Page H IL L S B O R O S ix W o r ld ’s T ra d e ARGU S, Uncle Sam Studies South’s Great Problem, Plight of Broken Sharecroppers H a s I n flu e n c e H IL L S B O R O , O ren co G roup N a m e s L eaders R ev . I P rosperity Here D ependent on T hat E ltew h ere lA u tb a n lie l U t r m f n t b , Roxar W . B .bao .1 cient. D uncan E ngaged Y ear as Pastor illy BABSON PARK. Florida. M aich 29—European politics have once more tlamed into danger signals set against world peace. In order to understand the real significance of the startling a n d contacting headlines lroni every capital m Europe, we must tu rn to the less sensational but more important, evidence offered by the trade re ­ ports of the world’s leading n a­ tions. Hence, to equip you to u n ­ derstand wnat lies behind these sensational political events. I want to give you in this article bnet snap-shot reviews of trade a n d business conditions throughout the entire wor.d. GREAT BRITAIN has made great strides tow ard recovery since nud- 1932. Basically' a trading nation, fu rth er progress now depends up­ on a revival in world trade. Ja p ­ anese competition is ruining tne texUle industry at Lancashire. Un­ certainty over stability of the "gold bloc" currencies has currently in ­ terrupted England's revival. IRISH FREE STATE has adopted , a strong protectionist policy, p ar­ ticularly against British goods. New | industries, both sound and un- , sound, are mushrooming up every- I where. However, ioreign trade is falling; unemployment is rising; and larni buying power is drop- , ping. Ireland's tuture is cloudy as ; long as she tries to be self-suffi­ OREGON M r«. for Hugh B urdett«) ORENCO At the anim al busi­ ness meet lug of the comnuinity ehureh T hursday night the Rev T C Duncan was engaged as staled supplv for another year. Mrs. S. 1.. ,, C arlyle and Frank Coniiell were re-elected elders and J 1*. Rogers trustee Mrs S . L. C arlyle was elected treasurer and Mrs. J. W Enchede. superintendent of Sunday school. n il.« « * « at th e C* I> ll.w b lr U» GUtSth a. the l 1 I t u k hom< Sunday w eie Mr. and Mrs o w Layson anil George J. Beck of Portland. M i vs B ernards Hostess ... . . . . . Thursday, April 4, 1986 Tctichera* association will be held in the school lunch room at 2.30 P in April II. ('a lte rs Move Here Mi and Mis 1, C a rte r of H ills boro inoven into the Louie Madden house Saturday Franz, O lse n C lash T o n ig h t Sailor R uffian B eats H all on C oulter Mat Card Hiliii Honor Roll Given by Barnes Sailor F it nr. San Diego mat ru f­ fian. and lleinie Olsen, popular Portland heavyweight, are Minted for the mu«n event on Prom oter C oulter's wrestling card tonight (Thursday) at the V F W hall. Vie Pottei of Klntonica will clash II. 1 .» E u .l.» , E ih.1 llu r iy Kaleb with the sp«'i‘dy Fred Kurtz of Mc»". Mi Kirsit K rah n w r, l.m iv r I . uh» W illiM in«. Miltlitfxi J van P e r- Sellwood in the semi-windup, while M argaret Kuevker, J«>*v| *n ‘ndus- Minot, N. D., for an indefinite stay. keepers are forced to offer big . iu tIVay ln r" ent 7®?rs bas Messrs, and Mesdames L. A. and concessions to tourists. R^strictin depreclatlon oi th e yen. W. B. Flint entertained w ith a d in ­ HOLLAND'S g u i l d e r s e e m s ^ * t7 ± ^ , ipl„aced. ‘,n her products ner party at the A. B. Flint home strongest of the "gold bloc" cur- y evening of March 27, honoring rencies and the Dutch have held tiy slowed down her exports the Robert McCauley of San their own for about two years “ d is now suffering over- Mrs. Francisco. Cal. Covers w ere laid Dutch efforts to bring back re- ?5r°d " f ‘*°n ' ” er budget- unbalanced for 25. When you get bia price reductions on covery by dropping expenses and , J s, -s a very serious prob- Mrs. A B Flint and daughter Fuller Paints, th a t’s a real opportunity. costs, rathei than through jug- Cr*«TwA M argaret attended a surprise pot Check up on your needs — and come in gling the currency, are typical of luck dinner Monday at the Ernest that conservative people. lh 5. u?l g h S llv e ,r, Pnces Just Liverm ore home n ear Beaverton. and buy your paint now — get highest* BELGIUM: Another of the "gold h i v i ? h suffering from The occasion was Mrs. Liverm ore’s q u a lity products a t "sale” prices. This bloc" c o u n trle s-is in the depths ^ g h g o d la*?" C° ma birthday. sale is for tw o weeks only, and w ill not of depression. The num ber on dole dornM»ir rico P ^ ?» ^ “d 'ly a n d is rising, prices are sinking, trade rMUit r i.r'P Iv P r6 fa ¿'ng a? 3 be repeated this year. We specialize in quality com- is declining. It is doubtful if pub- vM ' - purchase P0 * '^ lie clam our to go off gold can Nearly evcry barom eter m ercial printing.—Argus. at. Improvement in busi- be resisted ' ness conditions along t h e Nile. D o n ’t G et U p N ights problem her GERMANY'S poor credit great abroad. Her e x - i î K ? i • j eadj" g | THIS 25c TEST FREE & a r iT ‘ - « o n  m ; „ t thparnoïra ° o u r If It Fails. m aking it m ore and more diffi- : cult for the Fatherland to buy and i is d u f ?o T iz o ^ a rtX lPn î rfrecovery Une this b quickly helps tn correct faulty elimination. If you ■utter from stomach liver, m kidney disorders, see t h e Della D rug store -Ailv. on HILLSBORO, OREOOS as of March 4th, 1QÎ5 RESO U RC ES Cash on hand and due from hanks $239,526.40 United States bonds and Government guaranteed bonds 233,200.00 Municipal and other bonds 388,524.72 ........... Municipal Warrants ................... ......... I 100,749.27 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ..... 3,200.00 Stock in the Federal Deposit Insur. Corp. 2,241.34 Bank building and furniture and fixtures 38,550.00 Loans and Discounts................................. 401,640.41 Other Real E sta te ..................................... 10,313.50 T otal................................................. $1,323,945.64 L IA B IL IT IE S Capital........................................................ $ 75,000.00 Surplus........................................................ 15,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves ............. 5,709.11 Circulation........................ 30,950.00 Deposits..................................................... 1,191,280.53 Total $1,323,945.64 89' Gallon »2.89 Half-Gallon »1.66 SCREEN ENAMEL Fullerspar ia the finest niialitv spar varnish— lor eitherr inside or ont aide use. Resists heat, water, weather, wear. F re s h e n up y o u r screens, prevent them from ru s tin g aw ay, w ith M ark D e r o r e t Screen Enamel. Green is slightly higher. P IN T 38' special price Pint . Fishing Season Opens April 5th 10c In explaining Ills condition, Mr J. II O’Daniel. Corydon. la . (U te . ”1 have suffered with stomach trouble for over 10 years and with kidney trouble almost that long It got so bad that I couldn't eat w ithout suffering afterw ards I felt bloated, had bud breath, lit­ tle uppeUte. My blood pressure made me d tu y . I was advised to try your medicine lly now It has »topped those aw ful spells amt my blond pressure la down I now have u g o o d appetite and am gain­ ing weight special price I P in t. . . . 53c SPAR VARNISH QUART special price Quart Has Fourni W onderful Re lief in W illiams S. L. K. Formula. The Commercial National Bank of Hillsboro Donelson ÔC Sewell P A IN T SALA Lunch m7de High Blood Pressure Mide Him Dizzy Condensed Report RUSHLOW FULL€R M« ,he W rthday cake Present were Mr and Mrs Jphn Ibach ,y Tommy and Dugan Ibach. Mrs John Ibach S r. Mr and Mrs. John Lullch and Johnny and Lorraine, Mrs Ella I,add, Mr. and Mrs George Schneider and Howard and Idly, Mr and Mrs Albert Schmidt, Frank Schm idt and the host and hostess j Mr. and Mrs William G rau of New York spent the week-end w ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H ! Meyer. They are m aking their home in Portland at present. There are a hundred rea­ sons why you should drink Milk — all of them good reasons! More Milk means better health. Drink at least a q u art a day. put the aih itrato r out of cotnm h ston and then evened the match in four minutes with a vicious surfboard hold When In ►still tic* i< mimed. the sailor made short work of llall. taking the winning full hi three minutes with u double toe hold Herb Ilurgeson of Portland drew down the Ire of the crowd in Ins sem i-w indup bout with Joe Gru denier, who substituted for J.iHt Kiser Herb w restled the first 15 minutes, taking the first fall with a Stockholm special From that point on he resorted to choking tactics that cost him the m atch and earned a volley of booa from the fans G ardenler took the see ond fall on a foul und then won the bout with a body press. Jack Huger of Eugene defeated Dewey VunLoo of Gaston ia the curtain rui er. taking the only fail of the match in 22 m inutes with a laxly press Q u a rt. . 64c Deposits as of March 4, 1935 $1,191,286.53 Deposits as of March 5, 1934.................. —$843,922.40 In crease in O ne Y ear $347,364.13 EDWARD RCHULMERICH, Prc«ident E. I. KURA TLI, V ice-President W. C. CHRIST ENSEN, Vice-President Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. "For E veryth in g in B u ild in g M aterials” C. JACK Jr., A ssistant Cashier Owned and operated by home folk« Phone 2891 151 W. B aseline ALF O. JOHNSON, Cashier W. V. BERGEN, A ssistant Cashier HL