Jnllsbori Section Two— Full of News, for Al of the Family. I A.B.C. Member— One of Only Two Weekly Papers Went of Rockies With Winch is Combined the Hillsboro Independent Benefit Dance at Laurel Hall D a v is lia s F a m ily P a rty ; Illy NO. 7 HILkSBOKO. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1935 VOLUME 42 M oves; C ro p reamed in Film M rs . C lass R n ffe ty Hom e; 'Dfoia. UJèeki (lly M r» . F , I . . I l r n w . t l I.AUHEI. A benefit dance will l><- given nt the community hull Kuturday night to help flnunce the local baseball team of tin* Sunset league I’io Zunoliclll. singer and entertainer of Hillsboro, will be present. Pavla fam ily Moves I .eon S Davis und fuinlly have moved from the Mason Cudy place Io their home one und one-half null » m.rlh until Sunduy at the sorting and sacking. The potatoes Stevens cottage In Oceanside, being are bring shipped for seed. transported In the Stevens store Mr and Mrs Jesse Jungrrs of truck. Those making the trip were Portland visited at the M. Keyser Elbert and Irene Stevens. Lee und home from Saturday until Mon­ llernice Brown, Ted and Helen day. Itutschmnn. Thelma Mulloy, Lucille Argus classified ads get results. Bennett, Lillie Brown, Earl Baker, I7 ! M la a M a r y a ra t 1932 FORD V-8 COACH— Good condition ............................... 1929 FORD SPORT COUPE— "As is” ............................................. 2 1928 FORD COUPES— “As is” .............................. ............ 1930 BUICK COUPE $350 1929 DODGE SEDAN ............................ 150 1928 NASH SEDAN ................................. 125 ( tt y M » th t« a « *n i A p r il M r» . J o h n M. Farm Union League to Start Play Soon Farmers’ Union baseb« 11 league, including five Washington county teams, has bx^n organized. County unions entering teams are Kansas | City, Verboort. Cedar Mills. Bux­ ton and Laurel Carlton in Yamhill i county is toe .sixth team. The following schedule has bet n announced for the 1935 seiuson 12; Dads D a v id a o n ) Lay the Foundation LUTHERAN a THURSDAYS Washington Savings and Loin Association Birthday Parties Held Mason Hill ^0= The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon Condensed Statement of Head Office and 18 Branches As $ 5 3 ,2 3 9 ,4 1 4 .8 6 Y o u GET T H IS ’20 personal GIFT... ... wheti you buy a new gas range! H O W TO GET IT : • We will give you free a handy range set regular­ ly priced at $20 when you buy one of the gas ranges listed below retailing for $74.50 or more without kitchen heater or $119.50 or more w ith kitchen heater. This set is composed of a chromium shaded bracket lamp, electric measured timer, electric clock, 4 porcelain condiment jars and a condiment rack. A-B • Estate • Gaffers A Sattler • Norge Magic Chef • Spark • O ’Keefe A M erritt • W edgewood • The period of this free offer is limited! BUY YOUR NEW GAS RANGE N O W AND SAVE $ 2 0 . P ortland G as & C oke C ompany } AUTHORIZED SALE! AMO SERVICE School Has Comedy Roll HELVETIA -Something different MOUNTAINDALE Miss Eugenia A p r i l 14 Ksanaaa C i t y a t C a r lto n . B e *, | in school programs will he given btxxrt a t C e d a r M i l l * , B u x to n a t l a u r e l , Cypher ul North Plains has ac­ at Helvetia school April 12. Special A p r il 21 C«*«iar M ill« a t B u x to n , C a r l- cepted the jMjttition of teacher ut to o a t V w rb o o rt. luaurwl a t K a n a a« C ity feature will be moving pictures the Meurhurii school fur next year. A p r i l 2M V e rlw a irt a t la M r e i . K a o a u « taken in Switzerland by Elmer C it y a t O r i a r M illa , B u x to n a t C a r lto n . Mrs. Metu Johnson, who has Buehler ol Portland and also Ore­ M ay 5 B u x to n a t V e r b o o r t, C a r lto n a t spent the past few weeks with her KanaaA C ity , I-a u r e i a t ( « d a r Mill#* gon scenes. A small charge, for -son-in-law and duughter, Mr end M a y 12 K a n » u C ity a t B u x to n . C e d a r the benefit of the school, will be M ills a t C a r lto n , V e r b o o r t a t I frost last month. Mr. and Mrs R. Hills of New­ latter’s birthday They were later berg visited at the J. W Corey joined by Mrs. W S. French. Mrs. Dr. Wiley Given Certificate home Sunday B E Waldorf and Miss Helen Dr. D. E Wiley, local physician, Mesdames J L Vandomelen. G. Kinsey for an afternoon of Sun­ has receivtd an official certificate C. Connolly, and James Mathiesen. shine sewing. for safe driving in the “Quit K ill­ Mildred Hergert and Margaret Mrs Charles Woods is visiting ing" campaign now being conducted Mathiesen intended u silver tea at t in Portland with her daughter. Mis. in Portland the J. R Sandford home Friday , T R Mohler of M arch 4 ,1 9 3 5 afternoon. M Conrurdy went to Portland WOOD WANTED Norman Stanton of Vancouver last week to stay for several spent the week-end visiting his weeks WiU take wood as part or T O T A L D E PO SIT S full payment on a used Edi­ parents. Mr and Mrs Stanton. Mrs Marlin Wilson, Mrs Floyd j son Radio. Here is your Mrs. Raffrty Home Brown ano baby son of North chcnce to own a fine radio. Mrs. Sam Raffety, who has been Plains visited at the C. H. Gonyo | in the Jones hospital for some I home Thursday. Douglass Radio Service time, returned home last week. Mrs. B E. Waldorf honored her ’ 136 S. 3rd Ave Phone 21X RESOURCES Mr and Mrs. Joe Baker and fam- I mother, Mrs. Ida Wolf, on her* 1935 Ford V-8 Popularity ’625 ’515 ’525 ?515 ’415 ’75 ’119 at S co u ts E n t e r t a in L l Gives us some fine USED CARS taken in trade — Which merit your confidence and inspection. 1934 FORD V-8 VICTORIA— Like new, run only 12,000 miles. Radio and heater 1933 FORD V-8 VICTORIA— Guaranteed condition. Radio 1933 CHEVROLET COACH— A-i condition .............. ............... 1933 CHEVROLET COUPE— Run only 15,000 miles. New rubber Plan Program for Helvetia Event T w in s B o rn to V e r n o n L a y to n s S o ld Ctearrifuw Miss Cypher New Teacher 1300 Main Street • Buy a new gas range now and you really get something extra ■ —something for yourself. A g ift you can take w ith you wherever you move. This handy range set delightfully "dresses up” your new range and makes cooking more convenient. Hun­ dreds of women have paid the regular price of $20 for this set, but it doesn't cost you a cent during this limited spe­ cial offer! The automatic electric clock is a joy in any kitchen. The electric measured timer noti­ fies you when cooking or bak­ ing is finished. The bracket lamp makes it easy for you to see everything on top of your range. And the condiment jars are for salt, pepper, flour and sugar. Inspect this set at dealers or in the Gas Company's show­ rooms. See how attractively it fits on any type of modern gas range—console, table top or console with kitchen heater. Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $11,963,869.31 United States B o n d s ...................... 23,772,770.88 $35.736,640.19 Bonds of Federal Agencies - - - - - - - - 228,465.94 Municipal and Other Bonds - - - - - - - - 8,339,267.91 Loans and Discounts - - - - - - - - - - 13,769.081.13 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank - - - - - - - 135,000.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures - - - - 1,783,578.01 Other Real Estate - - - - - - - - - - - 127,735.53 Customers’ Liability — Acceptances - - - - - 46,278.51 Due from U. S. Treasury (Redemption Fund) - - 125,000.00 Interest Earned - - - - - - - - - - - - 410.123.96 Subscription to F.D.I.C. - - - - - - - - - 76,904.15 Other Resources - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ 43,050.47 T O T A L ..........................................................$60,821,125.80 LIABILITIES C ap ital....................................................$2,500,000.00 Surplus - - - - - - - - - - 2,000,000.00 Undivided P r o f i t s ........................... 285,282.11 $ 4,785,282.11 Reserve for Contingencies, Interest, Expenses, etc. 251,512.83 Circulation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,476,450.00 Acceptances - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46,278.51 Other Liabilities - - - - - - - - - - - - 22,187.49 Deposits.......................................................................... 53,239,414.86 T O T A L ............................................................$60,821,125.80 FIFTH, SIXTH AND STARK MAIN BRANCH . . . SIXTH AND MORRISON UPTOWN BRANCH . Other Portland Branches ROSE CITY BRANCH............................... N.E. 42nd Ave. A Sandy Blvd. UNION AND Rl'SSELL BRANCH......... N.E. Union Ave. A Ruaaell St. EAST PORTLAND BRANCH ................S.E. Grand Ave. A Morrison St. SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH S.E. 82nd Ave. A Foster Rd. MONTAVILLA BRANCH......................... S.E. 80th Ave. A Stark St. LIVESTOCK KENTON BRANCH Denver Ave. A Kilpatrick St. Branches Outside of Portland ALBANY ASTORIA GRESHAM HEPPNER HILLSBORO PENDLETON SALEM THE DALLES WOODBURN CONDON DEPOSITS IN THIS BANK AND ALL OF ITS BRANCHES ARE INSURED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE PLAN