Page Four H IL L S B O R O Another Good Idea JfillsbonájBAr u us ARG U S, Laurel Ridge Drver Delayed A plan has been broached in W ash­ ington to keep Am ericans nt home in the W illi Wkkrk te C e«M iir4 tk* IKtMmra IndrvenJrnl event of w ar abroad in order to prevent Itillabor* A rzt» m U b. 18»t Hllluboi-o Imtependwit « t a b . 1871 such incidents as the Lusitania sinking M rK INN BT A M rK IN N B T . I'abliahera Pubi »bad Thuraday Wntcrad aa aaom.t-claa« m atter In the from arousing the nation. The sinking of M rs . W e b e r P lans to Show p oatotfice at H illak om Oravo» the Lusitania resulted in a heavy loss of D ogs in 1 936 E x h ib it MRS K. C McKINNKY Am erican lives ami aroused intense feel­ W. V E R N E McKINNKY AM oeiate Editor Bditor ing against Germany. KIDGE - Construction Only persons with compelling reasons on LAUREL W. C. E dys prune dryer will OFFICIAL N EW SP A P E R OF W ASHINGTON COUNTY for travel would be perm itted to run the be discontinued until spring farm Subscription R a t « S tridite Caah In Adtanr* risk of venturing into a belligerent conn- work has been completed. 's id in g Per year _____ $1 so U- S. Outaide O rason 81.00 try or into a d an g er zone. If they re- :‘nd rix,f,n* of the stru ctu re have S ix month« *b Fraeisn CountriM 8 80 m'ained in the United States there is little ,7 h .,^ ’'be.'n‘-m ineenUve’r for''ithe Eirat Audited Pnper MEMBER Orason S tate likelihood of their involving them selves or purchase of prune trees as sev-l I * r g eat Audited W eek­ Editorial A**,«ei«tion and ly C irculation in Ore­ N ational Editorial A « o - th eir countrv. e ra' ° f the farm ers in the vicinity gon. tlon. „ s i i av s -ii a j i i have o rd ertd large lots for fall; -- -------------------------- Every step taken th a t will tend to pre- delivery. Tho U ilb h oro A r p » a » u m » no no financial financial reoponoibUitf re»P. nihility for for v vent e n t this ti l l s counry COUIirv front i r o i n being b e i n g 1T1\ involved OlVt'U in 111 Mr Mr. and and Mrs George Conrcl- Conzel-| H IL L S B O R O , O R E O ON Tliui'Milny, April t, Freed of Politics, The Rangers, Texas’ Dairy Groups Back Program ’Royal Mounties,’ Will Ride Again L eavin g I error« publbbod in io. column«, hut in .» m , whrra tbi» p«p»r i . .1 fau lt w ill raprint th .1 pact of «n «Jrarti— mrat in w hich W 8Y s h o u l d h a v e t h e h i i - k i l u r o f t h e C ro a t >nOUItl IM U l i l t k ltlg Of t n t g i t a t Au Independent Nrwnpeper. wh.»« «ervira« and p o lic i« ura bas«*l on tho principle of the Golden R ule.— ’’And as ye would th at men should do to you. do ye aWo to them tikowtoo.’* —M atthew t : t t . Cornelius Commended M II Jf News <’tjls»w» Oregon butler m anufacturers, ihs- tiib u lo is mid producers accept,.,| ! the role of leadership in the pro poneii w estern butler murki-llng agrem ent by filling the record with urcounta of Ilie suet-ess of the On- gun Stilt.- butter code ut the hear ing in I'ortlund lield us one ,,f seven conducted by officials of tin- ngriciiltiiiul niljiistmeiit adm inis­ tration The regional plan is ml iniUetily iiatteriied much after tho Oregon system. So unanim ous was the sentiment ns to the value of the On-gun agreem ent. o|H-rated purpose of th e law is to acquaint Elwert. and Mrs L Schaltenbrand ,7 . , j -ii _ i .. z _ : i „ th e interested citizens w ith the expenditures of the financing plan and will make any fam ily various units, to advise them as to ju st how and happier and more contented. for w hat the tax money is being spent. Recipes u rk o t It was one of th e wisest laws ever enacted from Inxestlgate the opportunities. Do w hat the standpoint o( safeguarding public funds and Hot-Cross Buns Lend Variety you can and thus do your bit in accélérât- insuring them against waste, extravagance and mis- _ Hot-cross buns are w ith us again ing the wheels of industry and cutting use. When the controlling body knows th at it must and are to be seen in bakeries as down unemployment, which is SO m arked account publicly for every cent it spends and th at w en as in most restaurants. These every citizen is to be given the opportunity of sweet rolls are a change from the in the building trades. scrutinizing every item of expenditure, th ere is a ordinary type of bread or roll ami A FTEIt two years, during winch their star seemed on the wane, the Texas Hungers are s p n -I.l I., tW M B h u ll,-I- a m i 1,1,1!, overcoming the toughest foe they fut prices, fixing the m arkup |„ . have ever faced—polities. Aided tween bulk and print prices, and IVEARLY a century ago n west by the present governor of the payment for cream on a quulily Texas settler lived precari­ basis. Above, n group of I e ta s Lone Star State, the glorious tra ­ ously. Some years before, the wild Itnngers, sliowu nt Temple, Tex., dition of the "gentlemen In the U nfair trade practices objected Comanche and Kiowa tribes had lo at the hearing and which would In July, INIH. At bottom, right. white hats" may glow on into the merged for a war on the Intrud­ be elim inated In t h e proposed Is Clyde Harrow’s uemt-sis, ex* future, undimmed. ing whites. Their unchecked agreem ent Include use of exeeaalve Hanger Frank H am rr. Women have no place In the raids and massacres set the stage ,,i varying price* foi butterfat b harsh world of the Rangers. for the organization of the the same buyer In different loral Itnnger captain, doughty Frank Nevertheless, It was a woman who Rangers, at San Felipe de Aus­ Hies as a means of driving out Hamer, who clung doggedly to Gin threatened to end their colorful tin, Tex., In 1S3.V The men . competition or gaining other ad vantage desperado's track until he got bis saga, woven throughout a century lected were only those "who could man. It w m testified that num uiart- Into Texas' very fabric. ride like Mexicans, trail like In­ • • • l urer» in one «trite paid a« much dians. and ahoot like outlaw s" Upon her entrance Into office In as four ren ts legs to local produr« 'T ’EXAS evildoers for long have 19.13. Gov. Miriam Ferguson, as The lances of the red men held the Kangere In monu­ t-rs than they paid producers m one of her first official acts, all proved no match for the rifles of another stale, w here II win desired mental nw-e, Ttiis, perhaps more but wiped clean the roster of old- tliflir new enemy. After subdu­ to obtain business Producers nt than anything, explains why a time Rangers. Then special Ran­ ing the tribes, the fearless, the meeting denounced thia urac- hand of 50 men was able lo main­ ! lice. ger commissions were ettended stralght-ahootlng R.nngers turned tain law and order over a great, Tile Portland hearing was t h e generously; so freely. In fact, thplr nttentlon to Mexican cattle wild, and mountainous rnuntry. tlurd of a series of *sevrn being that some 1600 commissions were thieves. A atory that has become a I held on the proposed agrt-eim-nt held by Texans. In many In- These swarthy rustlers learned th e federal men. headed by Mm classic tells of a mayor of a small stances by dance hall "bouncer« " quh kly that the way of the trans­ vln J Kelley of Washington. D C Texas town who, fearing trouble, traffic officers, guards at horse ami gressor was hard, and that It was seni for the Ranger« Soon ifter- | and including A F. Kngbretson of dog tracks, and their Ilk. wise to stay on their own side of ward, a lone Ranger stepped off , Astoria, now on special d u ly with Brave, perhaps, most of these the border. the AAA. expressed gratification the train. pseudo Rangers are. hut they're , at the constructive testimony glv- After Mexican Interlopers were "Where are the others?" rrled on at the Oregon hearing still a far rry from the little hand routed. American outlaws, fugl- the frantic mayor of men who swept west Texas lives from other states, began to Tho Ranger coolly replied: Suh !>rha Dine----- clean of m arauding Indians, thiev­ Infest west Taxas. The Job of "You've got only one riot, haven't n atu ral tendency to be careful and cautious in the are favorites, not only w ith c h il-1 ing Mexicans, and murderous out­ Sub-Deb club was entertained stamping out these unruly horn- you ?" appropriation of funds. i dren, but grownups too. Hot-cross laws In the state's early days. with dinner Tuesday evening ut tires has continued until the pres­ An anecdote that explain« why W ithout any reflection upon anyone, we under- Ouns, like other bakery goods, b e­ the 1. L MucDowell home Misses And In canceling these special ent day. Ih" Rangers plaved such nn lin- take to say th at many unw 'se expenditures would dlsm*eUve flavor Dixie Lee MucDowell. VlrginiM commissions, and confining Ran It was Just recently, remember, n o t* ¿ v e 'b e e n ’ made had The" "governing” bodies i oi butter along with sugar and I" itau t part In Texas history; a Perkins and Ann Munker« were that Clyde Harrow unit bis gun S c n t t w h n h-.w s e r v e d a s e h a i r - known ‘hat the full glare of publicity would be spice of course, to maite them ap- ger personnel to hard riding, sure- role whlrh. It seems now, will be hiwlesst-s Guest* were Je a n Ann Leslie Scott, " h o has sertefl as cnair turned upon th eir monthly claims.—News. F airbury I petizing. shooting men. Gov James V. All- uioll died at the hands of a former cunt limed l onncll. Louise C rtucn. Dorothy Any dish prepared w ith b u tter is m an of the highw ay commission for more Neb Harr. Alma Esluiger. Leonore Sher tastier because of it. The distinc­ th an three years, will be succeeded on the inun. Dorothy Challaromix*. mem tive and appetizing flavor has long bt-rt. M iss e s Virginia Brogden mid board by Henry F. Cabell, w ealthy and been recognized and now we know Mary Yoder, honor guests prom inent Portlander. Mr. Scott’s service j too, th at butter is of high nutritive Com m itter Named— i value. Besides being easily digest­ to the state on the highw ay body has been ed. bu tter is the only food fat con- Value of properly balanced ra- ,,, » A ways and means committee utstanding and he is truly deserving of Miss Dorothy llowes of Forest »ending delegates to the »tale taining appreciable am ounts of the tions and clean brooding and range all the good things said about him by Fifteen Years Ago Grove wu: elected tem porary pres- F convention at The Dalles vitamins. B utter is an excellent ground for successful turkey rais source of vitam in A which is es- ing was stressed by H. E. Cosby. Governor M artin. He gave of his time ident of the Washington County April 25 to 28 ns named by the Sentencing o f R E. Corene. for- A pril 1, 1920—County Agent N. C. Ja m i­ sential to grow th and builds re- extension poultrym an, at a turkey < merly of Hillsboro, on a larceny Christiun Endeavor Union at » 'C h ristia n church Y P C E Sun anstintingly and he appeared to take as son Argus. leads state in trapping field rodents. sistance to disease, and of Vitam in j meeting at the Forest Grove c h a m -, by bailee charge was postponed m eeting of officers here a« the d»y includes John West Kathleen much interest in the highw ay program as Mr. and Mrs. J. N G rabel celebrate golden w ed­ T"' . , *9"c, V4* suhsbine vitamin. ber of commerce last Wednesday j for tit) days by Judge H. K 3im - Christian church Sunday. She will McAlear, Violet Wick Helen Hat ding anniversary. if it was his very own. fill the vacancy caused by the ««■ and Gordon Hailey A "buggy ^ T ai ú l «anv ¿ Z T u t bUf o T ? h é i - Due ‘X to « tu rk e y .I E M Ward leases lower floor of P ythian bu ild ­ of Miss M artha Janies l>urty" is planned for April and a hx he T r ^ ^ ,af T sh ‘,n “ w h o , o h a v e , a k - resignation ing and is rem odeling it for grocery store. A S. Hatch. William llullis and mothers' „„d fathers hunuurt in en more than $100 realized from Hillsboro Legion post to have baseball team. b u ^ .reand / o r t h o s who «nquei in " SenGy ii T S o , ^ X e ¿ ’d": the sale of stock for his own use. Lillie Shield*, ail of Gaston, w ere May. Committee in charge includes William Sexton. Earl to work out plan« for fun „ . was convicted here March 14 by a named making ut the state C E conven- ’ r ^ ‘r ‘m rn ' Meela----- Hobbs. C. G. R eiter and Dr. Rossman. foUr1C?ornrem earm u Sf f i i 7 eet' ’ ri Ve best results with ‘urkeys by circuit court jury. The defendant Cady buys residence property at T hird tlon nt The Dulles April 28 to 38. Citizenship departm ent of the required to " make restitution Liberty league, composed of the big and M. Oak P. streets. H o t-tro m Bans ° ' ChiCken rali° nS I '« 7 ' r" u ’“ u ‘’n Miss Helen Mid'lav o f 6r.V on C li^ i «'lubm et W ^ d im indu n a ™ ? _ H ?.7CrS.J?_,2 7 rrK'-.nal Vice president, and '»">•' *<«h Mrs F. 1. McCormick money boys in the country, hit price­ Mr. and Mrs. S. E Fayram celebrate tenth wed- 1 cake d iv yeast soaked in 4 both under the hover and in the Wedding, all three of Portland. Fr,.d Wilde of Oregon City presi fixing and control under the NRA codes. din8 anniversary Sunday They are studying the C onstitu­ re cup lukew arm w ater house was another factor stressed ?nd Sam uel Sima of T ualatin were dcnl of Clackamas Countv C F tion of the United States Mrs. W They w ant the old free and easy m ethods Mar” rs30Marv A Bird’ pioneer °f 1839 d,ed here 1 pint m ilk scalded and cooled by Cosby G enerally, the poult re- l>°und over to the grand Jury Mon Union, were present 7 "» n ar was leader Next meeting 2-3 cup butter quires about tw ice us much room day Donald T Templeton, coun- A .. ... . b ! will be May I. si Mrs Bonar's th a t led U S in the nineteen-tw enties to Pythian Sisters celebrate 25th anniversary ------ • tsp. - salt ................ ty judge, following a prelim inarv * «m vention rally will x- 1 ■ level as the chick. the big consolidations and business con- order. W. G. H are made the presentation of gold j home, ht-aring charges ‘!l , *!c a. ‘¿r5Tlt Grove Chr Cl la- i leader with Mrs Fred Sewell as 8 Hk cups more flour cups or chopped nuta, raisin , or men on a" e larceny w Sud Ä " b T ^ h ñ e 1‘‘?n d 5*!H"h 2 centrations. Such m ethods would event- Pins. . to toHowing charter members: Mrs. are reputed to have been | ‘ ¿ 7 " ? «u K r t " "i, 3 ,° J* T S and*y „1, — j „ z i l . ____ z ... R H Greer. Mrs. Janie Sewell. Mrs. George Schul- ’ - -~ _____ El­ involved in a recent chicken theft ’ CHri Shorb and Dor- ually have elim inated one of the country S merich. Mrs. Maude Williams and Mrs. L. H. Bar- , currants ectric ru ral service discussed fea­ at Tualatin olhy Howes are in charge A pot Let the ndvertlxements help you 2 eggs greatest bulw arks— the independent busi- rett tures of the Oregon under-heat Robert Emerson of Gaston was ,uek dlnnf r will be held at 1 p make your shopping plans. 2-3 cup sugar electric brooder. E L. Moore resigns as president of the cham ­ ness man. There is too much concentra­ fined $5 and costa Tuesday when "* , / ° r m em bers of C E so- R ind and juice lemon tion of w ealth now and those policies ber of commerce, but his resignation is not accepted. he plead guilty in the local Ju s -1 cl'-,les ,n ,h* county, followed by V4 level tsp ground nutm eg or cardamom. lice of the peace court to a charge 7, I* :,, , M ar> which protect the small business man Thirty Years Ago of speeding with a truck For fail- *' 41 d‘. McMinnville, state In the evening, break and soften -h Jd be m aintained I • ' Lon. v c" “ »n booster, and Miss Viola * . C . ure to stop before entering a >¿ 7 . u o o s i.- r , aim miss viol« Argus. A pril 8, 1905—B. P Cornelius became yeast in lukew arm water. Scald through highway Joseph I, &, O>!d*" of '•»rHan.i state s e c tary Hillsboro postm aster Saturday. milk and ccol. Cream together but- _ 7 o f S t H e le n s w a s fined fm . ,1 $5 is and „ „ i wHl be present I-orest Grove Chris Judge McBride decides th at Forest Grove city tez. salt and sugar. Add beaten, Free lecture on _ C i hristian n Ul,an ocience Science OÍ St _ Helens was Last week week L. I. M M llan 7un*or give a dem- council has no right to grant saloon license and e8gs, lemon, spice, lukew arm milk wjR be given by Jam es G Rowell costs Monday. Last I f the tim e ever comes when agricul­ Pacific university granted a perm anent injunction. and yeast. Work in flour enough c . S.. of Kansas City Mo at Erickson of Forest Grove paid a “,ns,rn,io" a»d the Forest Grove fine of $10 for failure to have a ConKr ''Ka,l’> n“l C E will give a ______ t0 m ake smooth dough. _ Knead well, Hilhi ....... auditorium ......... ture .-»ecures cost of production plus a Ed W ann re-elected chief of ______ Hillsboro volunteer at 8 15 p m musical num ber little profit this will be a happier and fire departm ent Exempt certificates issued Benton adding nuts and raisins or cur- Sunday" The program Is bcing^spon- PUC perm it on his truck Six additional circuit court Ju r­ more prosperous nation in every particu- Bowma? a n d " ° G ardner, who have served seven keep som ewhat softer sored by the Churches of Christ • •’ h **1 u ‘- u years John M Brown is president of the fire de- j lhan for bread. Cover well and l e t , Scientists of Forest Grove and ors were draw n Wednesday and M in d T ra in in g Course lar. partm ent. ' rise. - i— ,ln — u light - u . . tu — rn j dough «_ onto , ------- - «- will report for duty Monday morn , . « j « . >. When Hillsboro ,o be C o n d u cted H e re lightly flouted board Divide into Mr Rowell is a mem ber of the ing Persons draw n included Anna Free lecture on mind training pieces size ot an egg. Shape into board of lectureship of the Mother Neumann and H erbert W Ficken smooth balls. When half risen i n ' Church, the First C hurch of C hrist of Cornelius route 2, L. E. Bain wa« given oy R K. Jubb Tuesday IT ’LL COME IN HANDY AGAIN pans cut tw o gashes at right angles Scientist, at Boston. Mass. T hepub- ford of Forest Grove route 1, Jam es evening at the local cham ber of, across tops of buns. Let rise until lie is invited to attend the lecture B. Robertson o f C herry Grove, commerce. Course, sim ilar to the j Henry W Scott of.G aston route I one to be conducted locally, is double. Bake about 20 m inutes in ___________ _____ and Revil Edwin Olds of Sher- now being given to members of m oderately hot oven While still T ;,,.rd Hioh - w arm fill gashes with w hite frost- 1 , g a r a M ,g h * e a c h e r* W°i a ,he P ortlsnd police force It is also ing. Serve hot w ith butter. Judge I eters held court in Tilla- j required of all agents of the fed- R e ta in e d A n o th e r Y e a r Corn Meal Muffins A h announcement with 114 cups Hour all tho charm and dig­ 1V< cups cornm eal *4 cup sugar nity the occasion de­ R a p b id ly | m e m b e is a ^ M yrtle S n Alice ■ - - i ' 1.'» circuit ( "¡llsboro postoffice u llii % tsp. sa!t. mand?. Invitations com­ ,ers are M vrtle M u ll e n A I,™ ' v,r.a e r“ ln ,he following circuit N,'w Hillsboro postoffice build 2 tbsp. baking powder F we. - t M Were i,,M d ,h “ in« t,,kln« rnp.dly this pletely correct. Gregg, Nellie — — - -- « 1 W cups milk iers Fannie W e a v e d f »™ Wallace R Hofer vs Opal P. Hof- I week. Following arrival of ncces- , Summ i ers RoscF E^chmev^T G ^ n 2 eggs t« d,5 au,11' dc<1r«c: A A Schramm “ T materials, w orkm en have been D o n ’t F o rg e t 2 tbsp. butter lf f iS w ™ R w. W - 8 S i S ' ^ wlUtam default judg- busy this week laying terra cotta *4 cup chopped dates “ T h a n k Y o u ” C ard s and brick for the exterior of the et ux. default Judgment; structure Mix dry ingredients. Beat eggs Sievers. . , . , T. R. Fowler, principal. ------«, UA French , and add to milk. Combine the dry | , d his contract renew ed previous- A J Riche et ux vs Mazie Hav« to G if t G iv e r*! and liquid ingredients. Add melted *y ' •* «1, decree; B. F. Goodrich com Subscribe now to the Argus. In butter and dates Put in well greas- _ -- --------------------- pany vs Gloyd L. Hall, default Oregon $1.50 a year. Six months ed m uffin tins and bake in hot r o r e i t G ro v e F a rm e r judgm ent; Washington countv vs 85c. T hree months 50 cents Two ___________ o v en J4 2 5 degrees F i This may be S u ffe rs B ro ken Leg P,JCla A brahams et a|, decree months 35 cents. tf baked in sheets as corn bread Makes 12 muffins. , ______ _____ suffered a compound fracture of Q m * » «< $ Helen G rant et \ \ -. sV. ’ V a w. i What Other Editors Say SCOtt S \ alued Seivice Our Yesterdays S Torkey Ration Topic for Meet at Grove Court O uiet V During Week Miss Howes Named County C. E. Head Too Much Concentration Christian Science j Lecture Set Sunday Stationery- & I , \V \ -V Hillsboro Argus Increase in Wages Sought ¡ by Workers 'N hosp,tal ln Portland for treatment j,.y v, „j,,,, Ki^“err^d . H J. ~~ e e d .e e r.ft M e e U - fruit farms in the county, im p ro v e-, N eedlecraft club meets this aft- publication o f summons A A I n«Pi?i .° f.hC fnne ,'.U', LCiiy p ark ' re ' Sinoon wi,h Mrs K L McCormick,! Schram m vs. E. Marsh e t ’u x order ii ° thC Ba,nk;'i hlgh “ hool and They are working on a layette to for appearance of judgm ent debtor agent's ngff|a C erk 3t the county b*‘ Placed by lh e county nurse A A Schram m vs. Frank P ulver’. agent's office . . „ , , order for appearance of judgm ent M eeting of SERA employes has A R- M eet— debtor; and A A Schram m vs U ! been called for 7:30 o'clock tonight D ayid Hill chapter, D. A. R , will a rrencli et ux, order for appear- 1 ; 'T hursday) at the old Grange hall m eet Monday at 2 p. m. with Mrs ance of Judgm ent debtor. in Hillsboro. B. F. Pile. Probate orders were issued in I Registration o f approxim ately I . . ~—7------------------- the estates of William Pechin Wal- 250 relief clients who have never Mr and Mrs Prank H art and ter W' Benjam in. Ray Taylor,’ John I been placed on national re -e m -, son of Marshfield visited his par- « Dorland, Theodore Newstad ploym ent service records was con- ent*- Ml and Mrs, George Hart • Mary Stew art, Raleigh S. Robin- ducted in the county yesterday last week-end son, E Q uackenbush and .1, N. and today. 4 , Hoffman. G uardianship order» were ! The twins had been brought to issued for Elmer Hurch, Emma b" “ names?" asked the clergy- a" d K>lip B™ « * r Local C re d it B u reau P ro te s t* C h e c k Tax S w u ¿w ptox coAl in ItvnuaAu BUT THIS BIGGER, FINER PLYMOUTH SELLS FOR THE AS LAST YEAR / PLYMOUTH DOOR 8 I0 A N 4 CADY MOTOR CO. ganization contended that the tax was effective only in the county and th at it acted as a detrim ent to Hillsboro business and credit. news of Hillsboro and the s u r - , Argus ,«) rounding .com m unities. Read I t — ______ —____ and keep informed on what is^ Ask your attorney to send y o u r 1 happening at home ,f legal advertising to the Argus 149 S. T h ir d H ills b o ro A ve. O re g o n «