HI L L S B ORO Vage Eight Plan Benefit Friday Night Program Cooper M ountain; A R G U S , H 11, L S H () R O , G R E G O N THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Mrs. E. Davis A Homing Byrd Otto Wohler Given a Partv Died Fridav GtXAMDMA, D& a R -O F COURSE VOU'LU BE SUCPCISED. b u t JACKIE AMD X ACE SEC^ETUV eng ag ed Thursday, A p ril 4, . B irth day Observed; Native Services H eld at F ir D au g h ter Buried H a ze ld a le C lub Meet» l.aw n Cemetery on Sunday Sutherland M akes V arsity Bid OREGON STATE C O l.I .E tit Corvallis iHpeelall Spring f- Ibis week after the spring V tnallon layoff, with about nil aspiring grid aid* reporting for practise dally on the boggy grid Graduates of this year's rook team ure giving the returning lei terinen i real tussle for positions on the 1835 cdllloii of the Beavi i grid machine Dick Sutherlaml. former Hillsboro high star, and member of the 1934 baby Heaver-, was getting the call at llie tackle berth regularly If be eontlnuixi Ins present form be will lx- assured of a position on next year's varsity BEAVERTON Mrs Elizabeth Otto Wohler, 64. of Hillsboro Davis was honored by a pot luck route 4 d'ed here Friday ufter- dinner on her eighty-fifth birthday i noon after an Illness of six months anniversary Sunday at the home of 1 Funeral services were conducted her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. at the local Baptist church Sunday and Mrs. Louis Hughson Thirty- afternoon with llcv M S Wood three relatives were in attendance worth am! ltcv Mulford officiat­ Native D aughter Dies ing Burial was at Fir Lawn cem e­ Funeral services w ere held Mon- tery. day for K atherine Kotewa of Hei­ Mr Wohlet was born January son. W ash. at the B attle Ground 23, 1871. In Germany He came to Catholic church. She was born in the Untied Slates when two years Epw orth League District Progress in 1885 A fter her m ar­ of age and became a resident of riage Io Jacob Kotewa she resided Meet at Salem This W e e k Washington county 33 years ugo in Portland for about 20 years. She Tin- district Epworth League eon He was married in 1883 to Miss was also a resident of Tigard be­ ' Elizabeth Francis at Tualatin, who venllon will be held at Jason L e e fore moving to Heison H years d ied .Septem ber II. 1883 T hey church at Salem Friday and Sat- ago. She is survived by the widow-1 moved to their home west of Hills- u t. lav All E p w orth L eaguers in er. two sons, three daughters, her the Salem district are urged to i boro May 2. 1902 mother. Mrs. Victoria Kosinalski, of attend Registration at the church Surviving Mr. Wohler are three Progress, lour sisters and one I sons, Elmer F . A rthur W and on Friday und Saturday afternoon brother, Frank Kosinalski, also of Chester C. Wohler, all of Hillsboro Progress. Ask your attorney to send your Mr. and Mrs. Robert H arris left Despite th e perils of polar route 4 Deceased was a member legal advertising to the Argus Friday by motor for Modesto, Cal , I exploration which he and hl» of the Hillsboro Baptist church and to attend the funeral of Mr. H arris ! men b a re dared sine» 1933, the H illsboro G range. N O T H K T O C M K IIIT O B M Among out-of-town relatives a t­ In the D U lr U t ( ’«»urt of the t t * i i « t Htet»« brother-in-law , G illette Amidon, i R ear Adm iral R ichard H. for the IH a lr ir t of Ore««»n tending the funeral were Mr and who died Thursday of flu. Byrd, above, has intim ated to Mrs. Hen Wohler and children. In the M a tte r o f C her lea I I H p ie a lla n k (Tub to Plant Trees rupt . No. II 1MM7 In Bankrupt« y questioners th at ba would not ba Mr and Mrs. John Steadliam. and N o lle* la hereby given Io *11 credit« ra The Kiwanis club w ill plant trees averse to leading an o th er expe­ that on th * U t h day of M arsh. A l> Mrs. F A Everest, all of Portland. along the streets of Beaverton. dition Into the far southern Mrs J N Miller and daughter. I»3ft, ( barlea I I Hpiea of Houto I . B e e * L. R. Dean is at home again •rlo n O re *“ '«. tutnhrupi above neiiicf. wastoa A dm iral 11» rd Is home­ after some lime spent at ttie Good w ard bound by way of Now Zea­ Mrs Jones of Clutskanle, and Mi­ w a s duly a t lju d ic a la d bankrupt . and (bat ami Mrs. Millard Gillette of O re­ the first roeettog of hie e red I to n w ill list Sam aritan hospital. bebl In »be County C o urt R< mmu In the gon City. Mr and Mrs. Dan Davis of S e a t-» land. County Court llouae a l II11 labor* Ore lie w ere recent visitors of Mrs gon, on lb« 13th day of A p ril. I»J&. at ten A M . at which tim e »aid credit« »• H eatin g Stove Stolen Davies' sister, Mrs. George Ulosser Club Donates Trees for may attend, prove »heir claim *. ap|»oiiit Mrs. Davies was form erly Miss a trustee ««am ine the bankrupt and from Lockwood Hom e Planting in Beaverton Maude Hingby of Progress Ira n »act aurh other liuainaea a> may H eating stove was the o n l y Almost 200 flowering Japanese p ro tx rly come before «aid meeting Mrs. Oscar Effenbcrger and small article taken when thieves broki- Claim« moat be preaenied In fo rm r* trees are being planted along streets son have returned to their heme quired by the B ankrupt Act and «worn neur Tillamook ufter several days into the home of C A, Lockwood of Beaverton Members of the Io. visit w ith Mrs Effingberger's par­ near the wireless toWer east of Kiwanis d u b are furnishing the The «cbedule fllesl dlacluaea I f .Ido oo | l hftft SO llabllltlee flftOO 00 • «- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Shellen- Hillsboro last week Chest of tools trees, while the planting la being aase»*. was reported stolen the same day done under auspices of the SERA emptlon« claimed T h rip C on trol P lan T a n g le H a lts berger. hated A p ril 1 . I »«ft. z'v .»• if /^» A numDer num ber of Heaver’ Beaverton high from the Theodore Reber place A dance will be given soon by the 1HOS H T O N G U E J r .. Referee i » i and family of Tim ber spent t h e ! club to help pay for the trees Bankruptcy Hillsboro, Oregon ; O u t l i n e d b y V ^ V T llS school students took part in a re- near Tualatin. Ju ly F ourth P lans w eek-end here w ith th eir parents, . _____ _____ _ lay carnival at Hill Milin _______ M ilitary acad- Mr. and Mrs. C. P Syverson rn d (Continued fro m p a r* on«) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leopold. I olidttl siso Bp nffleara ii, .it. the city-owned Bagley tracts was parently did as much as could be , 9,if *n **allcd Mrs. Doughty in Hospital approved by the council. During I expected. Thorough and prom pt ap- . Bethal No. 18 of Beaverton was Mrs. Maggie Doughty is a patient the discussion w hich proceeded MOUNTAINDALE—Mr and Mrs, plication is one of the most essen- mstituttHi and installed S aturfuy at the Good Sam aritan hospital in favorable action by councilmen. Mayor G arrett declared that the J A Shaffer celebrated th eir 56th , tial parts of an effective control i March 30 at the Masonic hall by Bethel No 2 D aughters of Mrs. Berger Honored 1 city must not carry economy to wedding anniversary Sunday at program. Job. Officers are: Miss Rhoda Mrs. Max Berger was pleasantly an extrem e and fail to care for Jhe , th£if daughter. Mrs | surprised Thursday evening, her the people. The project would be L- H Peters. The en tire family. , Perm ission to exceed the total Thyng, Queen; Helen Berst. senior birthday when a group of friends beneficial to the w elfare of young excepting one granddaughter, and w heat acreage allowed by the con- princess. a:>d Florence Syverson « i i « W.« people and and would would provide provide employ- emplov- a “ num bei of friends w ere present tracts for 1935 by . _permitting _ _ more junior princess. . Fifteen appointive arrived. The „ evening was snent spent| people spring wheat to be planted does officers w eie also installed Execu- n l a v i n ? "50,1" with three tables in ment for many local persons ‘«r u ie occasion, A t W a sh in g to n C o u n ty ’s Largest D ep artm en t Store playing ouu w un m ree raoies in h e s a id Dinner was on served at noon to not m aterially effect the Washing live board was also installed in- I play. High honors w ent to Mrs. W. i Annual - c le a n U d ” w e e k w as ,he honor guests and Mr and Mrs. ton county wheat contract signer eluding M rs C .c r g e M , l in e n A. Jones and Rhea L uper of P ert- A” nl?a\ , .J 1 Up • I ee Shaffer Mr and Mr« Joe Due to w last guardian; l a n d a n d in n , h n n n r a t n M a » Rer scheduled for the period of A pril „ o n “‘Ier- an° “ irs ,,,<™ \ — — — — eather - — -- conditions ——— - — - ---- Rnu.n.un, i I R n Metzler m cizier, associate ussociuie R h e a ^ ..^er1 ® 29 to Ma-V «• inclusive Council- Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. C harles Watt fall many w heat contract signers guardian Mrs George Thyng. Mrs Lr nanfvrd men a P P f°'ed the plan under and children. Mr and Mrs. Fred ,lid iiut gel their minimum acreage r » Denny. M rs s B u Mr and Mrs. Norman Danford which , he ci w i„ proPvide trucfc. Watt and children. M r and Mrs. -eeded This only means that Mrs. V A Wood. Mrs Lillie Fll- and Mrs A. L. Danford visited . , rubbish to the eitv dum n Harley Cruze and children. Misses w here the total acreage for 1935 is i..v M rs F I Howard >nd M r and Mrs. Tom Miller Saturday. 10 with The - « - • ------ B ley. 1- - n ' L. Howard and Mis P- OP«1 n „ , i Shaffer s h , m . and Neva Shaffer. |ess , ban “ tb ■«- js r equir«xl minimum. e r t h Mrs a " B n iv and they attended the social at the n .v s t o r n e v f o r l e « l ,L r v r e ¿»Z ™d Frar.k Watt, all of Hillsboro. signers w ill not receive the full 1935 benefit payment. To r«?celve school in the evening discussed and a contract ordered D,a vis', Cla,ui i ‘ Da? is ? tid Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sm ith had as draw n under which the attorney Peters fam ily of Mountaindale. All ,u *" Payf'cnLs farm ers need to seed P(‘oni<‘ 1» T ituhf’r ». u guests Wednesday evening Mr. and ^gr,'Z-d to' perform Zill routin'e”legal Prescnt except the host's family ! spring wheat to make up this de- vzpzxx. i «• y y Bowman, Anne Robertson, and a month P rio r to this tim e legal raslta ln the last year not any penalty other than loss of K t DIOGCHIIO I lO llS C Dave Cameron. aU of Portland service has been p rovided’ on a The af,crnoon was sP«nt i n benefit payments for failure to ... , , „ __________ fee basis proviaea on a slnging favorite hymns, and John plant the minimum acreage TIMBER If and M r. « Frlitor Qnnp Refunding of $53.500 in municipal P , ^ ‘% b!,af£ ra" ^ u OUn.L«OJ Mr 3nd g ra n tin g the privilege of seeding Morèlli are rem odebng and rc-d^c e d ito r ViltCS Osine general obligation bonds was dis- Phi?«,501 '"iTu}1" 8« «2"?’ exces® of ‘heir minim um orating their home this week (4 T ri cu ssed briefly and t h e m atter b! ^ It sf h ? depends u P°n ,h e farm er signing Mr ana Mrs Oscar Shiffer spent M artin In flu en ce turned over to the finance com- home at Guide Rocte' Neb ' ,n 1929 ?” a?re! " \ent, •to a ? J opor- Sunday at the home of Mr m,d mittee for its consideration. The _ Romite .r eduction in his 1936 crop Mrs W C Tucker ln Forest Grove man as one of the more im portant he S gat5th?sdtim e a^d w iì- H i l h ‘ S en ate C lu b sfo V n siicUt do n ^fro m ^h eUwheat° ad? ^ ^ w * k " ¿ V ’ e ’ u S measures adopted The legislature jj^ m C ChristensenS citi? treasurer rv . x-x t m inistration in Washington very M iss“ ou Kallsh « f P o X n d ^ ' i n l d i ^ 1 e‘vervR i S c ‘e ‘'•hè declar« i ‘hat it might be possiblè PHnS DanCC Friday n X s a r v ^ V h ? “/ “ WiU, rt11’ b<' «PC"» the w eek-end with her par- ¿ram in almost every instance, he refund the bonds at a lo w er * necessary for the farm er to have ««nts Mr and M rs Inhn k >1 i < h SEE WINDOW DISPLAY speaker declared. Noted exceptions rate of interest Senate club will sponsor a dance the required am ount of contracted Mr and M ri ’ (¡io n i.» S en ti i n i w ere the H ues' bills which Chap- O ther ¿ ^ s included the ac- a‘ 8:30. P HUhl acres and that the perm itted use sm” i i ™ ” lHe o ? Astoria s^-n t man declared to be confusing. ceptance o f the resignation of O. f >. rn’?a^”jrP. Muslc w ill be £urn- °f *2‘'se contracted acres will con- the week-end w ith Mr Scott's sis- fb'lslness m eeting of the B.*Gatw - - • - “from " t h 7 ‘ city“ " p la c in g ished by the Sherm an Clay band form to those uses outlined last ter Mrs R i m i W r i a h t «.miiL Mr> Boyd Wr»ght, and family ?2?Ii i >erj Oi conunerce is scheduled commission and the granting of Faculty, students and alum ni are i fall and a copy of which was mail- Easter Sale to every w heat contract signer c''en‘ng The_follrw - permission to repair the Oregon invited. Many features and surprises ; in W ashington county early in _ Births ui Raymond Staub Electric depot. W ilbur Dillon was are planned. Children's Dress-up day was observed Mon- 'O ctober. Morley-—To Mr. and Mrs. Claude tiL T ^ i ? 2=2“ the l0Ca‘ i aPPointed as special police officer day. many seniors w earing favorite ■ ■ ------------------- Morley of Hillsboro. March 29, a tion of federal air bases. an(j then sworn in with O. O. Free- SH O ES _ . ~ ; man, chief of police, and W W. d“ eS ln keCPing Wi,h the tr a - Local M o o se L od ge T o Mr and Mrs Warren M u sic Festivals S et Weaver m«ht officer Senior graduates defeated the yy, ,,, -5 * I B Barnes of Cornelius. March 30, undergraduates 7 to 0 in a foot- Plans Skate PartV “ Heinderlir.g—To Mr. and Mrs Pr. ball game played Friday. / ! ... . T e n C ou n ty S ch o o ls N e w Settlers T alk Baseball practice starts this week. Benefit skating party to obtain A lbert H eibderling of Cornelius (O m tln u ed from p««e onel big I? • r* i A D 18 turnout is expected by funds for drill team uniform s will route 1, March 30, a girl. Frances Micek and D. Heimbacn Hays—To Mr. and Mrs Wilbur be held by the local Moose lodge rarm in g Satu rd ay Coach Goodman North Plains—R uth H Will, M ar­ at 8 p. m next T hursday at Shute Hays of Hillsboro. March 28. a girl BEAUTIFUL SILK (Continued fro m patee one) gueritte Dooher. Joseph E. Wenzel. V anderzanden—To Mr and Mrs park. Happy Collier and Jack Mairiage License H erbert Scheldt and M argaret Stol- °ds necessary to guard aginst foul c ™ „ b, „ « j „ , , Nasholm. Portland fancy skaters M artin Vanderzanden of north of E Crocker. La- pox. ^^o ccd .o s.s a n d wet litter I m ^ ^ ? ^ a" d ‘»>e drill team will provide en- Hillsboro March 27, a boy. Velle Berfi George Ray7"Thelma Problems. ............. Moore, both of Portland, M arch 30 tertainm ent ent. tertainm ------------------------- Jenkins and Alvera McCormack H orticultural activities in Wash- Hillsboro chapter of Women of T ™ In f,, C la c s ifw Divorce Sait Filed L aurel—Verne Allen. Lucille Ben- mgton county were outlined by the Moose was installed here Tues- IO C^I