Hi 1 lsb or ' Section Two— Kull of N m , for All of the Eumily. W ith Which is Com bined rhe H illsboro Independent ‘4 rgus Rev. G. Reille Talks Tonight Tonight’s Speaker Sunday School Meet Attracts J a c k to w n Last L u th e ra n L e n te n M e e t P ro g ra m Jean Parker in a Scene from "Sequoia” F r id a y ; N e w C lu b P la n n e d I l i l h i A u d ito r iu m illy L. II. Itomrtiin) The Rev G Iteule, I im u I Luther­ an paitor. will conduct the lunt SCHOLLS About 200 attended Lenten devotional of thia aeaaon the convention held by the Kinton. ul the Ullin auditorium tunlglit Farmington. L a u rel, M o u n ta in 'Thursday! Ilia subject will he Home and Scholls Sunday schools "Golgotha " t’uiilor Iteule la ul the here Sunday. A fifteen-minute pro­ preeent time iilao Nerving ua radio gram wus presented by each Sun­ a ia a ik e r fu r th e Lutheran broad­ day school. Miss Miller Returns cast on Hunduy afternoons uver K K X Miss Grace Miller returned Fri­ The Itev, K. Klrhmunn of Port­ day from several weeks' visit with land spoke to the Lutherans lust friends and relatives In California week on "The Via Dolorosa." Re­ and Oklahoma Mesdames Kuby Meyers. Mrs ferring to vurloua events that Ada Hunsen, Mrs. Ned Cox and transpired on "the wuy to Golgo­ Mrs. Audrey Heaton represented thu" the speaker said, "the man Ituby it*-bekuh lodge ut the district of sorrows hears Ills cross In weak­ convention ut Forest Grove April ness and helplessness over the 'Via 3. Dolorosa ' In the past twelve hours Mr and Mrs. E G. Heaton en- He had been drugged from one tertuined the itay Ego family and judgment seat to another, merci­ severut relatives with un ice cream lessly scourged and ubused, no rest. no sleep, n o fo o d Now the weight ,, _ _ „ , , party Sunday afternoon. the rough cross presses down ! t,-v. George Keule of Hillsboro Charles Scott and Mr. and Mrs. on His bruised and bleeding bark : , w «peak ut the Lutheran j Gordon of Portland visited the H lamten services at the Hillsboro L McCool home Tuesday and causes his fruil body to fail union high school auditorium to­ .out a p p a r e n tly < nll;i|>;.e M rs K uby Y e r n n g lo n of P o ri night (Thursday). i land visited Mrs. Elizabeth Reed "The daughters of Jerusalem, who Sequoia,” based on the famous nature story "Malibu" by Vance Hout I Sunduy. uerompany the multitude that fol­ and starring Jean Parker Is the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday fea­ Mr und Mrs F M Lillegard vis­ lowed Him, could see in Him no ture at the Venetian. ite d th e F re d Hansell home at malefactor worthy of crucifixion; j Capitol „ Hill Sunday and they gave vent to their sor- , © I I vopnoi in nunuay. . . ture play of Holland. A cafeteria r ; | ] QSL row in lamentation und tears, YV7 If A a-o. Mr«. Jesae Pendleton of Under- Iunt.hP wil, bi. Misa Mary ■hey thought Him u most benevo­ ■Vfnt rlo » wr i erid Schmeltzer is the teacher ’ r k U V U U C - U . wlu, Ml and Mrs Clifford Trash Mlgg Olidine Coe o, Portland D le s a t C h e h a l d n lent man. worthy of their sincer­ Mr and Mrs Lyle Potter visited , Sunday and Monday at the 111 est sympathy, but they failed to T HcMe\ ornc. perceive the true purpose of Ilia CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—Field­ (B y M m O. H Pet nr eon» , . the , K _ L Potter family in Port- , Journey to Golgotha, they failed to' BEND —School progrum Friday land S “"day er Wood, 86, died at his home « acknowledge c . n o w i c . g c Him as the Savior n ig h t was well attended The up- c Thomas Reed Surprised Mr ^ ’M r^ ’j “^ B ^ U rtt at- here March 31. Funeral services sent by God For this Jisu s re- |x.r grade, arc progreaalng wlth Several Scholls young people tended were held at the Hollingsworth of Bend Program J J W e ll A t t e n d e d bidder WOOd, 86, Henry Jacobson Talks Kansas City New Legion Post Sponsors Dances Jan nsen F ish F a rm H o m e B u rn e d S a tu rd a y M o rn in g Fire from sparks on the roof destroyed the A M. Jannsen home nt Fern Spring fish nnd game fnrm nt Meacham Saturday morning. The house was burned to the ground and nearby trees damaged. J P. Morelock and family were living on the place Insurance of $500 will only partially cover the loss. Nelghborhood news from 30 Ar­ gus correspondents in d iffe r e n t sections of Washington county ap­ pear In the Argus each w e e k . I,earn what your friends are do­ ing for less than three cents a week. tf ATTENTION! Homeowners Walker to Attend Agents’ Convention The NATIONAL HOUSING ACT passed by Congress and signed by the President of the United States presents a m ethod w hereby, under certain conditions a n d naturally with certain lestrictions, repairs, alterations and im provem ents to property can be financed. Charles L Walker, local agent for the Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance company, plans to nttend the con­ vention of the company at Mc­ Minnville next Thursday and Fri­ day. Representatives of the com­ pany from five states w ill be in attendance. Address by B Rees Jones, presi­ dent of the national association, will be heard over stations KGW nnd KOIN next Thursday from 12:30 to 1 p. m. Speakers on the convention program will include Governor Martin, Bert E Haney, Dr. E J. Anderson, J. M. Sehon and others. Golf tournament, ban­ quet and dance are planned. will be twice as many present thia year. Trophies will be awarded to winners of the meet, winners of the half-mile relay and to high Minnville, Seaside. Hill Military. point man. Oregon City, Gresham. St. Helens. Clatskanie. Rainier, West Linn, Neighborhood news from 30 Ar­ Hood River and Vancouver Port­ gus correspondents In d ifferen t land high schools will not be en­ sections of Washington county ap­ tered. pear in the Argus each w e e k Three hundred athletes competed! Learn what your friends are do­ last year representing 20 schools ' ing for less than three cents a Present indications are that there week. tf their Intention of entering Pacific Plans Track i nified the meet include Hillsboro, Beav- Forest Grove, Banks, Tigard, Meet at Grove May 4 ' erton. Salem, Milwaukie, Corvallis. Mc­ j Invitations to the 13th annual i Pacific university Interscholastic track and field meet to be held May 4 have been extended to 105 high schools in Oregon and south­ ern Washington. The meet will climax the May Day program on the university campus. Schools which have already slg- SM ART "T R IF L E S " To Complete Your E A S T E R O u tfit A Value! Crepe SILK PANTIES Just unpacked! Stunning new Easter Dresses Pink— T ta rote! LU T H ER A N Lenten Services T H U R SD A Y S 8 P. M. High School Auditorium APRIL It Bowling gives your muscles th e play and your brain the relax a­ tion you need a fte r a d ay ’s office w ork! Play often — nnd keep fit. Everything t o assure your enjoym ent. BOWLINO SUNDAY Noon to Midnight, "GOLGATHA” REV GEORGE REULE of Hillsboro A tapella C O R D IA L Chair It doesn’t seem possible at this p r ic e — that's w h y w e ’re so proud! Cut to fit. Lovely lace trims. All sizes. They're real buys! Money wisely spent on repairs and im­ provem ents serves to m aintain the value of your property, adds to the enjoym ent of every m em ber of the fam ily, and pro­ vides w ork for the unem ployed and keeps moving the wheels of industry. Commercial National Bank "T he L argest Independent Bank in W ashington County.” CLEM’S PLACE H ills b o ro tëîi'1 O re g o n 4 .9 8 New Crisp Fabric GLOVES A value! 49. Flaring o rg a n ­ dy, c r o s s b a r and pique cuffs! A lso p erfectly plain slip -o n s! Better stock up now— only 49c. Sizes 6 to 814, In floral or novelty prints and solid colors! t ’s bound to be a happy Easter if you've a brand new frock to wear! You’ll rave about these—they’re so very sm art! Loads of crisp lingerie and soft lace trim these navies, pastels, bright new prints! P rint taffeta, too! Sheers, mate- lasses are big! Ruffle necks, “push-up" sleeves 1 Every important 1935 style— in & S U IT S Don’t forget your Gaymode Ready for Easter! S ilk Hose for a tmart Easter! 79 Important as your Easter bonnet! Lovely chiffons with silk picot top; service with reinforced top and sole! New colors! 8M}-10*A! s 9 .90 rl' Dressy or sport style! Jacket to full-length ! The Commercial N ational Bank is co­ operating with the United States Govern­ m ent in this undertaking and is ready to m ake advances of credit to those wishing financial assistance and w’ho will m eet the necessary requirem ents. Plan to m odernize your home now. Call in your contractor, plum ber, electrician, building m aterial dealer, decorator, or roofer for estimates. I I NO. 8 49c moae l i e n o a co m e io i n ■ ru : harmonica ,„ |o, M|ss E u n i c e the progrum und social given at Grange conducted the meeting and 1849 in Sullivan county. Mo. He wants no external gymp ny Mitchell, who is home on a fur- the Jacktown school Friday. third and fourth degree work at crossed the plains with his parents, compusslon; n e wunis lears oi r - |(>UJ(h from China from her mis- Orn Cecil Heaton entertained a Sherwood Grange Saturday. Vis- Janies and Susan Wood, in 1864, pentancewhich »«y I’ >! sionary teaching, gave a big dis- group of friends with a theater itors were present from Hillsboro, j settling in the Willamette valley. .. orou* ' play of things from Chinn and also party and dance given by the Tigard and Oswego Granges. Fielder Wood and Miss Mary woe on The«* the Shrine Temple ut the public Several mothers and daughters of Haynes were married October. 15, The Lutheran a capello chorus u talk on China Mrs Charles Deverell spent last auditorium in Portland Monday this vicinity will attend the moth- 1902. and moved immediately to sang "Deur Son of God" by Jean er and daughter banquet at the their farm in the Mountain Top Siliellus. and Mrs. P Schaus ren­ week-end in Portland with Mrs evening Murtun Cochran. Mr Deverell went Give Program Tigard high school Friday evening, district where he had prepared a dered Charlotte Cobb's "The Cross." to Corbett to visit his brother, | An Faster program was given by j Members of the Truth Seekers 1 new home for his bride, having Herbert Deverell the Scholls Ladies' Aid at their and Upstreamers classes will take sawed the lumber with a small Mr and Mrs Alfred Grocr and mc<,,lnK Friday “t the Mrs Eliza- the principal parts In the Easter water power sawmill which he daughter Helen Miss Anna Welk bvlh Kcvd homc when 15 werc l,a«eant to presented at th e ! built and operated himself. All the und sister and brother Max Will P'. Miit, Visitors were Mrs Lucille Scholls church Easter morning. ¡furniture in their home, that was Sunday guests a t t h e J. M made of wood, he manufactured as Holtz and daughter H .rriei and * * 2 ^ 5 * * ™ ^ son Leland. Mrs. O H. Peterson S ot ne“r Sherwood, and Stretcher home_ were Mr. and^Mrs , well as many other things such as ( H r M r . J. A. M « C « r) J C. Leedy and two sons Ralph a spinning wheel and loom, which SOUTH KANSAS CITY Furin- and daughters Lucille and Beulah. Mrs Gwens oi ,owa Goes Eaat for Things and James The Leedys formerly Mrs Wood still operates He also era' Union held u special meeting 1 «•»<* Herman. Kenneth and Lester August Billings went to Minne- Jived near Kinton and were mem-1 built a small threshing machine at the Kansas City hull Monday | Schultz were recent visitors at the evening Mr Henry Jacobson o f ! H L Doane home ut Durham. *>U Thursday to bring to Oregon bc” of tIheJ iCe?lls, 5 rangf. - - I for his and his neighbors use tv c n in g n ir m i n i a n u ia m i c carload a r lo a d of a rm u implements n o le n ie n ts a and nd M rs J -J M of f farm J“ rs M; Stretcher atti In «he spring of 1910 Mr and West Union gave an interesting The Doanes moved to Portland a household furnishings. luncheon Riven by the Elizabeth Mrs Wood adopted a little boy. last week. talk Next meeting will be held ut Consider Junior Clab Tipton club ni,,4’< Y Eastc| r n n ” whom they named Clarence Burn- Mr and Mrs. D. L. Gholson and Hanks in the Royal Neighbor hull family and Mr nnd Mrs W W eav-1 All those interested in junior th<- Harold Rose homc last Thurs- ham Wood The w jdcw and foster Apiil I . I »1. •, w ill on-. -I Hi,- fir- I son survive, also one brother. Dick , , __ and third Wednesday of euch e r entertained Mr nnd Mrs G roll,, club are Invited to attend a meet- ‘ iir tT r Wood of Newberg, and three sis- Frank Robinson. Mrs. Dennis, Mr ing Saturday at 2:30 at the Mrs month and Mrs Grd",t Grant Batson °! of ters. MrJ Add •» building a hop L for h(.r ior a few weej,s Crew of Eight Employed the Harmony club at her home house on his hop ranch ready for ~ . __ » ■ u. G. I Program Success A crew of eight men have been Tualatin Valley post of the Amer­ Wednesday afternoon. The ufter- n e s t v e n r s h n n e r n n y .1 11.J nu J Scholls Grange program a n d employed by the Scholls Tile plant ican Legion is scheduling a series n<>on was spent in quilting IlirtlKlay Observed basket social Friday evening was getting tile ready for the first of four dances to be held April Frank Vnnderznnden of the Tide­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles D everell! well attended. The program m - , burn of the season. 13. April 27, May 11 and May 25, water Lumber company of Astoria were entertained ut u birthday din eluded patriotic s e le c t io n s b y I for the purpose of raising funds was a week-end visitor of his par­ ner al the home of Mrs Deverell’s Scholls orchestra recitation. Stun H a n d iw o r k W h itm o r e to improve the Metzger clubhouse ents. Mr und Mrs J 1’ Vundei brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. ly Ego; Manhattan serenade, Mrs Tualatin Valley post w ill meet zanden of Fairview. School P u p ils S how n Oscnr Deverell. Don Meyers; reading. Mrs. A. B at the Metzger clubhouse tonight Vandrrsandens Move Miss Betty Mitchell was quite Flint; trumpet solo. Don Meyers; Display of little Dutch figures (Thursday). Ex-service men in that Mr nnd Mrs Louis Vanderzan- ill at her home several days last 1 song. Ego children; play. "Julius cut from wood by pupils of the area eligible to membership are den of Gules Creek have moved in Caesar." by Scholls young people Whitmore school is being shown invited. Harry F. Eli-nder, post the house on the J P Vanderzan- week. Mrs B F Mitchell and s o n 'T h e baskets and counter lunch net- this week at the county school sup- commander, will announce com­ den ranch Mr Vundi 1 /nml. n 1 visited Mrs. Mitchell's daugh- ; ted $17 40 erintendents's office. Ten students mittee appointments. working for J. P. Vnnderznnden Gwin ter, Mrs. C. L. Bush, nnd fam ily; Miss Evelyn Benson is visiting are enrolled at the school with hoeing strawberries and also set­ at Hoskins Saturday and Sunday ! relatives a few weeks in Portland Miss Helen Rcddig as teacher The If you change your address kind­ ting some out. Mr. and Mrs Frank Anderson Mr and Mrs Lloyd Murray v i s - t _______ display includes ______ seven ______ Dutch boys ly notify the Argus direct and at Guests of Mr nnd Mrs. J A. and twin son and daughter. Rich-J ited Mr. and Mrs. R O. Keith of | and girls, a duck and"a~tuii'p once. tf McCoy Saturday evening were Mr ard and Marian of Portland, spent Mountain Top Sunday and were ..„ a M r« 1 ,,1.1 « V a n , l . . r « n n , 1 i . n n n r l r u i u n i i u , s p e lli m o u n ta in 1141 o u n u a y a n o w e r e daughter Louis, of Gales Creek. .’hc ho"?ci' r îïÀ 'î* ‘V """ 8t daugh tr Anderson's brothers. Ar- the Frank Miller home in Corne- Mr and Mrs. J. P Vunderzanden of Mrs. and Ferd Stelnhoff, and sis- Hus. and sons Frank nnd Ralph of Fair- thur Miss Mildred Stelnhoff Jim Lee of Portland visited the view. The evening was spent In ter. Miss Frances Gholson had her E J. Howard home Monday eve­ playing "500." Mrs. Clara Reeves of Forest tonsils removed last week at St ning. Amy Alice Howard and Ioiwrencc Grove spent a few days last week Vincent's hospital in Portland. Burgoyne of Groner school re- Celebrates Birthday at the J. P Aydelott home. Miss Phyllis Wortendyke en ter-’ Fel,vcd. t.he‘r Palmer method Pin Htrohmayrrs Entertain BY T H E «» _ D j , Mr nnd Mrs lamia Strohmayer tained at her home in honor of la'„ w ec*; her twelfth birthday March 30 „ a.nd. ” 2 . “.“T " « ° entertained a few of their friends ^ N A T I O NAL Guests were Wesley North, Beulah I «Gian.! visited at the M B. Boz- Tuesday evening at the home of i a u u Mr nnd Mrs. J. P Vnnderznnden and Paul Peterson. Eldon Redmond. or! J H O U S IN G A C T with a "500" card party Present Harold Young, Donald M e y e r , MrA1a"d ” ra 9.ar‘ Asibah'\ a"d PLAN were Mr. and Mrs. William Van- Tomo Hnsuike, Robert Heilman. son, * l v i n 'if ’or,ln',d cvi»‘V d Mr_, Ed ?.*‘T n?Ln ?-un,daV nd derznnden nnd son Danny, daugh­ Peggy Mitchell, Juanita nnd Vir- a"d ginla Crafton, Emma Clark. Jackie w ‘lh u,hem ,vis‘ted. ? h* C„ F ° cm’ ter Ixniln nnd Bert Duyck of Roy, Wortendyke, min home In South Tualatin Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kemper and Borovicka, E d w i n sons Warren nnd Merlin and Miss Phyllis's grandmother, Mrs Whea­ day evening. The main feature of the program Frances VnnLoo of Forest Grove. ton, acted ns hostess. Games were Mr and Mrs J. A McCoy and played nnd many useful presents to be given by the Chapman school j April 26 will be a geography pic- daughters Gladys and Ethel, Mr were received. Miss Frances Post of F o r e s t and Mrs. Louis Vnnderznnden nnd little daughter Louise. Guy Ray­ Grove visited Miss Eunice Mitchell mond and Russell Hickey. Dancing Frlduy night. was also enjoyed The occasion was Mr Strohmayer's birthday anni­ versary. ! One o f Only T w o W eekly P ap ers W est o f R ockies HILLSBORO, OKKOON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1935 VOLUME 42 1 ABC Member— For a smooth figure—a Foundation of firm, suppte Lasten! Four ranking favorites— at one sensational low price! The jacket suit, the finger tip type, the ’/4 swag­ ger and the full-length reefer! Soft dressmaker touches— stand-up and P et­ er Pan collars, bow ties, buttons I Action backs for sport! New diagonals or raised surface wools 1 Flee- i- n I