P age Four H IL L S B O R O Aid Furnished Fire Victims "After O ffice Hours" New Feature ARGU S, Laurel Union Well Attended -------- H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, April 11, 1935 Wilson of Firdale. Lee, Bernice and [ Lillie Brown. Alden and Arkle | | Credit Bureaus (Ineorporatrd) in County Trips Alden Rosevear, who is employed H ergert N am ed on P u rch ase | in Portland, spent the week end A ffa ir Friday N ight; w ith his parents, Mr and Mrs. Board; P lan O b servan ce George Rosevear. D avis P resident Fir G rove 4-H Club Plan» S ocial; Road Im proved Argus classified uds get i«’eult* Interesting Bits Plan Program Mt and Mrs Sidney Itothstrom 1 of News (ileatied and two sons visited Mr. Roth at Laurel Ridge strom 's sister. Mrs. Esther Hen- I drtekson. of Portland Monday. Rosevear and the honor guest. M rs. (Ity Krauel» H Harr) C ollections | — ( ’redit Iteport* 111 The gardon shows promise, hut Washington. Tillamook. Yamhill. If warm weatlier doesn’t come soon i polk and Marlon CounUet Laureiview calf club members I _____ it may have to he replunted was and their leader, Amos Watkins.) „ (By Mr«. F. L . Rrowul Personal C outuri on CollcuMons (R r Mr*. Bird McCormick I attended a dairy judging demon- l' A * ' « ‘LK!K Laurel Ridge the expression of J Heine of C or­ LAUREL About one hundred 3 stration nelius. _ Mr. Heine has one of the CHE1IALEM MOUNTAIN Mrs at the Connell B will • present a • program 11 » » Ilk 'll ill till V I'lU H II l » l ro I ’ l th l l l ers', 1 3 * PuP**s » *• • Fri- • I , Washington County Office m em bers attended the local Farm - dairy farm north of Hillsboro Sat- Earl Pearson's neighbors and ‘'veiling at B o’clock to which Hardens but is wait- C om m ercial Building i every ------------------- .u a - j I iih for the warm w eather to bring ers' Union m ecting in the com m un- urday Tlu, club one i- Is i- Invited friends met at the E C Wohlsch- ity hall Thursday evening. The W atkins home Friday evening AU ,, Nystrom children, Mary, Irene. “ '’J" Mer und and Main Street* legel home April 4 and pieced I ; m eeting opened w ith singing led m em bers but one and three visitors »illy “•“» J«»»«, resumed their Plume 3071 quilts for her to replace part of la "P»'> •»•>»*« 1 by F. L. Brown and the m em bers w ere present. IIIII m I ioio , Oregon those destroyed when the Pearson studies Monday after tin ubsence Wl” Cornelius route 2 couldn’t ' expressed a wish to have singing home burned March 26. Those a t­ Mr and Mrs. Cully Whitmore " e e k s due to mumps in ¡T"1*’ th*' "I'«mug morning The at all the meetings. Five new m em ­ and Josephine visited at the Leslie tending w ere Mrs. L. I H ulit and ■ il.l!h ,d 1 1,1 l(ock ,s Pr*"« bers were taken in and i seven more Mrs Clara Wohlschlegel of New­ ui * Lee home at C herry G rove Sunday KIchartl Joyce Surprised Iuulalin river according to have signed for berg. Mesdames George Saxton. B. •r membership, membership. A Mrs Xmoa Watkins visited Mrs. A group o f friends surprised .... , ^‘al ¡v in t h e mem bership driv ce is now on and j P arr of Hillsboro Saturday Mrs Richard Joyce Friday night i n hon- F Deford. Otto Ornduff. Earl P ear­ a l‘P “ ’«ter on the w ill continue until son. Avery Wood. W E and E C ntil the state con- resident of this or of his birthday anniversary ‘ /« » in W upato lake Is pumped vention convenes s tn Albany May , community, has been III for sever- Present wen- Mr and Mrs J. A i * Wohlschlegel. E. E Hoffman and 1 "'«king it loo muddy ...11. J ------ 1 ----- Vi-1 j . " for good fishing Because t h e Ira G. McCormick, Eva M attern. 21-22-23 The enrolkxi m em bership Strickler. Mr and Mrs. Harold ground is too wet to farm the G loria Hoffman. Miss Helen Homm i . , »• . k ! Mr- and Mrs. p Cooley and Aebischer, Mrs. Cora Joyce. Mrs. and Phylis and Ernice Wohlschleg­ m e local voted to nnance the bpr nu,tber Mrs. McKee, are spend- Fannie Snyder and host and host- country people hail a good op­ portunity to take advantage of the union baseball team as F rank Hill, | in# dayg at tbc R Moore eaa el. Social Planned manager, summed up the needs " f farm at Kelso w here Mrs. Cooley ! Juke W eber left for Fisher's opening morning. Qtllrkly and effectively WWianis the team. The first game w ill be '¡L a n d in g , Wash.. Tuesduy night ! .A '1. ,in . ye“.r!i baek D a,ry c,cek F ir Grove club social ------ will -- be .________ — -...... .. 4-H - -------------- —-—— — ------------------------------------ . . . . „ , . . .. , , is doing invoicing rids your sys- he »..«a bus a a mug long job on a a Jhoul,*J T ,ln?d w.lth «»hermen IL U. ,,t X Compound a,-l,l held at the school house April 18 Clark and Constance xsennerr Bennett in “A Hours.“ icaiure feature p ‘ nere APn l »< Mrs nay Ray Vorhees uccompanit ixi i w here ..v lara u Gable a o ie ana A fter lter u Office n iv e nuurs, ,, „ w ,, Buxlon , mrs. vornees uccoiuiNinieu joo on . ................. .-tiii.-,«.!r.. At least one mem ber in every fam ­ film at Venetian theater tonight. Friday and Saturday. It is an "ac- , " 1 lan'. H ergert was u n a n , her mother. Mrs. Jones, to Port- steam shovel handling heavy rock . 1 .. cJfy,*' aeco£d*n® wb. ,. is the cause of most tive and rom antic" story w I I herein the editor of a great new spaper T>' represent the local , bll,d xhursduy and saw her aboard je tty work near Astoria Mrs _°.n. I>" r/ .......................................... .......... .„.i.i! .......ui^ . .. ,i ily in the district will take part IC IIT II IIIV C U H U l U l »1 k i r a i IIV W > L X « U V I _> a o i l* » I I U * U U l M h l > M IIU IIV I H U IM IIU w x ’sg x m ill n a iu illl m in . _ *e . , . • . . / f t . . . . . . . . . . » I .. t»*ala«M n x iir lH u * ■» e l in a dialogue of which there will falls in love with his society reporter and solves a m urder m ystery Oh the purchasing board at Salem. , he train for her home in Illinois Weber will be tn charge of the f . >ear M ountaindale Mr Ruf- f ‘ '»netner surremrs Gable and Constance B ennett have F ■*** found sure relief In this m edi­ Supper will be sold at five cents O perator Resigns played together. Baseball Bailee Seeress ■ h ) types of lime, both for use on t h e , cine made especially for three con- a plate for the benefit of the Ivah Ludwig, operator at CO2VS. , . . . About forty dollars was cleared the Mrs. school. No admission fee will be Mrs. Joe Neitling. Mr and Mrs and J A. Thromson of Portland a®*' anc* *n the dairy barn. The Fir Sherwood telephone centrili. , Mr “ , Mrs. A A Robb are dltluns. Ask your druggist about charged Tom Shuck. Stanley Shuck and spent Sunday at the D M Mein- dale members are sponsoring the at the dance Saturday night for resigned her position Murch 30 homesteading a place on the Pump- Williams K. U. X. Compotid. for program to be given at the social ■ the benefit of the local baseball Mrs McKnight of Forest Grove *?n KI °f Reedville spent Thurs- speaker was George Simons of National Music Week will be ob- Wednesday Mrs Hanson was th e , bw n vis(Un,j relative« in Muuie i W it h Just F e e d T birthday surprise j t a n e r *S uj nday dav afternoon w lth his parents. Portland Four new m em bers w ere served here w ith a musical festival jfuest of her daughter several days sota returned to Ins home Sutur- WITCH HAZEL Witch Hazel in honor of her mother. Mrs. D. Mr and Mrs. D M McInnis. taken in. T here w ere about ; by the schools of districts No. 3 .1 *f.eek' . . . . I day by auto w ith his son-ln-luw bas two new pupils. Merle U m Hotlgen-BrewHter re ­ A. Otto. Present were Mr. and Gloria Hoffman went to Port- present Next m eeting will be 25. 39. 46 joint, 50. 80, 96. 105 and j Ladies Social club started a ) and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Harlun and H erbert McMillan of Iowa ??rSuuFred o S rabhA°,^n' M ra 5 F Hand Friday for a ten days' stay April 18 115 joint May 3 at 8:15 p m. at 1 quilt a ^ h e m e e tm g held with Mrs Schltchting Mr und Mrs. Schlich- T heir parents ure living on the liable, properly b a la n c e d Grabhorn. Berton. Alton and How- with an aunt. ' _ Mrs _ _ - - - Move to Portland • Chick feeds, Turkey feeds Gould unity A I m I l x eeting *1n^ r e . last Wednesday j ' u ‘ ’ njj in **“e* P » _ _ J / - » _ _ V.L- - <,11 K C o»»»x w in » « a ii a u u i, m i . x George a v o i v-s x m u , l the ilt t comm t i l l II1 1 U I I »I V l hall. la ll. x l I I l . 1 , | ™J*yI™ li"'5“1 • , . . , ‘S I intend IH IH U l to U I make IIU IM » their III II I home K I liH 111 1L I , » ^ T h ,,X ,n d ' Mrs Earl « ^w U er visited a sis- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of C edar was held a, the school April 2 for ‘ The quilt will be sold for the bene- Oregon They have lived in Mmne- Mrs '•‘iller has been ill with and Egg Producers. They ^ n a v ,“J? ™ ; ,e r- Mrs Collin C ree- at Newberg Mill moved to Portland last week com m ittee organization Those pres- 1 [ ‘ of ,hc 411 »ewung club gota durlng ,be ^ s, monthg flu for two weeks but Is better cost less. It’s health insur­ hA«tH a n d M r and Thursday Mi and Mrs Cree are Will Make Home Here ent w ere V erne Allen, teacher at Next nu-etmg will be at Mrs Myr Mlss Bertha Sheppard returned no" ance for your flocks. SS ll! Mrs Yute Austtn and h er b a b y ! Mldway, chairm an; G ray Ce H ughes,) Ue W hrtmore s home next Wed- lo Eugene Sunday to resume her »«•»«• «» Idaho had ra Mrs e p Sm ‘th vis‘ted in P o rt' daughter of Colorado joined her L aureiview ; Rose Laukat, Firdale; nesday^ studies at the Unverslty of Ore- Ml ""<« Mrs E L. I.indegren P o u ltr y an d P et S u p p lie s iridT v !and APril 3 wlth a daughter. Mrs husband. Yule Austin here Thurs- L aura A hlstrom G roner; H elen) Lloyd Dailey made a business gon after spending the spring va- have moved buck to Idaho They move« nos George ruxnra*» Gould, finnlH and grandson. frrandjmn B Rrnce day. Yule xule Austin and two tw o s sons nr.-»«»» itn iiiea l trip week. cation with her parents, Mr and by car und shipped their live i r n a a y ' a ai . , m e v veterans eterans hos- ruce day o n s R^ dig Grove, a «•»/< n d ' t Lucille tr ‘P to Medford this week of all kinds! pital. M r^and Mrs„ Wayne Brun- Br,n « who is sta^ing w „ h Mrs arrived here about three weeks S n „ e tt . Laurel j Robert Connett of Hillsboro Mrs. E T Sheppard stock by train ^on and ,!iilSi.R ay eClaI k anJ chil* Gould while his mother is ill. ago. They intend to m ake th eir | spent the week-end w ith his uncle, Mr and Mrs. J A. Stucky vis Mrs Frank Eliot's mother Is vis- Elect Officers dren visited him Sunday. He was Mr and Mrs Ha C(X)k of Wes, home in this vicinity, T hirty-tw o m em bers of the . . Sun- He enjoyed several ited sister, • Mrs William John- Ifbig in Klamath *. . . . . the . . . /¡cHincV Meyers. nvn.uiilinna _ __ her » wa.i 1 (.'I. .a ».. . ... . • to < -x Fulls, , ■ , und on Mr convalescing satisfactorily Linn were o’f * *•»-* her parents. Miss Zelma Levy . of - O strander. attended district Eliot hus *'•».« gone Okluhoma an Vfiocr Chirlov Tormon r»/ Pnrkûtt 1 a-«»*»» »*x»x guests w — ------- a day a y SC O O O I U llfllU C U UW U I S I I I U I | fishin« L • expeditions --- ----- 7 , , . SOtt, at MilWUUkiC Wednesday. —— » ...»•• Fred. Seeds, Fertiliser«, Hpmy« M r and Mrs. J E Blazer. A pril 3. ^ a s h . is staying w ith Mrs. Sam convention a t Scholls S u n d a y J a c q u e lin e Rockledge five-year Lafayette W atters of Portland extended visit. was a guest at the Rufus O rnduff Their ,itUe dau g h ter. Carol, who | W alters Telephone 3001 _ . , ‘ Raleigh W hitmore was elected KTeat nlef® of Mrs Fred was an overnight guest of Mr and home >100.0 her grandparents. ident an{J Iren<> steven> i Schmidt, was taken back to her Mrs George I. Baker has been visiting Mr. and Mrs Fred Meyer of vice Ask your attorney to send your I I »Tv Mr. Nix F 5 and 1 F7zv X e ... . I homo , ■» 11,\r♦ I •» •» <1 J Thursday ■ vv i , »•<, I n vz nftor* x -V_aa. Ernestine G uenther ¡ ^ urned h om e ” ” ' Shady Brook visited Mrs ^ e U r ^ o f ' H h - e ‘O rganization’ fo" home in Portland a f t e r . ; t Dr » S. x Grnffia of ■ P ortland legal advertising to the Argus' and Ruth Hillagoss attended a pro- Mrs J(X, Hutchens of Newberg Charles Boy Sunday (ht, ron^ nfl vear being w ith her aunt six weeks and Miss Maxine Dill of Six Cor gram at Laurelwood Sunday eve- substituted at Mountain Top school Mrs. G lenn Carr. C lark Austin. while her mother was convalescing ners visited at ihe W C Edy home rung. I , week (or Mrs M McCann and Mrs. Yule A ustin visited Mr « lass to mee» from an illness. Sunday About 17 from the Mountain Top who wae a, Rickreall w lth her and^Mrs A lbert Saindon of H uber da>Br™b ” ,Ste" n ° a ‘bushiess - ” r and Mrs w H McNay and Mr and Mrs W alter Führer Sunday school attended the Sun- mother \ i rs H Frew ing Sunday evening ^a y scnooi w in noiu a o u au ie» BiHy visited her slster. Mrs Har Ruth and Bobby Führer, a n d day-school convenbon at Scholls Mr and Mrs. Ronald Croig «La-1 „M rs- C harles Boy visited M rs a^ k ' k7 ..Lo’.,ne-v_ I’ortl“ »»»!Sunday. George Rogers visited friends nt vern Cady) of Camas. Wash_. vis-1 C hantler of Hillsboro ia s t. 'fVJday evening gh W hlt' | Charlie^.Schmidt, w ith the CCC Heaver Creek Sunduy All kinds of Mountain Top Sunday school is ded her ^ < , „ , 0 ^ , , Mrs Rhoda „ I « r »„d M r, R r MrN»v and I | camp at Mist, was home during the Mrs Ed Albin visited ______ Mrs. Jess ^ h r V - ^ ^ v e ^ M a-rchS, a n ^ l l e r and ^ 1 ^ a ^ J i ^ t ^ Mr a^ « K a? d - ^ - d k a^ M asonry M aterials - C oncrete M aterials and Drain Tile EFFECTIVE RHEUMATIC R E L IE F ! at Witch Hazel WHY GAMBLE Farmers’ Cash Store W e S p ecialize In . . . » e r ^ X r g ^ f “ l! ^ U d .^ H E X McN^ys’ niece. Mils C .eU hi»V“ . h'" ‘ P " “ “ ™ ' »>uilding experience and can G uenther has charge of th e chil­ day to be w ith her m other. Mrs j and danc® vdll be held. Stretch, of Newberg and Clyde fav„ rab iP Weber farm. Mrs W eber is plan- i‘ssi,s t -V' H* in *’u t y ° “ r P r o b l e m « HO WH t o g e t dren's part of the program George Maynard, of Oceanlake. Paddock of P ortland at the home 1 „ Mis Mildred of Bon ning to raise more and better best results ilt minimum cost. nenine s ^ n t S Brunson a t u ^ " night and a Mc H a n S d l B f O t h e F S Hold H ag ( rrrm ony f the bride's parents in Newberg Last Monday morning the Laurel R*’"d<' ’s*and Pe1 w ith chickenpox. rem ained for an indefinite visit ; noon. Mrs. John Davis was rc- Mrs John W alker entertained F1°y d P » ‘ard. in Salem Friday Mrs c w S tru th ers visited Mr. w ith her son, H. M. Whisnand. the elected president, Mrs. Cora Joyce, with a dinner Sunday compliment- Road Improved and Mrs. Lester Robinson in Port- other guests returning home Wed- I vice-president, a n d Mrs. Hurry ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 1 Blind tu rn s and narrow places land Tuesday. nesday evening. Schm eltzerp secretary-treasurer. F. Tompkins, of Portland on their on the Emigan road are being wid- Mr and Mrs. Chris Christensen Misses L aura Ahlstrom and Eve T im lv 'r I Mr and Mr Harold Aebischer wedding anniversary. Other guests cned. A crew of SERA men have visited at the J. B. Phillips home j lyn Hesse of Scholls accompanied X U IIL Z C r L d l l U I l l i I I H and family visited Sunday at the w ere relatives from a distance. j finished grubbing th e brush in in Hillsboro Thursday. Misses Irene Stevens and Lucille An Argus 34 years old and an 9 ’ Aebischer and Redinger homes Mr and Mrs Earl Pearson wish preparation for the grader F. L Mrs. Sims and daughter Mar- B ennett to the teacher's institute W O ULDNT to thank their friends for the Brown has charge of the work. garet. teachers in the Salem ju n io r , at Forest Grove Saturday. Miss Oregonian of 40 years ago w ere 1,1 Newberg found by Fred Caldwell of Hills- „ . ’J “ Sherwood Grange financial aid given them after the i C lub To Meet high school, visited during the Ahlstrom was an overnight guest ANY boro, when going through an old Rfbolls G range met with Slier- loss of their home by fire ! Pleasant View comm unity club week at th e J. A. Campbell home. of Miss Stevens. GAS ANDOILl Sunday guests at the L. T. Fini- wil1 meet Saturday night. A group Mrs. C. W S tru th ers spent Fri- Mr and Mrs W L. Stevens and landm ark at Tim ber that was being wood G range Saturday Twenty- gan home included Mr and Mrs of people from Linfield college will day afternoon at the J B Phillips son Elbert spent Sunday in Port- razed. A pparently these papers had .iv,? v,sltors from Scholls, Tigard, Hillsba-ro. and Oswego were pres- Jam es Rachin of Portland. Mr. and Put on a humorous program. Pleas- home in Hillsboro land with Mrs. Stevens' sister. Mrs served as wall paper all these wit. Two candidates w ere given ant view school children will sin g .) Mrs H. M etzentine w as on th e Clifton Bagley of Seattle, who was years Oil and gas mean This old house was built by thjfd and fourth degrees of the Refreshm ents w ill be served dur- J sick list the past week. 1 down on business. an much to your o in the social hour. Please bring Mrs. Roy Lietz of St. Johns s p e n t. Mr. and Mrs. William K err and Bruce Wilson, an Englishman, who ■nrJ T ' Haynes, who C o rw in H a rd w a re sandwiches or cake Sunday w ith h er parents, Mr. a n d ) two children of near Beaverton came to w hat is now Tim ber about k car as food and Nadyne Wohlschlegel of Scholls Mrs. J. L. Haggerty, visited at the John McFee home 60 vears azo Cedar snlit hoard« nad -Iust returned from a f e w and pegged nails w ere used. Mr W a,la Walla, W ash. w a te r m ean to and Vivian Zeigler w ere overnight | ------------------ Sunday. DeLaurice Cady of Hills­ Wilson built a dam across the Ne- 7 3 ,\,Sun1d??' for a ? JhdeH nlte stay j guests S aturday of Norma Meyers Seek Local Scrip boro spent the w eek-end w ith her your own physical Prize W inner for Last Week relatives and friends in Ta- Make Good Record W. H. C athcart, vice-president of j grandparents and her mother, Mrs. halem riv er (part of it is there Longest Trout caught by w e ll-b e in g ! Deal Pupils w ith perfect attendance at the W estern Reserve Historical so -1 Dick Cady, was a Sunday evening yct) and a w ater w heel to mill for ROY FIELDS OF LAUREL a living. He m anufactured decoy "27Z ------- 1 the F ir G rove school for th e six ciety of Cleveland, Ohio, w rote A. visitor there. here, and be sure 13% inches , weeks ending A pril 5 included Wal- L. A macher last week, asking fori Mr and Mrs Louie Carow. Mrs ducks and sold them to a Portland Vv P Sf I J m n n T YXC-lI hardw are concern D uring the last VJIIIOII LAJCitl of (he finest grade Watch This Spare for the Week’s and *rene Whitmore. Teddy samples of W ashington c o u n t y G rover Brown and tw o children Derby Winner'. Robert and Helen Voorhees, David scrip. John D. R ockefeller a n d and Mrs L. Stone and daughter, few years the house had been | oil . the best Ott and Norma Meyers. Jacob B. Perkins a r e honorary all of Hillsboro, visited at the Ja- used for a "hobo" camp,, w here Kas. H IIH IIIB H H M H M IU U Mrs L. L. M urray and children vice-presidents of the society. ' cob Schm idt home Sunday. Mrs. many men gathered to warm them-1 West Union local of the Farm ers' ’ selves by the big fireplace. j Carow is Mr. Schm idt's sister. Union met at the K P. hall at Mr and Mrs. S. E. Stoller e n ter­ 1 North Plains April 4 Stanley Hahn tained with a dinner Sunday hon- was appointed chairm an for the , oring his sister, Mrs. Frank Han- evening as the president was ab- ! I auske of P ortland on her birthday (By Vivian Hu«lnon) sent. anniversary. O ther guests were Mr Ross and Floyd U pdike delivered ■ A comm ittee was _________ appointed to tu e tOAO 0 O £ î« T MAFffg • The S K ID IS U H IM K H J A M . s u W H ite v iK YOU WANT P hone 501 j H anauske and th eir three children 5.000 cedar shakes to the T A be door keeper at the social meet- A. H. BUSCH, Prop, Mr. and Mrs W alter Schm idt 1 Dodge home of T hatcher Sunday rings, which are invitational affairs w ere Sunday guests Of her parents, [ March 31. | Members of other Farm ers' Union Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hulit of near N. H. Nielsen has been blasting locals are alw ays welcome. Non- j — | Hillsboro. stum ps and clearing land during m em bers will be asked to show I ' Ju liu s Christensen of Midway the fair days. invitations at door. Next social af­ ■ visited his aunt, Mrs. A. Naderer, Miss Vera Reppeto was absent fair will be April 18 with games j Sunday. from Banks high school last week and dancing. Ladies are asked to Velma Rosevear Honored with measles. bring lunch. Miss Velma Rosevear was honor Mr and Mrs. Willis H iatt visited guest at a party at her home F ri­ Mr and Mrs. Alvin H unger of Ask your attorney to spnd your day evening celebrating her six­ O rchardale Sunday. legal advertising to the Argus. teenth birthday anniversary. Pres Mr. and Mrs. C larence Updike ent w ere Verna and Alvin May of | and small son visited Mr and Mrs Hillsboro, Mabel JJau g h erty of Bert Owens in Portland Thursday • Mountaindale, William and Mick Mrs. W. R. Hudson accompanied I Reidweg, C arl Peterson, Melvin j them as far as Beaverton to visit Lucas, G ertrude Lorenz and Bob Mrs. S arah Criger. Buy Fine Jerseys o™™ SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD O ld Papers Found Correct Oil . . Spells Econ­ om y Mileage FISH DERBY Plans for Social Busch’s Service Garage Hayward ß It Àâiâ "fe tli¿ NORCE w / / '', , , , ; A HE 1935 Ford V-8 brings you the ute—built for the years. Welded all-steel most important Ford development body, engine and chassis improvements since the introduction of the Ford V-8 make it more durable than ever. Safety engine—the new Full-floating Springbase glass throughout at no extra cost. with Comfort Zone Seating. Look to this new Ford V-8 for every­ Wherever you sit in this new Ford V-8, thing you could want in a modern cart you ride ctnterpoised— between the springs. See it at your nearest Ford dealer’s nowi Springs are longer, more flexible, and the springbase increased to 123 inches. The A U T H O R I Z E D F O R D D E A L E R S result is “front seat riding comfort” even A N D UP, P. 0 . n. D P T R O I T ^ S ta n d ^ ACcnnnfTnup ntcituTtnn bam ptrt and spart for back seat passengers. tire extra, ! a sy term i tbroaxh Unite n a l N ew riding ease in the 1935 Ford V-8 Credit Ce., Authorized l ord Pmattce Platt, is matched by new driving ease. Control, steering, parking are easier. Starting and THE N E W shifting have been made almost effortless. Braking requires surprisingly little foot pressure—yet is surer, smoother. Here is a car that is styled to the min- • Let us show you how to keep “guess­ work” out of your selection o f a refrigerator. This Com­ parative R a tin g Chart enables you to co m p a re Norge with any other refriger­ ator, using only pro ven fa c t,. Come in and get one o f these charts before you buy a new refrigerator. 'xafes* T NO RG E ’4 95 O N T H B A IR —FO R D S Y M P H O N Y ORCHESTR A, SaadazEienin««, FRED W A K IN G .T h u n d irE x n in « « —C O LU M B IA N E TW O R K T he D octors S ay- A Quart a D ay UNCLE SAM SAYS DO IT NOW And th a t is the only way to build a husky, h e a lth y youngster! Your c h i l d r e n w i l l thrive on our milk be­ cause it is extra-rich . . . and pure. tional attention. Prevention of wasta w n r ih ^ * lt worth havinR !• worth aaving. "Save property and P er D ay on M odel 425 LESTER IRELAND & CO. Clr«"yoby , U now^ vice. It id true economy. *