H IL L S B O R O Page Six ARGUS. By M unch * N o t a K n o t h o le f o r M a c H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday. A p ril I I , 1035 Anrhie J e r « 1. «164 0 8 . A rth u r o»l»lty lati exp CXP. I l l Ellsslieth T«>dd t l A I ’ exp. « I . Calm Drui J««aa. »434 00 . 1\ mu M i l l e r . «193 «2.50 «6 99. isliuf ex ip «16 It). • ounty hoe exp >i .u», i>i ohat ion o ffic e r’s 49 Ital B n '* G a ra *« , «l . K N G rw ii, «106 on Hillsboro Auto ounty asses- »81 99. total t 4| »8 80 . J E Carpente) •«19 2 » . Charlie H ein ta. « 3 1 5 0 . George N4e, county Z II s If I „ r i exp. »23 15 C I. F a tt e » ’ -m . Juvenil« I relght. i r - ull Judge exp 84c. I. Hendrick«, •«• ’ llill«hon> Auto Freight. ry Tym ei 1 '«•>’ - »’»••■ > " h • p » “ • >‘ " » i • > 'i'1 »»•■•••' X I 'V It« '» 4 U V I IV J :3c. Cady M otor Co». 90c. Gu* Rale how, . ___ , ................ .. ........ - «H .M 0; • 1120 Corw in H ard w are. « 2 . M acKen- : _ Ivi __ k county clerk’s exp rrnm an H * ) l relief Mrs B Us I ley 04 Jlllllv _ I fie M otor C o . 132 44 H tlhbon* Lum ber ‘ 06. h r s k r •8 60. total 010.76, J«»bn I'lrenil Juitge exp »0. total 003 j Co |26b 42 Ku»ch'« Service Garage. Hi'hioeit >*'< ielle! lloullrt- 10 60. Bristol Luce, county clerk, «log It I •2IC »7 . Foid-G ardner l.u m lx r Co-. «S - ounty ho.« exp 006.46 Motor lla rd w a i » rxp. 017. M acKei ■ 40 Sahiu'w Brother* C.arage. 117 94». house e tn «6114, «ounty ja il eap W »1er hertff s exp 018 *- G ra n g e P lans Q u ilt S ho w ; Lenta A uto Parta. «2t> 83 . Brown * Ù n total I I I 69 Brts'ol H aid w a re Co . Grocery, w idow*' petition exp iSylvts 60. Shop. « 6 . Roger* M ill company. 1140.- Bean» 001. old age pen don exp |N C . E .iii house bldg fd. 411 44. The J K M rs . S m ith Hostess • 8 . Concrete I 'n e C» k . •414 9« L a in ( .ill t ’o count) soivevur’a exp. 017 wg Shipley» 0 0 . J E M x r Indigent -oldler hank M..rae A Co.. •4 5 5 . Y a m h ill Elec­ c«>unty sh e riff's exp fd exp «10. Jones h oipttal. relief Flor­ Cw«iy M otor <0 tric Co.. 112»». Banle Steel Co.. «104.00; Leonard Brow n, court house exp. in« e W u w e ll «10.70, M i * Henry kriebel 06 50 E J W o lf, «2.25. Pure Iron Culvert Ai Cate Motor Co., county sheriff's «9. total »01 «0 \V It Cuun. county 022 Ao (B y Mias M argaret M sth riaen l M tg Co «67 98. Phoenl* lrt»n Work«, e x p . • » ». Miller*» «tore. Forest Grove, s h e riff* exp. •« Sm ith Gr««cery. rrltel MOUNTAINDALE - Miss Ruby • 1U3.55 . Gordon <0 Finkbutnei Co.. «8 . re lie f F arla H all anil daughter, »10.07. Bob ko h lert. «1»' I»». Ih.m ias II Gentle Kohertnon He.ivy H a n iw a re Co., «« .« •; Reynolds entertained a num ber ot institute fund. 018. Caul L Catteraon. Hu*« h’s Service Garage, county s h e riffs The J K G ill Co. •2 3 7 . The Irw in - 41" 9»), Lenta Auto Farts, county Institute fum l. «•• A *• Wil><«o. ol«l exp. * friends at her home April 2 in h o n ­ Hothion conn»any, • 37.51 . Scholl* T ile 44 40, Perfection llskery, age pension exp » V ia Nelberger. »1" . • •■tiff« exp. or of the birthdays of her mother Co. Yard. 12.410. Saxton A Looney. t n t y hiwpitwl exp, 01 . Charles I Mels k lin g e ■ - re, ic lle f J F lli«»«'k< *4 «1 •65(>.3;t . Hillahoro Concrete Brick A T ile Mrs. C. S. Reynolds, and Mrs. Laura ' county judge** exp. 01 ; P<»riiand total » 9 1>2, The I er. o Devis 0i Co., «127. . 6 , J D k e lly A Son. •630 • («encrai Electric Co., county ja il exp je ll 62 (M, relief i Get Eddington. The afternoon was spent C C stole, m u u t) o Bitum ula A»phalt Sale« company, o iirt house exp 4119 94. total .1.1 agO (»..itanm 1,1 Robert Itoag us 01.95. in playing games and stunts. Guests ; • 5 5 7 .9 0 . Ilelaer M a c h in e A M arine W ork*. X) 4M.70. total »13.46, J 0185.00, i, ester Ireland A Company, coun­ .•XI« ill II w ere Mesdames Herman Crocker, , «128.40. Portland Bolt A M fg Co.. ty In's exp 0'2 80. court house exp 01 - h e riff, tax dept exp. »176 W Con nel «55.59. L a ri Hollenbeck. «500. Earl H«»l- Joe Baker, J. C. Crocker. F W 6-1. total 4 i 39 (.ester Ire lan d A Com* old age pen A It Dykm ati. M D lenbeek. «200. E a rl Hollenbeck. «257 45. . »I«'«», W 1 pany, court h«ui*e bldg fd. «I 66 J F o rt- slot» exp. Robert Mteveii Raffety, F. C Corey. J L Van l.eeler Ireland A Comi>any. «16 93. I'o rt- land General E lectric company, relief (Jennie Van- Cegg, old age (tension < domelen. Fred Jesse. E. E. Rice. lami General Eleetrtc ct'inpany «9 20 . «lief : .Hu an Irene A ltm an. 41 . Henry C Mchoene, «»Id Horn. «lee«Msetll »00.60 C. I Williams. C W Jensen. James Hillabon» Meat C»x. «2.35 . John A Ri»n M .»e Lewis. uge pension exp. 07; A E Hanson, old Ladvala. decease*! »00 6 b lin g '* Sona C«». of C a lif.. 653 25 . J ace (tension exp th ra 'ik T lllakenleei Mathiesen. B. L. Raffety. G. C I 032.60. Hivert b. Venu» deceased 1 age E Kaaeltine A Co», «189.07. A C Haag relief listi A ila ms 4i 6«t, total old age 4»t . 022.60, total 490. A E llansou Connolly. W K. Arnold. Louise A Co.. Inc.. «31.24; Feenaughty M ach in ­ M John I « I I ; 6 W C G iffo rtl, court house bhlg (tension cap, A h Fiakes «t. Wirtz. Elizabeth Harms. Mildred I ery Co.. «93.72. Ct»iu«rete Pipe Cu», «210.- Kilham Stationery A P rin tin g Itos« f»i. «36 Fleid 64 total •■** . Mwiui W Hergert, Thelma Raffety, Ella Bean 1 40 Colyear M otor Sale* Co.. »19 20 W h Co., clrt'iut Jmlge exp, »80*26. Leaven's county treasurer's exp, 45 80. In te rn atio n al Harvester Co,. »1.29. H**w and the hostess. Miss Ruby Rey­ Edwin tirxs’ery. tellef Mrs Oscar G ray. »3 . Ns Ilu n tle y . old âge pension exp. ani-C«M>i»er Corp.. »21 74. Vandervelden il Reemployment Service, relief exp. .Marshall. 4*2 . Carlaon A Hherk <'•> re­ nolds. Machine Co», «4.19. Logger« A Con- A lstar h a iry , indigent soldiers' fd. lie f Mrs J I I Keynohl*. »4.14. E A t i i a f tractora M achinery Co.. »21.19. M uniteli Grange Plans Quilt Show Helf ridge llr«»s., court house bldg relief Harah It l'ow ell. « I I . B ags'^l A S h errill. »207 70; M arshall W ell- C o . |lr«« Fuel ('•• . relief Jim Wlls«»n, 44 At the regular meeting of the fd. i)5c. Portland Sanitary Supply Co.. «35 t>9 . Frank k y le Iron W ork*. «45 . Mays B rothei* M ercantile Co . relief M»»g I b«»u«e exp. «|i)N.ü6 ; h e lls Drug W ashington G range Saturday Mrs H W Sharp Co». «6.13. The kimtln- g ie I I . - xer »10 03. M ln n ie C râne «1.0». district attorney exp « I 16, eoun- J. Sundquist. Mrs. Fred Meiers and W estern Road M achinery C»x. »4,885.75. total « I l 8 . State In d u strial Accident t» court exp l&c, county clerk’s exp W ayne company, «47 : J W Copeland Charles Chapman received the first commission, c« urt bouse exp «2 27, coun- . relief exp «3 70. total 07.70; J W Y a rd *. »1.93. t> S S h iffe r. »4.13 Mr l) h o s p it a l exp «13 .2. (otal »16 VV. 1 land Yards, court house bldg fd. and second degrees. D im er was And M r*. P E Lewi«. «25 State Indu*« l l i lls h o r o A rgu *. c«»unty clerk'a exp »'■'«• ?| 63 . Mr« Fran k P«igh, relief, 05. served at noon and was followed tria l Accident C4»nimi*aion. «290.42. State reasurer's exp 49.60, county 1 h R J N lm l. county herd ins|»eetur. by a program at w hich many vis- i IndiiN tnal Accident cornmi*«iou. «416.37 ; s h e riffs exp 03 00, total 038.6ti I« I Bushong A xiuly clerk's Ed Kebitake. «11.16 C Dillon. «'»7«. Kraus, county school supt exp. 64 itors were present May 4 they will Il * t » h I W iley, M I) relief H S Vandet'oevering. 19.76, P Yan- D ll* I*.levator Co., court house exp, (' 1 0 5 . I I . , , , n e W iswell 4. . H W Melhulsh have a quilt show and will also o.s .«•» m in»-, «« • w m H- ' b - « Hillalm ro Shoe Hospital, county js il e x p . « « u r t h-use exp 41 25 k Rushlight have Hillsboro Grange as their Hollenbeck. «380.95; A ir Keduetion «1 , Henry Ytnmg. relief James I* H t'u .-..url tiuu.p a«,, ».'i.l Hit; P .ir t l.iiil Sale* company »20.69. guests. Hillsboro G range will put er. deceased «22 50, relief Helen |-s»r| teral Electric C o .ounty bos exp 42" «5. M is H enry knei«el ».I. total »3 5»». Pearl Menai, widow«* i>en*i«>n, «15. on the Work of the third and fourth Slate In d u strial Acehlent commie All old npItittlUK whcol In the D r Fred H Richards, relief exp, »00; Am erican Law Book Co.. law lib rary 1. ..'o n ly h*« exp 44«, relief exp «106, degrees at this time. parlor anil (Ivo angora ra b b it, Hsgaiad Hrua. Fuel Co , willows' pen­ fd. «12 Perry Davidson, relief. «5 . Kola i l 61 89 . lion «Id F Tem pleton, euun- Miss Rhoda Toelle visited the , F M organ, old age |»enaion exp. «4.50 i...». «• . t-xp 4». VS «-«I h> .infectin g ('«.. liivant a llvltiK (or Mra. Hole R. sion exp, Cora Elsie M<*e, 64 , C L Van- Fred Toelle home Sunday after A Co , relief John Heine. • * Donald T Tem pleton, county em iri exp. nt» ja il exp. 4 ts 7 6 Aiohe M e n a n - Rice of Loa A n u d e ,. In one 5 koughitet 0, Htate In d u strial Accident roiniiili »6 . A lbert Johnaon, tax refund. « I 49 spending several weeks in P o rt­ Co., relief R A ld rn h , »4 9 9 . Port year, the furry btiunloa m ulti­ sion, i »eace officer«' contribution, «33 A litert Johnson, tax refund. «1.60, A b I (U n ita ry Mupply C««.. »8 93 Dr J land. Iwrt Johnson, tae* refund. 72c . F rankie plied into 100: mid from th e ir 83 . Klinge's store, relief J E llr«a»ks I || (in, m»re. I.««alih o fficer, 0l6o | | J Mrs Earl Hollenbeck. Mrs Hu- ‘ «3. Loren E Davis «6, total • 10 . Roth ' M allet , «1»« license fund. exp. »2 Chilcott. relief F rank Kane. »6; Sher- fu r Mra. Ittce aplua yarn (or h a iry , widows* pension exp . Sylvia Bean, j bert Smith and son E arl and Miss wt-od Vatley New«, assessor*» exp »106.. acurfa utid Wi‘at«TH which aho I ' » F ra n k lin P rin tin g Co. .-ounty 40. settlement on cancelled order. «30. Hollenbeck attended a dinner party « exp. 60.40; West Coast Telephone total »136.40; Gaston Meat M arket, re­ «oils for aa it it ic b na (S6 each. lerk county at Lafayette Tuesday. cirri« «4.80, county treaa 03 • lie f Bennett. 45 * Associated O il company, «VcarltiK a beret made (rout the o, ««ounty reeonler 03 56, « «miity asses- Many fisherm en w ere seen on i county s h e riffs exp. 127 . Lucy L Her Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. C. F. bunny yarn, abe'a atiown above or «4 20. county school supt «6 J . vey. court house exp. «52.75: The A m er­ Dairy tr e e k Friday at the opening Robinson Sunday. s h e riff 017.80. circuit | (¡g •lx* >l 05. county ican loiw Book Co., law lib ra ry fd. «6. Pain» and Iiuiigcstlori victims, of fishing season. Some reported with one of her clipped pete. Ige 06 30, county judge f i t . 06. county Mrs. L. Raymond is visiting her J K Peppard. b a iliff grand ju ry . »1 the catches to be good. . vey«»r 03 25. county ju ven ile officer why »tiffpr? For q u i c k relief front I. A Long, b a iliff circuit <*ourt, «5» sister at Vancouver. W ash, this county nurse 04.06. dial attorney s to m a c h d ls tre a t d o c lo excess a d d . thm ald T Tem pleton, county judge, «200 , J Mrs. Smith Hostess F Tolson. »10 Maude T aylor. week. 16, total 081 57 . H E Layram , county i r t a free aainplr o f ( h r ('d < a H D k e rk m a ii. county ri-m n iiu loner, Franc«*« Canby, «6 1 .1 » rtim bb.’ Vii, Four-H achievement program for «110; Mrs H ubert Smith entertained REEDVILLE—Reedville 4-H club Ben and Bill Trum p of Laurel easor'a exp 016.60, county clerk’s exp I r m t m r n t . a d o c to i * prescription James Lewis, county commissioner, K M Turnb*.w. »5 Mrs W Tibbetts. w ith an all day quilting party Wed­ held its first meeting of the year visited at the Unger home S un­ Tualatin 4-H clubs was held April «110; Glayds McLaod. clerk coxinty court. M a r y W s lk a r.,0 5 48 26, county »herirr • exp Í5 024 M artha W estfall. at th e H ilh h o r u P h a rm a c y . A d v 5 o , Raich Dr«?*aer, D M 2. Achievement aw ards w ere made «6o Esther Pirie. elevator o|>erator court Henry nesday Present w ere Mesdames at the C. F. Trachsel home Offi­ day. D . relief I W.sal, »8 Ruth W estcott. house exp. «34 .72. L A Long, ja n ito r G rant W <**»tenhnxer, George Stew art. D elbert Fowles. cers named are: Loren Trachsel. «10; James W in ­ Jesse D rake. 014 25 . J E Jones, dist . There will be no Sunday school ' to the following boys: Myron Bus- circuit ■urt house ; court hou»e exp. 020.1«. ton. 41. Mrs Ethel Patterson. »5; Mt< »ealer, 414.61. Fugctie G ray. Orin Darety and small daughter. president: Richard Hagg. vice-pres­ here next Sunday Instead all are well. first year: Robert McRey­ L o ttie G court, »« 90 . D r J II DU relief Ray i iffo rd , janitrees. court house. E.i W olf. 415. M rs W V Vales. »8. A. E. Willis. Loel Hollenbeck. Earl ident: Donald Hagg. secretary and I invited to attend the Palm Sunday nolds. Albert Gilroy. W alter Eames «34 72 E«lw C Luce, county clerk. «150. George Young. »• A h C ham berlain. Keighley 03 5 0 , H enry W eller 9. J r . third year: Merle Pennington. Z R H ia tt, deputy county clerk « 100 , »0 . Harsh E Buell. «5. Mrs Zella B a n ­ tv ja il exp 0|o, total 039.40. ( I. Oakoa' Hollenbeck. Amy and Helen Hol­ Howard Trachsel. treasurer. Lon services at Blooming. ja il exp 04.66, <*«»urt Hughs«, deputy county clerk. ner, 418. Lew ia M aule, ».'• . Ella II Plant. Grueery. county lenbeck and the hostess. Kinnamon. a new member, is just O rpha C arter went with Mry. Mil­ Clayton Nyberg. Wilbur Nvberg. Josephine house exp 03 46. to ta l »8 (u , |>r Charles «75 ; Eva Oakes, deputy county clerk. »5. M 'h e r P irie. »5. Elisabeth Green Mr. and Mrs O C. C urry of starting the project lllu e *. druggist relief exp. 4 • ■ Y M ler and daughter Jean of Scholls Willis Nyberg. Earl Sagert, fourth •0o . E laine t'ald w eil. «log license fund «•ugh. 4 t . Ives |lallsr«t. «5. Perry Da­ M cLe.*!. court house bldg fd. 014. P ortland spent the w eek-end w ith exp. «44 , Maud W H<«cow. county treas­ vidson. «6 . Painter Tucker. »10 . Robert to visit Mr M iller at Glenwood | >'ear Ralph Snipes Honored Kvcrylhiu* lu Insurance F ir tiio v e h a iry , county ja il exp. 017 - urer. « 1 0 0 . Lens Delplanche. clerk coun­ Kohler' «7 M r* P e te r K e p p ro , «5 th eir son-in-law and daughter. Mr M ary Mrs. W M. Snipes gave a b ir th - ■ over the week-end On the way 10. Itill«boro Meat Co county hospital ty treasurer. »60; J E Carpenter, coun­ Jane W eatherford. »5. W a lte r llorx-n. and Mrs. George Meacham. up there they visited Mi and Mrs. " A H th e K in g ’s H orses” Fha exp 05 00. county Jail exp I.'.’, 96. total IS S t H a a h I n » t o n ty assessor. »150 . Helen Steinke, deputy «3 . Fran k day dinner at h er home Sunday in M cCarty. «12. H D W olf. Miss M argaret Mathiesen spent 431 25 . J W Connell, - h e r iff county Fred Goetze at Gales Creek M a g n a r, S lM j Viola Sundberg. »10 A lla - r l M cM m nan. court bouac exp. • h e r tffs exp, 437 76 W iley's Gr«tcer>. several days last week at the Wil­ honor of h er son. Ralph S n ip es.; T Pyle received m inor back and W e d n e s d a y N ig h t P ic tu re deputy county assessor. «75; F M Bow­ 07.60; W alter E llutchtns«»n. clerk dis­ The guests w ere Mrs Ralph Snipes couaty ja il exp. »06 46 an. slip copyist county a «45 ; ¡ trict attorney. b u r Dillon home in Hillsboro. »100. James H Davis, “All the King's Horses.” featur m G rand J u ro r* C arl Claiuthaw, 0i> . I^»y- I and daughter G eraldine, and Mr arm injuries when he fell dow n­ F erry H endrcn, slip copyist county county recorder's exp. «9 5o. Mr and Mrs Loel Hollenbeck and stairs Friday. ing Carl Brisson. Mary Ellis. Ed W aits, ft 2 li» vxsrd Hughson. »6. seasor. «42 . Charles () R«»e. supt county Mrs W. Lorenz of Portland Old Age Pension Expense and son Howard spent the w eek­ McCloske Mrs Shampine of Beaverton was ward Everett Horton. K atherine hoapital. «34.72. Belie ( ’ Roe, m atron I , Himon llerahey, C orills AUisoii. «12. W dliani C A rth tr Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Pizer and I a week-end guest of B ernitta Sheet. DeMille and Eugene Pallette. will county hospital. »34.72; Ruth A n trum , »10. 04 2 0 . K (hipa. end at Seaside as guests of Mr. and Joseph W arren Adams, «10. Julia cook county hoapital. «49 72. Gertru«le A Bryan Mrs. William Hollenbeck. While fam ily attended the th irty -th ird »1<> . Alice M ary Baseomh, 4* be at the Venetian theater one M cLaren, laundress county hospital. »29 «d Jury W ane n» A rth u r I Kr«-eg­ < Brown. »10; Frank T Blakes- there Mrs. L Hollenbeck attended wedding anniversarv dinner of Mr. night only—next Wednesday. This 72 ; G ertrude Bennett, w ait res county Joseph FUNERAL IIIKF.CTOKS C T Mudgr li* . H E St spiee. lew. « Harah Boland. «10. Iledsrlg All* the P ythian Sister convention. ja n itn picture «presents Brisson as a shy hospital, «29.72 ; V era Hills, and «2 tiers« m »*' Alonxo Abner Clyde. »1" Sunday dinner guests at the N. i county hospital. «29.72 . K A Rachat, M ary I- Christensen. «10, Henry Halle« k d> Deiss. circuit ex -urt wttneaa and care-worn ruler who goe: I K i: N S K II F M H A I.M K KN Mr. and Mrs R. Chaney a n d ' nurse county hospital. «69.72. D r G F State v« I. J M ille r, «h . M ike W irak . H. Toates home w ere Mr. and ■ through an overnight trunsform a V ia . county phy*. » 1 0 0 , O It Kraus. Cox. «12. Jactd» C orrell, I* W illiam E relief C arl Frbl. |8 H E bayram , tax h u n a n t.-r. »9. Barclay Davis. »7. M ar­ Mrs. R E Fox and daughters i £amil-y of Oswego visited Mrs tion to win the love of his subjects «*ounty school supt. «150; Zola F M or­ garet h u ff. 4* . Sam antha lsalxdle Drake. dept exp » i l 21 H iII«I m .ro I Loraine. Edythe and Eleanor, Mr 1 Sue Isaacson Sunday A three-hour service will be held and his lovely but flirtatious wife gan. asst county school supt. «75; James »9 H I . E llio tt. « 7 . Nancy J h w m a n , ty clerk's exp «I 85. tax dept exp »4". and Mrs. J. B rennau and daughter . ..rs, L. Dean of M yrtle Point in the Methodist church, com er H Davis, county m o r d e r . «100. Ophelia »'. . A«lul« -ka D Frakss. «5, M artha county srhuui s u p i e x p «S. W ism er. deputy county recorder. »76; . 1? la ri n da ( •ray. 012 ! Edna. Mr and Mrs. A rlet A lexand- v*sited Mr. and Mrs C. T_ Imlay T hird and Washington, on Good W illiam J Gulden. exp «4 10, totai 441 9 6 . El» tbeth T«*ld Valerie Underwood, deputy county re­ 15 James Cohorn Gibbs, »8 . John F r-d - »ry. 9 . J L An* er and son. all of Portland. and family last week Mrs Dean is Friday. The service w ill begin at corder. »00; O regon-W ashington W ater I rlekaiui. 07 . J V H a ll. »7 60 . M a r ia n * der a..m, widow»' n exp tluldu Ryd Mr. and Mrs Eli Howell and visiting Mr and Mrs J. Mann in tw elve noon and last until three Service Co., court house exp »16.59. Re­ Jana man i«. I l 2 5 . E v er». log license > A H I l e i 07.641 ; Henry Gehrke, «7 , C L A IM S A L L O W E D FO R T H R M O N T H lief exp son of Gales Creek visited at the ■ Depoe B a y a lew days. Ethel Fatteraon «1.26. H F f ...d 4 7 5u . ka< Hump. dog lieease Anna lb .m n«nn. 06 Iteda Fredieka Johan- o'clock The different churches of O F MAK< H. IM S Mrs. Agnes Mcllvane of Cor­ W «• i »1.25. Jbe W m egardner «1.26, Kay aun. 06 4- . Arnuh ». d-g icetise fund, Peter Johanson. »6. fu n d Juhan 1 George Meacham home Sunday. the city will be responsible for Irene A ltm a n »1 26. \ • i Giilto». H>.rkay. 01 i .l Hat ». on. ,1-g lieenaa fund. «9 R. A H.- W V in in g , 111. 16. A rth u r lteighley «1.25 John II l.aml>ert. 0« 5.1 Mr. and Mrs Jam es Mathiesen nelius and Mi, Lizzie Quillan of various parts of the program. polonia W ilkes »1.25, total «21 I» H 01U A J Natl,tan Jui» 111.10; G* rga Fiaher, 029.94 K irk. »8. W illiam E A R u rtar, d<> at license fund. »6 Portland visited Mrs. W M Snipes visited Mr. and Mrs Alfred P eter­ There will be seven periods of Norman M orn, »2 7 90; Kills Watson Kelly, clerk circuit judge, «76 ; M ar- laxdvaia. «12. C in a ta te lia Kelly, «12. E vac. g Urani iso fund, »6. A J Ever*, several days last week g a rei D ixon, county nurse. 6149 J Ge«>nre >. hnell. « 8 . Thomas « Madsen »17.90. E C Kneppar. 12 79 . F F Maad d»tf Uransa fumi il. »2" . A J Evers, d«»g sen of Portland Sunday Mrs. Mary Olinger v is it e d Miss a^ ™ x " I’a’el5' tw enty-five minut W Connell, county s h e riff, «149 72 , H a r ­ 412 C h arlie llelw tg, g«*un* , H u i. 022.32. M S tew art, 0! I b a r lea I ’ M errell, «6 Robert Ful- llraru■» fund. • • Mr and Mrs Charles Newell and each Brief messages on the seven •2 .7 9 ; C Bert ry Johnson. deputy s h e riff, 6124.72: t«»n McLean. i tax dept exp I I I . - M ay. 123.71 |< Bishop. 110 04 06, M ary Jane M d ^ a n . ty cllark'» ax(. 41.10. son Vernon of Cas*le Rock. Wash . H arriet Mix in Portland Sunday last words of our Saviour from th»* A 11; Richsrd Busch, deputy s h e riff. »124.72 . «•' 41. t » D a p t^ .lf.r exp «7.02. to ta l »19 53. lbert Johnson, 47c Brown*« T in Shop Charles Ale«' M ar*. »7 . W illiam Reedville Sunday school is p re­ G ra n t Z u m w alt, ja ilo r «41.36. c o u r t F ra n k lin M agill, 47. H i P«»e. 47. J»at. W ell' visited at the C arl Jensen home re. county h«» exp 0210.« | m inisters w i l l be given during each 60c; J R Tompkin*. 44» i . m * . o it Ben paring the Easter program The C. house ja n ito r »4*> 36. total 6*9 72. M r* ounty > exp I . 94. old age pen n ,U . S t. T h o m a . Cum,,11. S t . 1. I. Mac ir Cochran Philip. »10. John Severe Sunday. I J M ! will hold a sunrise meeting. one of these periods Songs a p ­ i n t r r , . »137.77. I.. . .. Luina». » 2 ! » Z u m w alt. ja il m atron, «24.72 M arie tlw .-n i, | | 5 Kooert Joseph Potter. »0, . ,n «16.82, feehU-ruindeJ > Word has been received by E. propriate to the m e.-age will be Vernon Ko»,brauiih. »’..»» K A Alliaun Schmidt, s h e riffs office exp «41 36. tax A m anda Jane Peri«ins. »8; Ia iu ra Aitce i Fh.ren» I'n g em ach l «10.80, total I Everyone invited. friends th at Mr and Mrs. Clarence «26 19. Jam Lewis, roonty court asp »2.99; J W Harney. »199.72; W A f l i p ­ ilept «13.36. total «59.72. Lester Chase, P h illip *. «7 . A m aiula Pr«»ugh. 4».. Dan Junior Imlay, son of Mr. and rendered as solo, duet or by the per. clerk tax dept. «09.72. M in n ie Wyffai*. iel Prough. «6. Benjam in T Roaencrans, »115: H A Cunningham , f r u it horticul* < M ailer who left to reside in C an­ Mrs. R C hantier, ».'4.27 C. T Imlay, is ill w ith the congregation. . clerk tax dept. 649.72; O R Hernsing. turai Ins oetor. 08.1’); < hrt«tlan»en » gar » 8 . A nna l.e< nora Rotermund. «7. R h * ada. have been having difficulty in mumps. The public is urged by those in JiVon- 41 : F r ï^ ,t’ ,2a;îî.;.»T lerk tax ilept, «74.72; C lark G ardner, J Richey. 410; M ichael Reeves. 0 7 . Al* age. ihdii put -Idter«* fd i l l I I Goedel • reaching th « r destination. Mr. charge to attend this service. It one Gray. '022^02 / n o r m a n "Holxnagai.’ lerk tax 3ept. «47.80 ; Donald Gabbert, l»ert Mixner. 0 6 ; James P Rhea. «7. 8t»c . t a r Ison A Hherk Co.. Indigent Steve Cecil and J. Churchley of clerk tax dept. «46.41; Mahle 'ftw a ite . John I: Reed, »7 .’••• . J a m a Henry Re, M ailer has been stopped at Kings «oldler«* fd exp »M r* I I II G.-e.leh, 0 | 8 . I visited relatives here S un­ cannot rem ain for all. but for only E I» Lusby, » s » 5 ; j e M itza i, 10199 lerk tax dept, «2.98. Glaerty Raffety spent the week-end with Wanda Lytsell church April 19. at 8 , - p , m A I George rp. ~ . . . Fisher. 154.09, A R Vanderxan* tax collection exp 014 trital exp. «12 36 . Fairw ay M urket, re­ H J Getty home w ere Mr and Mrs Clarence J ¡¿j® ancj Mrs Frank Potter of the Apostle P eter as recorded in 1 ! 12 G Youngen. 333.48 lief Ja«ob B a rre tt »4. Mrs lve» Ballard D Herxhey Meek and son of North Plains, and p o __ rtianti ____ Acts .3:1-10 .After the beggar is I 932. M a h le I H a r r is o n Joe Schmidt. 35.58. W Sail«. H a y n e s , 6 1 8 ; I eter Ir«, janow -k i. | 6 ; George Augustus »5. Roltert K ohlert »6. total 014. W B M arion Jane Heard, «15 . Am elia Isaac- W ehrung, 07. Charles O *den W h it. Johanna and Agnes B aker of P o rt­ d ” r “ French of Portland b o u g h t: h5alcd h l' conversion is brought 1 3i i n John Bertie. 311.16, E Henson f. C«w»n, herd Inspector, 070.10; Cornelius 617; z\ltu A lice Johnson, «16; Stella Thomas E Young. »6; Juaeph Boyd. « . . land. A l Nelson. 311 16; R Kay. 311.- - John - Cash store, relief Lena Engler, 08. E the upper 40 acres of the Col about through a series of tableaux 319 k e a rn , «2»). M a ttie K ing. «16; Irene 1. Oscar Ahlström , «7 16. G N H a rtra m p , 32.79: Louin Donal M a rtin N h J Chapman A Co., c irru it jm lge exp, Mrs Fred Toelle spent last week mann farm depicting the work, death, and re- son. .Marshall. »16. h im . «7 311.16; Sil Nelson. 39.41; N K>ea K reier. «12. C atherine L itt le May C lark. 07 . Elixa- 015. E J Sewell, coroner*« im j fee. w ith her daughter, Mrs. Charles Mrs S. A. C otter w ith Mr. and 1 surrection of the Lord. Music and 3«.37 ; E East. 38.37; Chris T, haritr. 32.. Donna Schanrk M eredith. « 2 2 . Mabel t I-e:h Do« hi ridge. Benjam in F ra n k lin Bernard Hchwe deceaseil, »0.20; Dr Cora Elsie M««e. «32. L au ra I D o d d > idge Van Slake, of Portland Samuel It Mrs. L. G Burge of Hillsboro vis- sln«mg play a definite part in 7 9 ; A l D rie r. 32.79. J If Heri-er. 376.. M ille M r, u rra »15. G ilp in . ».*>. G I Via. oroner*« phy» Inq fee. Ber- y. «26; ( h arlotte M M axw ell. I W illia m Sherman Have New Bridge na. John Boee. 3104.76: Albert W ackner. Neil>erger. 07; Elisa- nani Hehwre r*. der«ra*ed. 910. I- J Hew- ited Mr and Mrs. F S. Elliott of these scenes. In act th ree Peter 151.61; Louie Mieke, 364.16 10 ; Gerd- Madland, «27 >• l<*rence J i-eth Harrison, »6 , Roi-ert () Hte» , and John are vindicated and C hrist ’¡¿J EM£Tpl. “ ¿e“ A new bridge was put in by the Corvallis Sunday' N — tor,. »2»; A n n . J »10; F ra n - » « . G „ , r . , Í. N rw n T n «12 i . l X '. ell, ■ i r< m er’s inq fee. Sever Venes, de­ ceased. »12. Ed Leming place last week and N - W' ,,n H iw lu n .. » 1 0 . . M a r c i li , / E l l - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell visited ' 18 trium phant Brady, u . 3 9 . J R Bam furd. 120.14; p Coro ners Juror« Inuueat Sever while it was being put in the traf- Vandecoeyeriny. 123.7.3. C arl b illo n . 116.. MAC B ir th d a y s o f To Her, Bunny S t u d l*í T w o O b served Loren Trachsel IS V liin p v »- STO M ACH U LC ER S Tualatin Clubbers Receive Awards President of Club RUSHLOW nei D onclson ÖC Sewell Phone 953 : Hillsboro sundav" w ° Cain of Scappoose U nion Service in City G ood Friday \ Count” Court Mountainside Roll H onor Announced h tv fh<* -----ïo u n tla iio n Think o f the years a lira o ! They can briny aecuriiy. Invest in Sav­ ing* and Iioan, and pro­ test your own interest. Free in fo rm a tio n a t your request. Bethany Group to Present Pageant Safe — lome at Esta- large cast of actors and sing- the Oscar Russell home Ridge ca(ja Sunday ers is comprised of members of '25/ Ed K**bitzke. 319.53 ; C W ybler, 313.94: ff .S Van- Mrs. H arry Schmeltzer went to ! the young people s society. decoeverinff. 319.63 . L F O M ara. «90.79. There is no admission charge and Richard«, 344.11 Manning Monday to substitute for G W allin y , 309.76; O 'M a ra , 341.50 B Dan ¡«da, 366 everyone is cordially invited. a teacher who is ill. J Collin». 32. U9; Elm er E Lyda. 385; H erbert Schneider and Earl Dem- W est Cuaat Telephone Co. ( T iy a r d i, 3 3 ’ West Coaat Telephone Cc., t t < < y T w < m*n attended a truck meeting in 315.30; A C W arren, 357.18; Donald Butt«. 35 Portland Thursday evening 5 8 ; Tony Kemper. 365.79; R Nel»on Mr and Mrs Matt Zimbrick 377.87 ; H Rpeilxer. 313.96; L E Sneed, Dc-lla B eriha A rrnntrong, 01»), D a n «6; Eliaa A bernathy. «7; M argaret Hager, Rock Creek 4-H clubs held th eir of Willamina ________ visited the John 31.04; H enry Gramen». 318.»:!; F re d Adam *. »-'. , Irene A ltm a n , 06, Win H « 6 . Stephen Tig lm an Black, »7; Can- annual achievem ent meeting at the Hitchcock home Sunday- Kno». 69e; Ralph K n .u , 69e : Glen K n o i Boulin, 62'»; Mrs Eliuxheth Bennett. «1»». field E Cheney, «6. A rth u r Zelotue home of H arry Hansen in the Miss Veona Russell is visiting John A. Dinsmore. Thomas H 99. W a lle r W illi«, 315.34 . H enry G e.ert C a rrie Blakely, 06; Auguat Boren, »10; Down* « , , M ary II Buxan, »7; George Bethany community A pril I, ac- Miss M argaret Henderson of Witch Tongue III, and W arren R. Weber 3 1 3 9 ; J W Kyle. 37 5»; w W illia m .. E E Bacon, 0»> C u rrie Barber, »6; Hunan M o rtlm u r Robinson, «7. I rrderlek W il­ B G N o reren. 31.04; A C W a r­ Bowen, 06 ;• M aggie B unker, 02.60; chil­ liam M adanlx. « 8 . James f( Hutchison. cording to L. E Francis, assistant Hazel, who is going to Los Angeles aR Hillsboro, placed on the 37.58; ren. 35.58; C W arren. 32.09; T o n y dren of C alvin Bunker. »15, 1 red Brake- «6; M ary Ho lt. «6, Melissa Kay Ri« h- county agent. John Hansen was Cal,, soon ----- " U niversity of Oregon honor roll em p ir, 36.SH ; Donald Butt«, 35.58; huxh. 0 8 . Ray Keighley. 016, Betty urd, «•», H a llie G Carpenter, »7 . Raehel aw arded a scholarship won at the I Mrs. L . . . Guild ____ ______ oomeN, 06; A nna CiiMtard, 08 . M rs Riley E McNabb, »10. W illia m F ra n k lin Sm ith, L. W. lost a new rust f° r the w inter term. To gain this i « H v ln 35.58; W ilford Nelaon, state fair and a certificate of ’ colored sw eater between Schoils distinction a student must make a { / ’J: ,P E M ille r, 34.88; W J Ball Boyd. »7 . J Bigg*. 010; M r« J F Cooke. 08; David Richard. «6; A n nie M aria H Eranel», 37.67; R Nelaon. »16; M r« Jam«*« Carson, 010; Mrs Frank N e ff. 0 6 . Jan us M urro w , 010; Em m a achievem ent was presented to the grange hall and her home Thurs- grade point average of 2.80 based ; 371.88 H enry Gramen», 330.69 ; Frank lark, »8; M in n ie Cox. 010; M ary J Yeouman*. 46; Ceeelia Beard, 40; Je**ic Rock Creek Dairy club. led by F , day evening. on 12 or more term hours. Gerald MnCollouith. 36.27: Fell» M rC ulloueh, 36.- hurch ill, 012; Mrs Bernice Comlm, »5; M H o lt, «7; Frederick H a rc ourt, 07; H. Jossy. which completed its work la C urtin, »5; M in n ie C rane, 010; M r* John W Curl. 06; A lva M W odell, 07; T. Smith of Sherwood was also on J 2 L : C l a r k 36.62 ; E W Liverm ore, • 19.39; G w n re aScheriintf. 136.91; Fred je Davis. 08; James N Davis. 97. < harles D Staley, 07; John F ranrix in 1934 100 per cent. the honor roll. Barnum , 125.11; We» Ban?, 125.11; C Jesse D rake. «4; A nna Eg ll, »12; H enry Gillespie. »7. Alonso C lap*haw , 47. Individual aw ards were made to M Roberta, 625.11 ; Georire 1'orifeaon K rtm an. 04; Joe W inegardner, »10; Josephine Am ato, 44; Lydia Belle JUIIy’ the following club members: Dick •2 5 .1 1 ; Fran k G arvin . •25.1 1; C K John- Em m a Foord, »6; John Fahey. 06; Ada 08; N o rm an A F u lle r. 07; M arion Theo­ (B y D aniel C a rte r) Jossy. Paul Dickman, first year: •on, 62.79; G E Vano»»e, |8 9 .6 2 ; Fred C u rtia, 0 5 , K a tie Gohde, 010; W H H er- dore Hutchison, 07; Daniel R e rry Earp, Mr. and Mrs. Ward and family Danzer. 618.84; V irifil Van«««e. «11.51 rish, 04; W illia m G eiflinger, 05; G ott­ 07; Sm iley C a rter, 0 7 . Albert T G illiam , H enry Dickman. Irene Hansen, (B y Mabel B. A lli«on ) Lester Rowe. «5.93 . Frank Ea-a. «5. lieb G rau, » 6 , Ham Garber, »8; George 47 . Edwin F M arahall, 4 6 : Fred Scheel, of Portland have moved on the second year: Jam es Davidson. Alan 68 . N Kie», «6.58. W V in in g «6.58; Hawriey, 00 . Lerm a M H a g erty , »8; E »7; John A llen, 06; C atherine Moris, place form erly occupied by the About fifty irom Mountain Home Detrick, A lbert Grossen, John H an­ Nelaon. »5.58. H D W iaw all, »5.- L H utch croft, 07. E rla H a ll. 07; C If »8; A rth u r Benjam in Holt. »6; Janpar attended the Sunday school con- ■ A 58 lfre d Krnent Townaend. «5.68. If Staehle sen, sixth year: Donald Jossy. Jacksons. Hendrickson, «4 . S tella ><(M»ver. »5 . D A M orris, »6 . V icto r Buckley Raymond, J H K a y’ w 8 Halle»i B Holm e*, 0«; Harah E Hum p hrey*, 06; 07; Louisa A M ill*. 06 . M ary Meyer, 07; J. McClaen of Portland was a vention at Scholls Sunday. Richard Francis Detrick, seventh year: Wil­ Torn Heren, «6.98; a M ill«. »1. A n nie Jonea, 016; m in or children of llr r m x n H enry Vogelsang, 06; Claborn _____ ____ week-end visitor at the E. W. Joyce has been president, but at fred Grossen. eighth year 022 . Rudolph E Bryan, 47; Rosa Newm an. 012; John held aSundav J o s e n h 1 L4; .,K. M i, b ’ C Sehmidt. «6 97. Chris Jensen, deceased. the election Sunday. Joseph Moving pictures were shown by C arter home. T rettC R r. sh w T s e ,e c t e d * Krause, »6, Pearl E Lundatedt, »20; Brown Hay«, 07; Joseph LaM o re, 06; the assistant county agent. Mr and Mrs. D. Pearson and dent. Raleigh Whitmore was elect- B arker. «95.76 ■ Th«ma« R«xwi. «95 76 Ritenour children. «16. C atherine Loux. N ancy M Doane, 07; Owen Rerry Kel- «10; John Lundeen, «10; f la ttie L a w ­ «ey, » 7 ; ('»ahella M cCallan. 07 . O A i children visited Mrs. Pearson's ed vice-president, and Miss Inez !! Lydia M Margeson, «0, Sanford. 012; Ellen V lcker*. 06; A lfred * 86-7 8 ; V»ri Sale».’ «62.84. ler, »4; Mr-. "Beginning with those first win- molher. Mrs. McCallister, in Port- I Steven- Charles M arshall, «4; Mr« M a ry K N e il­ N athaniel Trask, 4«; Cornelius R O rgan. Stevens is the new secret a ry-treas- v )r* [T w h ^ ’Jli2! ; . A rt"«.«!:' : ters of suffering in Jam estow n and land Sunday. icj of the association of district 75. A ndy P e t« .' 377.96; hWBH«m' v l n l son, « 8 . Abe N aught, » 6 , M rs Jane E 08; Charles F B arron, « « ; M orris John | urer M ille r, »6; H e nry N u tx, »6; H A Nedrow, Field, 08 ; A lfre d L Humphrey. 06 ; Joseph Plym outh it has been the Ameri- Firdale school house is being re- ' Sunday schools I , r u . - V . r i n if . » S I.H S ; JJon B u tt« J27 12 «6; E L H utch croft, « 6 ; Sarah It Rowell, R Lindley, »6; Jordeti C Snider, 06; can habit to render aid to those painted. Mrs A rena Courtney is a house C E l. o w n e r » S I.3 2 ; I ) A M , I . n a l, » 7 g J «15; M a rth a E Rope, »10; M r* T B F an nie Snider, 06; Fannie Grace Rar- who need it.”—President Roosevelt. Mr and Mrs Guy Grazer and