Thuraday, April 11, 1935 H I E L S BO R O im much in (he duik as (he rent of us; and (here wmk little to be done until we hud Doctor Dore- iinis’ report. Burke came to the door unu beckoned to Iteuth "Say, Sergeant.” lie reported from the corner of hl« mouth, “t h u t Chink Juxt went upittnir« Hight with yuu?" Iteuth luoked «our, und s h u t Vance un unary look. "Now, what's t h e Idea?" he ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Page Three Vance. "He's frightfully upset, and ; ner at the W Beals home at For- therefore In an admirable state of est Grove. mind for questioning We'll keep Maurice Mundorf, who is cm- Wrede till later he’s teeming with possibilities " Grass! and the sergeant joined 1 I’lau Easter Service us a few seconds later. ■ I Lutheran Sunday school, under "Mr. Grassi," Vance began with- „ . the supervision of the pastor. Rev -------- I out preliminaries, "we should like C ornelius Club to A w ard Oeorge Koehler, is planning a spe- T hirty E n t e r i n A . P e i , M rsrr- ' cial Easter Assistina ire X t n , e r ,n A “ x d ta r y to know exactly what your social service. Assisting are S. S. V a n D in« rrizea ; N am e O fficers | urid professional status Is in this the teachers. Mrs George Koehler, P oppy P oster C ontest Unable to Work for Weeks, | house. We understand you have -------- I Mrs. George Feldman. Misses Wil- _____ • Sleep Impossible, Indiges­ I bean u house guest of Mr Coe's ....... . _ . . m<* Hammelman and Betty Huls- bawled for a week.” C o p y rig h t by W . H . W r l« h l C O I iN F I fll« 5 n 3 ■ *a i • P13"' O n Go(xt Friday Rev Koch- There have been several cases of tion, Nervousness, a n d Gamble entered the hull from club w ,7 rk , f 7d ,g,rli k r w,n ,p**k ,n German at !<**> r 2easle* r~ « » ‘ly Jack Butler of The Italirn had himself well In the dlnlna room ut this moment, W eakness Made Life Mis­ W N U S .r v lc . ¿The Meanin« of ‘he Cross ", the Junior high 8B2 class and Neva hand. He sat down in leisurely lie mdgtd b vththeg riide*Clh,X> W‘ unit Vunce uddre««vd him erab le; Now Feels Fine! rr.s,» s h 7 A ith.aaCi J improve- On Easter morning he will speak 1 z ,,,«,er the 8A class returned to fashion. ' Wlmt 1« I.lung doing upstairs?" award. d prn 18 in EngU,h “Immortality.” school this week after a week"s a£- The butler «emed perturbed ut "Yes that Is right," he returned, «Wln^ ehm TIIK HTOKT t ‘i f Mr* Geor«e Wllto» la UI with * n c e Vida Bean of the ¡A ctass "There is nothing like Williams Vunce'« tone, und replied w i t h looking at Vance with calm dis­ sewing club, Nitfy Needles." re- bronchitis has been out for several day? 8. L. K. Formula," says Mr. John upologetlc ubsequiuusnvss: C H A IT K R I -I'hlh. V sne«, . , p . r t In dain. "I came here at Mr. Coe’s th X ed, r ‘? sr' \ Ogni.U?P ol Mrs G«or«c Milne took part in Maurine Moore, the m i i i a i s t ^ - Gage, garage man at Highland • " M ill erlrn« myatarl««. la call*! in 1« "I told him to fetch Ml«« Luke'* Invitation a week ago yesterday. ^ . s t e r e v e 2 " . Api “ 1# an “ play Put on ’h(' Vrterans visor, missed several days of X l Kansas. In vaartitfwla lb « aup|M»ad aulvid« of Arehar tray, und tidy up her quarters. It was to have been a fortnight's ■2,i|l r. iKgi U«Jfc WMlll.y (HI H art« of Chin««« e«r»- d. n d ¡.rack ,ry ou' friday niKht at the Dilley school due to measles visit." m lfc. Dial riot A ttorney Markham ha« Shouldn't I have done It, sir? You "For years I had nervous head­ I «arum! (ha olnniniatanooa ov«r the tala> told me to proceed with iny dutle« "Hud you any business with Mr aches and acute attacks ot in­ phuM from Gambia, Co»’« bullar Gat- Coe?” t»n< na raayotiM whan ha had knoohad digestion. I did not dare eat many Vunce scrutinized the man close­ "Oh. yes. I am connected. In an » K t M a t ; s g g on b b aniployar'a had room door, Gambia foodx because they bloated me so official capacity, with a museum ••M be had looked through the keyhole ly. that for weeks I would bo aud had naan Coe aaalad, a revolver in "When he returns keep h I m of antiquities In Milan,” he e x ­ ng contest words have b e e n time, was complimented with a party Aoril 3n ^as^er much hie rfeht hand and a bullet hole In hie downstairs," he «aid. "And you’d unable to work. I was told that plained; "and I had hoped to be handed out to the fifth, sixth, sev- miscellaneous shower Saturday eve-1 The kr hi '•*U*4a. I’ba dour waa b o lle l from I be better stay here yourself," able to purchase from Mr Coe enth and eighth grades There will ning at the M E church 7 Mrs n r n X ^ ? r ia prelt-nt the assembly I had an ulcerated stomacfc and In ««da Markham and V anre yo to Coe's Guinble bowed und returned to certain specimens of Chinese cera­ be 10 contestants in the contest. Mattie Smith was the hostess for the hooya u New York*« 70. They find rd?ai^riday . aS 2 30 Everyone gall stones. Wfbda. a friend of Ooe*e, th ere, alao a the dining room; und a moment mic art from his remarkable col­ Mrs. H. Jacobsmuhlen and Mrs. evening. Mrs. Henry Behrman read ' cordlaily- invited to be present, 'Olru«» Oraeal. a yoaat Haryeant llrath later Doctor Doremus arrived A good n igh ts sleep waa impos­ lection." M McCormic have donated shrub- "A Letter to a Bride " Miss Helen ™ n t ‘hV ,he entert*R'- • ud D etective llm n eaeey buret In the Heath went briskly out of the "His Ting yao vase, for example?” bery for the school grounds. The Oliver, accompanied by M ise Beth U 56 a .real treat This pro- sible. I was as miserable aa I could revealluy the death chamber. Coe be, for the medicine I took did •• Ctykhed In a draaainy yow n. but wears room und down the corridor to the Grassi’s dark eyes became sud­ puPil« of the fifth, sixth, seventh | Cochrane sange "Love's Old Sweet K B. Rees Jones of Des Moines, Iowa, ? ? originally scheduled for ■ traet ahoea Heath cay« It la a plain closet We were close behind him denly brilliant with astonishment; and eighth grades have practically Song " A reading. "A Love Reciw " ! uin J « 5 bUt^ L ‘c to Mlss Moore's me little or no good. I began 'ct- Asaosiation cade of eotrlda Vanoe ear« It la murder. when he opened the door. Dore- ing Williams S. L. K. Formula an i»f Mutual r ire InfluranceCompaiiiea, but almost at once a wary look all completed the Book league was given by Mrs A. L. Brock.1 D postponed OHAFTKM II Hilda Lake. C oe« niece, mus, straightway assuming a pro­ a last resort. A few doses of thia who will !>« the principal »¡»eakrr at came into them, and he smiled work which entitles them to a After a few games suitable to the •aim Coo deserved death that he eob T h e. 8B2 class has selected pink down u n d state grade of 90. and a certificate occasion were played Miss Brown carnahons for the flower to be medicine freed me of my former ladod ear am las tbrouyh unfair mean« fessional air, knelt the annual agenta’ convention of with coid politeness. and incurred the enm ity o f (*hlneee, alao touched Brisbane Coe's body "I must admit I was interested of merit for completing the read- Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance - ,w as presented with the many ~ " " t by the,r parents to Parent­ misery and pain; I improved un­ ' guardian he cun India«! her ‘ Dead." he announced. Company, McMiaavilla, Oregon, In the vase," he said. “It is a mag- ing of eight books and making the lovely gifts About 40 ladies were Teacher meetings A group of girls til I enjoyed good health again r»<4«ine and waa pareimonlode. Medical Heath simulated astonishment April 18 aud 19. > a . nificent specimen, of the ampinra proper reports On May 17 th e 1 present. from this class, assisted by their Two years have pa.s.^d «Ince I I *an*J»er Param us arrives a n d say* "Honest. Is he dead? And me shape. . . . Have you examined it?" graduation exercises for the eighth ■ nlB ddl then on being aefced about car- Mrs Elizabeth Morris of Port- mother. Mrs. Hammer, and took a course of this medicine, and "No," Vance told him. 'T ve nev­ grade will be held at the Method- land spent the week-end with her *1**^ teacher. Miss Anderson, made I am still enjoying the best of (aid mywterlou» feature» by Vance, he thinking all the time he was play­ in a printed blank. "Here's your « hatiyea hia mind. Ma d eclare. Coe had ing ’pussuml” er seen it . . . but I think I've had 1st church. The eighth grade held parents. Mr and Mrs W R Cooke carnations for all the parents removal order. Sergeant." health." l« e a tlaad for h a ir . whan thr bullet Doremus snorted And In another moment he had a fragment of it in my hand " a ,'1? fft_‘n?M)Vedn€^ a y . , ?.r election and family ' There are thirty contestants for entered hia head. It la found that Cee Grass! stared "Take hold of his shoulders.' b«d l»aeo «truck on the head and one of slummed the front door behind Í Í Á 1“88 oftice,r* The following of- Mr. and-' Mrs. John Burbank and A L. K. FormuU “A fragment " hie riba broken. Kinaily a sm all wound And he und the sergeant carried him. u ch te r and M r. Edith Pzlok, Burbank R..-U __ l . bv ___ _ Auxiliary u irecu y on the entire system by ficers were elected: Marjorie La- daughter and Mrs by the the American i Legion la f.aaud The wound had bled Internally. the body Into the library and "Yes; a small triangular piece," Heath went at once to the tele­ Vance nodded. Then he udded: "I Foliette. president; Alice Wolfe, of Fir Creek visited here Saturday Prices will be given the winners driving out the poisons in your V u t a , from a closet, briny« out a ooat placed It on the davenport. secre- an< w a b teoet. w ith holaa cotaoldlny with and ordered the wagon from have grave fears Mr Grassl that vice-president; Harriet Fox. - -• — - - . Mrs J C. Parmly left Wednesday C. H. Nosier, superintendent of body, by building up the blood "Could you tell u s. Doctor, phone wound, «howlny Cod waa fu lly tary and treasurer, and Mrs. Louise for California to make an extend- schools, and R E Wilev a mem stream, by toning up the stomach, the department of public welfare the »i r — md when he waa «tabbed Gamble Vance asked, "which of the two Ting yao vase has been brok­ Cochrane, advisor , ed visit with her daughter H er1 ber of the school board sp^nt FYi- liver and kidneys, and by helping Then he returned to the library aunouneu« that there la som ething queer victims died first'’" en." In the front hall. Mrs G. W Brown nad daughter slater is making her home here in daY afternoon visiting schools in to bring them to a normal state "Now where do we stand?" he Doremus. who had been testing The Italian stiffened and his eyes Miss Gladys and son Leslie of ber absence. McMinnville so that you may again have good CHA IT E R III They find a wounded the movabillty of the dead man's asked, spreading his hands hope­ clouded with suspicious anger. Scotch b arter Vance take« the duy to The teaching staff was well re health. limbs, glanced at his lessly. "It's impossible! I was inspect­ Gervais spent the week-end h ere! Fred Deprez. who has been ill ■ veterinarian W red«, who haa become head and i for some time, is able to be out presented at the meeting of the "It's my opinion the Chink cook ing the vase only yesterday after­ visiting friends engaged to Mba Lake agatnat (xw 'i watch A healthy normal system Is the Mrs Joseph Cochrane has re- again. Parent Teacher association at the wtahaa. and Graaal, who haa been Cue’« "That's easy," he said. "The one did it. If Mi Markham would give noon. It was on the circular table yueet, are briefly questioned V ance eay« upstairs turned from Redmond, where sh e ; Mrs. Russell Continues chamber of commerce rooms Wed- best insurance against all diseases me the word. I'd arrest him now " in the library." The advance a I rigor the HaXtla «bouid prove an im portant | A speci„ meet,ng Qf the ljbrary ne«lay nigh, and ailments. Go to the Delta "Why such haste. Sergeant?" "There’s only a Tao Kuang vase vistted relatives i«tuaeeUau link. Gambia eay« llrb ban e mortis In the two bodies is pruc Drug store today and get your bot­ Vance "You haven't a there now," Vance informed him Officials Selected board was held at the library r - __ ------------- C«d. Arehar*« brother, who lived in the tically the same. This one might sighed tle of Williams S. L. K. Formula Iwaaan, left for Chicago th e previous after­ he slightly further along, but It's particle of evidence against him— Members of the quarterly confer- Thursday evening. Mrs. Edna Rus- L o c a l T m i m z * x / VS/zses "And where, may I be permitted noon. V aace declazw Brisbane could not been nearly four hours since 1 and lie knows It. That's why he The druggist wiu tell you how good _ _____ _ „ as librarian. Mrs. sell was _____ retired m ilC y W O H to ask, did you find this fragment enee selected at Hillsboro for t h e _ have t o n e to Chicago, as b b fkvortte it is.—Ad?. Cornelius Methodist church Sunday Russell and Mrs A L. Brock were want over (he other fellow There will not admit that he was here of Ting yao?" • tick b b anging In the hall. earlier last night." "On the same table," Vance re- evening are: Mrs W R Cooke, named delegates to the spring con- CHATTKK IV — M b« Lake declares fore. I'd say that this one died any "See here. Vance." Markham said, plied carelessly. "Beneath ”the Tao president of Women's Home Mis- ference for library trustees April c there was no love lost between Archer where from two to three hours bowlers won out •" in and llrb b a n a llr b h e a e e «ultcaae b found later how do you know Liang was h ere; Kuang." sionary society; Mrs R P. Shaw, 10 in Salem. the C. store ♦ -------------------— Say eight o'clock for the USED and N E W PARTS at th e railroad station In a coat closet one upstairs and about ten o'clock early last night?" | "Indeed?" There was a sneer in S.reS‘dMnL 4 d‘? ' At a special meeting of the Civic ia£ o ° U.?ia'?X,n‘I ,c,ompIeJ£d For less. Tires, batteries, wheels— in the low er ball of th e Coe hums h b Miss Mildred Rock, president of Improvement club held Tuesday n £ ìo ^ Ì i C»»,Jh 1 alIeys dy the fact that Gamble heard the infection of the word, for this one." dead body le discovered. V ance Inter- ' c ^ d _unitu was a 'l°»e wire. wood, disc all sizes Trailers He proceeded with his examina­ him come in at midnight I im-1 Vance appeared to ignore it He Epworth League: Mrs M a t t i e afternoon at the city hall plans rogatmi the Chinese cook. L iang, who made to order. MJ» be did not | ha hou.c un­ tion After a while he straightened agine he always comes in silen tly' came closer tot he Italian. Smith president of Sunday school; were made for the 4-H club exhibit and Lentz AutoTS r tkS cP ‘ ÌÌÌÌd til m idnight. Vance inalat« the c««*k was up und frowned at Markham H ills b o r o A u t o V V rccIcen it's a Chinese characteristic. On J "I understand from Gamble that Mrs Lester Mooberry, president of April 16. Meeting April 16 will be d ou b lé and , f° Urth The in the b*m«e early in th e evening. Vance tùu/ nament is 116 W. Main 156 Second Ave. "You know what killed this guy? general principles, t h e Chinese you left the house at about four Missionary; Mrs George Milne, in charge of the civic department b^,ng?un off ih? finds a bit of porclaln from a Chinees president of cradle roll; Mrs. George with Mrs. J. A. Irmler as chair- p X ^ f f m a iri» .*’^ 5 I “ *a«e A cheap im itation ha« been eubetl- A stab In the back! . . . . Same never want their movements, h ow -. o'clock yesterday afternoon.” ' r ■ »..Ik I 111 n»« I betwee? '“* 1 — "That is correct. I had a business Wilcox president of home depart- man. Hostesses for the afternoon and L-ond like the fellow upstairs And al­ ever innocent, to be known to i-orcelaia from the va«e that haa di »ap­ m o s t in the same place " foreigners Hut last night Liung appointment for dinner and the ment: Ray Shaw. John Mundorf. will be Mrs. Anna Wolfe and Mrs v a rir m iT L i , ch a m P,o n s 1” the peared baa blood on It. Lester Mooberry. Mrs. B e r t h a Joseph Finegan. o^L X eagUes ,resulted a» was heard returning—and Gamble evening." "And the weapon?" "With whom?" (C w U .iM d from l u t w. I ) Weidewitsch. and Mrs M a t t i e Mrs C Suver of Portland was a 252« Auto "The same A sharp, narrow, four- had already retired to the fourth Smith, trustees and cemetery board: guest Sunday of Mr and Mrs » . i i ,as*lrne 2379 Ameri- floor A bit sign ifican t-eh , what? "Is that Information necessary’ " cornered Instrument Only, In this I l l APTER V ‘“ f “« -H iU sb o ro Ice Works Edgings and inside, dry. SA.2S Gamble’s "Oh, very." Vance met the oth- Mrs M. A. Cornelius, Mrs R. P Joseph Suver case, the hemorrhage was external Liang probably s a w bourdoir light ablaze and let it er s smile with one equally artic Shaw Mrs. Louise Cochrane. Les- O A lot of blood lost." Mrs Warren Barnes and infant mereiai Com‘ 16-inch. Cord __ "Needle* and Pin« " "Very well then. . . With one ter Mooberry. John Mundorf and son Donald Richard have returned !».. T r,J tag^ ^ ; Ft lr^ ay 2110- Cos- "Died Instantly, I take It.” re­ be known, in a subtle way. that he I.iun< was dismissed with In- Excellent kitchen wood, the was arriving from his afternoon of the curators of the Metropoli­ Dan Barrett, stewards Boards and home from the Jones hospital in r X o I „ j 120 Nat»onal le a g u e - «troetlona to remain In the houie marked Vance best buy you can find. committees nominated were: Mrs. Hillsboro. Bristol Hardware 2448. National tan Museum of Art." "Yep" The dix-tor nodded "Must and evening off." until further notice otwwrv» Rlrthdsv. Guards 2415. "I see what you mean." Mark- Seasoned Slab and Block fallen in his tracks” "And," continued Vance, without Lester Mooberry, Mrs A. J. Oliver, While we were waiting for the have team defeated the Jones Vance picked up the b l o o d - bani"nodded dubiously. aft- change of tone, "at what time last Miss Dorothy Cooke, and Mrs. M ethodist ! adipe' Aid m .t w » d r „ - “But. - — medical examiner, there ensued a 16-inch Old Growth Fir Eum^ r J omPany team of Portland er all. your reasoning is purely night did you meet Miss Lake?" Mattie Smith, membership and lay ne^ iav ^ o^ R .^ e it ^ h ? brief dtacuaslon concerning t h e stained coat and waistcoat of the sP«culative evangelism Misses Helen Oliver mu / .u i duilting at the church, here Friday night 2398 to 2212 Wil- Coal and Gasco Briquets | The Italian rose indignantly, his dead man, and inspected them blood on the piece of porcelain Blanche Finegan a n d Margaret ^ 1 Sm ith^ and"'^ «“ ^ ! ^ t^ere ' Ra*ph Wilson- •*<* "Oh. quite," Vance admitted 'But somber eyes flashing "And this time the stab w a s and Liang'« possible relationship Cooke, music: religious education, ob served w ith a h irthd av ealce Smith, Tom Rood and R. Peters the entire case is in a speculative; “I resent that question, sir' Even clothes Herman Rehse to the events preceding the double through . the ___ . . he was wear- _ stage Just now what? UP ‘hC HilIsbor” ‘eam Anyway, if I had met Miss Lake. I would Sunday school workers' confer- murder But Vance w a. evidently I *?*, . A minor Phone 2062 point, but worth verifying 11 1 have vven lnore definite evidence j not tell you. enee, « nance, stewards and La- in the ub Saturday for Mrs Say you saw it in the Argus. [say. Doctor, any Indications of a lh ,‘ , i a »«c was here early last Really, Mr Grassi," V a n c e ^ e l . r d . ; , be.n®yolencf • Edna Russell, who visited in Hills- 1 struggle’ " night, and I'll present him with , smiled. "I would not have expected stewards and president of Womens boro '_____________________________ What do you say to you to. Your conduct is quite cor- Missionary society; auditing ac- j | "Nope Not a sign He got it in It later THE MAN YOU ARE . the bock when he wasn't expecting our having polite intercourse with | r a t . . . I take it for granted counts. Mrs George Milne and iyou were aware that Miss Lake is Mrs Lester Mooberry; Mrs A. J First—your human body, the It Startled him for a split second Wrede and the Signor Grassi?" Markham waved his hand in as [ engaged to Mr. W rede” [probably look at that expression! Oliver. Mrs Lester Mooberry and house you live in. It must die be- Grassi calmed down quickly and Mrs R P Shaw, parsonage: Mrs cause it has been the camping —and then he curled up and sent C* I J T O TT T passed out Doubt if he even saw "And we'd better go upstairs," resumed his seat. W R Cooke, Mrs. A. J. Oliver ground of sin. And you sire to A | the fellow that did him In Quick. [ Vance »unseated. "Brisbane is — not i ‘ Yes: .. 1 knew there tt .. was some un­ and George Milne, pulpit supply come out of the grave, whether smooth business." i a pretty sight. derstanding. Mr. Archer Coe in- and pastoral relations: Mrs. Ray you die saved or lost For, "the Any Design — Any Size "Devillsh business," am ended: Heath gave orders to Burke to formed me of the fact But he also Shaw and Lester Mooberry. nom- hour is coming in which ail that Markham i remain at the library door and stated—" USE CUTOUT« FOR inating committee. are in the graves shall hear his "Oh. well. I'm no moralist." Dore-i ’*lat 1,0 onc entered the room J "Yes, yes. He also stated that he Contest Winners Named voice, and come forth." (John 5:26). GREATER EFFECT mus confessed "I'm a il o c t o r j Gamble was told to stay in the wa» opposed to the alliance. He The local grade school held their ALL—A LL -A L L. You, the saved They're too many people in t h e ir ? " 1 haI1 and answer the door- enjoyed Mr. Wrede intellectually, kite contest April 1. Prizes were to glory; you, the lost to shame, We«( Woods Novelties A lm ost C leaned O ut! O nly a F ew Left and world anyway." He began filling I ' bul did no‘ regard him favorably won by the following: Best built, woe and judgement. Ikaitry Ave. P h o n r 1862 -------------------------------------------------- Which one of the babies do you as a husband for his ward T h ey A re E xcep tion al B uys! first and second grades. J e r r y Second—Your soul, the part of We specialize in quality com- j w«nt first?" the Sergeant asked 1 What is your opinion of the situa- Cartwright; third and fourth. Elea- you that s'ngs and mourns; lifted mercial printing -A rgus t f 1 "The Italian, by all means." said Hon, Mr. Grassi?” nor Hermens; fifth and sixth. Helen up one hour, cast down the next 1933 FORD V -8 V IC TO R IA — - ‘ The Italian seemed surprised at Milne; seventh and eighth, Marvin “At Midnight Paul and Silas prayed Reconditioned, good rubber, radio ... I Vance's question. Hermens. Most attractive, first and and sang praises unto God and the "You must forgive me, sir," he second grades. Esther Heine: third prisoners heard them.” Feet in 1932 FORD V-8 said after a pause, “if I plead my and fourth. Katherine Stanton: stocks, backs bloody from lashing TU D O R .......................................................... j inability to express an opinion on fifth and sixth, Raymond Trites; laid on by magistrates: down in , the subject I may say. however, seventh and eighth, Doris Brandaw. inner dungeon, these two, yet souL ¡that Mr. Brisbane Coe disagreed Best flyer, first and second grades, lifted up in praise. God present, ■ 1930 BUICK COUPE— with his brother He was very Warren Barnes Jr.; third a n d great joy I 6 wire wheels, A -l condition .............. , much in favor of the marriage, fourth, Mercel Griffin; fifth and . Third—Your spirit, that part that j and stated his views most em- sixth, Billy Hammelman; seventh can know God. “The Spirit Himself 1928 N ash , phatically to Mr Archer Coe." and eighth. Verne Thies. beareth witness with our spirit, Ai?.d n°w both of them are SE D A N ............................................... Mrs. Frank Dooher. Mrs. Louise that we are the children of God dead." Vanre remarked. Cochrane. Mrs. Mattie S m i t h . "Accept Christ as Saviour and Grassi's eyelids drooped, and he Misses Gladys Frazier, Evelyn Reed. Lord to love, trust and obey and SEV ER A L M ODEL T FORDS— . turned his head slightly. Myra Weidewitsch. and Frances God's Spirit w ill tell you. A settled ' All in fair running condition . "Both?" he repeated in a low Gnos met Tuesday evening in their unshakable conviction will come voice. music district to plan for the coun- upon you that He has made you "Mr Brisbane was stabbed in the ty music festival May 3. his own forever. back shortly after Mr Archer was Mrs. Howard Dooher of Portland Now see God's man lifted up I killed." Vance Informed him. was a guest of her parents. Mr Funds to finish his college year "Most unfortunate," the Italian and Mrs Mike Susbauer and fam- this man must have. He repeated . murmured. ily Thursday the 23rd Psalm that morning—"The "Have you," asked Vance, "any James Parmley was a Canby Lord is my shepherd. I shall not [ suggestion as to who might desire caller Monday. want.” That day came a job good ( to have these two gentlemen out Mr. and Mrs. F O. Shay and lor room rent and somebody sent | of the way ?” family and Jacob Correll were I him five dollars in the mail "And > AUTHOR IZ CO SALES AHO SERVICE (Concluded nest week) guests Sunday at a birthday din- ‘hat night I quoted the 23rd Psalm again but from another angle." Prayer in the morning for what God would do; prayer in the eve­ ning for what he had done Yes, Christ quickens his own. the whole man. body soul and spirit.—George N Taylor, Beaverton. Paid Adv. THE KENNEL MURDER CASE •y To Speak nt Agents’ Coi onvention J u d g in g C lu b W o r k P la n n e d S? M ea sle s C u t AS A LAST RESORT S c h o o l Roll TRIED WILLIAMS S. L. K, FORMULA... by C. C. Bowlers FUEL S IG N S LETTERS j $525 ’385 ’365 ’135 ’25 only 4 6 5 for aNew Chevrolet Let the advertisements help y o u 1 make your shopping plans. iV«w Standard and Master I)e Luxe . . . in eleven beautiful body-tyf>es . . . all with valve-in-head engine . . . all providing the same basic Chevrolet quality * I ‘ALK alxiut value! . . . You certainly get 1 it, in overwhelming measure, when you hny one of the big, beautiful, finely-built tlievroleta for 1935, Chevrolet prices are the world's lourst prices for a six, hut that’s only half the story, as you will quickly agree when you examine and d riiea new Chevrolet. All of these new Chevrolet« are the hi/rfiest- tfuality ears in Chevrolet history , . . finely engineered . , . smartly tailored . , . preeision- hnilt. Their performance is a thrilling new kind of performance that would he considered exceptional even if they sold at much higher prices. And they give this new performance with eten louer gas and oil consumption than in any previous Chevrolet model. Vlait your nearest Chevrolet dealer and get full infor- mation alxiut the New Standard Chevrolet, with list prices of $ 165 to >550, at Flint, Mich. . . . and the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet — the aristocrat of the low-price field—with list prices of >560 to >675, at Flint, Mich. CHOOSE CHEVROLET FOR QUALITY AT LOW COST! CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT. MICHIGAN (im p a rr t ’hemJrt's low iM ierm l p r i m and nw y (i.M .A .C . terms. A Cnu-ral Motors Value # AND U R . ¡ . l i t p r i c i o f N * w S ta n d a r d Rtxsd iter a t F lin t . M ic h .. I l b l . W ith b u m p e ri, i f w e tir e a n d tlr a lock, th a H i t p r i r t I t l U l bO a d d itio n a l. P r i c t i q u o te d in th ia a d v e rtia e m a n t are lla t a t F lin t. M ic h ., a n d a ra au h fec t to ch a nge w it h o u t notice. CHOOSE CHEVROLET FOR Q U A L IT Y AT LOW C O ST /CHEVROLET DtLALCR A Ü V K R T IS C M C N T Rely on McCormick-Deering J J t. for Good Tillage T I M E was when patches of ground were h ap ­ hazardly tilled by dragging pieces of brush across them , but such crude m ethods have gone the way of the cradle and the flail. Real tools turn large fields and small into profits today. However, in spite of the great progress m ade, there are some tools in service today that should have been put aside long ago. Every one of these obsolete tools is costing its ow ner many dollars in lost time and lost crop yields. If your tool shed holds any badly out-of-date tools m ake it a point to go oyer them this year. Cull out the w asters and re­ place them with new, efficient M cCormick-Deering equipm ent. Disc harrows, spring-tooth harrows, peg- tooth harrow s, Dunham Culti-Packers. and rotary hoes are some of the tools we can deliver on short notice. Please give us a chance to show these tools to you. S h a d o w ed - . by our m utual friend, your doctor. His com ­ m ands direct you to use; they control everything we do. There we meet in a common cause, linked together by your doctor. His faith in us is justified by our record of service. W h en a thousand hands turn a thousand faucets £ From 7 to 9 each morning is "rush hour" for your water company. The company's facilities are called upon for extra service to meet the early morning dem and for water. From 5 to ó in the evening there is another maximum demand. But whether it is rush hour or "three o'clock in the morning" your water com pany provides a d e p e n d a b le water service. Buv Your Machinery Repair* Now! — Oon't Wait. HILLSBORO FEED CO HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. Corner S. 3rd Ave. and E. Washington St. JAMES WHITELAW. Proprietor Phone 4411 McCormick-Deering Farm Machinery P hone 271 1004 M ain St. TH E DELTA D R U G STO R E OREGON-W ASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY RICHARD E. WILET, Manacer Hillaboro, Oregon » — ' *