a t­ above entitled court as executrix o f the tended C oslett's S uper Service a w edding recep tio n a, Last W ill and Testam ent o f said de­ K inton hall for Mr. and M rs W hit- ' M oulton’s G arage cease«!. and has duly qualified a* such. Now. therefore, all persons having m ore of L a u re l one e vening this H olw ege's S ervice S tation claims against said estate are herehy w eek. Rock C reek S ervice S tation notifie«! and require«! to present the Mrs. Lew is Hostess same. together w ith proper vouchers — FO REST GROVE — therefor, to the undersigned at the law Mrs. V L ew is e n te rta in ed t h e ' office of E. J. M cA lear. in the First K ansas C ity B ailey's Service Station club W ednesday all N ational Bank building, in Hillsboro. P helps' Service S tation Oregon, w ith in six months from the date day. T he club m ade th e blocks of j th e quilt, on w hich th ey quilted, I H ighw ay Service Station, G aston here«»f. Date«! this 28rd day «»f A p ril. 1935. for Mrs. Lewis. Donelson ÔC Sewell Family Reunion Held Kansas City RUSH LOW Hilhi Senior Play Schedule May 10 S uper - S hell M A K C .A R K T Y A N T T I. Executrix of the Last W ill and Testam ent of said De­ cease«!. E. J. M cA lear. A ttorney for E x ecutrix. Hillsboro. Oregon. 10-4 Real Estate Transfers (ieorge L. W oodw orth et ux to Levi M Sparks et ux. part Section 31 T I N R3W . George Petrovich et ux to Cora E. Shreve. Lot 89 Beaverton-Reedville Acre­ age. Sarah H. H am ilton to W, M. H a m il­ ton. 2o acres V irg in ia Place. Traverse W h itm an to Jennie I.. W h it­ man. 9.75 acres Section 6 T2S R2W . Occidental l.ife Insurance C«>. to H e r­ bert R. Lehm ann. Lot 4 T u a latin . L. H. A ito rd et igx to W aldem ar P«t«ier- sen et ux, 1 acre Stx-tion 33 T 3 N R4W Town of Beaverton to W ashington Sav­ ings A Loan, Lots in H oeken’s 4th A d­ dition. Beaverton. A nnie M. im b rie to C a ry ll T. Sm ith, part L«»t 5 Block 4 Fairvie w Addition. W illiam Foss et ux to .*t. Kettcrm un. N'«j o f L o t 48 Johnson E state Addition, Beaverton-Reedville. Henry Krause to A m elia Kn«»rr. L o t 13 Shields* L ittle Farms. H E. Stubbs et ux to W ashington county. Lota 10 and 11 Block 3, Orenco. Hazel K. G ra n t to M ichael J. De- Vaney. T ra c t I A lv o rd -C a rr-H u n te r Sub­ division 1. l ia r n e i J. Humasnn et v ir to Jorgen Peterson. Lot ID Block 2 H u nt Club Tracts. Glenn S. Ehle et ux to George Vickery et si. Lots 5. 6, 7, 9 B lin k 2 West P o rt­ land Height. M ichael Heisler et ux to W arren W. Weiss et ux. part Section 14 T'28 R lW . M ichael Heisler et ux to Donald Davis et ux. 5 acres Section 14 T2S R lW Davis W Sonneland to W illia m V. M ille r et ux, 8E^4 of 8 W ’ < of Section It) T1S R4W . C ity of Forest Grove to L. M. Drake, part Lot 3 Block 9 Forest Grove. H arvey Jesse et ux to J. M . Person, part L o t I Block 1«) Forest (»rove. Edward McCourt to A. F. Christener, Lot 2 Block 11 N o rth Plains. A ndrew Christener et ux to Sidney James Connelly. 9.3 acres Section 10 T 2 N R3W D A IR Y FEED PRICES REDUCED Make more money. Put all or part of your herd on one of these quality dairy feeds. IMPERIAL DAIRY, 2 0 ', . Ton $32 C O W R A T I O N . l G ' o ' , . Ton ......................... 30 MOLASSES DAIRY. 1 5 ',. Ton .................... 27 For the Dairym an th a t wants a reasonable priced Dairy Feed we offer: Heavy Molasses Screenings. 100 lbs. Ton $21 Coconut Meal, 20% protein. 100 lbs. Ton ... 27 Hempseed Meal, 3 2 ', protein. 100 lbs. Ton 29 Hempseed Meal has nearly the same analysis as Lin­ seed Oil Meal at much less cost. AU th e above prices a re cash F. O. B. our w arehouse. S light e x tra charge for delivery. PAY CASH AND RAVE — TRADE W ITH IM PERIA L IMPERIAL FEED &, GRAIN CO. Phone 01 M illen of Q uality Feeds South Rerond Hi.