H IL L S B O R O Page Six Hazeldale Club Elects Friday ARC. U S . Touring Sedan Newest in Ford Line H IL L S B O R O . Music Festival at Beaverton D e b a t in g Easter Program Held Sunday A fternoon at School UKKGON Team W in s M o re Thursday. April 25. I Wo specialize In quality mereiai p r in t i n g Argus Du: ( Storms Davano M'ulwost If ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ C o rw in H ardw are Ä FISH DERBY » Prise Wtnner for l ast Weck H o n o rs O v e r E u g e n e Lunge»! Trollt caugtit l>y ART (¡OTTLIFIl of Hlll»l><>n> V BEAVERTON Music Festival for Fielt Id 'j hielte» I schools of the eastern section of HAZELDALE - The community Walch I hl» S|i.nc tor Ille W e r k ’» i tile county will be held at the club held its monthly card party Derby Wlniierl 1 Beaverton high school auditorium Saturday evening. Ten tables ot , May 3, Those participating in the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ "500" w ere in play. Honors were ; event are the Beaverton. Aloha- won by Mis. Max Berger and Max Huber. T ualatin View, Kuleigh. Berger; Mrs. Joe Busch of Aloha Whitford, Kuiton and Union schools and Mr. Nickstrom of Huber, sec­ M arian llagg W inner ond. Club will meet this Friday evening. Officers will be elected Marian Hagg won first place In and all members arc urged to a t­ the W ashington county typing con- — tend. j test in the second y ear class in ac­ Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Taylor had Tills descried fum i a t llcavci. tik is . Ils once-ferllle Ilei.Is curacy and second place in speed There «re a hundred rvu as their house guest last week Miss hurled by d rifts during du I storm s which have been (dug III« I For her work she was aw arded suns why you should drink Sharley Taylor of Portland. country, Is a lu t ilo testim onial of (lie dam age wrought hv Iho gold and silver pins and a fountain Milk — «11 of thorn good pen from B ehnke-W alker Easter Observed "gray te n e r ." C oiitinuaiice ef the •ternis, ruining vast acrciiKcs of farm lands, has brought to W ashington a deluge ef ploaa for Easter was observed Sunday a ft­ reasons! More Milk m eans Debate Tram Wins federal ahi. Miss Mildred Twoliy and Delbert ernoon instead of the regular Sun- n t e W EST and most luxurious of design adds to its graceful p ro p er-' appointments. The car is room ier better health. Drink at least Burke. Beaverton high school a f­ day morning Sunday schoo is Ford V-S cars fo r 1935 is tions, and leaves the interior free than any previ any previous Ford sedan, sent- a quart a day. firm ative debating team, won over I school house was beautifully d e c -1 J r Weichbrodt and Annu Meyer were orated w ith spring flowers and a the F o rd o r touring sedan shown fo r passengers when traveling. The ing six persons com fortably. The the Eugene team in the q u arter fin- home Sunday. fine program was presented by the above. A commodious built-in trunk F ordor tourin g sedan is richly u p ­ new touring sedans are available : als for state championship. Q uart Mis Pfahl of Hillsboro v is it e d children. Songs were given by the which is an inherent p a rt of the car holstered and fitted w ith de luxe in both Fordor and T udor models. Beaverton Masonic lodge a tte n d -1 her daughter, Elsie K rahm er, und prim ary and interm ediate classes. I ed the eleven o'clock church serv-I BLOOMING llei nt A n d e rso n family Easter. The boys of the interm ediate class ly since he butted into the milk l Ascension Day. Pilgrim Guild, each I ices in a body Easter morning at S e v e r a l w o m e n o f th e L u t h e r a n I Thursday at 2 p. m. Young people's the Bethel Congregational church spent Easter at home with his presented a play entitled "The control fight at the recent legisla­ F irst Easter. O ther numbers in­ ture. but were apparently pretty- M F C h u rc h iB e th a n v l meetings as announced. Pastor may The sermon was preached by the family. He is employed in Eastern c h u r c h c le u n e d th e p a r o c h ia l s c h o o , cluded a duet by Misses Denny well satisfied w ith both Mason and On G erm antow n road Sunday ** co«»«»«« <’ach day betw een 10 pastor. C harles F( C lark The’ eve- Oregon digging wells for the gov­ April 18. and Doughty of Beaverton, duet by Plum mer. Of th e new board mem- school everv Sunday. 10 a. m ; Ger- a!'d noo«L «r by appointm ent. ning service of the Bethel Congre ernm ent on an Indian reservation Malcolm and Harley Newton, and bers at least tw o should have the man service. 11 a. m.. first a n d » ,hc houst> of» ee- E Jackson gational church consisted of a can He states that much of the d rill­ Subscribe* now t o th e Argus In phone 2104 tata by the choir directed bv Mis ing is through rock and that the O r e g o n $1 50 a year Six months several other vocal and literary producer's viewpoint. These are th ird Sundays; English service, l l i ..., . ... , depth of the wells is anyw here tt5c. T hree m onths 50 cents. Two I. R. Metzler. numbers. Glenn Marsh. Hood River apple a m . second and fourth Sundays. ^ s h io n e d Gospel Mission from 287 to 804 feel They are now Mrs J. D. Bridgman has re ­ grow er and form er president of —E. Ju liu s Traglio. pastor. tf Interdenom inational A special in- tf Defeat G rants Pass working on their eighth and last months 35 cents. vitation turned to her home from Emanuel the Oregon Co-operative council, , to strangers, , , who .. are look- .,, Beaverton high school's strong well and will soon begin the erect­ hospital after a m ajor operation. mg for a place w here they will affirm ative debate team, and A. E. Engbretson of Astoria C hristian Science Church , , . . .......... Mildred Mr and Mrs. J. P. Jones of now in the seed business, but for- Services are held every Sunday al home Everybody welcome Twohy nad Delbert Burke, won u ing of windmills. I.eonard Milhly had the measles Chehalem Mountain visited Mr and merly in charge of the agricultural at 11 a. m.: W ednesday evening1 s Frid'w *rvi~‘ - « “± 2 -™ c " f m »"•) • H'ls,Vl‘ vlc,ory over G ranU P«“ ” rn V u d* Mrs. W. A. Jones Sunday. experim ent station in Clatsop coun- services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school Friday. . 30 P m. _Mis. C. E. C lark for the Western Oregon title F r i­ last week. in charge, 326 W. Main street. Tom Miller fished at Oregon City ty. Edgar W. Sm ith of Portland. at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age G lo r ia McCoy has been ill with day evening at the local h i g h Friday and brought back a 20- | the third m em ber of the new board of 20 years are welcomed Free school This same affirm ative team whooping cough Christian Church pound salmon is an outstanding business man of reading room open on Wednesdays will debate Chiloquin high teams Clara Helmold. Ruth Simantel, Lord's day church school, 9:45 a May 4 at Corvallis for the state Mrs. Tom Miller and little daugh­ the state, M arsh and Sm ith are and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p m u* Elm er Gursko and Oscar Muhly ter Jean and Mrs. J. B. Thornton democrats. Sunday's topic, "Probation A fter m., C. H. Nosier, superintendent championship. w ere guests of Rev and M r s E Let every mem ber of the school and fam ily of Portland w ere in Death." W Hinrichs on an educational tom Senior Play Friday feel the responsibility of being Tillamook Wednesday and T hurs­ Not to be outdone by his col­ A num ber of senior students of of Portland Good Friday afternoon present every Lord's day. Classes day. league. State T reasurer Holman, Banks M. E. Church , . . tBht‘aVl‘V ?n h‘.i h W,UI » ^ ent '• and evening. Guests at the M iller home S un­ who last week announced the a r ­ Sunday school every Sunday. for all ages. Morning worship. 11 m ystery play, "The Pan- Mr ami Mrs. John Jepson and day were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Felsher rival of a new granddaughter, Gov- 9:45 a. m„ Mrs H. Jensen, superin- o'clock. Special music Sermon. "Our ractice." You h e r s <-la«' »riday night in the family attended the funeral of J and family' of Beaverton. ernor M artin this week announced tendent. Preaching se rv ic e s b y Rule of Faith and Practic ¡„ lo c a l h ig h s c h o o l g y m n a s iu m L u - Jacobson In Portland April 15. Mr Mrs. O. L. Johnson received i that he also had ju st become a I Ellsworth Tilton, pastor, e v e r y are urged to bring pot luck din Lime Lumber of nil kind« welcome visit Sunday from her grandfather for the second tim e Sunday evening, 8 o’clock Ladies' ner and go to Forest Grove after Merne Deun and Donald Walker Jacobson was a brother-in-law of and Aline Boswell and Clarence Mr. Jepson and proprietor of the tw in sister, Mrs. Niels Anderson, As is G randpa Holman's case s o , Aid meets first and third Wednes- service for the dinner and fellow ­ Cement Z urcher have the leading roles. Moulding« w alnut orchard south of the Je p ­ and family of Toledo. O ther vis­ G randpa M artin's new grandchild days at 2 p. m. tf ship of t h e county association. O ther characters in the play are son farm. Please let the pastor know if you Planter Sn«h and Door« itors at the Johnson home Sunday also was a girl. | —::— John Koehnke Sr Is 111 have no way to « o and autos will Bill Woods. M ildred Twoky. Alda w ere another sister. Mrs. Oscar Ola«« and Glazing Beaverton Church of C hrist Lehman, Lois Russell. Vera Mc­ Lath be secured. C hristian Endeavor. 6:30 Miss Helen H orner of Portland Purcell, and fam ily of Salem; Mrs. Oregon motorists can thank the Next Sunday is Bible day and Elroy. Ray Markovich. John H an­ spent her Easter vacation with her Builder«' H ardw are A1 Jacobsen and family of P o rt­ giant magnet which the highway we urge all new m em bers of the p. m. Junior, interm ediate a n u sen C edar Poets and M arkey Sayre. parents, Mr and Mrs J E Horner land, a niece. Mrs. H enry Bass, and departm ent drags around over the I Bible school as well as the old young people Evangelistic service, Cellar Lumber Fuller Paint« Henry and Stella Gurske, Erna family of Portland. Mrs. O. L. Jo h n ­ state for saving them the annoy- ones to be present Do not let the 7:30 p. m Song service assisted by SPEED MEANS POWER Sim antel. Florence Haase. John son’s father, C. T Hammen of ance and expense of innum erable large Easter attendance cause a young people's choir. Sermon, "Does Oak for farm They last ! S tar athletes have throw n the und Regina Neumann, E le a n o t Portland, is spending a few days punctures. Last y ear this magnet slump. Notice that t h e evening the C hristian C hurch Believe m 16-pound shot nearly 53 feet, but m achinery W ater Salvation?" Baptism al serv ­ w ith her. Veneer Wall Board picked up 22.671 pounds of nails, service will begin 15 m inutes lat- Virginia Sllihpp of Hillsdale vis­ spikes and bits of wire, every er than form erly Preaching next ice following. Wednesday, May 1. a man, if he had the energy of Spruce Lumber average-sized car going 40 miles Fir Tex ited the school here and w as the piece of w hich represented a po- Sundav morning and evening oy church school conference. 7:30 p an hour, could put the shot 4 . . 4 4U U Z O U H T , in a » i . j u U . . I I ___ . . . , • ------- Thursday. May 2, 7:30 p. . I m l l , . per guest of Joan Hail. Brick tential puncture. The magnet cov- pastor. Mid-week service Wednes- m. Poultry Netting E F. Atchley, representative of ate? ,hc O re«on s ‘a «f Mo Q uarry Opens «Incorporated) ered 5317 miles of highw ay during day at 8 p. m. Services for Sunday Tile Block« The quarry opened up for its 1934 at an operating cost of 84 as follows: Bible school, 9:45 a. in., Anti-Tobacco league, will deliver Let s Quit Killing" safety cam Collections H ardw are Cloth ( redit Reports an illustrated lecture. Friday. May season w ork last Monday. This cents a mile. Elex-O-Glaaa T. B. H arris, superintendent; com- 3, In 6 p. m., the Ladies’ Aid is spon ' paign. He could throw It nearly 10 year it is being operated under G arden Stake« ' miles he nad had the energy of u h -, u i * * * m union service, followed by preach- ues n if ne Cel-O-G la«« SERA management. A rth u r Mills The report of t h e comm ittee ing. 11 a. m.; young people's meet- soring an “Oregon Product" din is foreman. Oil and Turpentine Shingle Stain« n „ . D .y — S ; - « rS Ä Ä - 1 Ä o u X " ' " ' which has been investigating re- mg. 6:45 p. m.; preaching 7:45 p Mrs. W. S. Junkin of Tigard and lief conditions in Oregon is ex- m. We earnestly solicit your at- May 12. We cordially invite every- ard Personal Contact on Collections one to our services.—R. L. P u t­ daughter. Mrs. Leander Francis pected most any day now. The tendance at these services if vou nam. pastor, O ff.cjal and daughter Jeannie of Portland committee, which is headed by have no other church home —M Washington County Office a ., au • and Un°tticia, News — No order« too large or too «mall to receive visited Mr. nad Mrs. W A. Jones State Senator McCornack of Lane Putm an, pastor. All that is fit to print in Hillsboro T rinity L utheran Church Commercial Building last week. county, completed its hearings last our .sincere attention and service. and t h e county — Court, arrests. Public worship. 10:30 a m.; Sun- Mr. and M r s . William Heil and week and has been engaged in Second and Main Streets Pentecostal Tabernacle day school. 9:45. Serm on topic taX5 T ' w« ,d in «8- b i r t h s . Plume 3071 fam ily visited Mr. Heil s uncle, analyzing its findings which it will 151 W. Baseline St. Phone 2891 — Sunday school, 10 a Abide with Me”—Luke 24. 29 L ist A rgus’ lety EverX * '« * in the Hillsboro, Oregon William B urkeley of Vancouver, summarize in a report to the gov- m.; Sunday morning worship, 11 o’clock; radio service of the season w ill be Wash., Sunday. ernor young people’s service. 6:30 p. m.. heard over KEX Sunday at 1:45 Mr. and Mrs Leonard Hallock I . . . evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. T ues­ p. m. You are cordially welcomed and son of Portland visited Mr. The board of control is now en ­ day, 7:45 p. m.. p rayer meeting. to w orship w ith us. and Mrs. C. P. Syverson Friday and gaged in an inspection of state Saturday. Mrs. H erbert Barnes and institutions, dropping in on its su- Thursday. A pril 25, 7:45 p. m.. Bible study. Saturday. A pril 27, Methodist Episcopal Church fam ily and Doris Syverson . of . Port I perintendents w ithout w arning and Nicodem. a missionary from C hurch school. 9:45. Miss Rose land visited their parents, Mr and giving them no chance to put their Frank India, who is home on furlough, is Cave, superintendent; divine w or­ Mrs. C. P. Syverson, Easter. house in order for th e official in ­ Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Brooks and spection. For the first time in sev­ to be speaking at 7:45 p m.—Harry ship. 11. sermon subject. "One Downey, pastor. G reater;" Epw orth League, 6 45 Mrs. Mary McHenry visited Mr eral years the board m em bers find evening service. 7:45, "Christ Mam: and Mrs. George Watson of Aloha them selves able to ride in the Whosoever Will festing Himself.” Easter is past and Sunday. same autom obile w ithout flying at we look forw ard in our churcu (Above North Plains) Virginia M iller is staying with each other's throats, Sunday school. 10 a. m. Had a calendar to the coming of several her aunt and uncle at Tillamook. | . . . Mr. and Mrs. Hesterlee and fam ­ The house and senate comm it­ large attendance Easter, keep up great days, among which are M oth­ ily visited Mr and Mrs. J. Jersey tees have completed their task of the good attendance. The scripture er's Day, C hildren's Day and Pente­ ord is tem ptation. M orning se r­ cost. We invite you to join us in at Aloha , Sunday. __ . . . ivriouife kuv ivi,i.3iau»c revising the legislative juuiiiaio journals w mon. 11 o'clock. The sermon will be the worship of God during these and the copy is now in the hands concerning the church in perfec­ great days. You will find in the Portland visited Mr and Mrs. Ar of the printer, who w ill be tu rn ­ th u r Mills for several days last ing out the bound volumes of the tion. T here will be no afternoon or services of this church inspiration servire as the people are for daily living, hope for the fu­ week. legislative proceedings w ithin the evening going to West Linn to enjoy a tu re and a fellowship that will Mrs. Lyle Taylor visited Mrs. next few weeks. rally and fellowship meeting there. gladden your hearts. "Come thou Weaver, who is a patient at the • • • Tuesday night, regular p rayer for w ith us and we will do thee good St. Vincent’s hospital. Mrs. Weaver F rank McCulloch, public utilities sick, special music and sermon by —C harles M. Reed, Minister. underw ent an operation and her commissioner, is the pinch-hitting pastor.—Melvin E. Jam es, pastor. condition i-_ is _ reported _ - . c i favorable. • i. j I contact man for the state adminis- Bethany B aptist Church visited h is ! tration McCulloch has been fill- Pilgrim House Bible school. 9:45 a. m„ J T daughter. Mrs. A lbert Newton. S u n -, lng a num ber of speaking engage- Sunday, Low Sunday: Chapel Croeni, superintendent; classes for Give P ments for th e governor before services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. everyone. Preaching service, 11 a ,u T u granges, cham bers of commerce m. At morning prayer Pastor Henry m.. subject. T h e First Miracle r J ^ I / a r° O Chll !•! n Rain, rain go away— come aga in some other d a y ," sings the boy who wants to play outdoors. But we welcome a rainy day, for our job is not only to deliver water to your home, but to collect and store it in sufficient quantity to insure dependable water service and fire protection at all times. OREGON-W ASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY RICHARD E. WILEY, Manager Hillsboro, Oregon To enjoy membership in the A. B. C. publishers’ circulation records must be complete and accurate in all details. Strict accounting must be made of every paper printed, showing where each copy was circu­ lated - how each subscriber was obtained - whether or not the subscriber is paid or in arrears - or, whether the paper was given away without order or payment. Then the all-important information: HOW MANY copies are read and paid for? All these facts are secured by an impartial A. B. C. auditor from his regular annual inspection of an A. B. C. member’s circulation. It is passed on to the adver­ tiser in the form of a yearly A. B. C. audit report, the latest of which concerning this newspaper is now avail­ able. Wi 11M b )Pt®Mrq us One of Only Two W eekly Newupnpcr A. B. C. Member« W. «t of the Rocky Mountain« 1»