H IL L S B O R O Paffe Four Church Group Pick Delegai Mra. S h a y F ern H ill ARG U S, M ik » Thursday, April I, 19.15 OREGON Sunday School Meet Scholls I liKlge. of which they are members, the attendance content und w ill be a shower Tuesday evening lu P ort ,il S c o t t 's M ill F i l ila y e v e n a ig . given a p u tty um a re w in d In the lam i fo r M is Hom er A lle n . w hen that lodge entertained the near fu tu u M o rris W illo u g h b y has re lu i m il Kebekah president, M rs G race M r und M rs f u r l A tntnnnn o f C h ristiansen M r M u rra y attended P o rtla n d vi tied ut the M rs C u rrie home fro m CCC at Ite lk n u p Spi lu g - M is D o .o lh y W illo u g h b y .m il a m eeting o f B u tte Lodge ut Scott's H itchcock home Sunday. M ill S aturuuy evening Miss llu rb u ru Knuchede o f H ills ­ c h ild re n ve.lied relatives in Port Progiam at Jackluwn boro was u F rid a y und S a tu rda y land S a tu rda y range K c iw f’t Soc:«1 and Juektown school will give a free guetd w ith Mlxa M u ry b e ll h’ltn t P ro g ra m F rid a y N ig h t program April 12 A lunch will he sold M ich el VanPouche w ill rend On April 1, N ow adays, You N ee A bout a T hing— April I C lub H o ste s s; S n y d er s M ove (B y H IL L S B O R O . Mrs. H ans Gaarde H ostess for Club Dorothy Cooke) CORNELIUS—A number of M F church members attended church at the Hillsboro M E church Sun­ day evening Following the church service. Dr Magin. Salem district superintendent, conducted a quar­ terly' conference. Election of Mrs L. C. Mocberry as alternate-lay delegate to the annual Oregon con­ ference at Salem in June was confirmed. Mrs Mooberry w a s elected by Cornelius M E. church Sunday morning. Mr and Mrs. F A. Dixon M ilw a u k ie spent the week-end the C. Dixon home. Mrs. Shay Hostess Fern Hill Ladies' club met with Mrs. F. O. Shay Thursday. A quilt was quilted Mrs. Ellen Lytle of Hillsboro spent the week-end with friends and relatives in Cornelius Miss Dorothy Cooke and Everett Hermans, seniors of Forest Grove union high, attended the annual junior-senior banquet di the high V O U can t fool all the people all school cafeteria Saturday evening. 1 the time, but quite a number Leland Jacobsmuhlen a n d Ray­ mond Chartrey, sophomores, were of them can be made to look silly waiters. on the first day of April. Misses Dorothy a n d Margai et On that day dignified men shed Cooke and Selina VanDeMoortele much of their poise when they and Everett Hermans accompan­ learn that signs pinned on their ied the civil government class of Forest Grove union high to Port- ' backs bare been fairly begging land Wednesday While there they i someone to kick them. A lesson on avarice Is taught visited the Battleship Oregon, U S. court house, police department, those who reach greedily for a and other government departments I purse lying In the gutter, only to of interest. see It Jerked beyond their reach. Miss Mildred Rock accompan­ From the sagest of persons the ied the foods class from Hillsboro soo will receive calls for Messrs. union high to Portland Tuesday Lyon. Fox. Wolf, and Campbell. to visit the Swift Packing com­ And the undertaker will refuss pany Mr and Mrs W R. Cooke and phoned orders for a "box" with son William visited Portland rela­ the explanation that "this Is not tives Monday. the Tivoli Theater." Mrs Hugo Sahnow a n d Miss In answer to the phoned ques­ Glenova. Mrs. William Sahnow and tion. "Is Boo there*“ other suck­ The picture of Fan Dancer Sally Rand listening modestly to son Merton and Mrs. Scott Camp­ ers will answer "Boo who?" to whal the wild waves are saying Is a real April Fooler, but the bell of Schefflin visited Mrs. E. B hear the discomfiting reply. “Oh. others aren't. Huey Long, bottom right, seems to be sharing (lie Sahnow Friday wealth, but the money, given l-oulslana students to Itnaner their Miss Irene Holscher of W’atts well, forget It if you're going to cry about It." trip to a football game, has practically all been returned to the community was an overnight guest Practical jokers who make of of Miss Dorothy Cooke Wednesday. Kingflsh. .Mai Baer, top right, donned a diamond uniform tor a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and April Fools' Day a Roman holi­ change of pace during a Florida workout. And your eyes do not Horace Davis of Scoggins Valley I day. and their victims whose feel- deceive you; that's really the Itinerant Mrs. Roosevelt, left, visited here Sunday. Ings are brutally sacrificed for sitting down knitting for a change. Members of the local Neighbors the general good humor, will un­ of Woodcraft attended the funeral doubtedly be Interested to learn services for Mrs. C. Hastings at that the day of buffoonery fur­ lng "Mr. Lyon.” undoubtedly In Scotland, tops In April Fool McMinnville Monday. brought gales of laughter from Jokes has been to dispatch to s Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foster and nished plenty of "belly laughs" fun-loving Romans. "gowk" or "cuckoo." as the vic­ family have moved to Monmouth. for their distant ancestors. tim was aptly described, an anon­ Another tale bae It that the Bud Selfridge, who is working ymous check for 100 pounds; lo Day of Drollery dates back to an I T S just as hard to put the fin- at Timber, spent the week-end Bolder a shilling to a lamp poet, ancient Hindu pagan festival, the here. ■* ger on the origin of April or to Invite a Scotchman to Sun­ New Family Here Hull, when natives mixed stink- Fools' Day as on the elusive day dinner and then go away tor Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of purse mentioned above. weed In the Rajab'e hashish, Eugene have moved to Cornelius the week end. ducked each other In the Canges, History relates that the Ro­ to make their home. and otherwise indulged In mad mans ran off a Festival of Fools But It Is in America that Fool- Mr and Mrs. Robert Bellinger fun. around the Ides of February. tide observance has reached Ila of Forest Grove visited relatives Typical entertalDnient of the day Though they were not In Rome, most fiendish heights, as many of here Sunday. us can testify So. unless be nas Lloyd Shaw, who has been em­ suggests their mode of observ­ the French emulated the Ro­ ployed at Vernonia, spent t h e ance. In all probability, flaming mans. their April Fools' Day, a flair for practical Inking, or is Social Friday week-end here. He left Tuesday however, was termed "All Fish faggots thrown at the feet of that rare specimen of American for Southern Oregon, where he Basket sicial for the benefit of bound and blindfolded victims: Day." and the dupe of a trick was who can relish a good Ink» nn will be employed. the Scholls Grange will be held or Christians wandering plain­ called *'un poisson d avril," I. e„ himself. Hie smart citizen stays Mrs. Louise Cochrane and Miss tively about the Coliseum, pag- Friday evening. A program is be­ April fish. home wilb a good book that day. Beth visited Mr and Mrs George ing planned and no admission will Hancock of Forest Grove Sunday. be charged Mrs. V. H French has returned : ind David Edmondston were chos- Evelyn Reed and Myra Wiedewitsch ford Davis and family, all of Cor Warren Miller and son of Hood home from an extended stay in * ;n as the attendance and social visited Miss Jessie Hart of Dilley neli us. River visited at the F G Miller i Monday evening. Portland < ■orr.mittee for April. home March 24 They had visited M iss O liv er H ostess i D ep artm en t F orm ed Clifford Mapes returned Sunday Clarence Miller at the veterans' Miss Helen Oliver was hostess new home department of the to Corvallis, where he is attend­ ing Oregon State college, after 1 or a social evening Friday at the Methodist Sunday school has been spending his vacation with h i s c hurch. Present were Mrs. A. " organized with Mrs. George Wil- mother. Mrs Henry Behrman ( Jliver a n d Mrs. Mattie Smith. cox as superintendent. About 15 Tennis conference including six Maurice Mundorff is doing car- J disses Helen Oliver. Mildred Rock, members were enrolled. Ten mem- penter work in Portland. IC Caroline Horlacher, LaVon Robin- tiers have been added to the cradle schools in Washington and Yam- ! hill counties was organized at For- Class Elects | e tte. Margaret Cooke. Helene Shaw. roU The young people's class of the E .leanor R??^' T w ^ede- Mr. and Mrs. Robrt Cornelius 1 est Grove recently. Schedule for the coming season will open to­ Methodist Sunday school held a F losamond . . > _ rs„„ of Corvallis spent the week-end class meeting Tuesday night at the v l e l ^ 'g e W irm ie Rock Fnd Mary visiting in Cornelius M is. Thelma morrow (Friday). Members of the new league in­ church. The teacher. Rev. Charles S M Reed, presided. The class was J ean Doar.e. and Messrs. Charles Cornelius spent the time with Miss clude Newoerg. McMinnville, For­ est Grove, Banks, Beaverton and Leed Jr.. Byron Reed. Franklin Blanche Finegan organized and the following offi- F Earl Phelps has returned from a Tigard. Each school w ill enter a cers were elected Helen Oliver. C >liver George Holscher. Dan Bar- doubles team and two singles play­ president; Mildred Rock, v i c e - n ett Raymond Trites. David Ed- visit in Portland, State Capitol News Letter—Giv­ I Donald Mundorf, who has been ers. Plans were also made for an ing the highlights of official ac­ president; LaVon Robinette, secie- n londston and Leroy Hartley. Mrs. Ellen Vickers has returnedi in CCC near Eugene, has returned individual championship tourna­ tivity at Salem Every week in tary; Margaret Cooke, treasurer ment at Beaverton May 17 and 18 the Argus. ] home. Franklin Oliver. LaVon Robinette, h ome from a visit in Portland. tf Schedule adopted is as follows: To Give Prizes Caroline Horlacher of For- Helene Shaw, Virginia Erickson A p ril 5. Forest Grove at Beaverton « Mildred Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant est Grove vis. ted Miss Bank» at New benr and M< M in n v ille a t ' ate club leader from Corvallis, R°?k' F night, YO UNG ’S T iirard A p ril 12. Beaverton at Newbenr. I Bank» at M cM in n v ille. T iirard at Forent nd Mrs. Zola Morgan of Hillsboro F,re.d i-DePr»e»Z'i,WhK 3i?St Grove. A p ril 17, T iirard at Beaverton. ' isited the grade school Monday cast taken off his broken Grove at Bank», M c M in n v ille a t I nd looked over the work of the bee" ‘?rougch.' ^?ck t0,h*s home here Forest New berg A p ril 1». M c M in n v ille at Beav­ "Thoughtful. Sympathetic ,anual training and sewing clubs St. V incent» h ^ P .U l in erton. Foreat G rove at Newberg. T igard Service" at Bank» A p ril 24. Bank» at Beaverton. he exhibits will be judged soon Pc!£tlan