U o f ! Two Sections— F u ll o l N e w « , fo r A l o f th e K urnily. ?»ilk'.lllir r g us W ith W h ic h is C om bined rhe 11 dishorn In d e p e n d e n t V O L U M li 4 2 »— —• - • « • e ABC Member— O ne o f O n ly T w o W e e k ly P apers W est o f Rockies H IL L SB O R O , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 11, 1985 NO. 8 S ta te C a p ito l N e w s L e tt er ¡ Farm Union to Present 4-H Awards Earm Economist Answers Protest Walnut Growers Fate Fourth Ju ly Event Judgment County Tax Foreclosure Suit to be Asked Relief Program in Rural A reas Airport Plan to Close May 1 Will be Told Court Seeks Bids Refund That Oregon walnut grower an Motion for judgment in the II Y A L. L I N D B K C K not discriminated against in the Hural relief cases in Washington Washington county tax foreclosure county will be closed on May 1, Operations of the walnut control suit will be sought in the circuit according to orders received Wed­ code was the opinion expressed in court sometime within the next S ta le mitt C ou n ty A id nesday by the local office from | the report made public this week i week, according to the district at­ the state emergency relief commit- ; by E M Gruhuni, agricultural I torney s office Total of 1076 par­ B ig S u m ; U tility tee Action is being taken in an-1 economist of the general crop sec- cels of land involved In the action ticipation the availability T * I e <• 1 X ---v/a mv < of ■ vaiinuu11 y u j M u- of sea- T axen H ig h C ou n ty O rg a n iz a tio n P la n t Hull of tlo- federst department of p ;r r D e p a rtm e n t, C. o f C. remain unredeemed a l o f > 1 4 0 ,0 0 0 R e fu n d in g "ual employment, R W Weil, R e p re s e n ta tiv e A i r D e f e n d agriculture 1 he report was made Hearing on three demurrers toi I o t W L . L I , county chairman said. re p re s e n ta tiv e A ir D efense by Gruhuni ufter holding Investi­ E x p ected to M a k e Bids S cholarships fo r T w o the suit are scheduled for this uc e r s o b e Is su e d Commenting on the order, the ' G ro u p to S p e a k M o n d a y gation meetings with Oregon grow- , morning 'Thursday). Motions for ^AI.KM State and county aid for ers lust year F rid a y A fte rn o o n M e m b e rs o f Clubs by T h is C ou n ty following statement was issued by, , , r . „ dismissal of complaints against all the poor, u r c «!. dependent wid J , the local committee: *■ Local C. o f C. Only possible cauM* for complaint persons who have redeemed prop­ own urui mother« und indigent will by growers in this state is that erty since the suit was filed, for a In anticipation of the general > coat each n (dent of O rego n ap Oregon growers are in u measure sure f \ r < 1 l l t ' t A rt ^wwsri default against others named and D „ , . . . . „ C 1 . closing of rural relief cases M a y , » . , . . _ proxhnatrly >3.76 thia year In ad­ rade / > ( . I u-rvrvri* OtM JIJ for u a judgment will be made as obliged to deliver a better grade dition to the 11 .(MM).000 appropriated nut to the surplus board than ( - ... soon thereafter as possible. by the recent legislative m c m i o i i re­ California, the report stated This , Following the judgment, a date relief clients affected by the or-1 lief budget« of the aevcrul coun­ F __ ___ j der wlu direct ‘heir attention at ties for 1035 aggregate >2,180,875 Locals P la n E x h ib its f o r results from the fuct that Oregon F ire m e n O u tlin e T e n ta tiv e for ,he »heriffs sale will be set and S a v in v in has but two grades and California notices posted in three public places K in te re s t E xpected once toward securing jobs in pri- P ro m o tio n o f F la x In d u s try < M th lg a im .n o t >078 ISO I..» I . . o C o u n ty F a ir T h is Y e a r tun. three. The grower is allowed P ro g ra m fo r C e le b ra tio n in Washington county. as R esult o f N e w P la n val® indus‘ry- D » budgeted for old age pensions, to deliver us he pleases us to grad« ______ Action was mandatory against ______ Seasonal work, particularly in S u p p o rte d by C h a m b e r >824.057 for cure of the poor. >280,- 1 ! properties ___ ____ Administration recognizes that „ . _ wj!iL de'i95i*e.n‘ 13xe* _ the rural areas, has been retarded --------- 382 for support of dependent wid­ Selection of a -r------- sponsor for the years 1925 to ---------------, 1930, inclusive, Bids on »140.000 of refunding by late spring and inclement weath- Two scholarships to the 4-H club there of the .u., con . . . . . . is . „ merit . . . . . . . in . . . some h .,.. ... — — — ^or r» , ow« and mothers and >08.300 for summer school ut Corvallis this tentions of the committee us It annual Fourth of July celebration «b® owners of which had not taken warrants will be called next week W- However, with the coming of u ev® *'> Pments ,n th® drive to care of indigent soldier« amt sa il-1 summer will be awarded by the tnuy . b«: possibh- _____ ___ _ fire How- advantage of the installment . pay- according ___ _ plans ___ ________ for __________ conditions __ to m Hillsboro still hangs to announced bv ____________ good weather, much outside work Have *®u®ra' air bases established in on* Washington county unit of the arise that"would result in intïiual- ®'«-r. the city commission expects ment program. Approximately 2200 Donald f fem ^teten'"7m ,7u7to4~ can and wiTf’h^' rfone f .llltMti« «».Mini«, kt,*», - ■ i II,.. will be discussed at the local rham. of commerce Mon«iay noon by Raymond R. Staub of Port- regional director of the Na- Fr on tier Air Defense asso- Severai local organizations in denominations of ¿ 0 0 each and “ n will bear interest at five per cent, would be discontinued as rapidly the TfiUsbo^Tarei •>r°Jects ,or Judge Templeton said Sale will be M seasonal work become avail- nr hn. .. .«a m « made to the highest bidder for able. Speed with which this cur- t,.r? L ,S?f (MM); Columbia. >48,HM). Cooa. >78. -w . rd« ,^,.11 »J , » . . T «u t 8----- >'* «• unit, may rM*niucie be made supplies and th«- resulting price in- or u?ed ior lhe Purchase of addi- ot six per cent, although those is- !S ' ^ * n.<,on. . co?nty Thirty-six Ald f T Oregon and th- i l l ... I.>^.41...... r* . . . ^ nT fit o’regon'and rv r- ti.intsl fit*.» equipment . 1 nm »45,900. Yuii'ihill, ' »41.000 wd",b.,’, mad«^lf*rom'thA'ink'''J1 t’h* WOUl,‘ “ or>»l «re H ea d q u a rters f o r C o u n t y sued after February 25“ of this year ot replacements, to be recruited Program Outlined L. I . j ii draw interest at five per cent. In ?.ex! week, will be sent to Camp site o be L o c a te d H e r e saving, county at ... Timber and seven at Program outlined by the fire de- i addition — ~~~ to this - — —••••»• the *«•« «.L rus«^^ t xr___ . Utility corporations paid a total dutes will compete for scholarships __________ ‘ Local interest in the project was partment included free acts in ad-1 -------- judge declared that he expected Vanc°uver. Wash of »U.U01.251 in taxes in Oregon nt the next meeting May 4 aroused at the chamber of com­ dttion to the customary Fourth of F«xicral housing campaign head- Premium to be paid would lust year ureording to figure« com- Utility Report (ilvrn merce January 14 when details of July concessions Other suggested quarters and display room f o r avef age approximately one p e r piled by the state tux commission Report on progress relative to the Wilcox bill were outlined. f I t IJ I*»* K XA'i’Fs* Si kz4 z4 r» c .-T t Ex I «7 _ . . a . . . Cent. This was approximately 17 per formation of a utility district in Since that time the American Le­ «• ^ r” ^ “j u ^ ^ l ^ g ' K ^ m o S m*'*! h^ ° Wood * warrants will hold cent of the total property tax. Tux Washington county was given by gion, city council and chamber of _ over subsequent puynients by the Portland General Ferd Langer of Sherwood P, Pat- commerce have been co-operating ^ i issued. That the contest, races of various T G Bronleewe 'county chairman’ Ä current Ä vouchers Electric group atone amounted to ton of Gaston took exception to in a drive to have the government kinds, baseball tournament, surprise announced this week Exhibits of neW would called in with- »1,143 1130 Whereas tax payments the present set up on the grounds — mu C.XUIUIIS or _ . , v e r the m e airport a ir p o n near Here take o over here for free _ feature, horseshoe pitching “ * .......- * ' .......... 0,0 ----- * *. «— dT —*— •— S e a r c h e r * . building materials u and household .v ^m ^toton^A i"10'1 F S -J P k J1 such an air bas<’ Expenditures by (lower, telephone and wuter | that farmers I.,., iu i iiit - i , were . o n - not noi given suf in- ■ ,__ o u - r- . ■■ . . , . nu n u u s e n o ia ex Dr it^ d ^ «... Icient representation T h e Union J o h n B a ld w in F a ta lly H u r t and free picnic ground« grounds appliances will be shown and home hom e , p J®“ , by Templeton. Addition- Searchers F in d C han d lees timated at between asnnnon utilities have inereiued gradually flel timated at between »500,000 and _____ ______ _ books _ and information re- lf -h may be resorted to li. n adopted n motion to add two jn A c c id e n t at T o b ia s lion? hib'L.VJrf01? or8anlza ' Pluming . over the past 12 years, payments I the _ ___ _______ »1.000,000 would be made here if on T r a il fro m C am p , .......................... i local , . to 111 r t i c i o t n i at I o n ia s lions be asked to snonsor some gardinZ oarHmo th.. , . . . . , ...in „ ii, “t® sponsor ’ srime, the 'eampa'ign" w in" «. b^e the warra warranted indebtedness of by rallroa«! companies, on the oth- members from each county local designation could be obtained. event in the program was sug-1 available , e county increases again. er hund. sluiw a graduul decrease, the utility committee. ' it was said. John E Baldwin. 6». ot Tobias f es,ed ,h ® Kroup Committee Clifford O Mabee of Aloha w ill Reduction, in the amount of out Committeemen appointed were as ws. o» luuiu.s rs.»yr».L«n»irs,. th " —-----— „ . . . v»* gAswtia wtu - —— -— ---- - *»» Dr and Mrs. William Chandlec Resolution petitioning President killed instantly Mon- c 1»? u included be in charge of the headquarters st«n<*>ng warrants during the past of Scholls, feared lost in the Buck Roosevelt to allocate funds t o Distribution ui »275JKMJ to the b’llows: Bluomlng J N Jepson »tulli night when he was struck by n n i m *yeinulsh chief. Wilbur and of the five canvassers working : v T?r t<*5j5d aPProxi™ately >120.- lake district of Klamath county, promote the flax and v... ,ini I m u n i i i i h i 1 /ru iH ‘i s I4iur z '»K«« w u n i w w a s F iru ex o y illn n fir « m o i u i < i » w — k a iiv g o a cig WUJMUK nno Li 4,---- »lid /,- »««a. u i o u i l i u i JALdHiatn c o u n t y , F 'v in u ir <»nu u r v e and iu p develop m e IJ Patton and Dethlefa. 1-uur day i I 50U ,1X1 sharrbolders of the Western el Scholls J E Blazer Kansas **n automobile while walking along ant» / d . rnarsna’« A L Brock in the county. Clerks, provided by uw- according to Templeton A year were safe and on their way to civ- linen industry in Oregon Saving» Ac Loan aaaociutioii made thia w«-vk by Chai lc« II I City- H«-rt lli . - u ki r and Ed Bra the Tuulutin highway near his ' i„»,„._2,iLentz' . lhe SERA, will be in the office a5 ° ,he *’arrant indebtedness of ilization when met by searching adopted Monday night at the reg- Carey. corporation commissioner. Verboort Arthur Ireland ami home Lloyd E Anderson of Hills- . 2 2 , ch^ ®ver> day th®. county amounted to $280 244 parties Tuesday, according to word ular business meeting of the cham- The distribution was made on the '«enry Plats Middleton ;»n l Ijmgci i n g e r Mt»»«, boro, driver unvvi u of i the »nc death u«-uin car. w was a s -Uam rhamK.r K «.- r „ - -- expect® -------- <1 L. '*'ont . . the Community ....«.**4,^ K meeting i l l i n g was u held c iu a at i wnile 7 at » present ---- - 7 “ - the total is ap- from Ashland. The couple had gone t»®*' of commerce. The resolution basis of l/5-tt cents on cucii d o l-iand Jo*«* Cedar Mill and West not held. Investigai mg officers de- conducted th e }*Ì,ch Tigard Monday night for organiza- P/oximatley mo n i a III». J u S a i n i K u i n e e i s d e - rondiletiw t lh .. , i —. . — ...» in IUI u i Siiio x a - - - $162.000 ----------- ------, i» iu .i.o o io «rap »“ i m u w w o y m e u a x COm- lar Invotad In the BMonation ! Union requesU-d additional I ' time ' In daring that the ------conducted Fourth ..I» .« « .< L„_ -s ®v®nt. tion of the u housing ....,_ _ _ campaign _ _ _ _ _ in i ! House ------ l bill ,„ . 341. .. accident was the un- rnr a of n J ,n,K.1 , llrtn of July which provided muskrats for a short time and were ( mittee o t the Oregon Federation of tents avoidable . J “hPunlo®r ot years, was not ob- the Sherwood-Metzger-Tigard area, tor the refumling procedure, was unable to come out due to heavy I Women’s clubs. • « • I which to report uppointmci wed the Baldwin was walking along the c,miration ai dV h'f’fi b°*h OT J ° Johnson ot Tigard is acting passed by the legislature and al- snowstorms. Plans for increasing colonization M .?oii,‘lH2OU,.,.oh'm'‘l ¿ » " n ™ proposing of a ...... lutmn opposing south side of the highway* and*"is 5 2 2 ^ * to’ J ÌI k L i Ì’* , fi,rA‘men are “ L “ chairman in that "district " lowed to' become "law without the Thomas Hodgson and L. I. Moon, of this area by persons ’f ronT tì^ h,.1 '..I J .h h i ' compuliwiry student fees ut the believed to have attempted to prid»v ,ten propo“ ls D«talls of the national h i g h signature of Governor Martin. Un- ’raveling on skiis. met the Chand-1 middle west were discnsse«t Estab- mtssianer. _ u«ai . mirassi ng . 01 punite «ute college and university No ........ cross to the other . side, stepping it; in - y . a” ®moon. . ----- ----- «• »,«. i,v »••«- »»»..«.s .»a« »nianiiL j * »***«*-«*’ sp r v t.ii uuiuvM . spun* piuvmuns oi me law countv o u v u t tM uiw dv o n u ie io - m ile ‘««tu ij; ox an miurmaiion Dureau in acU<,n w<11 u k cn and lhc rcsnlu- front of the car That he did not W is X ^ M??' H?»iil1StiL?g ° f ’! ? ' Mred by the <«<*eral housing ad- courts in the two counties affected «now-covered trail from the Lind at the chamber of commerce to te- inUiprUtxl here an an Blandon- ,|ori WM ^ ,4 (>n thr tJ|h|<, J(>hn the mi|n thv . « r .. »»arry Morgan Jake ministration, were received this were authorized to instruct their My ranch to Buck lake. si«t newcomers was proposed, mu m» Ih.n hi'«l eh2r-JL Ji,..i‘t f,2t J ’utoils. Albert Strciff. H K Huson, impact was the report given an A.„ar «..m m o J M< ! '*»T<‘k by Br°nle®»'e. Topic will be respective county clerks to issue Searching parties left Medford I Details of Title 11 of the Federal baillng^UHU has huruUtnz.xl for- | roi„nr| William Dierdorff. Thomas thorltiea by Anderson th e n m akL “ '® J h e bids and "Better Housing and the Home” refunding warrants drawn against on Monday with t h e Chandlee Housing act were outlined by R Ihon rnnle«__ . --- ‘ * *SWL4a® federal housing administration n. goUations for the tong drawn «ait Representative E 1. Huss chial schools are eligible to com­ Jenkins ranch in the Dead Indian He declared that loans for new pete. s r ; m Z* j w co n . country on March 5 when a heavy construction and refinancing under Contests ,o determine the boy snowstorm overtook them. They !h* a®t were now being taken, , x,M nslve libgntmn with little or tlvltl,.s at lhl. |,.i:IS|ilturi. F r r f sZ r t)' and girl ,o represent the various stayed until March 8, when they That merchants, businessmen and no relief for rate payer , expressedI the opinion .ha, the ice M, Z l X im w h^ T s survived by " high schools will be completed by started for the lake on horseback.' ’h®*r employes were largely re- May 3 and county representatives Five miles from the lake. Jenkins sponsible for traffic congestion on cream bill requiring imitations to and (wo bro(hers in Portland. (Continuvd on pair» lu. ml unin I) Governor Martin has forwarded will be determined by May 17. left the couple and the Chandlees Main street was the declaration of suffered a broken neck and frac to the federal emergency admin State contest closes on May 25. decided to ski to their cabin. | Mayor J. H Garrett. Parking of tu rn of both arm* and legs as a Istratlon of public ap f national semi-finals on June 4 and blic works, an ap- T I * Production record and general Jenkins declared that the Scholls cars owned by these people on result of the accident The body plication for Prooosal under wkiek . lhc :lational finals on June 15. The ’yp® ot herd from which the calf couple had plenty of provisions Main street during business hours gran, ,.f was taken to Portland ------ - en lg fll for reconstruction on of the Trout- / »m county v eight national finalists will give comes should be the firs, consider- bu’ h»d planned on staying only a ' hinders trade facilities and causes z-< • w-s s ?e,Utr’. marll,'d *bt'«®c- "J:?, lai!>e Gol(i®n Ban- their speeches at Washington. D “tion in selecting a heifer calf for week or ten days. When they did congestion, he said. dule Cusrode Locks section of the Columbia river highway. Hopes for , ..... . __ __ — _________ _ Letter was received from Con­ ~ ® the fi™ e * year £ » 7 ‘he t e ^ a canes n e s P and w words. oP dr^ 5 "Ot to " ° I - ation H-Club- Th^ Morse, * “ “ * extension d~ lar- P0? ,-* * « * the • « police * . “ month- J « * ™ gressman James W Mott regard- Juvin..Wc annul .... the request ar. r V E O V F I 1 » ™£,ty™“ c->unly since firs! I* ..f “ th. "" cannery .„J“ a"“ h ‘,avc of * ° R rk~ W notified bused on the fact that the hug«- _____ ’ ' T"** °.f R»av®r,on route |hi 1 • « «o’ ght f o r d i n g to Applications for loans on new dairyman, during a discussion of Frank Norman, caretaker of the (Oontinaed on po«o 4. rulumn 7) cx|x*nditure is made necessary by . .. *" , . g ***n In a similar n , pf- ^ t - <• Hx>-Maling can- construction and refinancing and care ui of the dairv v Chandlee here *■ .........-------------------- ...p, un- the selection ---------- — vise- Udll --------— - - filbert v orchard iv iia n i near IIU4iriierV. the development of Bonneville dam Indictments against six persons ««‘ 'dent ,„.ar Beaverton on Feb- n®O t ontracts — der » —..................... - - Hous- I calf - . » - at . - the » ------- .. _ Brothers . e ualr> ---------------------- nere. nroximatetv >snn for growing ~ ap: Title 11 of thc - Eederal Connell farm expressed belief that aru his near employ- which is a federal project ,wcre « ‘Port«» Erjday by the coun r»»«-y >» corn lx' tw ineT m „hi « ~ ‘,£.-’ W<7 t ,ng act are now available a‘ both beat here Saturday Approximately ®re bad reached their cabin and . . . ‘y grand jury Those indicted were ---------------------- Dean r acc°5dln8 ,o local banks. Loans may be made 30 dub members attended were safe. He gave this opinion th e cao’n e r v ' f i - i d ° d - J ? . oi UP. “» 8? Per cent of the appraised considering the safety pr‘°.r ’» report of the couples After ttt years of tovesUgation Ä n d “ blft^y" % — ry' field 7 ^ 7 , ; “.Plu‘e° o7 S S ^ r t y ’ » s i Importance / e ^ X m o of f t h ^ Ä on ’he Wednesday and litigation the state ha. ulti- Flowers and James Wedding, all , , D*,n'«n*n having land available bu, not in e x c e ^ o t »ie’ooo to t u - m the r e c i t e W' a That C h a n d lX T a n exneneneed ä ■‘ t ä sk j ;!- t o b c H c k l S a tu rd a y ss? ;: ä " "“ « ■ « " a r s e — t beds The United SUtes supreme Crane of Fores, Grove, statutory Funeral services for Henry nrrv wlU be provided seed and I should conrorm conform to , K. 4 J n_!n0.w ^ orm befcwe Emergency ------- ______ ___ ____ 11*“ ' . 5 ? alf H9ru Muiuia uuure was r>iiiergeiM.y crop loans are now Monthly payments on the ■ - » loans., the breed type, , have a vigorous /■ \ ZXZ» I , fi stat* ment of Norman. He also available and applications are be- b leK I r»kli i »4 —* — — ■ — — 1 - - - ‘ a - .a 2 . . t-xxe« 4 rx a it- - « ... court luu held that the lakes are charge Brocks, 88, of Hillsboro, who died b*' b8**1 ,15 P®r ’on tor corn de- not navigable and therefore not George Pierce of SI. Helens en- »♦ his home here Wednesday morn- state property. The tong fight has tered a plea of not guilty to a i ”g will be conducted at the S, cost the state more than $10.000 charge of assault with intent to Matthews church Saturday at 10 1.............. -»■= «*■ income oi the Ioan, according to R J Scearce 'cited the imnortanc- come out if the Chandlees had noi enneemine ih « .. Title to other lake bed. will prob- kill when arraign«! in the circuit « <" by Father J T Costello Reci- approximately »30 an acre. Ray Hillsboro chairman Charges ^ .d e catoes on fte^h m d l « \ 7 f * " 8 arrived at the toke X “d ? e r ^ by ,hC C°?toJi*OÄ mwOrn‘T‘ , f t “^ 0 Of ‘hC " ¿ £ 7 Wi,,d bCk hr“J “ offal from ,1 and ‘"eluded in X H o w ^ e r .w fe “ f r Ä i U The ™ s k r l, term contain. 2000 Hangs Fire of Warrants Utility Report Given »«.. n.....™, TS,,,.,.. Premiums „i’Ä & . Ä ’Ä Ä - Ä Ä Ä Sought by Dr. Staub e « ^ rt^,f ¿^e Hl,kboro Site Urged Housing Office Opens Monday Com County Man f A \ Auto Victim - ----------- .... ,w.„ ,„r cent Scholls Pair Reported Safe Calf Selection Explained Here Cannery Seeks Corn Contracts «4.900.000 JlirV llKllCtS Six Persons Crop Loans Being Taken A r Ä j’am« HeiUy BtOcks RitCS dec».«,. ...dverw J J .? .” " iA '50. . " " ' "?.pos?d upon. ? . . . " . ? "j .f? ‘d?y. . . and bur,al to kept S J r a t e Jrom'Sto'"“h O< the ‘°“ arC f° r mUtUal ,nSUr' p.u tc , othcr by- ance, taxes, fire and hazard insur- »»•- .1— u>. Ik - i Tigard Tuesday when they enter- tery. h v e r e d S h !” S tk e a r 8 n d w i l * be de- ance and annual service charges into o of f th thc e thing t«T At rf lOiilty Mr. was born 1-inle th in ii according u cco rd in ir to to At- A I. ,.hnr,,in., 'T pl‘‘n!1 e ~ —• < — » z to >«> indictments n iu ic i„ im n is - and — ■ Brocks •»•««.•»• w h ..» m ,, u in i n i Germany .r r m a n y n ' c i e u oy me cannery to the -;Contlnu«l on pare to. relsinn n thing, and m came to t the States 53 da'r> man’s silo for »1 per ton. In holdsyt»iat servinu a s 1 s ta te le r t s " qU or to m *n o r » Tb®y also plead 'ears ago. He had been a resident ‘he past most of this corn waste. ja h or a^< 7 n emto-r of any o,w 8U‘"y char8“ of Permitting •’ Hillsboro for the past 18 years Ra> declares to be better A C llO r l r v I l Q S of Oregim’s num< nms boards a n d ' "J1""” to PIav P°°l « public I ,H® >» survived by one son. F.mil, 'ban field corn for ensilage, has ommisSmiu nt i n l and Hm sim.e ” ‘a" but “ "‘«K * " a< Postponed I >’ Cornelius route 2. andsixdaugh- t*™ thrown away VV7 a .* nnc 1^11.’^violation «." ’the consU -‘ , 'W MrE‘" land of Aloha was j'®«. Mrs. Anna Wilke of Mt Ang- Steps are being taken to Increase .Uonil ii.hib?tim. ngiinst lH ld i..u iii,,,"’d "v,’r *° lh‘‘ gra,'d jurv .1’ Mrs Enima Nlckolls and Mrs the contracted sw eetcorn acreage wo tocrative offtcM* oi m s tu rn s T"psdav b> County Judge Temple- Mary Reinke, both of Portland 'his county and the above pro- 1.7 once In this «•oiineethin R e ir i i ,®Ut’winK arraignment on an Mrs Gertrude Moyr of San Fran-1 Po«" has been made to facilitate at once. In this connection Repre County relief committee in meet- once. In this comnrtion 11« ore ' assault and battery charge. | cisco, Cal., and Mrs Lena M iltep-! 'he obtaining of additional con- sentative 1-cw Wallace of Multno­ ing Wednesday night did not come Riisxell Crane of Forest Grove, herger and Miss Etta Brocks o f , tracts- The cannery does not wan, mah county will probably have l(’x in iliii« |(in nave |0, column 4) ' Hillsboro to an?,, any deciaion decision ° on the wage peti- pet,- to go outside of Washington coun- !° n 'h® to kick buck with the per diem ty for (he necessary acreage Rav tlon._ fii£* by reIlef workers >a«‘ he drew tor serving as a member declari-d Persons interested ’ are week The question has been re­ of the game commission on Feb­ asked Io contact thc cannery. I «he county wage board ruary 2 and 9 while he wns still Ruv until r e c c n t lv B in o r in in n ^ I Petitions submitted by the county druwlng his per diem ns a mem­ ent of the Woodhurn » SERA workers requested that the ber of thc legislature. bea‘ ‘h”s* Ma“h- - - W O OUCStlOtl 'C County Dairy Herds Rank High Production Report for March “ n° ‘ a' ailabl®- a calf can be rais acres a?d f °P®rated by a com- “ ed very successfully on a well hal. ------ ~ ~ " anced ration using I dry skim milk dry skim milk ' . btocA fop, ‘he farm was spring field crops, vegetable crops In order to « n - n r e r > r n ™ > r a n d max- ralsed at ‘h® Chandlee filbert farm , and for taking care of the neces- -------------------proper oraer to secure proper and and max- imum growth it is essential that near Seholls. , sary spray and fertilizer work in th® ®a" be kept under s a n i t a r y . - , . . ---------------- - orchards and berry patches. Money conditions and be fed a carefully Iv llS S in iT I V f a n F r s i i n r f allowed covers feed requirements analyzed and well balanced calf 1 l u d l l r O U r lG i for work slock as well. meal. Exercise and sunshine are; I_ I-|| I t t Mortgages against all the crops al* avs,important 3 t r l l l l S D O r O H o m e , produced are given as security for At ,‘h® d ose of the field meet » r no.-iu oc , « . 1 the 'oans The interest rate is 5(4 two classes of producing cows were M n uaVK,son “ • of Ashville, per cent per annum. ' ' ' C - who was reported missing If the amount need; ‘ ud8®< turned ’ d . T,hkr*f .» Hillsboro to stay with his niece, ; case this federal agents refuses the Mrs, Percy Weik, he told officers applicauon. the a w lic a V m a r th e n „ A Glen Hall, who brought Davis'- apply for an emergency crop loan , Senator George Aitken of Gar- ???. Oregon last week, reported Minimum toans are »10 and maxi­ mum loans are »500 The Washington county commit­ tee checking the local applications | are Omar Fendall of Forest Grove, i Hen Hevsacker of Forest Grove 1 route 2 .md F E. Rowell of Scholls program including the wage rates • V V f < '¿^¿rwhtorD?^^ laiKS joint Meet From the way Income taxes are Six county dairy rolling in it begins to took ns major portion of though prosperity had made i, ors In the Yamhill _ around the corner nt last. Actual Improvement association for March. 1100, 70.4. collections so ter this year are according to the report released Production of 60 pounds butter- g e ? t h ö u r s u n d e r t h e ir pr< more than $41X1,000 ahead of th o se; this week by J. P. Lohrenz, test- fa, or over by mature cows 10 of Inst year. ! er. Records of animals owned by I places—First. Connell Bros "Oak- d ly^ D r" 1^ “ " / & & a t n « * * * I Connell Brothers. Fir Grove dairy, hurst," purebred Holstein 6 2653 man. Dr. Andrew Carrick, pastor; John Cooter, speaker of t h e and Albert Greener, all of H ills-; 87.5; third. Fir Grove. " 1 3 grade B- E _____w ............ ______ , _____ ___ ______ O ’ , , °h ,b^Tualatin Plains Presbyterian house, seems to have put one over ' boro, David Hagg * Sons of Re«-d-1 Holstein, 5, 1674, _ 71 9. fourth Hngg I appointed Tuesday _ by "secretary" „, of .... 4 t h U e .. political nailitirenl prognosticators, ns.... 4 < s « 4 « / i ville. ll.» Areo 'T.IIVI n..,l I A Sons.' ..m . . . L"’ . . - A I, «■ . Wallace .. J as ' a ! oil nnd W Mrs. Tom 7171112»»„ Williams and "Tiwts’ grade'^"raev* I A-st Grove, dominated the report Tmleh 10," grade Jersey 7 1 044 ,or ' h® red sour cherry marketing ,Mrs , Murtha M. Tews, 40. wife the McMinnville club Friday on , «, ’ . «. ? . / V„^ ,Cr? I ^eei'rei^’X can ®®cu[e nourish- county legislator landing a state for the 38 herds tested «9 it; eighth. Albert Greener ,,f "greenient Maling will represent u i Walter f; J e w s former Hills- the collecting of stamps. Others Pa,cb w®r® kl,1®d by cultivation at | mt nt tor the root stock • • ■ — nnrn fim rhiof $■»— Smith "mm a«*« accompanied j *-• the M P Cadv farm at a cost of 1,1 ‘ <«sc or very small patches job he has been quietly angling Connell Brothers, with a herd Hillsboro, "IS," grade Holstein 5 dealers in Oregon and Washington I ^°ro,.fi.ri chi^.f died «♦ »' ♦ th® ‘mm K here him for a federal berth which he now , of 34 purebred Holsteins. captured non, 65.9. Marketing agreement which would ' h,’sP"a* here Saturday after an ill- A Rotary book shelf v will be $16 per acre, reports L. E. Francis, 1 which are conveniently close to the buildings a number of farmers confidently expects to land. Cooter top honors tor dairies having 2(1 Four-year-old class Second HaBv provide minimum prices for grow-1 m ow- nps of “ f!vS Funeral placed in the e puDiie public library, llbrai ____ vi days a« run® r‘,‘ services i-nrdlna p.»veu .n «». m ac-j assistant county agent. In his con- have ... „..« -I«— *u- ___ 1.. ___ . _____ «1— Tl... u__ 1 ..u...... 1 .... - ___ - ___________ __ . ' »»< »«■••>■. Hagg, «HIUKI......... . e »-«» *v« Siow """ ,vprn rnnSnrfoa «U« «««I.— *_i__ . had good success in hand is out after the newly cr«>ated post or more cows. The herd showed an * Sons. "Fish 6," grade Jersey 1 ®ra of red sour cherries used In Iwc,ru cond,'Ict™ at ‘ h ® Trinity J’ord‘nK '« action taken by the trol of the thistle. Cady used a cultivating every two or three days. of farm relocation director for average production of 1208 pounds I 1305, «7 8; fourth. Fir Grove “7" I canning and packing was approved ! j h®ral? fhurch Tuestlay afternoon board of directors Each Rotarian six toot cover-crop disk and a two- For those patches that are too Oregon, an activity coming under J of milk nnd 40.53 pounds of t butter- grade 1732 65 requested ,0 to .contribute contribi m-ndo Holstein H o ls te in 1799 «sa 8 fifth fiftn ' «entativelv tentatively by bv Secretary S e c r e ta r y Wallace u/n,i»r„: - and burial was a' at th® the Hillsboro I. ■ is « Requested one book, ton ton tractor tractor ;arge or so situated as to make It the federal re-employment pro- i fat during the month Connell Bros ,’ "Izetta ” purebred Tuesday and sent to the industry 2 ,° J . cemetery. Rev George Rotarians will again sponsor the The patch was cultivated 10 times impractical to cultivate by hand gram. He took advantage of his, "Judy 2." a seven-year-old grade Holstein, 1872, «3 0; seventh. Hngg for »¡Rnnlure The control commit R „ 0 -ilcia‘®« L v sunrise Easter service. ------- n summer tor two vears me Complete each summer for two years, the and which are too small to culti­ recent trip ,0 the national capitol Jersey owned by David Hngg A * Sons, “Newah «,’’ grade Jersey’ '®® w i" recommend, prior t to each Te/Xs was bo!’n 28 I Pla"s W week being approximately o i ’ h ' , u?!r’ ««M S w a a a ,,Ju"e w a a il« fV, • • • 1" • • be a announced i l l l V U I l U V U i next lC A l W P P K . I cldHvations to eontact federal officials I n Sons, placed second in production «68. 57.1. «>me 10. _ a minimum price 1894 nt Glencoe and lived in In Oratorical contest with entries from two weeks ainrt t At _______ 1894. at l A t m f f time were vate by machinery, applications of charge of this progrnm and expects | tor March with n record of 1525 Three-'year-old class First, Hagg I ...M«“ "« 's President of H E Mai-1 J™ hi8h achools will be held ,he° thistleZ nltowed toTppear”above sodium chlorate at the rate of five pounds to the square rod is the Besides the widower, she is sur- April 25. a definite announcement within the pounds of milk nnd 94.5 pounds of & Sons “Ash 4 " grade jerse'v 1090 >nK' Inc the surface of the ground. The most satisfactory control. vived by a son, Henry A. Tews of j —---------------------- week. i butterfnt. First place went to "94." 76.3; second. Mrs. Tom Williams of '— ----- ---------------- estimated etist tor each cultivation Hillsboro; her mother and father, A J • * * n seven-year-old grade Jersey own- Forest Grove. “Peggv 2," purebred " T ’ JO -T« was $1 tor gas and oil, »1 for la­ Mr and Mrs John Freudcnthal of Reports reaching the cnpitnl from ed by the Enirvlew Farms nt Trout- Jersey. 1184. 69 4; fourth Mrs Wil- I I g i i r U ¿ > C O llt I F O O D bor, »2 tor depreciation, interest, I Hillsboro; and two brothers, Ed 1 eastern Oregon would indicate th a t, dale Her record was 1615 pounds Hams. "Blue Hell,” purebretl Jer- - - * etc., making a total of $4 for one and Herman Freudcnthal the bite which Clint Haight, edi-1 of milk nnd 101.7 pounds of but- SPy, nag, gg g; fifth Fir Grove cultivation of the five acre patch; Hillsboro. tor of the Blue Mountain Eagle tei fat "48." grnde Jersey, 1320, 64 6 Mrs Seven SERA projects for Wash-!?, total $8° for the 20 cuItiva- nt Canyon City, suffered from the I County dairy animals took the Williams, "Rose," purebred jersey, I Tigard boy scouts were hosts to , . . L. A "Dub” and "Duffers" tourna­ ington county were approved this " ons or **” Pcr acr® political Ixy is more serious thnn 1 lion's share of places In lhe various 830, 81 troops from Hillsboro. Metzger and L o c a l lo w n s e n d G r o u p ment will be played at the Forest week, according to W. J Mills was at first ■uapected. It is now roll of honor divisions tor March Two-year-old class First. Mrs. I Sberwood nt the Mnzamn lodge at W il l M e e t H e re S unday county . _ l . i manager. These include sausiaciurv means ior controlling o.. ~ » , . _ rumored that Haight is harboring Placing* were ns follows with the E,-, Robertson of rurssi Forest «I««»ye, Grove, I j JJ’ Hood u>>u>ui; Saturday «uu and ouimay Sunday i , Hillsboro Townsend Old Age Pen- Pen- leveling and la n d s e a n ln v thr. Canadian thistle and morning glory »j"nr,^<’5d Forest Grove and B an ambition to go to congress to owner, name of the nnimal, breed, Madia, purebred Jersey. 1209. Eight scouts from Hillsboro troop slon club will meet nt 2:'’" - — -P R Shute states Francis This is particularly1 M Goodman of Hillsboro as team school general repairs a, put his legislative experience to age. milk and butterfnt production 68.9; second, Hagg ft Sons, "Mush 218 made the trip accompanied by Sunday at the Christian 1 30 r church e p rx a m. s I I «L __ grounds, a __ ■ • the _ Buxton school s u r v e v to r to true in the case of large patches j Cai ’„ 2 ? i_ .^ „ „ . . the test In 11 larger field He may given In order: 2, grade Jersey, 933. 60 6; fourth. Scoutmaster T. G. nronleewe nnd Mr llurrow of Portland will speak cation of water mains at B e a v e r ' of twenty square rods or more in ! .. x l- i? iST’i . ¡°V™ey Production of over 70 pounds Ha«« contest Walter Pierce tor the dem­ ,v Sons. Son. "Imleh 16." grade A Dlcknson Local boys who made The revised Townsend bill, recent- ton fumitore rtoato protect nt' which ense the cost of using chem- . bo° r