I P « 1 I Page Two H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thurmluy, April 11, 193-, can take thi place of putting then, forecast, he «’«’ « e»- happy, and I the principle of mathematics. He any other creature, »hall be able j —* ------ ------ a constant right balance between valion No one has the .power to into practice? So powerful is Truth harmonious all the tune, w i l l desire that understanding or to separate us from the love of man’s relation to God and to man keep another from working out |,l ' conseiousness of n u m b e rs w h ic h c .w i «. hi«»» 1» i'h.i«i 1.............. a /# . «....................... . ___ that many healings do result from DIVINE LAW Jam es J. R ow ell o f K an sas C ity G iv es C hristian S c ie n c e L ectu re M em b er o f th e B oard of L e ctu resh i C h u rch S p e a k e r b il n U IP 4 I Centuries ago. Jesus said, shall know the truth: and truth shall make you free." Today, in all parts of the world. Christian W ^ 'e o ^ e ^ ^ h n n m h 'h ^ w V h e to be correct, through heating tne sick, reclaiming the sinner, and eo m «______ fo rtin c . th . . e- . . ____ sorrow in g « Fifteen ___ ____ « ___ 1 v X M ^ th te iX lto g "truth found years ago. mis neaung trum iouna K Ä Ä Ä tionT begging it" not "io ',wnah,'e »«•«ctlon of Spirit 'ini,',,'.” o'uV'vni i ’ o - ss ii" a ‘form o f Idolatry Such him for failing to see a decimal S'“»« longings and stills our rest idolatry keel means scientific right thinking point; imploring it to forgive ius iessnes». I know of a person who cause' 'and' ' u i s p'erfo-t" sim U u u l oneness with divine Mind, saved omission of a very simple c.lcu la « « ’ healed of cancer by the real, creation well ou . f sight nm from fa lse beliefs, sui>rr»utlnn, the tion nod ttem n tin e i.. . . . ...... tion: and a attempting to bribe u it iiatlon ‘"««bin that that the the law laws . id of ...n.»...... adhesion, »<>................ attempts to . rear unit maintain 1. testimony Ilf the erring senses Sal by promises of future good con- cohesion, and attraction could not social structure on a false a 11 d vallon is Christ. Trulli. Christian duct to allow him to have the sat-J b® invoked to hold a false belief fleeting basis This false depend- Science, understood and deumn a sense of illness, despair and fear. Jesus worded the first c o m - . 'daily - life. „ .. , isfaction. joy, and pride of having «° J right idea The cancer sepur- cnee bolds In bondage both I lie strated In purity, perfection, and In the space of time it takes to mandment is Thou shall love the Sometimes, caught napping even tell you this. I was lifted from Lord thy God with all thy heart. earnest Christian Scien- arrived at an answer, W h ic h . !“««**« »»’elf «com her cheek and fell leaner and the one upon whom he Life eternal Sulvatlnn means the abandon­ though differing from the setenttfi- i «way. leans These material bonds will that darkness into t h e glorious and with all thy soul, and with all Jl®** *ai Pjavtice rules which cally correct one. might be allowed , HEALING keep both of the victims uf (bis ment of the false dual standard light of spiritual reality. Dis- thy mind. ’ The first command- J 4bey kno'Y perfectly well. A moth- of liellef I11 the reality uf both sta"d .. h‘‘ tnd"']du“1 ®a* , “ | The immediate result of grateful i“1”® ‘rw" ,,r kingdom of cordant conditions vanished, gloom, ment as given by Moses, "Thou 1 cr »rymg »° bring up her small son ,x.r f»c iio n H is o erfeet uni* ijje al'5 irer failed working, watching, and pravinu is .h eavJn until «piritual understand good and evil, of inure than on. and discouragement gave place to shall have no other gods before 83 « Christian Scientist, refers on ‘ Z, se iiwludTnc inan G im I. more than one Mind, and tin joy and gladness I was free 1 me," enjoins an undivided affec- ,°®®“ lo,n certain la« ’ "»d « * « • ,nd ma ntained God th ™ .n h in all these attempts, can y o u healing moral, mental am i o h v s 11,1 frcva »hem A shall never cease to be grateful tion for good Without an affection »° ound »n S5‘e?,ce and Health. R j“ E l e c t i o n T h e imagine his trying to force th e , leal healing One of the most sink- *?“” **’r ^od will cause us to Identification of one's self with tin- for this experience; which revealed for good, a love for God. one can ¡She often says: "There is a scien- » “‘ “ T ^ 'P ® ® * * - m"""’?!1' ° f ,’’a‘he,na*“’s »0 M»vc ing instances of healing and regen d*‘I><’,>d »'I>o'> Him alone at all one true, eternal standard of su preme affection for good, God. Huit to me. the might and majesty of make no pi ogress Spintward An “ «« p ile bv which to govern our X s te n t therefore but te ori^ n ^ Iii him the correct answer without oration that I know of Is unfolded 1 ln*’’ and *11 •*« circunistunees hts havtns corrected his Ius ni stake« ’ ¡„ m > >................. . » n io I u ieu ................................... ........ this healing power; and brought undivided a/fection for good is the on subject. You will maintahi^l through dlvm? his knows no other reality. having corrected m istakes’ (he story of - a man * whom am BUSINESS AND SUPPLY to my consciousness an ever in- genius of Christian Science, th e ; f‘nd “ • ?°n on P“«« so-and-so of and t!"“ ' ®? ‘a „ 8 , . u o TT. You can’t imagine it No. of proud to ¿all my Mend ...... , . u..v„. u. i.H.uie-i . I, H»imtiii beings are aceustonietl creasing desire to learn more about spark which fires its activity in «he textbock.’ He verifies these P.Jj®'®,’® “J}d V? ? 4x1 ’ MAXTON A I.OONKY “K®, bis mother 1,1 J'’’’* upon business and supply thfr truth that makes you free" human consciousness. references and in this way his aw 4"f4n»4®. perfection is shown matics would ever attempt such Al " VS, y?“*? this trutn mat maxes y o u ir e c --------- 'understanding of Christian Science ,o °P*ra‘e ‘n human affairs in in- a thing, no matter how much de , vtng, dled- J*m wcn» »° «cc He »blngs of their own origination Producer, of Quality Lecturer introduced by Mrs. Alice CHRISTIAN SCIENCE “?d “,e wl»b »he crew of a,,d »heir own responsibility Ck,». *- a ¿ am t? — - t _ t h a t a n d acquaintance with our text- numerable ways. It operates as a pended upon his getting his an- ¿ J " , Wirte. SAND and GRAVEL swer Why? Because he knows it , ,alh®r » trading vessel Helped Christian Science shows that this wouldn't work! He knows that , var* l,us - ’ hlpmates, Jim learned ¡’’•‘»tai attitude Is a pitiable nils- .'tant located 4 tulles north or Fur­ Friends: The kingdom there is a principle bark of everv ,° read “»¡d «'rite, the limit of hls '“ke. which is at the bottom of st Grove on Gales Creek. Pltone is at hand: Christ Jesus iawR mathematical operation which can- ¡orn,al « ’dueution Al twenty-one. 1,ur floundering progress, our fleet plainly that the kingdom not be deceived, nor bribed nor mi‘rvd »« hardship, wise In ttie lnK «uccess. and none too Infre- is a mental state, not cajoled If he would solve' his t'r»-ln g w»y« of men of the sen. he <> real business is rigid uctlvlty, Writ, observation: neither shall they say, an originator: that it merely coun- might catch c o ld " Startled, he P»-0»*®»*0?- 0« perpetuity, of spect glows into an affection for » H,,* 'lr' “ Pftee fighter, n gninbler, »h«’ activity of divine Mind it Kir, „ 4 AttlaieaAli, I near,nr, Jdhesion, cohesion, and Lo here! or. Lo there! for. behold. | terfeits the creation of the o n e turned about and without thought cr5ase;, this living, loving, truthful prin- a jaloon keeper At thirty, he mar- -'hows that Spirit, true substance, of being impudent or desire to be aty ac*lon. I have enumerated but M»k, lame, and I m i m R an t, Ronda the kingdom of God is within you." perfect, divine Mind; and that ev- , ried u hard-working woman of '» »he only real supply. It avers °.f the »^finite ways in which ciple. which blesses all. The kingdom of heaven, or the ery material object and concept, smart, but with a twinkle in his ® KURATLI & WISMER No more should anyone attempt f 01, character, left the saloon 1 , »h® laws of God are Just as eye asked earnestly. “What page Perfection operates kingdom of God, that divinely every "cherished" belief and prac- llll.I.M U ()k O . UMKCÜN to flatter, to coax, or to wheedle business, und went west He owned «vailable and Just as powerful to mental state of which Jesus spoke, tice (Science and Health, p. 141) do you find that on. Mother?“ She t0 J^ n en t mankind TsuehaM issi m s aw<..d at S^nume affection for good puts or to force God into solving hls ‘»is own launch at a winter resort, produce results In the realm of includes all that is real and true, is but a counterfeit or an opposite, took her rebuke with gratitude, ,nen. d«'P ’®« fishing business and supply as in reltglun. a u that m a . is .s goou »i.u ..ua.uu.vw». earn, a a perverieo sense of of *n d , no* al» that anyone in tnat ? * " ? ? * benefTitln« «" •«« life-problems for him or to put- «*1? all good and harmonious, a a U. dream, perverted sense »be good dinner that his ®*bics. and health Humanly apeak- all that is spiritual, all that is truly some real, eternal idea or ideal in has »0 d° to rebuke an er-1 ‘ -P of dL f Love is ting the stamp of approval on hls mistakes Nor would he. if he un- »a" hful *»fe always managed to »’««• «hen. good business and sub mentel. all that is really substantial divine Mind Christian Science for “ t0 “ *• what P»«e- please?" P|a"J 'J1 ’ ' \ ho lov” •? « Daily IVIpa to Portland urri s h o £ ? ........................ to hum aniteth way science w he"^ „ » the l“ »ie 'boy 5,ead Pursues it. u will and enduring. Mankind is athirst u„ . had r bein — _ t « ^ _ e _ r ls te a d of eood and m,™ ,« 1» in derstood God to be not only dl- «'a*t»n«j ,or him every eve- •*•"«•* supply can be found only H illsb o r o A u to F r e ig h t by false, distort^. moria^ behefs »««»minted with the laws of God ?.nd le,ngth “ “ h® has, « « - vine Love, but divine Principle. , g' , ’"■dc. the rounds of the «’y reflecting the uctlvlty and qual for the kingdom of heaven Bonded and Insured Carrier raav back 83 re'’ealed That we are not enjoying all or concepts m ayb be e translated back ~ ----------- -- in our Leader's writ- u -on, i. y ln cutting himself off ’’with whom is no variableness. sa*o°ns *»*•«• 1»*«1® town, drinking d ie s of God. Spirit, In obedience S e rv in g I k o r r t i i n , A lo h a , Seed ----------------------- ---------------- -cee- into their oetter ortginals: originals in oth- mgs- he c -,u«d ,uld llave b“' * read to t0 his hls „ u-?m„ ^ . L true inheritance »nheritance of good neither shodow of turning." as the ?nd k«mbhng until In the smull to the laws of Love the health, all the -- joy. all the prec- hours of the morning he staggered 1 Speaking o fO ix i's activity or — ■---- *------ — * ------- * »i-;_»- _ mitfbtgxr nnoo OJrt »■«# ’’ t e undirndL/’ DTOgTCSS SS »?,6 WC lt>am tn ville. lllll«lH>rv. Cornelia, and < ious abundance of good things that er words. Christian Sciense shows mother from page 240 of "Miscel- t0 have h,V»e Bible teaches There is but one thing for both 1° thc hovel which thc> culled, business, Mrs Eddy tells us that Forest Grove a loving Father-Mother has be- the way by which mortals mav laneous Writings,” Predicting dan- ?P undivided affection for good, to M do; m a u O st. | "divine Love ’ always iu u v ilk o U , v each s t A X l IllC k | ■ » , ' " lias I met l l s I and stowed on us. is evidence either exchange their fleeting false and ger does not Hfe. whereas woul• will meet every h u m a n of ignorance of how to obtain them suffering concepts for the kingdom forecasting liberty and joy does; ,¿,„1 Hlmat.e ‘9- g?t>d’ ap‘ correct his mistakes. The student I’arkage Hair. or of unwillingness to pay the of heaven, the reign and rSle S for the* are strong Promoters of P~* vain ° G«x« to fulfill them 0/ mathematic« wtl have to go aLmoa« hopeless, found Chris-1 need" (Science and Health, p 41)4' Hillsboro Phone M2 . ®>>ce She spent all her Could there be any greater, any price. Any tl ing that is worth hav- unchanging, divine intelligence health and happiness." If all of us I?ls .lawJ ° / true, inherit­ over his work in humble obedience tlan ing costs something We have to Christian Science brings8 to light wouId learn to help each other ot abundant supply. Real- to the laws derived ?d from the prin- Unle . J c"dl"< Science and more noble -------------- business’ As . .. „ . —— 7— ----- , . ------- — an . . . nidi ...01- East Hide TrrmluaJ Portland that there is a spiritual 33 did th»3 ino‘her and son. instead ‘S ° ,c /> i*«fig«* »root email Kom-iiHo. w « w a a » * _ j 1 __ a . _ _, ,, , -ickncss, death dll evil—' d id not A woman whom I know testifies must repent—re-think, which is h„are° d 3°"’®,h ing to y o u ’’ Jim All that is helpful, constructive » S s i W ’i ' S ’,. S i£ ," S s S i j F s “. c S - S L S the literal meaning of the word " , sv®,n *? coining and was all and worth while In the world’s ®ova up Io o sire to exchange for something of others Therefore. Mrs Eddy set whoH?* efJi?'’?.!?186’1» “V® God' ° n' i " 8 32d ,rying ,o Practice Chris- He must drop one by one his false , for 11 «« you think business today is founded upon cupful on aoch Jly. availeth herself task of ________ revealing to 8^ om,nlpot® P°wer. ______ m- »*an \ / " I . ” ? V. , v ',d *“ ni® n ‘”n ’i''rvl<'® »he C h ristian basis ,,f me.-t "cold"itartl _ _____ the __ ________ __ _ S ____ _ nt ______ _ Science she w a s enabled enabled. op in ions and v iew p o in ts and m ake M ^ ? ”8 °r supporUng »hrough her understanding of the h is o w n th e sc ien tific facts of be- ¡,. . . .o,ana,®‘y-blank book of Mrs ¡Ing hum an anything at all. The eternal real- all mankind the nature of God8 and evi? m ne.-«l o f re fle c tin g di heaven . His laws, ano and 01 of 7 . ™ by "I wanted to vine Love to our fellow men ities of the kingdom » of __ ______ ,.u ever operative xaws, r- it protecting ~ law , - which --------- divine —*------ ing Piling up these scientific "pro- 2 „ ,y * y° U r® ??,st u so’n®‘hl'>g from the Bible," Whoever Is consciously or utuon- cannot be purchased with money explaining just how the individual' Every°ne knows how real, how ¡"°'’® car®s for His children, to tests of Truth" (Science and Health L brok® calmly It took him scloualy working on this basis is or with barter. ; may consciously and scientifically true a false bel»®f. a he- « dream, h°ld crime in check and to save p. 12), he will find himself en- i®,®^ "® had no comeback not working alone he Is being To prepare ourselves to enter the benefit by their operation These see[ns «° h® «° «he one who is be- h5 r, ,° « ’n «»f«- Her husband from Joying the presence of good, his in _ _ a .— 1 --------- — — —. . . . j . . . lieving or experiencing it. How childhood had had violent spells of problem solved, and no trace left L „ i . „ ‘ , 2°?'"«. 3UrPr,ll®d him Into sustained and rewarded in ways kingdom of heaven, we are not revealed laws of God Mrs 1 quickly the dream vanishes when «emP®r As he grew older, they of the error which had seemed so “ *"”« «•“ « h® would come He he knows not of Not a single hu- called upor to give up any good named Christian Science. kept hls word, telling his com- man being howeser much or lit- thing, for. in God's universe, each one awakens from sleep. How read- became more severe, until finally real. "The prayer that reforms the . th® ■u,loo«> »hat he had tie of this world s good, he may ily the truth is accepted when the he “ ®meed to thc In Science, business is seen as runni„_ i * Chh r £ ° T G° £ e a M jT thelrS “««ierstood o ^ y r t “ » Eddy learned that the world G J d s ^ o r o S n " 8 ° ' 8n,d, ,rUS‘ ,n and affirms understanding^ the i ^ ’»fment Jim eyed her an integral part or religion a cer- runnin01 allness of God. good, and His ideas “H? 5?,d' 11 yc!1' “r® k“lnK ‘ain- necessary, and practical rbad k,ngdomTo°f ^ e n ¿°e g £ ®^>® »0 ^ d ’ a’n T s T So-called prayer that entreats God , r,’‘‘ld a ,o. m®' begin at the to the kingdom of heaven Our re­ divine Principle, to forgive sins a‘n'""‘ng . Sh,' . b®g?n a‘ the bc- ward In the Fathers business is iUW e . 7 X ° ^ s e mo M h r r e a l T e x - ‘“ PP*®« and mor® useful J »»a«. .aa real aa g o o d - a dream- d‘X ° L o v a ^ 7 . ^ world conscious only of itT ™~n' di Vi5?®i.Love over ha,e As he rush- : and lea«®« men free to repeat them S!i?.?in,!i "?d IS“d ,U1 nl,ne o’clock, found not alone In that our hu- ^ . “P?“ ^ 3. ^ G®»«‘u.d® l ^ * ^ , r®?“ ‘y’ w t a x i and mak® — “ ^ " 8. ^ a«c me», but in tha, change for the true, the divine cided to go to bed Jim retained which money cannot buy In ou-1 £ 2 ? ° i t‘,®Jr®al that ,or th® c-omP®l3 l“ ? ? J ? J ‘ /®Ycr®n»ïy?.iô;ig^ ^ hâte, hfë ! fng to realize the proseice of p ro-' Gratltùde i, an intégral part of y “u ,ltnP ®Mion> ! rity, •»¡'v'itlHii* Innocence, health, satisfaction. ' tTtoerw iy lt|Tading to the kingdom inr?ts8cove?s m e^a^d“ w i ^ n h a v / ^he^roal w orld ^ f“ “God^cVea“5 ‘?£ting ^ y®- » ^ P"““ "rance' ?hai t™ "«’"’“*®' bdtti " C hen ,h® from " •««¡y«* of heaven is available to all; for been restored tn n n r itv in c A w a lten in a from ' the gentle presence will save you" , loc*s many blessings Gratitude is Invitation was repeated SALVATION the way is found through study and businesses h iv e ¿ e n reesUbhshJd world. Mrl Eddyf saw that ® «'«’ eager urable gift. "Science and Health w ? r®ad,ng ‘he ‘htrd e v e -( with Key to the Scriptures." gra" » ^ Tho , * lf® r*'ad and Jlm laws God tenderly and compas- study in connX-tion k^ d h®1*,®'»“« ln both good seemed almost to hear the words: itude for lives lengthened a n d ®2^Wh?.? .?*0' 4^®4^ " , 441® morn‘ sionately gc verns His in fin ite c ^ - . X ^ d J l L ?s f®3? 13 di.3c,O3®d »" 4h< ' ^ haA® P^ved error to be made purer, sweeter, and more r?fm W4^ " th®y ’‘“PPed it was not tir» n f r o m t h e Ifs a c t f n f h o u r o o t , __ _ , . r ,le Æ r ^ ' V w Æ SX ® ^ “ “ « ’“‘valent to — --------- — more Science was all right, logical, rea- - r h i . h l h k „\"®?“ ,,«^a*»e’ied love for good Mind of — Christ. — This happened haPPene aloud, he heard, "This is just the d°T f. i, ii . i ; matter cannot be sick; that all Y,4ted to take a three-day cruise ¡rynl? , C2nd8lJ ? ? 1, ui*1^ has been way you have treated Mary Baker forth "leprous as snow." Again he put it Into his bosom and this Eddy” From that day, he has cul­ After exhausting all material causation ¡s Mind, acting through T*“ ’ «’as an unusual opportunity w u i? a,?d ® ? ^ . u time drew It forth normal as the means known to herself and to her spiritual law. Then hold your and he wished so very much to go - When. the . w°rid d°