Th unid ny, April 4, 1936 H IL L S B O R O unthroplat in the true »en»v of the word Hut like Pilate they are not Interested In 'the truth'; they | reject HI» redemption und despise Ills 'kingdom that 1» not t h i a world'." Mr». Walter Steinke sang Caro I llomu’s 'Grateful, O Lord, Am I." The Lutheran a cupellu chorus I rendered Dibble's lengthy arrange­ ment of "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," In which Miss Esther Heinrich und Chester Driesen sung solo parts. The entire congregation Joined voices In singing “O Bleeding Head und Wounded," a rendering Into English id an old medieval pus- slon hymn by Hernurd of Clulr- vuux AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON ItcKignution of Jack Allen of Pen­ dleton from the state senate to I become liquor administrator leaves a vacancy .n the 19th district com- ixxttd of Morrow, Union und Uma- tillu counties. Johnson and Allen were among the new democratic members of the last session Mer­ Lutheran Missionary Will Encounter Rough Weather riam was a republican. Absences Decrease; Treble • • • Be on Local Program on Trip to Islands State Senator Ashby Dickson is Clef Plans Concert not going to be In any hurry about handing In his resignation until he I lev E Kuhnian, Lutheran nil»- JOHNSON An interesting ac­ makes up his mind that he likes Graduating class of the Junior '»inimry ;« the deaf mutex In Port­ count of hi» recent trip to Hawaii his new job us uttorney for the high school gave an "April Fool land, will »|>eiik thin e v e n i n g with u shipment of Oregon cows NKA well enough to stay with it. Carnival" in the school gymnasium * fhursduy I nt the Itllhi auditorium was given by Ernest Behrman up­ Dickson stopped over In Salem on Monday night About two-hundred on "The Via Dolurima" He will on ids return here lust week Eoi- his way to San Francisco to look children and a few parents attend­ d>o accompany the ainglng of lowing tiie louding of the stock ut the situation over, but expects to ed During the evening a total of My tailli in lluilt <>n Nothing Seattle, the ship upon which ttiey be in Portland in a month or so *2983 was taken in, with a clear Leas, Than Jaaua I I I imm I utul Hight- wen' curried encountered a seven- to establish his permanent head- profit of *25, which will be used to County Students Named eutianea»," In the algo language storm on the way Huge waves quarters. Dickson says that he likes finance the eighth grade banquet on O. S. C. Roll of Honor lushed the vessel und progress was Oregon too well to leave the state in May The graduating pupils wish Itev. P Schaus of Schefflin »poke to thank the merchants who so on the trlul of Je»ui» before Pilate Several Washington county stu­ made difficult by the rough wuler ^ur u,,y federal job. last week Among other thing» hi! dents have been named on the und high wind The cuttle, in the generously donated articles, which '.nil "that JeBUS wo» not guilty o f Oregon State college honor roll temporary Itarn erected for them Not all of the good state jobs were useo for prizes. Without this the crime of which He w u » for the winter term Lisle Wulker on the deck, were badly shaken are going to "deserving democrats" co-operation the carnival could not charged Pilate rendered the ver­ of Heaver ton w m on the straight und finally, the structure collapsed by any means. Gene Kelty, who have been a success To the follow dict, 'I Find No Fault In lllm ’ Tin» A list. Students on 2.5 point honor completely, killing one cow und has been promoted to the position ing the eighth grade extend their verdict »till »land» Until the pret­ roll ure a» follows: Ivun Bierly, Injuring two others so budly that of assistant liquor administrator, is deepest appreciation: Powers' Gro­ ent »lay no evidence ha» been ad­ Kinton, agriculture; William Goet- they hud to be killed. The others the son of Paul Kelty, editor of cery, Hillsboro Cash Grocery, Fair­ way Maiket, Piggly Wiggiy, Cur vanced that might Incriminate Him ter, Hillsboro, engineering, und Curl were bruised und shaken, und bud­ the Oregonian, principal opponent ry's Grocery, Wiley's Grocery, Col­ Those who reject III» deity and Eheleb«*, Garden Home, forestry. of Governor Martin in the recent ly frightened. The crush occuired campaign Kelty's promotion wus umbia Food Store. Hillsboro Phar­ III» work of redemption luud and ut about i leven o’clock ut night, based entirely upon merit and with­ macy, Delta Drug Store, Palm Drug magnify 111» virtue» and Ilia in­ Our classified columns may have und If It had huppened wtien the out political consideration of any Store and the Ray-Maling cannery nocence, they cull Him a great Just what you ure looking for-— Absences have been on the de­ Teacher, a Prophet of God, a Phll- Head them. tf crew wus busy in the burn it might kind. • • • have resulted in the loss of human : cline, only two of any extended life. Mr Behrman, who was in the _ _________ length, being reported. These are Two deserving democrats have burn at the time attending to one been taken care “of"in the reorgatii- Edith Latimer of the 6B class in of the cows, luckily escaped injury ration of the motor transport divl- the Junior high, who was ill with The wreckuge was cleared away f sion of the public utilities commis- a sore throat. Virginia Moretz of us quickly as possible, and the sion. Edward A. Landis of Port- the Peter Boscow school Is at the crew set to work to clean up and land succeeds Herbert Hauser as Smith hospital, convalescing after erect a new shelter and the rest of superintendent o f transportation an appendectomy. the trip wus without undue excite- and Alvan .......... Kurtz .......................... of Salem has .. There are two new pupils at the been named as special attorney for Peter Boscow school Valentine Ros­ ment. Following the arrival in Hawaii, tlu' department in place of Arch si from McMinnville has entered the cattle were unloaded at their MacDonald, who resigned. Hauser the 2B and LaVelle May from , various destinations Mr. Behrman, iai1 , ,‘en retained In the depart Laurel is in the third grade. was pleasantly entertained e n terta in ed d u iin e m en ‘ ‘n dining Y“-'"» *n charge of the n e w l y Slx-B class of the Junior high f,ic d iiUP«?rvision and cn ’ is giving the assembly program his stay by the captain of the ship Ihc latter's beautiful home 1 ¿ - ° J ““ *11 °< Friday at 2:30 p. m. The public is at the been designated cordially Invited. • The Huwalians were said to have a» *rhi