Thursday, April IH, 1935 H IL L S B O R O par ra n t par annum from tha U h day <>f M «y, IlLI'l, and lha fu rth e r atun of $62 94. I mawm paid, w ith Inlaraat thereon at lha rata of 7 par rant par annum fro m tha IGlh day of M arch. 1934, ami lha fu rlh a r »um of 917.00 w ith iiitere#l tharaon at tha rato of II par ra n t par II) o'clock W cditraday M arniti* annum from tha 26th day o f M a rrh , 11136, lo ma directed and delivered, com* m antling ma to m ake «ala of tha real proparty haraln aftar described. I haw lav lad upon and pursuant to »aid Enero- Ih .o. O ido r und Decree of haie, 1 w ill on Monday, tha 29th day of A p ril, 1996. r o i l SA LE at ll*a East door of lha Lourthou»« In W a-iiln gto n I Hill-» ounty, at th e b o n i >f tan o ilfM-k a. I Hoover potato digger of I «uni duy »••II at public auction the I lio n Age potato plantei highest bidder for «asb hand. all of I lie follow ing «ie-i I Led real property, Iy I Jo h n D eere c u ltiv ato r duale lu Wushingtl l I* (N o service lea* than X6a| Headers. par lino !<>« (N o »ervice laae than M r , (Xnint Words Hand M ■!■«> Count Your P ro fit* Il I ark la v a Heading* N«»i par« in llla .| Cash ahould in pa ny th * order. O ui o í fa ir nasa to all no Inform a lion on tha claaalliati paga w ill La *,»•«» out u n til lha papar la laauad. I. ANNOUNCEMENTS J I C O S I. A V agricu ltu ralist fru it g ra fte i Nuiaerym en »ay grape* < annoi ho grafted 3V luche- above ground I may it ha* am i can I»«» done D o n t pull your old atock grape« See Frank M M illar. Ilillahoro, Kl I. I l - I t 9-l>ip r. V I B o D ¥ knows th at our Perfect biua W h ile Diam ond* are priced lower lhau lin a i jew eler* prit a Im perfect • tone* Anderson • J e w e l« y «tore Mb Phon«* EAst 4128 ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Nine N O T H E T U • R F D IT O M S S unday a t the G eorge G oodm an In tha < ounty < ourt of tha State of hom e. Or**g> Alm a Mix« B y rd in e Rogers, d a u g h te r of Tichenor, Deceased. M r a n d Mrs. C h arles Rogers, won N ut ice la hereby given that the under- 1 first place in the first y ear typing "igned has l»een by ih r County Court of | W a«hlniftoi, ('o u n ty, Oregon, duly ap- ! contest for accuracy a t the H ills­ pointe«! ad m in is trato r w ith the w ill an- 1 boro union high school last w eek rf Edith • M ary» A lm a 1 I n e r d of th< A l e x B e lla H o n o r e d ; P . T . A . a n d second place in th e county. ¡ 'lì» honor, deceased. and hai duly fjoal- Born, to M r and Mrs. Ben B ilet- ifird as am li adm inl»t rator. R e -e le c t» O f f ic e r » ) A ll person* having claim * agsins iaid e r of P o rtlan d . A pril 8. a girl Mrs t in- » «lala ara hereby required B illeter is th e d a u g h te r of Mr and to w ith proper v« m her«. at Mrs Jo e Rich at (.au rei. Or« i on. Mutite : my reaidet" (Ify M r* H u gh Bur«letle) D iv isio n II. 4-H c o o k in g C u b m et I: I : I. or at th law office of M ORENCO - Special E aste r s e rv ­ W ednesday aftern o o n in the school Wa«hmgt«,n ( ■< nty, O re- in If lllabor ices and m usic w ill be given at gon, w ith l.i aia month» from «late hereof. I lunch room . D oris R ogers and I luted and firs t published A p ril 1935 the com m unity ch u rch a t 11 o'clock D orothy P a rk s gave a dem onstra l.a»t publication M ay 2. 1936. .Sunday m orning. | u o n on th e use of fru its and served PAN P < H A M K E llH , A d m iu iatra to r. Alex B ella H onored ; the class. w ith the W ill annexed, o f the Estate of l-.dith I M ary» A lm a Ti> hem.r, De« «-a.-rd ! Mr and M rs A dam B ella e n te r- Mr and M rs J c S ta rk of Van- M H Hump. reei.leiM «- am i add re» *- 1(111#-| I tain e d w ith a b irth d a y p a rty for co u v er visited M r a n d M rs W F boro, Oregon, A tto rn e y fo r said Estate Orenco Church Plans Service '' h a I,,. , h . Cu uniy Court - f the S tate uf Or«g«rn, fo r W ashington County, am i that »h« 13th day uf M ay, ISIS, at Ihe hour ..f s so o'clock Is the fort-noon of sai>f objections thereto and the »ettlenient thereof. Bated and firs t puhliahed A p ril 11, 1936. b a te of last publication M ay 9, 1936. Ib W A B b N W E IN B A U M . Adm inis- tra to r M orris A (Juidsteiri, A tto rn ey, 410 Y ^ n Bid , . P o rtla n d._________________ SUZ 1«. 15. 19 *"ï SEEDS—PLANTS E A R L Y s*e«l p«»ut.«e» I’i a rly Rose. »‘Hi • und» 7be . B ritish Queen. I(M* »munds .c linparkal Fee.1 A G rain Co.. Her- ond Avenue S««u‘ h Rhone “ I ’ H) 1.1» G rains W e h»*e complete stock Kr-t-lewnsxl hswvy Victory oats, re- ■ lennesl w hite <*ts, re-cleaned Kanota .»ts. Han nr hen barley Also field and »•srden sesat» O ur price« are r£ght Second Im iie n a ! Fee.I A G ra in C- V A»e jMMith Rhone »'I E A R L IE S T A ll -ejsl '" L , “ ] : B itter. 91 6n per aark Mr George Kt 1. Phong I l l ' l l N o rih l-ls ln .. 9p H ills bon*. plant» Il X BÒA IN S «m all k in d - *f 8-9p I armera* M arket. Hlllaboro. YELLOW Dent field com for sale. 6c He north county lb. L H I Mtf borne Rt. (liants, Oregon s traw b en y IM P R O V E D II per HI«« < l-> .g - Meacham Kt 2. 9 Banks, above M uuntslndsl». V I I T O K V — I .mis fu r sa » " “ ¡ .7 . ,»n. RL «. I’ u rtla n d Pluma U \ __________________ — r N ,l I W H IT E »emi Ilerggren, 4 m il«* n«»rth of I D I I s I h o «« 1-» near Scotch church H A N N B u C .lir .H K 7 .r N « barley oarit-j and prlng - »1111« ,»le. F rank Behulmerleh. I hone Uf I m *PO 6K! large fo r SEE M«H* Itr««.. B « mlville, *! «If filbert tre«w boaring *!*«• 1 P L A N T NOW .« ir.g«i applea. |»ean«. cherrlea. plum *. o r i n ^ ' g i K ” . sprleots. w alnuts, fit JE 7m da. chestnut». « W " '" “ - T.mtibernm, ra -p lm trlrs. I .txi-rrliW roee bushea, *hada l r r **** ..kcrur«vma’ rh.Ml«aien«ln»na. camellias. L e iX .» « I« " * f l- w r in g P w eM a. flow erin g cherries * n’,4n_l>“i},,(| prun- plum W e «1«» landaraping and prun " : i , r 7 a . ' ’r ; : ' ’ r f i . * .m r ,rn u ~ 7 »' R e Jd JlIU Alot« H r«* Nurseries. I ’hone tf Hlllaboro 2(>24 1 lt(» R N I.E S H Voungbarry idanl.^ f ‘.r »nie. Pater N Vandcrrnndcn. Iti -, ('¡rim ai flv« m ila , n o rth on J"r” 1 H««*« i • » a « I . ____ , _______ ____ _ ItllllD O D M N D R O N » . .•«malli»«, »«aleas, haalhar. and'ands of nther .hulea ornam en tal ahrubs. Hedging „lau ta, f r u it traca. flH 'ert». «• grnpaa. Imrrlaa. tu rn a tu the nuraarX and aalai’t yourw. Landacaplng. atn u t s N uraary. Hlllaboro. B r « I ' j-m H * « d j - eiw.1 nf tirane... Z mllaa north o f « «•*- villa Barrica »tatlnn. UI. HAY ANI> »EKO and vetch hay fur sala. »7 60 ton. 9tf Phone I I I 7 W , Furent Grove tons mixeil HAY. lulled. for «#!«•. bright ilm n th y, »10 per ton. All nl. well cured hay Nn *<-<•»• " " Francla Chalm ers. C o rn ell!». I h.u a Hillsboro ID FX d. ___ _____ OAT " I \ i t \ i M M H IM H ' FO R SA LK M eyer, aulntnallc irrig a tin g o u tfit, complete w ilh IJ«0 feet of pipe; I »prnyer, pump» IPOD « • '- Iona per hour II I.. K ille r . L. «ok S I. Phone SIBH. « -H HO P w ire. No « and «. ■''' l>>- • 1l *, ',’r widow ,.nd • v- Mali«, and farnllv w hJ have Torn P ie re n and c h ild ren of Hel- vcl,a and Miss Elrna G o ttlie b of Mr. a n d Mr*. G eorge F ord a n d tm s’ b ^ n ^ M e C ^ l i y r e t a t t v e A t a t 0,16 SCre- 6486 o i H iu ,b o ro > S00«* n e ar H illsboro Mrs G ilb ert G ross of M ultnom ah sons B illy and J u n io r of Kelso th e M ailers h ave reached th e ir d e s - » - r o o m house w ith city conven- is spending th e Week w ith h e r sp en t S u n d a y at th e G. A. R o b so n . tination. ¡ences: garage, barn, c hicken house. SOI1 C alvin G ross, and fam ily, °Rew T C D uncan a tte n d ed a a l a r g ^ o J Ì r ^ t t Ì n d i d * h , -son- A re a l b arg ain a t $1050, term s. , «, , z-. i B u In - lo Mr and Mrs G ail K arn s a t Jo n es hospital. A p ril 10. a girl, m eeting of th e P o rtla n d P re sb y - card p a r t y and dance at the M r X te n « at C latsk a m e T uesday. ; tain d ale com m unity hall S a tu rd ay n am ed Jo a n E lizabeth. Mr an(1 Mrs j.'ra n k H ath aw ay evening. M rs E arl H ollenbeck and . . . . . - _ J 1314 M ain S treet and c h ild ren of P o rtlan d spent I L oel H ollenbeck had high score Hillsboro. Oregon and M rs W illiam Joos a n d H. p la in tiff apply thereon the *um of 1233.75 <-y • « < < i S m ith second A nother card p a rty — now in the hands o f p la in tiff as Execu- Mrs. Mary' Yantti Buried on Monday I I KH T P a rty M a n y ; F a m ily M o ves , th e ir son, A lex, on his six te e n th b irth d a y F rid ay nig h t P re se n t w ere M a u d e Horrid, M argaret and B i l l y z. . . . .< C u n n g to n . B y rd in e und D onald and B urdette, M orris M cEntue, B ud B aughm an Georg«; Cxergei, E thel, Rose M arie . und , AI‘,’X ,ie lla T h t e v e n in g was H IIE K IE F 'H H A L F hi the C ircu it C o urt of the State of O re­ gon, for th«- County uf W ashington hus- A J. Biche and Eugenie Bi« Ii POULTRY hand ami w ife, p la in tiffs , vs. Max|e K lttt.N ZE t>irkey ha «•hi llu ys ami .(«Mae Kay». husband and egga fur »ale »«.'«»unable J Pahnoille, *j-»iille north w ifa. Bank of Beaverton, a corpora­ tion, A A H« hrarnm, Huperintendent Union (HI station. Ito< te 1. («»rn«- llua. of Bank* of t h e State of Oregon, W-IBp Hhaw • i ear Company, a corporation. Ill'(,lli-J 4 l.«arh<«rn chhka, 9f«'4 pullets LOST AM» IO IIN D A nna B. Johnson, a w idow, C. M straight run. r«*«lu >! price« f«»r P rin k , J. W’ Copeland Yards, a cor­ l.t»HT fn a u «1 r lila« k put •« ii •xEllA May Ale«» «lepeiitlahle Ile«I» and liarre«! S b T Il E O F F I N A L H F T T L F M K N T poration. W. J McCreaity LumL«-r ('om - w atehouM*. Tu«»«lay after»»« I all Kock« at | m 6u iter UH», ( atalog Vl«- pany, a corporal ion, am i ( ornrnodorw In the <'ounty Court uf the State o f O re ­ Argua Sigi« Itoi . weh >.me llugh«w A H«»n H a tch ­ gon fo r the (¡ounty of W a»hington. Barney, Pelendant». ery. 10H0 I-.. Oak. Hlllaboro. Telephone I.O H T Hmall bubUUl. black ami whit« »15». 9 tf Notice is hereby given th at pursuant In the M u tte r of the Katete o f Bartholo­ dog. -««uthwaat ««f town Kewartl It. mew L H«'ht-ckla, becea«ed W hite Pekin dutk eggs. fide to an e*«H-utPm, judgm ent, decree and I M < luey, Mt. 4. Hlllaboi 9p (R A N T ____ Notice ia hereby given that A llrer per «ettlng «»f 12 llaby ducks, 19c each, order uf «aie issued «»ut of the atmve Scheek the duly ted. i isiifie.i from b rm le r« H to | (> I I mi each. F. It. rn lltlr« ! court in Ihe above en tilied cau«e and i tin g Ad m iniatraO ir «1« b non 10. M ANTED—MiM rlhnirous H aitian, ('ornellua. Ntf on the 27th day uf M arch, 1935, and w ith W ill annexed of the Kat. Si ll 1 « L I fur filb ert am i walnut meat». IIF 1 T F K Bed ( hi. k . 9»* f»<> per 100. Issued upon th«- judgm ent and d<< ree tholomew 1. Hehe»-k la, decea»ed. ha» f il- W ill« ' M i V«-«lr> lb I W .- - I P«niltry price« advMio ing Make money reml«*red in favor of the above lismei e«| hi» fin a l account in the (¡ounty Court p la in tiff« atol uguinst the above namixl w ard Hl l*««rtlaml. 9 11 raising fryers O rder maav «»f I f a r t ’a ..f th.- state . r Oregon f>,r w » hingt«.o H atchery, Beaverton h lop defendants, « om m am llng and dirtM-ting me (■«.unty, and that C A M . H U ( W A IIU A N T H aid Court ha- fixed to make eaie of the real property her«- . h h ,| p ta trh t N«< 7h. W arrant« up t«> IIA IlY (T IK 'K H Huperlor stock. H. (' ...ih i t » ..« M ..y A. I) IU36. in a fle r «et fo rth in accordance w ith «aid M .*!<» are h"W talle«l ami payable at W hite I .«-g horns. It I. Ite«l«, Barred eu-i utlon. at ten o «lock n rn f »aid day in the Judgment, decree and order ( o u r n y . o u r t ro o m o f the ( o u n t y C « .u r t lllllaboru Com m ercial Nati* bank and W hite Rucks . started chicks and of «ale. I n ter «M»t un w arranta up lo 14«i which ii u - e in t h e c i t y uf Hiii»b«»ro. Wa-hn.g- pullets. Visitors welcome. Prli-os to Now therefore. pursuant to and In were rallc'l heretofore, ha« wl l u ­ meet I'om petItim i, «ptality c«msldered. — com pílam e w ith »aid eaecution. judgm ent, to», C o u n ty , O re g o n , a * th e t i m e and ir «--i w ill ir«u« A p ril I*» «»1 ot her. ( alio s Hatchery, M< M m tivllle , Or«si"»> «lecree and order of «ale. 1 w ill, at the h ..n n u . . i d b n .1 M o u n t and M r. A G P m r« *n , Ilm (*«a|e No 6491. 2 tf hour ««f ten «/stock in the forenoon of all ohj«1*1*1 k of w*««l cuttei said sum has heretofore been 9-13 wfhich airad. I'a u l llttd lry. Bt. 1, Beaverton, and costa ami disbursements, »ell at adm inistrat w ho died F rid ay at th e E m anuel tvi«iit«w| tk »■!«- Z trg lir Bt I. Corne- garni»hee«l by the p la in tiff herein, and l*h«>ne Beaverton «Klin Sutf public auction to the highm t bidder fo r in P o rtlan d , w ere held if said sum when so applied ia in s u ffi­ hospital N O T IC K TO ( B E IK T liB S W A N I 11» Poultry of all kinds. W rite. <»»h in hand all the follow ing described W 1 N T farm hand, must • r «hie Io m ilk cient to satisfy said judgm ent, that w ill call, or bring Friday, H atunlay or rral property situate w ith in W ashington In the County Court <»f the S tate of O re­ P la in tiff w ill apply to the C lerk o f the M onday aftern o o n a t th e D onelson cows per hour Either «ingle or m ar- , . . , , ' I ' ’ 'U I, I / . . - ’ - --- — — • gon fo r W'u»hington (¡ounty & S ew ell chape! h e re w ith R ev Portland prices, ( ’«»unty. Or«rgoit. and more p artic u la rly M o iw la y b e f o r e « i«« I man, have llvluy quarters for In th«* M a tte r «»f the Estate >>f A braham abwve . entitled C o urt fo r an attachm ent •led and de»crii>ed as follow«, to-w it B Barden. Cornelius. 4«»tf 1 B urial b»ilh Jubu» ( 'h r laten •«• Bt 1, H ills ­ execution directing the aale of a ll of H enry S. H aller o fficiating IL hen. Deceased, The East tw o acres of the West boro 9 I w as at F ir L aw n cem etery the rig ht, title and interest o f the de­ N e is hereby g«’ that the under- three acres ««f |,«»t seventy-nine in fendant t ig s signed I ha. M rs Y antti w as b orn in F in- M A N wenlest fo r Kawlelgh routs of MUU 25. duly - on firme«l the ■ ,« - . I l l u d i by KIV W U' herein », in and to real ---- property Johns«jn hastate A d dition to Beaver- Love entitle«! court as executor «T the , W a*nington County. Oregon, particu- Ism ille« W rite Unlay Itaw leigh. Dept. ( K I S I I R W h i l e weanling Pig» for •ale ton-R rvdville Acreage, according to lan d A ugust 23. 1885. and cam e to la rly described as follows, to -w it : (» B b M S H A . O akland. ( » I l f 7-1 Up l.ast W ill and Testam ent of sai«i de<*« I W > f fe in I . . m e lit i« Ri I 9p the duly recorded plat thereof on the U nited S ta te s 22 y e ars ago H er Lots or tracts 142. 143, 145 and ed. and ha» duly qualified as such. file in the office of the Recorder of husband. Ben Y antti. died a bout 162 o f Beaverton-Keedville Acres as Now. therefore, all |>er»«ins having claims WORK WANTED Conveyances of W ashington (¡«runty, 12. ¿0. HORSES shown by the duly rerorded m ap and against said estate a re hereby notified Oregon ; a y e a r ago S he w as the m o th er «KW flie r and lawn mower sharpener I Plat there«jf on record and on file of M argaret, M ary a n d B enjam in and f* years together w ith all the rig h t, title , in te r­ and reapiired to present the same, to- hs-k again W ill pick up and deliver j M A D l l h b tear« in the office o f the Recorder o f Con­ gether w ith proper vouchers therefor, to est arid estate which the said defendant», Iba K I lu t e , Y antti of H illsboro ro u te 4 • n vicia lty of K i B s I h .» .. J«« llrv n . ’ ,1,1 weighs 1 veyances, W ashington C ounty, O re- undersigned the law office of 9 M a tie Hays and Je»»e Haya, had in and the «1 l(ill»l»»ro Feed ( «» Fh««n# 27» 9 « ««melius gon. to »aid pr«»i»erty on the 16th day of Bagley A H are, in the F irst N ational which Inquire lid T W O g<>«Mt work horses for ale real property was heretofore Hillsboro, Oregon, in November, 1927, and which has since Bunk Building. seixe«! ind attache«! by the S h e riff of 11. SALE or I R ADE—MlM-rllanroua 9-U» Hillsboro le tM (*«». i o in ni an i months n n iH n a ir « im mr date «ra ie hereof. n c re « u . *«• ------ id date acciued to them either <»f w ith six fr« the l u t r . 1 i h i . I 7 , h day o f A p ril. ISS«. ^ uun\ y ' O w n . ln th« above trade I O l.b HOltHh.H W A N T E I» A l.l American lb«»« h car radio t them , that said sale w ill l«e made sub­ I the l.aat ÍV . J J í l “ nd. c? u* ' ’ . " ,!ich * * ¡,) v ' Highest price paid 146 N Fourth even- (B y M rs. O. H . Peterson) D A V ID K D A I- r , Kaerutor f««r cow Rhone 2»e fo r Urn County. Oregon. E B. Tongue. A t- B A G L E Y A H A R E . Attorneys fo r Ex- St.ak double dis« o r pulveriser publication thereof in the H illsboro A r- ily. w ho re ce n tly b u .lt a new house trade A H Eischen GaaUm, torney fo r P la in tiffs . 6-10 eeut«»r. 9-13 Sewell, Box 174, Kt. 1. Hillsboro gus pursuant to an O rd er of the H »n- on th e ir ra n ch , a n d m oved in to it B-19 — --------------------------- Mtf (»rn •J79T rabie R F rank Peters. Judge of the N ( I T I( F O F S H E R IF F S S A LK in pi»- J HoBHh-H for »ale, weight 12<»u to 1"an Association, a corporation, Raper fo r four »ucceaaive and consecutive ill w ith in fla m ato ry FOR SAI.K— M lw r ll» n c « > u » | HoBHh.H for sale or trade for ro w i or No tice ia heretty given, that the un- and Charles K Carey. Corp«>ration Com- weeks, the date of the firs t publication been q u ite rheum atism , had a set-back, but is belam an, G aribaldi Ave deralgned has Iteen duly first I wood Bay the S tate uf Oregon and .i/'L*** r ppointed by ntaeioner of I H l A l t shase Id.ska w a o te l O | Rhone HOT. Adm inia- Statutory Receiver o f Prudential Savings i t h l u ir publication thereof being 6 tf the above e n tltlc l Court, Kt 2 . im proving. class Retar K ie l weg C«< K Knaack and V irg in ia R' f; ,r P Ia ,n " it I W 'a a c o c o u n t y. Three Io ten years . de . a.e.1, and has duly qualified as such. n f f . . v. 1 A IR B A N K H Morse «. « . .r r .. * B eazen of B ull M ountain w ere en- •V.w . th. r r f..,. >11 ..... ......... h a v I n n Kh aark hu.kanrf and w ife. Defendant». - K” denl * ,U>rn'J'.-. S t , ' e of Oregon. B ! weight I3m| A i r »'"* required to f r w e n t the hell on Monday, Ih e . u h day of M ay. B u ll81" « ’ H»H»boro, Oregon. K-12 eon at th e hom e of Mrs. C harles way I t f ........ 1 M R T Y lard barrel» f«*r meat pa rbtng. aame. buielher w ith proper voucher, n a n , ,1 i u ;o1. de N a tm n al Bank building. in Hillahoro puhlir aurtb.n f. r raah. all rig ht, title t„ “ ¿ ¡ . ¡ L L W * ,h ,n ¡» °In - . son E arl of K inton visited Mr. a n d W itch llaxe l sch«t*d. itf li»»r»d B *y lielam an Rh«»ne 210«. 4tf Oregon, w ith in six month« fr.,m the had and |..» .e ..e d by ' ' h< E “ , ' e of J D Mrs B ert M eyer recently. (Mtssessed by aald , s J U S T receive«! shipment of hoialern O re­ «late hereof. Sm ith. De«-eased. I I N C K p«wt» fo r aale. W ill «leliver lefem iants. nn or since the 20th day of gon horses Rrlce 96u and up. J. K M rs C harles D everell. who spent No tice is hereby given that the under­ 44tf b aled thia 21«» day of M arch. 1936. June. 1929. in and to the follow ing de­ W'etdser, Hillabor««. Rhone 21M2. 2tf signed. as E xecutrix of the Estate of J. several days last w eek visiting at W. C. T U C K 1.It. A d m in istra to r scribe«! real property: I » .Smith, decease«!, has filed her F in al Ac­ b*mis non o f the estate of aaid th e hom e of h e r friend, Mrs. C laud ( ARN A N D I HU N kll e f Lota n timin’ red tw enty-eight 27. count and ReiM.rt in the County Court H all in P o rtlan d , w as e n te rta in e d ceased Bagley A H are. A ttorneys t ATTEE 12 1 1 and tw en ty-n in e <291 of Wood­ 192« (Ihtsm ebile 4 d«-»r sedan, excellent “I » State of Oregon, fo r the County A d m in istra to r de bonia non. I land Acres, according to the duly re- w ith se v e ra l b ridge p a rtie s there. «ndlKon. 9176 cash - I t i O ak Ht p M tll.H T K IN hull. I t , y e a r. old. d o u b l e - ____________________ ______________________ of W ashington, and that Monday, the con led map and plat thereof on file t«M«te«l. for sale or trade Bay Delarnan. b T A B ( ’..utwter fo r »ale cheap A. W' 2"Ih .lay of .May. I»3&. . t ,h e hour of Mr. a n d Mrs. D everell also m otored G aribaldi Ave Rhone 2107. 9 tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the office of the Recorder of Con­ 10 o cltM'k A M uf said «lay, and the v\ a 1er l'hointe>l A d m inistra- Court a a . . the the tim tim e e and and Date of first publication A p ril 18. 1935. pointed by said v«»urt a»enue 9p to r w ith the W ill Annexe«! of the Estate Mrs. E isner H onored Date of last publication M ay 16. 1935 h L k «o " r ‘Î objections there- K tU .H T i.IN heifer calf. 3 weeks old, just " i Elixabeth E tta Preston, Deceased, by Mrs. H e rb e rt E isn er w as s u r ­ J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing- rA , , î*ltJ.ement î*‘ere' ,f right for 4-H club 1. work C arl Trach- an “ p ie r made and entered In the ('oun W'.rs « « r i ifs c n - ..... ■•« »«.«r « vu««- i ’.n.ntv O rcron Dated an«! first publt«he«i A p ril 18th prised in honor of h e r b irth d a y eel, Keedvilto. HKL W|' W » .h !n « t..n " c .m w v ‘ .m '*lh e ünih*“ b» f "5 SAMUEL H M A R T IN . Attorney for !?']?• D ’ u ot Puhli -atiun M .y I M K last T uesday ev en in g by about T W O Jersey bull» l i ' r K “ h i n ’ ' ’' m ^ l «l|. I» g row th f ir . 12-inch. 94 per c«»rd M , r ‘ h- l 9 "‘ - • n<' **“ ' >” *” ■ i u l f q u J « t ' " « « - B u lW ia«. P o rtland. O re- ** c \ l I.IE M SM and yearling. Ale«- Eischen. Rt. 2. . . . . . . , - - - - , ----- --------- - — 9-13 c Executrix. Collier. fifty frien d s and neig h b o rs at her M W ick. 114. N 4th A » r *P ( ornellua. 9 tf such A d m in istra to r. * ( «Miler A Bernard, Attorneys. 9-13 hom e. T he R. M. S cm t fam ily or"- W O O D B ID S W A N T E D N«»w therefore, a ll peraona h a v i n g ; a # » I.« I i.uis w ill be re. el ted u n til A p r i l , »R ^H J ; ' ' O • w .,|..u L le t«--te«l 1C. NOTRE OF FINAL ACCOUNT chestra, kn o w n as "T he R am bling claims against said estate are hereby R E P O R T O F A F F IL IA T E O F A «■ut houtt M ain Notice is hereby given that the under- 27 on 260 cords, more or leas, «.f 4- M ountaineers." fu rn ish e d m u s i c notified and r«M|rtired to present them N A T IO N A L H A N K • M.t ...«»atry slab wmwl. t • l»e delivered a n d d an cin g w as enjoyed. Mr. a n d on «»r hef«*e August 1. 19.36. to the TM»-e d xx C zn ^ s s ___ <«._ _____ . Mrs. R. M S cott a re th e p a ren ts .. h«a>! building* In Hllhd»«ro. as daaig- of Mrs. E isner. nated by the school b«mrd The lMM»rd iM s r r w the rig h t to reject any or all Mrs. D ennis of P o rtla n d spent H. B M«»rgan. Clerk. D istrict It ids se v e ra l days last w eek at th e G hol­ H-9 No. 7. 24. M o u n t a in d a le 4, N O T H E U t I IS A l, A( < O l N T in the < '«»unt r t of th«* s ta te of O re- . __ . f 1A/..U..... . fo r the County ... . prob 3« ll«*oartment of th« K . t » t , of O o iijlro In th« Yammia, «I. Noti«'« la y given th at the under- Bolma of P o rtlan d and Ed V ander- zanden. Mrs E arl H ollenbeck w ent to P o rtlan d M onday to see h e r father. D A K een, who Is til. E aster P rogram Sunday Sunday school w ill be ut 9:30 S un d ay at th e M ountaindale school house and special E aster services w ill begin a t 10:15 E verybody Is welcom e. Mrs. Vina Bacon of C ornelius visited a t th e C. S. R eynolds home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B R G u n th e r of P o rtlan d visited Mr. and Mrs. Loel H ollenbeck Sunday. E laine G a rd n e r is im proving from her re ce n t illness. Mr a n d Mrs. Jo h n M eier of P o rt­ land v isited M rs M M osim an S u n ­ day. Mr and Mrs. V ern R oehl r e ­ tu rn e d th is w eek from a m onth's 1,1 D ubuque and Anamosa. i? Wao Miss G1»dy’ Roe-hl spent M onday ln P ortland. Page Gardner Fractures Arm T o tal cap ital account ................ ' 975.1 000.00 16.000.00 2,691.57 3,017.54 ................... .... T otal lia b iliti« . ................. ...... ..................... ..... ............ .............................. M em orandum : L o a n , and In vestm en t, Pledged to Soeure 91,323.946.64 LiaMHttaa 9137,600.00 *"d °r ,U" T lru*r*nt« d 219,460.00 .....................................................— . o , " ^ ¿ X tT ' , T otal i>ledF*d pledged (excluding re d b c o u n u i 9356.960.00 . . . . . . i a ' A gainst circu la tin g notea outstanding tb i A gainst U n ited States G overnm ent and postal savings deposits (c ) A gainst public funds of states, counties, school districts, o r other subdivisions o r m unicipalities . . Total „ pledged 9 37.500.00 191,460.00 128.000.00 9356.960.00 " f Oregon. County of W ashington. »». * US « ' ' — V . I » mil»» m»rv", , |. "Il ■--» »>■■■»**»« ws— ■ . I u i s i r i c t n o . 1Z. I . A l f O Johnson. Cashier of the shove-named bank, do solemnly sw ear th at have been appointed by said tt'sted. for »ale or trade f«»r go«*d work w ith the W ill Annexe«! of the Estate o f .» Function or type o f bu.ines. the above statem ent is tru e to the best of my knowledge and belief. State u rt as the tim e and place for the near Elisabeth E tta Rreaton Decease«! Thos. horse L. T. W.ssiward, Bank in process o f liquidation. A l ' i r t 'S r e„S p a r e n t s - M r « n d M r s A L F O. J O H N S O N C a h ie r. 8-V II Tongue J r . A tW rngg fo r Adm inl»- *O. R Orenco. Phone H illeho r * " '! I» » »ettlem ent of .a id »bovg-named organi c ,C ■ in , the H e rb e rt D everell of C o rb e tt sp en t l’orric’ A tte s t: Lester Ire lan d . W m . C. Christensen, M P. Cady. Director», P O R T L A N D T R U S T A N D S A V IN G S - - »toek of the H ilh b o ro In the County Court o f the State o f O re­ Bank 2». REAL ESTATE gon fo r W ashington C«>unty B A N K and C. L . S T A R R . Exm-ut..r» of t » > r m ,r e .. th e w eek-end w ith his b rother. w ith bank xx-ui.__ «’ • agni i i ...... vi— r ‘inancial inancial relatm » I ia Estate t gg t F ». nf » — — t illia iiiia iii »»»a* i ■. ‘ » relations Am ount C h arles D everell. a n d wife. W ill and (he W m a. C. H arm on, de- ith I k - bi the M a tte r of the Last K II.I.S lK lR O husine»« building ceaaed. The«*dore Opsund. Attorney fo r ‘ in a ffilia te d bank. 9730 63. ing room», cheap f«»r cash «»r w ill trade Tm tam en t, of W . D. Sm ith. I>«*ceased. M rs. O. H. P e terso n v isited Mr. Kseeuttm . 8-1Z . B“ r r " w ' n'r' f ">"> a f f i l H t e d fo r »mall I ’.irtlan d house W O G ala- I Notice 1» hereby given that the under­ _ 98.30ti.00. _ and ____ Mrs. ______ A lfred G ro e r of B ull way. IlillalMiro t»p ’ atone«l executor o f the Laat W ill and I. A i f o . Johnson, secretary of H ills - M ountain recently. SUMMONS K ilt S A L E fw u »mail home. Sm all ¿5 W W . . D. D. Sm Sm ith, ith. d«*ci .Ie.ees»e.i ic o f . ,r” B ank* do solemnly «w ear i _____________________ the C ircu it Court o f the State C h ar lew ^aa f i l « i his fin a l account^ and report down paym ent, balance Chas . " * above statem ent is tru e, to the S u b scrib e nnw fr* thn A-c t 6 miles | ” •» •« » to r In the County Court Oregon, for W ashington County. C. Parson. Cornelius, Kt. 2 fo r W ashington B row nhill. I ’la in tiff. vs Charles Seamon. " f m> »»nowledge and belief 1 r L,ez>nOW tO th * ArgUS. In _ H-9p of the State «»f Or«q «»ut «*n »aurel roar ---------------- Sw. . . . . A L F . O. J -------------- , ?srego4L 11 50 a y e a r S i* m onths - - R ---- - - tto OHNSON. Hanson. O County, and that aaid fin a l account and .............. V ------------------------------ irg in ia - M ay Seamon, < Sw orn to - - - 96000 report has b«*en set fo r fin a l hearing , Seamon, Seam«»n, -\lfr«««| S«*«ni<>n. M r. H e nry ., ’¡T •“ » "d subscribed befor.- me 85c. T h ree m o n th s 50 cents Two F(»B H A L E The M acKay Wash «, . property, at ra s "...a and ~v settlement . . IT-I.’IV before »am said court i v u il g at gk the I lie- ( W illig Seamon, A lfin s Seamon, « F ° £ A p ril 1911. E. I. K U H - m o n th s 35 Cents. tf Ington . reet near FJ"<. »»'«><’• f - r m . , h ,r n . f In Hillsboro. Oregon, Caroline E a kin, Alfons Beamon, John Doe c u ta r> Public fo r Oregon, residing _____ _______________ ________________** reasonable A pply M H Bump, Seamon, _ Richard R«»e Seamon, Jane D«»e _ * i2r” : / >re»i"n. M y commission ex- | x w • r 1 «m Monday. A p ril 22, . ___ 1936, ______ at 10 o’clock ______ _________ vxo«- - - torney. m. o f said day. I Seamon, M ary Doe Seamon and Richard 1 J u ly 14. 1996, M O D E R N 6-r«»«»m house, cfoae In, t" Dated and firs t published March 21. 1989, I* • Xirvevr** --------- O f Last publication A p ril 18. 1936 | In the Nam e «*f the State of O regon: ¿ I ; ™ S H E R IF F ’S SALK OF trade f«»r acreage. Rhone 2091Z. H e nry V. Benson et ux to W illia m E. L. J. R U S H L O W , Kx#eut«>r o f the Laat i You. and each o f you, are hereby notified ?• ■ " k l FR T3 ON FO KKULO SCKF Froude. S W » 4 of Section 20 T S N R 2W . W ill and Testam ent of W D Sm ith, 1 that this p la in tiff is the holder of tax , .„ V * hereby / * * • " . (hat by virtue MUSIC CESSONS 36. James R. Rowers et ux to Louise V _u_u_____________________ i «««a *if delinquency ____i___ numbered 2599, or c Mi_ an ; Execution. •x*c“ *,'’n. Decree Decree and O rder of •Morse. W'._. of SW «, of N E * 4 of S E », M B Bum p, residence and certificate G E O R G E Roberts, graduate of music in Deceaae«!. issued to him on the 27th day of July. . ° “ t of under the seal «►f Section 3 T2S R lW . Berlin. G erm any, member organist club address Hillsbor««, Oregon, Attorn«*y fo r 1934, for the delinquent taxes fo r the , ? '¿Ju i* C °.Urt *2 the S ,ate ,,f <) r «“ 6-9 The S h aw .F ear Co. to E. W . M anning of C a lifo rn ia ; private instructions piano said Batate. year 1930 in the sum of 919.68 up«»n £ " , Lr C o un t>’, ° n th * 16th at your home. T un ing and re pairing at , ti’ ; 1 Mcre in L o t S06 Johnson Estate the follow ing describe«! real property: ???' .on " Judgm ent and NOTICE TO CREDITORS iiKMlerate 101.«- Rhone l.'s j. 7tf In the County Court o f the S tate o f O re­ SB BOOM S AMD AI’ YR 1 MI NTS gon fo r Wn»hingt«»n County. F U R N IS H E D 3-r«»»m dowmttairs ap a rt- In the M a tte r of the Estate o f Roaina O sterm ann. Deceased. mentM. One slngl«* room anil garage. Notice is hereby given, that the under- T lS 609 E. Jaebaon 9 signed has been duly appointed by the Haro ld H H u n t et ux ’ U>‘ ‘^Minnie T IIB E E -riM u n furnished apartm ent w ith above entitled Court o rL ‘.'¡" " A ,.m in ," .¡ra n ,: i , ï p rivate bath In q u ire 2611 Argus. tuf o f the estate of aa H o ltr in g et al. 3.76 acres in T2S R lW ■ . - „ I " " ' ' ...... •- h“ t ............... r , ’ r 5, RO O M S for rent, w ith or without meal-« duly JJ“ p r u p e r x v a s ' i o » i i o w T s ; Æ r«> r ' is .« ¡‘i » . Ä d S t ' Ä .l-i... _ _ i. a is . b e r , l i — ton-Reedville Acreage. ■■ H i. ( Ja ™ «™ hereby I f „ r j i z . g j fl,r 1933.3«. »12. John ... 39. HOUSES A. C rittenden et ux to M aud K n«»tifi«“ '« » « b-" " p ù l M i f f ? ' c m ü T a in ;' «.—... 1— ______ ____ 1___ ,1___ a m at VanA lstyne. " acres in Section 13 T lS house, 3 rooms. bath, com- to the undersigned at the law offices o f ‘„ toln tH T M ODERN ’ ’ fF° m * ° f P“ ymCnt hy an,¡1 f ,o r. ,he f ur’ 8er sum of 91.108.00. R lW . garage, on furnished. 1 acre. pletely Bagley A H are, in the F irst N ational a tio n al , " You ' " are 2 fu rth " e r . notified . . . that . ■ ."’•"’T " 25th ,h,\ day r»“' of O ctm ■ et ux. Lot I Block ¡1 G. W highw ay east of llillsbon». $13 plain - , „ r annum -Ince the v 9P Bank building, in Hillsboro, Oreitun, w ith Hagle. Phone 1981. t if f w ill apply to the above entitled her. 1M «, and the fu rth e r aam of »100.00 T r a c t,. "e ta g e r Acre in six months fro m the date here«»f. Court for a decree f«»recl«»sing the lien attorney's fees on th«« second cause of Chris Jooe to A ndrew J. J«>hnson et Dated this 14th day of M arch, 1936. 40. PASTURE JO HN O STER M A N N A d m iu iatra to r of ' ,,f IMdd tMxe* * ‘r"1,nRt * * itl v o p e r ty and suit set fo rth in p la in tiff's com plaint, ux. 2.22 acres in Section- 11 nd 14 n ix M a it .K M A N N . A .im in is tra to r of yoe Hre *ummone«i to appear in the ab«»ve and fo r p la in tiff's costs and disburse- T I N R2W PASTURE fu r about »lx heifer*. No the a, Estate of aaid l>e«*ea*e«l. Bagley A the rnents herein taxed at 921.85 to me di­ abortion. 92“ for seaon. H. Refers, Cor- Hare, Attorneys fo r A d m inistrator. C h arle. L. C racker et ux tu John H. 5-9 named court w ith in 60 «lays a fte r date of the firs t publication <»f this recte«! and delivered, commanding n»e to neliu*, Rt. 9. s rT Ì8 enR2W “ a l' 5318 ,e r " S w ,i" n summons, excluding the date of the first make sale «if the real property herein- T W < » ini -Itire# f«u '■•■nl <>i it«»ck pasture«1 NOTH K OF FINAL SETTLEMENT piihlication, and defend this suit or pay pay a fte describe!, I have levied publication, lte r described. levied upon, upon, and and A lbert Scheckln adm inistrat r t « by the head. James Sewell, Bt. I. the amount due as shown above, together pursuant to the command* of saitl Ex- Scheckla 98 85 aero« in «•a,..."1 H ill .bold 9 In the County Court o f the State o f O re­ w ith interest and coats, and in case of ecution. Decree and O rder of Sale. I w ill, u y j g R lW -ecti«»ns n gon, fo r W ashington County. In the M a tte r of the Estate of N ora vour fa ilu re to «1«» so. a «lecree w ill be on M«»nday. the 20th day of May. 1935 K «rl M axw ell Hush et ux to The East- I? FARM LOANS Thurston, Deceased. rendered foreclosing the lien of said at the hour of ten «»'cbx’k A. M of ” ’; f Lot * Oak G rov» Additi«»». A ll papers and pr«x*e#s in this proceed­ charles G. H epner. call fo r particulars. W ashington Coun­ titled court in Hillsboro, Oreg«»n. as the and all «»f them, had on the 2nd day ing may be served upon the undersigned ty N ational Farm Loan Association. tim e am i place fo r hearing ohjectlona to to . Gerald W. . J « • i M .vi arch, o « • ■ i , 1932, I , ««i o r mi at any m 11 y tim x • 11 «X e nmvx have . H ibernia Securities Cc .v ■ ra vv w ith in the S tate of Oregon, of I m i'.., ,ry Hillsboro 91 f said F in a l Account, and for the fin a l resitting since acquired . and o r now have, in „ iw el s acres in Section 26 T2S at i the tne adore*# address h nere#rter erea fter mentioned. . . » ... ■■■ and P W A L T E R K. H U T C H IN S O N . A ttorney <•» / b * f«»lb»wtng hounded and deaeribed " ' J settlement «»f said estate. .arm........... k - . -w...» - E * Th«»mp*«»n. executor, to W ilhelm « Dated this 17th «lay o f A p ril, 1935. Ad- rc* l pr«»perty. lying, being -..a. and --------- situate fo r P la in tiff. Residence and P. O. Aq_ H. W P R IC K E T . Adm inistrat.»r o f the dress. Hillsboro, Oregon. 9_U in the County of W ashington. State of Olson et ux. 22.04 acres in Hazelbrook D h ÌFV K t ‘ C ( l W e o f f e r * * Oregon and more p artic u la rly deacribed ra rm . Estate <»f Nora Thuratnn. Deceased. E. J W ashington county to Glen as follows, to -w it: M cA lear, Attorney fo r A d m inistrator. SUMMONS L o t. in lll.a-k 2» W „ t P o rtia ,i,I H eixh U . S IIE R IE E 'S H A L E Lots 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. In the C ircu it Court o f the S t*te of O re­ 26. 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 86. 37 and 38 C a rrie M K am .ey to P H P a ru ,ley e, Notice 1» hereby given, th at by virtue NOTICE TO CREDITORS gon, fo r W ashington County. of and In H o ffa rb e r Tracts in George of m ii Execution. O rder anti Decree of al. L o t. In Block 2 C u rtí. A ddition. For- Notice Is hereby given that the under- est Grove. Richantson D. L . C. in Sec. 35. T Hale, issueil out of and under the seal sign<«d has been appointed ad m in is tra- D- Shaw, P la in tiff, 1 S R I W W M . as shown by the Fred H . G raue et ux to Harlon Schlich- of the C ircuit ( ’«»urt o f the State of trlx of the estate of C h ristin e R e m a n ia , [ duly recorded map and t»lat thereof .. ............................ . . of W ashington. deeeeaed, by an order mada and entere«! G. F. Shaw. Defendant. Oregon, for the ( ’«»unty » £ « et a1, ° ' 89 “ eres in Section 3o T2S on file and of record in the office of R lW . dated the 26th day of M arch, 19.36, In | n (he County ( ’«»urt of the S tate o f Ore- T o : G. F. Shaw, the above named de­ fendan t, G re etin g : the Recorder o f Conveyances o f W ash­ favor of Charles Burgdorfer, p la in tiff, gon, fo r W ashington County, on the 16th M aggie P rin g le to J«»e M unn et ux In the N am e of the State of Oregon. ington County. Oregon, less and ex­ she is 5 acres in T ra c t 39 V irg in ia Place ami against Lee llln g and Ah Sin K ing, «lay «»f M arch. 19.36, and that cepting therefro m that certain tract husband ami w ife, «lefemiants, fo r the duly qualified to act a * such adm lnta- You are hereby require«! to appear in the J. C. P. W estengard et ux to John above entitled Court am i answer the of land conveyed by Rudolph H o ffa r- He«lberg, 6 acre# in Section 3 4 T lS R lW sum of 974.22 taxes w ith Interest from tratrti ber and Ida E. H o ffa rb e r to the All the above prices a re cash F. O. B o u r w arehouse. Now, therefore, a ll persons having claims amended com plaint filed against you in th«* f ifth day of December, 19.31. and John Hedberg to Erank R Róese et State o f Oregon by Deed recorded on the fu rth e r sum of 98990.00 w ith Inte r- against said estate are hereby m»tifie«l the above entitled cause <»n or before the ux, 5 aires in Section 34 T l S R lW S light e x tra c h a rg e for delivery. Jan uary 5, 1935. on page 241 of est thcreon from the 3rd «lay of A p ril, and required to present them w ith the U t h «lay of May. 1935. said date being Herbert J. S m ith et ux to Janiea Al»er b«M»k 155 of Recorda of Deed* of Sm ith, part o f Lot 12 Block "O " Metz«.*. 19.31, at the rate of 7 per cent per an­ pr«»per v«»uchera to the undersigned ad­ a fte r the exp iration of four week* from W ashington C ounty, Oregon. ............. .. Acre#. PAY CASH AND SAVE — TRADE WITH IMPERIAL num. and for the fu rth e r sum of 8250.00 m in is tra trix at the law office of P. L. the date of the firs t publication of this summon*, and If you fa il ao to appear t«> satisfy the hereinbefore mentioned sums Jgr.rMwri A ttorney fees w ith Interest there«»n from Patterson In the W ells Building. H ills H erb ert w J. n S m m un ith et ux to A rth u r G. fo r w ant there«»f the p la in tiff w ill apply and for the eoats and expense* of said p a rt of lo ts m the 26th «lay of March. 19.36, at ihe rate 1 boro, Oregon, w ith in six months from ■ nd 12 Block "O *’ judgm ent against b h I c and of said w rit of 6 per cent per annum , and fo r the the date of the firs t publication of this to the ( ’«»urt for M etzger Acres. Said sale w ill be m ade subject to r o fu rth e r sum <»f 8196.14 w ith Interest notire, t«»-wit : W ith in six m onth* from you in the sum of 9160.00, together w ith W illia m a i Ham pel et » ux interest thereon from the 25tli day «»f