Page Two H I E L S B O R C) A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O . Our Father in Heaven Mail Chang es Made at Banks OREGON Meyers, and little daughter, who I will visit relatives ami friends here Jesus never made religion a , for a few days. thing apart from life, or the rev» ! Mrs Alice Gibson a n d Mrs the International Cultorin Sun- lation of It something apart from ’ Cameron of Forest Grove visited dn) School Lemin lor April 7 human character and conduct Mrs. Gibson's daughter, Mrs A. Wednesday. God la not remote from man. hut i C Wahl, Gathering at Walkers 'T'HIItTEEN lessons upon tha He Is In man. and It la In the John Kessler, Retired M ail Week-end guests at the W. G * subject ot (rest Christian goodness In human life, finding Walker home were Mr and Mrs teachings and purposes, ending Carrier, Honor Guest Its culmination In Jesus—the one Art Schlegel and daughter Maxine • ith a temperance lesson on "Lib­ supremely go.-d that we find the and Mrs John Heltzel and daugh erty I'nder Law." begin a new evidence of God. t »— ters Betty June and . -- Norma Jean of t It, Mr.. Fred Wolford) quarter with this lesson. We believe In the sun because Portland; Mrs Ella Turner and B A N K S— Employes a n d their The first of these great teach daughter Winona. Mrs Hose Priek- it gives ua light. So beholding families of the Banks post ottice lugs concerns the Heavenly Fa­ the light I hat Is In Jesus, we be­ ! ett and daughter Oradell and Miss gave a surprise party for John ther This Is basic In the teach­ lieve In the Sun of Klghieou» ! Marless Heffner, all of Hillsboro Kessler at his home Saturday eve­ Mr and Mrs. Ellis McGraw and ing of Jesus and In the conception ning, celebiating his retiring as ness and Love and Truth. There I three children and Mrs Frank of Christianity. mail earner on route one out of Is a glory of God that permeates Hartwick and daughter Maxine Banks The evening was spent in tha world, and we cannot see how IT we examine carefully all that j and Mark Gayler. all of Vernonia music and visiting and lixiking at Jesus did and taught we shall Jesus lived for Hla fellow men. The gathering was in honor of Mrs old pictures some of which showed loved them, and died for them, find that primarily what He J W Schlegel, daughter Lucille John as he carried mail with the brought to tha world was not a without believing that there is a |and son Don of Oakville. Wash, early type ot mail vehicles. A fine l but lately from the PhUliptne Is- Father of Love, of whose love command, but a gospel The first steel fish pole, line and tackle was ' lands A pot luck dinner was held and primary thing In His teach­ this la the manifestation. presented to Mr. Kessler by the Saturday evening at the Walker ing was not to tell men that they ¡xvst office force Those present home While in Banks a‘u Mrs. J were Pustniaster and Mrs A C. and 'children 7 visited should love God. or that they CO Jesus said to Philip. “II. that Schlegel' Wahl and tnree sons. Mr and Mrs. should love one another, but to hath seen Me hath seen the the William McGill. Lester Sell Ralph Wilcox and two children. tell them that there was a Father." Jesus goes on In thia anond George Banks and Mr tire d A n r il l our tollow men are a lik e in bar- 71 ma ana Sohler is the manager from here He P y e re lS 2 u i SVght' aad •« eipresslon of X h i n ™ . k im n ^ n f“ ^ 3nd Ray Haker * Fo1" 1935. after 30 j viee Many ct.ev - changes 1 . , . . the love that God has toward us. ,P 8 ‘h* com Grove and Chester Harness of months of service. John makes this very clear when ° f Jesus ' » . ' « » • . at ,he Ha" y Davi- have taken place in that time over the route, but probably the great­ he says. “If God so loved us. wa cause In so doing one dwells In son home Sunday . „ . h, . . .. ® the love of God. h*rs C C. Harness is seriously This fascinating new tunic est is in tee roads. Thirty years 0 6 e aDe er' But this life of the Christian tn ‘'L i* her home north of Banks. ! dress, In uavy blue talfeta with ago the entir e route was dirt roads a faitb ln a Hearen|y Father la not p v ‘ables were . in Pla-V a‘ the white polka dots. Is displayed Now it is all gravel roads which £ do we know that there Is cn»slded The Father gives to ninJ* E4rst n W ,o »«ivantage by Ginger Rogers. can be traveled the year round H0,' l « - GFX PH X e m re.„dW°W £ a Heavenly Father who loves “pMtChih<,.rngs. »'«ompanied by Mrs. An- also Rleben ■| j n . 3 ^ , . “ "* 3 sol°. Tbe W " « tor HAfl (FPVIoRrOMfeioi* W e A. . N e j Deal ,or IlUU&vll D lC W S Ivl A Women, and "Japan" O tt^ R .ei^ n 1? eS^ameU Od Rieben • Otto Rieben. Pauline Miller Chap- “Specialized” Connelf™"!^5 G1“ 1"1®” A n n ie Connell, Emma Dierdorf. Frank Chick S tarting Feeds M < 9 d ft P a ll ♦ c e nel[' FlmX C r "?®,!1',,A rth ? r C on ' its $2.65 $2. N . ,.h $2.60 Pellets E1mer Batchelder, J a m e s Yeast Foam $2 85 7 ^ r h ! r X Mr r t e Bo,yd' Ernest $2.85 »4.03 Zur'her. Joe Cawrse. James Robb 1 H k Jensen A ' c Complete Broiler Ration ,, “Tie® Powne. Chester $2.85 FrjdendaU the Misses Batchelder, _ . _ . , Marie Tolke, Rev. and Turkey Feeds, With or with- nar-v-.^L- a ’X ? r ----- and . . Mrs G » 1 a d ,he hostess' Mrs A. B out Poultry Yeast Foam. M i« n ta n u . „ r" » 5 r na Guyck of North Plains ■Brewster u Farm ers Cash Store Feed, Seeds. Fertilizers Telephone 3081 l “na.7,°"?,G"fien from Wed- m . J ‘'¿Saturday. H, n f ^ and , Dwight Sellers of i S ' eb?.ro v*sttod Mr. and Mrs. W ■ i M -Thursday evening < M?” ‘r w ! ‘* ' n 7 HOnOr • Mrs Oscat DeLauney was M,Jl2T°rMat 3 par,ay ?iven by ,he Misses Moxie and Ida Hopkins Thursday night. The evening was spent in sewing and playing games Spray, Buying the C heapest Priced article is not al ways Economy. We be lieve it is more economi cal to buy better mer chandise. We know you can buy the best a t oor -tore and at less than you wflj ay in many places Let us quote you prices on the better m erchan dise. 49c li/J 1-lb. tin 29c M A C A R O N I— 3 lbs....................... CHEESE— Full 14c 19c cream. 2 lbs. 35c CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs.................... 25c Q uantities limited. O U R M O T T O : “The best fo r less.” Buy and Save! Phone 1001 WILEY’S [NEW DEAL] GROCERY Corner 3rd und FREE WJ — Main Street* D E L IV E R Y day school pupils before classtime Sunday morning The primary department of the Sunday school is happy over a new work table and are a busy group of lit le folks. Sunday morn- lng Mrs A C Wahl has charge of this department AU children Wlth ‘heir parents are invited to attend Sunday school Mr and Mrs Ellis McGraw and children visited at the W G Walker and G W McGraw home, Sunday Mr and Mrs Charles Mawhtn- ney and daughter Zeola and Mrs. Flora Munford visited Wilbert Mun- ford at Bonneville dam Sunday. «•'* Camp Fire girls cleared $5 50 at their food sale Saturday. Mrs. M Schramel and son Paul and •»•*3- Mrs. Atthur xxevner Reeher and a n a two iw o children of Forest Grove visited Saturday at the Arthur Smith home north of Banks. 7 ° H^ nfra'“ - Leonard Fowles. Gc()rge Thompion Tadoa shjgeno David Wilson, Alvan Kauffman and Wal’er Jesse Miss Alice Lane “ Coachlng thg play rix^m ^ " « h T ^ a r m X 'or Lhls month; President Mrs W E Mays appointed Mrs Merritt ¿acks° n .M” ;„ Hcnry Cypher and Mrs Ru,h i11- a nominating com- ‘" « ^ g Mrs Merritt Jackson and daugh- ter were Reedville visitors Friday. attending the P T A program Mr and Mrs Arthur D a n , vis- Bob, D onald Y ork U f \r . M om e to r V acation and ,ted J at th e J Sell from 1 to 2 cents BELOW Portland Breada PO TA TO BREAD— A large loaf for only A real home-made loaf The kind you love to have for a chuuge M O T H E R ’S B READ— Light or tlnrlt. 1 */g-lb loaf for only ....... S?? Putnum and It S a n d f o rd . " ' ‘7 ........ J. 2-lb. Quart tin 43c CATSUP C. H. B. Brand 14-oz. Bottles 27c This bread contains all the necessary vitamins Io make solid, hrulthy bodies, such as In fresh milk. salt, yeast. Crlsco, sugar, malt, high protein flours, and made by highly trained, skilled mechanics under must sanitary conditions Come In and see uur Pastry and Hall .Specials Saturday We need your support to help maintain a good bakery PERFECTION BAKERY $ CURRY’S GROCERY Phone 771 Free Delivery Specials for Friday and Saturday, A pril 5 and 6 MACARONI Dalles Flour or S P A G H E T T I Fancy Elbo. Every sack giiainn- LatJcz 49-lb. tack 3 a,....... 1 9 c RED SALMON TOMATOES 2 29c 3 large cans 29c TUNA FISH TOASTED WHEAT Blue ik W hite 2 25c POTATOES Mountain Rolled Flakes Triangle. 5-lb. sack Burbanks 25c FIG BARS •«’.‘or drea»-up day at- 9 0 /» O OV, 25c 3-lb. pkg. 25 lbs. in Shopping bag 2 is,. A delicious health fixai BEETS 19c 2 25c CUT BEANS 2 39c 2 25c F a ir w a y M a r k e t Mr, Lock vaie and Matches 21c CO RN M EAL 31c R O L L E D O A T S ,X'cb.gor ,l w 45c W AX PAPER l 5c 12c 39c 5c Calumet 5c 25c PEPPER 5c 25c I Sc M ARSHM ALLOW S FI OI $1.49 SUGAR 10 49c B L U IN G 7 10c 25c : arne 10c 23c Pkg. d a lO V Friday, Saturday and Monday, A p ril 5, 6 and 8 PRICES Toilet Paper 4 | 2*/q tin H D JE L L I X r AVORS CITY. CUT M A C A R O N I 3 ROSE lbs. H D H O T S A U C E V 6 «o? cans To SUIT THE TASTE AT A CLEAN-UP PRICE M IN C E M E A T 3 lbs. S U G A R T L CANE BEST 13c For 8 years this has been Hillsboro's leading wrapped bread at your grocer H Davi, homes Glen Sand- H‘,rk,lcberry Finn fishing W bite or whole wheat Red 4 W hite, sliced. c Si»»rdi ford went with them and returned E?‘e and ? hc ,ik<’ no* •»«•king und ALOHA—Bob and Donald York. Sunday. to Prov<^ hU »uccvaa in the role he who are attending school at Mon- Entertain Pa.t c h ie f. hv carr‘« l » herring in mouth, spent the iiuu-term mid-term vaca- vacs- p„a, phi.,/.' -i..K .. h l, fishing |mn pail, pn<1 tion with their parents. Mr. and fl b ?, fP£ hi*n SU' Mefl are nl work on the road be- PEACHES - PEARS Mrs John York. ™ m A *!r? J~ J ' Vandomcl- tween the Blooming and Fern Hill Mrs. Ernest Large and Mrs. Joe u , ‘‘i*n,d,a e Thur«toy. with school houses High brush on both Red 4 W hite Gunz of Portland were Saturday M f , yd R jito*y assisting host- side, of the road has been grubbed Extra Fancy. visitors at the Mrs Joe Bush home. er ,,he business meeting out clearing the view and making Mr and Mrs. G. Fuller and Mr , ™ * a’ P ^ y « 1 Msr Loel Hoi-1 f O at Eug<■: • Alma Raffitv Mrs William Jo.» the mid-term vacation with his par- will entertain the club In April ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Price with Mrs. A. K Reynolds assist- H. Morr.son and family spent *ng. ofUnHmsboren‘ng W“ h C E Allen I Benefit Planned three children of Hillside visited Mrs Christina Anderson returned th ^ K ^ o f Mr and Mrs Cliff Thompson and her home at Pleasant Home k II « . » . k m ^ pnJ . 13 ior ,he IN D E P E N D E N T L Y O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E D children Sunday after the winter with her bail^ nam P a l,u ba:e' FREE D E L IV E R Y Second at Main Street Mr and Mrs Charles Shipley re- daughter. Mrs Harry Price b i team, to help in buying of Phone 3251 turned Su-dav from Tillamook. Mrs Percy Smith of Portland *JU,,C wlU ** furnished 'ended the f ineral of visited at the Matt King home last by the c yPhef Feuerstein orchestra thelr nePhew. Herman Hopkins Price. Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday — A p ril 5, 6 and 8 They were accompanied by their week Mr and Mrs Walter Repass The Pubhc is invited. Mlss M ai‘«n Cypher left Sunoay daughter. Mrs Phil Parmley. and old friends of the Matt King fam- ily. were their dinner guests Thurs- evening tor a week's visit with a little son. and daughter M™ Jack day evening < cousin. Mrs James Aram, at Lewis- ton. Idaho, and her aunt, Mrs A ba. A Wormel, at Asotin. Wash Mrs. George Thompson returned G uaranteed to strike. to her home in Scofield Monday after havirg spent a week with Full count her grandson. Loren Thompson boxes here. Mrs Pete Christensen, who re­ cently undi-went an operation at .Mi-foot roll Mlth cutter the Good Samaritan hospital is re- (ported imp-oving nicely Foot Injured Barbara Speiring hurt her foot,, M A C K E R FT Delicious for salads or l’m v i\L ,l\L L sandwiches R-os ran while playing at Jackson school' last week. Doctor found it neces- | Baking Powder sary to place a cast over her foot as some of the bones were frac-' T „ CK. a.B" ‘ quu,,ly tured. J W Scott and his daughter,' | Mrs Carl Cellars, of Eugene spent V J U f-Ip A ' U T P Q Delicious whole wheat a few days last week with h!s| medium sire No. 1 W I l L r t 1 i n t a k e , . Ready to eat 2p kgs. ZdC nephew. Edw. W Moyer, and fam ' tall cans ily L IF E B U O Y SOAP. 3 bars Golden West 19c Mrs. Gfeller Here 5« Years Mrs John Gfeller celebrated the RINSO. Large pkg...................... 21c fiftieth anniversary of her arrival in America Monday On April 1. RINSO. Small pkg. Try Rinso. 2 for 15c 1885, Mrs. Gfeller, Fred Keller of -lb. glass Mountaindale and Annie Swartz, SANICLOR BLEACH. Fluid. Quart 10c ■ j« r ....... now Mrs Charles Lehman, of II? , H 49.,b brand bB< »«rdwheal blend » W A L D O R F TISSUE. 650-sheet. 3 for Portland a> rived In New York| 14c from Berne. Switzerland SCOT TISSUE. 1000-sheet. 3 for 20c Shirley, Norma and Beverley, children of Mr and Mrs. John Pure, fine granulated Snowbar o? Seattle, came last 1100 lbs. $4.85) week to spend the summer w ith ' their grandparents, Mr and Mrs J. W Prit< hard. 1000-Hheet tissue. C LA M C H O W D ER Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schoenberg Del Monte I visited Mr.--. Pete Christensen at | SALMON Underwood’s. the Good Samaritan hospital Lri- toll rolls ............ Can I flay or Fancy, medium red Kenneth VanBuren. Mr. and Mrs No. 1 («Il can C H IL I CON CARNE | Ben VanBt:ren and children of j Wauna spent the week-end at the Van Cam p’s. 1 Ed W Moyer home. C an D. M. PIN E A P P LE Mr and Mrs James H Davis | Large size. Crushed or d| f f x * I Margaret Davis, Patrick Davis and R IT Z CRACKERS | little son. and Mrs. Gertrude Davis Tift Bits. 2 for and son of Beaverton, spent Sun­ Short and crisp. D. M. PEACHES Florida pack. d a y at North Bonneville with Mr j and Mrs. Arthur Davis. SUNBRITE CLEANSER W esson Oil 12c SCHOEN’S and PERFECTIO N BREAD 1 1 u-lb. loaf, sliced «« were Ferd Haim, w i also ,k _ __ /olm N e u ^ n " a n T i r n ^ ^ ^ were guest, M ,yer n Teacher Named Board of directors of the public "rhool Monday decided to em ploy ;'[» ¿¿neck,- to t.-ach again n'.-xi -',ear ThlJ> will be Mr> Janecke', ??xt1’ consecutive year ns teacher in ,he Blooming school Arthur Gurske attended high 8c Yes. the bread that made mother quit baking A. Krahmer Re-elected A corn-hog meeting was held nt the public school March 29 to sign 1935 contracts and elect a local committee Albert Krahmer. chair­ man and ■ luunty county conuiuttvvinun. cammittbcniaa, Coffee 30c 1 pkg Soap Powder FREE P A L M O L IV E — BLOOMING A! Forcia is ill and is being taken care of at the Vet »•rails' hospital in Portland. Fred Muhly Jr. lias recently ac­ quired ti Chevrolet coupe. Alex Eischen sold twenty cows Iasi week The Blooming Farmers' Union met at the public school house March 27. Rudolph Meyer und his sons Melvin und Vernon have convened an old touring car into a truck Elmer Muuly purchased the car In Uakluud. Cut. lust year und drove It here when he returned home from college Miss Ruth Liebenow bettered her position in Portland by changing her place of employment. Local church ludles met with Mrs. Alwii.c llerdlein Thursday. Mrs Charles Mutthes of Portland wus a visitor at the meeting, us was also Mrs Carl Simantel of Blooming Mcsdumes William Her­ gert, Walter Demmin u n d Emil Hrunduw were placed in charge of serving the noon meals to the Luth­ eran teachers, who will hold u conference in Blooming the week fo llo w in g F a s te r S u n d a y I'he \ i . iting committee for April consists J of Meadamcs John Stark. Herman . Liebenow and George Meyer Kltehen Modernised The kitchen in the Fred Muhly i home has been completely rear­ ranged and modernised, the work having been done by Mrs. Muhly's son Leonard. Frank Branduw had a sick spell March 28. and although he is up and around, he has not ns yet en­ tirely recon red Mrs Pfahl of Hillsboro came to Blooming March 28 to spend sev­ eral days with her daughters Elsie and Helen Krahmer She assisted Helen Krahmer in knotting several comforts. Schoen’s and Perfection — — Bread - O L IV E S K,pr Beet’s granulated. While they last 10 Ear« yzuuiuti^a w ti v SIUUICXI UV lilC OUil" an d ^ U m ’wT POST TOASTIES , pk„ MINUTE TAPIOCA 8oi pk! LOG CABIN SYRUP lin SOAP SOAP— Albert Krahnier Re-elected; Kitchen Modernised PIGCLY WIGGLY Specials for A pril 5 - 6 3 large pkgs. at Blooming Ralph Wlthycombe As many as could comply signed the contracts for this year ( B y N o r t h P l a i n . P . T A .l Henry Gurske Sr is looking for­ After the'pro- hX ° R™ PIfA» S-L o c » l P T A - s ward to delivery this week of his N" T Grifî I «ram cori‘ ' I " in^comunct’ ^ " a"d ,r"ctor Play Selected ... iwjuikuisi with t h e i r ___________ Mt and Mrs A. E Krahmer vis- Oscar DeLauney. and t h e Marjorie Grif.^.., Grlffen. a»«*»« R e n ¡ B w b high has Misses Marjorie , S«™ *I?1 . *“ . — ---- mthhh marrn vm About 75 “L — .ÎÎÎ5 . il*? . . - Mr — R — night X V 'Z y W n Duyck, Hazel Paetsch. and t h e c^l0?5n tor ylass PlaY “Full House.* werc terved in 28h the dinin? people day nif^V Rcc: hostesses Moxie and Ida Hopkins. ‘A Ahr» ee’? ct myster>'-comedy by 7 .c, k , h * * 1 ?u te 1 1 1 but ,s Fred Jackson to' be presented the °J|,0C* h2 J ‘* mee“ ng “P«'> to recovan^’ ” now 'he r° “d ---------- * to ~ Meet - Fred Jackson to b.. 7 o c .,ock l h is meeting was open to reoBerv Mothers d .7 \5 K £ ‘ M . ^ s i ’T U ’.rS p { ^ W^ u V hsX va^ i r ^ d,yMf“ rm *" ‘V ^ n E ^ n ^ «“ 7 Peari Beard of Portland ihe F « o t Groce. 3 » bT ,On WiU remembered as Muis vis,ted M « M A Dodd, Saturday the carried on rX te from tm?t M,Ce Phelps The babies weighed night Saturday office The remainder of what" is seven and eig h t P°unds I s«adv p i c . now route one Bank- will be' Mrs- McFarlane Hostess A ir m in / e served by t h T p o ^ G r o v e ‘ . J h e Tualctin Plan's P i e r i a n p a m f ^ L r e ' b y the’ Sum - Thoniday, April I, 1935 O FFER ED FOR — EGGS— BRING LDC 18c 25c 17c 25c 25c 49c Hillsboro, Oregon T 'lE M Grapefruit IN ! No. 2 can 10c SALM O N 10c P R U N E S IFanry ,lal,an' ■i». 14c D E V IL E D M E A T ¿S™“ S A R D IN E S f',=S™„c„ ¡S IG N S 5c 4 5 Large oval tins 15c 25c L E T T E R S C U T O U T S Any Design - Any Size USE CUTOUTS FOR GREATER EFFECT West Woods Novelties ¡256 Bailey Ave. Phone 1862 Fresh Fruits and V egetables G R A P E F R U IT 5 f0, 15C Arizona seedless. CARROTS 3c Lh 10c A SPA RA G U S LETTUCE Ä S